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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EST

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are there and the new start will most likely be ratified by the end of this week it seems the only thing that could be in the way of the ratification are partisan games political bargaining which have nothing to do with the treaty itself and its content speaking of bargaining at some point the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell came out and said republicans would want a new democrat initiative if they don't extend tax cuts for the rich so you get a say and so the expand the willard bailing culture on capitol hill and the substance of the pretty whether it's good or bad for america has long stopped being the focus of discussions here in washington to the point when it could become a threat to the u.s. national security a world without buying u.s. russia arms control treaties is a more dangerous world the obama administration is going out of its way to have the deal ratified the president's arguably major foreign policy chief meant is on the line not only does the start cut nuclear arsenals of both countries by
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a third it's also seen as a symbol of trust between the two nuclear superpowers russia has cooperated with us on critical issues to our national security like iran sanctions transit to supply our troops in afghanistan working on securing loose nuclear materials and their relationships and trusts that are built from the nuestro treaty spill over into a whole host of other national security issues that are a vital importance to america the shoe of trust and america's reputation globally was addressed by the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee every senator has an obligation to question of themselves over the course of these next days are we a credible partner can other nations rely on us what happens when the present united states to go sure it's a treaty. and he comes back here and the rest of the world sees the truth. not in
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the substance of the treaty but in the politics of the day and if the treaty does get bogged down this year chances are the new senate which is going to be more republican and obama hosts dial who put off the new start indefinitely maybe for months or even years to get a check on our t. washington d.c. well democrat party strategist robert winner says the main reason the treaty is not ratified get this down to republicans election cycle mentality it would be stupid for the republicans to continue to block it but then again they want to block everything in the past republicans used to work with democrats now since a new game which they've been wanting to kill everything break publicans have learned that sound bites can win elections instead of good governing something has to change we have to get past two year old election cycles and think in terms of the good of the country something has to happen to help us to good governance but good governance in the world not just united states includes passage of the start
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treaty i think perhaps by embarrassing the republicans from trust stopping them from playing politics which is dangerous it's devastating it could cause terrorism to succeed they will come around and pass this treaty and deputy director of the national security network think tank says delaying the ratification could indicate obama's political weakness at home. but if it doesn't get passed actually fails there could be serious consequences for american leadership on arms control fallout for the american reputation around the world would be significant if it doesn't pass but it is not turned down but just delayed that's who also signaled that president obama is weak at home that's why advocates for the treaty are so you get past the. you're with are to fly from moscow still ahead for you this hour wiki leaks founder gets pal and britain as his supporters insist the charges against him are
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a cover for the us to get their hands on the whistleblower. and are seen as military contributor shares his view on the opportunities the late veteran diplomat richard holbrook left behind for american policies in afghanistan and. also we get behind the scenes of the upcoming launch that will take the next international space station crew into orbit. but first russia will buy at least one miss that all helicopter carrier from france the sides are currently agreeing the price of the deal which will be the largest military transaction between russia and a nato country. reveals the details of the long negotiated agreement. at this point it really does seem that this deal is going to be sealed at least thus according to russian officials moscow looks set to bind the mistral produced by france this is a huge. helicopter carrier ship it's also cabled to transport dozens of tanks and
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other transport vehicles the negotiations on this deal have been continuing for around a year and first washington has concerns on a nato member state selling this time to russia you know with the restart of relations between moscow and washington the situation seems to have changed previously the french prime minister who's visited the moscow just recently he said that there are no you know obstacles remaining in this deal and it's incompletion moscow wants to buy at least one mistrial and may also get the license to produce more on its tail now it's of just one mistral costs around eight hundred million euros dollars although the final price for this deal still hasn't been decided but russian officials say they expect the final details and the documents will be finalized on this deal before the end of this year. to meet three
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of us here from the specialist moscow based magazine export of arms says the mr all deal will play a major role in boosting russia's industry rather than its military sector. we already have certain technological cooperation with france and there are certain mechanisms in place therefore france has been chosen and it seems that it will be easier working with france politically and then say with south korea old the netherlands who have also submitted their projects now it's common practice around the world that when buying weapons and military equipment the importing country sets its own requirements for instance we buy a weapons while you organize license production in our country and provide us with your technology etc so naturally russia doesn't want just to buy ships but also produce them itself mastering foreign technology i don't know how it's going to fit in with our military system but it will give our industry an edge distro will be supplied with our equipment of course and our enterprises will participate in this
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process. you know it's up to date on our website with all the latest news blogs analysis and lots more here's as some of what's on my for you right now celebrating into the twenty first century russia motor industry is its first eco friendly car. and when i'm sixty-four a swiss woman defies the age barrier become a mother for the first time with a little help some russian friends. a young russian woman arrested in london almost two weeks ago on its mission of spying has been released on bail twenty five year old. the to live after who is now
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facing deportation and worked as an assistant to british m.p. like had car. used her position to gather information on the country's nuclear facilities aren't you flor emmett has been speaking to her she was released on bail us around five o'clock last night it seemed quite an unexpected decision she seems a bit shocked by the whole process very relieved obviously to be back home but she says she's really had no time to even turn around sort of think about things and think about what the implications are this is not over for classes or to leave yet and yet it doesn't seem she has been released but she is and very strict bail conditions she told me that she wasn't able to meet with anybody without the express permission of the home secretary so she wants to meet with anyone give any interviews talk to anybody she has to apply in writing through her lawyers to the home office and then with five days notice and then they will decide whether or not she is allowed to meet with them so really conditions that amounts to house arrest
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she's also reportedly not allowed to have any contact with her boss mike hancock the member of parliament or indeed anyone that she worked with during her time in parliament she says that she's also going to do her best to comply with the terms of her is not to anybody and she still insists not this time that i spoke to her at the time before that she's done absolutely nothing wrong she says that she was just doing her job working for mike. and she also said that time that she had no evidence presented really quite difficult for her she and her lawyers are trying to appeal against something that they they really don't know what they're dealing with she looks at perhaps not straight away because she did sound extremely tired when i spoke to her this morning but she doesn't. to carry on this fight against her deportation or to leave after was detained almost two weeks ago now so she spent two weeks in a detention center. some distance from. the original news that we received was that
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she was to be deported on the basis presence in the u.k. wasn't conducive to the public good with the grounds of her deportation she'd been working inside the house of parliament. and as a parliamentary assistant to. member of parliament for the an area in the south of england for two and a half years so she'd been issued with a parliamentary security checks in order to get hold of that then. she was questioned on her way home from a holiday in croatia she was detained at the airport by customs and border officials questioned about her activities they then let her go and she carried on doing her job and going to work every day until just under two weeks ago when she was then detained by the authorities but this is a story that moved very quickly away from the political arena and into the sort of relating details presented in the media this is a girl who is quite tall with long legs she's blonde she's russian she wears shorts
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and high heels according to her colleagues and she certainly did on the occasions that. this was perfect fodder for tabloid headlines and sure enough they didn't they didn't have a chance. so it remains to be seen what's going to happen in the development of this story. is going to stay in this country on bail for at least a short time and then and then we'll have to see what happens. the wiki leaks founder has been granted bail by a british court but with the strict conditions julian last songs must surrender his passport and here to a curfew and wear an electronic tag the whistle blower has been in british custody for a week after stockholm issued an arrest warrant in connection with rape allegations which are songe firmly denies swedish prosecutors are appealing the bell decision which they must launch within the next few hours before songe can walk from the court they want to question him even though the country's chief prosecutor canceled a previous warrant saying there was no reason to suspect that he committed an
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assault but we can leak site is still operating and continues to publish confidential american diplomatic cables lindsey german from the coalition of resistance says a song is a fighter for democracy not a criminal. many people feel that the americans are putting pressure on the on the swedish government to to make sure this actually happens we think the son should be treated as somebody who is a criminal he should be treated as somebody who has done a public service in releasing this information that we have found out over the last few weeks about what our governments do they want to keep secret from us but what he's doing is he's speaking out for many many people who would like more democracy who think good governments should be the servants of the people and not their models does and who believe that we should have always information and it does seem to me quite incredible but we are but he is being treated in this one eight thirty
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in the united states people are saying that he's these are the enemy combatant well the other and the mekons competence of the united states of ended up in guantanamo bay and that is certain but if i had they why some of these people would like him to be in prison for a very long time. well later this hour here on r t financial guru max kaiser looks at the financial fallout from the ever continuing stream of wiki leaks. veteran american diplomat richard holbrooke has died at the age of sixty nine after undergoing emergency heart surgery nicknamed the bulldozer he is best known for pushing the u.s. agenda in the balkans story in the bosnian war and more recently he became bronco bomber special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan we're now joined on the line by writer diana johnstone she's joining us from paris and we hope to talk about
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richard holbrooke's legacy so what does u.s. foreign policy inherit from richard holbrooke will it inherits a tradition of quite cynical opportunism and deception i would say. with that which is in the lab right up there is a little bit for us what kind of deception are we talking about well various kinds of deception but i was thinking particularly of all of the surrounding the balkans because that's the subject that i know the best and which is revealed somewhat in his book which i have come to in my in my old the fact is that he has presented the dayton accords of one nine hundred ninety five like a great. accomplishment of american peacemaking whereas in
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fact the reality is that the united states helped start the boston war in one thousand nine hundred two by encouraging is a big of it's the bus and muslim leader to pull out of an agreement that was made between the three ethnic parties that would have prevented the war so the war was encouraged and the muslims were encouraged to keep making the war and then in order to finally stop it holbrooke had to turn to slobodan milosevic who desperately wanted to make peace in order to get sanctions lifted from serbia so in fact the united states used most of it to make peace but the whole book a lot is about this in saying that they've bombed they had to bomb milosevic they bombed the serbs there to below to bomb the los or to the negotiating table in reality they had to bomb the serbs to persuade is a vegan it should go to the good feeling table and hope of its own account of that makes it quite clear that it was mostly rich who saved the bus and. peace
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accords by making great compromise is. at the cost of bus in service over the constant objections of the muslim leaders who want to keep the war going. so there was one deception and and the the other deception is that after that most of it we didn't get any credit for that but in fact was in kosovo and holbrooke very us and tissues they went and sat down in the tents of the binion so for as to well the us a call them terrorists and then they were to change the defeat of fighters when the us decided to back them in order to get rid of most of it so he combined this honesty with the next door narry degree of of ingratitude and when milosevic died
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in prison holbrooke made a comment calling him a monster that was like hitler and stalin and mao and on and quite a load large number of incidents so i feel that although one usually with specs the did right after they die holbrooke unself an example of insulting the person that he owed his expense to right his death well critics would argue that deception was years to answer the iraq war chanter afghanistan invade i should say at least according to those critics do you think that this is an end of an era do you think they'll be any kind of sharp changes in u.s. diplomacy diplomacy tactics around the world. no i don't think so i think hard work was simply good at doing what american diplomacy wants done which is deception and there another place that he was also involved in is east timor where i don't know
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so well but it has been reported that while he went there pretending to be on a mission to for human rights was actually there to sell more weapons to the government that was oppressing the people of east timor so he has a whole history of doing things for the united states that i am afraid is in keeping with was the continual policy of making use of local conflicts in faraway places in order to extend their own power and control. all right john stone thank you very much for your input and analysis there of course we're speaking about the legacy of the late richard holbrooke thanks for that. let's take a look at some world news in brief for you this hour via dropped it on rome as tens
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of thousands of anti-government demonstrators protested against the film the six hours from going to the lower house confidence vote riot police had to use tear gas to try and stop the angry crowd from clashing with the far g.'s the prime minister narrowed to survived by a margin of three votes the decision came after berlusconi had already gained the necessary support in the upper house critics say mr berlusconi's support has been weakened after a series of scandals and budget cuts. a major irish bank has backed down on plans to pay out forty million euros in bonuses in a statement the allied irish bank said it had received a letter from the government threatening to withhold further public money if they went ahead with their own bank is one of the institutions at the center of the country's financial crisis absorbing billions in taxpayer cash to corporate suits. the next space bound rocket now stands poised for wednesday's blast off russia's
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side hughes will take a crew of three a russian an american and an italian on the twenty six mission to the international space station peter all over reports on the rockets journey to its launch site in kazakhstan. hereward baikonur the final preparations underway ahead of the launch of the soyuz t.m.a. twenty rockets which will carry cosmonaut to meet to be called and astronauts pollo and katherine coleman up to the international space station for the rocket has received a blessing from a priest from the russian orthodox church in line with tradition here at baikonur that's not the only tradition they have many many traditions and superstitions if you will to be carried out before the launch one of those traditions as the the astronauts and cosmonauts visit the cosmonaut museum here and by can also they get to look at what those who have gone before them days and what they brought back from space. museum they also sign a board with the picture of the soyuz t.m.a. rocket on it and write a little message a memory of what they were about to do with this mission now there's been plenty of
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former astronauts and cosmonauts say it's a lend their support to the mission crew. liable man doesn't matter what the weather is it doesn't matter what you know it's just a very robust strong system that can withstand just about anything nature can throw at it and you know it's been slices the sixty's and it was a rare exception or so every time and some of those who have been up there before say it's those little things that can make life hard when you're up in space i think probably the biggest challenge for me you know i think it sounds kind of trivial but was the lack of variety of the food after you know you know one month it's ok two months is ok and then you know three months you know exactly how many brownies are in the desert have been you know exactly how many heaters are in the meat. because it's all the same so that's how it's looking here at the moment in baikonur the cosmonauts and astronauts are currently tucked away so they can catch any sniffles all colds or coughs it's very cold here in baikonur of course they if
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they do get sick they can be pulled from the mission and the whole team of. this poorly coleman would be removed from the mission and replaced with the backup crew so they are desperately trying to make sure that that doesn't happen they're all talked up nice and warm and that's how it looks at the baikonur cosmodrome peter all of a bike and. well there stay for us for blastoff will be following that story on wednesday next up though we have date you want today's big business story stay with us. business precious metals again in for a second day as investors look for protection from the tumbling dollar the federal reserve is due to meet later on tuesday to discuss interest rates under second round of quantitative easing q e two that's become known is intended to boost economic growth by increasing the amount of money available to banks but investors fear the injection of billions of extra dollars into the markets will bring
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inflation. gold is trading near full team hundred dollars announced today the prices jumped by nearly a third in twenty ten and is heading for its tenth straight view of growth. in the stock market is wall street. aftereffects of an expected rise in u.s. retail sales for november best buy was an exception however its shares slumped over six percent after the retailer unveiled lower profits europe is mixed as investors cash in yesterday's games. of the top losers in london down over three percent. russian markets have ended the second day in the black the my six had a late surge to go back over sixteen hundred points below one this big a topsy turvy week for the index. gazprom had a late surge today to end up one percent higher investors are encouraged by the meeting between the head of gazprom alexei miller and the better a side hopes on
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a transit deal that. russia's biggest mine in the last nickel has sold its entire stake in u.s. metals company stillwater nickel sold thirty seven million shares to the public at nineteen dollars fifty and the remaining one million two u.b.s. securities the russian mining giant had said it was selling its shares to focus on corporations. t.k. b.p. says it will invest three hundred million dollars next year russia's joint new mole peninsula the energy firm will spend two thirds of the budget on development of risk with field deposits of its guest subsidiary role span investment project is a part of the company's earlier announced ambitious plans to double gas production in ten years world's biggest retailer wal-mart is leaving russia wal-mart has long been trying to buy its way into the markets but says it's failed to find enough attractive targets the company has closed its moscow office saying there was no reason to remain despite the continued interest in russia or what is the second big international retailer to leave the country this year of the cold call for france
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fail to make its business profitable and while this may be bad for russian shoppers and listen it's probably good news for domestic retailers. as simple as the for the russian retail companies since it basically eliminates potential but still very large compared to all the concerns about large beauty. exiting the market grounded in in my view because none of the russian retailers and public ones. are up for sale right now at least the prices that wal-mart is offering. now prices in russia next year may go up faster than expected the chancel bank is concerned the poor harvest will push up the cost of food there for inflation above the official target of six and a half percent as if to prove the point the price of wheat a staple of the russian diet has jumped thirty percent in the last week alone buckwheat is currently selling in shops at a hundred groups roubles per kilo roughly the same as for some meat. that's the
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latest this hour you can find more stories on our website that's.
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in india old geezer made to believe the move to join people to see the movie that's a great way to go to the brendan period truly george was still. you can the let's go toe to toe she was there to see don't need to go and pull
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a clear run to the colonel was her job as a retreat. guys a report is coming up here in our team but first let's check the headlines no christmas break for the u.s. senate until the nuclear cuts treaty is ratified this as democrats wrestle to harness republican support for one of president obama's most crucial foreign policy deals. and the biggest naval deal between russia and a nato country is on the horizon with moscow set to buy at least one helicopter carrier from france and after almost a year of negotiations. also the russian woman accused of spying while working for british m.p. is released on bail she gives her side of the story to our team. as promised now max keiser and stacy herbert explore how the wiki leaks revelations
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are affecting the world of big money the kaiser report is next here in our team. my stars are this is the kaiser report you know we got those fools on the run not only are we sure did the bankers with their show but we got folks like wiki leaks going after all taken in from the cyber direction they got in the crosshairs it got the pincer movement. blued talk to stacy herbert all those daisy max kaiser well you know what it might be time to short j.p. morgan this is a critic to market shorter dot com j.p. morgan besieged on several fronts silver wiki leaks lawsuits for closure gate so their crime.


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