tv [untitled] December 20, 2010 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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one of the organizations monitoring the elections it's observers to. polling stations to observe the way voting is going they're not satisfied with the way the election was handled either they said the results are not satisfactory that the process itself was not a democratic one and that basically they would sign off on an election such as the one that took place here on sunday of course the president and president elect. has already commented on this telling the to basically. sometimes. it's not for them everything is calm and quiet of course in very stark contrast to what was happening in this very square last night thousands of protesters with
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banners. protests the result. of. the. protests there soon turned violent when. the parliament building. the doors smashing in the windows trying to break through. in the. face and. our camera a little damaged or not the only crew. from riot police last night. been hospitalized no one's been badly injured the opposition is promising to bring more people. with many of the opposition leaders detained. and. protests it's not certain whether many will brave the
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chance russia has. position saying the elections in belarus are its domestic business and it is not russia's business to comment on the way the elections were going the way the votes were counted and of course the outcome of that result the russian president had however expressed hope that belarus will follow a more democratic way of development in the future that ties between russia and belarus will continue to flourish as they have been partners and friends for a very long time but no strict comments about how russia views the election which many say is already a comment in itself. well the editor in global affairs magazine told me that some days protests in minsk took place because many think. when empowered. by things that people who went to the streets they doubt that. he
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can we but he can't win so much submissively so it's so i think it's it's a big. indication of nervousness of the regime the results are so high and the protests were beaten saw it first it seems like people started to be time to look. for it's a long long time second opposition is very. skillful and bad politically because they. were seven or eight persons for a very limited electorate so it's not serious but at the same time elections in billows used to be organized in the way we share so to see makes victory for missile question could pretty secure. a few go to.
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label a finance magazine now coming up in the program a call to break. find out why a rainy day and a romp and diplomatic relations with. north korea says it will not retaliate against the war games close to a disputed maritime zone but it has condemned the minute she drills calling them a reckless provocation to russia called for u.n. security council session warning of the war exercises could further destabilization the already volatile korean peninsula. cannot reports now fall knew the events of the last couple of days are definitely the threats and warning signs that have been coming from north korea have been having the international community certainly walking on eggshells here in new york the united nations security council has been meeting round the clock throughout the weekend these emergency sessions were called for by russia which is certainly not taking the tensions between south
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and north korea likely whatsoever for many different reasons one of them of course being russia's proximity to a possible conflict as well as a serious threat that any tensions including a war would cause to the international community let's take a listen to what the russian ambassador to the u.n. said here in new york last night. there may be given a division of tension. serious conflict for that matter so in the big chamber when they have this private meeting which was also of course asked for by the russian federation. we reiterated to call or for the strange. part is in no uncertain terms we asked for ask the republic of korea to refrain from conducting the search the size of this at this point in time but there are certain political circumstances would try to deal with this situation unfortunately so far the security council has not been entirely successful throughout the weekend russia
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the united nations has been circulating the draft document where it proposed that the best thing to do to downplay the tensions between south and north korea would be to make sure that all of the sides that are involved contain themselves and really not escalating tensions by taking any further steps that could cause north korea to act out aggressively or south korea and also what russia is proposing is that the united nations secretary general send to envoys to both say will and pyongyang that could help make sure that tensions don't escalate and of course the united states has been playing somewhat of a different game we have to remember that the u.s. has as many as twenty soldiers involved in the military exercises with south korea and the u.s. of course has been read a rating over and over again that what some what's more important is to condemn the actions of north korea and this of course is something that has been causing a diplomatic deadlock throughout the weekend here but for now security council sessions have somewhat died down and the members have taken
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a break to wait and see this because now north korea has said that they're not going to react to the military exercises. russia's foreign minister has warned that the new strategic arms reduction treaty with washington cannot be amended or we negotiated for the good of it all for it is hoped that the u.s. senate will ratify the treaty soon and said russian lawmakers are ready to do the same on sunday as democrats for bag another republican attempt to amend the deal a senate vote turned down calls to alter and effectively kill off the start treaty hailed as one of the u.s. administration's main foreign policy achievements stalled would flash the two countries deployed nuclear arsenals by a bird signed by to me that image there different in april it needs to be wrapped up by both the american senate and the russian duma it's a race against time for the democrats is majority in the senate will be reduced in january they currently need at least nine republican votes to pass the treaty up on
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is now phoning senators personally urging them to support start political analyst amy that is through law from the council for foreign and defense policy so if the republicans are out to undermine the president and the using the treaty as a tool that headings. indeed this treaty is one of the major foreign policy achievements of the obama administration and by killing this treaty they want first to kill the research and the start treaty is the major symbol of the research circles which is more important they want to show a bomber is a weak president as a president who you know guarantee of the fulfillment of the complete with the commitments that the mates of they want to. bomb us credibility worldwide not only russia killing start treaty will undermine obama's group ability among all the contras american allies both in the europe and asia the us he will show as
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a weak president and his chances for reelection will be reduced this is the real thinking behind the republican opposition. well that was a political analyst to me that excludes law from the council of foreign and defense policy now still on the way immigration nation many of the language customs but more and more illegal immigrants are being zero dollars to russia without a return ticket all the details coming up. russian investigators say they won't comment on criticism of their draft report into the april plane crash that killed the polish president kaczynski and ninety five others the investigation is said pilot error was to blame it's still not clear whether walsall with contesting this but voted out said the findings into the accident in southwest russia are on the acceptable they're believed to have said over one hundred fifty pages pointing out where they believe the investigation was floored
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aviation expert says the russian investigation will stara and that eventually both sides will come to some sort of agreement. i think the key is to you for the polar side is probably quite a significant amount of criticism of the polish air force and in particular the that the captain of the aircraft and his copilot i've looked at this issue since the accident and examined the cockpit voice recording transcripts and so on and i can't fault any of the conclusions that have been leaked by the the russian authorities i can't fault the thoroughness of the investigation and i do believe that they have bent over backwards to accommodate the polish authorities in virtually all aspects of of this accident investigation it is telling to note
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of course that the head of the polish accident investigation authority has also said that the polls themselves share the lie of the lion's share of blame for that crash on that i don't believe personally that if we bring an international investigating team into the equation that the findings will be any different to what they are obviously i think politics of than to the equation here an awful lot of conspiracy theory has been thrown around. surrounding this accident since it since it happened but the concept of bringing in international investigators will just fuel further conspiracy theory in my opinion i think this is a minor dip in what has been evidently a very close working relationship between poland and russia in recent years it is
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a minor blip i think as the the full. investigating report is produced. once certain issues are settled with doing that that i'm sure that those that relationship will build back so the strength of it have before. group of influential a rainy and m.p.'s have voted for to round to break all diplomatic ties with the u.k. . banks that have criticized the country's human rights record the british embroil said that political activists were under greater threat in iran than elsewhere in the world well we're now joined by london based author and journalist yvonne we discuss the story further many thanks for joining us ms ridley now last month iran accused of britain of a role in the assassination of an iranian nuclear scientist so how much is this accusation affected relations between the two countries already tense well
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relations haven't been good between the two countries for some time now. of course the war of words which began a month ago was actually a consolation of a few of the diplomatic. spat between britain. and iran it has been going on for some time. and how likely is it do you think that iran will actually several all diplomatic ties with the u.k. over this is you. i think in the immediate term it is highly unlikely that the politicians in iran quite angry and outraged at this very undiplomatic. blog which is being produced from the british embassy in tehran and you know you wonder what's coming next you know with the foreign office going to start tweeting. messages that aren't very flattering towards the iranian
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government so. the m.p.'s are naturally outraged this is their reaction but i think that looking over the years the iranian response to various insults and crises and the been far worse than this over the years the iranian government isn't known for its need jerk reaction usually very thoughtful before they respond and so i think that although there's a lot of entire on the moment i think it is highly unlikely that. the rains would break off relations with britain just yet and do you think the british ambassador's recent criticism all of it runs human rights record is justified or are his remarks perhaps politically motivated. the problem is when you
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take the high moral ground and criticize one country's human rights you should be pretty blameless yourself and unfortunately britain's own human rights record leaves a lot to be desired just recently the british government bought off or bought the silence of a number of ex kuantan the most detainees who returned to britain who were tortured in that there is very strong evidence that the british government was complicit in this so unfortunately. if you go on to throw stones at someone else's house you should make sure that your own is in order first probably because of this sort of hypocrisy the walls. coming out of iran of course it's very sad that the human rights records of all countries of. are not up to where they stand but the reality is
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the. human rights records of a number of countries around the world leave a lot to be desired it's a mystery how worried should the international community be about this latest spot what do you think would be the ultimate consequence if the u.k.'s already strained relationship with iran as you say is is further damaged. i think the response from the international community. will be quite predictable. iran has its many supporters many to truck does. everybody lines up to their particular. it's quite obvious that. diplomatic relations did break off and i think it is unlikely but if they did break off it's quite obvious that britain would get a lot of support from america and a member of european countries all right author and journalist yvonne ridley many
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thanks for speaking to us on this very sensitive issue thank you now russian president dmitry medvedev is visiting india on a two day trip aimed at strengthening trade and investment tiny's if you can trees are expected to sign a number of agreements charan singh reports from new delhi ahead of the talks. the eleventh annual russia india summit is expected to start shortly as president medvedev arrives late on monday night in new delhi he will be in india for two days and i suspect the sign over a dozen agreements with the indian side of the agreement will be the joint development of a fifth generation fighter aircraft over thirty billion dollars this contract has been negotiated for a while now and will be finalized on tuesday between president medvedev and prime minister singh also on the card is the expansion of cooperation in the civil nuclear energy sector russia is expected to build another two additional nuclear reactors for india this agreement is also expected on tuesday and in fact india is
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looking at russia to provide the technology to feed its growing demand for energy the demand by its economy for energy and the russian side over the next twenty years is expected to build at least fifteen to twenty nuclear reactors for india also in the economic sector this is one sector that both sides would like to expand in a big way even though the potential is there the reality is that by two treat means expansion and both sides would like to expand this to twenty billion dollars by two thousand and fifteen here in new delhi on monday there was a forum of business leaders from both sides with a day where they were discussing trade and investment and clearly what we're going to see going forward is that earlier that the relationship between russia and india was largely government of government but now will be seen business to business contacts here in india russia is seen as a strategic partner and as both sides complete a decade of strategic partnership president medvedev will be looking at taking this
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to the next level when he arrives in new delhi. going to check the wall. and a series of bombings in baghdad. for adults and iraqi officials say the first blast which exploded in the sun was cool. troll two all the devices went off in eastern baghdad and in a mainly shia neighborhoods. people have been arrested in three cities across the u.k. as part of a major anti terror operation the men are aged between seventeen and twenty eight it comes on through intelligence agencies in pakistan the year of pound the u.s. intercepted plots to strike european cities police also in the suspects homes for further evidence. freezing weather and severe snow is continuing to cause a massive disruption to travel across europe the world's busiest international
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airport london heathrow has been reopened to having been closed for most of the weekend but what is operating on a limited schedule flights were also canceled or delayed due to icy conditions in paris frankfurt and amsterdam the arctic temperatures are predicted to last well beyond christmas. in taiwan before children were injured when a man on the ground his car through the gates of appallingly school is pupils were arriving the driver was a sixty seven year old you then lit containers of petrol inside the vehicle in an apparent suicide attempt teachers and parents who witnessed the incident were able to put out the fire saving his life time when using media have reported that the man was having problems with his family. now for many people struggling to make ends meet in the republics of central asia rusher was seen as a land of opportunity to spider reasoned law banning foreigners from working in
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russia without all the rise ation millions still floor carefree year in search of a better life most are forced to work illegally and live in fear of persecution of the illegal reports. the federal migration service comes knocking on the door it's four o'clock in the morning. officers say they arrive at this early hour before the immigrants leave for work which usually happens around six am due to the broader so srijit conducted in order to find illegal immigrants usually we have about seven or eight such raids and. this time around the federal migration service found just a few people without permission to work in the country one of them is a twenty two year old man. i don't have documents i don't know russian i've been in russia for about a year and i don't understand the rules and customs of the country. is one of a dozen immigrants who were apprehended during the raid but officials say there are
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millions more undetected in russia. russia needs foreigners yes it does but only as many as are required for the economy there are about people living in that tiny little room right there we're going to go down the corridor into a kitchen and you can see for yourself that the conditions here are far from cemetery or convenient this is like a kitchen space something between a bathroom and basically a place where people cook and wash themselves as well. so why do vietnamese chinese in many other asian countries continue to flock to russia. although they get paid a lot less the native workers would be paid for the same job still a lot more than they would have been back home migrant workers are a very valuable resource countries with developed economies they do paid jobs that no one in the country wants to do. russia has the second largest number of
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immigrants in the world after the united states and there's plenty of jobs in industries such as construction and retail the flow of migrant workers doesn't show any signs of drying up even if the hours are long in the living conditions are cramped it is party. talks to me about his views on israeli palestinian relations but first let's. welcome to our business bulletin on the tele has dropped russian playmaker corey for a possible five hundred million dollars regional jet order italy's flagship carrier size delivery delays saying you can't afford to wait for the super jet one hundred planes despite naming them as first choice instead says it's opting to lease twenty planes from brazil's where. you are still stretched between gains and losses of
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boeing tumbled three percent concerned it may delay its seven eight seven dreamliner again intel's twelve point eight percent following reports that the chip makers proposed purchase of coffee places schools from europe and to trust regulate and stocks in europe finished in the black on monday london's footsie was boosted by gains in the world bank of scotland but retailers in airlines were pressured by worries that severe winter will hurt business british airways the biggest loser in london down nearly two percent. here in russia the markets closed in the red on monday with twelve theology as a miser ending less than a quarter of a percent energy stocks were down at the close as light sweet stays under eighty nine dollars a barrel oil as well as one point three percent carly is coming under pressure after for details of its merger with fertilizer company still being eat it says it will be paying one point four billion dollars to acquire a brother twenty percent stake in the firm and no one libicki has reversed earlier
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games the steel company posted stronger than expected third quarter profits at five hundred sixty million dollars but warned of a price to ease the coming months. for the biggest mining company noise so we don't have enough stock which is an eight percent stake to commodities trader trafigura and we will sell a stake in the american depository receipts by subsidiaries analysts say. the say only indicated the company is going ahead with its plan to buy out. last week nor does call for twelve billion dollars to buy the twenty five percent stake held by because united come. consumer demand has been key to russia's recovery from the financial crisis mark rubenstein from the top all thanks that will help shares in spare bank outperform the market no bank is a proxy for the russian market and also a proxy for the russian economy is that it is. fundamentally on numbers it's
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growing and it's it's doing really well financial results three there's a speculative dry wood next year we expect there their banks for them to be launched and that's going to bring. many more additional vessels into the name because the bank will the share which will become accessible internationally and swears pharmaceutical holding novartis plans to invest half a billion dollars in russia over the next five years the world's number three pharma company will build a drug production plant in st petersburg applied will produce want to have billion generic and proprietary medicines a year and the barge is also plans to double investment and its russian research and development program it's all the latest work you could find most always on our website r.t. dot com slash business thanks for watching. culture
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is that so much different and there's a huge music issue of mind. when embarrassing failure this is how many describe washington's most recent attempt to reach a peace settlement in the middle east is it time for the us to drop to create. the official location on the phone the i pod touch from the jumps to. life on the. video on demand keys of mine.
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and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. or go back and help are now arum ok this insulting bellary for dealing with the bulk of their protests by the opposition taliban in the shadows when in the presidential elections hundreds of people were arrested including a number of presidential candidates who claimed the vote was more eggs meanwhile although i think the maldives is a demonic all this is going to be a rason palace a regular sequence. no. career cools artillery drills by the sound of the reckless military provocation but vandals to refrain from retaliation despite
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previous threats moscow has a warm soul to walk a world for you the tension. is battling with the flow of illegal immigrants and the trend showed no sign of slowing down even though they come from poor central asian states been not doing that much better in this country most end up in poor living conditions and we've low paid jobs. palestinians have called on the e.u. to declare the west bank and the gaza strip an independent state despite the fact that there's been no peace deal with israel the move followed a breakdown in the gacy actions after the jewish state resumed settlement building in september he spoke to rabbi andrew baker who believes that no solution to middle east peace is possible if israel is left out of the process.
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