tv [untitled] December 21, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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both countries both russia and india bric countries and economies are growing at a and one of the key areas that we've seen agreement signed today over a dozen agreements signed today one of the key areas was energy oil and gas and also nuclear power india has a huge demand for energy it's growing at almost nine percent annum and just two point five percent of its energy mix comes from nuclear energy it wants to increase this to ten percent and sixty three thousand megawatts of nuclear energy is what it wants to add in the next twenty years and russia is going to be a leading player in this russia is set to provide world plastic knology in. civil nuclear energy it will also build nuclear power stations forty india it's going to be building through in southern india and the agreement signed today will set out the roadmap for building two additional nuclear stations nuclear power stations in southern india and both leaders are quite clear that any. important in their
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relationship. russia is positive about energy cooperation in the future and i told the prime minister today that india is a convenient partner in the energy field it applies not only to nuclear energy we've achieved a lot in the past few years but also in the extraction of your codes. i am particularly. suspect it reflects the. difference between both countries is also very strong russia is india's largest weapons supply and most of india's weapons hardware comes from russia and of course before that from the soviet union the agreement signed today. is the joint development of the fifth generation fighter this is this is the only one outside the united states
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which is in the air both sides will be equal partners and in this this the development cost will be around ten billion dollars both sides will put in the money russia will develop the fight the and the propulsion systems india will develop the avionics and the navigation software and the road map will be around two hundred fifty fighter aircraft of this model will be built for the russian air force and on two hundred for the indian air force and the total contract will be worth over thirty billion dollars it will be the backbone of forces for decades to come so really we're seeing this way forward of. merely just buying off the shelf joint development of weaponry we've seen that with the bromo supersonic messiah and now with these with this particular fighter aircraft you know he in moscow have also agreed that the indian military will be able to use russia's satellite navigation system go on us any and political analysts jyoti malhotra tells r t how
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important this move could be. the russians have offered for the first time access to india to your military signals which means that if india has no access to the russian blueness military system which is the space navigation system then we can actually use those signals to bomb terrorist training camps in pakistan or anywhere else and because these military signals very high precision those strikes those missiles track this potential besides drugs can be actually they can be very very finely targeted and after the mumbai attacks which took place two years ago there's been public opinion in india is very very hostile against these acts of terror so i think just is this one agreement where india has access to the russian. space navigation system and where we get military signals from you is
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a very big act of friendship commentary from indian political analyst jyoti malhotra speaking to us from new delhi. russia's prime minister vladimir putin has met with the leaders from the country's main football supporter clubs in the wake of the recent street violence in moscow and st petersburg as follows a number of violent nationalist demonstrations after a spark talks found was killed earlier this month for more on this let's go live to having a grouch over so what was the prime minister trying to achieve in his meeting with these football fan club leaders. prime minister putin described the killing of this part of a football fan as a tragedy and he said that it was a mere attack against the entire football community in russia we should treat this as an attack against all of you he said as he was meeting with the representatives of different football clubs school bull fan clubs in moscow. that it should be regarded as an attack against all of you regardless of your it me city nationality
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or what will book club you support all the meeting comes shortly after massive rise took place in moscow and inside it is broke over the weekend and those who are it's followed a killing all for both fun and i think russia and he was allegedly killed by representatives of one of the not coke asian republics oh prime minister putin today said that emotions sometimes run high as representatives of different football clubs try to settle scores after football matches and these can be understood if this is done in compliance with the law and common sense but not when it is a crime he also was furious that those suspects were released so shortly after the detention he said that immunity which had existed in russia for centuries immunity against extremism and is in a full b is starting to weaken up and he called on football fans to shrug off extremists and to stay independent. justice just police would
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the current situation with russian fans is not that different to problems in other countries and europe in particular both here and there are various destructive elements trying to make their way into supporter clubs any to bring the clubs under their control and i'm talking about radicals and they don't do it for the sport they don't do it to support fan clubs they do it for their own selfish political reasons as to why they want to destabilize the country so that afterwards they can scream that they're the only ones that can say russia will be a tragedy if we let that happen. first. twenty eight year old you go to city that was killed in a brawl between football fans radical football fans and migrants from the north caucasus on december the sixth and today shortly after the meeting with the football fans representatives led him a putin visited along with. the grave for you gore and. to pay his tribute and how far is the investigation into sort of.
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death progressing. well the investigative committee on monday opened criminal case against and identified officials who released three of the suspects allegedly linked to the killing of. the twenty eight year old football fan and they are now being questioned on whether they they were under pressure to release those suspects or whether they had some personal interests in that fans have likened this case to a similar one when an ethnic russian was killed earlier this year a football fan as well and all of the suspects were released and went into hiding well. the fact that those suspects were freed so shortly after their detention drew prime ministers during his televised call in session on thursday and shortly after that on friday these preliminary chat was opened. to.
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prime minister said that a demonstrator weeping of law enforcement should have been done straightaway at the very beginning and that suspects should never have been released in an in a similar case in a murder case and he also said that it was an ex unacceptable that a person and first place who was found here. that he turned up in the moscow and again and carried out these murders. and. protests massive protests also resulted in thousands of arrests over the weekend and in moscow in particular five thousand strong crowd went into the streets. next to the kremlin and thousands of people were arrested afterwards. parties are catherine mcgrath thanks for that report. a monument to soldiers who gave their lives fighting fascism in the second world war has been unveiled in moscow the
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project was conceived after georgia blew up a war memorial in the country's western city of kutaisi last year prime minister vladimir putin and leaders from the georgian opposition attended the ceremony in the russian capital they both expressed hope that it will be the start of better relations between the two countries the new monument symbolizes the unity of people who've chosen a nationwide vote. stay with us here on our coming your way innocent till proven guilty at the latest start with the leaks founder julian assange who is fighting what he calls a politically motivated smear campaign. first though the brother of the late polish president who was killed in a plane crash in the southwest russia has claimed that the body buried in krakow does not belong to lech kaczynski former prime minister jaroslav kaczynski says he's not yet decided whether he will ask for the remains to be examined russian media reports that moscow was puzzled by the comments because polish officials were
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present at all stages of the identification earlier warsaw rejected the findings of the investigation into the april plane crash report concluded that pilot error was among the main causes of the fatal accident that killed ninety six polish prime minister has called the findings unacceptable and groundless the final crash report is expected to be released in january an expert on aviation safety tells r.t. he's the no doubt the outcome will be in accordance with international standards. i think it may be a little premature to evaluate the final report in that it's not been finalized the investigators from russia should inform the polish investigative agencies all working together in a collaborative effort to finalize the report and only then will we really be able to make a judgment my experience with the russian investigators has been very good they're very high quality organization and i believe that it was the investigation which generally cure. it out in accordance with the international civil aviation organization and explorer which is the international standard for accident
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investigation they will find the answers and these top quality investigators will give us a good true picture. chief executive officer from the safety operating system captain john cox speaking with us there from florida. sticking with american politics obama the democrats have won over enough republicans to pass a landmark nuclear cuts deal with russia at least nine republicans have openly announced support for the new strategic arms reduction treaty also known as start and will vote for its ratification it looks set to happen on wednesday hailed as one of the u.s. administration's main for all of foreign policy achievements start would slash both nations employed nuclear arsenals by a third signed by presidents medvedev and obama in april it needs to be ratified by lawmakers in both countries it's a real race against time for the democrats whose majority in the senate will be reduced in january the russian state duma has been ready to ratify the treaty for months but wants to do so at the same time as washington. coming up nobel for the
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opposition in bellerose hundreds or remain behind bars following the presidential election and the protests that came with it we have the latest from the capital. first though britain's foreign secretary says that russia and the u.k. have each expelled a diplomat from their embassies amid a spat over alleged spying william hague said a russian envoy was asked to leave the country two weeks ago after accusations of espionage surfaced he claims that russia booted out a british official in moscow a week later moscow has yet to comment earlier this month a russian working as a paramilitary aide to a british m.p. who was arrested in london for allegedly spying. we keep leaks founder julian assange says he's fighting an extradition order to sweden because he won't be treated fairly there assad who's in the u.k. on bail is due to face the swedish courts over sexual assault charges in
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a case many argue was politically motivated as artie's lawyer amateur reports sweden's media and legal establishment are sticking together to defend the country's reputation in the face of accusations of spin. the charges leveled at founder of wiki leaks julian our souls have awakened the world to justice system the scandinavian countries requesting his extradition from the u.k. on sexual assault charges he's accused of having unprotected sex with two women elsewhere the media is crying foul citing u.s. pressure following the release of embarrassing diplomatic cables by wiki leaks but not in sweden in sweden it's not many people who say today that they suspect. it's a case of. you know your innocence not being the best of the charges been dubbed sex by surprise legibly refused to wear a condom and it's a crime unique to sweden it doesn't usually carry
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a prison sentence experts in the u.k. are asking why go after a song in this way maybe in the near future we'll come across some leaked documents showing how the us put pressure on sweden in great britain to secure the arrest of julius arms it's very unusual for a man to be accused of having consensual sex but not necessarily using a condom but suddenly find himself on the same list interpol lists alongside mexican drug lord even in sweden the original prosecutor threw the allegations out then wiki leaks started the release of a quarter of a million u.s. diplomatic cables which are revealing and humiliating for the u.s. government all of a sudden sweden's director of public prosecutions decided to break claims were valid which the swedish people have fallen for including some of its most outspoken commentators it's clear. is not a person who should be in jail for journalism if he has committed
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a sexual sexual offense then that's a separate issue from wiki leaks. i do not think this is political in my. at least i sincerely hope so himself is calling this a political witch hunt other high profile foreign journalists i don't think this case being brought it all julian assange offered to meet the swedish prosecutor here he offered to meet the swedish prosecutor over he left with the permission of the swedish prosecutor. there's been no suggestion that he didn't want to cooperate so why are we going through all this why is why did julian assange joined up in the punishment good ones with prison questions that the swedish media doesn't seem to be prepared to ask this battle isn't enough. in this court again in january to fight his extradition to sweden if he said that he'll face trial in
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a country where much of public opinion is against him and from that the thing he most fear is extradition to the u.s. on possible espionage charges were and it's. belarus is taking heat over the way it handled the country's presidential elections hundreds of people gathered to contest alexander lukashenko is when the protests turned violent and around six hundred of them got arrested the majority remain in custody the e.u. has condemned the arrests and is calling for the release of all protesters are his catarina explains how events unfolded. this is a. ruse the new start in the. accounting for this is what concerns it. probably. is a fact that the people may have deserved better but what they got instead was more of the same sewer service or public good it's from the bottom of my heart i would like to tank my supporters and congratulate them on a victory but be
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a. story in pretty early and as for my opponents i have to inform you on the saddest of vocations for you that you will now have to do with the acting president for at least another five years. and this. opposition supporters journalists and a number of foreign investors all came to a thousand strong demonstration outside the government building in the center of the capital minutes. despite calls to keep the protest peaceful some started storming the building smashing windows and breaking down doors right police reacted immediately the result over six hundred people detained dozens including artie's camera crew injured hit with police batons at least six of the nine presidential candidates have also been arrested many of them seem are disappearing or without trace yeah. i was with my husband in the hospital when
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syrian men entered the room they held me down i was trying to free myself i was screaming but no one came to help the team of the bed he couldn't walk so they ripped him in the blanket dressed him out of the room and looking inside. e.u. and u.s. officials have already condemned the violence but as with the observers president alexander lukashenko simply told everyone to mind their own business but. sometimes the o.s.c. forgets that it came to observe the election not to control it when it comes to god it's not for them to evaluate. europe's last dictator as he has been dubbed in some western media did receive some praise from observers they've all agree this election was much more democratic than the previous one in two thousand and six the relative freedoms given to opposition candidates in the run up to election day was marked as a positive sign the e.u.
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promised dollars billions of euros if there are signs of free and fair elections what they're looking will be able to collect some cash from the e.u. while enjoying a fourth consecutive term in office is the question many are asking alex on the real question go promised his people political changes but no change in power he's already made good on one half of that promise but here on the once again quiet streets of the capital minsk not many believe the political changes are happening any time soon. catherine as our r.t. minsk. it's taking a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall continuing to cause further massive disruption across europe britain is one of the worst affected so far with tens of thousands of travelers stranded flights to and from the u.k. are grounded and travelers are likely to suffer for several more days many flights were also canceled in paris frankfurt and brussels the e.u. has heavily criticized airports for failing to deal with the situation calling it
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unacceptable and saying it could lead to tighter regulation. the u.s. led coalition in afghanistan is denying reports it's pushing to extend the war into pakistan the new york times earlier quoted an unnamed american official saying special forces could target militants across the border the u.s. uses unmanned drones to strike at suspected insurgents in pakistan often killing civilians by mistake islam a bad call of the attacks a violation of the country's sovereignty. israel has launched air strikes against at least seven suspected militant sites in gaza wounding three palestinians israeli forces say a rocket squad targeted smuggling tunnels training center and a weapons factory air raids came after more than a dozen rockets and mortars were launched across the border into israel this week. and earthquake tallying six point five on the richter scale has struck southeast iran killing at least seven and injuring dozens many houses and several villages
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were destroyed officials say they believe they've pulled out all the survivors but are still searching for bodies among the rubble. an unofficial u.s. envoy to north korea says p. and yang is promising to let u.n. nuclear inspectors back into the country all were kicked out in april of last year the international community suspects pyongyang is developing nuclear weapons a claim that north korea denies meanwhile south korea fears an armed confrontation with the north could break out at any moment seoul has just held military exercises on a border island that p.r. nyang showed last month leading to the deaths of four the north has condemned the drills calling them a reckless provocation that russia and china that both share a border with north korea have urged the south not to hold exercises. russia's main christmas tree has been put up in a prime spot in the heart of the capital it will be the focus of the kremlin's cathedral square for the next three weeks to mark the festive season the thirty meter high tree is being decorated with thousands of russian tri color lights and
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ornaments it was delivered to the kremlin my father frost himself after being blessed by a russian orthodox priest in a special ceremony an official committee was set up back in september to choose the perfect tree among the forest so the mosque our region. and if you want to stay in the christmas spirit you can always check out our t. dot com for more holiday related stories here's a taste of what's online right now. get all the details on the items i made into the top of everyone's wish list christmas russians are reportedly into electronic gadgets not personal according to a recent poll. and don't forget to check out our daily dose of the day we explore our free cause my knowledge went on a record breaking trip to space exactly twenty three years ago all the details and more at r.t. dot com.
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later this hour we conquered the icy mountain tops in siberia but first let's go to korea melican with all the latest business news after this short break. they were little girls who are the greeting you heard you create a world it is mobile network to be a little rough it was usually a six and a half million dollars world leader investment over the weekend and he gives orders gone but one of the board members called the best financial to look finalizing the new commitment. to talk to almost immediately though she didn't get one of the
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three to sell gas to lucky at the fifty percent discount the deal will come to next year do you want to go when you rise to judge and want to get a percent while you're going to keep every month important baby in cuba the. gas from a lesser announced an agreement with a nothing got to extract currency in many many cats and ukraine. now your stocks are trading higher commodities are gaining as u.s. retail sales and earnings forecasts you optimism the world's largest economy corporate deals are also driving stocks higher rounds of the minium bank is buying chrysler financial the automakers old lending arm from cerebral capital management for six point three billion dollars. now markets in europe finished in the black on tuesday miners led london's footsie to a positive finish of one percent while germany's dax finished point eight percent higher prisoner low rallied three percent strata rose weak and
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a half percent banks were also a boost on the index sparklies down one point eight percent and the news that the incoming chief executive has bought more stock of world bank of scotland topped the winners list adding nearly four and a half percent. now the russian markets finished the trading day in the black with most of the blue chips gaining the r.t.s. and a point nine percent higher than my six was up over half a percent. now rest telecoms was up when one puts on reports it's part of a consortium by. cable t.v. operator national telecom one point four billion dollars energy stocks are also growing after russia raise its forecast we go back next year from seventy five to eighty one dollars a barrel i am also never continues to gain up to twenty three fold increase in earnings for the first time moms out there. so while the sound better now trading volumes are getting lower on the russian market as the holidays approach but individual news stories are still persuading investors to get to get involved.
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president i try to donald explains the main drivers on tuesday the market in general of quiet right now is the environment global environment is fine all prices are high international markets we see some consolidation but still the strong. is for internal factors doesn't the market is trading some specific ideas for example yesterday there were news about sylvia newton roll call you deal today the market is talking about be very skinny kid for new souls taking notice can you kill so it's probably the hottest news of the day i think local local factors and local news also very important and especially in these quotes market so any positive news can boost interest and again with inflows in russian market we see decent hot new money coming into these stores. and that's our business for this hour but you can always find most always if you log on to our website. business or
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see what nature can give you. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. nine thirty pm in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. easier ahead why russia and india secure a multi-billion dollar deals on a trip to new delhi by president medvedev as two of the so-called bric nations so met relations nuclear power trade and investment were those some of the agreement sealed. prime minister putin urges football fans to be on the lookout for extremists saying russia cannot eliminate radicalism without their help first of all to the death of us. the reporter that prompted the violent demonstrations
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between the as many groups in the caucasus region about airport and also visited the grave of the spirit of the paper's respects. poland read jack's moscow's reporting to be april plane crash that killed the polish president and ninety five others but aviation experts say the russian open and meanwhile the late leader's brother who is the former prime minister of the country claims the wrong body was buried. a special report up next from the icy mountain tops of siberia stay with us here on r.t. . siberia's largest city and a major industrial center. a unique nature reserve called. the pillars can be found only for clunkers away from the city here thousands of rocky cliffs lie scattered in the siberian tiger people in central siberia centuries ago revered the place with special.
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