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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2010 3:00am-3:30am EST

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in india they. joined people to. the gateway to the grand imperial troy to talk west coast coromandel you can tell. to go and. read this in the kennel was such a treat. talk therapy to scare teenagers off drugs a new russian ad campaign tends to horrifying images of substance abuse to battle the country's addiction problem. the company prime minister claims victory cost him his first parliamentary vote but corruption and ethnic strife heavily of a divided nation. was
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a. three decade call for justice american activists accuse the us of hypocrisy as washington demands the release of political prisoners a broad keeps its. costing live from moscow with all the news that matters this is. our top story now deformed unborn babies and children eating dirt these are just some of the shocking scenes being used in a controversial new drug push in russia the creators say it may seem extreme that's what it takes these days to fight the huge problem in the country may find some of the images and for national report disturbing. meet a happy mother full of them are she says masha i used to smoke marijuana when i was
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pregnant with her internet ad is part of a stomach churning antidrug compay in a fashion sashenka i was already on heroin then. surprisingly it's the least offensive episode of the series designed to shock some of them may leave a bad taste in your mouth quite literally like this one for instance. that's why we stop it here. it says it's keeping quiet about drug abuse among school kids is like keeping dirt in your mouth the disturb an advert has provoked a huge discussion on the web one just how far we can go in trying to keep youngsters away from drugs that was the word yes it causes a slight nausea impulse but that's what we need it will make those children who now think that it's bad to tell their parents and teachers about dealers in other words they do not report on dealers let them consider which is better with in their mouths or without food every year more than one hundred thousand people officially
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dying from overdose and drug related deaths and that doesn't include susana say countries only good news of a believes people would better opening the eyes to the scale of the problem rather than concern themselves of all the distant see of the adverts. who are there's another few million or contradictory in the sand should we just keep silent about everything well like a let's keep our mouths shut and just live on let twenty year olds die and millions and billions of dollars flood into drug dealers pockets while we just pretend that everything is perfect in our society. says behind the fact that the anti drug advert is getting more primitive is another shock in reality the targeting audience is getting younger and younger the average age when youngsters in russia first try drugs has jumped to thirteen years with the ethics every expectancy just twenty one the last the latter but with this is aimed at them so it has to be primitive in order to work do you think they don't know that drugs are bad when they just need
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to have it literally imprinted in their minds the shocking can pain is actually a government initiative a response to the country's need priority in fighting the drug problem. we've always been concentrated on finding drugs and withdrawing them this july we've adopted a new state drug strategy now we need to focus on decreasing demand rather than trying to cope with the consequences. with the government's recent refocus on preventive measures we can expect more and more projects like this one aimed at literally disgusting the idea of drugs out of youngsters minds and yes it may be unpleasant looking but so are the statistics of drug abuse in the country and if there is a chance no matter how small that this can stop some from stepping onto the slippery slope its creators say it's worth the outright causing refinish not see more scope kosovo's prime minister is claiming he's won the nation's first parliamentary
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election since it declared unions actual independence from serbia three years ago but with unprecedented poverty corruption and ethnic divisions government will need to answer the calls from the public for change. reports many believe the candidates to represent the same problems. the dawning of a new uniform idea. that's the message plastered across the million faces on pleased is all across the capital purging people to take parsing pre-suppose first general election since declaring independence in two thousand and eight votes is at this polling station in central pristina decided to brace the cold temperatures to come. they told us that they want to see a change for starts here in kosovo and that is the only going every day problems of unemployment and living standards that they care about. the economic situation here
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is bad so we're waiting for better days but we don't expect miracles. i believe things will get better now but for me the biggest problem is corruption these snap elections which are get done and then this parliament voted no confidence bought someday so with the same key players prime minister has been touching his democratic policy of kosovo where the p.t.k. and the democratic league of kosovo takes center stage the poll is seen as key in demonstrating kosovo's political maturity. these historic elections are totally free and fair we know that they're the first real test of our new democracy but the historic vote was tainted by accusations of corruption and abuse of office several candidates from across the major parties currently under investigation for a range of offenses it is a big problem. crime to have a lot of cases that ministers of this government.
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investigation because of corruption when i scribe. it is a thing that we face during this three years or two years it was a big big problem during this time so we want to change that we have to change that . we cannot go or continue with this mentality with this logic there are the new initiatives who would eventually help improve the political system but as for the political parties who were part of sr and especially those who were in power until now. the truth because for all these years it was when cuny over politics whatever they. may not be practical around us them as substantial because this is
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a region still deeply devolving did along ethnic lines belgrade refuses to acknowledge pristine is unilateral declaration of independence and cool down its minority community in the day to boycott the day polls seem at least we know that all the candidate lists and people who have at some point so it'd been involved in crime these people need to stay out of politics in the interests of serbs both here and in kosovo and as for corruption yes kosovo is still a lot i despise elysees repeated requests that p.t.k. did not grant need to be but once again they look likely to be tasked with forming a coalition government and more challenging they are for storing the trust of positives in policy. allison bits asci their. political expert on a. village which says a cost of us ethnic serbs are being treated as second class citizens. you have to
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bear in mind that about two thirds of the serbs who used to living costs of or prior to nature's bomb being themselves in their some eleven years ago are no longer in kosovo and they have been effectively ethnically cleansed and no provision whatsoever has been made for them to participate either in these or any previous elections and this is of course a major problem for the remaining. population in kosovo because participation in the electoral process can be easily interpreted as an agreement to the conditions that are prevailing in in kosovo you know the words legitimizing that process with which the very unhappy with the serbs in a very difficult position and they're certainly not integrated in the overall cost of the process. coming up later in the program in bed with the enemy a rift between. political top brass cia officials we'll
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deal with an afghan drug lord. soon which brightened if you move soon from friends to pressure these. stunts on t.v. don't come. wealthy british style. is not on. the . market why not.
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come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines cons a report. president dmitri medvedev has vowed to do with all those behind the bonnets that rocked the center of moscow two days ago he posted a strong warning in his twitter blog also saying that the situation the capital as well as the whole country is under control on saturday thousands gathered in the central square tomorrow. there's nothing to the nice roll call for a group of men from russia's most caucuses the peaceful gathering turned into a bloody battle of police there's an awful. mess. that's what instigate nationalist groups. with america pushing for
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human rights the world over and they say should sort out its own backyard first the u.s. currently holds more than two million people in jail with hundreds of political prisoners among them is. he's been on death row for almost three decades convicted of a crime many say he didn't commit to. be a beacon of justice or system flourishing with fraud and flaws. illegitimate this is prisoner mia abu jamal. seen as a political prisoner all over the world an honorary citizen in over twenty cities with the street named after him in france on death row in the u.s. for almost thirty years the event that changed the life. forever took place at this intersection in philadelphia almost three decades ago back in one nine hundred eighty one when
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a police officer was shot and killed me and himself was wounded and had to spend the night at a hospital a prostitute and the cab driver testified against him hundreds of thousands of supporters including mumia himself maintain his innocence to this day. to me i was charged with first degree murder in a case many see was fabricated and fraught with racism the process of the other witnesses the ever so far there have been with the cab driver when you look at the police crime scene photos you don't see his cabin where they removed tampering he should get a new trial dragging on for years money a struggle for freedom has been shedding light on flaws of the u.s. justice system fifteen of the police officers involved in collecting evidence in munoz trial were later charged with corruption and tampering with evidence to obtain a conviction fifteen. of the thirty three a former journalist and black panther organizer as work is translated into several
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languages and distributed all over the world his analysis is a revolutionary analysis that this system is rotten to its core that it's racist class is sexist evil and that is the head the leader of an imperialist. domination of the world do they want him to people to hear that. meanwhile the us government denies holding political prisoners. like. countless human rights activists from all over the planet have dubbed the voice of the voiceless i told her do that we release him from that no he's an innocent man he's trying. to joke with like a certain man he didn't try to me doesn't work monitored by the f.b.i. since he was fourteen years old to some he has become one of many fallen victim to a police state it's not a question of whether or not he's on the death penalty it's not even a question of guilt or innocence it's a question. that the united states is apparatuses of the f.b.i.
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and other state federal local agencies targeting surveilling attacking a political activist. movement people into targeting them for their political work in washington is a journalist closely watching the case since money has trials kicked off in the eighty's in his case in body so much of what's wrong with the course and that's why people have gravitated to this case and made it a symbol for their outrage of the. economy between what america says it is a country founded on justice and one that perpetuates injustice and in this case extraordinarily over a thirty year period already having gone through countless appeals the case is still expected to drag on for years right that is so tragic here after almost thirty years we're not talking. about a new trial we're not talking about all the evidence that has come forth the racism
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the racism of judge suitable the original drudge all of the many things that should have read a long long time ago the us is a record holding country of jails overflowing with prisoners including thousands on death row who are overwhelmingly african-american today there are over two million prisoners in the united states that's the size of san francisco you know you represent colonial power. with words and while those in power continue to keep their eyes shut to the flaws the system is bound to remain the scene with the rest of the world watching and. philadelphia. e.u. leaders are set to agree on a man meant to this been treated this week which would create a permanent bailout fund for the eurozone if accepted greatly and. fifty billion euros temporary fund path to shore up a single currency after arvind was forced to accept a survival package well later people have learned his crosstalk guests discuss
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whether the union itself is worth saving. it was we would not create a european state by accepting the lisbon treaty we now see that through the back door they are trying to make this this european project which is an economic project not a monetary project into a european state that's not only wrong. if i can project it's very early so i think if you see you so you're standing on is that it was a mistake joining some of you i don't know what exactly we're all supposed to say that you told my fiscal issues and taxation is a domestic issue which you have to remember you have to have a consensus on that if you. knew you were doing a you has a suit on taxation. to release countries to have higher corporation tax it controls it all into. taxation in close and increasing amount of peaceniks taxation so to all of you that taxation is so i would be. a bastard in second season is it's not.
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yes you can tune into the heated debate team crosstalk that seem just fifteen minutes time here on out. top afghan drug lord who's been in the u.s. prison since two thousand and eight was an informant for the cia and the drug enforcement administration is current and former u.s. officials told the new york times that. it was on the payroll to provide data on the time about other drug traffickers he's been to contributor says that washington's working against its own military forces. a couple of courageous operatives from a in a decided to step forward and to tell their story about why the u.s. policy and strategy in afghanistan is going nowhere and defect has already
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failed after the nine years of u.s. military occupation in afghanistan according to their insider's story the main challenge for the u.s. policy in afghanistan has nothing to do we have terrorism taliban or the generic insurgency because of the cia in d a has formed unsavory alliance with the ever given drug kingpins a very cunning ducting their role in operation against the us military in afghanistan that is probably the most significant revelations that has ever been disclosed by the current and former operatives from drug enforcement administration and central intelligence agency that is about their nefarious cooperation with the top drug lords led by high. both cia and da payroll since two thousand and one it would be
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a us commander in afghanistan general petraeus is sincere to get the job done and to crave to be an opportunity for the transition security responsibility from the united states nato to afghan forces he would better conduct counterinsurgency against the lions between the cia director we undermine his best efforts from vivian from outside. keep up to date on our website with the latest news blogs analysis and much more has just what's just a click away at. the way to the web war against the companies that cut off wiki leaks the anonymous group of these last. months to may say. cutting off the whistleblower. and russian billionaire a move it splashes out on the new luxury yacht shipbuilders where again one thousand setting sail the four hundred million vessel as they needed to cater for
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his exacting requirements it's got what they were called. the u.s. senate will ratify the new nuclear arms control deal with russia before wrapping up for christmas according to a senior advisor to the american president david axelrod claims there's enough support on capitol hill for the crucial start agreement to be passed as didn't become inventive sign the treaty would you see the two countries atomic also bought in april however u.s. republican senators who made significant gains in the recent meet times have been far from favorable in giving their support to the pact president obama has called ratification his top foreign policy priority when a new congress convenes next year democrats will see the current majority in the senate shrink making it tough. so for them to pass the deal. it's time for that now at some other international stories in brief for you this.
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police in the u.k. have searched the property in connection with saturday's twin blasts in stockholm reports suggest the bomber was an iraqi born swede and i live just outside london so coma's called the attack which killed one person and two others tried the swedish news agency says it received before the bomb it confirmed as a suicide attack this would be the first on swedish song. at least five sailors have died after a south korean fishing boat sank in the antarctic seventeen others are still missing and twenty have been rescued the vessel is carrying an international crew new zealand and south korean boats are searching for survivors in the freezing waters. in the u.s. state of minnesota a powerful blizzard has left at least two people dead major roads in several states in the midwest to put was turned over a thousand flights of intense with heavy snow also forced the roof of
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a sports stadium to collapse visit warnings have also been issued for surrounding states. italian prime minister silvio berlusconi is expected to give a final speech to both houses of parliament them to a little confidence for a tough scoundrel field yet. of bribery of politics of underage girls is ations of commission rules. any of the actions if he loses critics say his position is italian the that is untenable to dozens of members of his own party. but a quick look ahead now at some other programs harrod r.t.r. debate show cross talk with people a bell is on its way in ten minutes todd. is here with a business update. have
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a welcome to business all prices rose by ninety one point two dollars at the opening of the needing european commodity markets that's reaction opec saturday decision to leave a concordance of oil production unchanged heating produces saudi arabia favored a seventy to eighty dollars range per barrel opec members believe supplies in storage and fragile global comic recovery will prevent crude from rising further. stocks in asia higher on monday lifted by commodity shares japan's nikkei stock average is up forty eight percent so is hong kong's resource and stocks are performing with b.h.p. rio tinto and forest in between and one point eight percent despite concern about rising inflationary pressures. at rush markets open higher on monday the
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artist gaining less than half a percent at the opening demise it's trading point seven percent higher all the blue chips are in the black with energy majors needing be gains on high oil prices oil is up point seven percent on the r.t.s. . is a top gain on the mise x. with a chance up point eight percent. but analysts say in general russian markets are getting called a lot while waiting for the upcoming winter holidays. there's going to be less and less turnover the less and less news flow i think the key event this week we're expecting. news flow from the russian depository receipts they announced a week or two ago that they were going to be trying to push those up by the end of the year their target is this week we'll see if that happens because if that is a successful listing we can expect other companies or dolls out offshore such as you have x five and possibly seek listings as well in the first quarter of next
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year and russia central bank says it may increase interest rates in the first quarter economic experts say a climb in the base rate is inevitable as focus shifts to fighting wising prices. since we care for inflation very different it's interesting though the central bank it's likely from a very kind of a perspective to increase in the level of eight point five percent for being sent in for the truly interest rates on the banks to commercial sector. and you conclude. from the difference to be from section. of the level of central bank interest rates. high speed trains will connect russia st petersburg and finland's capital helsinki a project that cost more than two point six billion dollars include reconstruction of part of the rail track about two thirds of the sum came from russian railways
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and the rest was given by an investment fund and i leg road train completed its first trip on sunday with the russian prime minister vladimir putin and finnish president teddy hull and then on board high speed trains are also expected to connect russia's cities of samoa and of young lives with moscow for the transportation of football fans to the world cup two thousand and eighteen so for now i'll be back in less than one hour jonathan.
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