tv [untitled] December 14, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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to start we'll most likely be ratified by the end of this week it seems the only thing that could be in the way of the ratification are partisan games political bargaining which have nothing to do with the treaty itself and its content speaking of bargaining at some point the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell came out and said republicans won't want any democrat initiatives if they don't extend tax cuts for the rich so you get a sense of the expand the willard billing culture on capitol hill and the substance of the treaty whether it's good or bad for america has long stopped being the focus of discussions here in washington to the point when it could become a threat to the u.s. national security a world without buying u.s. russia arms control treaties is a more dangerous world the obama administration is going out of its way to have the deal ratified the president's arguably major foreign policy chief meant is on the line not only does the start cut nuclear arsenals of both countries by a third it's also seen as
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a symbol of trust between the two nuclear superpowers russia has cooperated with us on critical issues to our national security like iran sanctions transit to supply our troops in afghanistan working on securing loose nuclear materials and the relationships and trust that are built from the new start treaty spill over into a whole host of other national security issues that are vital importance to american fees shoe of trust and america's reputation globally was addressed by the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee every senator has an obligation to ask that question of themselves over the course of these next days are we a credible partner can other nations rely on us what happens when the present united states negotiates a treaty and he comes back here and the rest of the world sees that a treaty bogged down not in the substance of the treaty. but in the politics of the
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day and if the treaty does get bogged down this year chances are the new senate which is going to be more republican and obama hosts will put off the new start indefinitely maybe for months or even years going to check on our t. washington d.c. i spoke to nuclear nonproliferation. when he explained to me why the treaty significance we did will definitely be approved it confirms that the u.s. russia relationship will remain on track i think the second thing is that it maintains the new core stability that we've had some see end of the cold war importantly the start treaty maintains and monitoring and verification measures that allow both the u.s. and russia to check out what each other is doing in the nuclear arena and it enables progress to continue to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in the world so i think it's a vital treaty it's one of the priorities that the ministration has set forth and it's too important for us national security for russian national security and for
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global national school for the spirit of the world for republicans in the senate to hold us hostage and i think they won't i think this will be the one piece of legislation that actually gets massive bipartisan support although you know nothing is certain until it's certain and there's still a ways to go but i think i think i will feel confident that this is actually going to get ratified in the next few days the wiki leaks founder has been granted bail by a british court but with strict condition dispute and his son will stay in jail until another hearing in the next two days as prosecutors repeating the bail decision soco wants to extradite dishonest runs of questions over sexual assault charges which he denies sweden chief prosecutor counseled a previous arrest warrant saying there was no reason to suspect that he committed themselves the wiki leaks site is still operating and continues to publish confidential american diplomatic gender stuff in times he says the most essential thing is that the website is still operating. everyone thought that he'd want to
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pay one of his bail application but his mother left the court everyone left the goods and then it's they've appealed the decision the crown prosecution service here automatically has to act on the swedish authorities decision and now it seems like he's one bail but he's going to be in jail for forty eight hours very confusing situation how ironic that we're talking about justice in the british courts when that he leaks so much about injustice around the world i think what's really important is that the daily wiki leaks information is brought out and the next week is supposed to be about the bank of america so we'll hear a lot more about business news from wiki leaks regardless of his critics but as a. company sharon ward from justice says a swedish actions are suspicious and that the u.s. is trying to get its hands on the wiki leaks founder. we think these are very very serious charges we think the allegations are very weak we noticed that the chief swedish prosecutor looked at these original charges and looked at the evidence and said there is no case to answer here for and immediately dropped the case so why is
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it now all of a sudden since the cables have been released and the government is getting more and more the u.s. state department other governments around the world are getting more and more embarrassed and these cables are getting more and more revelator e. why now is a swedish politician decide to take up the case of these accused of the accusers and how to push this through we just think this is a backdoor extradition to the u.s. it's just a serious charge. though the judges are a generous mood as are two reports in a few minutes. a russian girl accused of spying whilst working for a british m.p. has been released on bail i've spoken to her and i'll bring you all the details cheering the program. and we go by the scenes of the upcoming launch that will take the next international space station crew into. kosovo as prime minister has been named as the head of a mafia like albanian group responsible for smuggling human organs drugs and
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weapons by a council of europe inquiry the two year program by britain's guardian newspaper ahead of its release says she has been violently controlling the heroin trade in the region for the last decade or so members of his group are also accused of smuggling individuals into obeying year after the nine hundred ninety nine kosovo war prisoners were killed in that organs harvested revelations come as that she declared victory in the first parliamentary election since the self-proclaimed nation split up i spoke to michael gast said she's from the british service alliance for peace he told me the price but maybe paid is nothing compared to the brutal crimes he committed. he faces to put it mildly a difficult time but i think the time he faces is nothing compared the time. those living human beings who were kept in concentration camps and were systematically cut up and then sewn back up again after organs are removed from them in a series of episodes till they were finally begging to be murdered rather than
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continually chopped up and let live in that condition i'm sure that anything that happens to him will be mild compared to what he has drawn it's a group at the head of the k.l.a. which took over kosovo from serbia were responsible for and i guess that my expectations this report will be patched up as much as it is possible to be because so many nato politicians have invested so much interest into this abysmal awful criminal state this banana republic in the heart of europe which has nothing better to do than to traffic in human beings organs drugs and women that's possible for you. top level american officials were expressing their grief over the death of veteran diplomat richard holbrooke became the bulldozer died at age sixty nine after undergoing heart surgery is best known for pushing the u.s. agenda in the balkans during the bosnian war the dayton agreement cycling by
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america for ending the conflict is one of his best movie achievements but political writer donna johnston says the cold was orchestrated by a whole group using questionable tactics. the reality is that the united states helped start the boston war in one thousand nine hundred two by encouraging is a bag of it's the bus and muslim leader to pull out of an agreement that was made between the three f. think parties that would have prevented the war and then in order to finally stop it holbrooke had to turn to slobodan milosevic who desperately wanted to make peace in order to get sanctions lifted from serbia so in fact the united city used most of it to make peace and help us own account of that makes it quite clear that it was mostly rich who saved the peace accords by making great compromises at the cost of buses serves most of it we didn't get any credit for that but in fact was
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in close of all when holbrooke went and sat down in the tents of the albanian separatist just so he combined this dynasty with the next door nary a degree of ingratitude and when milosevic died in prison holbrooke made a comment calling him a monster so i feel that although one usually with specs the did it right after they die hard work and self set an example of insulting the person that he owed his expense to write his death. bail has been granted to the young russian woman arrested in london almost two weeks ago on suspicion of spying twenty five year old . who's now facing deportation worked as an assistant to british m.p. mike hancock the u.k. says she used her position to gather information about the country's nuclear facilities and his lawyer emma has been speaking to. seemed quite an unexpected decision she seemed to be shocked by the whole process very relieved obviously to
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be back but she says she's really had no time to even tight around to sort of think about things and think about what the implications are this is not over. yet it doesn't seem she has been released but she is and very strict bail conditions she told me that she wasn't able to meet with anybody without the express permission of the home secretary so she wants to meet with anyone give any interviews talk to anybody she has to apply in writing through her lawyers to the home office and then with five days notice and then they will decide whether or not she is allowed to meet with them so really conditions that amounts to house arrest she's also reportedly not allowed to have any contact with her boss mike hancock the member of parliament or indeed anyone that she worked with during her time in parliament she says that she's also going to do her best to comply with the terms of her not to
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anybody and she still insists this time that i spoke to her the time before that she's done absolutely nothing wrong she says that she was just doing her job working for mike. and she also said that time that she had no evidence presented really quite difficult for her as she and her lawyers are trying to appeal against something that they they really don't know what they're dealing with . perhaps not straight away because she did sound extremely tired when i spoke to her this morning but she does look set to carry on this fight against her deportation. or was detained almost two weeks ago now so she spent two weeks in a detention center some distance from london and the original news that we received was that she was to be deported on the basis presence in the u.k. wasn't conducive to the public good with the grounds of her deportation she'd been working inside the houses of parliament. and the parliamentary. distant to mike hancock he's a member of parliament for an area in the south of england for two and
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a half years so she's been issued with a parliamentary posse to undergo the security checks in order to get hold of that this is a girl who is quite tall with no legs she's flown she's russian she wear short skirts and high heels according to her colleagues and she certainly did on the occasions that i've met her and so this is perfect fodder for tabloid headlines and sure enough they didn't they didn't. so it remains to be seen what's going to happen in the development of this story. is that an event that is going to stay in this country on bail for at least a short time and then and then we'll have to see what happens you know if you go to date on all of the latest news on the web server course blogs analysis the leaders of our station jumpstart your. bed tonight accelerating into the twenty first century story broke yesterday russia's motor industry showcasing its first eco friendly hybrid car to take to the streets really two years time. in
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six before there is a song like that but the story is this a swiss five is the age barrier to become a mother for the first time with the help from some russian friends follow her story really interesting what if there are teeth go home tonight. russia will buy at least one mistral helicopter carrier from france the countries are currently agreeing the price which will be the largest military deal between russia and the nato countries going off got the details of this long negotiated transaction. at this point it really does seem this deal is going to be sealed at least us according to russian officials moscow looks set to buy the mistral produced by france this is a huge. helicopter carrier ship it's also capable to transport dozens of tanks and
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other transport vehicles the negotiations on those deals have been continuing for around a year first to washington was its concerns on a nato member state selling. to russia you know with the restart of relations between moscow and washington the situation seems to have changed previously the french prime minister who's visited moscow just recently he said that there are no you know obstacles remaining in this deal it's incompletion moscow wants to buy at least one mistrial and may also get the license to produce more or less it's a tory you know it's all thought just one mistral costs around eight hundred million euros dollars although the final price for this deal still hasn't been decided but russian officials say they expect the final details of the documents will be finalized on this deal before the end of this year. so far here the most
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recent country to convert to the euro is how they go rethink maybe about whether it should stick with the currency parliamentary speaker richard simmons says that they need a plan b. in case they have to switch back to their old money he added that needs to shore up its financial defenses if the european debt crisis worsens later the country's premier said that bratislava is never considered dropping and denying talk about reverting to the former currency but you're a car person and list at the institute of economic and social studies i spoke to told me that the time there was no need to switch to the single currency. i don't think the euro was a failure for slovakia i don't think any catastrophic scenario would. work if we didn't join during the. let's look at the czech republic they are very similar country with their own currency and they are doing pretty well today in slovakia many painful structural reforms happened in the last years we had to save our all
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the banks in the year two thousand and one and it cost us almost ten percent of g.d.p. so now the select people don't really understand why they should send money to irish banks when we had to foot the bill for our own both by ourselves there is also an issue that. all the talk about the european solidarity doesn't work in slovakia we have to mention that the slow people are the poorest one in the eurozone so all the people really don't understand why they should be a rich brothers. of the top world news stories to bring you up to date with almost one hundred people in the row homes of thousands of demonstrators protested against prime minister silvio berlusconi winning a parliament confidence wired police said he used tear gas to try to stop the angry crowd from clashing with authorities but a scolding narrowly survived by a margin of just three votes in the after securing the necessary backing from the upper chamber critics say the prime minister's support been weakened after a series of scandals and budget cuts. fired clothing factory near the capital of
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bangladesh has killed at least twenty five and injured over one hundred witnesses say the blaze broke out of the top two floors of the building at lunchtime when at least one of the workers were the office soldiers from a nearby military district helped in the rescue operation an investigation into the cause of the fire is underway. the next space rocket now stands poised for wednesday's blast off russia's soyuz will take a crew of three that's a russian and american at the telly and on what is the twenty six mission to the international space station artie's paid rover reports next on the rockets journey to its launch site in kazakhstan. hereward baikonur the final preparations underway ahead of the launch of the soyuz t.m.a. twenty rockets which will carry cosmonaut to me. and katherine coleman up to the international space station for the rocket has received a blessing from a priest of the russian orthodox church in line with tradition here at baikonur that's not the only tradition they have many many traditions and superstitions if
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you will to be carried out before the launch one of those traditions as the astronauts of cosmo business the cosmonaut museum here and by can also they get to look at what those who have gone before them brought back from space. you see and they also signs with the picture of the soyuz t.m.a. on it and rice a little message of a memory of what they were about to do with this mission now there's been plenty of former astronauts and cosmonauts say it's a lend their support to the mission crew. liable to what the water is it doesn't matter what you know it's just a very robust strong system that can withstand just about anything in nature and you know it's been slices sixty's and it was a very exceptional works every time and some of those who have been up there before say it's those little things that can make life hard when you're up in space i think probably the biggest challenge for me you know i think it sounds trivial but it was the lack of variety of the food after you know you know one month it's ok
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two months is ok and you know three months you know exactly how many brownies are in the desert have been you know exactly how many you. meet. because it's all the same so that's how it's looking here at the moment in baikonur the coast minolta astronauts are currently tucked away so they can catch any sniffles colds or coughs it's very cold here in baikonur of course they say to get sick they can be pulled from the mission and the whole team of. this poorly coleman would be removed from the mission and replaced with the crew so they're desperately trying to make sure that that doesn't happen they're all talked up nice and warm and that's how it looks at the baikonur cosmodrome peter all of a bike and. you know keep you posted how they get on next tonight fast trains trade energy we're talking about russia's ties with its northern neighbor finland our interview with president helen and coming up after this quick break.
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it will. thank you thank you. thank you thank you. thank you. thank you. president hello and thank you very much for being with that's today so you've just stepped off a high speed train line between helsinki and st petersburg how do you think this connection will change the alliance between the two cities i really impact these
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people we are come closer to the sather of course we many so good now. the country which is the most popular among the e.u. countries to give the recess by planting that's just one point there now the point is that it has to be very popular already now to be said to the mattress of the female but now we think also that perhaps we're to be certain you will also hold i wore would suit the sense from a female and we'll played better mr peters book and or the fight culture of russia what russia's w t o membership should accelerate business with the neighbors what you think are some of the benefits for the finnish economy so you know because we have a work of trade between finland and russia so we would hope of course that that would be and i'm sure we will be a member w p o p course ben certain if you will go away from our table and so it's it's my. clear to work under the same big us in the circumstances we are
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keeping the fingers that everything will happen very soon you've emphasized and by mental conversation and energy efficiency as the key platform for cooperation between russia and finland why i think so that given the other countries huge energy sources it's no idea to. reuse them without any control because. if we think the whole planet the hope when if we we have really we need to be sources inside so we sort of think well you know for the next generations then and try to be as effective as possible the second thing is of course that the price of grain and she might be higher will be certainly higher in the future so it's better already now to will be effective we have to see also that we need any resources and i am happy to notice that. all around the world also those countries which.
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classical resources in india have been interested to work with us to make new ideas how to get to a new book energy sun and wind sea and whatever you might mention and that's also something what we know well so what clean tech order new energy green technology and we need to ask you to share our experiences but then london russia have well developed strategists in the arctic and present inventive has a strong platform for cooperation with norway now in your vision were what is your country's sustainable strategy in the arctic. it's extremely important because also the nature and nature in the very north east are very fragile it's very sensitive i think that there are three different aspects one nice for us not so or arctic i mean they're both exceed the region which will be of course covered with ice or snow in the future we hope but then the very north very north where you have
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already good cooperation with no great hero present inventive wish to revive the spirit of helsinki and you have mentioned images proposed to european security what do you think are the strong points of this particular trait the standpoint is that europe used to be a very long time divided divide he put it it was a code war time. i know we all know that that's not cool we would like to see the united europe recently made a video proposal to seem calm in europe here our security is welcome there and i had to give a pin you know kind of use have already discussed all the work for both us and now late this they're always see even meeting in the past but not all school told us that it's not only that i think you have people who are predicated by those of the simply a cacs very seriously there are. these ideas in a beginning only into you have mentioned finland being popular with issuing visas
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and yes it does issue over one million visitors to russians every year and plus there's high speed training connecting our two baltic cities could finland be the first country to offer a visit free regime to russian citizens under certain circumstances so i think that the aggressors really were already involved in european union disappoint the ex so that the call me soon and then the end unanimous decision for. your country at least is basic when the person has now become very very practical very pragmatic that all these conditions what's are needed in order to take the visa away would make it beautiful so we take them practically and the russians take it practically it means that step by step we don't say anymore if we say what if there be such a leader. why we stew used to be first i hope that it should be so so perfect methinks ok i think go and no not at all two months waiting while queuing there so
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stories snow christmas break for the u.s. senate. democrats. republican support for one of president obama's most crucial foreign policy of colds. organ trafficking weapons and drug smuggling as a legal council of europe investigation says he's been running a mafia. group for over a decade. the russian woman accused of spying while working for a british m.p. is released on bail gives her side of the story too often. up next our special report on the lives of four men working under extreme pressure in a smuggling hotspot. planes are still flying over the border area inhabitants should have accurate and
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not approach the bombing so. where are you at home. you didn't you hear the explosions going to didn't. miss house my brother didn't hear anything. and there's nothing in this area. oh. it's exploding here selling team it's ok don't be scared that's a house that's just been bombed and it makes that sound. don't be afraid. stop the car horn. there's another explosion. keep. we're cool be like us. it's just starting. is it's going to be long. the bombs are.
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