tv [untitled] December 12, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EST
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the gateway to the grand imperial truly told us to push coromandel you can away with a chill chill she says don't need to go. run to the kennel was such a treat. i saw on the streets of moscow and st petersburg as a rally to remember a russian football fan killed in a brawl turns bloody. shaken to the core protest his rampage around debt britain europe and rage that governments in banks one economist say the single currency is. the self-proclaimed republic of course of separates but ultimately whole syrian minority but it's one which the ethnic the public. and the u.s. looks into the actions we can take support has been leading and on nothing
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offensive against the controversial issue but. there you're watching r.t. and this is our weekly news if you bought into clashes witnessed in the center of moscow on saturday instigated by nationalist groups that's the belief of russia's interior minister thousands have gathered in the capital to mark the recent death of a russian football fan who was killed in a brawl but the peaceful gathering soon turned into a bloody battle with police that you know was at the scene of bandits erupted. anger mismanagement thousands of football fans took their aggression to the streets of the russian capital with a small field riot transforming quiet central moscow as flares and bottles flew overhead riot police detained instigators of the clashes at what started out as
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a peaceful commemorative rally to know that. some people have reacted very violently the death of the spotlight was a good fit with i do believe that some of the dissatisfaction is understandable but it is unacceptable when we have aggression with firecrackers that those into flames and ordinary people sort of police have already arrested those responsible for the murder of your spirit and will arrest others everyone is equal before the law. this man in question was shot dead last week during a mass brawl most of those gathered in the city's minute square simply wanted to pay their respects and demand a full investigation into the death of one of their own but take into account the fact that the suspect in this homicide is from the north caucasus and the story it's an ugly nationalist twist according to officials members of the country's various nationalist movements and not football fans instigated the violence by you
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but by the way it was we saw that radical protestors joins those sparks that fans honoring the dead men and insides of mass protests i'm fighting thirteen people are known hospital the police must act tough but within the law and they did everything they had to act in as the situation those photos. the clashes didn't stop with just the capital either st petersburg rally in memory of city that quickly turned into a fight between protesters and riot police with many injured and over fifty detained so is this nationalist violence for violence sake or is there have been agenda the nationalist far right is working very hard to mobilize the book into a different nationalist the new nazi group. doing a lot of propaganda with a lot of success the fans who have or are not exactly blameless themselves just a few days ago spar tech supporters disrupted their team's match in slovakia they
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were three was forced to call the match off anyway for cup management is already considering serious punishment for the team in the next matches can be held with no audience in the future in the european league and for me it's quiet quiet ignore quite normal and of course the part that will be fine and on thursday i think next day after the match the head coach of sport that their carbon so that it's not accepted found to behave like that sans clain they want justice for a friend who had been killed but violence is not the answer saturday's clash is proof that both the story and the aggression are not really about football to the instigators however it's all fair game tensions have been on the rise that you've got to speed up even though they're rushing all doing nothing to offer tempers at least managed to restore order to the streets of the capital and st petersburg but many are still afraid this is
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a big end to the violence. captured as are the party last. british police have launched a major investigation into this week's violence student protests which took place as the house of commons approved a liking to ration fees thursday's demonstrations saw thousands of people in central special there's a treasure in the supreme court and even attacked a car carrying prince charles a boy travelling toward western theatre couple. a student union says while rallies and settings on lighting if the bill is finally passed university fees will triple to a back some nine thousand pounds a year position the abrams germy corben says the move will effectively bar the poor for. higher education. what we're seeing is the end of access to higher education for people of average and below average incomes it's going to really preserve the wealthier in the future the trend will be we'll have
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a less well educated less skilled less qualified population i see education as an investment for the future will vested in young people revestive in skills we're investing in knowledge we're investing in our future that where is the economic growth of the future where the advantages of to morrow where the writers and the artists and the musicians of tomorrow this is cutting at the core of society those that created this economic mess that we're in are the ones who should pay for it's a transaction tax a wealth tax a tax on the very wealthiest people in our society would help to close the gap there is no need to basically hit the poorest people in our society in order to pay off this debt in march in time we need a more sensible or rational more humane approach to the whole issue we're not getting that from the government at the moment that's why the students are on the streets that's why the seventy occupations and crucially that's why so many others trade unions and people work in the public sector and people are worried about their services are also joining the students in the demonstration. meanwhile the
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government is cutting the salaries of the prime minister and his cabinet and the country's minimum wage and latest set of austerity measures here is struggling to save the single currency plans to put the banks through another round of stress tests. from the adam smith institute says the euro's days could be numbered. it wouldn't take a genius to see that there is a crisis approaching the euro zone a major continent wide crisis i think it is probably because of the government debt but i think the bailout in ireland has failed to bond markets. are still extremely high and we see in portugal and spain creeping up words as well so i think we're probably going to see quite a difficult year for the if not the end of the eurozone in the coming months i think we need to see it start looking to the future looking at how countries can return to their seats turn to a way that they're able to get their way out of these kind of high or low interest kind of bubbles that the euro was creating a situation where they have
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a currency that's suitable for their own economies rather than for france and germany which is really what the arson project is all about. well all around europe it's the banks that people are increasingly turning against the perpetrators of the economic meltdown however in the u.s. the largest banks may pay out bonuses this year so the wall street and the can avoid higher tax rates. reports on corporate america and splashing out on luxury on millions of people in the using their livelihoods. next the sculpture thirty thousand dollars now the first floor thirty thousand to thirty two thousand if an artist were to illustrate something of today's new york city office at fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand votes nineteen thousand it may just be money bags twenty four thousand dollars to twenty six from you amid the lackluster american economic climate kristi's is seeing sunny days this painting sold for a little over six million dollars with over six hundred million dollars worth of
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impressionist and modern art sold this year thank you so since two thousand and eight we've seen an increasing return of confidence to the art market new york has once again become one of christie's selling sites sixty five thousand dollars what you like you would like to think you're just as wall street's wealthy and powerful . that afternoon think. are back to indulge in pampering at the la perouse spa at the ritz carlton involves wearing decadent hors d'oeuvres i recommend this skin caviar body cream cream costing more than seven hundred dollars for less than four ounces while the caviar fish shell costs more than three hundred we do have a very very very large corporate following so corporations will come in and get their employees coming at a time when corporate america is banking record breaking profits one hundred fifty thousand. from choice to.
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business at wimpy jewelers has spiked but only those making top dollar can afford pieces with price tags that exceed the average annual income of three u.s. households combined expecting a very very busy time of year the more. business boosted perhaps by bonuses coming from a one street where street the symbol of the finance industry the financial collapse and record breaking compensation one hundred forty four mil. and apparently about four percent from last year's record haul if anyone would know about business it would be we always want to make everyone happy here here at rick's cabaret happiness comes bearing lots of skin and beauty but it doesn't come free for six seven eight thousand dollars three thousand dollars it's hard not to have a good time when you're surrounded by. beautiful women who've seen a boom in business as wall street has rebounded and these guys are getting much
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deserved bonuses and they want to celebrate bonuses and hearty and have a great time particularly pretty for financier's working for america's biggest investment banks where employee pay is expected to average how the million dollars or more no such promise is here on main street were fifteen million americans are officially unemployed and u.s. poverty levels have reached a fifty year high forty four million people ironically that figure marks new york city's most expensive residential sale this year a seven floor fifth avenue mansion purchased for forty four million this as more than two million homes have been swallowed up by foreclosure in two thousand and ten still in the early. in this so-called rebounding u.s. economy. thank you purveyors of all things luxury are in fact surging while the majority of americans are left wondering when life will finally
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begin looking as pretty as the painting. r.t. . still to come in the program waging a wiki leaks war. massive cyber attack and most of the credit giants don't person donations to the list of those websites it's still money to basically groups. russia's video helped. sting the event in print we meet the young star of the presentation find out his secrets from. election fever grips the nation serbs are facing an uneasy choice the three years after it split from serbia the self-proclaimed state is holding its first parliamentary poll candidates promising to tackle unemployment and ethnic discrimination but with albanians dominating the population minority charles green down the barriers dividing the people and
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it's have reports from across it was. here in the capital pristina town that post is lined the streets election fever really have taken hold polling it was due to take place now the twenty eleven but the stock elections were put forward by november this parliament she voted no confidence in the governing coalition so we know some twenty nine policies of building from that it's the hundred twenty seats parliament the two main policies are expected to dominate the prime minister has him touch she's democratic policy of course of a the p d k and it's been the coalition party the democratic league of conservation all the case but these two main policies all currently plagued by race in intel and front. and most seriously some candidates from these main policies are under investigation for crimes ranging from corruption to abuse of office the most
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seriously of all to lead the scene is called. posse that's the alliance for the future of kossovo how does an eye he's currently awaiting retry an international crimes tribunal in the hague critics argue that such men should not be allowed to stand as they damage the reputation and undermine the just in the c. of these elections because men so the new policies have been able to make that mog and wall these older traditional policies having said focus their campaigns on the ongoing promise of e.u. and nato membership policies have focused on the bread and butter issues of corruption and unemployment. has europe's youngest population and unemployment here is thought to run as high as fifty percent according to some estimates and then of course there's the issue of voter turnout particularly among the serbian minority community here in the north are expected to heed the call from the serbian
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government to boycott these elections but those living in the south are expected to go to the polls and the serbian government has said that they will not send any you do choose to vote however a low of you to turnout would undermine the legitimacy of the government and calls for an independence is something that serbia has said it will never accept full shots at seven pm local time at six pm g.m.t. and we do expect the first exit polls to come in very short towards. told the regions. because. once sympathetic to them. ninety seven the power of a competition almost all the a billion lists contain people who unfortunately were under trial or participated in criminal actions or committed crimes in the late ninety's against the serbian community on the territory of course will and middle here if we really want to move towards reconciliation of serbs and albanians what kind of kind and such people in
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the future in conversations with all state officials we emphasize that is a black hole that is crime in the spheres of money laundering and human drugs and arms trafficking and it's no secret all the international organizations working there know about it our viewpoint is absolutely clear you will never recognize courcelles independence but we are ready to discuss the issues problematic for both ethnic communities in this particular case serbs and albanians in the current situation are binion's have received all they demanded but on the other hand serbs of course all the hard it's absolutely unacceptable. one of them the u.s. justice department is looking into cyber attacks on companies that have cut off their nations to wiki leaks the whistle go supporters have been waging an online war against firms like visa master card and pay pal the firms all suffered online outages we can expand the julian assange and his bank account was frozen he's currently in jail in london fighting extradition to sweden on sex crime allegations
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. promising more attacks meanwhile is going to church account reports the firms which of cut off wiki leaks continue to support other controversial groups. the us government has presented no charges against julian a song but that hasn't stopped government officials from reportedly putting pressure at the highest level to cut off weekly leaks money supply a senior executive of america's money transfer giant pay pal said the state department had written to the company claiming the online whistleblower was involved in illegal activities so pay pal along with massive card and b. cell are no longer accepting cash donations for the controversial website it's the threat of this has some impact on national security and when you say that in the united states everybody. you know what's their parents and they do what they're told. and so i think that it's
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a misconception in some cases that people think that the u.s. is purely a money driven society it's not the government has certain progressives particularly over national security no court ruling no legal procedures were needed to crack down on the radio going ization later pay-pal backtracked on its statement it had acted upon a government's request mastercard and visa were most of a sieve on the subject but the general explanation they give for not accepting donation payments for we kill it says that the site quoting courage is promotes facilitates all. instruct others to engage in illegal activity but on the other hand neither master card moore has any problems processing donations for say nuku clark's clan racist movement and his two nanny a history of extreme violence with the goals of racial segregation and white supremacy and yet it takes seconds to make a donation to the klan when using one of one of those attending is that the zen
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master card must be saying it's all about business right but they're not saying that when it comes to weaken leaks a number of senators including the chairman of the homeland security committee joe lieberman were quick to pat those companies on the back for cutting off cash to weak elites but americans cracked down on the organization that appears to be fighting for transparency and freedom of speech leaves many asking what happens to american values of freedom of expression these are very difficult things for us to face as americans this is not what we believe in our country we believe it's a country that respects the markers are going to be shown where the opposition is not easy but us politicians do not shy away from flashing their democratic values when rooting for a chinese fighter for freedoms he won the nobel peace prize this friday so there you see the governor standards of western of the so-called international community
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. is targeted for having released information knowing what what you should be doing and then you have the case the same people who will be pushing for a candidate which is a dissident within the people's republic of china so they are playing double standards with that regard some even suggest why not give the price to julian a song this year is freedom of speech will surely. be a rational explanation for giving it's to. wiki leaks others can't help asking if u.s. officials are so down on why aren't they after the new york times in the same way or the british newspaper the guardian or germany's there speak it those are the we kill its partner papers one other incredible thing about the prosecution is that so many people are falsely reporting that wiki leaks has dumped two hundred fifty thousand documents that's not true at all they only were putting stuff up on their
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web page when either the new york times or der spiegel or the guardian or us were putting up. so what could possibly be the legal rationale for going after we can leaks and not going after the new york times there are a lot of unanswered questions about weiqi leaks one thing is on the surface the u.s. shows it can interpret democratic values however it wants depending on its games ganesh check on r.t. washington d.c. . but the putin says the arrest of julian assange shows the west doesn't follow the democratic rules it preaches russian prime minister rebuffed the leaked u.s. criticism of democracy in russia during a media briefing alongside his french counterpart schieffer much. about the information on that renowned site wiki leaks did you really think the u.s. diplomatic corps is a transparent source of information to be much to ask for mr assad's just if you're
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pushing for democracy push all the way why then do they put mr stanton jail if that democracy at work there's a saying about the pot calling the kettle black. can only get more of the day's news at all and here's a taste of what's just a click away on our website the menace from the daily struggles to the truest sense attained as the majority of beaches in china closed putting a spate of attacks. making history in the antarctic a russian gets into rep who books will be coming first person to perform a base jump of three thousand. people around seconds and discover more about that. now to some other news this hour. sweden has described twin blasts in stockholm as a terrorist attack one person was killed and two others injured in the explosions
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a swedish news agency says it received a warning ahead of the blasts the message denounced the country's military presence in afghanistan or avenge support for the wealth of controversial call tunes of the prophet muhammad. in new york the son of jailed for nancy bennett made off has been found dead on the second anniversary of his father's arrest mark made off was found hanging in his fourth days after he was named in a new lawsuit by the liquidators on his father's. account his brother under under investigation hadn't faced any charges in the massive ponzi scheme which was the biggest investment forward in u.s. history seventy two year old bernard madoff was sentenced to one hundred fifty more recent i'm betting billions of dollars. u.s. envoy to afghanistan and pakistan richard holbrooke is in
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a critical condition of emergency heart surgery in washington he was rushed to hospital feeling ill during a meeting with secretary of state hillary clinton president obama says he's praying for the health of the sixteen year old record diplomat who helped broker the accord that ended the war in bosnia. two top candidates in haiti's disputed presidential election have rejected the proposed first round vote recount comes off of days of violence in the streets of the capital port au prince protests broke out when it became. that the candidate backed parties on the former first lady would compete in a runoff only one of the top candidates supports the electoral council's offer to recheck sheets from police stations. now off to russia scored the ultimate goal of hosting the world cup in twenty eighteen twenty one did just what swung the bid in its favor some speculated if the young boy in the
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country's video seen kicking the ball all the way to the world cup final and scoring the winning goal lottie's went to find out just who he is. absolutely. and when russia wanted small cars they'd social media come as something of a senator teeth so show voice the top of one of bush's t.v.'s the g.'s to sway the feet the committees face their way full juggling across the country some she finds himself on the football pitch at a key moment that changes. there. was italy time. ten seconds after russia was so she steps up thank you. thank you. so who eat sasha oh most of the point are special and it's still no one's i'm on tom and he has max and up with us so who sasha then the sasha is just
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a caption the meat they chose the name because it rhymes with russia fashion russia there wasn't much in the way of coasting to become the joint place of russia the director wanted yon identical twin foodless and there's not many of them on. thank you because i know they called out that and told him they needed twins because there wasn't much time it meant that i want to sweat the other one could sleep and this is how he left was it took four weeks to make and a lot of work but the boy's father and how it's a player and his son's first coach says it was worth it yes the dispersed oil in the happiest fog on earth and i joke russia won the mud boys played a role too i'm so proud of the national he'll be even prouder if his kids now just a young full backs playing for a moscow football club ever take to the pitch in the colors of russia's national team i yes there was
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a very gutsy room there if one day it happens and i'll say it again in ten years they'll play for free just for the crime of appearing in the shit of the national team and. video presentation nine year old sasha was showing dreaming of scoring the we didn't go in the world cup final at all when mark seemed relieved that dream could come true at least in twenty eighteen during the tournament here in russia for two seventeen year olds written optionality most. think it's more than a dog's life for one canine who now resides at the height of russian politics this week prime minister putin finally chose the winner of nationwide contest to name his new pooch from thousands of entries and you're settled on buffy for the puppy which was given to him by his ball game in town departments appear last month the idea was submitted by a five year old boy from bosco the pm said his other dog that rudolph conny is
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