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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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says that countries are better off leaving the union before it collapses. today i'm talking to john gaunt british media personality and head of the referendum campaign he's demanding that the british people should be allowed to vote on whether they want to remain members of the european union john conte thanks very much for talking to r.t. now first of all tell me a bit about the e.u. referendum campaign is this is purely about getting our democratic right to have a vote because three leaders of promises that it was a labor party manifesto commitment by tony blair then gordon brown of course and then david cameron famously in oppositions gave a cast iron guarantee that he would have a referendum on the subject so once i realized it was vance i thought yeah hold on this is wrong and i do believe we've been denied our democratic right so that's why i'm involved in the you referendum company it would be costly to implementing
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a referendum on being in e.u. i mean the u.k. is already a member of the european union isn't it better just to let sleeping dogs lie yes he would be costly but it's costly to be in it it's costing the british taxpayer forty eight million pound a day to be in the e.u. we've just given the island another seven billion pounds of our money saw another four hundred fifty million pounds in the budget increase it's going to be even more than that so it's costly already and anyway i'm not saying vote to get out what i'm saying is let's have the discussion you know on the b.b.c. and on programs where there is you know the pros and cons of europe so that the british public can decide whether they want to be in the and i must stress i'm not and certainly this campaign isn't until european it's it is just saying be a let's have a vote let's have a democrat who are and i think democracy no matter what it costs it's a price worth paying but you say you're not telling people how to vote but surely the very fact that you want
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a referendum suggests that you're not happy with the status quo and therefore want out more or clearly clearly the reason why. want a referendum is because we want the british public to decide and i would i of course i personally will probably end up voting to come out but what i want more than that i don't want to have the big grown up debate about it i want the b.b.c. to fulfil its role to have both sides the argument properly discussed rather than just peddle as they have done for so many years the pro e.u. line we need to have an honest grown up debate who knows i might change i may change my views i may begin to think the forty eight million pound a day would give you is good value assume one but i'm quite willing to find out i just believe in democracy i'm a democrat and i believe you know i ask you straight forward question i'll ask anybody watching this program give me three good reasons why we shouldn't have a referendum now people could give me three good reasons why we should stay in the e.u. all three good reasons why we could should leave but i don't think people can come
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up with three good reasons why we shouldn't have a democratic vote on it well i'll give you one constitutional recent the lisbon treaty you said that successive leaders have promised a referendum of course that's true but since the implementation of that has been treated that's become rather moot point hasn't it do you think we missed the boat on a referendum no i don't i think gordon brown had absolutely no right to sign the lisbon treaty stroke constitution it was the same thing at the manifesto commitment by labels to have a referendum on that they played with words david cameron played with words once he got into power he said oh no we cannot win now because it's pretty rotten for he could say he could have said yes we can't just what nick clegg wanted one of the straight in or out so no this is why our campaign is so simple laura it's a straight show we stay well shall we go down the clash the older punk rock song group used to sing that's where we keep an eye on that so the man in the street can understand it we don't want to get carried away with this treaty that
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constitutional that discussion let's center on the basic facts. should we be in this club or not you know with the e.u. so the euro crashing and burning at the moment there's never been a chime persons first to have the discussion arlen's in a lot of trouble at the moment in the e.u. and the i.m.f. have stepped tend to bail them out so early on and would be in a lot more trouble if they didn't have that kind of backup so isn't the e.u. a force for good but let's not forget of course to referendum they were forced to vote again because they got the decision was the political elite know personally and i think we should be bailing out ireland i mean that's my own personal view i thought it is ironic i was watching the budget this week an island their stamp duty up to a million euros and one percent losses at four percent to seven hundred fifty thousand by their child benefit is crazy the amount they pay out in child benefit their corporation tax they keep it at twelve and a half percent no wonder countries
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a reader companies are relocated from germany from portugal from spain from the united kingdom to ireland well how can you have monetary union if you haven't got every other form of union and political union in place the answer is you can't how can you tie the economy of greece to the economy of germany it's just ludicrous the holding is a nonsense and the worst thing is we need the british people have never been given the chance to vote on it so i think ireland actually makes focus our minds even more on whether we want to be in this club and it's ironic that we're not even in the euro zone and we have george osborne of course playing on the seven billion pounds now of course that's to protect banks like the robot in scotland but we've already bailed out the royal bank of scotland wants the british taxpayer and i'm no great union supporter normally but i actually agree with people on bob crow at the moment use in charge of the. union the trade drug trade drives the train workers union when he says it's not his members who got us into this mess it's the bankers
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and the politicians are the larger issue but it's his members who are paying for it just like the. students who are protesting it's them who ended up having to pay for it the ordinary taxpayer and we've already bailed out r.b.s. once annoyed by now we're bailing them out again effectively by the back door of ireland and the british people haven't been asked about this you know david cameron came to power any economic projects are going to ringfence the n.h.s. and we're going to ringfence foreign aid but he didn't just ring fence foreign aid he's increased foreign aid would now buy out our island he also run five star contribution to europe and we increased of course when bragged that he was going to keep the budget down actually increase the budget that was no. handbag swinging victory for the united team look it was a dismal failure and people should say and he's spinning it him and clegg of the moment got more spin than a washing machine assembly line and the british people are waking up to this in the british people are saying no we can't afford we can't pay we won't pay that's what
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the student protests are about and we're going to see more protests during this winter of discontent because ordinary folk who say why should we lose fortune thousand police officers why should public sector workers be losing their jobs why should me along with mills on wheels because why should help for the elderly because why should the arts project because why should we not have enough money in our coffers but we certainly can find seven billion pounds there'd be no need for these cuts what's of economists argue if we weren't in the so there'd be no need for the students to be protesting and that's what needs to be discussed and we are seeing lots of protests they started off in continental europe and they've now undoubtedly spreads the k. do you see this as the sort of beginning of the end of the e.u. i certainly think the euro is crashing and burning our belief portugal will go spain will dollars in spain just true three weeks ago or do a lot of radio shows over and spray the swathes of swathes of council not so it's
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not council housing estates with brand new houses and apartments completely empty just like in ireland they're never going to be. occupied property boom fueled by a reckless lending again i believe that they'll crash i think we need you when the euro begins to crash then you have to ask yourself can the your oh so when the euro collapses calmly you survive as well and as you say to the right across europe i mean germany there are people protesting they don't want to bail out these countries that they've that had a sensible banking system of the great charlie was in brussels for two months ago in brussels they were discussing the budget they were discussing the hospitality budget they put it up to two point one million pounds meanwhile one hundred thousand europeans are on the streets all different languages order from nationalities protesting about the austerity cuts one hundred thousand people inside there were basically voted to increase their budget for oysters and champagne that's what's wrong there's a disconnect between the political elite not just in the united kingdom but right across europe and the ordinary man and woman in the street and i think ordinary men
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and women have had enough they're the ones losing their houses they're the ones losing their jobs through no fault of their own and something's got to give and i think what's going to give is definitely the euro and probably the you and in a what lot of ways bring it on say i but first and foremost let's have a democratic vote would be much better for us to have a vote and decide we want to leave this before it collapses with people on the streets demonstrating what really amounts to civil unrest is this really the time to be talking about something like an e.u. referendum which seems like a separate issue in the face of all this trouble that we're seeing you can't really discuss our economy you can't discuss our laws you can't discuss our human rights you can't discuss any kind of cases that happening in the u.k. without thinking either of the e.u. or the your pm court of human rights in effect every aspect of our lives because we are part of it we were never given the chance to vote on it that's why it's becoming a hot potato and this lie that they're spinning in
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a nick clegg and david cameron we're all in this together well actually we're not because nineteen out of twenty four of the. cabinet a multi millionaire and briefly about the students do you support what the students are doing in terms of going out onto the streets burning stuff throwing things but our support student completely in their right to protest today in the daily telegraph front page the metropolitan police chief are saying don't let you choose children go on these protests what a load of nonsense i don't live in a country where our chief of police tells you to competition called of course you can't condone kids send throwing extinguishers up through she could kill somebody however the make up carried away i do think it's right there protesting i do think the unions are joining them i do fully support their protests i don't support come down to violence and i fully support students and i hope the protests escalate. and i think play wounding she approaches this week for example a booming industry city and stuff i hope they do it's great to see students protesting against the silly healthy about young people being angry now that the
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coalition governments approved these cuts in student funding what the students and the trade unions and others who might join with them going to do now but that was really going to happen is come january thirty first into february because what's going to happen is christmas so traditionally british people of them still celebrate christmas they're still going to bother children christmas from thirty first fabulous on the door mat before the credit card people will be beginning to lose their jobs people have been living through for this on their credit cards to pay their mortgages they're going to start defaulting that's when the real protests are going to stop and parliament can think it's all about it isn't over it's certainly is and i am the debate about europe is definitely not over and about the view that will continue don't go on thank you.
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lou we need to the look. at your. but also on the border of peace and war. they are responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved ones. ready to take any risk. with. st. this is a cable from the u.s. embassy in colombo to talk about here an apparent june seventh incident of extrajudicial executions the military reported to the press that on that day the children are under religion from that desiccation by instructs young couldn't you know and they're strongly suggest however that the nine were executed by the army and then dressed in military fatigues.
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to explain how you know this kind of phenomenon where bodies are dressed up as guerrillas and presented as killed in action and this and this idea that you need to produce bodies actually encouraged paramilitary collaboration this is a cia document central intelligence agency they knew about these activities they knew they were happening they knew about links to paramilitary groups and yet u.s. aid continued to flow. stories tonight while police in moscow react swiftly to phase a fresh football scolding off a central square to head off a suspected fight. to use any legal means to punish the perpetrators of the weekend's clashes take nationalist and racist slogans it was great to see.
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moscow's condemned north korea's shelling of a south korean island called. on pyongyang to great in its nuclear program foreign minister sergei lavrov was outlining russia's position after meeting is north korean country in the capital. a disturbing russian anti drugs come setting out to shop but the producers say it's the only way to stem the country's plague of narcotics there are over one hundred thousand drug related deaths suit russia every year. twenty two forty five more news at r.t. dot com. hello and welcome to our teams update on the sports we begin with a brief look at our lines. for my am h. l. star gilead game in the book breaks his contract with kate chiles sconce and put his big g. to family issues. meanwhile the number of games are leading the kontinental hockey
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league with three of the most secure rivals scott. and also a lot of love a continuous celebrate after studio this won their fifth time championship title beating arsenal this hour on that cereal on sunday. and we begin with occasional where one of the league's clubs have gone to the ways with the big time summer signing better and goalie you gain in the balkans there's no longer a member of the same things as bug teams management says the contract was broken dudes in a block of spam leashes and to mutual agreement of both sides scuffle with an exchange on said quote he was very surprised nobody expected this and gainey himself never mentioned anything it is worth noting however that the bulk of wasn't having the best season up is korea in fact he was out shadowed by jakob's toponica is now skulls choice go into. staying with a continental hockey league where surprise packaged in the model leading the
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standings made way through the season the moscow club moving ahead of the pack following a come from behind victory over neighbors skull riches of reports. serious crime to nominate you would not help these most famous clubs i would have amassed rivals are enjoying contrasting fortunes of the season to hopefully point beyond the many such sprint very painful are in danger of missing out of the playoffs with the nominee been excellent find themselves leading the western conference show in a row stars are so good like we don't even. stars have a good day and like good players are playing for the team all year and. everybody is doing hard work every day and. it's fun to be in this demand i really like to do damage to many to be able to exchanges as they bombarded the business goal but a mixture of a bit of luck and way with choosing the armament in the game or serious karma struggling to generate in your friends at nama goaltending siebold call was a bitch a spectator for most of your being period but try as they might the western conference
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meet is just couldn't find a goal as teams in the first period tied at zero wall on the home side were made to pay for their wastefulness in front of goal just thirty six seconds into the second period and sasco would take the lead very much against run a plane thanks to these passions trying it wouldn't take long for the number to draw level despite being short handed and exceeded the short managed to scrape the length of a ring and do not account to manage to get the puck past the bunny can't have a second to time it's just a minute later bloom wants to take it deserved leave just to say it's cause power play was coming to an end to this kind of let the penalty box and he got on the end of an excellent pass before leaving the goaltender for dead and made it to one dude on a one finish to made everyone midway through the second of a powerplay x. or a first pass one muscle you off and he was way for the simplest a chance to score it doesn't happen so often and. i think it helped
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us and it helped them because our both hands went up and of course it was. hard for them so maybe that was the most important game or most important time in the game and yet we managed to turn into the home side had the perfect opportunity to make the game safe early in the third as they were awarded the penalty shots but this time a son your couldn't get the puck possibly kids behind in his side a lifeline and says cal poly go back minutes later things to your mind it's excellent shot which sailed over. the blood sign to shut up the grandstand finish him so i can hold on for just a freak when you're bored three points to get this guy's a good d.m. but it's a pretty good first step it was really bad but they still want to get an important victory for the nama they're really starting to look strong contenders to win this series could govern come the syrian strong would be hoping for much to improve to find an eleven bill me to be able to think about making the playoffs we don't see.
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in football in all messi is up to his old tricks again the reigning world player of the year begging a brace as barcelona made easy work over real sociedad to remain atop the standings they have side got off the mark nine minutes into the match a typical barcelona move ending in style the. final. things got worse for you all off to the hof all mark went on dressing yes to double their advantage following a one two with pads or a. second haul off or even less responsive for the visitors from sun city boston messy getting in on the act and minutes after the break. a stunning effort but in the second bus all those fools deserve the time on the odds and times highlight reel the saucy about the founders simply unable to even get in a tackle in the final minutes of regulation buoyant caricature wide held bar says most of the rebounds off to his own shot so five knew was how the one sided match
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up and the no count. real madrid however a still within two points of their rivals off three two one win over a also a full side and cristiano ronaldo make sure messi doesn't surpassing the goal scoring chatsworth this break both man notching up seventeen so far this season. moving to argentina where two second home goals from you're a one forward or diego lopez allowed the studio to secure a two male victory also this hour on the air and. then when the hosts claimed the arbor tour a title they also veteran play maker wants a boston beer on to injury in the first top seemed to spark the house with lopez opening the scoring in the seventy fourth minute and then adding another one in the eighty eighth studio and us finished on forty five points to more than bell as. much as to claim the overall title he also won the other two in two thousand and
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six and then captured the copilot but the doris lost. american football now with the new england patriots are shaping up nicely for another shot at a fellow glory the a.f.c. top dogs into the postseason for the eighth time in a decade following and these a victory over the chicago bears the patriots famously beat tennessee fifty nine to zero in a similarly snowy game last am bill though this question wasn't as one sided the writing was on the wall early on tom brady finding all gun with a score in the first the bears third ranked defense having a tough time well new england's under-rated unit starred david mccord to forcing johnny knox to fall both gary guyton makes a twenty one nothing here with a return. a twenty six point second quarter key for the patriots dion brown changing it with a fifty nine yard touchdown receptionist on expired in the first thirty six to seven how are you looking menacing indeed.
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now dustin johnson the young pool to have won this shark shootout at all one of the few team events on the golf calendar in florida two men toasted by the sports greats greg norman involves twelve two man teams competing in different genres throughout the three days with the scramble format closing out the action on sunday johnson and pulled her taking the lead after a birdie in the first four holes on the final day and the pair never loop back eventually finishing on thirteen on the par so tell them. rivals graeme mcdowell and down clark came in second two shots behind where defending champion jerry kelly and steve stricker joy in third place to marco and anthony king. and in motor sports news the international automobile federation awards and monaco have been ordering told drivers in various disciplines among the champions like the talent there was also
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a russian driver. of has more. than eight maybe ski returns after his tweet to monica to receive the world cup for cross country release and this is how champions are welcomed back home. it's been a very hard season with lots of free system deserts i had training several day and my teammates. helped me a lot there were some moments where we thought we could fail but we do the great job that's why we got to go ahead of time after just three stages and by the fourth leg we just enjoyed the race. maybe to keep burst into the world overnight and very soon thanks to his passion and determination he won the russian come two thousand and six novitsky screw took part in their first day were dec around where he became the best damage to driver beginners luck for this russian. here is holding his cues competing with the best drivers in there is to women's
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world one even surviving a terrifying korku wish in two thousand and nine he quickly recovered and got back behind the wheel this here he quit his day job to sign a contract and turned professional now he's fully focused on his driving career the forty two year old proving it's never too late to change direction. than ever before the last seven years it was a hobby but it started to thrill me more and more it took lots of time and last year i decided to devote myself to motor sport it was hard to take this new step to leave the office and get. gym trained like a real professional but that fully justified my hopes of. international federation which leads keen to the top twenty drivers in the world but he's not stopping there nicknamed the embroiled the desert novitsky is in his cold dry land or issue which you see in the new year in argentina where a new duck restored to january the first month is national look at a darker is like olympics of motor sports than four hundred sixty crews are ready
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to take part in the race next year the competition will be very tough but who will strike first success even though next season is lining up to be even more children policing the champion winning just makes me hungry complain about the party. and that's it for the moment you can always get the. website which is our dot com slash sport coming up next is the wet. hunger for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. live. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the clock. we've got the future covered. wealthy british style
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takes a. live. look at the. markets finance scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name to cause a report on our.
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tonight on our t.v. riot police in moscow react swiftly to fears of a fresh. president with better values to use any legal means to punish the perpetrators of the weekend's clashes. brushes condemned north korea shelling of
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a south korean island and calls on pyongyang to rein in its nuclear program. and a disturbing anti drugs campaign vows to shock but the producers say it's the only way to stem russia's plague. this is r.t. well could have just joined us it's kevin owen here in moscow tonight with our top story at eleven pm president medvedev says those behind saturday's nationalist riots in moscow will be brought to justice a weekend rally commemorating a football fan who was killed turned into clashes with police and attacks on ethnic minorities monday saw another security crackdown in the capital amid fears the violence could have fled again. as out of it was there police received reports and modern day various communications from the internet about
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a group of football fans who.


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