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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2010 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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it being over two years since barack obama has been elected as president and through your eyes which of his very ambitious promises hasn't kept well i mean i think he's kept the one which was he's going to try and i think that he has been trying but the change that he promised the hope that people had i think it's living on life support at this point he came into office with vast majority of people behind him and he had built such a sense of expectation and i think people's hopes many of them are really dashed because he started on such a high pedestal what do you think it means for him in the next presidential election well let's hope we don't focus on the next presidential election for the next two years because that's what happens in american politics we've got a lot more important things to do and you kind of wish for a president that wasn't about getting reelected that was really about making the change that he thinks the country needs instead of trying to guarantee his return to the white house but for sure i mean one of the challenges this administration has and this president has is to keep in gauged space because it's only because of grassroots organizing that this barack obama presidency ever came about so his
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biggest challenge i think these next two years is to try to keep them in some way engaged when he sold out most of the signature pledges that he made to them in two thousand and eight why is that is it because there were too many challenges is it because the change that he promised was a change that was too big for america at the time well i mean it's a long list but i think you've got a very very troubled democracy in the united states where corporate influence is run amok and he came into office on the back of a lot of campaign contributions first and foremost from wall street so in some sense if he wants to get reelected and keep friendly with those that brought him into office on the financial side well then he's going to be nervous about chomping down on the hand that feeds and he's going to be nervous about abandoning some of those folks whose contributions he took so you've got to trouble democracy you've got people in trouble i mean we've got an economy that was in crisis when he came into office still in crisis the only difference now is that we're being told that the recession is over we're being told that a recovery is taking place for. most americans it's really not so i mean the
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challenge that he faced was overwhelming there's no question and eight years of bush left this country in a disastrous state but the nature of our democracy i think is what he's up against his own hands being tied by the people that brought him this far and of course the state of all our congressional system where you have this insane filibuster rule that enables the senate didn't able the senate in the republicans in the senate to basically shut down any initiative coming out of the democrats they said we're not going to take any action on anything and that's basically what they did and i think that surprisingly it came as a shock to barack obama now you mentioned the hand that feeds how do you describe the relationship between washington and wall street right now and well it's very complicated i mean barack obama received more money from wall street firms when he was running for office than any other candidate and yet he comes in as the progressive candidate make sense of that i don't see how we can keep having elections when anonymous sources they don't even have to reveal who they are
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pouring billions of dollars as they did into this midterm race over four billion dollars almost as much as was spent on the presidential race in two thousand and eight into midterm races where little congress people who've never really had a fight for reelection suddenly found themselves up against a huge money machine that they couldn't fight back that's not democracy that's something else now if you talk more about the recession. we've seen corporations be saved by the government so apparently washington had enough money to save the corporations and yet millions of people are essentially not being saved by you know by any means at this point millions are jobless people don't have homes how come the government just doesn't print that money like they did essentially for corporations and say well he said you know it's an excellent question because you've got now with i don't know the latest numbers that came out as we're speaking show that the five biggest banks goldman sachs morgan stanley citibank and bank of america have seen their biggest revenues. ever and you've got in general the
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financial sector bouncing back to conditions of profit and bonuses that haven't been seen in decades in many cases the highest on record somehow this country's been persuaded that the first and foremost important thing to do is to help the super wealthy and then somehow it will trickle down on the rest well we've known that was bunk for forty years but there hasn't been i don't think a loud enough argument coming from the left to explain how that money that's pumped in of the top stands tends to remain unspent you've got one point eight trillion dollars sitting in private bank accounts untouched by the government keeps giving money to private employers but they keep not employing anyone and banks are sitting on that cash. and when you by contrast plug the money pour the money into the lowest part of the economy then you have a much better chance of stimulating the economy that's the argument that hasn't been made loudly enough what about the money being pumped into defense is it essentially worth it to be spending billions and billions of dollars of dollars on warfare and. you know what or what are these efforts for well it's been very
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interesting in the wiki leaks documents that have been released over the last few weeks as we've seen the american power. evident not just in how many weapons this country has but in the pressure it's able to bear on just about every embassy around the world to do its bidding the u.s. arms race to become by far the most weaponized nation on earth is an asset when it comes to the state department bullying other countries and undermining their democracy to get what they want you've seen tremendous power come to the united states but you've come to see i think the cost as our economy probables where does this kind of right to bully other countries stem from and why do other countries allow that to happen when i think i might be about only really about powerful well i think the other i think other countries might be about to fight back in europe we're seeing a very big. explosion of fury in spain and in germany as the cables reveal the
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degree to which the state department has tried to bully those governments in the spanish case to actually stop an investigation of u.s. terra tactics in the german case again to not bring a lawsuit against cia agents who lifted. german civilian off the streets and sent them to a so-called black site for interrogation i mean this stuff is getting a response elsewhere it's just here in the united states the public's being told oh there's nothing much in this in these document releases it's all old stuff it's not you know another thing that many common americans might not be aware of is that the u.s. involvement in afghanistan has actually now been longer than its involvement in the second world war and i'm sure many people when they hear this would say while that means it's a really long time why who profits and is there really a win for the united states well i think it's obvious that there's not and again to go back to these wiki leaks releases you've got the bastard in pakistan telling the state department this is not working we're seeing an increase in taliban strength
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almost in almost all across afghanistan we're certainly seeing a growth in the mountainous regions between afghanistan and pakistan we are spending millions of dollars in pouring in aid into afghanistan and then we're seeing it going again according to these cables the vice president of afghanistan showing up in abu dhabi fifty two million dollars in some cases a huge asset flight from an already devastated poor country of afghanistan i don't think the american population is going to stand for that the question is whether they get to hear about it they know they're not winning no nobody gets we need in afghanistan the russians knew that the british knew that it's not an easy thing to win and when we pull out as pull out we will be unsatisfied if we talk more about that money being pumped into afghanistan does it mean that this money these billions of dollars will essentially end up being washed down the drain when the us pulls out i think we're going to see them at the gambling tables of abu dhabi by the sound of it i mean this is the situation. the
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money is going to be traceable and the irony of these cables is that you'll seeing the state department saying we know we are giving money to allies who are corrupt the trick we have now as a society and i think it's happening in europe and as well as in the united states and has happened in the past in latin america and it's happening now is that the populace is realizing that government isn't really working in their interests is really not listening to them and not only is they is their information being withheld by the government but the government is lying to the people flat out to their face. we're getting a sense of that now i think on both the economic front and the foreign policy front and the question is when will there be a coherent response more and more information keeps being revealed about where this money is going you know corrupt forces machinery that doesn't work different operations being built in afghanistan that are just not sustainable and the money is basically disappearing you know it's still going on how come it's that much money and how come it's still going on the united states had nine billion and then
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a little bit later another nine billion that simply went missing in iraq so you know this is old stuff that money disappears and it's old stuff that money that's put into the pentagon in this country can become part of a so-called black budget that we never really get to see much about i mean one of the reasons i work at independent media is you know we can't be reliant on military contractors g. to bring us news about the war any more than we can be reliant upon television networks that are run by disney to bring us the truth about what's happening in our economy there is a poll out recently which said that fifty seven percent of americans gallup polled don't trust the media anymore i mean what does that say to us isn't it time for some sort of change well i mean the media get to line up behind the president of the congress and the local politicians american people i think a very unclear about who they can trust we've got a state of distrust and you put your finger on a very important element of american society right now a level of distrust that. i think it's very dangerous and we need some new
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relationships between people and the politicians and yeah between people in that process talking about your latest book at the tea party what stage is america at right now with this huge level of distrust towards the media with a certain level of distrust towards politician in washington politicians in washington d.c. and now this huge movement appearing that some people take as a joke others stake very seriously what does especially essentially mean where where will this end up taking america well it goes back to the trouble democracy of most people in trouble you know we have a democracy that is being undermined by corporate influence and the ability of one large megaphone to get behind the loudest voice and shut all the others out these are the same folks we've seen around for decades the christian right the militia movements the gun rights as the anti tax people. people the libertarians but they have a new face of the tea party reframed as an economic movement and frankly they're taking advantage of media power that they never had in the kind of what most on the
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liberal side that used to used to be more fight laura flanders thank you very much for your time. nature can give you. wealthy british style.
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i know what's really happening to the global economy. the global financial headlines kaiser reports.
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russia and india secure multi-billion dollar deals on a trip to new delhi by president medvedev as two of the nation's. nuclear power trade and investment some of the. hundreds of people remain in. violent protests from the opposition alexander lukashenko presidential election. demonstrators have been sent to fifteen days of administrative arrest we're getting reports that. protesters outside the detention center two of the nine presidential candidates have been reportedly released. all the rejects moscow's
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report into the plane crash that killed the polish president and ninety five others but aviation experts say the russian probe was open and thorough meanwhile the late leader's brother who's the former prime minister of the country claims the wrong body was buried. there tell you joins us next with all the latest sports news stay with us. hello and welcome to the sports around out here not to you thanks for joining us on that sort of got to have lines. brett fall comes back to stop for the vikings down again we'll call it a career this time. meanwhile italian boys and i is back from injury and ready to go into super middleweight and the date of the next fight. and also british prime minister and the mayor of london switch on the lights at
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london's brand new olympic stadium ahead of the whites in twelve games. and let's kick off or with an a foul and it seems like brett farve could be finally done for good this time the forty one year old returned to action against the bears out to breaking his amazing iron man streak the previous week the comeback was very short lived has made us both reports now brett farve against all odds coming back from right shoulder injury to start for the vikings in the game played all doors of the bank stadium frowns on. he didn't appear to be off early on and we deliver it to percy harvin here who's going to make people miss twenty three yards to put minnesota on top of the bears responded with a field goal and then the first and dirty jay cutler decides to be used the vibe safety and finds it sixty seven yards to johnny knoxville on the sideline he does the rest to give the bears a ten to seven lead. but defense isn't the only sure the vikings have their fancy
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blind has done a terrible job protecting far all season long as it is the case you call you wouldn't get through to a brand with these and brings him down hard didn't return to the game after that hit and chances are we might never see him throwing the full ball again but then again never know after all nobody expected him to play in this one either cutler on the other hand was just fine three touchdown passes on the night this one today even faster for a ten point lead men went through the second the banks were trying not to punt the ball to has to all game long and he gets one year and he makes it seventy nine return for the score fourteenth returns don't return for mr and the game was pretty much over by that point the only question remaining will ever be back again media was are. now russia's top female books and i tell you i was and i has announced the date of the next fight the super middleweight swell and her long injury lay off with a june twenty love about and you can sit in bork the thirty four year old has an excellent career record having won all over twenty two fights she last stepped into
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the ring in december two thousand and nine also in the episode and work. on them i was not picked up by a leg injury while playing basketball with her her next opponent hasn't been announced bob there are a few possible candidates for this man to fit a champion also sad proud to go into the ring in london and it's one to twelve olympics. it's always been my dream to win lympics and i'm ready it's that considering. the professional books of that without his much is completely different. so have to think about it with those summer olympics may still be about when team months away by the preparations have long been occupying everyone's mind that including russia as a taekwondo fighter as the country's martial artist have been making progress recently and want to carry that form and to the london games as head of russia's
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taekwondo union anatoly to help explains. well you know it's obvious that the next year is going to be all hard work ahead of the london olympics but if i'm to sum up the year that was two thousand and ten was quite a success i can but mention our teams break their routine or girl usually picks in singapore one gold one silver speak for themselves the european championships was also a success and this is how men top the standings while both men and women were second best overall one of these gives us hope we'll go into the next olympics in good form. i say with olympic news as british prime minister david cameron accompanied by local schoolchildren switched on the olympic stadium flood lies for the first time ahead of the games in london the mayor of london boris johnson introducing the prime minister and while local schoolchildren before leaving the countdown from town to press the button for the big switch on the stadium main stratford east
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london has been designed to see around eighty thousand spectators with construction of due to be finished just by two thousand and eleven. i was really poor i think there was still a jerk i was called to say about this incident with john breaux said about the ira it's the translation the size been incredible over the last five six years i think it's a book with what's called a get real sense what the atmosphere would really like to do sarah but the realities are told it's going to credit. meanwhile there's a long road to travel before russia house of a twenty eighteen football world cup bought one of those and may lead the russian line up than is already making his name now on tuesday was awarded the young player of the year award at all but the banyan has more for. me whether you go you're one of those who keep question things like the nineteen year old. this twenty year twenty ten like from the league who is in the lead.
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or do. this by mostly live and spend most of the season on the weekly release of their schooling four times in twelve games. the stakes so high is the unity is the reward they play with his russian votes. meanwhile the don't feel self believes his game still exists to be desired. i have to prove all aspects of my game i still have a lot of time to grow but i don't think i've achieved anything to be proud of yet i still have many weak points as a player and my coaches have the best make of it for so long as one of. their strong in the world in my opinion he should score more goals it's the only thing he needs to improve on as a forward he's very good at creating chances but sometimes wastes them but nevertheless he's got speed and great skills on the board and what's very important he's a very smart and spontaneous player when you were three at the age of nineteen already
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has educated fan base among spartak youngsters particularly. in our play defense of though i'd like to have skill on the ball. and i'm a left back it would be nice to play with him in a team or connections would be unstoppable. this dream may come true until twenty eighteen when russia will host the world cup although you could read between the same age players destined for greatness are reaching their peak. victories it was the first thing i thought of when i heard that russia will host the twenty tina world cup and i know we can win it. over for the new york city. and finally politicians artists and foremost boss man attended a godless ceremony here in moscow to celebrate the chairman's of a charity called the flag of good the organization raises money for children who
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need medical treatment by holding various sporting events as president. explains. well just like with the sixth year of the sheriff's event turned out to be very successful before announcing medical support to help two hundred children and over those six years the filth more than a thousand children this is our most but they're supposed to very important contribution to developing charity work in the country and of course the main result is the happy faces of the children who go on to live their lives life's like and very very grateful to everyone who took part in the event. and that's it for the moment for more sports news log on to our website which is r.t. dot com slash sports and coming up right now is the world with.
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two of the so-called bric nations cement trade brusha and india secure multi-billion dollar deals on a trip by president medvedev. nuclear defense and just some of the key agreements signed to the joint doesn't see in a few moments from the. prime minister putin urges football fans to be on the lookout for extremists saying russia can eliminate radicalism without their help. plus conspiracy theories are running wild in poland. moscow was reported to be able plane crash that killed the polish president and ninety five other aviation experts say the russian probe was open and thorough meanwhile the late leader of the
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brother who's the former prime minister of the country claims the wrong body was buried in moscow he's baffled by the. nine pm in moscow i match reza good me with you here on r t our top story billion dollar deals military agreements and high tech a link ups there are the results of dimitri medvedev his high profile visit to india the russian president also sealed a number of agreements on nuclear power aiming to satisfy the growing energy demands in the world's second most populous nation artie's charan singh has been following the meetings between the two countries leaders. they've been strategic partners for over a decade and i've had very warm relations for several decades from the soviet times on works and what's what's giving more impetus now to the bilateral ties is the growing on.


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