tv [untitled] December 20, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EST
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very stark contrast to what was taking place last night when thousands of opposition supporters took to the streets of the capital they were here first where we are right now in a square thousands of people with flags and banners chanting slogans calling the election of fraudulent one and asking for attacks on the incumbent president and victor and this fourth consecutive election to step down and give the people a democratic choice they then blocked off one of minsk central highways and move towards the parliament palace parliament building where the protests seem to be at least the one at first with thousands more coming to the square with flags that is and chanting slogans but the protests soon turned violent when some of the protesters tried to storm the building breaking down doors smashing the windows riot police of course tried to resist and pushed everybody out of the way not really differentiating between civilians and journalists anybody and everybody who
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was close to them got hit including our very own cameramen who were hit on the face with police batons our camera a little damaged both our cameraman have loses so quite a scary sight. it was police soon to disperse the crowds they were basically dividing and conquering cutting off sections of people detaining them pushing them off the square and in a matter of minutes everything was quiet again it was brutal but effective in terms of the quickness and efficiency of how riot police dispersed all those crowds opposition leaders are of course saying that they do want to bring more people out into the streets whether they'll be possible is of course the question of the day. you know scary scenes indeed as you say. what we like to see move on and. it is of course possible kerry despite the fact that opposition supporters. said
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yesterday that their protest was going to be a peaceful one that they didn't want violence they were not going to throw themselves onto the barricades and of course that never happened the protests quickly turned violent there was a lot of damage to both people and property so if they do come out onto the streets of the capital there is a chance of course that the protest will turn violent again that riot police will use force to break the crowds apart but without many of the opposition leaders president people may be thinking twice about coming back onto the city streets specific leak of what happened last night one of the opposition leaders and one of the presidential candidates mr nick was attacked out on his way to the protest he left his office with a few of his supporters they were attacked by a number of men in black without any official law enforcement insignia the presidential candidate was beaten and hospitalized with a serious concussion and we know according to his wife
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a later security officials came and took him out of the hospital she doesn't know where he is and we also believe that she herself has also been detained we know that several opposition journalists local journalists have also been arrested the offices of one of minsk main opposition web sites charter ninety seven was stored earlier today and all of the journalists who were at work at the time or also detained including the website's editor in chief a so quite a lot of people detained quite a lot of people injured according to official sources over a thousand people were detained last night so that certainly may deter people from coming back onto the streets of the capital but opposition leaders do seem to be very determined to bring the people out again. disturbing scenes customers are thank you for that. south korea has carried out far exercises on. close to the border with north korea despite threats of retaliation
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from pyongyang moscow called on so to council in military exercises warning light tensions on the peninsula when i when i joined by a correspondent sara for more on sarah what's been going on at the border between the two koreas. despite the threats of war from north korea we've seen south korea carrying out this weapon till today and now this comes off the way it was delayed at the weekend the bad weather we've had they were carried out today around. people evacuated from the front line buddha knew that the speech to the territory and the rest of the people had me freeview say this weekend to the mainland when they'd received that warning as he said these drills have now gone ahead this comes off more than eight hours of discussion last night as an emergency u.n. security council meeting does meet. russia's request and participants at that
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meeting were discussing a russian draft statement the coups and south korea to really try and ease the tensions. there may be going to vision of tension. serious conflict for that matter so in the big chamber a private meeting which was also of course asked for by the russian federation. we reiterated the cool. part is no uncertain terms we. asked the public to refrain from conducting this exercise at this at this point in time but there are certain political circumstances would try to deal with the situation unfortunately so far the security council has not been entirely successful. though what is the key issue that prevented the u.n. from because from the don't think a coordinated statement with the differing approaches. the u.s.
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and china now the u.s. is making it very clear that they were going to don't do any statements unless there was very clear condemnation of north korea and its recent actions now see that russia's foreign ministry has said that russia really regret the u.s. failure to reach an agreement and also did these military drills carried out by south korea as a blockade to stability in the region is clued on both sides to really be exercising caution now as the situation develops. these exercises are taking place close to the sputum seaboard tensions between soul and come down really have been rising haven't they. absolutely yes the last time south korea carried out these military drills from the same island of knowing field on a fan the twenty third north korea responded by shelling the island that resulted in the deaths of two civilians and senior it was one of the worst attacks on south korean territory since the korean war ended in one thousand nine hundred fifty
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three just south korea said that these the standard military drills the carrying out of the north korea has responded by saying no they see this is woman even and that is since in november they responded obviously by attacking and we had last week north korea was saying if the tools that were carried out that have gone ahead today actually happen that they just we just don't even more strongly that now this being a couple of hours now since they skills and this we know you respond say far from north korea do you need a north korea. these military drills as provocative we know that they certainly the u.s. and japan's involvement with south korea has provoked seventy five state threats today though they've loosely said that they perhaps we willing to have to face that they'd be willing to welcome the i.a.e.a. in to examine clear facilities and we know the new government in south korea.
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perhaps coming under pressure from the public especially in the wake of the attack to make them but to really take a tougher stance towards north korea that is the russian ambassador to the u.n. . the u.n. saying that it's really hate now that talk to me and this sort of situation can be a peaceful situation could be resolved. if the situation is spiraling out of control. ok sara for thanks so much for that. and in fact for more on what's happening on the korean peninsula we're now joined by your guitar ryan the director of korean studies at the institute of economics in the russian economy of sciences thank you for joining us here on north korea has threatened to retaliate hasn't it nothing's happened as yet but what do you think. the next move will be well this is really tense now and. you can have predict when and if the conflict would happen unfortunately at this point of time we have to depend more on
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the supposed unpredictable irrational regime in pyongyang rather than on the actions of the south korean government who shows no restraint and it's very pitiful i think that north koreans will try to. restrain from unprovoked action but who knows where the limit of patience is if the shells start full of north korean territory they could start the fire in bed and we would never know what happened really what really happened who started this fire indeed and a south korean war games are seen as a provocation but in the so what is south korea continue to do that well then this is not only is provocation by the north but other countries of the world including china and russia because it's played with fire. i think that the south korean goals are to pressure north korea and even risk the conflict to. isolate or to further. for further influence not
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a regime of supposing that it will be too late which is absolutely. and based purely i did say will let the i.a.e.a. inspectors into the country to examine nuclear facilities at a change of stance at all well you know have been saying it's ready for talks for several months already. it has been said to the chinese it has been said publicly. so there's a ready for dialogue for dialogue both on on the issues of nuclear nuclear program and the broader issues of security in the korean peninsula unfortunately that's the u.s. and south korea are not ready for the dialogue and this gives us another suspicion that the real goal of both exercises and this. refusal to start the dialogue is to really should north korea even to get into concessions you mention the u.s. then of course there are many differences on this between the u.s.
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and china i mean could this. new international diplomatic conflict. well fortunately this is a sort of first cry of forces between us and china there are. all the verge of war by their what do so brock's its. first show of force between the two superpowers twenty first century which is very dangerous. i think that both countries both u.s. and china reluctantly drew on to this confrontation but. we do believe developed so quickly that they cannot resist this flow of events and this is the start of a real contradictions global contribution with the global powers and with these rapid events as you say in your opinion is there an actual possibility of an all out war between the north and south both of time been watchin north korea close with us for the last two thirty five years i would say that the. the danger war is
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now is now real and it can start unpredictably it's you never know what what what might happen and you never know how far the corporates will develop at best north koreans may retaliate by shelling or firing at the north korean military installations trying to avoid the damage to u.s. troops u.s. vs bases and trying to avoid the collateral damage so the civilians and north korea and south korea them to retaliate and but it may stop after several several days or even hours or even will be hundreds of thousands of casualties but this is a. scenario which is not the worst because the war can't really develop into the into all out conflict which is not desired but anyone but they did the events may just drive into this into this situation this is why. we're so
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russia and china. call for the immediate restrain and stop all this provocations and send in the russians or the u.n. general for presented to the region just to try to calm down this this policy is wearing situation you know thank you very much for joining us with those insights here dotty thank you. now for many people in poor central asian states or russia is seen as a land of opportunity millions of migrants flock there every year in search of greener pastures and many up forced to work illegally and their life is far from perfect so we're going to school applause. here for the federal migration service comes knocking on the door at four o'clock in the morning officers say they arrive at this early hour before the immigrants leave for work which usually happens around six am that duty the broader search raids are conducted in order to find illegal immigrants usually have about seven or eight
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trades a month but this time around the federal migration service found just a few people without permission to work in the country one of them isn't it means twenty two year old. i don't have documents i don't know russian law i've been in russia for about a year and i don't understand the rules and customs of the country who is one of a dozen immigrants who were apprehended during the raid but officials say there are millions more undetected in russia. currently there are about four million foreign citizens working in the russian federation to work legally the vast majority illegally there are about people living in that tiny little room right there we're going to go down the corridor into a kitchen and you can see for yourself that the conditions here are far from cemetery or convenient this is like a kitchen space something between a bathroom and basically
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a place where people cook and wash themselves as well. so why do vietnamese chinese in many from other asian countries continue to flock to russia. although they get paid a lot less the native workers would be paid for the same job is still a lot more than they would have earned back home migrant workers or a very valuable resource countries with developed economies they do all the hard low paid jobs that no one in the country wants to do. russia has the second largest number of immigrants in the world after the united states and there's plenty of jobs in industries such as construction and retail the flow of migrant workers doesn't show any signs of drying up even if the hours are long in the living conditions are cramped it is party. with the u.s. already fighting in two wars government has been revealed as another possible front opening up but it could be secret links between the countries that is feeding into
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the american media which is now stoking fears that the arab nation is a hotbed of terrorism he's going to chicken reports. america's secret aims in yemen are secret no more as confirmed by recent weekend weeks this patch of classified diplomatic cables u.s. special operations forces are carrying out strikes against suspected terrorists in yemen and the yemeni government is taking the credit in exchange for yemen's cooperation the u.s. heavily finances the country's fragile government but u.s. plans in yemen go further than strikes the military are discussing long term basis and asking for more than a billion dollars to fight ocar there before sunup and laughton had a dream for him in a nightmare for us it was to involve us in in inconclusive wars in distant lands that would cost us a fortune there's a kind of other intelligence national security bureaucracy that's good in this country also here and americans are rushing only scared when the parcel bomb
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hysteria broke out in october the us twenty four hour news machine did not fall short of feeding americans worst fears a second suspicious package from the air it was found at a federal facility is an ideal i'm pretty. sure what i'll call years ago i didn't believe in the arabian peninsula is behind the shipment the packages from yemen gave rise to a lot of confusion as to whether they were really parcel bombs but one thing that was beyond doubt the fear trigger has been pulled yemen was in the news as a terrorist hub in a matter of days the u.s. officially deployed predator drones in yemen and started talking about bases there they deliberately over blow all of these incidents because there is a huge constituency a huge business national security business which is paid for by the u.s. taxpayer it's a way of capturing the political support it's a way of doing a lot of different things but what it's not doing is defeating terrorism the most
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generous estimates suggest there are perhaps several hundred al qaida members in the poverty stricken strive torn desert. yemen u.s. paschal forces have been chasing them for years causing dozens of civilian deaths what the u.s. is doing in yemen is really inflating the prominence of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula this is a group that probably would have very little street value in the arab street or the muslim street if the united states wasn't propping up on while a lockie of the sort of second coming of osama bin laden i think it it it goes to show how little we've learned from the boogeyman days of bush and cheney and how our own policies in dangerous more in many cases that al qaeda is policies on the surface american leaders are motivated by the fear of one day receiving a parcel bomb but some say disaster has other layers of motivation you're not going to make the technology of a letter bomb go away by attacking what you think is al qaeda in yemen you're just going to make it move to another place the u.s.
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government is basically very much into a marketing campaign to make these things look like it government is being effective in light of modern us wars and their coverage in the media we've learned that the objective pros and cons of waging a military campaign can be muted whenever fear comes into the picture and fear can justify almost anything going to check on our t. washington d.c. . and of course you can find more stories not assist and a lot more time website called on to go and have a what's just a click away for you now a savings of struggling to survive. and to a steady protest e.u. countries agree a mechanism to bail out those on the brink of collapse. and wildcat strike russian. premier you should see to all manner of circus acts and some clever tricks for the animals but not more so. the u.s.
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senate has voted down another attempt to amending new nuclear arms treaty in the start deal the republicans want to recognize the think between strategic and. tactical weapons but that would need further negotiations with russia republicans want to postpone the debate until january when they will hold their majority in congress tuesday could become a crucial day when most of the senate members gather u.s. president has described ratification of the start treaty as a national priority it was signed by him on the russian president april those hailed as a major achievement in relations between the two countries he would see slashed from. a lot of some other international stories making headlines he is trying to steal oil because the powerful pry plant explosion in mexico killing at least twenty eight people and injured more than twelve of the dead were children the blast sent lose a far through the streets about ninety kilometers east of the terminal where the blast opening experience of the ghost town burnt out houses authorities say the
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thieves lost control of the oil because of the high pressure. iraqi prime minister nuri al maliki's turn their cabinet nine months on from parliamentary elections all the major factions will be included along with kurds shia and sunni arabs each candidate will still have to be approved by parliament it's the removal end of a long period of political deadlock. and freezing weather and severe snows continue to cause massive disruption in the u.k. and across europe london's heathrow airport stopped operating even thousands of travelers stranded in the spend the night. flights were also canceled today due to icy conditions in paris and i'm stood up to temperatures are predicted to last well past christmas. bush was handy with all the business he's.
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into business russia's government says the pause in economic growth here's the news . figures show a full in unemployment november's jobless rate cut from six point eight to six point seven percent you called me mr actually elsie's quote positive dynamics in the fourth quarter after july's droughts caused a drop in the average salaries also grew last month over three percent. shareholders invisible comm a block a merger with middle east mobile giant whether to create the world's fifth largest mobile network the b line operators bosses meet next week to approve the deal with the owner of italy's wind and egypt but if he quotes sources saying the board may not get enough votes to pass the agreement on fees the six point five billion dollar price tag is too high. staying with him an activity french finance group societe generale has denied it's buying the t.v. stake in playing on thursday v.t. both costing claim they've reached
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a deal on the nineteen point three percent share in russia's largest lender spokeswoman said there are no plans to increase the stake in its subsidiary adding they remain open to talks. to offer the stock markets miners are driving europe higher as demand holds out from china b.h.p. billiton and rio tinto both up on the footsie british airways and lufthansa shared around two percent each as snow in northern europe stops flights the nikkei has closed off last week six months high so in a shed over a percent of the cutting it's l.c.d. t.v. sales targets in fact all the major indices in asia are down souls live fire drills today have raised tensions with pyongyang and are worrying investors. the r.t.s. here in moscow has continued the way it ended last week slightly in the red and my six is also open just lower traders like many investors here in moscow have already left for the first break all the blue chips are lower led by energy stocks get from a new color falling as the price of light sweet sticks at eighty eight dollars
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a barrel. now consumer demand has been key to russia's recovery from the financial crisis most rubinstein from metropole thinks that will help shares in spur bank outperform the market. now bank is a proxy for the russian market and also a proxy for the russian economy to date it is. fundamentally on numbers it's growing and it's doing really well in terms of financial results three the speculative dry wood next year we expect their banks for them to be launched and that's going to bring in. many more years for investors into the name because the bank will the share which will become accessible internationally. kemas has expanded ties with a deal to supply the german auto giant well just to make will make axles for. under the fifty million euro toile owns eleven percent and says it wants to ramp up
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innocent kids allies a base of course and that's never and said. mom a song from the skull spoke to me i think you are but every day. the flashbacks from the memories. are so much so that long time the surprise. i was afraid. i was ashamed that i. i was ashamed i hadn't a clue why i got my goat the way. well i don't. know i think. that i was a good soldier. soldier on the other side and i think i'm just
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first. you know you're watching r t the main stories we're covering for you the sound violence on the streets of the russian capital scousers opposition protesters clashed with police they claim sunday's presidential ballot was rigged to give the country's incumbent leader an exultant look at shanker almost eighty percent of the vote coming in running the clashes were also ridged. south korea carries out military drills that are disputed seaport of or the north despite threats of retaliation from pyongyang called on seoul to cancel a military exercises when they might aggravate tensions. and millions of
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migrants from poor central asian states see russia as a land of opportunity for many who are forced to work illegally the grass is always greener. the indian government says a framework for the future of kashmir will be revealed within a few months this comes despite decades of violence including one hundred twelve deaths in the last five months of that and as kashmiri separatist leader told r.t. the indian government can't decide the region's fate and. the indian government says a broad outline of a solution to the kashmir problem will be available in a couple of months to discuss how realistic that may be and the situation in the street at the moment we're joined by midwife the chairman of the all party who had conference was to holler realistic is this statement by the indian government well .
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