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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EST

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the unanimous support of the country's military many top officials former and present have testified in favor of the treaty now several republican senators say the votes are there and the new start will most likely be ratified by the end of this week it seems the only thing that could be in the way of the ratification are partisan games political bargaining which have nothing to do with the treaty itself and its content speaking of bargaining at some point the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell came out and said republicans would want a new democrat initiative if they don't extend tax cuts for the rich so you get a sense of the expand the willard billing culture on capitol hill and the substance of the pretty whether it's good or bad for america has long stopped being the focus of discussions here in washington to the point when it could become a threat to the u.s. national security a world without buying u.s. russia arms control treaties is a more dangerous world the obama administration is going out of its way to have the
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deal ratified the president's arguably major foreign policy chief meant is on the line not only does the start cut nuclear arsenals of both countries by a third it's also seen as a symbol of trust between the two nuclear superpowers russia has cooperated with us on critical issues to our national security like iran sanctions transit to supply our troops in afghanistan working on securing loose nuclear materials and the relationships and trust that are built from the new start treaty spill over into a whole host of other national security issues that are of vital importance to america these shoe of trust and america's reputation globally was addressed by the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee every senator has an obligation to ask that question of themselves over the course of these next days are we a credible partner. can other nations rely on us what happens when the president on
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stage to go sure it's a treaty and he comes back here and the rest of the world sees that a treaty bogged down not in the substance of the treaty. but in the politics of the day and if the treaty does get bogged down this year chances are the new senate which is going to be more republican and obama host dial will put off the new start indefinitely maybe four months or even years to get a check on our t. washington d.c. . republicans should move beyond election cycle mentality and approve a new treaty so says democratic strategist robert we know it would be stupid for the republicans to continue to block it but then again they want to block everything in the past republicans used to work with democrats now since a new game they've been wanting to kill everything publicans have learned that sound bites can win elections instead of good governing something has to change we
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have to get past two year old election cycles and think in terms of the good of the country something has to happen to help us to good governance but good governance in the world not just united states includes passage of the start treaty i think perhaps by embarrassing the republicans from trust stopping them from playing politics which is dangerous it's devastating it could cause terrorism to succeed they will come around and pass this treaty but meanwhile joe rubin the deputy director of the national security network think tank says delaying the ratification of the stars treaty could seriously dunnage washington standing. if it doesn't get passed and actually fails there could be serious consequences for american leadership on arms control and the fallout for the american reputation around the world would be significant if it doesn't pass but it is not turned down but just delayed that too will also signal that president obama is weak at home that's why advocates for the treaty are saying these to get passed now the reset has been
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making gains in the immediate term there certainly are going to be many benefits that the obama administration is going to look to certainly with regards to afghanistan and iran in our near term foreign policy interests over the long run as the reset begins to take place in a more thought environment there will be calls for deeper economic cooperation other types of global initiatives the environment is certainly an area where there could be potential and i believe that this is going to bring in series of new discussions to the relationship rather than the older debates that seem to have dominated for the last decade or so. still to come this hour an hour to a day to go before blastoff excrete the past decade the international space station we take you behind the scenes of the upcoming rocket launch. us there's something in the hair why women are clamoring for russian locks rather than less than just
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a few minutes time. the foreign ministers of russia and north korea have agreed that the crisis on the korean peninsula and the result through diplomatic means closed door talks are being held in moscow at a time of growing tensions in the region following a recent fatal exchange of artillery fire over south korean island russia said it of rove expressed concern that the south of the recent live fire military drills are very aggravated the hostility said the current situation demands both korea show restraint and avoid escalating the crisis the ministers also agreed on the need for a six party talks between the lunched on the east asia told r.t. that russia has a pivotal role in helping to stabilize the region because its goal is peace not political muscle flexing. russia is the only country that does have a stake box no specific interest. rates actually there's a difference between russia and the european union so russia can actually be
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a trustworthy and reliable mediator neutral broker who want interest that russia doesn't concern cruise stability whenever there is a situation emerging market for a major war never to leave not only in books careers but also china us will have a negative impact on the ability in the region and on russia and hands russia's major preoccupation is actually maintaining peace. a london court is to decide whether the founder of the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks will be granted bail julian a sound he's wanted in sweden on charges of sexual assault which many of his supporters say are false for the spite of saunders arrest in the u.k. his site is still publishing u.s. secret diplomatic cables ortiz or emmett's has more on this from the. i'm here in the city of westminster magistrates' court which on choose day could be the scene
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of the final extradition hearing today that saunders the founder of wiki leaks he is wanted in court in sweden on charges of sexual misconduct some of which amounts to having sex with two women without using a condom these are charges which are widely believed by asuncion supporters to be trumped up originally when the case came before a prosecutor in sweden she threw it out and then it was then picked up by another prosecutor who decided to take the case into court this is believed to be linked to wiki leaks is release of cables u.s. embassy cables which were parasitic to be u.s. government and to other governments around the world and what's expected to happen to our stores is that it is finally extradited to sweden he will then be almost immediately requested to appear in court in the u.s. and in fact wiki leaks is noise is saying that the extradition document for him to go to the u.s. has either already been prepared and is about to be released to them or it's preparation is it cool now our soldiers which is to say that these charges are
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trumped up and they also say that it's a case of huge double standard tina's double standards in the u.s. that they lecture other countries on their human rights situations world's committing acts such as this supporters of today massage and what wiki leaks is doing a tour in a parallel between the recent awarding of a nobel prize to a chinese dissident and watch the soldiers being doing they say that that starting a spotlight on china's human rights record whereas they really have a select standard and they're going to extradite you deny sergeant put him on trial for espionage let's hear what some of the organizes of protest surrounding our songes arrests have to say about that wiki leaks has managed to expose war criminals corruption humanitarian crimes abuses of democracy backroom dealings. and instead of those people being prosecuted for a lot of serious serious crimes against humanity and state we're trying to
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persecute the person who's exposing these revelations and i think that's a really sad indictment of the cons to society we live in i think they're trying to shoot the messenger there's also a lot of anger being directed at sweden the country that's requests to do enough on its extradition passengers to say that sweden is essentially kowtow into the u.s. and its wish to get cheated on trial eventually for espionage what they are saying essentially is that this is making sweden which presents itself as a model of modernity in progressiveness look like a loving stop at the eyes of the world and it remains to be seen what happens here on cheese day it's possible that you know sauce could be granted bail that's what his supporters all want but it's also possible that he could be bundled into a police van and going to sweden to face these sexual assault charges then it's interesting to see what happens from there does the u.s. wait a little bit before issuing a warrant for his extradition to the u.s.
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to face that's been espionage charges or does it just jump in there straight away send this warrant to assault his lawyers and see him in the u.s. none of this is clear yet but we will be finding out later on she's day at least about the first stage of that. and coming up next on our team our skies and stacy herbert explore how the wiki leaks revelations are affecting the world of big money . veteran american diplomat richard holbrooke has died at the age of sixty nine after undergoing emergency heart surgery nicknamed the bulldozer is best known for us and joined in the balkans. recently became barack obama's special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan but artie's contributor. says not everything. but especially when it came to the drugs fight. she wiped out the whole generation of american politicians. generals and diplomats and ambassadors who are actively who
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are taking the active active stance will be the focus on aerial eradication in afghanistan and after richard holbrooke came in he started he made it you he made single held handedly made a complete overhaul of u.s. policy from counter narcotics to. effectively promoting the u.s. is that the u.s. drug store policy in afghanistan lading lose all these skin things and drug lords that's resulted in in effect. the criminal drug trafficking in afghanistan keep persona fight the trail all the historical u.s. counter-narcotics approach in afghanistan just for the benefit of the leap service of preventing the so-called friendly farmers from going to taliban the united states of the drug enforcement administration together with the state department have by default a unique opportunity to reset and jump start the russian american cooperation
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specific only. on that counternarcotics with the main focus on aerial riddick a ship because the reason no other alternative and the reason the personalities in the white house who are opposing. richard holbrooke. always keep up to date on our website with the latest news books are nicest some of what's online right now to. come as a mother for the first time at the age of sixty four thanks to russian doctors. russian billionaire rim on the move it shut a waiting game for delivery of the blushing out of the world's most expensive luxury yacht the usual features of an in-store that is affected by this.
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russia is to buy at least one french mistral helicopter carrier sell it will be the largest and most sophisticated by nato country to russia you know and since it was made by the head of russia's general stuff said two sides and are discussing a price russia has been the go sheet in the deal to which the u.s. was opposed what media vast areas capable of transporting and deploying sixteen helicopters up to seventy vehicles and over four hundred soldiers. to buy at least one then build kyra's of this type of. the next space spell and so use rockets has now ready for blast off on wednesday it will take a crew of three russian an american under the tele into the international space station ati's peter all of the reports on the rockets are ready to its launch site in
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kazakhstan. hereward baikonur the final preparations underway ahead of the launch of the soyuz t.m.a. twenty rockets which will carry cosmonaut to be called the right to an obstacle to colonists and coughing up to the international space station the rocket as you see the pless ing from a priest from the russian orthodox church in line with tradition here at baikonur that's not the only tradition they have here of many many traditions and superstitions if you will to be carried out before the launch one of those traditions as that the astronauts and cosmonauts visit the cosmonaut museum here and by can also they get to look at what those who have gone before them days and what they brought back from space while they're at the museum they also sign a board with the picture of the soyuz t.m.a. rocket on it and write a little message of a memory of what they are about to do with this mission now there's been plenty of former astronauts and cosmonauts say it's a lend their support to the mission crew. liable to what the water as it doesn't
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matter what you know it's just a very robust strong system that can withstand just about anything in nature and you know it's been slices the sixty's was a rare exception or so every time and some of those who have been up there before say it's those little things that can make life hard when you're up in space i think probably the biggest challenge for me you know i think it sounds kind of trivial but was the lack of variety of the food after you know you know one month it's ok two months is ok and then you know three months you know exactly how many brownies are in the desert have been you know exactly how many heaters are in the meat tray. because it's all the same so that's how it's looking here at the moment in baikonur the cosmonauts and astronauts are currently tucked away so they can catch any sniffles all cold it's very cold here in baikonur of course if they do get sick they can be pulled from the mission and the whole team of. coleman would
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be removed from the mission and replaced with the crew so they desperately trying to make sure that that doesn't happen they're all tucked up nice and warm and that's how it looks at the baikonur cosmodrome peter all of a bike and. indeed well now after a brief look at other stories from around the world this hour italian pm silvio berlusconi is urging the lawmakers disability government on the eve of a no confidence vote speaking to the italian senate he warned that the country would face a crisis if you were forced from office referendum is expected to be extremely tight who just want to keep almost certain result comes and most of us going to face is plummeting support with claims of sexual indecency in failed policies. rainy and president mahmoud ahmadinejad has dismissed the country's foreign minister and cheer for his post came unexpectedly while the minister was on a state visit to senegal on the spot speculation of a power struggle the country's top nuclear official. has been nominated as his
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intimate placement the move comes as iran struggles on the heavy sanctions aimed to get some nuclear enrichment activities. russia joining the world trade organization would help boost europe's economy as a whole and especially that of its neighbors that's the view of the president of finland taria holland before interviews coming your way in just about ten minutes time but here's a quick preview. you know because we had worked at the gate between couldn't and the russians so we would hope of course that yes it would be and i'm sure we will be a member. it's more clear to work under this regulation circumstances we act the feeling that everything will happen very soon. now hair extensions and wigs have become all the rage among freshen this does in russia but ever increasing numbers of women are dreaming about long luscious locks
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but with demand comes the need for supply and this arena has been finding out that means some women are cashing in on their offer. it's silky smooth and could be one of russia's major export commodities that's right apparently russian hair used for wigs and extensions has the highest rating in the hairdressing industry. give all the secured of indian and chinese hair is black you almost always have to dye them to work with them and they lose quality afterwards russian hair has a full spectrum of colors. where than half of all traces collected in russia actually stay in the country because an increasing number of russian world to do women choose to go for extensions to satisfy their own wand and listens. and then there are women mikes with lana who's got the hair most girls only dream about the room this girl's going to get her and you there have been times when guys would approach me and say you're having credible hair but i'm not very fond of that i
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certainly get attention but i try to hide my hair way now because the reaction is too predictable for some women selling their locks may be the best way to earn some quick cash whether out of necessity or on the whim. it needs to but the cost varies from fifty dollars to a thousand dollars but the basic prize is about three hundred to four hundred dollars for a kilogram of hair. so we asked what lana would she chop it off for say forty thousand dollars because but it's no for me it's not worth it it's twenty five years of growth care and memories is that kind of stuff that makes it priceless. and the cost of here extensions also makes long hair pricey getting hair extensions may wrong you anywhere from five hundred dollars to virtually an infinity but that doesn't stop girls from adding that extra volume to their looks that i feel was
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that i know i'm good and i started using hair extensions three years ago i went to a salon walked out and realised arise around me i fast range at first but now i forget i have. our ecologies and they're good and there aren't many girls blessed with gorgeous hair at the same time the procedure has become a lot more affordable now a person with a trained eye can easily recognize that right now nearly every other girl has hair extensions then again women often go to great lengths to improve their looks even if their shortcomings are all in their heads you don't make those carty moscow. times of the business update with kareena. we hear that the cross of gold is. what's going on there well investors are buying the precious metal kerry as protection from the falling dollar u.s. federal reserve policymakers are due to meet later on tuesday to discuss interest
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rates and a second round of quantitative easing the so-called q.e. two is intended to boost economic growth by increasing the amount of money available to banks but investors fear the injection of billions of extra dollars into the market will lead to inflation now gold is currently trading at just over forty hundred dollars an ounce up point seven percent on the session the yellow metal has gained nearly thirty percent since the beginning of the year and is heading for its tenth straight and you look bad silver is trading at twenty one twenty nine point nine dollars an ounce up point nine percent. u.s. retailing giant wal-mart stores is leaving russia the company has long tried to buy a market place here but didn't succeed the company has closed its office in moscow saying that it's still interested in the russian market wal-mart has come a second big international retailer leaving the country early a careful fail to make its business profitable here and still looking for
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a buyer for its two balls in moscow and cost a dollar. let's look at the markets in asia markets are posting modest gains ahead of the u.s. federal open market committee monetary policy decision later in the day hong kong has spurred by metal and energy shares up to commodity prices climbed overnight in the new west and crude oil falls to nearly eighty eight dollars a barrel in asia its trade is i would give you a supply numbers so it's close over to europe where stock markets are holding to a tight range in early trading on tuesday investors remain on the sidelines after six consecutive winning sessions tough broker recommendations helped a few stocks including airlines air france care and deutsche a live concert shares an extra rows one percent after the mining company was upgraded to buy from. neutral at u.b.s. . of the russian markets are mixed trading the models it's trading in the red weighed by energy stocks while financials basic materials and telecommunications
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are trading in the black. gas problem is losing more than a third percent all the miles it's well as well as lukoil burbank admi g.b. are gaining about a third on the boards. across the biggest miner noised maciel has sold its entire stake in u.s. metals company stillwater sold thirty seven million still watershed to the public at nineteen dollars fifty cents and the remaining nine million shares securities the russian mining giant had said it was selling its shares to focus on its core operations. and that's your business update for now join me at twenty past the hour for more.
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they live not only next to the border of the guns of egypt but also on the border of peace and war. they are responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved ones. they are ready to take any risk. code. book. a book. street.
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chosen from among many. he was given a clear cut mission. a mission he successfully accomplished. and became the first ever man in outer space. hero of the soviet union one of the best known persons in the whole world. all his thoughts were focused on flight to could he ever think that his life's work would cost him his life. what happened in those few seconds. and what she could see these sealed barrels still. you're regarding. this is a cable from the u.s. embassy in colombo to talk about here an apparent june seventh incident of
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extrajudicial executions the military according to the press that on that day that told nine guerrillas in combat it desiccation by instructs you including you know and they strongly suggest however that the nine were executed by the army and then dressed in military fatigues. explain how you know this kind of phenomenon where bodies are dressed up as guerrillas and presented as killed in action and this and this idea that you need to produce bodies actually encouraged paramilitary collaboration this is a cia document central intelligence agency they knew about these activities they knew they were happening they knew about links to paramilitary groups and yet the usa continued to flow.
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in the united kingdom she's available in the house bill and for the one who took the old way even if. it gets in the millstone hutto some of the country house today is the bull tells the rim brant the creamy to choose to feel. the oil the ruben's hotel.
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here with the main stories we're covering for you this hour the white house is confident you create cuts treaty with russia will be ratified before the end of the year even if the current senate votes to prolong it sets for the new congress takes over in january the republicans will have a legal representation could look to deal. with. the wiki leaks founder julian assange be seeking bail that's of course heading in london on tuesday he supports is fair if it's risky to be extradited to sweden and make presentations could then become to david's the us cues in an espionage. russia north korea's foreign minister has agreed that six party talks to resolve tensions on the korean peninsula and to proceed at a closed meeting may also stress that the escalating crisis can only be handled
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through diplomatic means. the next boss trains trade and energy talking about russia's ties with its northern neighbor finland our interview with president taria hollande is coming right up. her. president hello and thank you very much for being with that to day so you've just stepped off a high speed train line between helsinki and st petersburg how do you think this connection will change the alliance between the two you said it's i had seen the video we in practice people will come closer to each other of course feel many so good now will. the country woods is the most popular among the e.u. countries to give the recess but. that's.


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