tv [untitled] December 15, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EST
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well the seem to then be sold on the black markets this report was led by the human rights investigated and is due to be formally presented to the council on thursday in this report midst of all he says that mr touchy is connections to organized crime date back well over ten years when his needs a group became the dominant factor within the course of an liberation army the k l a and in this report mr morsi is highly critical of the international community for largely ignoring the actions of the k.l.a. a jury in the casa can do that and as a result mr touchy and those loyal to him have played a dominant role in kaufman politics for the past decades the leaking of this report also coincided with the beginning of legal proceedings in the courthouse into an alleged case of organ trafficking that was discovered by the calls from police it's two thousand and eight and in this council of europe report mr monti makes
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a connection with that case and the alleged good harvesting of the k.l.a. in two thousand and two all of this comes as tensions are already running high in pristina after the historic elections that the first general elections take place in the region since he left to decoration of independence in two thousand and eight mr tutt she's the democratic party of course of a fling victory in those elections allegations of vote rigging have led to the other major policies that seems cool full a recount so tensions running high in this council of europe reports causing even more waves to ripple across the over ready troubled region. marco gossip from the british serbian alliance for peace as any punishment touched him toci my face is nothing compared to what he's done to cost. faces to put it mildly a difficult time but i think the time he faces is nothing compared to time those
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living human beings who were kept in concentration camps and were systematically cut up and then sewn back up again after organs are removed from them in a series of episodes till they were finally begging to be murdered rather than continually chopped up and let live in that condition i'm sure that the anything that happens to him will be mild compared to what he was granted to a group of the head of the k.l.a. which took over kosovo from serbia were responsible for and i guess that my expectation of this report will be polished up as much as it is possible to be because so many politicians have invested so much interest into this abysmal awful criminal state this banana republic in the heart of europe which has nothing better to do than to traffic in human beings of all goodness drugs and women but it's possible for you. what you are to live from moscow coming your way the waiter the sour. why now is the sweetest politician decide to take up the case
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of these accused of the accusers and how to push this through. aren't you look so what might be behind sweden's appeal for the us we can leaks founder julian assange . i ask him how he's going to be up in space and still. get them to make phone calls and they make crazy so it's just just as if he's here aren't he discovers a love story at a cosmic drown this space crew prepares to leave for orbit don't miss it. and from ruin us for us to squander it economy many believe the u.s. is going through its darkest time yet despite obama's best efforts unemployment statistics have been on a real landless rise since two thousand and eight but as christians our reports the numbers may in fact be masking the truth. the numbers by any stretch
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are staggering we just got in the government's monthly jobs report it really was a disappointment on all counts hope for some holiday cheer at the end of this long tough year but instead the unemployment rate last month rose to nine point eight percent nine point eight percent is the unemployment rate our various hourly earnings you know changing by some estimates that rate which translates to fifteen million people is actually closer to twenty percent or thirty million people without a job the bureau of labor statistics conducts a survey of households to calculate the rate and considers people unemployed if they don't have a job have actively look for work in the prior four weeks and are currently available for work people exact smith who we met at the unemployment services office he was using the computers there to try to find a job to sell my house get rid of my car so it's just been a really very the most difficult experience i've ever had in my life he now stays
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with friends like a college degree good eats good skills good experience but no income since his unemployment benefits have run out i don't know how many others there are like me but there may be quite a few so it's probably a lot worse to defeat this issue. among those not counted college graduates who can't find their first job those who haven't sent out a resume in more than four weeks and those who simply would never be surveyed because they don't have a landline or a permanent residence and that includes washington d.c. resident monica who did not want to give her last name out of work for several months she so far been in eligible for unemployment benefits and has not yet looked for a new job she and her young daughter aliya live in a friend's basement when asked a car it is really hard to take care of margaret she says some days she can't even afford to buy food out. want to work i want to go to the movie cars give
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a good story to be able to. take care of her with. in the city where the laws of the land are made a closer look at those left behind just one of many heads that have not and most likely will not be counted the unemployment line it is an image that came to embody the great depression the time when franklin delano roosevelt took office as president of the united states so here at his memorial it is a permanent reminder of that time in history but it is a history that for many americans is starting to repeat itself reporting in washington christine for. our team. and for more insight on the crisis faced by millions of americans we talk to george having dura founder of survive and thrive t.v. . every day i'm talking to people that are not only have no hope they are hopeless with getting a job because there are no jobs it's a total joke
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a total disaster when you look for jobs you put out one hundred resumes and you get no responses you've got to give up on the concept of a job they're doing everything they can to destroy a job they're making it hard to hire you hire people they're putting all these regulations on companies that they have to pay. increases in medical insurance these guys are out of touch it's a total joke i mean when i hear these guys on c.n.n. talking about how they think they can improve the economy it's just that they're so out of touch so out of out of the loop that they have no concept of what it's like for an average american in this economy out of work looking for a job open up your paper look at the classified ads in some cases sometimes there's fewer than five or ten jobs in my city we've got we've got like three hundred thousand people i mean it's just it's ridiculous and staying with us peter lavelle's latest fiery edition of crosstalk turns to immigration where there is an
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integration there is anger. where there are large concentrations of immigrants it has been a net gain for the states ok when i do believe you're going to learn is to say but as a body who argue against that how do you doubt and this is interesting i know you're well versed in the bob how to react to that it sounds pretty convincing if any of that is valid maybe some of it is and i could certainly give you a laundry list as long as my arm out the net loss to work on me with illegal immigration. now you know we're borrowing a lot of issues on this although you are. the founder of the wiki leaks website julian assange to staying behind bars in britain for at least two more days despite a court order to release him on bail the ruling has been appealed by sweden a country that wants a songe or
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a sex crimes allegations wiki leaks has published hundreds of thousands of confidential u.s. documents causing an outcry in washington the website has faced repeated attempts to bring it offline and companies such as visa master card and pay pal have bans donations to it the u.s. hasn't charts the sounds of any crimes but is widely believed to be behind the campaign against a whistleblower campaigner soundboard from justice for silence believes sweden is acting as a proxy for washington which badly wants to plug that we can leaks. we think these a very very spirit charges we think the allegations of very weak we noticed that the chief swedish prosecutor looked at these original charges and looked at the evidence and said there is no case to answer here for and immediately dropped the case so why is it now all of a sudden since the cables have been released and the government is getting more and more the u.s. state department other governments around the world are getting more and more embarrassed and these cables are getting more and more revelator e why now is the swedish politician decide to take up the case of these accused of
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the accusers. and how to push this through a just a disembodied director should be us it's just a serious charge. and journalist optionor tons he says the decision to keep assad's behind bars is confusing but still hopes it won't deter or weaken least from continuing to expose secrets the u.s. wants to hi. everyone thought that he'd won that they won this bail application like his mother left the bullet at will and left the goods and then it sends out that they've appealed the decision the crown prosecution service here automatically has to act on the swedish authorities decision and now it seems like he's one bail but he's going to be in jail for forty eight of those very confusing situation how ironic that we're talking about justice in the british glutes when that he leaks so much about getting justice around the world i think what's really important though is that the daily weekly leaks information is out and the next week the leaks is supposed to be about the bank of america so we'll hear a lot more about business news from wiki leaks regardless of judea. and you can
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always keep up to date on our website with all the latest news and other stories here's just some of what's on line right now at our dot com. passes that that's by and it happens to be a young blonde russian woman is really something on london but banned from her workplace in parliament plus. look at an exclusive inside the war in afghanistan from a man i was there our military contributor again who shot his wad in plenty of others at r.t. dot com. the latest space crew is set to have for the have an slater today a russian american added talian will board a so yes rocket and blast off to the international space station before they are at a journey over the intrepid explorers and discovered
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a love story. when it comes to space travel clinical accuracy and pinpoint engineering of the norm that these on sunday his main concerns she's the wife of european space agency astronauts on this poorly and nervously want to use the soyuz rockets for their husbands safety depends on i hope that in some of our part of the five of them now. and russians there's nothing absent the show that things will be fine and i am. really glad to see the vehicle that will take them to international space station a family with space exploration running through their veins the couple met while paolo was training near moscow there was a nurse at the space center and her father is a constant instructor i met my wife in star city actually during training some some years ago and we figured out that nevertheless of a culture were fairly different she was russian i mean talian there was
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a lot of things in common and so we decided to go to and join together in a continual life today we have a daughter a year and a half old daughter and we're very happy follow married his russian bride while she was visiting him in houston a spur of the moment decision after the couple realized that they couldn't stand being apart from one another and wanted them to be raids irish guy was there and he said no problem i'm going to get you married tonight seven seven pm the beach and this is how it was it was just beautiful be. alive and down and the sky from nouns as husband wife. so near but so far apart spending time together has been a rarity during polos final preparations contact with the outside world is limited because developing a cough or cold could see all three of the crew pulled from the mission the italian will spend the next six months on board the i assess but paolo will be able to stay
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in touch with sasha and their young daughter through phone calls and video link. and just because he's working in space doesn't mean every day life back home on earth comes to a halt we're discussing bill some time now and i asked him how it's going to be when you're up in space still haven't been there so i'm going to make phone calls and now pay my credit card so it's going to be just just as a piece here standing at one meets in ninety two he will be the tallest man ever to fly in a soyuz rocket so told in fact that a special seat to be made for him the mission commander is cosmonaut dimitri khandahar chair of it will be this russian's first journey into space a very serious and focused individual he plans to use any downtime on board the i assess to train for his black belt in karate not an easy task without gravity help a bit. karate is a sport that not only conditions you physically but also has a significant force offical component it serves for the development of the sport
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and the sportsman that's why i like it that's for outer space karate i'll be restricted of course i won't be doing any fully fledged sessions that are a lot of exercise and karate started once breathing exercises some of them can be done in a confined space gravity all try to do those. now says katherine coleman makes up the crew this will be her third trip into space and this time should be bringing along a passenger as a reminder of home a son's cuddly tiger and what that means to go to school and learn to write he doesn't know how to write so what we're planning is. taking good look tokens into orbit is one of many traditions associated with launches from baikonur strange that even in the most high tech of environments that the human belief in fate play such a major part moving at a snail's pace so as not to cause any damage to the spacecraft the fully constructed rocket moves its way towards the launch site and even at this stage
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there are traditions and superstitions that baikonur. the placing of coins on the truck in front of the train is supposed to bring a good look to the mission on the launch pad and ready to go the soyuz t.m.a. twenty rockets no waits for its crew. kazakhstan now with people flying in so we're a bit i'm back every few months now our team looks at how it all began what's our special report about the first man in space you're a good guy about ten minutes time here and. chosen from among many. he was given the clear cut mission. the mission he successfully accomplish. became the first ever encounter space. under soviet union one of the best known persons in the world. is focused on flight.
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could he ever think that his life's work would cost him his life. what happened in those few seconds. and what she could see silda barrels still. you're ignoring. at a moscow core and has delayed the delivery of its verdict in the second trial miata cost kendall twenty seventh of december it had been due to be handed down on wednesday the former yugoslav cohn's already serving an eight here prison term for tax evasion fraud and embezzlement and has also been charged with stealing millions of tons of oil is found guilty he'll stay behind bars until twenty seventeen and if a chord clear is how the cost of the charges they were walked free in less than a year and some observers call it a political case but the russian authorities insist you can see exactly gibbs must be prosecuted for economic crimes. slovakia the most recent country to
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convert to the euro is having a rethink about whether it should stick with it the country's parliamentary speaker says there needs to be a plan b. in case the european currency crisis worsens richard added that slovakia may have to return to its national currency to protect its khana me the countries that have been doing fine so far and up in trouble if they how bailout they are indebted neighbors and their allies to the economic and social studies. slovakia had no need to switch to the euro in the first place. i don't think that the euro was the savior for slovakia i don't think the scenario would. work if we didn't join join the euro zone let's look at the czech republic. very similar country with their own currency and they are doing pretty well today in slovakia many painful structural reforms have been in the last years we have to see if our
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over the year two thousand and eight goes almost ten percent of g.d.p. so now this like people don't really understand why they should send money to irish banks when we had to foot the bill for our own both by ourselves there is also an issue that. all the talk about the european solidarity doesn't work in slovakia you have to mention that the smaller people are the poorest in the eurozone so people really don't understand why they should be a richer brothers. let's all take a look at some others headlines from around the world at least one hundred people have your pain and roll this tens of thousands turn out in anger of prime minister berlusconi winning a parliamentary confidence vote protesters set fire to cars as riot police used tear gas herbs kone narrowly survived by three votes in the lower house after securing the necessary backing from the opportunity the premier has recently faced a string of accusations including corruption which parties with underage girls and
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mafia links. official sale large number of asylum seekers have died after they are both smashed apart and rocks near in this trail you know island the wooden vessel is thought to have been carrying dozens of people some of them have been rescued the sound seekers are thought to have been heading for the detention center on christmas island. and only this event is hunger strike highlight of the plight of political prisoners in cuba has been given to european prize for freedom of thought . will not however be collecting the award in person as authorities granted him permission to leave the island the psychologist and journalist spent more than eleven years in prison himself and famously went on a hunger strike for one hundred thirty four days. after russia won the precious right to host the football world cup in twenty eighteen the country is now looking at what needs to be accomplished before the event so what's a have for russia in the run up to full franzi interview with the chief executive
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behind the bit as coming your way in just over an hour but here's a quick preview. garbage is totally with the first philosophy that is to. move the world cup to new regions open up new horizons to expand the power of football and. stretch it to over over huge huge regions of the main task for us would be to prove that we are a good partner for fee for a partner that can begin working now. but we are up to date time now for some business with kareena mail account.
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hello welcome to business for ten russian next year may go up faster than expected at the central bank is concerned the poor harvest will push food prices up and inflation above the official target of six i have said the price of buckwheat at staples the staple of the russian diet has jumped thirty percent in the last week buckwheat is currently selling in the shops at around three dollars a kilogram which is roughly the same as meat. now if you have a look at how the markets are performing asian stocks are mixed this hour an increase flat to positive while hanks closed at zero point seven percent energy stocks were in the red due to a drop in energy prices and a recovery in the us dollar china was around two and a half percent lower in hong kong the order motors up one point three percent while sony's of point four and sharp fell point six percent. russian markets any clues
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these trading session in the black my six and a late surge to go back over six hundred point zero alice predicts a topsy turvy week for the next for the index gas from finished higher on both courses well last night and look for more in the red shares down around one percent . burbank has been one of the main drivers of the market this week following news its profit this year could be stronger than expected it's also announced its intention to list global depository receipts in london which are going to grow from u.b.s. believes the russian banking sector offers excellent prospects for investors who think that the banking sector offers the most appealing growth prospects with the banking sector is really unique as it offers very high growth visibility in the short term and in the medium term in the short term earnings growth will be driven by the recovery lending growth rates stabilizing stabilizing margins and also
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declining provisions and potentially our provision right backs in the medium term the story of the russian banking sector is the story of a sector that is under penetrated as far as lending growth are concerned and the sector that remains. which gives opportunities to your industry leaders such as be for example to our reactors as the stock to consolidate its. and finally the three wise men started the tradition but while they only bought one present each it seems this year russians will be buying them for the multitudes spending this holiday season is expected to be up ten percent on last year according to citibank returning confidence in the russian economy means people feel they have more cash to splash last year pastries were the most popular items quote apparently this year we'll see the return of the teddy bears and out. that's all for now what you could always find most or is it a website t. dot com.
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soviet union one of the best known persons in the whole world. all his thoughts were focused on flight to could he ever think that his life's work would cost him his life. what happened in those few seconds. and what sequence season sealed barrels still hold. keurig are any. place. to live not only next to the border but egypt but also on the border of peace and war. they're responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved one. they are ready to take any risk. code. book.
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if you're watching r.t. live from moscow here's a look at the top stories in a draft report living costs of those prime minister with assassination and organ trafficking during the ninety's war is fueling tension in the region the paper said to be officially released on thursday also claims the international community has ignored suspected war crimes in the province for years. slovakia is considering leaving the euro zone and returning to its national currency says the country's parliament speaker it comes as the financial crisis is expected to trigger new protests around the world. and the new crew is ready to head to the international space station a russian american at a time and will board his son's rocket and blast off to orbit later on wednesday.
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and looks at the wife of the first ever of man in space you regard in our special report. march twenty seventh one thousand nine hundred sixty eight. detroit of aircraft in the skies over moscow region. rescuers look for a training jet didn't disappeared from radar screens. as soon as they spotted the crash site it was clear nobody could have survived. the aircraft was piloted by flight instructor of light diminished city ogun and you got it the first ever man in space. seven years prior on april twelfth one thousand nine hundred sixty one rescue helicopters flew over the plane around the city of sirte on top of one thousand kilometers from moscow they were.
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