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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EST

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the trafficking of arms people and drugs the most seriously of all is linked to the killing of serbian prisoners both during and after the cost of a war whose organs we've been harvested to be sold on the black market these allegations are made in a draft council of europe reports led by the human rights investigator dick marty the result of a two year long investigation in that report mr modi says it doesn't touch easy links to organized crime date back to well over ten years from when his the nice a group became the dominant faction within the cost of the liberation army or the k l a the other major point to come out of this report is the level of blame that is heaped on the international community and western powers who largely chose to ignore the actions of the k.l.a. and to not properly investigate the reaction from the international community has already started to come out to this report and the russian foreign minister sergey
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lavrov has already given this response says the report prepared by the council of europe has very much where it dresher this document must not stay confidential it's necessary to make it as widely available as possible the screams are very serious and if there are confirmed the equal crimes against humanity. and the serbian foreign minister has also made a statement in response to the allegations made in this draw of a council of europe reports this information is horrifying both russia and serbia have been trying to attract attention to it for some time the report shows what course of really is now and who governs it but many here in cost of a say that the allegations relating to the actions of the k.l.a. that are listed in this report on nothing new nobody will be surprised except for the fact that now we also have a sort of connection. that poor report makes between this activists and the prime minister. what is new is the official level of blame attached to the
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international community in this report regarding their lack of action their lack of proper investigation all of the actions the senior k l a officials. have been reporting on organ trafficking allegations from costa for well cause of us government has denied the claims at this point calling them baseless and defamatory but the report to be published in full on thursday has already caused a widespread expressions of concern for more on this let's now across live to not. serbian historian i'm broke and he joins us live from washington and a thank you for joining us today so what do you think the future holds for patchy author this report is released in full. i'm not sure touch he's been getting away with murder for four years he wasn't nicknamed snake by his compatriots in the caley because he was a great humanitarian. and he's for the past ever since one thousand nine hundred
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eight when he emerged as a caley leader he has had unconditional support from washington and other european capitals which has enabled him to become the so-called prime minister of the so-called independent state. i don't know whether this particular report was given so much attention in the western press which has normally been. just very very circumspect about saying anything that might go against the caylee or touches regime in the occupied province i'm not sure if this is a signal that they're dropping him it might be by their so there's definitely a greater level of attention to this than ever before or let's talk about next possible steps here in country of turning a blind eye to alleged crimes committed by the members of the cause of the liberation army do you think do you think there could be any criminal prosecutions based on this evidence. criminal prosecutions of whom of western officials i doubt there would be even though there should. basically if this has been happening since
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one thousand nine hundred ninety or ninety ninety eight as it has been courting to report then just about every single high international official from there on word say as has been implied and implicated and could be put on trial for aiding and abetting this heinous practice somehow i don't think the western european capitals will have any readiness to put their own high officials on trial they've just released. on his own cognizance to spend the whole holidays at home with his family and of course run in the elections even though he's accused war criminal who's trial was once. paused and postponed and retried because witnesses kept disappearing or turning up dead if this kind of person can be released by the hague tribunal what makes you think that they take just a series or let's turn to the region and discuss the troubled region as a whole because although some countries have recognized cause of those independents is the region realistically able to become a revival padma for others or is it just a nation based on crime. well it is personal it's not
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a nation and they're actually insisting on not there's a growing movement calling for something they call natural albania these days that it actually one respectable seventy percent of the vote in the sham election that just took place and it was supported by a high ranking american officials as well. i mean these people consider themselves albanians first and foremost and want to unify with albania i'm not sure how well being a proper feels about it but that's a different matter the life in kosovo for everybody who serves in particular as well but as well as other groups and even albanians has been absolutely miserable over the past decade they've gotten absolutely nothing out of the scale a regime which has been torturing and murdering people including obedience. with impunity so not only they're not a reliable partner to hold international community they're not reliable to their own people now a moment ago you referred to the recent election as you called it a sham election do you find it significant at all but the draft report was
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published after the recent elections the touchy one well i find it extremely interesting i don't believe in coincidences and this is definitely a. very interesting timing touchy one but yes he won because in the two precincts that are considered his strongholds cows and chickens turned out to vote nobody knows how many people actually have the right to vote in kosovo and nobody knows how many people actually live there and that the whole vote was being bought with fire wood stoves and then in india eventuality i've heard reports of people actually being offered money to vote so i wouldn't really put much stock in the legitimacy of this election all right now going to be a historian and blogger in washington thank you. well you are with are coming up for you a little bit later in the program the u.s. military a block from accessing websites carrying american diplomatic files and expert explains why the move smacks of hypocrisy that's coming your way in just a few minutes. the final preparations are being made ahead of the latest expedition
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to the international space station we'll be having a look at the personal stories behind the coast. they'll be blasting off from baikonur. security has been tightened in the center of moscow to prevent possible clashes between russian nationalist groups and people from the north caucuses they're now gathering close to one of the city's busiest roadway stations over two hundred people have been arrested so far some of them and today's demonstration comes after saturday's violent clashes which followed them over football for more on this now across life thomas who is waiting for us at the scene hello to you sean so tell us exactly where are you and what's going on in your location right now. well roy right now i'm just outside of the which is the major train station in central moscow also outside of the metro station it's one of the busiest transportation hubs in central moscow and it's
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a very eerie scene out here right now but of course this is all coming after a note was circulated around the web from someone reportedly from the northern caucuses saying come out everybody from the northern caucus is arm yourselves if you have to we have to stand up for ourselves how long are we going to let the russian aggression keep us down and this was all supposed to happen at six o'clock so right about now and at this time there are thousands of police here in fact you can might be able to hear there's a loudspeaker going on saying that this note of instigation is just that it's a letter of integration it's not true there's nothing to see here people remain calm. not to stick around in this area and if they live in the area just to move on now the bridge that crosses the river to this area has been closed but the metro does remain open at this hour so thousands of police right now nothing the violence has happened but as you mentioned more than two hundred people have been arrested
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some of those people have been armed so it is see him say that some people have actually listened to this message and if trying to come here at least moscow police trying to stop things before they happen sean tell me why the police reacting so strongly to be. well roy if you look back if you go back a week ago there was this fight after the spar tack match where spartak fans got involved in a brawl if you will with people from the northern caucasus and in that fight someone was killed you go to video was shot and killed by a. soft allegedly by a piece of he has been arrested and he's been charged with homicide two other people charged in that fight as well immediately after that incident people took to the streets in sort of a tense situation midweek around wednesday there was a smart tack match in slovakia people rushed the pitch had violence in suggestions had to shut down the game twice and then on saturday in red square there were more ethnic tensions out of memorial service for pretty tough so throughout the week it
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has moved beyond the sports arena realm and into more of ethnic tensions at this point and of course with this is to geisha and from the northern caucuses coming it's basically. the prelude to suppose that race wars president medvedev has come out and said we're going to stop this and he's going to do everything you can to make sure the instigators of this violence are taken care of and dealt with appropriately which is why you see such a big police presence here today. sean thomas for us live there in central moscow thanks very much. well you can always keep up to date on our website with all the latest news and other stories here's just some of what's waiting for you online right now. and. suspected happens to be a young russian woman is released on bail in london but banned from parliament plus . an exclusive insight into the war in afghanistan from a man with an intimate knowledge of the country our military contributor. his blog
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. at. a fresh national strike has paralyzed greece where the more rallies against sweeping new austerity measures being held meanwhile a leading credit rating agency has warned it may downgrade spanish bonds citing heavy debt financing and banking problems helen scopus. based journalist and author who was in spain explain what's caused the. well today's strike is the seventh general strike this year following tough reforms needed to receive this one hundred billion euro i.m.f.
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bailout loan now police have said that there were about fifteen thousand people taking place in the march protesters started fire fires at the finance ministry and luxury hotels inside that mosque where outside the parliament building. the protesters attacked former conservative minister course these evacuees they punched him they kicked him and they were shouting that they're going to be all of them i assume they mean the politicians now there are reports in the news there are problems there is rioting going on outside the polytechnic university in central athens so let's turn over to you know spain also braced for a strike now receive some financial news give us the details on that if you will spain with the largest economies and be a european union has been hearing reports that moody's rating agency may downgrade the country's ratings of course for such a big economy this really has been sending jitters down the in the stock markets
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all over the world how to address these as such fears the spanish government did impose a new course to the pressures just last week the third of december and included in these new measures are cutbacks in key jobless benefits and this has really hurt the local people they really protested against it because on that day when it was announced air traffic controllers are staging massive walkout and this has resulted in the closing down of airports in spain so this is just the beginning of the massive protest stage for saturday is that they're planning to stage it on saturday the eighteenth is expected to be massive these union measures are in addition to the fifteen billion euros thirty measure already passed in may of this year as well as talks that the country will increase the retirement age from sixty five to sixty seven wages of civil servants have been cut. a lot of discontent certainly in a country that used to provide more than half of the jobs in europe it's now dealing with a twenty percent unemployment that's about five million people without jobs here is
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a lot of discontent and we can expect a big protest on saturday the first of all this is not just a financial crisis this is a social crisis we're talking about high unemployment we're talking about a two tiered justice system reading that we don't see politicians and bankers being persecuted prosecuted excuse me but we see the people being not only prosecuted but also persecuted. we see. the measures that are being taken are living in poverty and unemployment and they see no light at the end of the tunnel they see no future for themselves they see no future for their children they really cannot how can i say digest of what the leaders are telling them what the officials are telling them it's either this or bankruptcy. it certainly seems that way for the people because they're seeing the benefits employment benefits caught they are having to deal with having no jobs and these measures are saying that it's not
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their fault and why why is it the ordinary people who have to pay for the fault of what they see as the fault of the banking system of the whole eurozone area even the u.k. we just saw protests in the u.k. violent ones coming from students because tuition fees were lovely passed on to the students rather than the government so they're seeing very painful painful cuts that really hurts them to the core and here what's interesting in spain is that the part of the a certain measure is that the national lottery thirty percent will be sold to the private sector now this lottery has been around for the last two centuries and for the first time in a very long time they're seeing that it's called el gordo the fact what they're saying that it's not so fat people cannot spend on little things. you need to survive and the last three and scheme is just a way of escaping the problems that even that is having its problems so the year. maybe ending but certainly for european countries across the euro zone including the u.k. they're not seeing an end to this economic crisis just yet so this is
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a very high price definitely for ordinary people having no jobs not enough money to make ends meet certainly a high price authorities to reporting with or was helen scopus in athens based journalist now the u.s. air force has blocked its star from accessing media websites that publish leaked american diplomatic cables an air force spokesman said its employees have been denied access to at least twenty five sites the actions are said to be in accordance with a policy that blocks inappropriate content it follows the u.s. defense department's decision to ban stuff from visiting the wiki leaks web page or downloading classified documents from the site british journalist attorney goslings says the measures it won't help to save the tarnished reputation of u.s. politics. well it starts to look like massive amounts of hypocrisy going on how can the u.s. criticize china for example for blocking access to the internet when it is blocking access for its own citizens at least for its military personnel to sites like wiki
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leaks actually it's not just wiki leaks that they're trying to block here it's all the other newspapers so it's which have been reporting the leaks i mean what they're doing here is a kind of blanket form of mass censorship so whereas the population in britain in america can read the guardian website the military can't it seems absolutely bizarre and totally critical this is really just disaster management of the worst kind and it seems that this is sort of moving away from some of the basic facts about the leaks to actually stopping the air force and the u.s. military accessing the sites this is one of the most crazy things i've ever heard and of course they will go home they can access it from home what is the point of what they're doing and it's maybe possibly what we're seeing here is an attempt to clamp down in the us anyway or on public and other people's access to the internet which is rather frightening just now turning twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow you are with r.t.
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three person crew are making last preparations for a five month voyage into orbit later today soyuz rocket is set to blast off to the international space station with its new group of explorers a russian an american and italian parties peter all of them head of the mission to discover more of their personal side including one love story. when it comes to space travel clinical accuracy and pinpoint engineering of the norm that these on science his main concerns she's the wife of european space agency astronauts on this pulley and watches the soyuz rockets for their husband safety depends on absolutely sure that things will be fine and i am. really glad to see the vehicle that will take them to international space station a family with space exploration running through their veins the couple met while paolo was training near moscow sasha was a nurse at the space center and her father is a constant instructor i met my wife in star city actually during training some some
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years ago and we figured out that nevertheless i will culture were fairly different to his russian i am italian and there was a lot of things in common and so we decided to go to join together and i went in your life today we have a daughter a year and a half old daughter and we are very happy follow married his russian bride while she was visiting him in houston a spur of the moment decision after the couple realized that they couldn't stand being apart from one another. the italian will spend the next six months on board the i s.s. but paolo will be able to stay in touch with sasha and their young daughter through phone calls and video links and just because he's working in space doesn't mean every day life back home on earth comes to a halt i asked him how it's going to be when you're up in space to distant everything so i'm going to make phone calls and i'll pay my credit card so it's going to be just just as if he's here standing at one meter ninety two when isp
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only will be the tallest man ever to fly in a soyuz rocket so told in fact that a special seat had to be made for him. the mission commander is cosmonaut dimitri khandahar chair of it would be this russians first journey into space a very serious and focused individual he plans to use any downtime on board the i assess to train for his black belt in karate not an easy task without gravity help but. i will be restricted of course i won't be doing any fully fledged sessions there are a lot of exercises in karate static ones breathing exercises some of them could be done in a confined space and no gravity. now says katherine coleman makes up the crew this will be her third trip into space and this time should be bringing along a passenger as a reminder of home a son's cuddly tiger and what it means to go to school and learn to write doesn't know how to write so well we're. taking
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a good look tokens into orbit is one of many traditions associated with launches from baikonur strange that even in the most high tech of environments that the human belief in fate play such a major part moving at a snail's pace so as not to cause any damage to the spacecraft the fully constructed rocket moves its way towards the launch site and even at this stage there are traditions and superstitions at baikonur the placing of koreans on the track in front of the train is supposed to bring good look to the mission on the launch pad and ready to go the soyuz t.m.a. twenty rockets now waits for its crew peter all of a r.t. baikonur kazakhstan. time now to take a look at some other headlines from around the world now two suicide bomb explosions have killed at least thirty eight people in southeastern iran the blasts which left fifty injured took place at a mosque in the city of heart on the border with pakistan officials say the bombings appeared to target a group of pilgrims celebrating a short of
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a religious holiday celebrated by shia muslims security forces detained a third attacker who failed to detonate his device the area is home to an armed sunni militant group and has long been a place of ethnic conflict. facebook founder mark zuckerberg is time magazine's the two thousand and ten person of the year accolade is awarded to the figure time believes most influence the year's events twenty six year old burke one of the world's youngest billionaires is described by the magazine as transforming the way we live our lives are the contenders included thirty three thirty three chilean miners lady gaga and wiki leaks founder julian assange. well recycling of chickens is causing shock throughout russia as a video of a poultry farm in russia's could risk region has appeared on the internet over one million birds have already being killed well over three million await the same fate the management of the meat suppliers blamed the treatment on financial problems
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arguing there were no funds to feed the animals the footage revealed the chicks were simply thrown out into the cold to die while others were drowned in barrels. of oil coming up in just a few moments their business update with that. for the full story. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. covered . in some petersburg.
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patroclus hotel. hotel. business. and business moscow's my six stock exchange started trading as russia and china moved to scrap the dollar in bilateral trade the russian both expects around three million yuan to change hands a day that's about four hundred fifty thousand dollars the president told r.t. who will use the new system. it's the cross border traders who are going to come in and then it's going to be exporters and probably reduces some of them in my opinion financials you should know that we could be worth considering as far as i've heard good ones to raise money and you aren't just going to be an effective tool for full
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for people to get between you and google so i think the demand will come greater with. time for the stock markets in the last few moments wall street has swung into the black after a nervous start but general electric is shared over half a percent on the dow after it pledged to buy back more of its shares and in the past few minutes london's edged into the black in line with new york the texas going over seven thousand briefly went positive for the day before sliding back financials all still dragging after moody's threatened to cut spain's credit rating the bank has lost their one percent barclays over two percent based on russia's losing ground the selling emanate use the my six off investment banks credit suisse and morgan stanley to value the r.t.s. as it is a merger of moscow's two label says. energy stocks have lost ground in the last moments because the swing into the red it comes as u.s. will grow sending light sweet on the eighty eight dollars
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a barrel. that's all we've got time for this hour to join us in fifteen minutes. wealthy british style. sometimes. target. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the cause a report on. line
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in russia would be so much brighter if you knew about someone from phones to impressions. please for instance on t.v. dot com. in india in the movie the joint the hotel's t.l.v. lets the gateway photo the brand imperial trying to talk western coast coromandel new kind of let her tell the closeness giotto says don't need to go and. read the some of the kennel was her job as risk or treat.
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live from moscow this is your headlines now because of those a prime minister who is accused of having being. in the trafficking of human organs the same draft report from the council of europe blames the west turning a blind eye so alleged crimes by the liberation army. around two hundred people detained in central moscow as police attempt to prevent. protests linked to the motor of football fan reports say some of the. euro prepares for new protests against austerity measures with greece already by strikes and public servants saying they're being used to pay for the mistakes so corrupt
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politicians. next we're talking about russia's success and winning the precious right to host the football world cup in two thousand and eighteen and what now lies ahead our interview with the chief executive behind russia's that. is coming up next stay with us. when we say thank you very much for your time congratulations also on winning the right to host the two thousand and eighteen world cup you just tell me what do you think was the key factor in helping russia to get over finishing line and win the right to host the world cup well honestly there were there was many. factors i think among the key ones are the government support that we had all the way the support of the chairman of our government but in technical excellence that were promised a fee for by two thousand and seventeen. trust.


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