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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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so. once this is. probably over. the people may have deserved better but what they got instead was more of the same. from the bottom of my heart i would like to kank my supporters and congratulate them on a victory. so you can ask for my opponent so i have to inform you on the saddest of all kazan's for you that you will now have to do with the acting president for at least another five years. and this. opposition supporters journalists and a number of foreign ambassadors all came to a thousand strong demonstration outside the government building in the center of the capital minsk. despite calls to keep the protest peaceful some started storming the building smashing windows and breaking down doors riot police reacted
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immediately the result over six hundred people detained dozens and artie's camera crew injured hit with police batons at least six of the nine presidential candidates have also been arrested many of them seemingly disappearing without trace yeah. i was with my husband in the hospital when syrian men entered the room they held me down i was trying to free myself i was screaming but no one came to help the team of the bed he couldn't walk so they wrapped him in a blanket dressed him out of the room and looked me inside. and u.s. officials have already condemned the violence but as with the observers president alexander lukashenko simply told everyone to mind their own business but. sometimes the o.s.c. forgets that it came to observe the election not to control when it comes to that it's not for them to evaluate. europe's last dictator as he has been dubbed in some
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western media did receive some praise from observers they've all agree this election was much more democratic than the previous one in two thousand and six the relative freedoms given to opposition candidates in the run up to election day was marked as a positive sign but skeptics say that too was just a ruse the e.u. promised billions of euros if there are signs of free and fair elections whether look i shall be able to collect some cash from the e.u. while enjoying a fourth consecutive term in office is the question many are asking. alex on the real question go promised his people political changes but no change in power he's already made good on one half of that promise but here on the once again quiet streets of the capital minsk not many believe that political changes are happening anytime soon. as our r t minsk. you know we've got c.n.n. coming up in the program a call to break ties into the brain that. brought an end to diplomatic relations
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with britain. high and adjourned high speed we take a look at new modes of billion dollar deals between india and russia's president with a bit of a heads to new delhi. a south korean war games near a disputed maritime border with the north have passed without incident despite threats by pyongyang to launch military action of they went ahead russia called an emergency meeting of the u.n. security council warning that new military exercises would further destabilize the already of all the time region and as the citric acid story from. the events of the last couple of days are definitely the threats and warning signs that have been coming from north korea have been having the international community certainly walking on egg shells here in new york the united nations security council has been meeting round the clock throughout the weekend these emergency
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sessions were called for by russia which is certainly not taking the tensions between south and north korea likely whatsoever for many different reasons one of them of course being russia's proximity to a possible conflict as well as a serious threat that any tensions including a war would cause to the international community let's take a listen to what the russian ambassador to the u.n. said here in new york last night. there may be a serious negative and a division of tension. serious conflict for that matter so in the big chamber when we have this private meeting which was also of course asked for by the russian federation. we reiterated to cool for forty straight on both parties in no uncertain terms we asked for the republic of korea to refrain from conducting the search the size of this at this point in time but there are certain political circumstances would try to deal with the situation unfortunately so far the
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security council has not been entirely successful throughout the weekend russia the united nations has been circulating a draft document where it proposed that the best thing to do to downplay the tensions between south and north korea would be to make sure that all of the sides that are involved contain themselves and really not escalating tensions by taking any further steps that could cause north korea to act out aggressively or south korea and also what russia is proposing is that the united nations secretary general send to envoys to both say will in pyongyang that could help make sure that tensions don't escalate and of course the united states has been playing somewhat of a different game we have to remember that the u.s. has as many as twenty soldiers involved in the military exercises with south korea and the u.s. of course has been read a rating over and over again that what's and what's more important is to condemn the actions of north korea and this of course is something that has been causing a diplomatic deadlock throughout the weekend here but for now security council
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sessions have somewhat died down and the members have taken a break to wait and see this because now north korea has said that they're not going to react to the military exercises. the u.s. senate has rejected all amendments from republicans seeking to delay a new strategic arms reduction treaty with russia president obama has found senators personally in an effort to persuade them to vote full stop ratification this week it's a race against time for the democrats who lose control of the senate to republican thing january also last month's me time elections they currently need at least nine republicans to pass the treaty that russia's foreign minister has voiced that the us senate will ratify the treaty by the end of december and said russia russian lawmakers have ready to do the same signed by president barack obama in april it needs to be ratified by both the american senate and the russian duma the treaty with slash russian and american deployed nuclear arsenals by said. from national security network think timecode washington says that changes proposed by
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republicans are intended to disrupt that's ok. many of these amendments are designed to make a political point attempting to either embarrass the administration or cause debate on the floor that could bring others to the side of the rejection of the treaty these are all failing they need to get a majority of the democrats have fifty eight out of the hundred votes right now so they're not making much headway the irony in this is that many of the concessions that have been seeking for the past year have already been met by the obama administration in particular an eighty five billion dollar commitment to modernize the american nuclear arsenal maintain its stockpile effectively and in addition to that in american russian relations there's been a thawing a research we call it in obviously it's known to be that there is opposition to that from the republicans these concessions however seem to come to an end and the
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administration is being very forceful in demanding that there be a decision on whether to go forward or not it would have very dramatic impact on the american russian relations and that's something that the administration advocates for the treaty in the senate are using as an argument to say we have to ratify it. this is all c. and on the way immigration nation many don't know the language of customs but more and more illegal migrants are being drawn to russia without every turn to get all the details coming up. russian president dmitry medvedev is visiting india on a two day trip aimed at strengthening trade and investment ties it's a countries are expected to sign a number of agreements and also his current saying has all the details. of the agreement will be the joint development of a fifth generation fighter aircraft over thirty billion dollars this contract has been negotiated for a while now and will be finalized on tuesday between president medvedev and prime
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minister singh also on the cards is the expansion of cooperation in the civil nuclear energy sector russia is expected to build another to additional nuclear reactors for india this agreement is also expected on tuesday and in fact india is looking at russia to provide the technology to feed its growing demand for energy the demand by its economy for energy and the russian side over the next twenty years is expected to build at least fifteen to twenty nuclear reactors for india also in the economic sector this is one sector that both sides would like to expand in a big way even though the potential is there the reality is that by two treat means expansion and both sides would like to expand this to twenty billion dollars by two thousand and fifteen here in new delhi on monday there was a forum of business leaders from both sides where with it they where they were discussing trade and investment and clearly what we're going to see going forward
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is that earlier that the relationship between russia and india was largely government of government but now will be seen business to business contacts here in india russia is seen as a strategic partner and as book sides complete a decade of strategic partnership president devil be looking at taking this to the next level in new delhi. russian investigators say they won't comment on criticism of their draft report into the april plane crash that killed the polish president lech kaczynski and ninety five others investigations that pilot ever was to blame and i've still not clear whether wall so is contesting that it's poland has said the findings into the accident in the southwest russia are an acceptable i reported to have sent over one hundred fifty pages pointing out that they believe in predestination is flawed ovation acts that chris state says be rationalistic ation or sabra and that eventually both sides will come to some sort of agreement. i think the key issue for the polish side is probably quite
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a significant amount of criticism of the polish air force i've looked at this issue since the accident and i can't fault any of the conclusions that have been leaked by the russian authorities i can't fault the thoroughness of the investigation and i do believe that they have bent over backwards to accommodate the polish authorities it is telling to note of course that the head of the accident investigation authorities has also that the poles themselves share the lie the lion's share of blame for that crash on that i don't believe personally that if we bring an international investigating team into the equation that the findings will be any different to what they are i think this is a minor dip in what has been evidently
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a very close working relationship between poland and russia in recent years it is a minor blip i think very the full. investigating reports is produced. once certain issues are settled with doing that there i'm sure that those that relationship will build back to the strength of it before. that was aviation expert chris yates talking to us on poland's rejection of moscow's report into the plane crash that killed the president lech kaczynski and ninety five others and you can get more on this story and much more with our web site on call that has some awards online right now for you if you're tired of digging your car out of all that snow every morning well no you don't have to find out about this so this is saying it is bad all spring to do it for you any time and . russia's father frost is kicking all the holidays at the kremlin by delivering
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a century old christmas tree to the very center of moscow you're going to ask the doc home to get into the festive spirit. and iranian parliament committee has approved a draft motion to cut off diplomatic ties with britain after some boxer to criticize tehran's human rights record that if the decision followed surveillance plane that british intelligence was involved in best estimation of a top nuclear scientist in ten long last month's london based journalist even ridley's the british angle is remarks or a misguided. the politicians in iran are quite angry and outraged at this very undiplomatic. blog which is being produced from
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the british embassy in tehran and you know you wonder what's coming next when you take the high moral ground criticize one country's human rights you should be able to see yourself and unfortunately britain's own human rights record leaves a lot to be desired if you go on to throw stones at someone else's house you should make sure that your own is in order first iran has its many supporters under taz it's money to trucked. everybody lines up to their particular. let's have a look at some other news stories from around the world freezing weather and c.b.s. now is continuing to cause massive disruption to travel across europe london's heathrow airport has been reopened up the big trunk for most of the week but weekend rather that is operating on a limited flights were also canceled or delayed due to icy conditions in paris
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frankfurt and amsterdam and they actually temperatures are predicted to last well beyond christmas. a series of bombings in baghdad have killed one police officer and injured over a dozen iraqi officials say the first blast which exploded in the center was caused by a raid it by a roadside bomb targeting a passing police but patrol two other devices went off in eastern baghdad and in the main neighborhood. in taiwan four children were injured one a month round his car through the gates of a primary school and pupils were arriving the driver was a six to seven year old who then later containers of petrol inside the vehicle in the parents a suicide attempt teachers and parents who witnessed the incident were able to put out the fire saving his life taiwanese media have reported that the money was having problems with his family. for many people struggling to make ends meet
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in the republic of central asia russia is seen as a land of opportunity despite a recent law banning foreign it's from working in russia without authorization millions still flow here every day in search of a better life most are forced to work illegally and live in fear of persecution as a renegotiate reports. here for the federal migration service comes knocking on the door at four o'clock in the morning officers see the arrive at this early hour before the immigrants leave for work which usually happens around six. conducted in order to find illegal immigrants use. we have about seven or eight such raids and. this time around the federal migration service found just a few people without permission to work in the country one of them is in your twenty's twenty two year old. i don't have documents i don't know russian law i've been in russia for about a year and i don't understand the rules and customs of the country which is one of
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a dozen immigrants who were apprehended during the raid but officials say there are millions more undetected in russia. does russia need foreigners yes it does but only as many as are required for the economy there are about people living in that tiny little room right there we're going to go down the corridor into a kitchen and you can see for yourself that the conditions here are far from cemetery or convenient this is like a kitchen space something between a bathroom and basically a place where people cook and wash themselves as well. so why do vietnamese chinese in many from other asian countries continue to flock to russia. although they get paid a lot less than native workers would be paid for the same job is still a lot more than they would have earned back home migrant workers are a very valuable resource countries with developed economies they do the hard low
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paid jobs that no one in the country wants to do. russia has the second largest number of immigrants in the world after the united states and there's plenty of jobs in industries such as construction and retail the flow of migrant workers doesn't show any signs of drying up even if the hours are long and the living conditions are cramped it in the party. palestinians have called on the to recognize the west bank and the gaza strip as an independent state this part of the peace process being frozen off the jury settlement building resumed in september up next our interview with the rabbi. i. heard all.
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week. six. hundred baker thank you very much for being with us today so we'll start with a question do you think is anti-semitism rising or is it falling well it's sort of hard to give a simple answer except i would say a decade ago we imagined anti-semitism was. diminishing and we had hoped it would be more of an historical issue than
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a contemporary one unfortunately i think over these last ten years we've seen something very different we have seen a resurgence of anti-semitism in countries where we wouldn't have expected it say in western europe we've seen it nevertheless persisting in many other parts of the world so i think we've given more attention to it during these last years it's still with us unfortunately what do you think some of the factors driving to increase. well again i think it varies from country to country clearly one aspect that has emerged more recently has been events in the middle east the state of israel. essentially true anti-semitic incidents in various places particularly in the west but we've also seen what some people would call a new form of anti-semitism and that's where the state of israel itself is the is brought into question is the clear to racist state essentially where that itself
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becomes a new form of anti-semitism so you do think that the ongoing stalemate in the middle east is affecting antisense and globally well at the very least we can certainly demonstrate that conflicts in the middle east may trigger anti-semitic events elsewhere and particularly in europe western europe where you have growing arab and muslim communities they have become a source of anti-semitic incidents at least elements of those communities so that's clearly one aspect but then i think even in public discourse there is something about the state of israel that has in gendered very antagonistic reactions that cross over from a point of being mere criticism and to become something worse so it's holding jews collectively responsible for the actions of israel is considered anti-semitism why does israel want to sanctify the jewish character of the state well i think from the very beginning the notion of israel was to be a jewish state to be
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a jewish state but also a democratic state with full rights for all of its citizens jewish or non jewish i think in all of the world to have one state that is infused by jewish tradition and by the spirit of judaism is feeling it appropriate i mean many countries have a stablish state churches be a good church that is ascended in great britain but no one would suggest that. in the u.k. there is not. freedom and democracy. rights for all of its citizens personally for. foreign ministers put off the decision to recognize palestine how does this set back your mission well i think personally i would say my view shared by many others is that the palestinian state should come out of direct negotiations between the palestinian authority in the state of israel and i hope that happens at
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some point soon but i think that's the way the state of palestine should emerge not by. recognition or decree from outside so your concerns for the rise of online anti-semitism have been hurt and never recorded a thing is to blame the media is it is it the media that's irresponsible or the legislators failed to protect the society you know this is a real challenge everywhere i think the last thing we want is to say somehow governments need to control media need to somehow prohibit wholesale this kind of expression but there really need needs to be concerted efforts to figure out how to control this kind of hatred that is spreading as you've identified particularly on the internet these days and that means engaging internet providers that means developing good practices that means of course working with media so they recognize
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the responsibilities they have here you know ultranationalists a violent rally just outside of kremlin recently what are your concerns for russia you know i think this was very troubling to to observe in fact and we've so even as i'm here in moscow. here again i think it's a challenge for the government and for leadership these kinds of voices we see in all parts of the room. the real test the real measure is how you dress there in the short term obviously it involves the role of police but in the long term. he is in this sense very much like america is a heterogeneous multi cultural diverse society and a society that can embrace its diversity with full rights for everyone and respect for everyone is strengthened by it to me this is a long term challenge that russia faces i hope certainly there are people i meet
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they give me reason to hope that it will measure up to. thank you very much thank you very much. it's the secret incursion into the country. it's the invasion by means of. tradition language is really. this the best compete beat.
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are still unaware of what's going on in the land. and that's never a. cosco when. i think of it every day. from the memory. of so much time i'm just here trying to tell. i was. i was ashamed that i. i was ashamed that i had been a hero why. do
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i think. that i was a good soldier. but most soldier on the other side and i think i'm just an. old for. bringing you the latest in science technology from the realm. coverage in the czech republic is available in hutto central. ministry the stuff you do. in bosnia and herzegovina. in. the children of each. but you know what you know.
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you could turn a toast. in serbia multis available in. again this is also a quick check of the headlines. criticism as hundreds are arrested in the. presidential elections the opposition claims sunday's landslide win by long serving president was rigged the international observers also costing.
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has decided against a military strike in south korea in response to board games along the disputed border despite threats that would retaliate has russia restraint from both sides meanwhile the north international inspectors to visit nuclear facilities after a weekend in un security council discussions on the escalating tensions on the korean peninsula. the u.s. has rejected all amendments from republicans seeking to delay gratification of the start treaty with russia president obama has been personally contacting senators and intensifying at. to get the deal approved before we knew more republican majority senate is sworn in. as the headlines up next it's all good nosing to show spotlight and he's got us this time is russian deputy prime minister so don't miss it.


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