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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2010 2:00pm-2:29pm EST

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latest news new week's top stories here on ulti what started with good intentions and nationalist commemorations in russia from football fans resulting in dozens being detained and others injured. exit polls in kosovo parliamentary election to form a coalition party head but there's a boycott by voters who say. the minorities. here say yes no divisions wrong it's up to. join me honestly based on just a few moments from now. also europeans frustration. rise and salaries
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draw money refusing to pay the politicians mistakes calling on countries to abandon . last double standards and dirty money american fire. of cutting off wiki leaks donations while continuing to accept funds for the races of the ku klux klan. this is art see my name is kevin owen a very good evening it's now ten pm here in moscow and first the football fans and . to the commemoration today into a bloody brawl with police rushes interior minister says the fault lies with nationalist groups for instigating violence as thousands gathered to mark the death of a spot moscow supporter and his country was in the center of the capital when the fighting broke out. i. anger mismanagement thousands of football
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fans took their aggression to the streets of the russian capital lismore filled riot transforming quiet central moscow as flares and bottles flew overhead riot police detained instigators of the clashes at what started out as a peaceful commemorative around ten years ago but i am. some people have reacted very violently the death of the spotlight was good and it was a book i do believe that some of the dissatisfaction is understand it was great but it is unacceptable when we have aggression with firecrackers that goes into flames and ordinary people who saw the police have already arrested those responsible for the matter of. and will arrest others everyone is equal before the law the fan in question was he just was shot dead last week during the last brawl notes of those gathered in the city's minute square simply wanted to pay their respects and demand a phone destination into the death of one of their own but take into account the fact that the suspect in this homicide is from the north caucasus and the story
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it's an ugly nationalist twist according to officials members of the country's various nationalist movements and not for profits instigated the violence. i. i knew but by the way it was the soul that radical protestors joins those spots at fantasy owner of the dead men and insides of mass protests and fighting the police must act tough but within the law and they did everything they had to use that dinner as the situation unfolding. the clashes didn't stop with just the capitol leader petersburg rally memory of cedar quickly turned into a fight between protesters and riot police with many injured and over fifty detained so is this nationalist violence for violence sake or is there a hidden agenda. i think the nationalist far right is working very hard to mobilize the book into
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a different nationalist and the new nazi groups are doing a lot of propaganda with a lot of success the fans who are very are not exactly blameless in selves just a few days ago spar tax supporters disrupted their team's match in slovakia a new way for top management is already considering serious punishment for the team . and that there should stand tell you no audience in the europa league and on thursday i think next day after the match head coach of sport that their carbon so that it's not accepted found to behave like that fans claim they want justice for a friend who had been killed but violence is not the answer saturday's clash is proof that both the story and the aggression are not really about football the instigators however it's all fair game tensions have been on the rise to death you've got to speed up even though they're rushing call doing nothing to the loft tempers police managed to restore order to the streets of the capital and st
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petersburg but many are still afraid this is the be end to the violence. catches are of a party last. kosovo is bracing for the results of first parliamentary elections since it broke away from serbia ninety three years ago voting close just over an hour ago with exit polls putting the former ruling coalition parties at all he's always had but is in the capital prishtina says polling day one largely without incident. well polls close in these historic elections and cost will be breathing a sigh of relief that for the most part the vote seeing a pall spike incident free that were force of a few very minor disturbances in the north and serbian enclaves of course this is still a region deeply divided along ethnic lines no to be between the majority albanian community here they make up some ninety percent of the population and the much smaller minority serbian community here the expectation is that some fifty percent
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of the electorate would have voted in today's elections but the votes majority of them will have been albanians serbs have been devised many want to vote to make a change but they don't necessarily want to engage in the cause of an electoral system they say they saw. in the high unemployment they're not free to travel around the territory they saw very poor a standard of living and of course there was the cool from belgrade to boycott these elections and some of the language the new used in previous elections of course ethnic divisions and the only problem facing cost of employment is a romp it's here some. twenty forty and fifty percent you call me here is one of europe's weakest but many say that institutional corruption is the biggest problem here and these are all if you could have been identified in the main policies a manifesto the expectation is that the largest party will take with george two
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votes here that is a prime minister democratic party of course the p.t.k. followed by its former coalition a posse the democratic league of course the. then there is. the third party is the alliance for the future of course of a the a a k. but all of those a major policies have referred to these problems here in the country within the framework of achieving what they perceive to be the ultimate goal of e.u. and. nato membership but as i mentioned many here consider corruption to be the biggest problem facing cost in recent polls showing the cost of the have a soft foods a real climb in the faith in public institutions here reaching from the judiciary to the parliament and they can do that this itself that was put forward for these elections would help says a number of key candidates from across the main policies a currently under investigation for
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a variety of crimes ranging from abuse of office to corruption and most worryingly of all the leads are all the. how to deny is currently in the hey few ways to reach trial for war crimes but what does all mean is that said this is allowed some new of policies to emerge on the scene to make some quite serious inroads in these elections most may simply. meaning self-determination and fed it meaning new spirit both these policies expected to take some votes today and i'm like the bigger traditional policies they've stayed away you from talk of nato and e.u. membership and having said prefer to focus on the bread and butter issues affecting people's everyday lives here. you're watching say broadcasting live twenty four seven from moscow thanks for being with us tonight very good to have you company course on news continues now on the way when war is out aside it's out of mind americans are struggling to keep up with their soldiers fighting we'll tell you why
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a very. british police have launched a major criminal investigation into thursday student protests which were the worst seen in the u.k. for over a decade. voted in favor of increasing the cost of first actually should allowing fees to rise threefold in england violence flared across the capital the british capital will go vandalize prince charles and. demonstrators over thirty people were arrested opposition labor m.p. jeremy corbyn says the fees hike will almost certainly put those less privileged backgrounds at a disadvantage. what we're seeing is the end of access to higher education for people of average and below average incomes it's going to be the preserve of the wealthier in the future the trend will be will have a less well educated less skilled less qualified population i see education as an investment for the future will be vested in young people investing in skills we're investing in the knowledge we're investing in our future that where's the economic
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growth of the future where the advantages of two more aware of the writers and the artists and musicians of tomorrow this is causing at the core society those that created this economic mess that we're all the ones who should pay for it to transaction tax a wealth tax a tax on the very wealthiest people in our society would help to close the gap there is no need to basically hit at the poorest people in our society in order to pay off this debt in quick march in time we need a more sensible all rational more humane approach to the holistic we're not getting that from the government in the that's why the students are in the streets that's why the salmon york of patients and crucially that's why so many others trade unions and people. work in the public sector and people are worried about their services are also joining the students in the demonstration force there of british opposition labor party m.p. jeremy cool but well further west island's minimum wage is being cut but so are the salaries of the country's leaders to try and soak up some of the anger over the
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latest set of deficit slashing measures people that are facing the harshest welfare reductions in the country's history banking system all but fell apart and collapse the pains not help people by saying bank is itching to secure massive bonuses once again which is why community and bank regulators and the post let me chime of this is that as the eurozone battles to stop the euro disintegrating itself a second series of tough playing tests and foundry will help ease the pressure he lead is a said to get back around the table to get a firmer grip on the continent wide debt crisis next week but richard boyd barrett from the people who for profit alliance told us that ordinary work is being made to pay for the mistakes of the rich and powerful europe clearly has a big part to play particularly in its you know pursues of neo liberal policies of deregulation of lowering taxes on wealth of privatization all of those have certainly contributed very serious these the current situation but it's important to stress that our own government our own rulers have been in very much into just
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a champions of those same policies and indeed many irish senior irish political figures have ended up in senior positions within the european union because they are of a mind body in pursuing these failed policies that have done so much damage to this country and to the european economy if the european commission and european central bank want to save the euro then they should pay for it on the bondholders and the speculators who caused the crisis they should pay to save the euro not for. poor people and working people who have no responsibility no hand our part in creating this crisis in the first place and frankly i don't care one way or another whether you're a survives but i care about as is that there's fairness for ordinary people that they aren't expected to suffer hardship and poverty as a result of the mistakes of politicians bankers and financial speculators. but a reasonable turn surely was a staged in performance from a kremlin crew. prime
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minister putin takes to the mike find out why a little bit later tonight. supporters of wiki leaks declared cyber war against companies they see as obstructing the anti secrecy website master card visa and pay pal all come under attack when they stop taking donations for wiki leaks and after the swiss bank account of its founder julian assange has frozen he's been arrested in britain and is currently waiting extradition to sweden where he's accused of sex crimes meanwhile as art he's going to count found out the firms that have cut off weiqi leaks appear happy though outspoken hate groups among their clients. the u.s. government has presented no charges against julian a song but that hasn't stopped government officials from reportedly putting pressure at the highest level to cut off weekly leaks money supply
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a senior executive of america's money transfer giant pay pal said the state department had written to the company claiming the online whistleblower was involved in illegal activities so people how long with massive card and be so are no longer accepting cash donations for the controversial web site the threat of this has some impact on national security and would you say that in the united states everybody. you know what's their patents and they do what they're told. and so i think that it's a misconception in some cases that people think that the us is purely a money driven society it's not the government has certain parag particularly over national security no court ruling no legal procedures were needed to crack down on the radio going ization later pay-pal backtracked on its statement it had acted upon a government's request mastercard and visa were most the face of on the subject but
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the general explanation they give for not accepting donation payments for we kill it says that the site quoting courage is promotes facilitates or instruct others to engage in illegal activity but on the other hand nine their master card more. problems processing donations for say nuku clark's clan a racist movement and his two nanny with a history of extreme violence with the goals of racial segregation and white supremacy and yet it takes seconds to make a donation to the klan a number of senators including the chairman of the homeland security committee joe lieberman were quick to pat those companies on the back for cutting off cash to weaken but americans crack down on the organization that appears to be fighting for transparency and freedom of speech leaves many asking what happens to american values of freedom of expression these are very difficult things for us to space as americans this is not what we believe in our country we believe it's
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a country that respects the marker on going to be shown that we're the opposition is not easy but us politicians do not shy away from flashing their democratic values when rooting for a chinese fighter for freedoms he won the nobel peace prize so there you see the governor of west over the so-called international community. is targeted for having released information. what what you should be doing and you have a case where the same people will be pushing for a candidate which is this isn't within the people's republic of china so they are playing double standards with that regard some even suggest why not give the price to julian of songe. freedom of speech will surely. be a rational explanation for giving it to wiki leaks others can't help asking if us
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officials are so down and we kill leaks why aren't they after the new york times in the same way or the british newspaper the guardian or germany's they're speaking it those are the we kill its partner papers one other incredible thing about the prosecution is that so many people are falsely reporting that wiki leaks has dumped two hundred fifty thousand documents that's not true at all they only were putting stuff up on their web page when you go to the new york times or der spiegel. or the guardian or a place where putting up. so what could possibly be the legal rationale for going after we can leaks and not going after the new york times there are a lot of unanswered questions about week one thing is on the surface the u.s. shows it can interpret democratic values however it wants depending on its games ganesh chicken or t. washington d.c. a poll of the american people shows that concern for their country's wars in iraq and afghanistan has hit
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a low when he was stumped when asked basic questions about the conflicts but maybe it's not entirely their fault as artie's lauren lyster explains next tonight some blame the us media for putting celebrity gossip above what's really important. an average day on the streets of the big apple an urban metropolis of lights cameras and action these stars and stripes preside over it all. they're the same one seen here that come marching somberly home from the us wars overseas though they seem a world away so too do the wars in afghanistan and iraq for the american people who know only this black president of. the order of it's the. confusion of ballons over who the us is fighting and where with no defense of the losses how many u.s. troops u.s. soldiers would you say have been killed in the war in afghanistan oh far too many obviously and it's and it's terrible and i i hope it can be resolved i hope that
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how many would you say. more than forty four hundred u.s. troops have been killed in iraq more than thirteen hundred in afghanistan. and along with lives those missions together have cost the american taxpayer a lot of cash i would say probably about twenty billion. the wars together have cost more than one trillion dollars and counting money spent since the u.s. invaded iraq back in two thousand and three and afghanistan when. one question because unlike the afghanistan. two years the u.s. has been there since two thousand and one nine years the responses we've gotten here in the heart of new york city's times square are that surprising when you look at a recent poll it down public concern with the wars is very low just seven percent of americans consider the wars in iraq and afghanistan to be the biggest problems
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facing the united states now why this is the case is up for debate but some point to the role of the u.s. mainstream media which focuses more attention on sin. seasonal news even entertainment headlines then on coverage of the war stories when it's hard to dramatize our successes and you know our heroic accomplishments you know people tend to look the other way it's something that's sort of more engrossing if you will perhaps a less important for the news this is a low and say in rehab has been cut short focuses more on something like this from a court ordered rehab coverage of the rehab stints of the young hollywood actress morning network shows they definitely like to focus on the fluff and in turn people searching to come up with answers to questions about the wars their country is fighting have no trouble answering this lindsey lowe an issue still in rehab. now i think she's out there she's going to be made we have known these are headlines they
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can recite even if they wish they couldn't who cares no we're more worried about the kids out there but for now the stork reality beneath these stars and stripes is lost in the urban chaos the frivolous media mayhem the need these ones a world removed and far away from the consequences of u.s. foreign policy on an average day any given day on the streets of the big apple store in lister r.t. new york. tensions remain high on the korean peninsula off to seoul washington and tokyo held negotiations excluding pyongyang earlier this week both japan and south korea have also carried a joint military drills with the u.s. in the area the exercise has prompted pyongyang to accuse soul of provocation bowing to turkey islands near the border with more fun to the military forces the situation remains fragile after the two neighbors exchanged fire late last month killed two south korean marines and two civilians american and he will come pain
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sort of flounders says the u.s. is deliberately working to push the peninsula over the edge. stuff only a provocation unintended provocation as are the. past military maneuvers both last july and again in november the united states government may really be orchestrating. a confrontation we should never forget the gulf of tonkin incident as it was called that led to the vietnam war the united states is no longer in the position it was sixty years ago when it was the great power in the region it is today an empire in serious decline and decay and attempting to do too military many aircraft carriers what it no longer has a productive capacity to do it really is an attempt to get out of the economic crisis globally with more military expenditures and more military confrontations and it's a great danger for the people of the whole globe but especially the people of the
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region to militants in the suspect who become players who've been killed by police in russia so the republic of doug a star one policeman was wounded you with a gun fight militants barricaded themselves in a house which was then taken by storm by special forces off negotiations failed authorities say one of those killed was the head of a local tethering it was on the most wanted list these bodies were taken hostage at least one major attack in two thousand and nine before policemen and seven civilians women killed according to crack down on militant groups in russia right now but the region all the time prosecutors have a number of terror attacks there has doubled this year. will news in brief for you . swedish police launched a terrorism to gauge interest saturday's twin bombings in stockholm the first attacks all blow the busy area that was packed with christmas shoppers although there only. one man was killed in the second blast he's thought to be explosives a warning given prior to the bombing to announce sweden's military presence in
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afghanistan and a swedish wolfers controversial hard to come. basis is six american troops have been killed by a suicide car bomber in southern afghanistan kandahar province insurgents targeted an army checkpoint in the zali district the alliance has been stepping up its fighting in the south of the country in recent weeks it's a particularly hostile region with taliban strongholds near the pakistani border. a suicide bomber blowing up his car outside government offices in the iraqi city of ramadi it's killed up to seventeen people many more were injured including children police reportedly found a second bomb in a nearby parking lot which was safely detonated it comes as the country's prime minister attempts to form a new cabinet to try the political impasse. of the reign of fierce winds a battering the middle east a woman who's been killed in lebanon after a tree fell in a car there's also been disruption in. the store has also caused the ship to sink israel's coast and egypt has closed its largest pool lashing rains ended weeks of
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on seems nearly warm and dry weather which is led to dozens of forest fire. you clicking on home page brian you look to it. tonight we're reporting on russia's attempts to improve its human rights record it may be independent of the country right now but it's not enough for russia's human rights commission what else he's got to say on the subject on our websites online tonight. and it's chilly outside as you'd expect a movie it doesn't by the way you're going to spice up a cold winter night. he's got a few classic concoctions the. punch keep the chills if you know the details and tears.
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politics for performance this last week it turns out that. here. despite the. statesmanship for the stage it is part of a charity. to help. the u.s. included hollywood. elite. here.
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this is a cable. june seventh incident of extrajudicial executions
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the military reported to the press that on that day to kill nine guerrillas and from that investigation by instructs you including you know. strongly suggest however that the nine were executed by the army and then dressed in military fatigues. explain how you know this kind of phenomenon where bodies are dressed up as guerrillas and presented as killed in action and this and this idea that you need to produce bodies actually encouraged paramilitary collaboration this is a cia document central intelligence agency they knew about these activities they knew they were happening they knew about links to paramilitary groups and yet usaid continued to flow.
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for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in india in the movie joint the hotel rooms. the gateway hotel.


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