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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2010 9:00am-9:30am EST

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registered voters have cast their ballots and that was a half way throughout the voting day so quite a high tariff turnout not perhaps surprisingly enough the lowest order to voter turnout was here and the capital minsk for opposition support is quite strong with the other belorussian regions showing quite a high voter turnout we do know that according to exit polls the incumbent bell russian president alexander lukashenko is already receiving nearly eighty percent of the votes with that of the highest ranking of his opposition up come see the just over six percent of the votes of course a huge gap that would certainly seem to prove almost everybody right because most of course people believe the objects of the question will win this presidential election two thousand die seen a number of persons most effectively of course in regards to opposition candidates they received free on air time very limited amount of money or time admittedly but
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still it was a first for this country and there are a lection where opposition candidates did have a chance to talk to their power lecturer at power through the mass media outlets there were also some sanction to an anti-government protest that was also a first for the country so optimist do seem to say that this could be a political changes that it's on the real question poll was referring to when we spoke when he spoke to journalists a little earlier but skeptics of course already say that this has a very pragmatic reason behind it the european union has promised billions of euros to belarus should there be signs of a free and democratic election and democratic party in the country and with minsk it very hard by the global financial crisis this incentive is definitely worth a lot at eight pm local time opposition leaders have promised to bring thousands of people to this very square it's obvious chris where also personally seen some relative response on social networks where various groups have been set up. already
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around two thousand and three and three hundred people confirming their attendance at these rallies the government of course has said that none of these meetings have been sanctioned and police will use it all and every necessary measure to disperse those protests opposition candidates have so far said that they're not planning to throw themselves at the barricades that they simply want to peacefully state their protest and if voiced their concerns about the legitimacy of this election everybody here of course the early waiting to see how that will turn out because of course the last presidential election there were serious clashes between protesters and police officers here in the capital police breaking down right a lot of protests quite seriously across a heavy police presence of course nobody wants to see a rerun of that event and everybody here waiting to see what will happen tonight after polling stations closed all of course be monitoring everything that takes place here in men's and we bring you all the details. of the reporting right the
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political analyst told me earlier that the opposition in belarus hasn't done enough to claim power from. me is that the opposition produced no program ultimately for how to deal with the climate programs how to deal with the current economic crisis we're not able to find a solution to a problem so the only propose that fever will continue keeping status quo position currently before which is very hard because i wasn't sure it was needs mommy it's but there reputed economy and the old economy continues to decline so that means that it would be too leeson for the democratization of devices from the european union from russia. if he needs money he would she would have to follow. and still to come for you here on the program on our team links to secret detention centers and. just some of the accusations against because of our prime minister find out who is behind them what he has to say about them and why some say the revelations
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are not surprising. moscow is on a security alert following a recent wave of clashes between russian nationalist groups and ethnic minorities and the police more than a two thousand people have been detained this week to prevent new riots tensions are boiled over at an unsanctioned meeting eight days ago following the death of a football fan in a brawl with native north cajuns the gathering turned into a riot with ethnic minorities and police being attacked there was a repeat of the clashes on wednesday when extremist russian youths and migrants from the north caucuses all gathered for a rumored confrontation and police reported isolated clashes in various parts of the city but no large scale violence or serious injuries one man suspected of leading on grass standard killing a migrant from stan is now in jail president dmitri medvedev. not to hesitate in using force to quell hate riots. clashes fight scene in
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vandalism and not just administrative violations but crimes and those who commit these crimes should be locked up rather than just told off the police should be using their legal authority to prevent extremism and incitement to this nick hatred what happened in moscow and in some other russian cities has shown that requires very efficient management i'd like to draw attention to the fact that inciting ethnic violence in our country is a crime to cheat. us republicans have failed in their attempts to reverse one of president obama's key foreign policy achievements senator john mccain called for a new arms reduction treaty between. in moscow and washington is go back to the drawing board but its motion was voted down by the senate obama is urging the start treaty to be ratified as soon as possible in its current form which the president says will benefit national security however the likelihood the deal will be ratified in
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the senate before the end of the year looks slim that's when the republicans were taking up more seats the strategic arms reduction treaty was signed by it to be true but if you have that barack obama in april and should slash the two country's nuclear arsenals by a but it won't come into force until ratified by both sides something moscow says it's been ready to do for months. from a central role for american progress says the start treaty is too important to throw away. a confirms that the u.s. russia relationship will remain on track i think the second thing is that it maintains the new core stability that we've had since the end of the cold war importantly the start treaty maintains and monitoring and verification measures that allow both the u.s. and russia to check out what each other is doing in the nuclear arena and it enables progress to continue to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in the world so i think it's a vital treaty it's one of the priorities that the administration has set forth and it's too important for us national security for russian national security and for
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global national school for the security of the world for republicans in the senate to hold us hostage and i think they won't i think this will be the one piece of legislation that actually gets massive bipartisan support although you know nothing is certain until it's and and there's still a ways to go but i think i think we feel confident that this is actually going to get ratified in the next few days. this week saw another spate of unrest and street protests across europe i made government attempts to tackle the economic. e.u. summit in brussels a permanent fund was agreed upon bailed out euro zone countries that are at risk of bankruptcy thousands of people continue to take to the streets all over you are protesting tough spending cuts another general strike in greece called public transport disruption and closed schools banks and demonstrations were staged by trade unions all across the continent from the czech republic to spain ireland one
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of the country's worst hit by the crisis has already had to apply for a bailout irish musician and political activist jim call from the band of the calls believes his home country needs to abandon the euro. what we're actually experience here i believe is a top down engineer financial crash an implosion of the world economy by design designed so as to effect a corporate takeover not just our own country but many other countries around europe were having to submit to draconian welfare has called started going to impoverish the irish people more people even people in this country are afraid to put on the heating because they don't know where the money is going to come from this is absolutely dreadful the irish people are being made to pay for the sins the contrived sins of billie's international bankers we did a situation where we're going to thirty four billion of taxpayer money was prompted to moderate a bottomless pit known as i do our spying recently came out who the bondholders where we bailed out probably the richest family in the world the rothschilds we bailed out goldman sachs i mean this is just unbelievable this is robin hood in
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reverse we've got you know this is the poor in the middle class bailing out the super rich we could solve our debt problems practically overnight if we want it all to miti the solution is the root cause of the problem is no we're not printing our own debt free money that's all we need to do like abraham lincoln screamed back we need to get back to printing our own that money we need to get out get out of the e.u. and back into your konami kariya where we can set our own monetary policy. and not be dictated by brussels in terms of monetary policy that is set up to to suit germany and france to the detriment of the other countries in the that's a good thing and as soon as the e.u. is as. it should become violent confined to the dustbin of history and soon. r.t. is coming to you live from moscow and now let's get to some other world news this hour suicide attacks targeted military bases in two afghan cities leaving thirteen members of the security forces dead in the northern city of. government stormed an army recruitment center and army brass outside another recruitment center the main
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one in the country was then ambushed in a separate incident on the outskirts of kabul the taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks in which five assailants were also. the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon has rejected a demand from the disputed ivory coast government and un peacekeepers should leave the country incumbent president. his rival. both candidates claimed victory in last month's election sparking fears of another civil war after scores died in clashes among supporters the u.s. france and the african union are backing. refuses to step down. thousands are stranded at airports across europe severe winter winter weather continues to disrupt travel hundreds of flights are canceled at london's international airports heathrow and gatwick to the amount of snow france italy and
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the netherlands are also reporting problems in germany at least two people were killed in traffic accidents caused by the conditions and forecasters say the arctic temperatures are predicted to last beyond christmas. a little bit later we'll tell you how russian authorities are using hard core reality to combat you find out about the online anti drugs campaign which some say has gone too far in it. and why producers say it's the only way to get the message across. earlier this week prime minister vladimir putin set the record straight on a number of issues as he held his annual q. and a session with the russian public over a million quid. were sent in and put in spent four and a half hours during the live t.v. broadcast to answer as many as possible r.t. if that's all you're not a couple followed nationwide event. not quite truth there and he's annual q. and a session the russian prime minister wasn't given
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a choice and some of the questions were rather daring like the one about former oil tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky who is currently serving an eight year term in prison for fraud and tax evasion it was a question that got put in going to be sure that just like a character in a famous russian movie i'm sure that a thief places in prison because he's accused of stealing tax evasion and fraud with the new charges he faces is about stealing hundreds of billions trillions his company security chief is in prison for murder they didn't like the mayor of new if the guns so they killed him then there was another woman in moscow who refused to sell her little store to them and they killed her when they didn't like the hit man they hired and he's dead as well. another sore spot was the issue of recent ethnic clashes between russian vaticanus and people from the north caucasus that the government failed to prevent the prime minister said nationalism is a common disease and there's no radicalism is like
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a virus or if society weakens it or you mean system goes down diseases start to spread through a lot of societies mature in these bugs of radicalism and extremism simply lying dormant we can't cause any damage but you are going to make sure russians domestic worries too can everything from social security and police reform to real estate prices and if you foreign policy issues were touched upon as well such as the recent spying many of that has spread across the atlantic to overstate a bit of that in a same as i don't know we don't need to use special squads to punish traitors i can assure you all of them will fall off the perch themselves they can take their thirty pieces of silver but it will stick in their throats the video. conference was held in the other charity and big men are the form it was introduced by bush and when he was still president back in two thousand and one and then become a prime minister he's continued the tradition of the annual informal discussion with the public and as ever he likes a good joke politics mixed with a little ironic humor but i will ruin the country when you imprisonment very
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diverse sleeping. we sleep in turns they worry everything is under control. now that explains why war sco is a city that never sleeps after an exhausting q. and a session of four and a half hours russian prime minister vladimir putin can now go and rest as russians now know they will still have their backs covered but i look at r.t. moscow. images of a deformed fetuses and children eating excrement causing heated debate here in russia as part of a controversial online campaign aimed at beating the growing problem of drug and alcohol abuse in the country with or has hope it will discourage youngsters and help addicts see the sense we'd like to warn you that you may find some images in this following report disturbing here is r.t. as maria. means a happy mother for the my she says masha i used to smoke marijuana when i was
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pregnant with her this internet ad is part of a stomach churning anti drug can pain a fashion sashenka i was already on heroin then. surprisingly it's the least offensive episode of the series designed to shock some of them may leave a bad taste in your mouth quite literally like this one for instance. that's why we stop it here it's as if keeping quiet about drug abuse among school kids is like keeping dirt in your mouth to disturb an advert has provoked a huge discussion on the web when just how far we can go in trying to keep youngsters away from drugs that was the word yes it causes a slight nausea impulse but that's what we need it will make those children who now think that it's bad to tell their parents and teachers about dealers in other words they do not report on dealers let them consider which is better with in their mouths or without food every year more than one hundred thousand people officially
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dying from overdose and drug related deaths and that doesn't include susana as say countries. believes people would better opening the eyes to the scale of the problem rather than concern themselves about the distance see of the adverts if the poor there's nothing else humiliating or contradictory in the sand should we just keep silent about everything why ok let's keep our mouths shut and just live on let twenty year olds die and millions and billions of dollars flowing into drug dealers pockets while we just pretend that everything is perfect in our society. as behind the fact that the anti drug advert is getting more primitive is another shock in reality the targeting audience is getting younger and younger and the average age when youngsters in russia first try drugs has jumped to thirteen years with the ethics of a. life expectancy just twenty one the last three years the latter but there was
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this is aimed at them so it has to be primitive in order to work do you think they don't know that drugs are banned when they just need to have it literally imprinted in their minds the shocking can pain is actually a government initiative a response to the country's new priority in fighting the drug problem but as a concept we've always been concentrated on finding drugs and withdrawing them this july we've adopted a new drug strategy now we need to focus on decreasing demand rather than trying to cope with the consequences. with the government's recent refocus on preventive measures we can expect more and more projects like this one aimed at literally disgusting the idea of drugs out of youngsters minds and yes it may be unpleasant looking but so are the statistics of drug abuse in the country and if there is a chance no matter how small that this can stop someone from stepping out of this clip or a slope its creators say it's worth the arthritis causing. grief notion r.t.
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more scope. just now turning twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital you with are just ahead for you celebrating the holidays in outer space new tenants are welcomed at the international space station where go stay for about six months the details coming your way in just a few minutes. tension on the korean peninsula is reaching boiling point south korea says it will go ahead with military exercises on the border with the north despite a promise from pyongyang to retaliate the drills are to take place in the coming few days on a disputed south korean island shelled by the north months ago four people were killed in that november assault but this time john yang warns it will strike with even deadlier force russia says it's deeply worried about the situation and has called an emergency meeting of the u.n. security council to take place later on sunday china joined the russian call to restrain south korea but the u.s.
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maintains seoul has the right to hold the military drill political analyst riddick a frank says russia is best placed to act as a mediator in the korean conflict. russia is the only country that does have a stake box no specific interest. which actually is a difference between russia and the european union so russia can actually be a trustworthy and reliable mediator and neutral broker the one interest that russia does how concerning korea is stability there's a situation emerging good might trigger a major war that will inevitably not only involve both careers but also china us will have a negative effect on the baluchi in the region and on russia and hands russia's major preoccupation is actually maintaining peace. because of as a prime minister russian touchy he is facing questions over a report for the council of europe which claims he was involved with
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a group that killed prisoners in the late ninety's to sell their organs there are also reports that western governments and knew about the allegations but have been turning a blind eye to them for years alice said but reports. sellon has never spoken to the media before he's been too angry his brother went missing in the summer of one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and no one has helped to find him. he went to work as usual with his friends to the watch of its mine and that was it i never saw him again we went to the police and everyone else we could think of after the war i thought there'd be an exchange of prisoners and hundreds of our binion's were freed the so many serbs are still missing now after twelve years i have lost all the international officials who didn't do anything when the easily could have his brother is one of the near two thousand four hundred people who went missing both during and after the late ninety's kosovo war and is still unaccounted for and
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allegations leveled against senior members of the kosovo liberation army including the prime minister has since had she and the council of europe report it will not help to ease the minds of men like this one in the report claims mr attaches links to organized crime date back to when his the needs the group became the dominant factor within the k.l.a. and the alleged decision of western powers to largely ignore its activity in the hope of establishing some form of short term stability in the region allow tetchy and his followers to assume positions of political power with in kosovo in the years following the war. everybody including western countries knew all about these allegations for years but he wanted to keep them hidden the only. other was in charge here interests the use rule of law mission in kosovo says it will now launch its own probe into the allegations in general
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a league ations on war crimes and obviously with crimes very serious. should be sufficient evidence and should we be responsible for dealing with them we will certainly look into the issue. mr hashem she has dismissed the reports is baseless and the thumb a tree and has threatened to say it's another shocking twist in the history of this already troubled region. e.u. peacekeeping in police cars stun gold twenty four hours a day each side to this bridge that divides the serbian and albanian parts of the town of me three ten years after the end of the cost of a newer nesting deficiency is still very deep bass with the release of this report people are now saying that they feel abandoned and let down by the international community he has supposedly charged with protecting them all these he is less a bit. i forget who i log onto our website r.t.
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dot com you can always find many more stories that and here are some of them that might catch your eye right now he's a singer and entertainer iranian born i was told us here at r.t. about his international roots and skyrocketing korea. stores can sometimes feel like galleries but this time the luxury fashion houses go to a real exhibition here in moscow. on the right to christmas. plus if you have a feel you need to know more about russia just go to the all about russia section of our website you'll get insight into everything you need. dot com. the new crew members of the international space station making themselves of home
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for the state that should last about six months the soyuz craft carrying a three astronauts successfully docked with the i assess on friday the crew brought with them some seasonal gifts to give to those currently on board the station peter all of i was at the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan for the blast off. over my shoulder you'd be able to see the soyuz t.m.a. twenty rockets that will be blasting off sending cosmonaut the meeting called the last year and astronauts apollo nespoli from the european space agency and kathryn coleman from nasa into space now this is the product of two years of very intense training in the trio be spending six months on board the international space station while they're up there they'll be carrying out a number of experiments and continuing the work in space that the international space station carries out now i think. it's the stuff they have hey i'll let you get on with that.
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domino thing by you know as the story twenty rocket blasts off from the cosmodrome in kazakhstan sending them a trick on the once you have paolo nespoli and catherine coleman off to the international space station. while it takes pride of place. over the festive season a century old christmas tree was delivered this week to the kremlin's cathedral square. told for the next three weeks this year the tree was blessed by a russian orthodox priest for the first time it will be decorated with thousands of . christmas trees. nearly fifteen years now. the event was accompanied by a theatrical show. and
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a rabbit the symbol of the coming year according to the chinese. now i will be looking into. the colombian water. all the details coming up.
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the british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy. financial headline news to. bring you the latest in science technology from. india in the movie. the gateway hotel the grand imperial truly. socialist.
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run this is the kennel was how to treat. the latest headlines on the week's top stories here on. just a few hours remain before polls close. presidential election the country's incumbent leader is the clear favorite to win. three consecutive. to sixteen years in power he's been. spilled onto the streets of moscow ethnic tension between russian nationalists groups from. various parts of the city.
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prime minister vladimir putin addresses a nationalism. q. and a session with the public with. other issues including social security reform. with many blame. in the first place this came. well we'll have more on those stories in about thirty minutes times but next it's the second part of our special report on the colombian army and how we got dragged into a scandal accusing it of killing innocent people. in the struggle against criminals fused with cowardice in facing the.


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