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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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that move gave us some details about why the police are here exactly and what they were expecting to happen. but if we get enough good news department we had information that finds that the dynamic football club could come here to house and from meeting with people from the rational school classes to guaranteed people security from clashes must give police a provided additional security measures here at the meniere's and i ask where we didn't close the underground shopping center which was decided by the center's security staff because earlier today the russian president meeting with condemned the violence that took place on saturday here at one years square saying that any perpetrators that instigate such violence especially out hatred based on an aggression based on a religious ethnic or national differences should be punished by the law the police should do everything in their power to prevent any such actions and all and everyone of those responsible for instigating violent clashes here on saturday will
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be brought to justice. must be at the recent events in the disorder attacks on people should be classified as crimes and the people behind them punished especially dangerous where the action is aimed at fueling hatred in whole still ety based on racial national or religious differences such actions are a threat to the state stability didn't you feel to counteract such actions place cam and must use any means allowed by the law and i stress any legal necessary and sufficient means is that this shouldn't be any chaos on the streets or in public places. over sixty people were detained some of those have already been released but these are holding on to many of those as they believe they have more than enough evidence to charge them with aggravated assault or hooliganism or basically provoking any kind of racial hatred or violence but the violence that broke out.
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here it was very quick almost impossible to stop even though the police were doing everything in their power to put the localized the fights they did manage to disperse the crowds after awhile but even then because most of the fans most of the people that here were using the underground to leave there was quite a heavy police presence in the underground as well and we know that there were reports of several clashes between fans and police officers in the underground as well. the white house says the u.s. senate will pass a key nuclear arms treaty with russia before new year he needs to be ratified in both russia and the u.s. but there's been vocal opposition from some key u.s. republican senators or he's got a cheek yun has more from washington. in terms of substance there is nothing that can stop the new start from being routed fight key questions concerns whatever senators had during the course of the past eight months of the hearings were all addressed i do think that we have as i mentioned done our homework with regard to
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the new start treaty and that it is. in a good situation to ratify it in the slam duck session it has the unanimous support of the country's military many top officials former and present have testified in favor of the treaty so now several republican senators say the votes are there in the new start will most likely be ratified by the end of this week it seems the only thing that could be in the way of the ratification are partisan games political bargaining which have nothing to do with the treaty itself and its content speaking of bargaining at some point the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell came out and said republicans won't want any democrat initiatives if they don't extend tax cuts for the rich so you get a sense of the expand the willard bailing culture on capitol hill and the substance of the pretty whether it's good or bad for america has long stopped being the focus of discussions here in washington to the point when it could become
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a threat to the u.s. national security a world without buying u.s. russia arms control treaties is a more dangerous world the obama administration is going out of its way to have the deal ratified the president's arguably major foreign policy chief meant is on the line not only does the start cut nuclear arsenals of both countries by a third it's also seen as a symbol of trust between the two nuclear superpowers russia has cooperated with us on critical issues to our national security like iran sanctions transit to supply our troops in afghanistan working on securing loose nuclear materials and the relationships and trust that are built. from the new start treaty spill over into a whole host of other national security issues that are vital importance to american fees you have trost than america's reputation globally was addressed by the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee every senator has an
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obligation to ask that question of themselves over the course of these next days are we a credible partner can other nations rely on us what happens when the president and states negotiates a treaty and he comes back here and the rest of the world sees that treaty bogged down not in the substance of the treaty but in the politics of the day and if the treaty does get bogged down this year chances are the new senate which is going to be more republican and obama hosts tile will put off the new start indefinitely maybe for months or even years to get a check on our t. washington d.c. policy analyst james lewis says failure to ratify the deal will undermine global efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. if the treaty has not passed the the most dangerous ratification is that the terror that those safeguards will continue and those inspections will continue to lapse between the united states and
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russia and then beyond that our policy between the united states and russia is put it a very dangerous crossroads we both have obligations under the nonproliferation treaty to decrease our loot nuclear arsenals moving towards a nuclear free world the french has just disbanded their bomber fleet and the u.k. has moved slowly to a submarine launched the u.s. and russia still have all three kinds and it still does very very dangerous work my personal opinion is that this is the key element of legislation and i think the republicans are simply backed into a corner but when push comes to shove they are going to vote for it the u.s. russian cooperation on nuclear disarmament is has a long history and a very productive history and it's going to continue that way and i believe that russia and the u.s. with republican and democratic leadership on the american side and the leadership of the russian government on the other side will start to live towards a nuclear weapons free world. stay with us here on our coming up also for the final
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frontier with the latest mission to the international space station as the crew prepares to blast off from biocon. but first the crisis on the korean peninsula and pyongyang's disputed nuclear program or at the heart of talks between the russian and north korean foreign ministers russia says it's deeply concerned over reports of industrial uranium enrichment in north korea and called for a restart to the six party talk of talks or to get all those been trying to find out more about what went on behind closed doors of a high level meeting. we do know that pyongyang's nuclear program is the most important issue being discussed north korea walked out of the six party talks last year which also include the united states south korea china japan and russia pyongyang also expelled international nuclear monitors from the country and continued with the nuclear tests calling causing off a huge wave of condemnation across the world this really worries russia since it
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borders with north korea and the peninsula is a neighboring region for russia and the the recent rise of tensions in on the peninsula is making the situation even worse since last month north korea launched an attack on the one of south korea's islands shelling it four people were killed at least eighteen others were injured pyongyang said that in fact south korea attacked northern territory's before that and this was their reply by using force so this just shows how unstable the region still is the fact that south korea is increasing cooperation with the united states constantly holding various military drills in the region in fact even after north korea's attack on that island south korea and the united states held a new set of military exercises south korea's has also recently held like the new model and which is calling for even closer ties with washington and this is
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definitely an intimidating factor for north korea such close ties with the united states at this moment may make the attentions even higher. professor hazel smith from the resilience center at cranfield university says that russia could play a vital role in bringing north korea back to the negotiating table. russian counterpart one by one who will. leverage your legal all you got about ten mile border. but it can provide a channel of diplomatic engagement or communication or new who will united the needle. diplomatic relation whether it's content in go to the middle or at russia her fine but we're not doing enough in the world and also know that russia is particularly extremely hot. her
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look i'm sure are going to thank. you. and you know how to make complement will lunch. that you disagree with. we'll have to take that very few indeed shock tactics aimed at eliminating drug and alcohol abuse have divided opinion across russia videos of deformed fetuses and children eating feces are just a small part of a controversial online campaign authorities have defended the ad saying that only a harsh reality will discourage youngsters and kick some sense into addicts a warning you may find somebody images and worry if an ocean is upcoming report disturbing. or. needs a happy mother for it to my she says masha i used to smoke marijuana when i was pregnant with her this internet ad is part of
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a stomach churning and to drunken pain of sashing sashenka i was already on heroin then. surprisingly it's the least offensive episode of the series designed to shock some of them may leave a bad taste in your mouth quite literally like this one for instance that's why we stop it here. it says it's keeping quiet about drug abuse among school kids is like keeping dirt in your mouth the disturb an advert has provoked a huge discussion on the web when just how far we can go in trying to keep youngsters away from drugs. but yes it causes a slight nausea impulse but that's what we need it will make those children who now think that it's bad to tell their parents and teachers about dealers in other words they do not report on dealers let them consider which is better with in their mouths or without. every year more than one hundred thousand people officially dying from overdose and drug related deaths and that doesn't include susannah it's
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say countries only good news of a believes people would better opening the eyes to the scale of the problem rather than concern themselves of altadis and see of the adverts. who are there's nothing of humiliation or contradictory in the sand should we just keep silent about everything well like a let's keep our mouths shut and just live on let twenty year olds die and millions and billions of dollars flooding into drug dealers pockets while we just pretend that everything's perfect in our society. says behind the fact that the anti drug advert is getting more primitive is another shock in reality the targeted audience is getting younger and younger the average age when youngsters in russia first try drugs has jumped to thirteen years with the ethics of her life expectancy just twenty one. left but this is aimed at them so it has to be primitive in order to work do you think they don't know that drugs are bad but they just need to have it
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literally imprinted in their minds the shocking can pain is actually a government initiative a response to the country's need priority in fighting the drug problem. we've always been concentrated on finding drugs and withdrawing them this july we've adopted a new state drug strategy now we need to focus on decreasing demand rather than trying to cope with the consequences. with the government's three century focus on preventive measures we can expect more and more projects like this one aimed at literally disgusting the idea of drugs out of youngsters minds and yes it may be unpleasant looking but so are the statistics of drug abuse in the country and if there is a chance no matter how small the base can stop some from stepping on to these slippery slope its creators say it's worth the outs rights causing refinish not see more scope stay with us here on r t coming up an old electrifying ride.
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russia debuts its first hybrid car described as small but powerful and which promises to keep this city air clean. but first the next soyuz rocket set for the international space station has been raised to it to its launch position ready for blast off on wednesday it will bring a crew of three who will not only have science work to do but also deliver some seasonal gifts to those currently in orbit or tease peter all of our reports from the launch site in kazakhstan. the rocket itself arrives in baikonur in three different parts and the process of putting it together is incredibly intricate every screw every pulse has to be checked and then rechecked to make sure that it's correct now those putting putting in the work on the ground to make sure that's all good and safe know that they have in their hands the safety of those going up into space preparations take a long time it can take from five days to two weeks to unload all the separate
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parts of the rocket and assemble them after the rocket is assembled it has to undergo a series of tests every team looks through some part of the rocket the engine the electronics now the so used him a rocket widely regarded as the best way the most safe way and the most reliable way of getting people into space and plenty of people coming gathering here most some of them former astronauts former cosmonauts coming to see the rocket being loaded into place and they still get that old take of knowing what it was like of launching from a republican or it's always fun to see a vehicle getting ready to launch whether it be a shuttle or a soyuz and if it does take you back to them the opportunity that i had which was to be able to actually step onto it and it's amazing experience now the three month crew they'll be going up in soyuz t.m.a. twenty consist of cosmonaut to me to the last year of an astronauts pollen s. polly and caroline coleman for me to become their activities the commander of the mission it's his first time in space and he'll be carrying out two spacewalks while
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he's out there he'll be removing one of the experiments that's on the whole of the i assess it also attaching another two to collect information from up in space to give us more knowledge about what goes on in the cosmos peter all of a bike you know. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe the weight of the american diplomacy scene richard holbrooke dies at age sixty nine he's best known as the chief architect of the dayton peace agreement which ended the bosnian war more recently became president barack obama's special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan other credits include being nominated for the nobel peace prize seven times praised by president obama as a giant of u.s. foreign policy his often confrontational style won him the nickname the bulldozer better in the u.s. diplomat richard holbrooke dead at sixty nine. police have arrested
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a sword wielding seventeen year old who took a group of children hostage at a nursery in eastern france all the pupils and teachers involved were released without harm and many of those held were let go as police negotiated with the teenager by phone and the rest were freed after authorities entered the building local media described the hostage taker as being mentally unstable. police have named the iraqi born swede who blew himself up as he tried to set off a bomb in stockholm swedish prosecutors say that twenty eight year old tyler moore abdul wahabi had explosives strapped to his body and in a backpack in the hope of killing as many people as possible he was also the registered owner of a car that blew up in stockholm shortly before the suicide blast if confirmed it would be the first case of a suicide attack in sweet. there's a new car on the way which could help reenergize russia's motor market and this time it's no gas guzzler it's the country's first hybrid vehicle and designers hope it will make eco friendly driving more affordable as artie's sorry for ports. rush
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is entering the hybrid calm ok this is one of the first hybrid cars that you and the bill that we've been hearing today from the construction team and some of the team behind the project we know that this car runs on a combined gas and electric engine and we've been hearing about some of the new technology sort of also being nice and it's an incredibly exciting project now one of the founders of the project mikhail prokhorov spake today and introduced the cars and he was saying that this is really about breaking stereotypes one of these being that russia can produce a good car. if. you know. you can see the three different types they go keep a hatchback and a minivan and we can take a look inside because we've heard a lot about what is such a getting to the consumers as well as saving money on the car they're actually
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going to be reasonably cheap to buy so they'll go and sell for around ten thousand dollars and inside the car you can see that there's quite a lot of space there's light material so they used inside some of the similar things used in the space industry and although you can see it was all it's going to be able to drive these on the roads of russia for a while so that they'll be going on self-hate for they are around midway through twenty twelve so that's when people will be able to get in. e.u. leaders hope to be able to move decisively in saving the euro at this week's summit on the continent wide debt crisis euro zone is battling to prevent the single currency from the seem to be from disintegrating john dauth who leaves the e.u. referendum campaign in the u.k. says countries are better off leaving the union before it collapses.
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today i'm talking to john british media personality and head of the referendum campaign he's demanding that the british people should be allowed to vote on whether they want to remain members of the european union john gordon thanks very much for talking to r.t. now first of all tell me a bit about the e.u. referendum campaign this is purely about getting our democratic right to have
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a vote because three leaders have promised us that it was a labor party manifesto commitment by tony blair that gordon brown of course and then david cameron famously in oppositions gave a cast on guarantee that he would have a referendum on the subject so once i realized it was vance i thought yeah hold on this is wrong and i do believe we've been denied our democratic right it would be costly to implement a referendum on being in the i mean the u.k. is already a member of the european union it's better just to let sleeping dogs lie yes he would be costly but it's costly to be in it it's costing the british tact. forty eight million pound a day to be in the we've just given on the island another seven billion pounds of our money saw another four hundred fifty million pounds in the budget increase it's going to be even more than that so it's costly already and anyway i'm not saying to get out what i'm saying is let's have the discussion you know on the b.b.c. and on programs like this you know the pros and cons of europe so that the british
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public can decide whether they want to be in the you said the successive leaders have promised a referendum of course that's true but since the implementation of it has been cheating that's become rather a moot point hasn't it do you think we've missed the boat on a referendum no i don't i think gordon brown had absolutely no right to sign the lisbon treaty stroke constitution it was the same thing the manifesto commitment by labels to have a referendum on that they played with words david cameron played with words you know if you are crashing and burning at the moment there's never been a chime postman's for us to have the discussion arlen's in a lot of trouble at the moment in the e.u. in the i.m.f. of step ten to bail them out so early island would be in a lot more trouble if they didn't have that kind of backup so isn't the e.u. a force for good is that i think we should be bailing out ireland i mean that's my own personal view i thought it is ironic i was watching the budget this week in ireland their stamp duty up to
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a million euros and one percent larger four percent seven hundred fifty thousand buying their child benefit is crazy them out they pay out in child benefit their corporation tax they keep it at twelve and a half percent no wonder countries a reader companies are relocated from germany from portugal from spain from the united kingdom to ireland well how could you have monetary union if you haven't got every other form of union and political union in place the answer is you can't how can you tie the economy of greece to the economy of germany it's just ludicrous to holding is nonsense. yes and we're going to see more protests too in this winter of discontent because ordinary folk who say why should we lose forty thousand police officers why should public sector workers be losing their jobs why should me along with meals on wheels be cut why should help for the elderly because why should the arts budget because why should we not have enough money in our coffers but we suddenly can find seven billion pounds there'd be no need for these cuts what sort
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of qana miss argue if we weren't in the year and we are seeing lots of protests they started off in continental europe and they've now undoubtedly spreads the u.k. do you see this as the sort of beginning of the end of the e.u. but i certainly think the euro is crashing and burning our belief schools go up and spain was out of the euro classes can the you survive as well and as you say you've got across europe let me know in germany now people protested they don't want to bail out these countries that they've that had a sensible banking system out of the great charlie was in brussels about two months ago in brussels they were discussing the budget they were discussing the hospitality budget they put it up to two point one million pounds meanwhile one hundred thousand europeans on the streets all different languages or different nationalities protesting about the austerity cuts one hundred thousand people inside there were basically voted to increase their budget for oysters and champagne that's what's wrong there's a disconnect between the political elite not just in the united kingdom but right
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across europe and the ordinary man and woman in the street and i think ordinary men and women have had enough they're the ones losing their houses they're the ones losing their jobs through no fault of their own and briefly about the students do you support what the students are doing in terms of going out onto the streets burning stuff throwing things but our support students completely in their right to protest today in the daily telegraph front page the metro complete streets are saying don't let you choose children on these protests what a load of nonsense i don't live in a country where these persons who come protest of course you can't condone could send throwing extinguishes off roofs you could kill. somebody however on the same token they got carried away i do think you trot the protesting i do think it's what the unions are joining them i do still support the protest i don't support the violence and i fully support the students and i hope the protests escalate. i think they will i mean we should protest this week for example have permanent university sit ins and stuff i hope they do it's great to see students protest
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against the silly healthy about young people being angry now that the coalition governments approved these cuts in student funding what. the trade unions and others who might join with them going to do now because what's going to happen is christmas so traditionally british people are going to still celebrate christmas they're still going to bother children christmas for johnny thirty first fabulous first full day on the door mat before the credit. people will be beginning to lose their jobs people have been living through for this on their credit cards to pay their mortgages they're going to start defaulting that's when the real practice of them stop parliament and think it's not about it isn't over it's certainly is and i have on the debate about europe is definitely not i've thought about the game that will continue don't go on thank you.
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india. the move go on to join the hotels. the gateway here to the grand imperial. to talk of west coast coromandel you kind of let her tell her to sit don't need to go and call your brother said the colonel was hotel to retreat .
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six thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our team headline more riot police deployed in central moscow over fears of pressure violence as president medvedev pledges swift justice for those involved in last weekend's clashes a rally on saturday commemorating a football fan who was killed turned into a bloody brawl with police and attacks on ethnic minorities. russia condemns north korea's attack on the south and urges p.r.n. yang to abandon its nuclear activities moscow expressed concern over reports of the country's ear aenima richmond and called for a six party talks. and in russia controversial anti-drug campaign is dividing public opinion authorities have defended the ad saying that only harsh
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reality will discourage youngsters from substance abuse. up next christine legarde the french finance minister sits down with artie's al gore enough he asked her why with the euro seemingly on the brink of collapse do france and germany continue to champion the currency spotlight coming your way next. wealthy british style. markets why not scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our.


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