tv [untitled] December 11, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EST
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the grand imperial truly george was still. in the let's go to. civility to go clear road this is the kernel was her job as a retreat. human rights activist accused america's people protection policy of double standards climbing washington's overextending itself abroad while failing those struggling at home. the self-proclaimed republic of kosovo is set to cast ballots in sunday's election but minority serbs are losing hope the divided nation can ever be reunited. plus as winter descends on moscow we follow volunteers on a mercy boces they bring food medicine and shelter to those who have nowhere to go also. the i.
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got talent thrust in the prime minister's lends his voice to children's cancer charities as he leads an all star chorus in st petersburg. it's three pm in moscow this is our team with me and he said no way events across america to mark human rights day were designed to underline the country's perception of itself as a leading light on protecting freedom but some of the country's activists are not convinced and recent u.n. criticism is leaving washington battling to restore its reputation on rights were an important takes up the story. what speaks louder. actions or words we recognize the inherent dignity and rights of every
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individual a promise by the u.s. president and a requirement outlined in the universal declaration of human rights thirty articles outlining basic standards of life inalienable rights for all people of article three everyone has the right to life liberty and security of person with every drone attack with every invasion and occupation of a foreign country with every overthrow of a foreign government that the united states happens not to like or happens not to agree with every one of those is a violation of that one article political commentator nima shirazi accuses the us of falling short of a filling several of the principles it helped create article five no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment with every detainee kidnaps and rendition and. you know tortured in guantanamo or in bhaag room or elsewhere. that's yet another
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violation the land of liberty is also the land of the incarcerated with the world's largest prison population. two point three million people behind bars more than three thousand languish on death row. article twenty five everyone has the right to a standard of living including food clothing housing and medical care at the dawn of a new millennium. we set concrete goals to for a fellow men women and children from the injustice of extreme poverty us figures indicate nearly forty four million americans are living in poverty even more people lack access to affordable health care and fifteen million. are officially unemployed. meanwhile an estimated one million u.s. families are set to lose their homes this year alone as president made it clear
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that the united states will do our part last month the u.n. human rights commission made clear in two hundred and twenty eight recommendations . how the u.s. can improve its human rights record with the memphis eighty six congo beauty is not just happening there one city one state is that you know a lot where it isa sign stars and stripes stained with accusations of police brutality racial profiling of minorities. and islamophobia. one of. the country most vocal in chastising others for what it sees as human rights abuses is now taking heat for violating a declaration it co-wrote maybe american poet ralph waldo emerson put it best when saying what you do speaks so loudly i cannot hear what you say marina porter
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artsy new york. well america's human rights focus is currently set far from its own shores calling for china to free the new nobel peace prize winner china reacted angrily to avoid the award being given to a channel dissident describing it as a political farce and an insult to which judicial system even so there was a standing ovation at the ceremony in norway for the on friday was represented by an empty chair that's because he's serving an eleven year sentence for subversion chinese authorities also banned his wife from attending the laureate was awarded for his work on human rights and political reform the u.s. is among nations calling for his release raising questions about double standards on protecting people's freedom antiwar activist brian becker says the nobel peace prize is purely political china is right to be very that. the united states is used human rights of the mantle of human rights as a way to deal with the governments it wants to overthrow that that was certainly
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the case in the old former soviet union it's been the case in cuba it's the in the case of china today i think the united states wants to overthrow the government of china even while it's doing business with it there's an organic tendency by the united states to overthrow or try to overthrow every regime that follows an independent path the nobel peace prize is a is a political prize there's only been one chinese person in the history of this prize has ever gotten this award and it happens to be the man who's championing crusading against the existing government in china and he's embraced by all of the western powers that's not an accident that's a political act so the u.s. is using human rights as a political football to demonize those who it wants to overthrow it wants to arrogated to itself the idea that it can be the champion of human rights compiled the list of who are the human rights advocates and who are there are assailants of course the americans just on the basis of being the seven hundred pound gorilla sitting wherever they want to or thinking that they can try to irrigate to
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themselves this kind of authority but i think most of the world is seen through it right now and in fact sees the united states for what it is. your authority live from moscow coming up some hope for the homeless as the long russian winter sets in . will unfold around the city with these nighttime heroes help in moscow produce pointed out just a few minutes. nearly three years after kosovo split from serbia the self-proclaimed state is holding its first parliamentary election but the serb minorities say they feel like outcast among the ethnic albanian dominated population and just are further reports they little hope that their vote will bridge the divide began and her family live in a small serbian enclave in cos of a it's a fairly so that she existence here largely cut off from the way the albanian community and it'll change from the war in the one nine hundred ninety s. which divided the country and brutalized
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a generation this rule was built at the height of the cost of the war to protect the serbian community behind it from gunfire that would come from the right is it was the albanian populated area and it remains today a solid reminder of the continuing ethnic conflicts. national bet i remember the wall being built after a neighbor was shot but as he worked on the land near the road we still live in fear here it's harder for the children living such a separate existence they begin to think that is just how things are the elections are the first polls since the breakaway province declared independence from serbia in february two thousand and eight belgrade has made it clear that although they went penalized for taking part they do not recognize those organizing the elections in a week turnout would significantly undermine the vote credibility. i'm
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not going to vote because for us now it's not the time for elections when we don't lead a normal life. began as per the shows of the families two cars when with cars the number plates and one with serbian. driving on the room number of police here in cause would be too dangerous. it was an accurate warning we visited drainers a town that's been at the heart of many kosovo albanian nationalist movements of filming was interrupted by the police they spotted our serbian fixes number plates we were detained and questioned before being tailed out of town by locals also unhappy with our presence there the message was clear serbians are not welcome here it was also a stark insight into the divisions of power and fractured governance that remains in kosovo we don't have checks and balances between. politics. we
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don't have just as functioning because its size very controlled just in order for themselves to have free hands to do whatever they want the previous ruling coalition parties a tip to the favorites to win power again despite controversies including at his a. sions collaborating with organized crime groups one issue dominates the campaign the main the main point and the main goal is integration within european union it's a familiar catchphrase and one that holds nay sway with the opposition it's pure propaganda in their mouth these kind of you know euro atlantic integration the goal of the integration isn't likely to be realized until cost of a is able to get its own house in order and address the very serious barriers which is still dividing is people surface r.t. because of a now as the freezing grip of the russian winter sets and life for moscow's
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homeless is becoming increasingly precarious with temperatures plunging the risk of death is rising making the services of a group of volunteers all the more vital artist tom barton reports on attempts to bring help to the needy. that's night the homeless gather there waiting for salvation but it comes in the form of a bus a bus run by the orthodox church charity mercy. i want to wish good health to all crew of this mercy bus they always take care of us. although if it is a hard to come by it's estimated there are around a hundred thousand homeless people in moscow this fickle and its crew traveled around the main railway stations every night trying to help them stave off the worst of the winter's cold we follow their patrol while they get medical attention and take leave tablets and who got in see the doctor in the morning. help to keep
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the weakest warm. on the move and try to help some of moscow's most helpless residents just because it's going to them will i do this work because i can't help but do it i just can't live my life peacefully when someone else is freezing to death in the streets. when we reach one of moscow's biggest stations the team has to turn away many hopefuls if you can with one he's only thirty two and he's not allowed to go on a bus but he's going around bugging us to try to make way for those in the worst condition and remove the cheap alcohol that does such damage to. this man would never have reached the bus if they hadn't found it on his islam or the homeless people we come across we can only choose thirty or thirty five of the most needy ones at most and each time i'm afraid of making this choice each of these people has a tragic tale of how they ended up there for many though it's russia's nightmarish
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bureaucracy has prevented them from working big ticket to give i spent thirty years in many prisons i had no idea whatsoever. and once on the streets state help is all too scams certainly but the social services just don't have the budgets and so they only deal with muscovites our organization is public and lives off donations that's why we help everybody who needs us irrespective of their age gender faith nationality or citizenship the reason the bus is nearly full now the team will let these people sleep here and. then give them a full meal and a shower but then there's no way of the place for them except on the streets night after night this bus and its crew provides a lifeline for the homeless people around the city's train stations but as the winter gets colder we're going to come to meet it more and more talk about some altie. let's take
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a look now at some international news in brief for you this hour a roadside bomb blast in southern afghanistan killed fifteen millions their truck was carrying them to a nearby bazaar when it hit when it hit a homemade device it happened in helmand province which is one of the country's most violent regions and where nato troops are struggling against taliban insurgents. a riot following a football match in jordan has left some two hundred fifty people injured according to local hospital officials the mass was between jordan's largest palestinian team and a jordanian team who are fierce rivals eyewitnesses say the palestinian founds were pelted with rocks by jordanian supporters as they tried to leave the stadium riot police reportedly sealed the ground and fired tear gas causing panic and triggering a stampede. this is affected leader of a mexican drug cartel is among eleven dead following two days of fierce clashes between security forces and gang members mexican officials say. nicknamed the
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craziest one was gunned down in a shootout with police in the west of the country violence began on wednesday when gang members attacked federal police and torch cars to block the road mate month old baby was also killed in the crossfire. the u.n. summit on climate change has wrapped up by approving a deal and tackling the problem on its last day of the conference in mexico over one hundred ninety countries agreed to set up a green climate fund of one hundred billion dollars to help poor countries combat global warming bolivia was the only nation to reject the deal saying the moves don't go far enough but it was overruled. so there's still plenty more to come this hour including hitting the high notes. of the movie you.
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find out what through the americans into the state see in english some selling off the skills on the piano in front of star studded audience. as you watch this tape i can only imagine the fear and the despair that you face for this is being recorded for viewing only after the disappearance of god's people from the earth. well it's a clash of cultures it's a closer suppose they should still want to go back to eight centuries is all they can. or do we want to enjoy the blessings of liberty. really christianity is one of the only religion i think the only one that actually respects the rights people who don't bring. you in is taking
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place. around the station. waiting for your moment one of the time and exclaims. god bless you. it's seventy minutes past the hour you're with archie the u.s. defense secretary has praised the afghan president on his muted response to criticism against him revealed in the latest wiki leaks cables robert gates met with hamid karzai after visiting several american military bases in the country he also said he's convinced washington strategy in afghanistan is working but our military contributor says america's actions there have little to do with political reality. despite the polls trini its efforts in mud and treasure the
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united states has failed to control the situation in afghanistan during the obama surprise visit deliberately he failed to meet with because i will symbolically it says a lot about american all nato control of afghanistan after the nine plus years of american led occupation of that country because of the as commander in chief failed to connect personally the economy to god as i after this embarrassing week a week revelations he dispatched robert gates to meet with time you've got his eye so he could conduct damage assessment and to minimize the political collateral damage damage which resulted from their way to leaks have been files and robert gates has successfully accomplished his mission to males better than anybody else
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that despite the best efforts by american ambassadors and generals it still doesn't matter for washington decision makers far as afghan strategy review is concerned because of what really drives that american policy makers behind the scene has nothing to do we have the political realities reach at the end of the day we will be just another extension of the junior bush afghan policy to do more of the same and to pray and hope for the better whether it's in afghanistan pakistan or elsewhere. well our military contributors blog is also online for you at our dot com there's the day's news as well analysis on our new book website also corporate america got back in the land of luxury is there for you today the report on the wall street
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wallets splashing out on the impression is hard and caviar facials well millions of americans lose their livelihoods. you know why spend eight hours trapped in moscow's notorious traffic is not necessarily a waste of time with motorists learning new skills while stuck in jail ditto on our site r t v dot com. now he's used to taking the stage but it's speeches rather than songs that are normally his specialty not this time though the reports had made his audience sit up and take note that he's saying at a charity fundraiser. pitting the high notes in english to let a star studded sing along sharon stone we just saw through our departed do and mickey rourke were among the celebrities gathered in st petersburg for a concert to raise money for childhood cancer charities. as you can see also to go
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to you i received as he showed off his skills on you. next up here on r t it's the weekend business with charlotte after a short break. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. which brightened a few. songs from stupid. stunts on t.v. dot com. we'll
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. bring you the latest in science and technology from the ground. we've got the future covered. and i welcome to the business program with me. demand for world oil be higher than expected next year it will stay haul into two thousand and fifteen as according to the international energy agency brant crude traded over ninety one dollars this week ahead of the apec meeting today but analysts a split a longer term outlook for the oil price touch of pork over reports. in contrast with many traders russia's finance minister. has a green prediction for oil prices sixty dollars per barrel within three years among
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those who agree with him feature rating agency says it's a fair price justified by fundamentals and stripped off speculation it is our view that a lot of producing countries are quite comfortable with the level of between sixty to seventy because it helps them balance their budgets but also think the price of between sixty to seventy companies can actually conduct and carry out some of the higher cost of projects for instance or all signs in canada church believes the current level reflects the supply demand balance however there is a threat to that long term make believe room which suggests if china is middle class follows american patterns and moves to the suburbs the number of cars could skyrocket as well as the need for gasoline in five years chinese demand could grow to the limit and a half million barrels a day from the current nine the international energy agency project global oil
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demand could exceed the pre-crisis peak of two thousand and seven already next year and with average eighty eight point eight million barrels a day analysts suggest okereke may come under pressure to increase supplies in the new year at present a member states accepting about five and a half million barrels a day off the market that's going to go about business are to. local oil is planning to sell one point five billion dollars of convertible balls due in two thousand and fifteen is the russian giant's first sale of such day almost a decade and secured balls we have a coupon of two point five to three percent or we convertible into. listed in london a spokesman for the company declined to comment on the reason for this. time to see how the markets are holding now russian markets ended mixed on friday with the r.t.s. game in the money stakes we do down with you with nickel was the biggest winner in the r.t.s. of over one point five percent bucking the trend with new coil the shared point six
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percent telecom most nefesh one point seven percent higher airflow shares of drop four point three percent on news of the stakes a. russian markets began the week strongly after last friday's rally on the back of a successful world cup bid but slowed by midweek mainly due to profit taking john hazel from citibank russia recaps the week but most exchange for the most part this week has flooded the index because i think the incredible enthusiasm we saw last friday of last friday's trading after the after russia won the world cup bid for twenty eight team a lot of the died out throughout the week there's profit taking cetera so the only real the main events this week was with x five finally announcing the acquisition of kapooka that equation looked to be done a pretty much. your average market valuations it doesn't look like they got into a bidding war with wal-mart that was good for x five but as
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a whole the market was basically flat on the week russia is to join the world trade organization in two thousand and eleven after seventeen years of negotiations at the same time is already a member of a customs union with cuz it's done better or worse now its largest of all it head of research in russia says the union members will not suffer from russia's w.t.r. exception. it's not necessarily bad for the future of the customs union if anything this will serve to accelerate russia's efforts to. gain membership in the w t o and once russia is in the w t o this should facilitate the efforts of kazakhstan and to join the w t o so overall this should be a factor that will bring all of the countries of the customs union into the w t o which in turn is again a very important catalyst for the development of this integration group of this
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customs union. in other news russian businessman alexander lebedev has confirmed he's planning to sell around four percent of our flight shares the deal is estimated to be worth one hundred ten million dollars as leverage of silva forty four million shares in russia's national air carrier shares its resold for private placement organized by u.b.s. analysts believe the main reason for the sale is the generate finances to leverage its troubled national reserve bank which is deemed capital outflows after a number of state inspections. russian prime minister vladimir putin has met his finnish counterpart in st petersburg economic issues were on the agenda as russia is still the prime trade partner for finland bilateral trade has recovered close to its pre-crisis level eleven billion dollars during the first nine months of two thousand and ten as always a quarter on the year both sides have signed several agreements including a ship building venture which would help russia embrace a new ship manufacturing technology. updates this hour we can always find more
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