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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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is how completely ineffective it all is so we can get some perspective on the top secret world of former cia officer jack rice and south carolina is making headlines for hosting a suspension mr ball just in time for the hundred fiftieth anniversary of the start of the civil war and while the state defends its event saying that they're just representing the concept of self government the end of a c.p. argues that the history of slavery is being completely downplayed if not outright ignored here jamal buoy will give us his take on it then more flex on the advancements in medicine thanks to send cell research just last week alone scientists grew hair follicles through stem cells in one man who was hiv positive no longer has any hiv cells in his bloodstream courtesy of subsystem cell experimentation so is this proof that stem cell research is the key to finding cures in the future we're going to have a debate on the topic and britain wants to ban it pornography according to reports the only way the brits will be able to access their nudie pics as if they go through an opt in process now the government says that it's all meant to protect
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the children but is that really the government's job or to that topic at the end of the show but now let's move on to our top story. all eyes are turning to yemen as it slowly but surely becoming another hot spot in america's war on terror thanks to the mainstream media of the u.s. government's relations with the i mean have been making headlines for months they mentioned drones the possibility of permanent military bases archies got a nature as you can has more on the evolving relationship between the u.s. . america's secret and yemen are secret no more as confirmed by recent we can fix this patch of classified diplomatic cables u.s. special operations forces are carrying out strikes against suspected terrorists in yemen and the yemeni government is taking the credit in exchange for yemen's cooperation the u.s. heavily finances the countries for a job government but u.s. plans in yemen go further than. try the military are discussing long term basis and
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asking for more than a billion dollars to fight al qaeda there some of bin laden had a dream for him in a nightmare for us it was to involve us in in inconclusive fours in distant lands that would cost us a fortune there's a kind of intelligence national security bureaucracy that's said in this country last year and americans are irrationally scared when the parcel bomb hysteria broke out in october the us twenty four hour news machine did not fall short of feeding americans worst fears a second suspicious package from the air it was found and that it really is an ideal country. o'conner years ago already believed out in the arabian peninsula is behind the shipment the packages from yemen gave rise to a lot of confusion as to whether they were really parcel bombs but one thing that was beyond doubt the fear trigger has been pulled yemen was in the news as
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a terrorist hub in a matter of days the u.s. officially deployed predator drones in yemen and started talking about bases there they deliberately overblow all of these incidents because there is a huge constituency a huge business national security business which is paid for by the u.s. taxpayer it's a way of capturing the political support it's a way of doing a lot of different things but what it's not doing is defeating terrorism the most generous estimates suggest there are perhaps several hundred al qaida members in the poverty stricken strive torn deserts of yemen u.s. special forces have been chasing them for years causing dozens of civilian deaths that what the u.s. is doing in yemen is really inflating the prominence of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula this is a group that probably would have very little street value in the arab street or the muslim street if the united states wasn't propping up a lot of the sort of second coming of osama bin laden i think it's goes to show how little we've learned from the. days of bush and cheney and our own policies in
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dangerous more in many cases his policies on the surface american leaders are motivated by the fear of one day receiving a parcel bomb but some say disaster has other layers of motivation you're not going to make the technology of a letter bomb go away by attacking what you think is al-qaeda in yemen you're just going to make it move to another place the us government is basically very much into a marketing campaign to make these things look like the government is being effective in light of modern us wars and their coverage in the media we've learned that the objective pros and cons of waging a military campaign can be mutate whenever fear comes into the picture and fear can justify almost anything going to shit on our t. washington d.c. . and fear could be would justify the u.s. house of representatives passing the defense authorization bill with a seven hundred twenty five billion dollars price tag late friday evening it was
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passed with little fanfare no debate no news reports that this is the largest single military spending bill in the history of mankind and it comes in at seventeen billion dollars above what the obama administration requested it gives one hundred sixty billion dollars to the wars in iraq and afghanistan with almost no restrictions on how those funds should be used and just to be mindful term mind the american people that they've heard their worries about the government spending too much they were dues to next year's pay increase for military personnel from the one point nine percent the lawmakers approved in the summer to one point four percent way to cut corners you guys so with so much money being thrown around at the pentagon and no tangible results to back it up where the hell is everybody on this one here to discuss with me is dr james carafano a senior research fellow for national security at the heritage foundation james thanks so much for being here now like i said seven hundred twenty five billion dollars i know this is just the house of the senate. still hasn't gotten to it but
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regardless this is the largest defense spending bill of all time and nobody's talking about it i haven't heard a peep why is this just something that people ignore like oh no big deal well part of it is because it's the authorization bill you have to remember and are thinking of an authorization bill an appropriation bill you can't spend authorization you get zero dollars you go to the federal bank you try to draw a check on that you get nothing so the only thing that counts is the appropriations and as you know the appropriations is all wound up in this giant massive what's probably going to be a continuing resolution resolution bill which means they're probably just going to fund the government through february so what the final defense budget is and it's going to go up or is it going to go down and how big a percentage all that's really to be determined we probably won't know that answer until like march but it's still seventeen percent higher like i said than what the obama administration even asked for and the things where they decided to cut i mean it's so clear to me where the priorities lie right of eighteen billion that's an excuse yes thank you seventy million but where the priorities lie because congress has decided that we care about the fact that americans think we're spending too
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much money so we're going to cut down on the pay raise but then they really what it comes to things like the f. thirty five stryker program when it comes to the program to give them a second jet which the department of defense says that they don't need an engine they're still they don't make any cuts they're got a lot of people salaries less less important well you know will be talked about this before if you actually look at defense spending as a percentage of what we spend on everything right g.d.p. gross domestic product it's about five percent it's still about half of what we average during the cold when it comes to what our government spends on the back of this law here a lot of all time but there's just less to that is a really interesting where's all the growth in government it's not in defense spending all the growth in government is a title that's federal defense spending used to be fifty percent of the federal budget their eyes on her today it's less than fifty intitled it is the single largest for his defense spending and by two thousand and seventeen the debt the debts going to be bigger than the defense budget so yeah washington's got a lot of cutting to do and they've cut a lot of things to make sense of it but the defense but just not the problem. i
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think the defense budget is a big part of the problem the fact that we spend more on the military than the entire world line and i know it's important you tell me what tangible results do we have from that spending what we have thirteen trillion dollar economy we still have a thirteen trillion dollar economy what are we winning wars right now that we're spending one hundred fifty billion dollars on every year well look it's to defending interesting united states that includes everything that includes iraq afghanistan yemen and everything else look you have a military way around like we didn't have a debate whether he won or not you know i mean clearly now he's going to look if you if you had a portion which i'm sure you do right or yesterday's you're going to pay so much for insurance to protect in value that car if you own a you know. a ford pinto or whatever you're not going to pay as much in the united states as the largest economy in the world we're a huge country with three hundred million people it costs a lot to defend the united states but surely policy is making us is not making us any safer and this we're on quite the opposite we could have very serious policy is creating more insurgents right it's inciting more violence because the more the
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longer that we spend occupying other countries abroad bombing them with civilians the more anger there is going to be good you know it's funny you know we could argue that maybe just you know for example the combating terrorism center at west point just came out a report look at the state of the global jihad the global and it's fall apart. it's fall apart what do you mean it's fallen of ali because a lot of them why are we still sending thirty thousand more troops to afghanistan all the thirty thousand troops already there and the reason why it's falling apart is in part because the thirty thousand troops are there the reason why you're not seeing you saw one attack come out of yemen a failed attack to come out of yemen where do i care is it wise terrorism the biggest threat to our national security and it's really fouling up our i mean right anywhere is an enormous and they say of course cartridge bomb in a cargo plane and everyone's freaking out and they're saying that's justification that we need to spend more money that we need to increase our shadow wars and kind of like you know that is what you make exactly right it's not just about terrorism it's about all the national security interest of the united states yet all that up
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it's have we had at least half according to his issues we have say have that we've traditionally said that water spending is part of our national security interest that's right but when you look at where is the problem in spending it's an entitlement it's a runaway welfare program and if you look at the bipartisan deficit reduction committee bad which is rocco is very very right it's also he's spending and they also know that i've written here you dollars worth of defense because if you look at that commission in the recommendations they met and it's his commission it goes directly against the quadrennial defense review which is also run by the president which said these are our defense needs and they who have no ability expertise whatever so that's not right we've got a hundred billion dollars i mean just make all that was right no i mean i've you know that's the point right is that everyone is going to place whether that everything is right or is a simple number ok the stimulus package three trillion dollars that's about four years of dissent spending. ten percent unemployment now if you want to talk about wasteful spending go out about whether the stimulus we're going to mail you know
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i'd rather i got out of the words were spoken to working on jobs working on unemployment i was sure i don't plan on benefits or something worth debating but our defense spending is not as what frank i don't know you know everything they spend every dollar should be just right up. if you are going and i don't think it is you thank you so much for joining us. all right our wars abroad that is one pot of money but under the guise of protection and a post nine eleven america the government and law enforcement agencies are spending away here and hope to spy on you as documented of the most recent installation of the washington post top secret america a vast invest intelligently apparatus has been assembling using the f.b.i. local police state homeland security offices and military criminal investigators to collect store and analyze information about thousands of u.s. citizens and residents many of whom have not been accused of any wrongdoing and not surprising no not if you watch this show not
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a few pay attention to the government's constant efforts to erode all civil liberties but disturbing nonetheless absolutely especially if you consider that local police are hiring so-called experts to teach them about islam people who have no expertise one of whom is a known berther and who preach that all muslims want sharia law to take over in america now if that makes you think that intelligence collecting makes you any safer you're living in la la land well joining me from minneapolis to discuss this is jack rice criminal defense attorney and former cia officer jack thanks so much for joining me now what is a so surprising right is a fact that the government is trying to snoop on us every chance they gather trying to serve ailes spy collect all the information monitor it what is shocking to me is the fact that it's it's not working they have absolutely no results there are missions that less than point one percent of these suspicious activity or ports have resulted in any real investigations just five percent of those investigations
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have resulted in any arrest so it's absolutely crazy to be so none of this was working well you know that's a really good point and i think we listened to your last guest the problem that we see where you literally in washington will say well we're talking about defending the country we're talking about the defense perspective we're talking. we bought it from an intelligence perspective so stop asking us questions well guess what one of the biggest problems that we have as a nation is transparency of our own government i'm constantly i'm a former cia case officer and so i've seen this from the inside out and one of the things that i saw was the willingness to sort of protect our own when in fact we have to protect ourselves by making sure our own people know what they're doing but one i think critical point i was at the white house when president obama's people came out and talked about things like yahoo grow up and said what we've changed our mind we're not going to release that information that we said we would and so i sat there at the white house thinking to myself new boss same as the old boss it hasn't changed that much and it isn't
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a left or right question it's really about something else altogether and i can't help but feel like you know like i'm starting to live in this in a creepy movie like i'm starting to live in minority report because the government even if it's not working for them if it's not resulting in a wrestler investigations they have all this information they have to do something with it eventually i mean what's going to be now it's a it's an absolutely perfect point because what we are seeing here is this overreach i have seen this locally and i have absolutely seen this nationally the fear is that when you start collecting all of this information and you have it you want to do something with it the idea that you're not providing enough protection are enough standards or what the standard should be i see this when i walk into a courtroom every day as a criminal defense attorney or what we have seen is a sort of fight on terrorism has dwindled down into something else and the willingness to take a terrorism related issue and sort of expand it that's what we saw with the fires of course in the first place that was expanded out and the problem is is with all
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of that we're not making ourselves safer in fact i would argue we're making ourselves less safe despite what your last guest said and the fact that this all stemmed out of protecting ourselves from terrorism right and that at the same time we have information and this is part of the. i feel personally the most ridiculous the local law enforcement are hiring people like will lead cibot a one time muslim who converted to christianity who believes that most muslims seek to impose sharia law in the us who is a burglar they're hiring him as an expert to lecture our law enforcement officials on islam how is that supposed to help. this is maybe the whole shocking aspect of this washington post piece in my mind is what you're really highlighting is the sort of incredible ignorance that we're expanding out there we're actually literally changing the law and multiplying if you give me again in the whole raft of new american flag and say this has the stamp of approval you're pushing it into the hands of local law enforcement who can then go out and abuse and sometimes it
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happens you know i'm saying just here in minneapolis and it twin cities of minneapolis and st paul we have more from areas like somalia get anyplace else in the world and this is we need real issue for this community it was going to shift i think from the middle east in general but to more at the horn of africa and that's why here in the twin cities and sadly some american citizens who happen to be of somali descent they are the ones who are carry this burden but the real problem is we have to realize it's much broader than just the somali community or the middle eastern community or other communities on our fringes this is all of us this is a never can question and one that is what you call that we answer and we forced this from local and national law enforcement and even the white house frankly but it's definitely you know it's putting us in the position where we don't understand what it is that we're fighting just like you had a lot of law enforcement officials in the war on drugs the devens than even know what drugs they are out there looking for and now you have law enforcement officials fighting a war on terrorism here at home and yet they're being taught by people that are
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going to tell you that every single muslim out there is a terrorist and now we have representative steve king who wants to start holding hearings on the radicalization of islam in america and why i can imagine what kind of experts he's going to bring in here too and he complains that you know muslim community members don't want to cooperate with us. but why would they if you know that they're singling you out that is exactly the point we've seen this in detroit we've seen this in the twin cities we've seen this in virginia and elsewhere when you're being targeted specifically because you're most not because you're a terrorist but because you are muslim and some wacko someplace decides that they're synonymous if you're a muslim and or terrorist and vice versa right well what would you expect except the very community merkins need to embrace as their own. you know push them into a corner and they get nothing from them that makes them worse that makes the world more dangerous and that's exactly what we should fight against excitedly we're really not that level that we should and you know the majority of americans don't
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really seem to care of the government collecting all this information on them the only time we saw any kind of an out for our was when the t.s.a. started touching people as drunk and then you know that kind of fluttered away and disappeared as well jack thanks so much for joining us thank you so much. well there's still much more to come on tonight's show will feature some of the best responses are a lot selling tells segment and a controversial celebration in south carolina is bringing out star sentiments from the civil war well discussed the event for develop louis after the break. it can hit dr swan's policeman swines minister's wife i just pray that. she didn't find me if i could just live through the night that i would get my kids out of here because i knew that what was going to happen was that he was going to kill me many victims don't understand that domestic violence includes verbal abuse psychological abuse physical abuse and sexual abuse at least four million
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women are affected by abuse every year those around the two options that i saw at that moment either i'm going to kill him i'm in jail or he's going it killing me. thank. time for show and tell here on the ellen show now last time that we were speaking about times choice for person of the year they chose mark zuckerberg over the much
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anticipated choice the expected choice join us on so we wanted to know what you thought when you thought really deserved that title and here's what some of you had to say creep us gigantic straight at his word to us he said bernie sanders for his amazing eight a half hour feel a burning on the senate floor pauline murphy thirty argues that it should be a sauna in the last few months of this year he's done more to become part of our consciousness than most and on you tube nerdy liberal has an opinion on who should have won he says you know who the person of the year should be the koch brothers they poured millions into the midterm campaigns of the tea baggers and were a massive influence on the turn of the political tide now on facebook here's one of my favorite responses personally claudia green is torn so she gave us her top three she said julian assange max kaiser and of course a lot of in coffee that's me right here are you guys thanks as always we appreciate your feedback and here's our next question is considering changing how its residents view pornography they're considering blocking pornography sites and if
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you want to be able to view them you have to go through an opt in process now the government thinks that this can be a good way to protect the children while others argue that well parents should be responsible for their children see not the government so i want to know what you think do you think banning porn online is a good way to protect the children you can let us know on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. next year marks the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the civil war and while most of us look back at the date with sadness but so many lives were lost with joy that marked at least the beginning of the end of slavery some southerners see it a little differently south carolina has chosen to celebrate its own pivotal role in the conflict as the first state that signed the ordinance of secession to break away from the union and set the stage for the civil war now tonight they're holding us a session is ball and the days and weeks ahead will hold a ten day reenactment of the confederate encampment fort sumter where the first
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shots of the world were fired so that this is about standing up for what they believed in which was self-government but this clearly has some people upset then double a c.p. will hold a march and say that these events are nothing more than a celebration of slavery so hundred fifty years later are people still not willing to admit what this war was all about or hear this gusev with me as a writing fellow at the american prospect jamal thanks so much for being here. he believe this is really happening that there's a session is ball going on that jefferson davis is being as sworn in as the president of the confederacy again i mean what's really i mean this really surprised me there is a very conservative movement of people one to reach slavery from the history of the confederacy through history the civil war but the fact is that you know the mississippi dr session said that our position is there really identified with the institution of slavery the south carolina declaration of secession attacked lincoln
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for having opinions and purposes hostile to slavery so it's really you can't avoid slavery in talking about the civil war and it was left of the what do you think of they're just trying to do a race that memory to act like it never happened or are they really just so i don't know so blinded so brainwashed that they think that slavery wasn't an issue and this really was about self governance and states' rights i mean i think he really believed. i don't i don't have brainwashed i think there is a you know there's a long history of trying to diminish the role of slavery among my own son among also been it's just among a certain group of southern there's who really would rather not face that part of their history and so trying to it's called the lost cause trying to you know think about the confederacy as a by first state's rights and not a defense of treason for slavery is a lot more palatable to people to think that their ancestors were slave owners or you know slave sympathizers of slave owners who were trying to but in the one
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hundred fifty years then we still can't get the history right but are we ever going to one hundred fifty years is a good amount of time the right direction for a young country like america but it's not i mean you know it's not about long when you think about other countries and historical conflicts one hundred fifty years actually pretty small by comparison it's not really you know the civil war time was six hundred thousand americans. no one in the united states at the time what went through the war untouched by its effect it transformed the south forever and so you can't really expect even small numbers of people to hold on to what happened before do you think i mean we hear even today right from the tea partiers we hear a lot about states' rights we hear talks of secession from from states like texas even but i mean do you think that there's any kind of an issue that could bring the u.s. to the point where another civil war breaks out you know we're really get to that point absolutely not i mean it's hard to top human bondage in terms of things that
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would bring a country to the verge of civil war and those issues are mostly mostly hasta ready we agreed the society generally but you can't see it from the union that you can't know it by federal laws are covered and so i think the talk in the tea party talk from some members of the conservative movement is mostly bluster to express their anger at the obama administration's agenda but you know it's worth saying that the best majority of americans don't. i believe that you can see that you should majorities of americans most of story ins will say and then big u.s. flee the civil war was about slavery now the days of slavery are now long gone but you know you have over the past week we've had prison strikes going on in georgia where prisoners have refused to work because well they get paid nothing for his work and so they're saying you know that's a violation of the thirteenth amendment of the constitution because they're essentially are being treated like slaves do you see that situation that way i really sympathize with the georgia prisoners but the thirteenth amendment also says that piques option is for people who have been imprisoned in so that they're not
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being paid for their work or being paid very small amounts isn't actually one torture that actually they're paid nothing right now in other states i know that they pay you know a certain amount sometimes maybe they give you a dollar for your work a day but here these people absolutely get nothing they're not allowed to exercise they're not allowed to take any vocational training it's only work for no money i mean that's i would say that's excessive that it's you know the point of prison is to bring these people back into society even it doesn't make any sense to you know deny the book a training or exercise or anything but as far as the issue of them working without direct compensation i'm not sure that that's unconstitutional at all now would you say south carolina is the only state that we're going to see these types of activities from i know they apparently they have plans over the next five years yeah let me know if i'm going to be in here i want to go very nobody don't like that i mean what are some of those plans are there other states that are going to partake to want to understand alabama you know they will be celebrating be integrated in jefferson davis of the confederacy but you know at the same time that
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some of the states are doing this people in the states are pushing back i know today in south carolina daily on the editorials that put out an editorial saying any big you would flee but hey the civil wars photo put over slavery in trying to push number wise doesn't make any sense and so there's i mean there's big tension within southern culture more or less between those who want to say that no no states rights and a lot of people who are like you know not really my favorite is probably. interesting for international audiences who just can't believe that this debate still exists in america jamal thank you so much for joining us right now still to come tonight there's one blog that's breaking out over a new superhero that's muslim so we're called an article in time segment and stem cell research the topic that inspired heated debate on both sides but have religious concerns left us researchers at a disadvantage we'll explore that issue in just a. kind
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again this is also the headlines. batteries comes under a storm of international criticism as hundreds already been a long time of peace following presidential elections the opposition claimed sunday's landslide win by then setting president an exam that look a shuttle was rigged with international observers also costing down. bianca has decided against a military strike on south korea in response to war games along the disputed border despite evidence threats that would retaliate as russia does this train from both
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sides meanwhile the north has agreed to allow international inspectors to visit nuclear facilities after a weekend of u.n. security council discussions on the escalating tensions on the korean peninsula. and the u.s. senate has rejected all amendments from republicans seeking to delay ratification of the start on the scots treaty with russia president obama has been passed in the contacting senate is intensifying efforts to get the deal approved before new more hostile republican majority senate in a school named in january. let's not go back to that i don't wish. well it's time for tonight's tool time ward and last week we told you about the council of conservative citizens a group that launched a boycott of the marvel comic movie thor because they cast a black actor as a norse got.


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