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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EST

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it's all quiet right now in the bell russian capital of course a very stark contrast to what was taking place last night when thousands of opposition supporters took to the streets of the capital they were here first where we are right now in a square thousands of people with flags and banners chanting slogans calling the election of fraudulent one and asking for id. the incumbent president and victor in this election to step down and give the people a democratic choice they then blocked off one of minsk central highways and move towards the parliament building some of the protesters tried to storm the building breaking down doors smashing the windows riot police of course tried to resist and pushed everybody out of the way not really differentiating between civilians and journalists anybody and everybody who was close to them got hit including our very own cameramen who were hit on the face with a police baton police dispersed the riots but very efficiently very quickly it was
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in a matter of minutes that the square which was filled with thousands of people was emptied by a riot police in full riot gear one of the opposition leaders and one of the presidential candidates mr nick was attacked on his way to the protest he left his office with a few of his supporters they were attacked by a number of men in black without any official law enforcement insignia the presidential candidate was beaten and hospitalized with a serious concussion and we know according to his wife a later security officials came and took him out of the hospital she doesn't know where he is opposition leaders of course calling for more people to come out on the streets and protest an election they believe to have been a fraudulent election in which incumbent president. has secured his fourth consecutive victory with a landslide win. results he received over seventy percent of the vote securing him . another stay in office continuing his sixteen year stretch of uninterrupted power
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and of course after last night's event maybe many perhaps it will not be as eager to come and protest out into the streets of the capital but opposition leaders do seem to be very determined to bring the people out again. for many people in poor central asian states russia is seen as a land of opportunity millions of migrants flock there every year in search of greener pastures but many are forced to work illegally and their life is far from perfect as a remake of the now reports. here for the federal migration service comes knocking on the door at four o'clock in the morning officers say they arrive at this early hour before the immigrants leave for work which usually happens around six am like duty to produce so srijit conducted in order to find illegal immigrants usually we have about seven or eight such raids a month but this time around the federal migration service found just
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a few people without permission to work in the country one of them is a twenty two year old. i don't have documents i don't know russian law i've been in russia for about a year and i don't understand the rules and customs of the country. is one of a dozen immigrants who were apprehended during the raid but officials say there are millions more undetected in russia. currently there are about five million foreign citizens working in the russian federation to work legally the majority illegally there are about people living in that tiny little room right there we're going to go down the corridor into a kitchen and you can see for yourself that the conditions here are far from cemetery or convenience this is like a kitchen space something between a bathroom and basically a place where people cook and wash themselves as well. so why do vietnamese chinese
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in many from other asian countries continue to flock to russia. although they get paid a lot less the native workers would be paid for the same job still a lot more than they would have been back home migrant workers are a very valuable resource countries with developed economies they do. no one in the country wants to do. russia has the second largest number of immigrants in the world after the united states and there's plenty of jobs in industries such as construction and retail the flow of migrant workers doesn't show any signs of drying up even if the hours are long in the living conditions are cramped. north korea has said it will not retaliate against south korea's exercises on an island close to their disputed sea border despite dumping it reckless military provocation moscow called on seoul to cancel the drills warning they might aggravate tension. was cross live now to our correspondent sara firth what the
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situation looking like now. well as he said north korea have not responded and they said that despite previous threats that they would retaliate if these military drills were carried out that they will not respond to this the reasons that they cited that the drills that were carried out this morning on the island near that disputed territory. in territory which previous military drills that have been carried out. shells about she landed on north korea. ever spoken. this morning to come up to a thousand like. the u.n. security council meeting that meeting with russia's request and the people there with. trying to come to some form of. tensions between the two sides.
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we cannot be optimistic in the situation that's why we suggested an urgent meeting of the un security council most weekend we did not want to condemn anyone we really wanted to urge the sides to show control tensions are very high the meeting took place and although unfortunately no statement was made we managed to send a clear message during the discussion. part of the fate of. the u.n. meeting to reach some form of agreement to be cheated to visions of opinion if it whether to openly condemn north korea for recent actions or certainly know that that's the course of action that the u.s. wanted whereas russia and china have been leading the cools for as he said easing the tensions they said that rather than military action when there's
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a real risk of war now was actually needed in the seat of dialogue and a diplomatic efforts to resolve the situation. for these exercises of course are taking place so close to the disputed sea border tensions have spiked always has been saying and this has to be even more so a fact the tense situation does not. absolutely yes it does raise tensions we saw that the last time south korea carried out the military drills on an extended twenty third on the same island of. north korea responded by shelling the island that resulted in the deaths of two civilians and team of rains it was the worst attack on south korean territory since the korean war ended and nine hundred fifty three and he said that we had the north korea have had cool this this military kill tried out this morning i reckless provocation and we know that they defined south with actions in these drills very threatening we know that the especially south
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korea is partnership with the u.s. and japan in these twelve has been viewed as very focused by no threats. certainly the military drills carried out this morning will be as the provocation as he said is really of high importance not to everyone involved to try and reach them full this should that will ease the tensions of the moment between the two. right tara firth reporting live from outside the russian foreign ministry thanks for that. well going to tell a riot from the russian academy of sciences says south korea's military exercises are seen as a provocation and a way to put pressure on the north. this in not only is provocation not only by the north but other countries and well including china and russia because it's played with fire. i think that the south korean goals are to pressure north korea and even to reach the conflict to. isolate and to further. further
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influence north korean regime sup of supposing that it will capitulate which is excellent and based cannot have been saying it's ready for talks for several months already and it has been said to the chinese it has been said publicly. so pale it is ready for dialogue or dialogue both on the issues of nuclear nuclear program and the broader issues of security and we've been slow unfortunately abates the u.s. and south korea were not ready for the dialogue and biggest gives us another suspicion that the real goal of both exercises and. a refusal to stop the dialogue is to really fresh enough that we integrate into concessions of first time to watch in north korea close the best for last thirty five years i would say that the danger war is now is now real and it can start actually
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unpredictably it's you never know what what what may happen and you never know how far the conflicts would develop. but the u.s. already fighting two wars and has been revealed as another possible front opening up there could be secret links between the countries that is feeding into the american media which is now still contrary is that the arab nation is a hotbed of terrorism are you going to you can report. america's secret aims in yemen are secret no more as confirmed by recent we can leaks this patch of classified diplomatic cables u.s. special operations forces are carrying out strikes against suspected terrorists in yemen and the yemeni government is taking the credit in exchange for yemen's cooperation the u.s. heavily finances the country's fragile government but u.s. plans in yemen go further than strikes the military are discussing long term basis and asking for more than a billion dollars to fight all carted there some of bin laden had
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a dream for him in a nightmare for us it was to involve us in in inconclusive wars in distant lands that would cost us a fortune there's a kind of intelligence national security bureaucracy. in this country austere and americans are russian only scared when the parcel bomb hysteria broke out in october the us twenty four hour news machine did not fall for defeating americans worst fears a second suspicious package from yemen was found and a better facility that an ideal country. like o'connor years ago already believed out in the arabian peninsula is behind the shipment the packages from yemen gave rise to a lot of confusion as to whether they were really parcel bombs but one thing that was beyond doubt the fear trigger has been pulled out yemen was in the news as a terrorist in a matter of days the u.s. officially deployed predator drones in yemen and started talking about bases there
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they deliberately overblow all of these incidents because there is a huge constituency a huge business national security business which is paid for by the u.s. taxpayer it's a way of capturing a political support a way of doing a lot of different things but what it's not doing is defeating terrorism the most generous estimates suggest there are perhaps several hundred al qaida members in the poverty stricken strife torn. deserts of yemen u.s. special forces have been chasing them for years causing dozens of civilian deaths what the u.s. is doing in yemen is really inflating the prominence of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula this is a group that probably would have very little street value in the arab street or the muslim street if the united states wasn't propping up anwar a lot of the sort of second coming of osama bin laden i think it it it goes to show how little we've learned from the boogie man days of bush and cheney and how our own policies in dangerous more in many cases that al qaeda is policies on the
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surface american leaders are motivated by the fear of one day receiving a parcel bomb but some say disaster has other layers of motivation you're not going to make the technology of a letter bomb go away by attacking what you think is al-qaeda in yemen you're just going to make it move to another place the u.s. government is basically very much into a marketing campaign to make these things look like the government is being effective in light of modern u.s. wars and their coverage in the media we've learned that the objective pros and cons of waging a military campaign can be mutate whenever fear comes into the picture and fear can justify almost anything going to check on our t. washington d.c. . you can find more stories and analysis on our web site r t v dot com here's a glimpse of what's just a click away for you right now saving me here or struggling to survive all europe is gripped with anti austerity protest countries agree
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a mechanism some valid members on the brink of compounds. and wildcat strike cross in line tamer amir a new show featuring all manner of circus acts and some rather clever tricks with the animals to find out more at our team dot com. he used to. download the official delegation to on the phone only called touch from the.
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life on the go. video on demand all keys money. and omissions streets now in the palm of your. question on the altie dot com. your authority live from moscow it's coming up to eighteen minutes past the hour the u.s. senate has voted down another attempt to amend a new nuclear arms treaty in the start deal the republicans want to recognize the link between strategic. and tactical weapons but that would need further negotiations with russia republicans want to postpone the debate until january when they will hold a majority in congress to say it could become a crucial day when most of the senate members gather the u.s. president has described ratification of the start treaty as
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a national priority it was signed by him and the russian president in april and was held as a major achievement in relations between the two countries the deal would see nuclear arsenal slashed by one third. to end suicide attacks on military bases in two afghan cities have left thirteen people dead in the northern city of militants trast an army uniform stormed a recruitment center a long gun battle ensued earlier insurgents attacked a bus carrying army officers in the capital kabul outside the country's main recruitment center the taliban claimed responsibility. for themselves defeating terrorism remains the american forces priority in afghanistan but our military analysts currently give gainey herself says the u.s. is overlooking crucial problems. talking about u.s. policy review on afghanistan and pakistan. would you be surprised that the us
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president and he's comments on the new policy on afghanistan and pakistan has never mentioned the old or new u.s. counter-narcotics policy or imminent threat and challenge to afghanistan its neighbors and the global security even once that is two main challenges in afghanistan corruption for itself and narco terrorism for its neighbors have been complicated play ignored the national intelligence estimate of us policy in afghanistan and pakistan excels in one thing in its mission statement finally it got its priority perfectly straight the number one thing is tied it second it's pakistan and afghanistan and takes only the third place but when you listen to the u.s. president comments on the new u.s.
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policy in the region you get an impression that he didn't him with no opportunity to read through his own national intelligence or view on pakistan and afghanistan. now some other stories making headlines around the world british police have arrested two people in three cities across the u.k. as part of an antiterrorism operation all are suspected of carrying out preparations for terror attacks suspects some of whom are teenagers and being home for questioning police are also checking their properties and other actresses. thieves trying to steal oil calls the powerful pipeline explosion in mexico killing at least twenty eight people and injuring more than fifty while of the dead were children the blast sent rivers of fire through street about ninety kilometers east of the capital for blocks followed the main explosion leaving a ghost town of burnt out houses authorities say the thieves lost control of the
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oil because of high pressure. a rocky prime minister nouri al maliki is set to unveil a new nine months on from parliamentary elections all the major factions will be included along with kurds shia and sunni arabs each candidate will still have to be approved by the parliament let's hope that the move will end a long period of political deadlock. freezing weather and severe snow is continuing to cause massive disruption in the u.k. and across europe london's heathrow airport stopped operating thousands of travelers stranded forcing them to spend the night on terminal floors flights were also counseled or delayed due to icy conditions in paris frankfurt and amsterdam the arctic temperatures are predicted to last well it's christmas. and the u.n. says hundreds of people have been abducted from their homes in the ivory coast in the wake of last month's presidential elections becomes a day after the u.n.
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announced it would remain there despite being ordered out by the incumbent the runt babbo was ignored who has ignored international calls to step down claims un has been arming his rival along. with tara would. servers say the key elections fears are growing up new violence in a country still recovering from a bloody civil war. now turkey's prime minister has said that israel wants to blame for is was to blame i should say for peace talks with palestinian leaders breaking down when the jewish state resume building settlements are two spoke to run by andrew baker who said the anger over the construction is for people who already had it in for israel. i think we're the middle east conflict has sparked a. spike in anti-semitism and often in rages people who have no love for the state of israel in any for so to blame the settlements to blame israel
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itself is almost akin to what had been a more traditional notion of blaming jews for anti-semitism and jews behave in this fashion in this fashion don't lay people would say bring it on themselves of course we know it's anti semites that be a responsibility for anti-semitism not jews and in the same way israel is not a response. you can watch that full interview in less than ten minutes right here on r.t. first let's check the latest business. it's a business russia's government says the pause in economic growth is over all of the new figures show a fall in unemployment november's jobless rate cut from six point eight to six point seven percent the economist now sees quote positive dynamics in the fourth
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quarter after july's drought caused a drop in quarter three average salaries also grew last month over three percent. alitalia has dropped russian plane make a super high for a possible five hundred million dollar regional jet or the italy's flagship delivery delays saying it can't afford to wait for the super jet one hundred despite naming its first choice instead. to buy twenty plane for girls and. shareholders may block a merger with middle east mobile giants whether to create the world's fifth largest mobile network the b line operators bosses meet next week to approve the deal with the owner of italy's wind and egypt or eskom estie. sources saying the board may not get enough votes to post the agreement on fears the six point five billion dollars price tag is too high. and there's even a shortage of french foreigners groups which is did noid it's buying d.t.p.
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stake in ross bank. sundry cost in claim they've reached a deal on their nineteen point three percent share in russia's largest lender a spokeswoman said there are no plans to increase the stake in its subsidiary adding they remain open to talks. top of the stock markets miners are driving europe higher as demand holds up from china b.h.p. billiton and rio tinto are both up on the footsie of british airways and lufthansa have both shared over one percent snow in northern europe still flights the nikkei closed off last week six months high so in the shade over a percent off the cutting it's t.v. sales targets in fact all the major indices in asia ended down souls live fire drills today have raised tensions with pyongyang and that's worrying investors. continued the way it ended last week slightly in the red but both main indices of barely moving in the offer that many investors have left early for the holidays energy stocks are among the weakest performers on monday that's as light sweet
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stays on day eighty nine dollars a barrel is coming on the pressure after it revealed the details of its merger with rival fertilizer company sylvan it is it will be paying one point four billion dollars to acquire a further twenty percent stake in the. reverse early against the steel company posted stronger than expected third quarter profits at five hundred sixteen billion dollars but want of a price squeeze in the coming months now shares in russia's top email provider meldrew have slumped fourteen percent since its london i.p.o. last month it comes off to v.t. by two thirds of their value following the listing on the footsie expose top business altie the roof a value is even lower. so rest and banks which are related to the all have published research reports where they highlight the upside potential of the stalk somewhere from seventeen to forty three percent but at the same time several
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independent investment banks not related to the to the initial public offering have also published their research which. have highlighted the downside potential of the of the company of the company stock and we believe in the pen research we believe that from current levels the company has to lose half of its value to reach fair valuation. remember you can always buy most or is on a website called. the
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secret incursion into the country. the invasion by means of. traditions the language the jello you visit the bestie beat the beat. and culture. the thing is. the have the dozens are still unaware of what's going on in the land still asking them i have no idea cuts like nothing i don't know anything about them alaska the great. on our cheap.
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wealthy british style it's a time to. find. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports. mine. would be soo much brighter if you knew about someone from phones to impression so. nice friends don't on t.v. don't come. in india oh geez available do the move go into joint the hotel rooms the violence
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the gateway hoto the brand imperial truant towards western. new kind of let her tell her to sit don't need to go and talk lawyers are the same the kernel was her job as a retreat. to start a live from moscow on the somali group had by violence on the streets of the belorussian capital as thousands of opposition protesters clashed with police and they claim sunday's presidential ballot was rigged to give the country's incumbent leader alexander. almost eighty percent of the vote party cameramen filming the clashes were also injured. north korea has said it will not retaliate against south korea's exercises on an island close to their disputed sea border despite
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a provocation moscow called on salt council of war games warning they might aggravate tension. and millions of migrants from more central asian states see russia as a land of opportunity but for many who are forced to work illegally the crowds in the region. now the e.u. has been asked to declare the west bank and the gaza strip and depend. palestinian state even without a peace deal with israel there's followed a breakdown breakdown i should say a negotiation after the jewish state resumed settlement building r.t. spoke to rabbi andrew baker who said no solution for the region can exclude israel and that anti-semitism was on the rise.


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