tv [untitled] December 12, 2010 9:00am-9:29am EST
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the latest news and the week's top stories here in archie commemorations for a murdered football player turned ugly in russia as dozens are detained and many more injured in extreme nationalist are being blamed. kosovo votes for its first government as internal tension remains as tough as ever here these three years after splitting from serbia. but the minority so. says the divide is too deep to build a bridge in the sea joining me now live is in just a few moments with. one our chain putting their mouth where their money is as
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to wish and fee hikes and wage costs go a step too far for europeans angry at paying for politicians with state calls rise for the euro to go to stop other countries crumbling. and double standards and dirty money american finance giants are accused of cutting off wiki leaks donations continuing to accept funds for racist groups like the ku klux klan. here watching the weekly here on r t this sunday with me and he said now a violent clashes between football fans and riot police directed in moscow and st petersburg on saturday russian interior minister says the fault lies with nationalist groups for turning a commemoration to a spark fact moscow supporter who had been killed into a bloody brawl artie's cutting those armor it was in the heart of the capital when
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the fighting broke out. anger mismanagement thousands of football fans took their aggression to the streets of the russian capital with a smoke filled riot transforming quiet central moscow as flares and bottles flew overhead riot police detained instigators of the clashes at what started out as a peaceful commemorative rally know that. some people have reacted very violently to the death of the spartak moscow fan i do believe that some of their dissatisfaction is understandable but it is unacceptable when we have aggression with firecrackers that burst into flames and ordinary people suffer police have already arrested those responsible for the murder of your spirit over and will arrest others everyone is equal before the law the fan question was shot dead last week during a mass brawl most of those gathered in a city's money are square simply wanted to pay their respects and demand a full investigation into the death of one of their own but take into account the
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fact that the suspect in this homicide is from the north caucasus and the story gets an ugly nationalist twist according to officials members of the country's various nationalist movements and not football fans instigated the violence by you . we saw that radical protestors joins those fans honoring the dead men and incited mass protests and fighting the police must act tough but within the law and they did everything they had to act in as the situation unfolded. the clashes didn't stop with just the capital either st petersburg rally in memory of city that quickly turned into a fight between protesters and riot police with many injured and over fifty detained so is this nationalist violence for violence sake or is there have been agenda nationalists far right is working very hard to mobilize the book into a different nationalist the new nazi groups. a lot of progress with
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a lot of success the fans who over are not exactly blameless themselves just a few days ago spar tech supporters disrupted their team's match in slovakia a new way for cup management is already considering serious punishment for the team . in the next matches can be helped with no audience in the europa league and on thursday i think next day after the match the head coach of sport that their car so that it's not excepted fans to behave like red fans claim they want justice for a friend who had been killed but violence is not the answer saturday's clashes prove that both the story and the aggression are not really about football to the instigators however it's all fair game tensions are on the rise you've got to speed up even though there are some old doing nothing to offer tempers these manage to restore order to the streets of the capital and st petersburg but many are still
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afraid this is again the file. catch your eyes are about our team boss. kosovo is holding its first parliamentary poll nearly three years after the self-proclaimed states but from serbia alice habert is following the vote in the capital pristina. this region does still remain very deeply divided along ethnic lines most notably between the majority albanian community here that makes up some ninety percent of the population and the much smaller minority community here it is expected that some fifty percent of the electorate who turn out to vote today but the vast majority of them will be albanians serbians here feel divided they do want to vote to make a change they say they suffered discrimination high unemployment they're denied freedom of movement and they suffer very different conditions but they don't necessarily want to engage in the cost of an electoral system here but they do want
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to make a real change here so what we expect is that those living in the north of kosovo and you still very much look to belgrade on a still connected to serbia by road will not take part in these elections they will heed belgrade circle to boycott this vote however those living in the southern enclaves and therefore geographically consul from serbia will take part in the votes because they have no choice but to engage in the system here well of course ethnic divisions are not the only issues facing. unemployment here is rampant some put it between forty and fifty percent and then there course there is the issue of endemic corruption here these are all issues included in the manifesto the major policies here and leading the charge an expected to take the most votes in today's election is a prime minister has been touchy democratic party of kossovo e.p.d. k.
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and then followed by the former. coalition partners the democratic league of cost of a the l d k and then there's the alliance for the future of course very traditionally seen as the third party here but all of these parties talk about addressing these issues within the framework of what they perceive as the ultimate goal which is e.u. and nato membership. recent polls are showing that cost of ins in particular especially compared with others living throughout the balkans have suffered a drastic loss of faith in all public institutions here from the judiciary to the parliament and that's all but held by the current to this itself that was put forward for this election a number of days into this while standing currently under investigation suspected of a number of crimes ranging from corruption to abuse of office and most warranty of all the lead to all of the a k. how to deny is currently in the hague awaiting trial for war crimes how's the meant
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is that this election has seen the emergence of some new policies here with the potential of making some real inroads most notably. meaning self-determination and fed of meaning new spirit that both expected to take some votes today and these new of policies have shied away from mentioning nato and the membership as a serious goal they've instead really decided to focus on the bread and butter issues affecting people's everyday lives here. serbia's minister for cost of all told r.t. about reconciliation between areas albanians and serbs is unlikely to happen. lists contain people who unfortunately were under trial or participated in criminal actions or committed crimes in the late ninety's against the serbian community on the territory of course will and middle here if we really want to move towards reconciliation of serbs and albanians what kind of kinds and such people in the future in conversations with state officials we emphasize that is
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a black hole that is crime in the spheres of money laundering and human drugs and arms trafficking and it's no secret all the international organizations working there know about it our viewpoint is absolutely clear we will never recognize courcelles independence but we are ready to discuss the issues problematic for both ethnic communities in this particular case serbs and albanians in the current situation obedience have received all they demanded but on the other hand serbs of course all the hard salute the unacceptable. serbia's minister for kosovo of which there speaking to us here in our well coming out soon one of humanity's biggest killer could be claiming many more lives doctors think from india and new research which says malaria is claiming tens of thousands of more lives. just ahead . british police have launched a major criminal investigation into thursday student protests which were the worst
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thing in the u.k. for over a decade the unarrest came after m.p.'s voted in favor of increasing the cost of university tuition allowing fees to rise threefold in england violence flared across the british capital government property band on wife leaving prince charles's car coming under attack from demonstrators over thirty people were arrested opposition labor m.p. jeremy corbyn says the fees hike will almost certainly put both from lots privileged backgrounds at a disadvantage. what we see is the end of access to higher education for people of average and below average incomes it's going to be the preserve of the. here in the future the trend will be we'll have a less well educated less skilled less qualified population i see education as an investment for the future will be vested in young people reinvesting in skills we're investing in knowledge we're investing in our future that where is the economic growth of the future where the advantages of to morrow where the writers and the artists and musicians of tomorrow this is cutting at the core of society
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those that created this economic mess that we're in are the ones who should pay for it a transaction tax a wealth tax a tax on the very wealthiest people in our society would help to close the gap there is no need to basically hit the poorest people in our society in order to pay off this debt in march in time we need a more sensible more rational more humane approach to the whole issue we're not getting there from the government at the moment that's why the students are on the streets that's why the seventy occupations and crucially that's why so many others trade unions and people work in the public sector and people are worried about their services are also joining the students in the demonstration. thoughts there from british opposition labor party m.p. jeremy corbyn while the un rest is being felt across europe with the e.u. leaders getting back round the table next week to get a firmer grip on the debt crisis but a french football legend got a different idea from getting payback or can't tossing just people with draw their
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cash from the big banks and pull the rug from under them as our silly explains. the crime a massive financial crisis entire countries going belly up governments be forced to impose a sturdy measures the culprit public sentiment points to banks and the people that run them these are predatory monstrosities made up of weapons of mass financial destruction whose sole purpose is to kill themselves and others are suicide bankers or predatory bankers and their financial terrorists and therefore they need to be limited to those who agree the question is how. do you know days what does it mean to be on the street what does it mean to demonstrate this isn't the way any more three million people with their placards on the street should go to the bank withdraw their money from the banks and it will collapse a real revolution no stranger to heating a call to arms especially coming from
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a football superstar the french wasted no time online groups were formed urging people to participate in a coordinated worldwide bank run on december seventh the number of continentals lucky shirt. alex janet is one of tens of thousands who pledged to join in on the campaign was sort of fed up of them controlling the wealth in. we could say stop using us when we need to show you that we can have a certain impact on a. castle they can mess around with and. they can do anything with us however could mass withdrawals cause the collapse of the entire banking system as some economists argue a system the public needs to important thing is that people every last that have some power over the birth and it can use it to make some questions about but so far government reaction to the pressure has been somewhat mild. it
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would be funny if it wasn't so tragic cantona's call to arms is grotesque it was not serious. magnificently i wouldn't dare to try i think it's best for everyone to stick to the very specialty she sings very counter doesn't know he's talking about new well being p. the biggest bank in france taking billions from the federal commerce in america to make up for their shortcomings as a banking institution how can christine legarde doesn't take care of her own banks in our own country who are now hearing themselves out to him to the congress for handouts pathetic it may take much more than a few thousand withdrawals to make a dent as far as banking institutions are concerned but for those who want change they'll keep on pushing until their voices get through to those sitting behind these glass windows to us are cilia r.t. . just ahead we'll hear how even the man who has everything is never entirely
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happy taking delivery of the world's biggest private luxury yacht complete with fur lining and swimming pools but it's still waving it's russian billionaire owner of a blues find out who it is in a few moments. first supporters of wiki leaks declared cyber war against companies they see as obstructing the anti-secrecy website mastercard visa and pay powell all came under attack after they stopped taking donations for wiki leaks and as the swiss bank account of its founder julian assange was frozen has been arrested in britain and is waiting extradition to sweden where he's accused of sex crimes meanwhile is going to found out the firms that have cut off wiki leaks appear happy to allow outspoken hate groups among their clients. the u.s. government has presented no charges against julian of song but that hasn't stopped government officials from reportedly putting pressure at the highest level to cut off money supply a senior executive of america's money transfer giant pay pal said the state
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department had written to the company claiming the all my whistleblower was involved in illegal activities. so pay pal along with massive card and be so are no longer accepting cash donations for the controversial website it's the threat of this has some impact on national security and when you say that in the united states everybody. you know what's their parents and they do what they're told. and so i think that it's a misconception in some cases that people think that the u.s. is purely a money driven society it's not the government has certain parag particularly over national security no court ruling no legal procedures were needed to crackdown on the radio going ization later pay-pal backtracked on that statement it had acted upon the government's request master card and visa were most of a sieve on the subject but the general explanation they gave for not accepting
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donation payments for we kill it says that the site quoting courage is promotes facilitates or instruct others to engage in illegal activity but on the other hand neither master card more said i have any problems processing donations for say nuku clark's clan racist movement and his. history of extreme violence with goals of racial segregation and white supremacy and yet it takes seconds to make a donation to the klan a number of senators including the chairman of the homeland security committee joe lieberman were quick to pat those companies on the back for cutting off cash to weak elites but americans cracked down on the organization that appears to be fighting for transparency and freedom of speech leaves many asking what happens to american values of freedom of expression these are very difficult things for us to face as americans this is not what we believe in our country we believe it's
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a country that respects the marker on going to be shown that we're the actress is not easy but us politicians do not shy away from flash. there are democratic values when rooting for a chinese fighter for freedoms he won the nobel peace prize and there you see the governor standing some of west of the so-called international community. is targeted for having released information knowing what's what you should be doing and you have got a case where the same people will be pushing for a candidate which is a dissident within the people's republic of china so they are playing double standards with that regard some even suggest why not give the prize to julian a song which this year's freedom of speech will surely. be a rational explanation for giving it's to wiki leaks others can't help asking if
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you as officials are sold down and we kill leaks why aren't they after the new york times in the same way or the british newspaper the guardian or german is there speaking those are the we kill its partner papers one other incredible thing about the prosecution is that so many people are falsely reporting that wiki leaks has dumped two hundred fifty thousand documents that's not true at all they only were putting stuff up on their web page when you go to the new york times or spiegel. or the guardian or you swear putting up. so what could possibly be the legal rationale for going after we can leaks and not going after the new york times there are a lot of unanswered questions about we kill leaks one thing is on the surface the us shows it can interpret democratic values however he wants depending on its gains ganesh check on r.t. washington d.c. . well there are reports in rebuff only american criticism of russians democracy saying the arrest of doing
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a song exposes the west for not following the democratic rules of preachers russian prime minister's comments came at a media briefing alongside his french counterpart. so you thought about the informational not renowned site wiki leaks did you really think the u.s. diplomatic corps is a transparent source of information as for mr song if you're pushing for democracy push all the way why then did they put mr soong shouldn't jail is that democracy at work there is a saying about the point calling the kettle black that would be my response to our u.s. counterparts moche to militants on a suspected accomplice have been killed by police in russia's southern republic of thank you stan one policeman was wounded during the gunfight militants barricaded themselves in a house which was take then taken by storm by special forces after negotiations failed authorities say one of those killed was the head of a local terror ring on the most wanted list is believed to have taken part at least in one major attack in two thousand and nine in which four policemen and seven
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women which were civilians were killed authorities are cracking down on militant groups in russia south of the region remains volatile prosecutors say the number of terror attacks there has doubled this year. turning now to some of today's other main world news stories nato says six foreign troops have been killed in southern afghanistan their nationalities are not yet known the alliance has stepped up its fighting in the south of the contrary in recent weeks is a particularly hostile region with taliban strongholds in both the kandahar and helmand province. swedish police have launched a terrorism investigation into saturday's twin bombings in stockholm the first attack saw a car exploded in this huge shopping area packed with christmas shoppers although there were only a handful of injuries one man was killed in the second blast the spot to have been carrying explosives a warning given prior to the bombings denounce we did this military presence in
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afghanistan and a swedish author's controversial cartoons of the prophet muhammad. and a suicide bomber has blown up his car outside government offices in the rocky city of ramadi killing up to seventeen many more were injured including children who he's reportedly found a second bomb in a nearby parking lot which was safely detonated the attack comes as the country's prime minister attempts to form a new cabinet to try and end months of political impasse. european union is backing moscow's bid to join the world trade organization and twenty eleven after almost eighteen years of membership negotiations the e.u. voiced his support at a summit with russia in brussels earlier this week president made very different apa talks which were seen as a sign of strengthening relations with the e.u. russia is the only major economy that is still not a member of the global free trade qua w t o it fashion also opens the door to new agreements on teacher economic and security cooperation but political analyst dr
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frazer cameron believes the e.u. is being pragmatic by pushing for russians w.t.r. membership because europe would benefit to russians. the most important point for the european union is that it embeds. international rules based system the same experience with china better to be inside for being bound by the rules of the w t o being outside now it's not the same dimensions china is actually more important for the european union overall in terms of trade but in terms of developing future relations between the e.u. and russia russia membership of this group to you is really essential because it would take is on to complete the negotiations between the e.u. and russia present ultimately to a free trade area between the e.u. and russia so two very important points. political analysts there dr fraser cameron
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well malaria could be killing tens of thousands more people in india and help officials think new research suggests there's an alarming number of unrecorded deaths as charan singh reports it's raising questions as to whether the world health organization is massively underestimating global malaria death rates. in india's eastern state of bihar one more victim succumbs to malaria it's a treatable infection yet it's due dates more lives in india than each i.v. . that malaria has spread everywhere near our village no medical teams come to help us and hospitals are far away poor people like us a dying at this hospital and many patients believe they have the parasite to infection don't you think i have a very high temperature and i think i have malaria i've come to the doctor for treatment because many people in my neighborhood have malaria a new study has found that malaria kills more than. the number of people caught in
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the estimated by the world health organization since many malaria deaths occurred at home and little areas they don't get recorded so researchers with good families and asked them to describe what had happened to the victims known as verbal autopsy we estimated that something like four percent of the deaths between one life and sixty nine years of age were due to malaria and if you multiply that percentage by the national number of deaths and those you get two hundred thousand deaths before age seventy any year it's a staggering number is specially compared to the world health organization's estimate of just fifteen thousand then more fatalities it disputes the study's saying the responders could mistake muti is commonly found symptoms it is true that you can confused with other causes of fever however. except the use of
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see poor estimating childhood deaths from malaria in africa bit puzzled why they would think a method would work in one continent and. miles away in another most medical stuff and indeed hospitals the number of malaria deaths is far more than the w.h.o. figure as india faces this killer disease it's important for the government down the w way through the of the scale of the problem only then can they upgrade their disease control strategies and resources to fight malaria effectively in all its forms got in seeing r d you've done it. well let's see now what you're watching at the new book dot com we're reporting on russia's attempts to improve its human rights record there may be independent monitoring in the country now but it's not enough the russians human rights commissioner find out what else he has to say online. plus spicing up the cold winter nights with our cocktail king i'm a few classic concoctions of those which pack
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a punch to keep the chills out the details and tips are teen dot com. if you're splashing out four hundred million euros on a yacht you don't want to be kept waiting but the german shipbuilders behind this particular floating palace did have a particularly demanding client russian billionaire ramon optimal rich the eclipse is the sixth vessel in his fleet and is the largest most expensive private boat of the kind besides two helli pads twenty jet skis to swimming pools and hot tubs she also boasts a dance floor and a cinema now the decor might not be to everyone's taste all five decks are decorated with reptiles in and real fur it's also reported that the boat even has
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its own anti-missile shield and a mini submarine lifeboat. now while the rest of us are still feeling the pinch from the money meltdown so there's little sympathy for those with the fattest wallets later web talk show host laura harshness is in new york to hear whether it's time to make the wealthy dish out their dollars. there's no reason to give them a break they paid me let's turn to those in the used to under clinton and that was in tough times if you were one of the top one percent would you feel the same way apps yes i believe i would warren buffett does that he's at the top of the top so why do lot of people say it's a way of punishing them for their success because they listen to fox news what kind of car would be your dream car bloomberg you meet or. if you had a lamborghini how would you feel driving it past someone that's homeless pick them up and go for right.
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with the residents here in an hour's time in a few minutes from now r t explores the emerging ultra right wing religious movement in the u.s. before then i'll have a recap of the week's top stories and of course today's headlines stay with us. for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. . in india ulti is available in the movie the joint the poto.
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