tv [untitled] December 13, 2010 8:00am-8:30am EST
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way to stem the country's plague of narcotics. and attempts to draw pyongyang away from the brink of conflict are underway as russia's foreign minister holds talks with the north korean counterpart in moscow. welcome to the program live from our headquarters here in central moscow here with r t a many so now way first up this hour president medvedev is promising that the organizers of the nationalist riots in moscow at the weekend will be prosecuted a rally commemorating a football fan who was killed turned violent right outside the kremlin walls on saturday. you know when you're sober do musketeer the recent events in moscow of the disorder attacks on people should be classified as crimes and the people behind
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them punished especially dangerous where the actions aimed at fueling hatred and hostility based on racial national or religious differences such actions are a threat to the state stability to counteract such actions police can and must use means allowed by the law and i stress any legal necessary and sufficient means there shouldn't be any chaos on the streets or in public places. but medvedev also posted a strong warning on twitter saying the situation in the capital in the rest of the country is under control two days ago thousands gathered in a central square to mark the death of a bus and footpath and he was killed during a mass brawl involving a group of men from brussels the north caucuses four people have since been arrested this weekend's peaceful commemoration of the dead men turned into a vicious battle with bottles being thrown and police flares fired let's talk now to political analyst dmitri bobbish from ria novosti news thanks for being with us
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now the russian president says helped bring the perpetrators of the riots to justice how likely do you think this is well since there were hundreds of thousands of people and soon some of the. facts were committed in the subway and broadly were never recorded i don't think all of the perpetrator of course you would have the world to justice but this isn't the first time football hooligans have caused chaos in downtown moscow how investigations like this in the past happen has anyone been sentenced to any kind of. has served any kind of criminal sentence because of this kind of hooliganism in two thousand and two the last large brawl in the central mosque or so probably everyone just forgot cause of that and russell lost to japan to japan i remember two thousand. and several cars were crashed you know on the windows broken. and some of the people who took part in these
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crimes were brought to justice but somehow since no one was killed and basically very few people injured the public lost interest in that investigation pretty soon so even if these people got some sentences they were not made very public and they were probably minus i guess now one of was a mass gathering of this sort i mean there was a possibility that this was going to turn violent we had riot police there why was that allowed to happen so close to the kremlin well probably because there are very few ways to control scrolls or visibly the meeting was organized on the internet and thousands of fans suddenly showed up or visit the police was in the first in the beginning in the first hours or of the of the confrontation police defriended with their own police expected to find some kind of healthy force of some one that that's my impression and i think it was
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a mistake because they're on the health of force and on the roads now authorities are saying that this was instigated the violence was instigated by nationalist groups how big of a problem are these kind of ethnic tensions that could lead to not too many people were injured not too many people detained but it could have gotten really out of control so how big of a problem do you think that it was racism and nationalist groups well i think it's common knowledge. exists in russia. and nationalist groups have been pretty active in the ninety s. now i would see that there are not because the government has arrested some of the leaders like for example mr barker for and others but all business this time with close to my mind a real mismanagement on the part of the police. because it was very well known that mr daunt and if you are the nationalist the this would try to profit from this meeting they didn't make
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a secret out of it but police probably haul their body negotiating with the leaders of the fans fake and somehow avoid violence i think it was a mistake how widespread is football hooliganism in russia well it's not. it's not nor widespread then in most of the european countries and obviously it's not a very very recent phenomena even in soviet times you know stadiums were the only outlets i would say the only legal outlets for these sort of you know all manly behavior you know when you don't you must behave a leader and you sure you're sol being a man and not some kind of a weakling so these sort of things has existed for a long time in the early ninety's as if somehow all those died of old family tree turned people would need to reach and more people started coming to the stadiums and in the last few years just try to stem the violence they tried to leave it
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there but obviously now the nationalist groups have understood that they would use full france as a sort of cannon fodder for their own actions and russia has a world cup coming its way given its eight years away but will violence be able to be stamped out by twenty eighteen which the. eight years will solve the problem and i think these time the thing got out of control mostly because the police was to the knee and the government just didn't understand how important it was i think it's a good lesson and i hope the government will learn from it. right to evolve it's from no overseas news agency thank you very much for your input. now shock tactics that eliminating drug and alcohol abuse have divided opinion across russia videos of deformed fetuses and children eating feces are just a small part of
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a controversial online campaign but authorities have to fended the ads saying the only that only harsh reality will discourage youngsters and kick some sense into attics you may find some of the images in re of the notion of a report disturb me. a happy motto for. masha i used to smoke marijuana when i was pregnant with the internet ad as part of a stomach churning anti drug compay an assertion sashenka i was already on heroin then. surprisingly it's the least offensive of the series designed to shock some of them may leave a bad taste in your mouth quite literally like this one for instance. that's why we stop it here. it says that keeping quiet about drug abuse among school kids is like keeping dirt in your mouth the disturbance adverse has provoked a huge discussion on the web one just how far we can go in trying to keep
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youngsters away from drugs that was the word yes it causes a slight nausea impulse but that's what we need it will make those children who now think that it's bad to tell their parents and teachers about dealers in other words they do not report on dealers let them consider which is better with in their mouths or without food every year more than one hundred thousand people officially dying from overdose and drug related deaths and that doesn't see you size say countries have a believes people would better opening the scale of the problem rather than concern themselves about the distance see of the adverts. or there's nothing else humiliating or contradictory in the sand should we just keep silent about everything why ok let's keep our mouths shut and just live on let twenty year olds die and millions and billions of dollars flowing into drug dealers pockets while we just pretend that everything is perfect in our society. as behind the fact that the
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anti drug advert is getting more primitive is another shocking reality the targeting audience is getting younger and younger the average age when youngsters in russia first try drugs has dropped to thirteen years with the ethics of her age life expectancy just twenty one. but all of this is aimed at them so it has to be primitive in order to work do you think they don't know that drugs are bad but they just need to have it literally imprinted in their minds the shocking can pain is actually a government initiative a response to the country's need priority in fighting the drug problem. we've always been concentrated on finding drugs and withdrawing them this july we've adopted a new state drug strategy now we need. the focus on decreasing demand rather than trying to cope with the consequences. with the government's recent refocus on preventive measures we can expect more and more projects like this one aimed at
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literally disgusting the idea of drugs out of youngsters minds and yes it may be unpleasant looking but so are the statistics of drug abuse in the country and if there is a chance no matter how small that this can stop some from stepping onto this clip or a slope its creators say it's worth the arthritis causing. written ocean r.t. more scope. back to our top story the moscow riots on saturday an authority as reactions to it our correspondent covering us are both of mine square in moscow when the violence broke out she joins us exactly from there right now because you of course were there take us through the events and how it all descended into violence in moscow over the weekend. and he says this is the heart of the russian capital but as square is just a few steps away from the kremlin and of course at this time of year it's all very festive the decorated their big christmas trees christmas lights all kind of
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festivities and it's hard to imagine that this calm location central location was the scene of such extreme violence just a few days ago of course that's exactly what happened here when thousands of football fans gathered for a commemorative rally to mark the death of one of their own a football fan name you got a seed of who was killed last week in a mass brawl in the north part of the capital and of course the commemorative rally was scheduled to be a peaceful event despite the fact that it was unsanctioned most of the fans did say that they simply wanted to commemorate the death of a friend of theirs and demand that the authorities conduct a full and thorough investigation into his the death of course that is not exactly how the rally went down a few minutes after it began some people started throwing bottles bits of ice destroying christmas trees that are set up around the square throwing decorations and bits of the tree itself into riot police there were
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a lot of scuffs scuffles we saw many people get hurt many of course were being protected by the police because they were of different ethnicities and that is what authorities believe actually caused the conflict in the first place it wasn't the football fan that started the violence but various members of the various nationalist organizations infiltrated the rally here at nine years where and started provoking the crowds. making sure that they enter into confrontation with the riot police and we know that a lot of people dozens of people were injured during the course of the few hours that the rally actually went on over sixty people were detained by police and driven off to various police stations across the city to be detained and charged with moving isn't what the rally turned violent and literally just a matter of moments with the various parties setting up here and there people throwing flares at riot police even after the crowds were dispersed and they left
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using the moscow metro there was an intensified police presence in the underground because a lot of the fans were of course leaving the city center via the metro and we know that several people actually fought with riot police in the underground a lot of people were actually injured there as well so even when the rally was over above ground underground tensions still ran high the police did say that they managed to calm the rally pretty quickly and efficiently despite the fact that some people were forced injured many were detained for most of it the people that came here did not want violence but it did seem that with the instigators here set on making sure the crowd turned aggressive it was unavoidable and also we heard from president medvedev saying police must use all legal means to prevent racial violence what exactly can we expect from authorities know what kind of measures could receive following these riots. the news that we know that many people were detained following the clashes between protesters and riot police both here in
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moscow and in st petersburg were clashes also took place we know that over sixty people were detained here in moscow around sixty also in c. petersburg some of them have already been released but some are being charged with aggravated assault or instigating. aggression or nationalist propaganda we do know that according to the authorities there. will hold and press charges against any of those who they believe were behind starting this aggression we also know that the police as attempting to take a very responsible approach to what had happened in my new square over the weekend and not only charge and bring to justice those guilty of starting the violence but also help those who were injured somehow in the clashes we know that a colleague of ours a photographer was injured his collarbone was broken in two places and it is on at the moment unclear whether this was the fault of the rioters or riot police but we
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do know that the ministry of internal affairs has already said that it will cover some of the charges for his surgery so they're definitely attempting to do everything they can to resolve the matter in the legal way to bring those responsible to justice and to take responsibility for any mishaps on their part right petron azar of uk live from moscow thanks for that. now the crisis on the korean peninsula and pyongyang's disputed nuclear program were at the heart of the talks between russia and north korean foreign ministers named might behind closed doors here in moscow during what is a tense time in the region with more war games from the south and after the north's fatal shelling of its neighbors islands europe is going off has been trying to find out more about the high level meeting. we do know that pyongyang's nuclear program is the most important issue being discussed north korea walked out of the six party talks last year which also include the united states south korea china japan and
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russia pyongyang also expelled international nuclear monitors from the country and continued with the nuclear tests calling causing off a huge wave of condemnation across the world this really worries russia since its borders are right there next to borders in north korea and the peninsula is a neighboring region for russia and the the recent rise of tensions in on the peninsula is making the situation even worse and so last month north korea launched an attack on the one of south korea's island shelling it four people were killed at least eighteen others were injured pyongyang said that in fact south korea attacked of northern territory's before that and this was a reply by using force so this just shows how unstable the region still is the fact that south korea is increasing cooperation with the united states constantly
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holding various military drills in the region in fact even after north korea's attack on that island south korea and the united states held a new set of military exercises south korea's has also recently held the new mall and which is calling for even closer ties with washington and this is definitely an intimidating factor for north korea and such close ties with the united states at this point but at this moment may make the attentions even higher so the two foreign ministers definitely have a lot to talk about here in moscow. the director of korean studies at the russian academy of sciences believes that talks stalled between the two koreas because of washington and seoul's counterproductive demands. down here on of these roads were a critical towards the six party talks has now agreed to take part in this talks and now it's the south korean united states who don't want to return to the
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talks they say they want to talk to north korea before it does this place the conditions it is counterproductive for doesn't solve anything i think that. russia along with china should. press its partner in the united states and the south korea to get back to the talks. there give tell ryan there he's the director of korean studies at the russian academy of science. because of his prime minister has declared victory in the first part of the military elections since the self-proclaimed nation split from serbia if this all results are yet to be announced the new government will face a number of challenges including a weak economy extremely high unemployment and that makes corruption because of all remains deeply divided along ethnic lines and most of its ethnic serbs what part of the poll serbia refuses to recognize kosovo's independence and political expert on
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the balkans mission governor leavitt says thirteen kosovo have been at nikolay clones and those remaining continued to be treated as second class citizens. you have to bear in mind that about two thirds of. who used to living costs or to need to bomb being themselves in some eleven years ago are no longer in kosovo but they have been effectively ethnically cleansed and no provision whatsoever has been made for them to participate either in these or any previous elections this is of course a major problem for the remaining. population in kosovo because participation in the electoral process can be easily interpreted as an agreement to the conditions that are prevailing in kosovo you know the words legitimizing that process with which they are very unhappy with in a very difficult position and they're certainly not integrated in the overall
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course of the process. we should cover deal of issues the balkans a political expert and his thoughts on kosovo's recent parliamentary election. students in london are planning more on ras this time to fight government plans to scrap an education maintenance scheme it comes just days after m.p.'s voted in favor of travelling the cost of university tuition in england sparking violent protests across the capital police have launched a major investigation into the riots after government property was vandalized and several people were injured the head of the u.k.'s e.u. referendum campaign says the civil disobedience will ask a late as the consequences of the spending cuts emerge. are surely think the euro is crashing and burning our belief will go spain will go there's a disconnect between the political elite not just in the united kingdom but right across europe and the ordinary man and woman in the street and i think ordinary men and women have had enough they're the ones losing their houses they're the ones
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losing their jobs through no fault of their own i hope the protests escalate. i think they rule because what's going to happen is christmas so traditionally british people are going to still celebrate christmas they're still going to bother children christmas presents a thirty first fabulous form on the door. for the credit card people will be beginning to lose their jobs people have been living the proof for this on their credit cards to pay their mortgages they're going to start defaulting that's when the real protests are going to stop and. you can catch that interview in full here on r.t. in just under ten minutes time let's take a look now at some international news in greece for you this hour police in france have a raft sword wielding seventeen year old who took a group of children hostage at a nursery in eastern france all the pupils and teachers involved were released without harm many of those held elective always police negotiated with a teenager over the phone the rest were freed after authorities and. local media
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have described the hostage taker as mentally unstable. a roadside bomb exploded near a school. boston the northwestern pakistani city of peshawar killing the driver and injuring a number of children the device was planted in a bin and went off in a busy area of the city militants in the northwest have frequently attacked schools especially those for girls but usually when children are not at the scene. an iraqi born swede who also lived in britain is named by police as the man who blew himself up as he tried to set off a bomb in stockholm the swedish prosecutor says the twenty eight year old time more . had explosives strapped to his body and in a backpack there was also the registered owner of the car that exploded in stockholm shortly before the suicide blast it's confirmed it would be the first case of a suicide attack in sweden. the next i use rockets that for the international space
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station have been raised into its position ready for blastoff on wednesday will take a crew of three who not only have science work to do but will also deliver some seasonal gifts to those currently in orbit peter all reports from the launch site in kazakhstan. the rocket itself arrives in baikonur in three different parts and the process of putting it together is incredibly intricate every screw every pulse has to be checked and then rechecked to make sure that it's correct those putting putting in the work on the ground to make sure that's all good and safe know that they have in their hands the safety of those going up into space preparations take a long time it can take from five days to two weeks to unload all the separate parts of the rocket and assemble them after the rocket is assembled it has to undergo a series of tests every team looks through some part of the rocket the engine the electronics now so used him a rocket widely regarded as the best way the most safe way and the most reliable
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way of getting people into space and plenty of people coming gathering here most some of them former astronauts former cosmonauts coming to see the rocket being loaded into place and they still get that old tangle of knowing what it was like of launching from a republican or it's so it's fun to to see a vehicle getting ready to launch whether it be a shuttle or a soyuz and it does take you back to them the opportunity that i had which was to be able to actually step onto it and it's amazing experience now the three month crew they'll be going up in soyuz t.m.a. twenty consist of cosmonaut to me to become their active and astronauts pollen s polly and caroline coleman for me to become their activities the commander of the mission it's his first time in space and he'll be carrying out two spacewalks while he's out there to be removing one of the experiments that's on the whole of the i assess it also attaching another two to collect information from up in space to give us more knowledge about what goes on in the cosmos peter all of
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a bike you know. so a european reform campaigner explains why the e.u. safety net is fowling to catch countries as they fall but first we'll check in with the business daniel joins us now. to business oh prices have soared after saturday's opec decision to leave production quotas unchanged brant crude is trading one point six percent higher at ninety one dollars ninety one cents the market is also being supported by the cold start to the winter in the northern hemisphere and renewed optimism over a global economic recovery. some market watchers believe the strengthening trend will continue through next year goldman sachs predicts the oil price will average one hundred dollars a barrel next year and drives further in twenty twelve but the pair of president of russian energy john you quote believe that too optimistic. i think that the current
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price is already fair and comfortable for those producers and consumers our analysts agree with opec experts that the only price next year will be at around the same level. that is eighty or ninety dollars our company is looking forward to these price. tags check out the markets now they're up here in russia on the back of that strong price the r.t.s. is gaining over a percent while the my six is trading point eight of a percent higher the energy sector is doing particularly well with the likes of rules and after gazprom and hydro all up strongly most per bag is the top gainer over two percent of main courses that's off to a source of russia's biggest lender said profits this year could top two hundred billion rubles considerably more official forecast. to europe where stocks have kicked off the week in the minors all driving that as metals prices growth xstrata put over one percent time cuz i missed more than three percent in london.
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russia central bank says it may raise interest rates in the first quarter of next year economists believe a tighter monetary policy is inevitable as the focus shifts to fighting rising prices. since with inflation higher than refinancing interest rate or the central bank it's likely from my current kind of a prospective to increase their level of eight point five percent putting stuff in for the actual interest rates of the banks to come national circuit. and it includes some. respects. from the french to be lifted from section course at the level of central bank interest rates. that's all the business news for they sell.
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