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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2010 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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it was heartfelt there were thousands of people here despite the bitter winter cold that protest unfortunately did not last very long some people started breaking down the windows of the parliament building trying to push through the doors destroying the property riot police pushing them back almost immediately clearing out the square our crew actually got injured in the process while filming and the crowd right by the windows riot police started pushing everyone back until like hell and then actually got hit on the head with a police baton so they were able to continue their work there feeling all right but it was still quite a sight it seemed for a moment that police couldn't really distinguish between civilians and journalists anybody that was in the crowd wrist getting hit or hit for a punch. only later did they seem to distinguish between journalist and protesters and actually tried to avoid the press we saw some protesters being cornered by rival spending quite severely was quite
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a frightening sight right now it does seem that everything is calm down riot police and gain control of the square have cleared out all of the protesters there are still some groups. about a block there very small a few people in each one in there very quickly cornered by riot police detained and moved off waiting a police car and saw a lot of people being detained a lot of people were injured as well in the protests that turned violent in a matter of moments what have just as quickly been staying worse by officials. which were going to say we're here to defend our freedom which is being threatened by one man who's in power and who's making all the decisions but i'm still is that the entire system is riddled with fear we've just seen where the presidential candidates look human a client beaten brutally flitters went off everyone was put down on the ground and told to stay down as we heard the tanker swearing the bridge to us in our booth and begin stealing our equipment like old people. she was regrouped and came here to
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protest so of course many people showing the will to protest what they believe a fraudulent election presidential election that seems to be once again won by incumbent president alex on that will question because he has apparently enjoyed a fourth consecutive win and a presidential election the only presidential elections that valerie's has had a force for all of the one playing from the president on it's on that will question good morning to opposition leaders these results are falsified and the over eighty percent that lukashenko a seemingly gathered according to exit polls is also a falsified number that's precisely why they were out in the street so far international observers haven't reported any major violations in the only heard of one registered record where an international observer was denied access to a polling station but so far that is the only report on record and we are forced waiting to see whether international observers would wait for a more detailed report of their observations the money incentive in there having
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a positive conclusion is a very big one the european union has promised and galleries but a lot of financial aid billions of euros if there is evidence of free and democratic elections perhaps that is why i think so that will allow the opposition some semblance of freedom giving them on air time and sanctioned anti-government rallies but critics of course say that that is all for show international observers are still to publish their reports and will of course update you when we get them. the moscow region is on security alert with more than four hundred people detained as part of attempts to prevent violence links to ethnic tensions there arrests follow a recent wave of clashes between russia right wing groups minorities and police more than three thousand people have been detained in the last week violence erupted at an illegal protest eight days ago following the death of a football fire in a brawl with a native north called cagers the gathering turned into a ride with ethnic minorities and police attacked and there was
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a repeat of the clashes on wednesday when extremists rushing here migrants from the north caucuses gathered for a confrontation a man suspected of leading unrest and killing a migrant from kurdistan is now in jail president dmitry medvedev authorities not to hesitate to use force at first sign of trouble. but the. clashes fighting and vandalism are not just administrative violations but crimes and those who commit these crimes should be locked up rather than just told off the police should be using their legal authority to prevent extremism and incitement of ethnic hatred what happened in moscow and some of the russian cities has shown that although requires very efficient management i'd like to draw attention to the fact that inciting violence in our country is a crime to chief. u.s. senate democrats have beaten back a second republican attempts to scupper rectification of the new start nuclear arms
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reduction treaty with russia a motion by senator jim risch has been defeated hot on the heels of a similar one by john mccain who called for the agreement to be sent back to the drawing board meanwhile president obama is urging ratification as soon as possible saying it's critical for national security monday is the last day for democrats to push it through before a republican senate is formed in january the new strategic arms reduction treaty was signed by dmitri medvedev and there are people and will slash that country's nuclear arsenals by a set but it won't come into force until ratified by both sides something most cases it's been ready to do for months and max bergman from the center for american progress believes the treaties really the best interest of the u.s. it confirms that the u.s. russia relationship will remain on track i think the second thing is that it maintains the nuclear stability that we've had some see end of the cold war importantly the start treaty maintains and monitoring and verification measures
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that allow both the u.s. and russia to check out what each other is doing in the nuclear arena and it enables progress to continue to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in the world so i think it's a vital treaty it's one of the priorities that the administration has set forth and it's too important for us national security for russian national security of a global national school for the security of the world for republicans in the senate to hold this hostage and i think they won't i think this will be the one piece of legislation that actually gets massive bipartisan support although you know nothing is certain until it's certain and there's still a ways to go but i think i think feel confident that this is actually going to get ratified in the next few days. this is coming up in the for us ron links to secret detention centers and google traffic just some of their stations against course of its prime minister find out who is behind them what he has to say about it and why some subset of the revelations are not surprising. this week saw continue
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addressed in the streets of europe as governments seek to impose austerity measures across the continent in the economic crisis at a summit and rustles the krege created a permanent fund to bail out to eurozone countries a trace of bankruptcy a strike in greece close schools banks and pools and disrupted public transportation trade union station demonstrations in france luxembourg belgium and the czech republic and also in spain danish men the european parliament morten messerschmidt spoke to aussie about the crisis proving the euro to be honest. the euro as a construction has created this problem because it has destroyed the southern europeans countries so competitiveness and the bailout now is just prolonging and thereby crude creating an even bigger problem because the dept will just to grow and grow and if you know yourself reacting to it desperately introducing the suggestion on the euro bonds of course we need to be solidarity in the european
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union but we also need to be the nominee to be realistic and the realism of the euro zone is that it doesn't work it hasn't been working for four years and there are at least several non harmonious regions within the euro which make it impossible to maintain a common currency so i think that the even the strongest part of a little have to either recognize that we need to have one hundred percent of government from brussels and since the europeans don't want to have to go with the second lie which is to admit that the euro is a failed currency spain is going to is most likely going to be the next big topic either spain or portugal and spain the unemployment rates are right now around twenty percent which is a huge which puts a huge pressure to the financial. strain. prices just getting bigger and bigger is portugal falls which is on the lip of everybody here in strasburg that will be a disaster strikes the spanish economy because those those two countries are interlinked so severely in economical terms so when i don't know whether portugal
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or spain falls first but when the one falls the other one will do as well. let's now have a look at some other stories from around the world eighteen people have been killed and twenty more wounded into attacks in afghanistan saw taliban militants stormed an army recruiting center in the northern city of can do is with two of them detonated a suicide vest the ensuing firefight lasted five hours local officials said in the second attack militants ambushed in the grass carrying on their fish oils to the center of kabul the taliban has claimed responsibility for the tides. at least twenty seven people have been killed after an oil pipeline exploded in the central mexican state of. thirty two people who were injured while scores of houses were destroyed in the blast a government spokesman said the first explosion occurred as the terms were made to steal gas or oil from the duct and this trail of successive small of laws forcing people to flee this small town fifty five kilometers outside mexico city
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firefighters say the flames are under control. severe weather across europe has shut major airports and stranded thousands of travelers hundreds of the flights from london's gatwick and heathrow airport was had been cancelled and there is also major air disruption in france italy and the netherlands traffic accidents caused by the conditions led to several deaths in germany while the belgian died when a snow they did the roof collapsed on him forecasters say the arctic temperatures are predicted to last well into the new here. russian prime minister vladimir putin held his annual q. and a session this week with the russian public putin's spend four and a half hours on live t.v. answering some of the million plus questions which flooded in he's not eleanor because of the event. not quite truth or dare in his annual q. and a session the russian prime minister was given a choice and some of the questions were rather daring like the one about former oil
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tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky who's currently serving. and eight year term in prison for fraud and tax evasion it was a question that got put in going. just like a character in a famous russian movie i'm sure that a thinks places in prison because he's accused of stealing tax evasion and fraud but with a new charges he faces is about stealing hundreds of billions for him his company security chief is in prison for murder they didn't like the mayor of nifty new guns so they killed him then there was another woman in moscow who refused to sell her little stool to them and they killed her when they didn't like the hit man they hired he's dead as well. another sore spot was the issue of recent ethnic clashes between russian that tickles and people from the north caucasus that the government failed to prevent the prime minister said nationalism is a common disease. radicalism is like a virus if society weakens the main system goes down diseases start to spread but
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if society is mature and these bugs of radicalism and extremism simply lie dormant and can't cause any damage but you living in the. russians domestic worries you can everything from social security and police reform to real estate prices and if you foreign policy issues were touched upon as well such as the recent spying many of that has spread across the atlantic over set a bit and then yes i mean we don't need to use special squads to punish traitors i can assure you all of them will fall off the perch themselves they can take their thirty pieces of silver but it will stick in their throats the video conference was held in the other charities and a big matter the format was introduced by britain when he was still president back in two thousand and one and then become a prime minister he's continued the tradition of the annual informal discussion with the public and as ever he likes a good joke politics mixed with a little ironic humor. only country when you're president did have
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a sleeping. larry everything is under control now that explains why is a city that never sleeps after an exhausting q. and a session of four and a half hours russian prime minister vladimir putin can now go and rest as russians now know they will still have their backs covered about who are artsy. and as we heard the fate of me holder of course who was touched upon in that q. and a session this week in moscow of course delayed its verdict in the second trial of the former oil tycoon until the twenty seventh of december he faces charges over the soft of billions of barrels of oil from his company and the proceeds before you call c.e.o. was arrested in two thousand and three and it's currently serving an eight here jail term for fraud and tax evasion and if his found guilty he'll stay jail he'll stay in jail for another six years and if the court clears what are called scale
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the latest charges he will be released next here the forty seven year old made his fortune during the trouble and they tell you in the ninety's through the privatize ational state assets which made him russia's richest man. well and isolates that would tell you how russia sources are using hard core reality to call back to find out about the own life and he tries campaign or so say it's going to fall on its bid to shock and why producers say it's the only way to get the message across. when the u.s. secure the u.n. security council has met in the magine secession at russia's request to address escalating tension on the korean peninsula moscow's concerns come as south korea announced new military exercises along the disputed maritime border north korea this south last month in response to similar naval maneuvers russia and china both called a south korea to council the exercises while the u.s. has condemned repeated north korean aggression two people were killed in last
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month's not an artillery assault on the south korean island but this time young ones it will strike even harder the security council drafted at resolution calling on all parties involved to avoid any steps that will west intentions in the region but fails to agree on a motion and a political analyst ever to give front russia a best place to act as a mediator in the korean conflict russia is the only country that does have a stake box no specific interest. which actually is the difference between russia and. russia can actually be a trustworthy and reliable. neutral broker want to trust that russia doesn't. use stability but over there is a situation emerging market for major war that will inevitably not only pull both careers but also charge us that will have a negative effect on people in the region and on russia and hands russia's major
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preoccupation is if you maintain peace. u.s. officials claim the war effort in afghanistan is on track and making progress but by going to american soil it's a message fuel people are willing to believe aussies get an answer to count met some who say they was costing the u.s. to dearly. at the same time as obama was trying to put a good face on the war in afghanistan we are on track to achieve our goals hundreds of people were marching outside the white house calling those announced ghouls lives which benefit just selected few we don't know of well think of the overall giants of the defense bunch not know that they are going in the only language they understand and shutting down. whenever we're doing here today we're going to continue to do it will do one thing all over. the u.s. says it will take its forces out of afghanistan by twenty fourteen but many people believe that that line could be stretched indefinitely it will take time to
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ultimately defeat al qaida it's been a year since obama stepped up efforts in afghanistan by adding thirty thousand troops to the existing contingent there it's also been the deadliest year for the u.s. forces there with casualties almost doubled in many places the gains we've made are still fragile and reversible but there is no question we are clearing more areas from taliban control and more reclaiming their communities you hear a different message from veterans like man who fought in afghanistan having been there myself i can tell you the u.s. army is not a liberating force it is not a nation building force it is a destructive force the mission statement is to engage and destroy the enemies of the us and in close combat period there's nothing in there about bringing food for people a record sixty percent of americans say the almost ten year old war in afghanistan has not be worth fighting both in terms of lives and dollars
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a new price tag was announced for the war this year one point two trillion dollars we could have universal health care for every working person in this country if one tenth of what has been spent on the war was spent on working people you know we could do it we could have saved their infrastructure in iraq and afghanistan if one tenth of what we spent on destruction had been spent on. construction. what about security people here don't seem to feel safer either i believe that our presence there and in all the interventions we've had across time in other countries only serves to make the world a lot less stable i think we're creating a lot more violence i think there are more if you would check this year compared to last year the number of taliban for example i think is increased. knowingly getting arrested in front of the white house could hardly help end wars but these protesters hope if they shout louder no. one could hear them the wars that
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america has been fighting have taken trillions of dollars out of u.s. taxpayers pockets and apparently they will continue to do so when people who came here protesting outside the white house and hoping the president will see them from his windows are saying they don't buy into the argument the war on terror any more than a check on our to washington d.c. . the council of europe has unanimously box an inquiry into the cost of a prime minister after a draft report suggested he was involved in a crime ring trafficking human organs that western governments new allegations but have been turning a blind eye to them for years on this habit. this ellen has never spoken to the media before he's been too angry his brother went missing in the summer of one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and no one has helped to find him while he went to work as usual with his friends to the blotch of it's mine and that was it i
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never saw him again we went to the police and everyone else we can think of after the war i thought there'd be an exchange of prisoners and hundreds of our binion's were freed the so many serbs are still missing now after twelve years i've lost all the international officials who didn't do anything when they easily could have his brother is one of the near two thousand four hundred people who went missing both during and after the late ninety's kosovo war and is still unaccounted for and allegations leveled against senior members of the kosovo liberation army including the prime minister has to be touchy and the council of europe will not help to ease the minds of men like this when the report claims must attach links to organized crime date back to when he has been it's a group became the dominant factor within the k.l.a. and the alleged decision of western powers to largely ignore its activities in the hope of a stablish ing some form of short term stability in the region allow tetchy of his
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followers to assume positions of political tell over the kosovo in the years following the. everybody including western countries knew all about these allegations for years but he wanted to keep them hidden the only. other was in charge here and. the e.u. use rule of law mission in kosovo says it will now launch its own probe into the allegations and general unix takes a legal actions on war crimes and other serious crimes very seriously should be sufficient evidence. should be responsible for dealing with them we will certainly look into the issue. mr hashem times she has dismissed the reports is baseless and defamatory and has threatened to sue it's another shocking twist in the history of this already troubled region nato and peace keeping in police cars stand guard
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twenty four hours a day use side of this bridge that divides the serbian and albanian parts of the town of meet the reed said ten years after the end of the cost of the war left the divisions here still run very deep bass with the release of this report people are now saying that they feel about indians and let down by the international community here supposedly charged with protecting them all these years is. a bit. of a. images of deformed fetuses and children eating excrement are causing a heated debate here in russia it's part of a very controversial online campaign aimed at abusing the growing problem of drug and alcohol abuse in the country authorities hope it will discourage youngsters and help addicts see centers would like to warn you that he will find some images in memory of an ocean as a report very disturbing. me to happy mother fall into my she says masha i used to smoke marijuana when i was pregnant with her the beauty
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of this internet ad is part of the stomach churning ninety drunken paleness sashing sashenka i was already on heroin then. surprisingly it's the least offensive episode of the series designed to shock some of them may leave a bad taste in your mouth quite literally like this one for instance. that's why we stop it here. it says it's keeping quiet about drug abuse among school kids is like keeping dirt in your mouth the disturb an advert has provoked a huge discussion on the web one just how far we can go in trying to keep youngsters away from drugs that was about the quick yes it causes a slight nausea impulse but that's what we need it will make those children who now think that it's bad to tell their parents and teachers about dealers in other words they do not report on dealers or let them consider which is better with in their mouths or without food every year more than one hundred thousand people officially
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dying from drug related deaths and that doesn't glitz you size say countries only good news of a believes people would be better opening the scale of the problem rather than concern themselves of all the distant see of the adverts if the poor there's one other place you millions you know contradictory and should we just keep silent about everything when i k let's keep our mouths shut and just live on let twenty year olds die and millions and billions of dollars flowing into drug dealers pockets while we just pretend that everything is perfect in our society. behind the fact that the anti drug advert is getting more primitive is another shocking reality the targeting audience is getting younger and younger the average age when youngsters in russia first try drugs has jumped to thirteen years with the addicks everett's life expectancy just twenty one. but all of this is aimed at them so it has to be primitive in order to work do you think they don't know what drugs are
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bad or when they just need to have it literally imprinted in their minds the shocking can pain is actually a government initiative a response to the country's new priority in fighting the drug problem but as a concept we've always been concentrated on finding drugs and withdrawing them this july we've adopted a new state drug strategy now we need to focus on decreasing demand rather than trying to cope with the consequences. with the government's recent refocus on preventive measures we can expect more and more projects like this one aimed at literally disgusting the idea of drugs out of youngsters minds and yes it may be unpleasant looking but so are the statistics of drug abuse in the country and if there is a chance no matter how small that this can stop some from stepping onto the slippery slope its creators say it's worth the arthritis causing. not see more scope. that was our look at the big stories of the week and upper back in just
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a few moments with the headlines. all. of this nature and discover its buzy.
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communicate with the wild and learn the. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you on on t.v. . it's the secret incursion into the country. it's the invasion by means of. tradition the language you tell you this is the first to go beat the beat. and culture. the thing is the behind the dunes are still unaware of what's going on in their mind just over the last year i have no idea about stuff like this which i don't know any but the alaska the great get on our cheat.
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well. really new the latest sign language from the realms. we've got this huge earth covered. again this is on c.n.n. these are the latest headlines on the week's top stories opposition demonstrations turned violent and by the use of clashes at parliament buildings as thousands take to the streets in protest against an apparent landslide victory for incumbent president and examine the location and also a camera crew have been injured as riot police tackled crowds while two opposition presidential candidates have also been. ethnic tension between russian nationalists and groups from the quercus is forces moscow authorities to take preventive security measures to avoid a new wave of conscious countries have been detained over the last twenty four
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hours taking the total to more than three thousand in a week as a result of isolated clashes and virus part of the city. no topic was off limits says brown minister that immigration to the hot seat for his annual q. and a session session with a public national as well just as were among the issues that came up in the four hour long discussion and other subjects covered included social security police reform and property prices. and the europeans speak out against their governments and the methods used to deal with their volatile economies the single currency is increasingly being seen. as the group of the problem and this came as leaders agreed to set up a permanent funds to rescue failings euro zone accord and he's. now the u. has been asked to declare the west bank and gaza strip and independent palestinian state even without a peace deal with the zero this comes on the bicycle stalled negotiations after the jersey.


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