tv [untitled] December 15, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EST
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region for years document will be presented on thursday. has details on this by minister hashim touchy was identified in the council of europe report as the head of a major albanian mafia like crime network its claimed by the report that its the major dominating presence in all aspects of organized crime in the region including all human and drug trafficking and most shocking of all of the killing of serbs both during and after the one nine hundred ninety nine cause of in war using the old system to then be sold on the black markets this report was led by the human rights investigated marci and is due to be formally presented to the council on thursday in this report's midst of ossie says that mr touches connections to organized crime date back well over ten years when his the need group became the dominant factor within the cosman liberation army the k l a and in this report mr
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marty is highly critical of the international community for largely ignoring the actions of the k l a jury in the cost of a war and as a result mr touchy in those loyal to him have played a dominant role in kaufman politics for the past decades the leaking of this report also coincided with the beginning of legal proceedings in the court house into an alleged case of organ trafficking that was discovered by the calls from police it's two thousand and eight and in this council of europe report mr monti makes a connection with that case and the alleged good harvesting of the k.l.a. in two thousand and all of this comes as tensions are already running high in pristina after the historic elections that the first general election to take place in the region since its unilateral declaration of independence in two thousand and eight mr tutt she's a democratic polity of kosovo claim victory. in those elections but allegations of
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vote rigging have led to the other major policies that seem cool for a recount so tensions running high in this council of europe reports causing even more waves to ripple across the already troubled region. alice hebert reporting now although the cause of all authorities have denied the claims in the draft report the document is still drew widespread concern the foreign ministers of russia and serbia commented on it after talks here in moscow says the report prepared by the council of europe has a very much were to draw this document must not stay confidential it's necessary to make it as widely available as possible the screams are very serious and if there are confirmed the equal crimes against humanity i also hope to journalist who first published accounted of the report won't be persecuted. because this information is horrifying both russia and serbia had been trying to attract attention to it for
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some time the report shows what course of our really is now and who governs it. marco gussets from the british serbian alliance for peace says any punishment touchy might face is nothing compared to what he's done to cause. he's face is to put it mildly a difficult time but i think the time he faces is nothing compared the time that those living human beings who were kept in concentration camps and were systematically cut up and then sewn back up again after organs had been removed from them in a series of episodes till they were finally begging to be murdered rather than continually chopped up and let live in that condition i'm sure that anything that happens to him will be mild compared to what he has drawn it's a group of the head of the k.l.a. which took over kosovo from serbia were responsible for and i guess that my expectation of this report will be hushed up as much as it is possible to be
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because so many politicians have invested so much interest into this abysmal awful criminal state this banana republic in the heart of europe which has nothing better to do than to traffic in human beings organs drugs and women that's possible for you r.t. is coming to you live from moscow and greece has been a grip to buy a new wave of protests over the government's sweeping austerity measures they're aimed at reducing debt and fulfilling its bailout obligations general strikes being called after the country's a socialist government passed a highly controversial bill which ultimately slashes the salaries of public servants let's not get the assessment of someone who's now there for people to live details helen scopus a journalist at athens international radio hello to you thank you for joining us so two thousand and ten has just been a chaotic year in athens and other major cities in europe now we are seeing more protests in the wake of further austerity measures summit what exactly is happening
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where you are what are the people demanding for this time. people are demanding that the burden of this financial crisis not be put on their shoulders greece is the only country up to now at least in the eurozone that its financial crisis is not because of the collapse of the banking system but because of the political system the corrupt political system there on the streets protesting against austerity measures and structural reforms the law was passed yesterday in parliament and one hundred fifty six votes were in favor one hundred thirty were against one government deputy was force was expelled from the government party because he voted against the measure as many deputies have reacted to what is going on with this express a parliamentary procedure they feel as if it is compromising democracy they feel
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as if they're voting and they said yesterday they lashed out at the finance minister george pataki on sunday mail saying that they feel as if they're being forced to vote with a gun to their head about measures that they know very little about also they've also expressed the sentiment that the government is engaging in double talk meaning that running up to the election in last october the current prime minister george papandreou was saying that there is money to finance the deficit but the people now are being called to finance this deficit and as you and i are talking here we're seeing some very impressive live pictures from athens it looks like tens of thousands of people have turned out to make their demonstrations to have their voices heard tell me this strikes and demonstrations over austerity measures have been held in many countries including spain portugal italy and others told me this is the price for being in the eurozone becoming too high a price to pay for its members do. yes it is becoming
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a high price to pay because even the so-called support mechanism that the e.u. . is giving out to the member states that are in trouble is accompanied by a very high interest rates everybody feels that the people that i have talked to feel as if the european union is rewarding politicians corrupt politicians and and bankers and they're punishing the people they feel as if the european union was not able to deal with this crisis on its own b. and that's why they called in the i.m.f. the international monetary fund to get involved they feel as if their rights are being diminished workers' rights are being diminished that their life is going to become less dignified and i'm running out of time here but many many governments across the e.u. have imposed cuts in wages pensions and employment to deal with spiraling debts now if we bring down the talk of economics and bring down the talk of politics you are the one of the worst affected countries tell me just how bad is life going to be for the average person. life is going to be as
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some experts are saying worse than what it was in argentina these are some of the forecasts for this country it's very dismal it's very dismal unfortunately for the greek people they are in the streets they are fighting for their rights they feel as if the politicians are to blame for this crisis because as i have said it's the only country that has not had its banking system collapse behind us we have the acropolis which is the symbol of democracy one wonders is it going to become the symbol of plutocracy it is quite astonishing as we continue to look at these live pictures here from athens of tens of thousands making their voices heard reminiscent of many of the protests we've seen in various european countries over the past number of months tell me this though for many countries there is just no escaping the eurozone crisis tell me what is the what is the future of the european neighborhood as far as you think. well some experts have said that the european
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union is going to break that it will not last others are saying especially within the european union. that it will do with withstand this crisis and it will become stronger it will have learned a lot from this crisis this remains to be seen a lot of great people have the sentiment that it's best that they return back to the drachma they feel as if they've lost their sovereignty as a nation they feel as if the government is not making the decisions for the future of their lives and they feel as if they need to be autonomy and start building a better future for themselves helen scopus a journalist international radio live and i things and some very impressive live pictures as well right behind you thank you very much. well coming your way later this hour here on r.t. we look at what might be behind sweden's of he'll for the release of wiki leaks founder julian our song plus. i asked him how he's going to be when you're up in space you still haven't been so good then make phone calls you know they make way
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because it's going to be just just as if he's here who discovers a love story at a cosmodrome space group of pairs to leave orbit don't miss. all the verdict in the second trial of michael holmes of course it won't be announced until the twenty seventh of december the court was to deliver his conclusion in the second trial of the former you cost tycoon earlier today we can all cross live to our visa w. bush for more details on this and hello to you can you just explain how did the court decide to make this move decided to use decision here. while we are right here in front of the court has where the reading of the verdict was due to stories at ten am last time this morning however when the journalists turned out they found a note on the door saying that the reading of the verdict has been postponed until the same time ten am on the twenty seventh of december the spokeswoman for the
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court has couldn't give any more detail. she confirmed the spoon meant but didn't couldn't explain as to why this happened. daria told me though that one of the crime is charged with and tell me about what punishment might he be facing. we fell for that of course ski is currently serving eight year in eight years term. for the biggest tax fraud in the country's history this is the second case against the health of that he and his partner blood will live with if they're charged with stealing do hundred and eighteen million tons of world worth twenty seven billion u.s. dollars is the oil is allegedly was stolen from a subsidiary of ucas a company that used to be run by nicole for that for skew the prosecution are demands fourteen years in prison on these charges which added to the
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health of the previous term would leave him behind bars until twenty seventeen meaning six extra years in prison however if we call for that of course he is found not guilty then he might walk free already next autumn in october two thousand and eleven well dr certainly a high profile case in a lot of attention and controversy over you've told us about the possible charges the possible further jail time can you just take us back if you will and give us more background on the story. that's right you could say is one of the loudest pieces in russia's recent history required for that of course you once russia's richest man made his fortune as c.e.o. of yukos a company that used to be one of the world's largest non-state all produces and the assets of the company were acquired in one of those awful sheedy deals of mid
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ninety's in russia during the privatization where the state often sold huge companies for a fraction of what they were worth and now because of that course ever since he was arrested in two thousand and three are on fraud charges maintained that he was. in a sense the public opinion on the case is divided there are many people who believe that billions were so then and therefore the punishment is just there are those who believe that both he suffered for his political and this is however your sorties have always maintained that you can became victim of the economic crimes of its management which is obviously what the court decides on december the twenty seventh now daria pushed up on live from moscow thank you. the founder of the wiki leaks website julian a song is staying behind bars in britain for at least two more days despite
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a court order to release him on bail the ruling has been appealed by sweden the country that wants a songe over sex crimes allegations wiki leaks has published hundreds of thousands of confidential u.s. documents causing an outcry in washington the website has faced repeated attempts to bring it offline and companies such as visa master card and pay pal of all banned donations to it the u.s. hasn't charged with any crime but is widely believed to be behind the campaign against the whistleblower journalist afshin rattansi says the decision to keep us zones behind bars is confusing but still hopes it won't deter wiki leaks from continuing to expose secrets the u.s. wants to hide. everyone thought that he'd won the day it won this bail application but his mother left the court everyone left the goods and then it's earns out the appeal the decision to grant prosecution service here automatically has to act on the swedish authorities decision and now it seems like he's one bail but he's going to be in jail for forty eight oh it's very confusing situation how ironic that we
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don't give out justice in the british courts when they're beginning to say much about injustice around the world i think what's really important though is that the daily weekly leaks information is brought out and the next week is supposed to be about the bank of america so we'll hear a lot more about business news from wiki leaks regardless of judean predictability meantime an m.e.p. from the u.k. is independence party gerard batten told r.t. that the its own case has exposed some major flaws in the european legal system. what i'm here for is to draw attention to the unjust the injustice of the european arrest warrant as such because under european arrest warrant look or has almost no powers to prevent extradition that they're trying to do is to get him back to sweden on a holding charge so that they can try then issued id to the u.s. and of course the european tradition as a warrant is is absolutely key to that because it's as i said it's
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a formality under this procedure to take him back to sweden so it fulfills a purpose it's an ideal tool for them and it illustrates this is the highest profile cases actually happened under this arrest warrant procedure and it illustrates the injustice of the whole thing not just you know to mr summers with all the british citizens and european union citizens who've been extradited under this proceeding. you can always keep up to date on our website with all the latest news and other stories and here's just some of what's online waiting for you right now become a suspected spy that happens to be a young blonde russian woman has released on bail in london but banned from her work space in parliament plus. given exclusive insight into the war in afghanistan from a man who was there our military contributor you have his blog and plenty of others waiting for you at r.t. dot com.
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just now twenty twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow this is r.t. now russia is hosting separate talks with north and south korean representatives six party talks on the tension in the korean peninsula could be closer to resuming after pyongyang welcomed china's proposal to hold a meeting of heads of the delegations russia is one of the most vocal advocates for a peaceful solution to the current crisis. on tuesday foreign minister started to level off and his north korean counterpart agreed that the turmoil must be resolved through diplomatic means only leonid better off a lecturer in korean studies from the university of sydney who says the threat is not coming from north korea itself but from isolation imposed by foreign countries north korea's pursuing the policy of missional self-reliance but this policy has
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nothing to do with isolation at least that this is what north koreans claim north koreans fictionally in vides inverse to this. welcome propre trade in exchange the problem is actually coming from outside north korea is subject to many international sanctions and this been involved in one nine hundred fifty s. when the korean war was going on but nobody moved so i think that it's actually isolation in bowls and more real by many countries particularly in the recent years after north korea demonstrate that it's a new clue to. nuclear program development intentions so talking about isolation we can't blame north korea only for the use you know which will decision the more external a solution. lecture of korean studies from the university of sydney. or the latest space crew set to head for the heavens later today
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a russian american and italian will board soyuz rocket and blast off for the international space station before their epic journey though peter all of the intrepid explorers discovered a love story. when it comes to space travel clinical accuracy and pinpoint engineering of the norm that these his main concerns she's the wife of european space agency astronauts on this poorly and watches the soyuz rocket to their husbands safety depends on. the show that means i'll be fine and i am. really glad to see that we can take it that international space station family with space exploration running through their veins the couple met while paolo was training near moscow and there was a nurse at the space center and her father is a constant source instructor i met my wife in star city actually during training some years ago and we figured out that nevertheless our culture were fairly
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different to his russian i mean talian there was a lot of things in common and so we decided to to join together in that one thousand year life today we have a daughter a year and i have four daughters and we're very happy follow married his russian bride while she was visiting him in houston a spur of the moment decision after the couple realized that they couldn't stand being apart from one another. the italian will spend the next six months on board the i s.s. but paolo will be able to stay in touch with sasha and their young daughter through phone calls and video links standing at one meeting ninety two when isp only will be the tallest man ever to fly in a soyuz rocket so tall in fact that a special seat had to be made for him the mission commander is cosmonaut dimitri qanbar chair of it will be this russians first journey into space very serious and focused individuals he plans to use any downtime on board the i assess to train for his black belt in karate not an easy task without gravity help. or be restricted of
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course i won't be doing any fully fledged surgeons there are a lot of exercises and karate started once breathing exercises some of them can be done in a confined space gravity. nurses care. when coleman makes up the crew this will be her third trip into space and this time should be bringing along a passenger as a reminder of home a son's cuddly time everyone needs to go to school and learn to write doesn't know how to write so well we're trying to space. taking a good look tokens into orbit is one of many traditions associated with launches from baikonur strange that even in the most high tech of environments that the human belief in fate play such a major part moving at a snail's pace so as not to cause any damage to the spacecraft the fully constructed rocket moves its way towards the launch site and even at this stage there are traditions and superstitions it baikonur the placing of koreans on the
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track in front of the train is supposed to bring good look to the mission. and ready to go the soyuz t.m.a. twenty rockets now waits for its crew. baikonur. just twenty twenty five minutes past the hour here in moscow let's take a look at some of the headlines now from around the world. at least thirty eight people have been killed sixty wounded in a suicide blast at a mosque in southeastern iran a local official stated that a second suicide bomber was arrested before he could detonate his explosive vest it comes a day before a major religious holiday for shia muslims now unlike most of iraq. where the attack happened has a large sunni community and has long been a hot spot in ethnic conflict. he said suspected asylum seekers have been killed after smashed a park on rocks near an australian island forty two survivors have been plucked from the water the wooden vessel carrying dozens of people most thought to have
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been heading to christmas island which also houses a detention center rescuers are combing the area and time now for the business news with korea. come to business small schools wise exchange started a direct ruble yuan trading as russia and china seek to reduce the use of the dollar in bilateral trade the russian boars expects about three million yuan to change hands per day that's about four hundred fifty thousand dollars and our correspondent in a coach and it was after my six we opening ceremony. anish leave the volume expected to be quite small just to give you some example today after the first hour of trading here at moscow my six stock exchange only twenty nine deals were done amounting to some eight hundred thousand dollars but still this is an important stop as this market will be the first one to direct tradings between russia and
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china and also it folds the governmental strategy to broome old rubel to become one of the international reserve currencies meanwhile it's also an important move to worry the development over bilateral trade relations between russia and china now russia is the world's the biggest energy exporter and china is the biggest energy consumer but still all the transactions being done in dawlish so this move will simply fly trade relations quite significantly and as many analysts him point out to son's a signal the doula and the rule of duelists an international reserve currency has to be diminished. looking at the markets now spain leaves european stock markets lower on wednesday afternoon as investors service warned it may downgrade the country's credit rating in other words he's losing almost half a percent of the dax assuring point eight percent of backing banking stocks are on the downturn far place sixteen percent in london and georgia bank down almost two
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percent and five part of russia's r.t.s. in my eyes it's a trading floor an afternoon that's in the back of the global markets downswing triggered by the federal reserve spain here to expand their quantitative easing program energy and banking stocks taking the biggest losses. bear bag-o. losing the most just under a percent call is among few gainers on the mars express point seven percent gas from the shooting less than half a percent. russian or major tech now it has reported a thirty five percent decline in profit for the first one months of the year the next total came in. at around one billion dollars the company blames rising costs pushed by high export duties and taxes as well as currency exchange. prices in russia is next in russia next year may go up faster than expected and central bank is concerned the poor harvest will push food prices and inflation above the official target of six and a half percent the price of buckwheat that staple of the russian died has jumped
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two thirty pm here in the russian capital you are with headlines now. i report linking cause of two assassinations on the organ trafficking during the one nine hundred ninety s. war. already troubled region the paper said to be officially released. also claims the international community has ignored its suspected war crimes in the province. the announcement on the second trial of russia's most famous prisoner. has been postponed told the end of the month. and here we go again fresh wave of protests sweeping across europe people taking to
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the streets of greece in opposition to the. next we are talking about russia's success in winning the precious right to host the football world cup in two thousand and eighteen and what now lies ahead our interview with the chief executive behind russia's a world cup bid. is now coming up. thank you very much for your time congratulations also on winning the right to host the two thousand and eighteen world cup you just tell me what you think was the key factor in helping russia to get over finishing line and win the right to host the world cup well honestly there were there was many. factors i think among the key ones or the government support that we had all the way the support of the chairman of our government but the reports and technical excellence that were promised.
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