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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EST

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you know more tomorrow on the other side of the aisle who. decided that this was the moment for the national security interests of our country that this issue did not belong in our politics but rather in our minds in terms of how it protects the nation the opposition to the treaty has been huge in washington a number of republican senators went out of their way to undermine it without substantial arguments against it and they were putting forward a man runs after a man was that would actually kill the treaty that would make the administration go back to the russians and negotiate the treaty and actually russia's foreign minister said your lover offset the treaty is based on the best interest of both the u.s. and russia and it doesn't need to be changed their actions provoked an avalanche of criticism from the country's top security experts who fear the treaty could become a victim of political games on capitol hill in the final days of debate on start
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they wanted to we write the language of the treaty which would have actually killed it they wanted to take out the line in the preamble of the deal which they said the back of the connection between offensive and defensive weapons in a security expert would say the connection is obvious and in fact all of those from the military who testified before the senate were saying exactly that they also maintained it's not the start treaty that would make the u.s. we curry the treaty itself explicitly says either side can pull out of it if at some point they deem is threatens their national security if we look at the costs part of the do we have some very significant reductions on the way over the next ten years both states will cut their nuclear arsenals by a flurry down to some fifteen hundred fifty warheads on each side they do will also limit the number of delivery vehicles and launchers but even with those cuts both countries will still have more than ninety percent of the world's nuclear weapons so many agree that the value of the arms reduction treaty is not just being with options it's in the trust. cooperation between the two nuclear superpowers that
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goes with it for weeks and months the president of the united states all members of the of his administration all of the military all living former secretary of state and up to fans are calling for senators not to ruin this reset opportunity for us russia relations and the outcome of the world will will show whether or not their cause fell on deaf ears in congress. arties going on education reporting there now joseph a sit in shawnee the president of the n.t. nuclear campaign group the ploughshares fund says barack obama has done well to overcome the many obstacles in the start treaty ratification process. most of the opposition to this relatively modest treaty has been political the opposition what thought they could deliver a knockout blow to president obama they missed and he struck them down instead part of it is ideological there's about twelve to twenty senators in the car in the senate it is just opposed to arms control treaties if they're arguing to the bitter
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end but they're a minority they're losing they were trying to run out the clock they kept making the argument we don't have time and then they started to do these little mini filibusters around their amendments to prove they didn't have time they were waiting for something to happen they were tipped the balance in fact what happened is that military officials talk to each senator they got calls from republican secretary of defense bob gates hillary clinton the secretary of state they got classified briefings and republican senator senators were reassured so you saw the moderate senators senators breaking from their own leadership this is actually an unprecedented split in the senate republican leadership we haven't seen anything like this all year where you going to lose ten to twelve senators are going to break with their own leadership to support this treaty that is in the national security interest and still ahead for you this hour on r.t. .
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they cannot hear but have a lot to say explore how death people in russia tune in to world impervious to their problems. now the u.s. led coalition forces in afghanistan could extend their reach into neighboring pakistan says the new york times report the paper quotes an anonymous american official who claims special forces will start targeting militants across the border . the u.s. denies the suggestions and washington has been using drones to strike suspected insurgency bases in pakistan and this often accused of killing civilians in the process islamabad has described the attacks as a violation of its territorial sovereignty and kathy kelly coordinator of voices for creative nonviolence says the u.s. military establishment is simply hoping to prolong its cash flow. and it seems to me that the united states would have an effect similar to what has happened in the
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past here in afghanistan along with the drone attacks the invasion of a sovereign country. a united states joint special operations whose means of attack and the death squads and assassinations and night raids would exacerbate the tremendous almost title wave of anti-american sentiment amongst the public united states establishment the military industrial complex companies have learned that you can make an enormous profit you can stuff your financial portfolios and run to the bank and that you can do this in another limited way and they've learned that lesson and they would like to continue it but as far as what the united states might have learned from listening to people on the ground who are in touch with those who bear the brunt of the united states work there i'm talking about the families first loved ones who have been slaughtered i'm talking about families
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where people are now widow and orphan the united states doesn't learn from listening to the cries in the pleas of people who beg us to stop the killing. kathy kelly a coordinator of voices for creative nonviolence talking to waltz from kabul. now moscow has called the expulsion of one of its diplomats by london an unfriendly move saying the spying accusations against the official were baseless russia's foreign ministry says it's regrettable that such an incident should take place just as the countries are working to reset relations laura emmet has more from london. william hague the foreign secretary wrote a letter to the house of commons explaining what had happened he said that britain had indeed expelled a diplomat from the russian embassy in london they requested that diplomats expulsion on december the tense after what hague is calling clear evidence of russian intelligence service activities acting against british interests here in
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london then we are also hearing of course from the other end that there was a tit for tat expulsion from the british embassy in moscow and in response to that expulsion from moscow william hague said that britain rejects any basis for that particular action despite the fact that of course it was only a response to war what the foreign office here had done was this of course is a huge embarrassment for the foreign secretary william hague who when he took office as recently as may this year said that he vowed to improve relations with moscow and him fact went to moscow and met with president dmitri medvedev which is quite a rare occurrence for a lower official than the prime minister and then do a visit by david cameron which is supposed to take place early next next year now whether that will affect the timing of that visit is obviously not clear yet william hague the foreign secretary says that he still wants to have a co-operative and productive relationship with russia we saw another tit for tat
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expulsion in two thousand and seven following the career fair three diplomats were expelled from each side then as well and that was in protest from the british side a russian refusal to extradite lugovoy to face trial in the u.k. he is of course britain's prime suspect in the murder of alexander litvinenko since then there has been attempts on various sides to push what they're calling the reset button in russia u.k. relations this could have serious implications for that reset button. now more news and analysis as always your fingertips on our website that sparty dot com and here's a taste of what's online. for you right now hundreds have been jailed after protests president lukashenko is election victory in bello views get more of what's been happening on the streets of a couple and why. bloss a shortlist of eleven has been revealed of russia's competition for a mascot for the twenty fourteen saucy winter olympics with ideas ranging from
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a dolphin to where leopard wants it to be now choose which one you like best at r.t.e. dot com. now after sealing a deal for russian nuclear power to fuel india's growing energy demands the review medvedev will be discovering a different kind of oriental energy on the second day of his indian tour the president will take a ball the wood and the taj mahal artie's that's all there has more from india. now that all the major deals have been signed during president the biggest high profile visit to india it's time for the russian president to explore the other side of the country here in mumbai the problem of the visit includes a trip to bollywood where russian president is meeting with a india's most. popular film directors and film stars and indian films have always
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been rather welcomed in russia and now indian filmmakers are looking to reproduce some of their classics together with the russian directors also here in mumbai russian president is meeting with a meeting with representatives of the general public at a local university as cooperation in science and need to acknowledge is crucial for the two emerging economies if two countries like ours can come together and perhaps show to the rest of the world there are these are the alternatives that the intelligentsia and countries you know we can offer alternative ways of thinking earlier during his visit to meet daily billion dollar deals were signed between russian president and his indian counterpart including deals in military cooperation and russia is also trying to such as fight india's growing demand for energy to already has already building two nuclear reactors in the south of the
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country altogether overlooked thirty documents were signed back in new delhi as of course the two countries of the bric group of emerging economies have many spears of corporation. over there reporting from india now let's take a brief look at some other stories from around the world the ivory coast faces the risk of returning to civil war following the disputed presidential election the warning comes from u.n. secretary general ban ki moon he added that un peacekeepers were being forced out of the country by be incumbent laurent gbagbo after the world body recognized the victory of his rival president accuse the international community of trying to bring a fight to this country the u.n. says more than fifty people have been killed in related violence in recent days. south korea is to start its a largest live drill exercises near the border with the north more than eight
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hundred military personnel are set to take part backed by fighter jets now it follows exercises near yongbyon while and where both sides had a fatal exchange of artillery fire last month as well as maybe when you first off the east coast the drill calms despite calls from the north to escalate tension in the region. freezing temperatures and heavy snow we're continuing to calls massive disruption across europe travel has been severely hampered as airports struggle to keep runways free of ice britain is badly affected with hundreds of flights grounded and tens of thousands of travelers stranded at the e.u. has criticized transportation agencies and says more must be done to prevent disruption in the future. the u.s. commander in afghanistan general david petraeus says the late richard holbrooke made a vital contribution to the campaign in the country he claims president obama's special
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representative helped build an effective team on the ground however our military contributor colonel you have got a crucial of says the diplomat failed to tackle the most burning issue. really the gradual shift of the u.s. military and intelligence community from afghanistan to pakistan i guess the u.s. commander in afghanistan has a bigger fish to fry than to waste his style and accused energy credibility and respect and attention from his troops leveraging mr pearl period preys on the architect of the drug promotion strategy in afghanistan and the main defender of the opium cultivation all across the country we used to be general to trios women no general to stick with his sprays to richard holbrooke calling him the titan of the us policy in afghanistan and pakistan hugh might as well make his
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mission guilty by association he might be stuck with the mission creep which will be described as a titanic fubar both in afghanistan and across the border in pakistan and america's involvement in call flicks over the years has led many u.s. soldiers to doubt if there's a just cause for their country's interventions a special report is coming your way later today but here's a taster. they are killing innocent clear allies of the call of course and that's never a. moment sharpless call still with me i think of it every day. the flashbacks from the memories. of so much for the long time use here trying to
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tell me. i was assure you. i was ashamed that i had been neutered i was ashamed that i hadn't been a hero while. i go marm i got my legs. because in the modern. war i want to be out in all the hours of our courtroom. where i'll believe where i was born or was or i think. that i was a good soldier. but you are most soldier on the other side and i think i'm just. after him stalin scorn to soviet indifference the death and russia have not had an easy time and even now they live in them bo the russian sign language is not officially recognised and many say social attitudes can be a problem too but deaf people are finding ways of making themselves heard as donna preschool reports.
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of the song. with his hands. that was. he tells me he speaks the most beautiful language in the world. yes there was no look at your balloon with torturing you to slow this little girl. and so despite living in the world of silence aleksey and his fellow performers put on a show full of life and music and. dance appreciates this theatre of the deaf actors is an exception in the world mostly hostile to those speaking with their hands. at the look at the.
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you. know. even though language doesn't officially exist all previous attempts to pass a law giving official recognition to the russian side languages have failed the problem dates back more than seventy years when sign language was banned from soviet schools in one nine hundred fifty stalin made the situation even worse by calling it not even a solid eight language unlike what some might think it's not a primitive way of conveying basic information it's a fully fledged language capable of expressing just about anything more. this. slightly you. would watch even though. the head of the old russian federation of the deaf believes there are more than ten million hard of hearing people in the country but no interpreters no t.v. channels almost nothing to ease their interaction with the world.
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that's john is one of four children the only deaf one in the family. this is the thousand beauty shop for the hard of hearing and has self interpreted. this story.
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they may not hear. but there are no commute and they love talking. after all those who calls here are the same people it may be just that the music of their hearts and so is loud but still not loud enough to be officially recognized. as. r.t. moscow. the business update is coming up in just
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a few moments. he's . the official allocation. from the. video. and. the palm of your.
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welcome to business russia's biggest lenders will post record profits of five point one billion dollars this year according to the bank's head home and graf predicted net would top four point eight billion plans to boost profits another twenty percent next year however graft i did the. dividends despite those profits. on the stock markets european shares are mixed this hour british airways is up over one and a half percent as airlines and rail operators return to more normal after four days of snow related chaos but investors are cautious head if you will to g.d.p. numbers out this evening. the make a swung into the red at the close in tokyo japan says its economy will grow only one and a half percent next year compared with this year's three point one percent wealth
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exporters group export growth has accelerated for the first time in nine months in japan the world's biggest camry make a candle and went up two percent. after a pull beginning to the wheel ts has had a positive start for the second day in a row the benchmark opened up half a percent my six is also higher this hour in economic news russia's g.d.p. grew four point two percent in the year all year which states g.d.p. growth to three point seven percent for the first eleven months of twenty ten energy companies are gaining as light sweet moves closer to ninety dollars a barrel russia's biggest carmaker after valves however is losing despite targeting a twenty eight percent jump in sales next year to six billion dollars trading volumes are slim as the holidays approach however it will provide but look still sees room for another rally. i think the market will continue to be quiet but still
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strong we saw in previous few days consolidation the market and i think that the market is said to going up flosi and funds long term funds and we see these inflows coming into russia by the end of the year we know that some fans will see was shuffling of their portfolios there could be after christmas in europe and i still hold that. this consolidation we see right now will end up with short term kind of a very strong rally by the end of the year it usually happens this way and i think . in general was very kind of stable in terms of inflows in russian dedicated funds . from the financial crisis. check. with. seven thousand six hundred dollars a month. raise the average salaries.
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are expected to be. credit cards and. the number of people willing to buy credits has jumped to thirty nine percent from just twenty three percent of. the people. present. after the crisis. the.
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british scientists that. market. really happening to the global economy with. global financial headlines. report. more news today. these are the images the world has been seeing
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from the streets of canada. today. culture is the same us shark in colorado are even more so because they all were tough the first time also began on the brink after a less than successful election in allegations of organized crime including organ trafficking and hair. it can hit doctors winds policeman swines ministers why am i just praying that if you didn't find me if i could just live through the night that i would get my kids out of here because i knew that what was going to happen was that he was going to kill me many victims don't understand that domestic violence includes verbal abuse psychological abuse physical abuse and sexual abuse
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at least four million women are affected by abuse every year those are my only two options i saw that moment either i'm going to kill him or me in jail or he's going to killing me see.
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you're watching our tea time now to have a look at our headlines for this hour the u.s. senate wraps up debate on the nuclear cuts treaty with russia clearing the way for a final vote expected to take place as soon as wednesday the democrats are sure the deal will be sealed despite strong opposition from the republicans. reports that the u.s. is planning to expand its afghan campaign with ground raids in neighboring pakistan threatened strained relations between washington and islamabad the coalition denies
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the claim that special forces will start targeting militants across the border. and after sealing a billion dollar defense and energy deals with india retreatment that it is in for a cultural treat on the second day of his visit the russian leader will explore the phenomenon of the film industry. next artie's exxon a boycott talks of the georgian opposition leader nino would you not say about the state of democracy in the country and its relations with its neighbors. just the with the. left and when interesting rallies you say your mission is to introduce democracy to draw region to make it more democratic because conflicts with the image of your country in the west georgia is often presented as a beacon of democracy what don't you like the current version of future kristie.


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