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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2010 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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the gateway to the grand imperial truly to tell you what. you can a listener to. see don't need to go and. read this in the can it was her turn to retreat. more than one hundred arrests and dozens injured after rallies in memory of a football fan are taken over by ultra nationalists in moscow and st petersburg. torture poverty and reports of police brutality critics say the us is human rights record clashes with its promise of. kosovo said to head to the polls on sunday for the software plane republic first parliamentary elections as the serb minority struggles.
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for am in moscow i matricide good to be with you here on r t our top story nearly thirty people have been injured in scores detained in iran and moscow and st petersburg thousands gathered in the two cities to mark the death of a spar tac moscow football fan who was killed in a brawl on monday authorities say russian ultra nationalist groups hijacked the peaceful gatherings party's catarina was in the moscow city center when the violence broke out. anger mismanagement thousands of football fans took their aggression to the streets of the russian capital this not filled riot transforming quiet central moscow is flares in bottles flew overhead last least detained instigators of the clashes at what started out as a peaceful commemorative round. some people have reacted very violently to the death of this part of what i do believe that some of their dissatisfaction is
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understandable but it is unacceptable one of aggression with firecrackers that burst into flames in ordinary people suffer it is the will take all the necessary measures and you think like that to happen again so the thirty's are not accused if in fact of us in handling the killing of your grocery that is good any police have already arrested those responsible for the queuing up and the rest others everyone is equal before the war. the sangh question was shot dead last week during a mass brawl notes of those gathered in the city's minute square simply wanted to pay their respects and demand a phone destination into the death of one of their own but take into account the fact that the suspect in this homicide is from the north caucasus and the story it's an ugly nationalist twist according to officials members of the country's various nationalist movements and not football fans instigated the violence by you but by the way it was the soul that radical protestors joins those spots atlantis
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the owner of the dead and i like an insight into mass protests i'm fighting thirteen people and out of hospital the police must act tough but within the law and they did everything they had to act in as the situation as valuables nicholas the cautious didn't stop with just the capital either petersburg rally in memory of necessity to quickly turn into a fight between protesters and riot police with many injured and over fifty detained so is this nationalist violence for violence sake or is there have magenta . nationalist far right is working very hard to mobilize. into different nationalist and the new nazi groups doing a lot of propaganda with a lot of success this is who are very are not exactly blameless in cells just a few days ago spar tax supporters disrupted their team's match in slovakia they were three was forced to call the match off into a second management is already considering serious punishment for the team the next
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matches can be held with no audience in the future in the europa league and for me it's quite quite a nor quite normal and of course the part that will be fine and on thursday i think next day after the match head coach there carbon so that it's not excepted found to behave like that sans clain they want justice for a friend who had been killed but violence is not the answer saturday's clashes prove them both the story and the aggression are not really about football to the instigators however it's all fair game tensions have been on the rise you better speed up even the little russian called doing nothing to block tempers police managed to restore order to the streets of the capital and st petersburg but many are still afraid this is the be end of the violence. cashew nuts are about r t.
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the u.s. considers promoting human rights worldwide a priority but some critics say america's own track record is far from blameless the u.n. has published a report outlining an extensive list of measures that washington should undertake to protect freedom and rights back home or his marina portnoy has more. what speaks louder. actions or words we recognize the inherent dignity and rights of every individual a promise by the u.s. president and a requirement outlined in the universal declaration of human rights thirty articles outlining basic standards of life inalienable rights for all people. article three everyone has the right to life liberty and security of person with every drone attack with every. invasion and occupation of a foreign country with every overthrow of a foreign government that the united states happens not to like or happens not to
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agree with every one of those is a violation of that one article political commentator nima shirazi accuses the us of falling short of a feeling several of the principles it helped create article five no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment with every detainee kidnapped and rendition and. you know tortured in guantanamo or in bhagam or elsewhere. that's yet another violation the land of liberty is also the land of the incarcerated with the world's largest prison population with. two point three million people behind bars more than three thousand languish on death row. article twenty five everyone has the right to a standard of living including food clothing housing and medical care at the dawn
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of a new millennium. we set concrete goals to free our fellow men women and children from the injustice of extreme poverty us figures indicate nearly forty four million americans are living in poverty even more people lack access to affordable health care and fifteen million. are officially unemployed. meanwhile an estimated one million u.s. families are set to lose their homes this year alone as president made it clear that the united states will do our part last month the u.n. human rights commission made clear in two hundred and twenty eight recommendations by how the u.s. can improve its human rights record i'll be. the congo beeny is not just happening there once the one state is that you know where america it needs to stop stars and stripes stained with accusations of police brutality racial profiling of minorities .
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and islamophobia. anybody want to be ready the country most vocal in chastising others for what it sees as human rights abuses is now taking heat for violating a declaration it cowrote maybe american poet ralph waldo emerson put it best when saying what you do speaks so loudly i cannot hear what you say. r.t. new york you can find more on this story and plenty more on our website our team dot com here's what's also online right now. going the extra mile for that adrenaline rush a russian base jumper takes on the antarctic now into. the sun is smiling down on us recording a russian business find out what's making it happen your star according to them on
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our new and improved web site r t v dot com. this sunday kosovo prepares to hold its first parliamentary election since declaring unilateral independence from serbia three years ago but as our case our fourth reports the serbian minority there is boycotting the elections claiming their own welcome and excluded from the region's society because ana and her family live in a small serbian enclave in cos of a it's a fairly so that she existence here she cut off from the way the albanian community and it'll change in the war in the one nine hundred ninety s. which divided the country and its integration this rule was built at the height of the cost of in war to protect the serbian community behind it from gunfire that
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would come from the right it was the albanian book related area and it remains today so they don't mind the continuing ethnic conflicts. i remember the wall being built after a neighbor was shot by as he worked on the land near the road we still live in fear here it's harder for the children living such a separate existence they begin to think that is just how things are the elections are the first poll since the breakaway province declared independence from serbia in february two thousand and eight belgrade has made it clear this is a day when penalized for taking part they do not recognize those organizing the election and a week turnout could significantly undermine the votes credibility. because. i'm not going to vote because for us now it's not the time for when we don't lead
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our normal life. began as per the shays of the families two cars one with cars of the number plates and one with serbian. puppets driving on the routes with serbian number of police here in course would be too dangerous. it was an accurate morning we visited drainage a town that's been at the heart of many causes the albanian nationalist movement of filming was interrupted by the place they spotted our serbian fixes number plates we were detained and questioned before being tailed out of town by locals also unhappy with our presence there the message was clear serbia is not welcome it is also a stark insight into the divisions of power and fractured governance that remains and cause if we don't have checks and balances between. power. we don't have just as functioning because it's very controlled just in order for
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themselves to have free hands to do whatever they want the previous reading coalition parties a tip just favorites to win perry again despite controversies including and he's a. collaborating with organized crime groups when he she dominates the campaign the main the main point and the main goal is integration within european union it's a familiar catchphrase and wonder holds may sway with the opposition i think that it's pure propaganda in their mouth you know your own thinking to gratian bolivia you integration isn't likely to be realized until positive they get its own house in order and express this very serious barrier which is still dividing its people surf a possible. marco gas from the british serbian alliance for peace tells r.t. that kosovo serbs are struggling to survive and nowhere near becoming
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a fully integrated part of society cost of war. today stands as a state a full state based on ethnic cleansing and cemented by nato bombs the serbians who remain live in fear of their lives they are literally living ghettos they're unable to get out and the only reason they still survive in kosovo and are not fed to the all going trade is that the albanians have fled so many serbians too in the past is because nato likes to keep living serbs in kosovo as good publicity but they're there they are there just as a publicity to create the impression across what is a multiethnic society isn't it a mono ethnic society which has destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and the leadership in kosovo consists of criminals who have moved into politicians as western intelligence agencies have said themselves so everyone knows what's going on in kosovo but the idea is to lie about what's going on possible to
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a bigger world audience. with the onset of winter as bitter cold life is bleak for the homeless in the russian capital hundreds are expected to freeze to death as temperatures plunge to minus thirty in the coming weeks but as artie's tom barton reports a group of dedicated volunteers is working hard to offer a helping hand to those in desperate need. that's night the homeless gather there waiting for salvation but it comes in the form of a bus a bus run by the orthodox church charity mercy their boys better all i want to wish good health to all crew of this mercy bus they always take care of us. although it is a hard to come by it's estimated there are around a hundred thousand homeless people in moscow this speculators who travel around the main railway stations every night trying to help them stave off the worst to begin to scold the news just because there's risk of the dogs and i do this work because
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i can't help but do it i just can't live my life peacefully when someone else is freezing to death in the series that you push back when we reach one of moscow's biggest stations the team has to turn away the hope that you can move though you know he's only thirty two and he's not allowed to go about us but he's going around bugging us you decide to make way for those in the worst condition this man would never have reached the bus if they hadn't found this year is that among all the homeless people we come across we can only choose thirty or thirty five of the most needy ones at most and each time i'm afraid of making those choices each of these people has a tragic tale of how they ended up in many though it's russia's bureaucracy has prevented them from working big ticket to get i spent thirty years in many prisons i had no idea whatsoever of where and once on the streets statehouse exposed to skin so thoroughly but the social services just don't have the budgets and so they only deal with muscovites our organization is public and lives off the nation and
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that's why we help everybody have needs us irrespective of age gender faith nationality or citizenship and he's almost on the buses nearly full now the team will let these people sleeping till morning then give them a hot meal and a shower but then there's no other place for them except back on the streets night after night this bus and its crew provides a lifeline for the homeless people around the cities trying stations but as the winter gets colder they're going to come to need it more and more tom watson r.t. . turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe two blasts in central stockholm have killed at least one person and injured two others sweden's foreign minister says they are a failed terrorist attack minutes before the explosions a newsy threats against the country the messages referred to swedish troops serving in afghanistan and khartoum protections of the prophet mohammed.
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violence in different parts of afghanistan has left more than a dozen dead in helmand province fifteen people in a truck died and many were injured when a roadside bomb went off in neighboring kandahar a car bomb blast near a police headquarters wounded at least six and in the north a suicide bomber blew up a stolen police car packed with explosives and near an army checkpoint more than a dozen people were left most of them women and children. and the elder son of jailed financier bernard made off has been found dead in new york on the second anniversary of his father's arrest mark made off was discovered hanging in his apartment days after he was named in a new lawsuit by the liquidators of his father's empire marc and his brother who both worked at the forum or under investigation but haven't faced any criminal charges in the massive ponzi scheme that led to their father's jailing bernard made off admitted to eleven counts of fraud and has been sentenced to a maximum hundred fifty year prison term. st petersburg has played host to
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a number of celebrities from all around the world but one stood out and he wasn't an actor or a singer it was russia's very own prime minister putin he even got a standing ovation and here's what it was awful. the. along with his singing putin also also showed a range of talents including piano playing although lighthearted it was for a very serious cause helping raise money for children suffering from cancer among celebrities taking part of their hollywood actors sharon stone and golden couple kurt russell and goldie hawn as well as monica bellucci invincible to sell rather than raising much needed money for a charity event seems to also help to boost the prime minister's image. it's amazing that he's actually singing in english because he isn't actually speak much english he famously spoke english for the. last year for once you see them but
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you know when it comes to an english it's very rare we get to see him speak let alone saying it was for charity events instead he's back in the spectacular ice palace. and everyone there was from hollywood sharon stone kevin costner. a big star and it was basically for a charity event for children with. cancer. and all the sudden that my chromos was given to him is totally unplanned and he got up and unsettled bleeper you helped putin famously said that he doesn't love you he called saying he called dogs but just like everybody else it was in and also he was he had pretty gestures as well that i think anybody who can say you know to do it in a room full of absolute you know famous people like that should be commendable and also it's great for his reputation we got the story about the dog recently the puppy it's not the first time the song either his last year he went to the ministry
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of defense school for girls and he sang this patriotic song with a lovely picture with russian go and the more he just things like this the more that you know people can connect. washington and moscow to sign an agreement that would protect the rights of russian children adopted by u.s. families with reason cases of russian children neglected by american adoptive parents fresh in people's minds talks to the president for children's rights. of trust can ever be restored.
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thank you very much for being with us today. to us promise. protecting the rights of children and i believe talks wrapped up in washington yesterday what's going on there. is a protection of. the rights of all adoptive children who. came into the days of america is all a priority. or all. all
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. points difference in music remember. we hear the final documents now from the local zoo. next step is sending their command to the federal authorities and after that we are rated to understand this agreement but i remember also your promise to freeze did option for united states if the docket wasn't signed by to relapse and is it lifted or is it still on no. actually we didn't do it we didn't do it we didn't freeze that option was united states of america because this is a long judicial procedure but in fact in fact we preserved the number of. such cases in our courts first of all. and we are not ready to freeze the toll this process of the adoption process because we're
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here. to for all. political and judicial brigade. but. if we kin that finds agreement. about the situation about overseas adoption we can freeze this process this agreement this finally signed and finalized what would that mean for the dropped of russian children and those who are entrusted with their rights to protect their children first of all it's guaranteed is going to is going to use. very effective legal instrument. to control this is the result the children in the new family overseas and the united states of america when it. comes to that is this of america and becomes a citizen of the united states of america this child is continuing to be as
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a citizen of the russian federation until eighteen years old and we have a right to support his child like a citizen of the russian federation and. right to sue are all the situation with this adopted child is a new family and the second thing is. recognition of. russia for durations court decisions is united states of america because during this new agreement it wouldn't be necessary to. have a decision in the united states of america court just enough to have a decision of the russian federation court and business fusion will be recognized and that is this if american severely important what's the position of our states in general on adoption of russian nationals by foreign parents is an imposition is
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we. have to be patient we have to. recognise our obligations which our state law. gives to us i mean. a special. article in a family court there which. gives a right for any overseas adoptive families to adopt the russian child if this child cannot find the family inside the country more than say one hundred thousand children orphans was all part of the control it was all part of the support and the situation we're here to initiate a different process inside the country to stimulate our citizen to adopt russian children and to stay these children inside the company because we don't
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have so many children all countries but question children also have been subject to legal wranglings as to say and so called tug of love cases in several countries. how do you how do you make sure that the rights of these children are protected it's a very difficult question because we don't have the right to. control . the foreign contras. so they can reach for income to sell for it is. their congress in this situation we have to. approach this all through. the whole chain of different agreements between russia and all part of. the european colonization resume not just days of america. agreements. or recognition all court decisions both gone through.
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the support. in family cases and in civil cases in the all of congress far less the whole thank you very much for this interview thank you for the attention. this is a cable from the u.s. embassy in colombo to talk about here an apparent june seventh incident of extrajudicial executions the military reported to the press that on that day that killed nine guerrillas and from that it desiccation by instructs you including you know and there are strongly suggest however that the nine were executed by the army and then dressed in military fatigues. explain how you know this kind of phenomenon where bodies are dressed up as
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guerrillas and presented as killed in action and this and this idea that you need to produce bodies actually encouraged paramilitary collaboration this is a cia doctor. they knew about these activities they knew they were about links to paramilitary groups and you. continue to. find out what's really happening to the. global financial headlines.
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