tv [untitled] December 19, 2010 3:30pm-4:00pm EST
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twenty seven nine hundred sixty. drone of aircraft in the skies over moscow region . rescuers look for a training jet did it disappeared from radar screens. as soon as they spotted the crash site it was clear nobody could have survived. the aircraft was piloted by flight instructor of. the first ever man in space. seven years prior on april twelfth one thousand nine hundred sixty one rescue helicopters flew over the plane around the city of. one thousand kilometers from moscow they were looking for the spot where you got in and successfully landed after his first space mission. trip took an average soviet pilot to international fame. the flight in took place seven years later cut short
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the life of the world's first cosmic what happened in those few seconds after contact with god and was lost what caused this disaster for forty years later no dearie is conclusive an important question still remains. on the morning of april twelfth one thousand nine hundred eighty one. half past five in the morning. space food from even joked about it saying it was only fit for a man in orbit meanwhile device was sitting on the launch pad ready to catapult him into outer space. that night as it gradually blended with. normally i would have woken up in the morning and headed for the launch. but that night. i didn't sleep needless to say. at any rate many myself included
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were found more agitated than a year ago. good after final medical checkups good got in was helped into a space suit a bus transporting him and his back up to the rocket this film footage shows chairman of the state commission. and me walking from the bus towards the spacecraft's chief designer. and other members of the commission stated around a table. hugs got in and wishes him a good journey i take got him by the hand and take him to a ladder leading to the lift that's now about fifteen steps separate him from the lift. on march twenty seventh one thousand nine hundred sixty eight the last morning of good got any life mishaps plagued him from the very start after boarding the bus taking him to the airfield he remembered he'd left his pass at home he decided to return to pick up the document although we knew full well everyone in
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the air force regiment recognised him like many pilots he was superstitious and the first cause may not certainly considered this a bad omen. there were also other troubles in store for him got in would have to fly tandem with flight instructor city oregon even though he was authorized to pilot aircraft on his own. we were flying between clouds he did a very good job piloting the aircraft and showed a good command of the equipment. also stayed well within the flight so together we did a very good job and. he was given x. little marks and allowed to pilot airplanes on a system. that was to fly three times he was slated for two solo flights after the outing with instructor city he got into it seats in the cockpit of a mc training jet several minutes passed before. they were allowed to take off.
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they reached will be called the point of turnaround in accordance with the flights pilots must reach the line before going into the flight zone after that they go through an air corridor and enter the zone and only then do they begin to a sense of. april twelfth one thousand nine hundred eighty one just a few minutes past nine in the morning you get out and is already in the cabin of the. final preparations and checks are being made all that remains is to shut the hatch. it is a nerve racking operation. it's an unpleasant moment because of the consequences if the hatch is locked as it should be the cabin is hermetically sealed and the flight is normal but it was conditioned on the cosmonauts life might be in danger but he had a man. with a hash lock down in engineers ready to leave the launch site the chief designer
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called from mission control he said sensors had indicated the cabin was not reliably sealed the hatch had to be checked immediately. how we felt isn't hard to imagine. but the technicians knew the job well. they unscrewed the knots and removed the hatch in no time. inspected the connection with signals whether or not the hatches properly sealed. when everything there was a. wolf but on march twenty seventh one thousand nine hundred sixty eight you got in straining jet takes off from the runway if you color scheme military airfield and heads eastward towards the flight zone the training exercises to last fifteen to twenty minutes the plane includes barrel rolls took turns in vertical loops but only four minutes later flight controller here's good got a report done heading for base. during the third turn i heard
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a voice. was so quiet. right after i reported to the commanding officer the voice of number six to. enter was not alarmed by the early message. nothing strange about hearing god and not the instructor said yogen over the airwaves. would be his last words that reach the flight command. april twelfth one thousand nine hundred sixty one nine o seven am the first man. takes off from the launch pad. radios back a phrase that would in a few hours would be known around the world as his signature line.
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the first flight lasted one hundred eighty minutes to space craft begin to descend after orbiting the earth that was one of the most complicated phases of the mission because not was to object from the descent module several kilometers above ground. the special features was the seat. of the mechanism was powerful enough to eject. wearing a space suit. now clearly with a certain altitude the entry which was jettisoned. made it possible for the cosmonauts to eject from the spacecraft. good even though this time there was no forest here there were only seedlings in this field they have since grown into total trees on the morning of april twelfth one thousand nine hundred sixty one conover was a six year old girl playing potatoes with her grandmother they noticed two spots in
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the sky they grew larger and larger until she saw an odd looking creature wearing bright orange overalls. question. i remember he said she was from a ship. that was no want to anyway any other place but then he said i'm from a space ship. the first humans to see after his return from outer space half an hour later a search party found the landing site in the region only a handful of people got in when he woke up on the morning of april twelfth when he went to bed the same day he had acquired global fame. in the flying club this picture shows us nearing eighteen airplanes only a short distance separates the place where the first cosmonauts flight begin and the place where he finally touched down both are in the set up to free agent. in
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september not if you had four when both of us were going through a course of training at the club. but. graduated from high school training young people for jobs in industry. are just as great fans of aviation as myself. together at the club. classroom desks and sitting examinations together. it just so happens that we had the same instructor. you know on march twenty seventh one thousand nine hundred eighty eight the flight controller of the airfield was desperately trying to contact the fighter jet trainer number six to five. got in the pilot and reported ten minutes before in kiri the aircraft should have appeared over the runway two minutes after the radio exchange time passed got in and said you didn't respond to calls to contact ground control it became clear half an hour later. had been involved in an accident.
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the air force regiments second in command were told me to report to the general. told me that something had happened to. rescue teams were dispatched to locate the crash site around three pm one of the crews noticed a deep charring hole in the ground amidst the birch trees it was later established that it was five meters deep the disaster meant that two men had no chance for survival the question immediately coming to mind was why such skilled pilots had been unable to eject from their cockpit. everybody wants to know why they didn't egypt anybody in my day don't understand a pilot psychology something goes wrong with the syrup the pilot tries to get things right rather than a. simple as a former test pilot he was a member of the commission looking into what caused god instead according to one of
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the initial dairies bad weather could have been responsible for the crash. they were flying between clothes when an aircraft isn't thick clouds difficult to put out of a spin matters become even worse considering that the pilot might meet taken such conditions. no other air crash investigation in soviet history and received. such attention even the tiniest plane fragments were collected from the site but investigators only a small amount of information from the wreckage besides in the one nine hundred sixty s. an aircraft flight recorders. to a multitude of dairies explaining.
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the old way even if. some country house. the crew made to feel. the. first. this is moscow radio stations of the soviet union are on here. on april twelfth one thousand nine hundred sixty one people across the soviet union were glued to their radios they heard a stunning message first time ever man had broken out of earth's gravitational pull and gone to outer space. the first man to do so the unions very own
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got in. and some of my friends were in college getting ready for an exam in higher mathematics and. a fellow student burst into the classroom. and says someone by the name of garan had been launched into space. we asked him what the patronymic of this pilot. save if he said yes now we knew that he was yuri gagarin back. there was a red carpet rolled out on the airfield of a moscow airport on april fourteenth nine hundred sixty one in ceremony or steps major got in march toward soviet leader nikita khrushchev without noticing that issue aces had come undone still he made his official report.
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comrade first secretary of the communist policy of the soviet union it is my pleasure trip though to you that the world's first space flight above the vostok spaceship anded on the twelfth of april one thousand nine hundred sixty one. there are. ships systems and equipment has been working like clockwork without fail on an excellent healthy and ready to fulfill any new assignments. and government. major garrett. in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight ends death spread around the country almost as fast as news of his spaceflight seven years prior that was despite the fact the d.n.a. on cement had been a long delayed and was couched in very terse phrasing. a commission to investigate the cause of the tragedy was already in full swing. we were
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provided with reports about panels of scientists who had established a flight c exact trajectory that we used to reports to pass judgment on whether the two men had done the right thing during that flight and at what the. lack of information was the main problem facing the commission apart from good got and reports from the flight zone there were only readings from on board instruments the investigators were not sure that they were reliable. in the event of a serious accident the eighty caterer's of on board instruments leave an imprint on the remaining part of the even explain as a rule it's possible to locate to position of the pointer at the time of the pressure to. go out and smile was a vivid soviet symbol without precedent a symbol that had great appeal across the world newspapers around the globe featured front page pictures of got in for several days after his first flight the world's first kuzma not was no longer an ordinary man become
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a national icon. after his first spaceflight got in began to travel widely and around the soviet union and abroad each time his visit attracted thousands of people this is how he was welcomed in japan. this is how it was visit to britain got underway. the russian photographer buddies kofman remembers very well how his first famous photograph came to pass the. been assigned to cover the soviet visit of italian film star gina lollobrigida got in was among the guests. as soon as i merged from onto the table i shared it with horror at the thought that i would be unable to take any pictures at all for the i saw that the back row was occupied by a venerable recorders where there was no place for a voice like me anyway so when i poked op right beside him he showed no reaction
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not even the slightest just sure where you just went on speaking when he finished speaking and i finished taking pictures he turned to me and said so what have you been able to take any pictures of which there is nothing special about this photograph except that if you go gar instance side by side with the liberty to. still make reprints of it. oleksandr cause that it sees the crash site from an altitude of four hundred meters for the first time. standing at the site where the world's first cause may not died is hardly visible. it's been established to the weather was bad during the flight there were two layers of clouds. like sun this father is a well known designer of aircraft engines he says it's the aircraft's motor that caused the disaster. if you were to propose this situation unfolded as
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follows. through when the pilots found themselves in the lower level of clouds and to conduct an altitude of one thousand five hundred meters the engine failed a little bit even they tried to keep it going by forcing it to work at maximum capacity where both brought it to an abrupt halt in flight with. this eerie that the engine was responsible for the crashes based on readings obtained from onboard instruments the velocity gauge recorded a high speed on impact with the ground this means that the pilots made no attempt to pull the aircraft out of the spin otherwise they would have cut down on the thrust according to tim afic cause that if we'd gotten in city oregon became aware of the slowdown they tried to restart the engine. almost. you could under normal conditions but in this engine can be restarted in thought whether it's regrettably . the situation during the good god ngs last flight was such that the pilot was
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short on. on time or. they couldn't react because they had no time for that. in the mid one nine hundred sixty s. good got in the indicated his desire to get back in the cockpit but piloting turbojets was too much of a risk because such airplanes had not been properly tested these were new models the country's leadership didn't like the idea of putting the life of the first cause i'm not in jeopardy for a long time gotten was denied a chance to pilot planes instead he was offered executive jobs he was appointed to the post of deputy head of cars not training center. still he attended classes at an air force academy and wrote a book. to be sure. i first met him at a publishing that is frankly i had not expected a lieutenant recently promoted to the rank of major to be a great fan of books. the. gun came to see valentino's support for the publishing
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house a few days before his final flight he brought the latest version of his book to be published just a few months later. with this is the book. in his he tells about how he feels when he gets into this craft alone or together with others to put up. this state commission investigating the cause of god and his death did not come to a definitive conclusion in its report said briefly that some unclear circumstances and put the aircraft into a tailspin the pilots couldn't pull it out of the spin because their craft altitude was too low and they'd run out of time. all the materials relating to the investigation were kept under lock and key even commission experts were unaware of the result of the commission's work but some of them suggested their own theories. would be up and close
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a lot of version is that they hate it whether balloon is enough some six hundred kilometers an hour i meant that if yes would that if they're going to feel like the impacts equivalent must have been eclipsed three tons of data from i'm. going to left them out if you unsealed because i'm going to send thirty aircraft into seven being a through thought of the film the young's version is based on speculation that the fighters cockpit had already come open before it hit the ground in other words the pilots were not in control of their plane after losing consciousness when it hit a weather balloon. violator yes a cough is a flight instructor he was up in the air on the fateful morning of march twenty seventh he says faulty on board instruments may have caused the tragedy. i don't wish to draw parallels with other disasters i knew they felt. into
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a spin after finishing the exercise a tumble and a steel door and with a tilt of sixty degrees. there were no clouds when they started their report. it was soon as they entered the clouds if they lost their bearings. if it would be fifteen years after got its death professor billet sort of coast vienna cosmina like celio enough put forward yet another theory for the disaster according to them the fighter entered the turbulence left behind by a supersonic aircraft that had been in the area shortly before the crash in turbulence put got into jet into a spin the pilots were unable to pull their aircraft to help they needed two hundred three hundred more meters two or three more seconds. all pilots agree that in a craft can't fall into a spin when it answers turbulence or puff to special tests have proven that there is no spin in such situations instead it's that you must have been in turbulence many times during tests when you answered turbulence your aircraft just some
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thoughts you immediately regained control of that it's a product. of the remains of good god and sarah craft is kept in some twenty sealed barrels the standing orders to keep to several tons of twisted steel that used to be a training fighter jet for ever though a state commission has not conclusively established the cause of god instead. chances are these will someday be open so that people can once again search for answers behind the death of the first man to cross the space frontier. descend on to a flying club get in springboard for his rise to fame has been renamed after the first cosmic not young people who dream about flying high come here today as they used to in the mid one nine hundred fifty s. . to fight the first cosmonaut future pilot shelton off we
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the latest headlines on the week's top stories here on trade from the opposition and valerie says alexander lukashenko do accept the claim of forced. tens of thousands of come out to protest against the presidential election results according it fraudulent and one of his candidates has already been injured in protests of the now reportedly targeting the parliament and government buildings. f . tension between russian nationalists and groups from the caucuses forces to take preventive security measures to avoid a new wave of clashes. no topic was off limits as prime minister vladimir putin took the hot seat for his annual q. and a session with the public nationalism and justice for money issues that came up and for
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a long discussion. european speak out against governments and the methods used to deal with volatile economies the single currency is increasingly being seen as the root of the problem. with a look back at the week's top stories in the latest developments. in moscow so protests in bella russo over the presidential election have turned ugly with two candidates hurt in clashes with police tens of thousands of people flocked to the central square of minsk angry at alexander lukashenko seemingly comfortable victory his fourth in a row the opposition saying it's a fix well it's now across the. country is in the center of the action now they're all report.
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