tv [untitled] December 10, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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way to go to the brendan period truly to tell us that. you can a letter to socialism which says don't need to go and. read this in the kennel was such an old retreat. the u.s. calls for the release of this year's nobel peace prize winner but critics say the pressure to award a dissident is an example of double standards as washington tries to silence wiki leaks. and donations are cut to the whistleblowers after u.s. hardline payment service has pulled the plug but still leave the door open for extremist groups such as the ku klux klan. and the u.k. launches a major investigation into the student tuition fee riots that saw the country's worst on a rest in a decade. ilona shows up next and takes a look at whether shari'a style laws may be entering the u.s. penal code stay with us here on r.t. .
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welcome the loner show will get the real headlines with none of the mercy or can we live out of washington d.c. today a bloomberg poll shows that many americans aren't so happy with the federal reserve they either want it structured changed or sixteen percent want the fed abolished altogether but is this just a temporary reaction thanks to our terrible economy or as a really sign of change or ask mark calabria of the cato institute next several states across the country believe that sure real law is creeping into our justice system and they're trying to stop it more than seven state legislators are drawing up measures to ban shari'a law but is this really a necessary move or just a sign of islamophobia we're going to host a debate on the issue then in light of all the attention surrounding we can leaks
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and hackers we can't help but wonder if we might be witnessing a have to fist revolution are they didn't pranks and becoming a real political force or did we just start paying attention to them peter ludlow will join me with his thoughts on the rise of hackers in our society and what if i told you that teens are getting pregnant all for the sake of landing a spot on a reality t.v. show i find it disturbing but perhaps this is what we should come to expect in our media obsessed society i'm going to get some perspective from louis marcus and it's friday so we're going to bring you only the best of the rest when it comes to headlines in the news world miley cyrus is caught taking bong hits and a new study shows that you can reduce what you eat just by thinking about it that sounds way too good to be true he asked me what we're going to get seen smith's two cents on all of it at the end of the show for now let's move on to today's top story. americans want change when it comes to the federal reserve a new bloomberg poll across the political spectrum says that the fed shouldn't retain its currency. independence when asked if the central bank should be more
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accountable to congress left independent or abolished entirely thirty nine percent of people said that it should be held more accountable sixteen percent said that it should be abolished entirely and only thirty seven percent favor the status quo now at times these ideas were considered to be on the political fringes radical perhaps and now a majority of americans want the fed's role to be revalued so are the times really changing or is this just a temporary reaction to a still struggling economy or you're discussing with me is mark calabria director of financial regulation studies at the cato institute marc thanks so much for being here. like i said this is quite the change when even if you look back to october there are there really is a drastic shift here but is this real are americans actually starting to find out about the fed and realize that they don't like it or are they just don't have it because the economy isn't fixed and they're going to blame whoever they can for it
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with the short interest both certainly when the economy gets better i think some of this is going to go back to you know the direction but there's also a degree to which people have suddenly found out about some of things that have done for instance you know the bellows who ever would have thought that five guys consider on the table and spend two trillion dollars five unaccountable on elected bureaucrats could do that with two trillion dollars of your tax dollars so that's a wake up call to anybody so yes this is going to change definitely perceptions when the economy gets better but a lot of this is going to stay in a lot of the scripts it's going to stay in the federal reserve is put on the radar screen for the american public in a way that has never happened before is that a good thing or is that a bad thing because of course of the entire premise of the federal reserve is that it's supposed to be independent it's not supposed to be you know way to so much by politics and yet here we have the public finding out thanks to all these documents of a release that they not only gave almost nine trillion in these overnight loans but they gave trillions to four in banks as well so the more the public finds out the more they dislike it but i don't know if they're playing. well it's
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a comment i think it's important to keep in mind that independent and accountable want the same thing you can be independent and you can be accountable and you can be transparent enough isn't necessarily undermined that now i think the existing them depends on the fed is exaggerated we know that the fed coordinates policy with the white house and the treasury on a daily basis you know the federal reserve president regularly has lunch with the you know chairman of the banking committee in the house financial services so there's a pretty regular dialogue between congress the executive branch white house and the fed so this pretense that they're over here by themselves and nobody else is involved that's never been true so to some extent i think what's being seen is that the public sees how much is actually going on behind the scenes in a succession of independents from whom so you know independence from the public is not what the ultimate object of the federal reserve should be to be accountability so i do think that educating the public and educating members of congress i mean let's be honest the typical member of congress has no idea on monetary policy works so having you distill hearings and having additions question of these issues i think is crucial when now we have
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a not so typical member of congress that of course ron paul who not only is it has always been critical of the federal reserve he wrote a book called and of the fed and yesterday he was officially appointed now to chair the came to the i'm already i want to carry policy how much can we actually expect him to be able to achieve i mean he's he said that he's going to hold hearings that ben bernanke you know is going to have to come up to capitol hill but when we actually get to push anything on it does small degree i mean first let's be realistic would understand that we have a president the white house is a democrat we have a treasury secretary who used to be president of new york fed who will protect the fed at all costs so one can be sure that any standalone bill that makes any substantial changes to the fed will be vetoed so in the next two years it really is a matter of you have here injured leg groundwork i think if nothing if you do nothing but educate the public and educate congress on the fed you will get some pressure they are pushing bernanke you defend his actions you know in a public venue i think is a very positive things we need to get beyond the sort of like sixty minutes style.
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he's walking along the streets of dillon south carolina and actually asked him questions about monetary policy why are you doing what you're doing you know what houses affect american public well it's interesting we mention that sixty minutes interview because of course he was defending stonily his decision to pump six hundred billion more dollars into the economy and then he said you know there's this myth that people think that we're printing money and that really isn't the case but if that's not the case what else is going on here you know those who are the most to do disingenuous certainly no technical sense he's not pretty money but they're changing you know they're basically changing the accounts the banks have at the federal reserve so if you're changing that account you created money yes you created money electronic way it's the same thing as saying yes i went and bought a bunch of things on my credit card but i didn't spend any money. it's about the same level of you know kind of splitting hairs so he's technically correct but in economic sense it's not correct and it's disingenuous i think for him to say that but you really didn't see in that interview or any of the previous seniors use with nike and for a push of saying what do you think we can actually inflate our way to full
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employment do you think inflation creates jobs how does this actually work for you walk us through what your thinking was because all we've ever really heard my opinion is well if we didn't take these actions in two thousand and eight we think these actions today that would it would be great depression so as i say of the world i stand this time he's one hundred percent confident that there is absolutely no risk for long term inflation runaway inflation there i wanted to reassure you the exactly how it works but what one thing that i find very interesting is that as i mentioned earlier that this idea used to be something out of the left on the political fringe is the idea of auditing the fed maybe even ending the fed and now we really see it becoming more mainstream and you know especially you know this crosses the political spectrum especially if we look at this polls you know especially with tea partiers coming in but are republicans going to take credit for this are are they going to give ron paul any credit or are they going to say that you know we thought this was a great idea all along well there's still considerable amount of pushback and we've heard rumors that you know incoming speaker boehner is going to try to rein in ron paul so whether that happens or not you know we'll see this word. no the companion
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bill in the house in the senate for ron paul was introduced by bernie sanders socialist over here with the libertarian say we need to bring you know some sort of oversight to the fed now there is a lot of suspicion i think particularly the left as long sit in suspicious of the fed basically being a front for wall street you know and i think some of these things we've seen that have come out really raise some questions over whose interests are they looking after all streets are main streets but i think you're going to see a lot of pushback from the center i mean i haven't yet seen i mean i think the progressive it was from the libertarian right have bought onto we need to bring some transparency to the fed now there's still some differences over monetary policy questions about you know the value of the dollar and inflation it doesn't look like to me the center actually the centers upset the centers kristoff but whether there's a full you know we need to restructure the fed you know i don't think that's there yet i think if you actually you'd be interested the poll that was taken if they broke it down by left and right because to me there's thirty percent who think everything's fine or probably actually in the center rather than on the on either
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on the ends of the spectrum well it's definitely like you say for something here is changing perhaps people are already you to end the fed or to audit the fed again opinions are shifting definitely thank you so much for being here my pleasure now don't go anywhere there is so much more to come on tonight's show some people are asking if there were real law that's creeping into us courts several state legislators are taking up measures to ban it but is that really necessary we're going to debate the issue in a moment and hackers have dominated the news headlines this week and they've taken down several websites in the wiki leaks case or hackers really launching a new political movement back with that story in the morning some other. wealthy british style it's not on the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy. in the car is
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a report on r g. is shari'a law creeping into u.s. courts a number of states are proposing legislation to make sure that that never happens we told you about oklahoma where an amendment passed overwhelmingly on election day the bar judges from considering islamic or international law in their state courts but a federal judge blocked that ruling saying that it was unconstitutional but according to usa today at least seven other states including arizona florida louisiana south carolina tennessee and utah all have opposed similar laws newt gingrich is even pushing for a federal law that quote clearly and unequivocally states that we are not going to
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tolerate any imported law but is all this really a good idea or do we look at this as a sign of islamophobia continuing to sweep the nation or joining me to discuss it is to help on member of the board of these american conservative union and senior fellow at the institute for global engagement and also jordan secular he when rights attorney and director of international operations for the american center for law and justice gentlemen thank you so much for being here why are we even having this discussion first please somebody tell me. where there is evidence or you know where there are signs of shari'a law creeping into the u.s. or our system of tell you the first thing i was looking before the interview and i did a little google search there's an r two story from two summers ago that was on our team the headline of the story was sure real law conquers u.k. that was the headline of the story here the art. and what we see is a very common system of law we take a lot of common law from the u.k. as part of our u.s. law here in the country and there are since one thousand nine hundred sixty one
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from five sharia law courts now to over eighty five sharia law courts so if our t. has a headline sharia law conquering in the u.k. this is why we're concerned here in the united states talking about the u.k. but i mean are there actual yes there are there are courts set in the us yet we allow religious arbitration hearing that's not on debate for discussion but there has been. the. most recent incident was in new jersey a woman one of the freighting order against her husband both muslims and he said well listen under my religion i can demand to have sex with my wife whenever i want he was physically assaulting her the judge at the initial stage would not issue a restraining order and said while he listened he didn't have the intent to assault her because he believed it was ok they brought in the mom to testify it took the woman a year on appeal a year to get a restraining order against the husband it was abusing her because a us court allows for real i don't allow the mom to testify about a husband's opinion on whether religion tells him he couldn't solve his wife now says you know what do you make of that i mean is that
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a dangerous step that if i had already worked for this one husband then they must be creeping into other courts that there are other women out there who might suffer like this this is just a big to do nothing i mean this is a problem like it is a problem a bear attacks in d.c. or cad abduction there was one instance where a judge made a bad decision and a wrong decision and thankfully the court system worked that decision was overturned but we have a constitution that protects us from any one law being opposed to impose on anybody else but we also have private contract and americans can privately contract with those or wills arbitration clauses and they can be based on christian christian principles or jewish principles or islamic principles and that's why the ban in oklahoma the alarmist ban was struck down immediately by the court said you can't single out one particular religious faith to ban against their use in private contract this really is a big to do about nothing i would say two things one on the contract issue that's true unless your contract violates the constitution and that's always automatically void so even if you both say yes we'll have a muslim jurist and mom come up with
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a contract for us both agree at any point if one of those people challenges it automatically boy voided by courts they don't look into it if something in the constitution which a lot of these are voided that way they're not the best system of law to use here and people attorneys advise people not to use that system because it doesn't hold up in court very well the second part is that religious law doesn't have a. it's the united states and by saying that we're not going to use shari'a law in oklahoma is not saying that we're going to start using other religious laws it's just what is the one group that we know is pushing for more access to jurisdiction we know that's coming from muslim leaders in the u.s. rove who is well known from the ground zero mosque he wrote this book he thinks it would be constitutional in his opinion to have more islamic jurist in the federal court system deciding whether things were shari'a compliant if that's the case then certainly oklahoma can retain it can have a preemptive response to that and say no we're not going to have that here again no one is really trying and no one is trying to impose sharia law on anybody else
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muslim americans like other americans want to be able to engage in private contracts period simple and that's all in this law would have nothing to do with that but care about that in that's what not going to have because it's they struck it down there was a preliminary injunction member the trial hasn't even started yet and i will tell you this there's already states that ban religious law that's not new in america we drafted a mint that would completely be constitutionally airtight because it says we're not going to allow any religious law in america that conflicts with the constitution certainly there are principles in the qur'an like there are in the bible where you could make similar comparisons to laws that are on the books but you don't go into court with your qur'an you don't go to court with your past nobody's saying that's anyone there isn't a as you say if there is no religion the ever goes into. a lot of people would argue right that this is a christian nation you don't think that christian principles that these early in the ten commandments into i want and that's looked at as ok certainly a lot of our laws are drawn from there but that's not the source when you go to court it doesn't matter if you can find it somewhere in the bible that's not what you rely on no one wants to bring religious law into courts that's what that's what
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this whole thing is a big nothing burger the promise keepers are a private organization christian organization and they have a christian arbitration clause for its members courts can't enforce private arbitration clauses private marital will go agreements wills and other types of private agreements as long as they don't violate public policy and the constitution everybody knows that why is there and the state of oklahoma said that we're not. this is not about his will they've even said the other things that's why they were so why is care coming in to challenge this if it was your home and already said we're not doing this because you're sick because the last singles out one so you're fine with it said we've been sharia law in christian law fine you know it was international law i work at a christian think tank to defend the rights of all americans say we can't have religious law in the courts i mean really why no because that but most of it because we have a first amendment doesn't allow you to impose your own system nobody's going to. say where you are can we have really there's a lot of history here and here i wouldn't i wouldn't blame necessarily someone for
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stepping in and saying that you know this is being disrespectful to the muslim religion if it's specifically says on the books that we bad shari'a law as well as other international laws why can't you just say all international that's the only address that i am not trying to are all oklahomans and this is the best way possible and i got so they make my more small caviar change here would still be fighting it and you'll watch we'll see when these other states which are going to adopt this do it like you said our students they will be straight will not be strong because you can already existed on the books americans can use whatever they want to engage into private contract whatever basis whether it's christian law. and they can sort of your writing is they can judges do i just can't allies let me allow the religious law with the contrarily the judge can bet on it they want it to be secular about what they're being so it doesn't matter what you do not that they're behind in america allows you to buy what you give to you shortly don't read read on the contrary i think that you make judgments on my reality on ethics and do you think that in this country they sometimes based that off of like i said for the bible after christian values and the ten commandments shocks you know but if you
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actually look at what the saying that we talk about the bible the ten commandments most of that if not all is found also in the qur'an the same command it's not to steal not to kill so those are not laws and you know you don't have to go to the to the to the religious source to use it's right there in the united states consulate shall tell me this really quickly is you know sharia law as far as i understand this is something that's interpreted differently by every country can you even make a. statement like that sharia law first what does that mean the judge in new jersey went wrong because first of all it's that the judge was wrong and what sharia law is and secondly no american judge should or will be in that situation to have the judge religious law but if people have private contracts and they're based on will just blow it in private goodbye private car driver though because you just have to be educated and intent can be based on what you believe in things like that as long as it's always subjective so there was a lot of you have to understand this and i think that's why you see in our legal system your people learn about sharia law because i'm sure you find it's especially right now that when those are going to rule does that mean that a requirement in the legal system that every judge has to know what sharia law is
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you know what you put it by to say that like ok you have to look and see how bad i go back to this we look to examples of where jurisdiction has been granted if you will allow any of it to go past a stage of just arbitration you end up in a situation like the u.k. it's exactly what are to be reported court the u.k. conquered by sharia law if r.t. says i believe but i don't know exactly where you can i didn't do that story on our interview but you know who knows like financed it is a good example nobody has to understand islamic finance and you don't understand basic contract law as long as there is no coercion no direct proportion wasn't drunk when you signed it that's a judge has to determine other not whether it's islamic or not it's a simple contract john and we have to wrap it up but i want to thank you both for being here and there are a number of states that are pushing ahead with this we'll see how far it goes to great things. now the wiki leaks story has been nothing but nonstop cable chatter for days and the latest release over state department cables has caused a media frenzy brought harsh criticism to the whistleblower web site where now some
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former wiki leaks supporters and members who are at odds with wiki leaks founder julian assange have announced the launch of a rival project aiming to get secret documents directly to the media the new site will be called open leaks and if you go to open leaks dot org today you'll get a screen shot with the words coming soon they're set to launch on monday but they say that there is a large difference in this new site open leaks it will not publish leaked documents directly online they instead will make leaks of able available to partner media members so openly says that it's technology project that's aiming to be a service provider for third parties that want to be able to accept material from anonymous sources the group told the swedish newspaper that this approach is meant to avoid the kind of public pressure that wiki leaks has faced since publishing cavill fide u.s. diplomatic cables online and will be interesting to see of open leagues does face the same kind of treatment from governments around the world as we can leaks is faced and it will be able to compete with wiki leaks as
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a less controversial more government friendly whistleblower website. well yesterday we spoke with a representative of anonymous the hackers that are undertaking operation payback they've been around for years but are getting a lot of attention for their newest cause going after the web sites of companies who cut off wiki leaks some are asking if this is the political awakening of hackers who are turning into a powerful force with purpose leaving behind pranks and mischief so is it true are we seeing some sort of a hacktivist revolution or are people only now beginning to pay attention when joining me from chicago to discuss it is peter ludlow professor at northwestern university and co-author of the forthcoming book griefer war peter thank you so much for joining us now until i know that you in fact are writing a book about this group anonymous so can you tell me how it is that you decided to take on this endeavor was not just about anonymous but the book is about grief or
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culture and it's about a number of groups and a number of folks that come from these two just who are fortunate as one of something all four another one and a friend of mine and i were looking at some of the you know. the shenanigans the. stuff that they've been up to but also some of mr because and also some of the things that they're up to how is it that must be kind of difficult to write a book about hackers right i mean these people operate pretty secretly there isn't necessarily a tight organized structure here how do you really get into to get all the details . well there are no that seat. ok. and i mean you can talk to them and they have parties i mean. are you here in chicago a couple of months ago so we went and met a couple of them and i'm going out with them and talk to them and i've been going
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to them on line in virtual worlds like second life who are four years four or five years so a lot of them i know pretty well a lot of my you know you know avatar know them in real life but a lot of my. that's so fascinating are you also i know that there are a lot of inside jokes which you know one of our guests last night who was from anonymous decided to throw some inside jokes in so that people knew that he was authentic and you know from what i hear he used some of the most popular ones but i mean there could be so many out there could be over nine thousand. you know there are a few me it was but i'm not going to draw. i'm not inciters so i'm not going to pretend . ok well you know i want to ask you do you think that we are seeing some kind of a shift where these these groups and on of us as an example are really finding a political purpose you know other kind of starting to ditch just think that one prank and instead you know with the case of wiki leaks here really are trying to
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you know to drive a sort of a debate. i don't think so because i don't think that they have. there's no actual moral agenda to say that they're pushing there's no actual political agenda that they're pushing but there are these moments when things happen and they just seem unjust no sometimes it's just true you know like some one shows up on an you tube throwing up puppy into a garbage can or something like that and then all of a sudden anonymous gets outraged by that because they see that's just messed up and likewise when they see what was happening with julian assange is right now that is saying that's just totally messed up we have to do something so this is kind of funny some sort of like justice that they have there's no cold there's no there's no moral principles there you know it's just a sense that this is not a star let's do something about it but do you think that there might be inspiring more people out there that we might be seeing some some sort of a movement growing harry because you know when you come when you talk about waking
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leaks and you talk about julianna signs there are a lot of people that have jumped you know behind anonymous in their support for waking leaks and for joining us on what they call you know support for truth and for transparency and you know a rather anti-government stance sure there's definitely that and i think we need to distinguish four chan and anonymous from activism worldwide and mean this is just. so like a sliver of the activist movement worldwide so there are a lot of people that are engaged in a lot of them are very very political and a lot of them make no bones about the fact that they're fighting for political justice around the world do they usually ploy i guess more difficult or more advanced methods because you know some people can say that what what anonymous did here with these and with master card or the d.d. o. s. was it was kind of an old school method. yeah these were tools to do so basically they're using tools that they used to call it
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a few years ago and their attacks on the church of scientology. and these are sort of basic tools that anyone can download and use i mean it's very very very do you do you says it's more or less trivial are other activist groups are going to employ more power. hacking techniques these are kind of more sometimes they are disparaging like cult script kiddies because they're basically just using very basic simple scripts to launch these attacks do you think the governments now are going to start trying to you know come down more harshly really start searching for these people i mean i feel like we have with this entire waking leaks are a deal like of they're kind of in another world there are one step behind. the government certain absolutely yeah there's no doubt about it and they're going to try and clamp down there are many trying to because that little sixteen year old kid in in the netherlands got busted just yesterday for participating in the denial
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of service attack on master card ok so they are trying to crack down i mean it's not going to be success i mean that much is pretty clear because what we're seeing here now is this this it really is taking on the dimensions of a kind of. a kind of revolutionary movement i mean and i'm not just i'm not talking about four chan per se but i'm talking about the activist movement and in particular the tools that have been developed for this and you know every fifty years we see something kind of a really wide in terms revolutionary certainly eight hundred forty eight we saw we saw it after world war one we saw it in say one nine hundred sixty seven one hundred sixty eight we're due for something like this and i think i think when we look at what four chan is doing and you know having a sense of justice and fighting for julian assange this is just sort of one one snapshot of what is turning into a kind of global kind of revolutionary movement now it's definitely very
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interesting to watch it happen to you peter thank you so much for joining us absolutely thanks also to come tonight we have our tool time winner the former governor who plays the victim every chance he gets and tonight she makes a full of herself over weekly seeking fame on reality t.v. has led some teens to try and get pregnant yes so they can land on the reality show it's mom or you look at this very disturbing trend when we come back. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms of. the future covered.
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