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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2010 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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rallies get out of control in moscow in some papers burkas demonstrators take to the streets in honor of a football player being killed in a brawl earlier this week. many people injured dozens more in the past but both hands bring their aggression to the streets of the capital and continuing with team coverage on that same topic i'm sure thomas at the courthouse where the suspected shooter is being detained and you have all the details coming up. also ahead told children poverty and police brutality the u.s. is tainted human rights record clashes with its own promises. and ethnic tension looms over the first parliamentary elections of the self-proclaimed republic of
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kosovo the serbian r.t. says this vote is pointless as long as people live divided from each other. this is r t it's ten pm saturday night here in moscow my name is kevin only most welcome our top story tonight dozens taken to hospital hundreds detained as a result of massive riots that took place in moscow and st petersburg thousands gathered in the two cities to mark the death of a spartak moscow football fan killed in a brawl on monday he's a katrina czar of it was in the city center when the violence broke out she's got the details. as you can see right now everything is back to normal traffic is going down in the city center and it's almost hard to imagine that just a few hours ago this place the very heart of moscow my guess nesquik just a few steps away from the kremlin was the scene of the extreme violence thousands
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of hopewell thousands more gathered here to protest and commemorate the death of one of their own a football fan i mean what's the difference was shot dead protesters were throwing bottles of fireworks starting fires rocks at riot police who were trying to do their best to ventana violence to prevent it from spreading further we've heard police. to not give in to provocations to not partake in the violence but still many people were injured we saw them happen in blood being taken away by ambulances to get treated a lot of people were detained after they clashed with riot police. some people have reacted very violently to the death of the sport picture but i do believe that some of their dissatisfaction is understandable but it is unacceptable when you have aggression with far characters that burst into flames in ordinary people suffer will take all the necessary measures to work and you think like that happen again
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so that the authorities are not accused if and effectiveness in handling the killing of your grocery the police have already arrested those responsible for the killing and the rest others everyone is equal before the law saying piers berg was also this as a scene for violence where i get another commemorative rally was underway there the protesters also started throwing ice and bottles at riot police a lot more policemen more immediately deployed to the area over sixty people there detained as while bringing the total number of those detained in the riots today to over a hundred and twenty guys think when you see what goes on is a safety no one will be able to avoid responsibility but nevertheless no one can. violates law and order if actions are not authorized they can't be held and no one can risk the lives and health of our citizens who saw that radical protestors joins those fans honoring the dead men and incited mass protests and fighting thirteen people are now in hospital so the police must act tough but within the law and they
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did everything they had to act in as the situation unfolded here is nationalist groups here in miami is now a square in the heart of the capital we heard them shouting racist slogans attacking our people. miss that he is different they're all and so it does appear that most of the violence today was not actually lost by the who were allegedly here simply for a rally but mostly while it was in fact instigated by neo nationalist movements. of reporting there from moscow sean thomas was outside the court where three men will appear in connection with the violence that led to the death of of spartak moscow football fan explains what happened and the knock on effect. it all started on monday after a match where fans in an incident involving around ten people got involved in a brawl in that incident you go to was shot and killed allegedly by.
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now. there are proceedings against him he has been charged with homicide but initially in the immediate aftermath of that incident things escalated in fact people took to the streets it is believed it became more than just a dispute between fans and north caucasus nationals it became more of a race issue in fact russian nationals against the north caucasus in fact. is from . the north caucasus so this is some of the the escalation in this incident but people in that after that fight going to the streets demanding that this person be arrested he was charged with homicide two other people have been charged with is to getting a fight as well and through the past week things have escalated wednesday there was a match in the champions league between spartak in slovakia and in that match fans actually rushed to the pitch twice in two separate incidents involved in violent
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behavior also. threw flares onto the pitch forced the players to leave the pitch on two separate occasions now officials say that this behavior is completely unacceptable and while this was happening in a champions league event. that this could affect chances in the europa league in fact they say that there will be sanctions of some sort of imposed against the team the decision will take place will happen on december sixteenth and in fact. could be facing expulsion from the europa league in this instance so though the fans themselves are responsible for the behavior it is having an effect on the team because officials say that this behavior just will not be tolerated in sports. from the newspaper the christian science monitor says there are many elements contributing to the scale of the riots. the combination of football and nationalist passions is
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a heady one it causes sometimes there are ups and violence all over europe however it seems to mean that. we should also listen to the complaints a lot of these i don't think that all those one thousand people who were in the square today are like racists. they complain that. they don't trust the police to investigate this with their friends and they have specific complaints about all this to geisha there are huge numbers of people from the caucasus living in moscow it's a very multinational city and there have been potential triggers for the two wars in chechnya there's been cycles of terrorism have come here in moscow and there been horrific acts there was a war with georgia a couple of years ago there were things that could have set off the tensions in this city and did not do so so i think that we shouldn't overblow this you know in leap to the conclusion that you know you know that there is racist violence
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running amok in moscow i think it's a really complicated but potentially dangerous situation that happened. the u.s. considers promoting human rights worldwide a priority but some critics say america's own track record is far from blameless the u.n. has published a report outlining an extensive list of measures that washington should undertake to protect freedom and rights back home when important as more for. what speaks louder. actions or words we recognize the inherent dignity and rights of every individual a promise by the u.s. president and a requirement outlined in the universal declaration of human rights thirty articles outlining basic standards of life inalienable rights. for all people. article three everyone has the right to life liberty and security of person with every
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drone attack with every invasion and occupation of a foreign country with every overthrow of a foreign government that the united states happens not to like or happens not to agree with every one of those is a violation of that one article political commentator nima shirazi accuses the us of falling short of a filling several of the principles it helped create article five no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment with every detainee kidnaps and rendition and. you know tortured in guantanamo or in bhagam or elsewhere. that's yet another violation the land of liberty is also the land of the incarcerated with the world's largest prison population. two point three million people behind bars more than three thousand languish on death row. article twenty five everyone has the right to
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a standard of living including food clothing housing and medical care at the dawn of the new millennium. we set concrete goals to free our fellow men women and children from the injustice of extreme poverty us figures indicate nearly forty four million americans are living in poverty even more people lack access to affordable health care and fifteen million are officially unemployed. meanwhile an estimated one million u.s. families are set to lose their homes this year alone as president made it clear that the united states will do our part last month the u.n. human rights commission made clear in two hundred and twenty eight recommendations . how the u.s. can improve. it's human rights record. not just happening in the one cd one is that you know american. soccer stars and stripes
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stained with accusations of police brutality racial profiling of minorities. and islamophobia. the country most vocal in chastising others for what it sees as human rights abuses is now taking heat for violating a declaration cowrote maybe american poet ralph waldo emerson put it best when saying what you do speaks so loudly i cannot hear what you say. or that story on our website. you can also find out why human rights activists are appealing to another issue. how washington is calling for the release of foreign political prisoners while refusing to for you. with their relatives and supporters
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as well as other stories you know. performance by british. interesting facts about. the sun smiling down on us according to russian physicist find out what's making it the happiest star in a new group. this sunday kosovo is preparing to hold its first parliamentary election since it declared independence from serbia three years ago the focus of the calls for partition by the ethnic minorities result of first been finding out by the of course of the serbs have decided to boycott the poll. begun and her family live in
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a small serbian enclave in kosovo it's a fairly so that she existence here largely cut off from the way the albanian community and it's a change from the war in the one nine hundred ninety s. which divided the country and brutalized a generation this will of pearl at the height of the cause of in war to protect the serbian community behind it from gunfire that would come from the right as it was the albanian populated area and i read names today was followed by a mind of the continuing ethnic conflicts. national bed i remember the wall being built after a neighbor was shot by us he worked on the land near the road we still live in fear here it's harder for the children living such a separate existence they begin to think that is just how things are the elections are the first polls since the breakaway province declared independence from serbia in february two thousand and eight belgrade has made it clear that although they
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went penalized for taking part they do not recognize those organizing the elections and a week turnout would significantly undermine the vote credibility. i'm not going to vote because for us now it's not the time for elections when we don't lead a normal life. begun as per the shows of the families two cars one with cars of the number plates and one with serbian. driving on the rules with serbian number of police here in course would be to do in truth. it was an accurate warning we visited drainers a town that's been at the heart of many cars of a albanian nationalist movement of filming was interrupted by the police they spotted our serbian fixes number plates we were detained and questioned before being tailed out of town by locals. also unhappy with our presence there the
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message was clear serbians not welcome here it was also a stark insight into the divisions of power and fractured governance that remains in kosovo we don't have checks and balances between. political powers here we don't have just is functioning because it's the size they control just in order for themselves to have free hands to do whatever they want the previous ruling coalition parties a tip to favorites to win power again despite controversies including accusations of collaborating with organized crime groups one issue dominates their campaign is the main the main point and the main goal is integration within european union it's a familiar catchphrase and one that holds no sway with the opposition even though it's pure propaganda in their mouth you know euro atlantic integration the goal of e.u. integration isn't likely to be realized until cost of a is able to get its own house
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in order and address the very serious barriers which is still dividing its people surfing r.t. because of a market gussets from the british when alliance for peace told r.t. the kosovo serbs are struggling to survive in a no win or becoming a fully fledged part of society. cost of war. today stands as a state a false state based on ethnic cleansing and cemented by nato bombs the serbians who remain live in fear of their lives they are lit they live in ghettos they're unable to get out and the only reason they still survive in kosovo and are not fed to the all good trade is that the albanians have fled so many serbians too in the past is because nato likes to keep living serbs in kosovo as good publicity but they're there they are there just as a publicity to create the impression that cost of war is a multiethnic society cause or isn't is
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a mono ethnic society which has destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and the leadership in kosovo consists of criminals who have morphed into politicians as western intelligence agencies have said themselves so everyone knows what's going on in kosovo but the idea is to. lie about what's going on cos or to a bigger world audience. international news or brief now this saturday night violence in different parts of afghanistan more than a dozen dead in helmand province fifteen died in a truck had many were injured when a roadside bomb went off in neighboring kandahar a car bomb blast near police headquarters wounded at least six and in the north a suicide bomber blew up a stolen police car packed with explosives near army checkpoint more than a dozen were wounded then mostly women and children. delegates of the un climate change talks in cannes could mexico have agreed on measures to tackle climate change they include setting up a green climate fund that will raise one hundred billion dollars to help developing
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nations cut fuel emissions and cope with the effects of global warming over a hundred ninety countries approve the deal with only bolivia rejecting it saying the move didn't go far enough but that was overruled. two blasts in central stockholm of killed at least one person injured another two a car exploded near a busy shopping center in the center of the swedish capital shortly afterwards a second explosion was heard on the same street and a man was found injured on the ground he was later pronounced dead it's still unclear what caused those explosions. leader of the tories mexican drug cartel has been killed in a two day shootout between security forces and gang members authorities have confirmed that result of more than i was gunned down by police in the west of the country the while and began on wednesday when gang members attacked federal offices and torched cars to block the road a baby was among the eleven people killed in the fighting. the elder son of jailed for nancy bernard madoff has been found dead in new york on the second anniversary of his father's arrest mark made off was discovered hanging in his apartment days
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after he was named in a new lawsuit by the liquidators of his father's empire mark and his brother who both worked at the firm are under investigation but hadn't faced any criminal charges in the massive ponzi scheme that led to the father's jailing bernard madoff admitted eleven counts of fraud and sentenced to a maximum one hundred fifty year prison term. so petersburg played host to a number of celebrities from all around the world but the one that stood out was not an actor or a singer it was russia's very own problem stability more potent even got a standing ovation and this was what it was all for. i. made. about talking over that hope we didn't ruin the musical experience for you anyway putin also showed his range of talents by playing the piano although lighthearted this was for a very serious cause helping to raise money for children suffering from cancer
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among the celebrities taking part the hollywood actress sharon stone golden couple kurt russell and goldie as well as want to pollute instant cast. so i think anybody who can or can't saying you know sitting in a room full of absolute famous people like that be commendable and also it's pretty strict attention we got the story about the dog recently probably it's not the first of the sunrise i saw you last year. went to the street at school for girls to use patriotic song with the lovely. russian girl and the more he says things like this the more that you know people can connect with the leader you know see him not as this stranger in this political power powerful position but actually as a normal russian guy who enjoys music. and the famous stories that he allegedly hide in abbottabad. you want to get to twenty thousand pounds from
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a limit through the kremlin called. the manager of this. this is the kremlin we wanted so i think he's a music fan and also it's it's you know showing that he loves western culture. what it under there as it's a one correspondent our top story this dozens of football fans have been detained after clashes with police just next to the kremlin here in moscow earlier on today a commemoration march marking. one of the key moments of what's been happening in the russian little. i. this is r.t. sports news ahead for you in twenty five minutes indeed news of a big football club is going joint top of the english premier league is not united details revealed shortly after the weekend business.
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well i welcome to the business program here on r.t. with me. demand for world oil be higher than expected next year it will stay haul into two thousand and fifteen as according to the international energy agency brant crude traded over ninety one dollars this week ahead of the opec meeting on saturday but analysts split a longer term outlook for the oil price touch out of ports. in contrast with many traders russia's finance minister. has a green prediction for oil prices sixty dollars per barrel within three years among those who agree with him future rating agency says it's a fair price justified by fundamentals and stripped of speculation it is our view that a lot of producing countries are quite comfortable with the level of between sixty to seventy because it helps them balance their budgets but also think the price of between sixty to seventy companies can actually conduct and carry out some of the
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higher costs of cortex for instance or all signs in canada she believes the current level reflects the supply demand balance however as a result throughout the long term make believe which suggests if china's middle class follows american patterns and moves to the suburbs the number of cars could skyrocket as well as the need for gasoline in five years chinese demand could grow to the limit and a half million barrels a day from the car and nine the international energy agency predict global oil demand could exceed the pre-crisis peak of two thousand and seven already next year and with average eighty eight point eight million barrels a day analysts suggest opec may come under pressure to increase supplies in the new year at present member states actually paying about five. and a half million barrels a day off the market if you have a global business our team. lukoil is planning to sell one point five billion
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dollars of convertible bonds due in two thousand and fifteen is the russian oil giant's first sale of such debt and with a decade in secured bonds we have a coupon of two point five to three percent or we convert ball into a new calls a deal is listed in london it's going soon for the company declined to comment on the reason this a. time to see how the markets are holding now russian markets ended mixed on friday with the r.t.s. game in the money stakes we do down with nicole was the biggest winner in the r.g.s. over one point five percent bucking the trend with new coil the shared point six percent telecom more snappish one point seven percent higher airflow shares the job will point three percent on news of the stakes a. russian markets began the week strongly of the last friday's rally on the back of a successful world cup bid but slowed by midweek mainly due to profit taking john hazel from citi bank recaps the week but my sense is change for the most part this week
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is flat in the exterior think the incredible enthusiasm we saw last friday of last friday's trading after the after russia won the world cup bid for twenty eight team a lot of the died out throughout the week there's profit taking cetera so the only real the main events this week was with x five finally announcing the acquisition of paper that a coalition looked we've done a pretty much. your average market valuations it doesn't look like they got to do bidding war with wal-mart that was good for x five but as a whole the market was basically flat on the week. russia is to join the world trade organization in two thousand and eleven after seventeen years of negotiations at the same time it's already a member of a customs union with kazakhstan butterworth heiress lovers of all that head of research at deutsche bank in russia says the union members will not suffer from russia's action it's not necessarily bad for the future of the
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customs union if anything this will serve to accelerate russia's efforts to. gain membership in the w t o and once russia is of the w t o this should facilitate the efforts of kazakhstan and to join the w t o so overall this should be a factor that will bring all of the countries of the customs union into the w t o which in turn is again a very important catalyst for the development of this integration group of this customs union. in other news russian businessman alexander lebedev has confirmed he's planning to sell around four percent of air force shares the deal is estimated to be worth one hundred ten million dollars as leverage of sells the forty four million shares in russia's national air carrier shares are to be sold for private placement organized by u.b.s. analysts believe the main reason for the sale is to generate finances pullover
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dave's troubled national reserve bank which is deemed capital outflows after a number of state inspections. russian prime minister vladimir putin has met his finnish counterpart in st petersburg economic issues were on the agenda as russia is still the prime trade partner for finland bilateral trade has recovered close to its pre-crisis level eleven billion dollars during the first nine months of two thousand and ten as always a quarter on the year both sides have signed several agreements including a ship building venture which would help russia embrace a new ship manufacturing technology. measure up to this hour we can always buy more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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