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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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both the russian the west and for the whole of the international community and yet a number of republican senators were trying so hard to undermine it without having substantial arguments against it and as many saying just just to get back at obama just to to trade their vote for something else they won it their actions provoked an avalanche of criticism from the country's top security experts who feared that the truth could become a victim of political games on capitol hill in the final days of debate i'll start they wanted to rewrite the language of the treaty which would have actually killed it they wanted to take up this line in the preamble of the deal which states the fact of the connection between offensive and defensive weapons and in fact all of those from the military who testified before the senate course saying that the connection there is obvious they also said that it's not the star traded that would make the u.s. weaker or i'm able to defend itself to try to explicitly says either side can pull out of it if at some point they deem it threatens their national security for russia's this new start is all about balance and equality and they really made it
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clear that they will be in it as long as the u.s. respects that bella's russians really welcome this treaty and see more opportunities for cooperation with the united states behind it and everyone that russia is really looking forward to his ratification believing that that is the treaty is based on the best interests of both countries let's listen to a president medvedev said presuming you. know moment is impossible in the nearest future if i said anything different you would think i'm telling you tell you however i am convinced that russia and the u.s. has made an important step to the non-nuclear environment by signing the stone treaty in april this year my colleague barack obama is now struggling with his lawmakers in attempts to persuade them to ratify the document i hope you will succeed. we have some very significant reductions on the way over the next ten years both states will cut their growth there also by a third down to some fifteen hundred. fifty on each side of the deal will also
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limit the number of delivery vehicles on launchers but even with those cuts both both countries will still have more than ninety percent of the world's nuclear weapons so many agree that the value of the arms reduction treaty is not just in with auctions it's in the trust and cooperation between the two nuclear superpowers former adversaries that goes with it for weeks and months the president of the united states all members of his administration the whole of the military all living former sectors of state and of the fans were calling for senators not to ruin this reset opportunity for us russian relations and the outcome of the vote with will really show whether or not there are calls fell on deaf ears in congress so it is going to shoot you can reporting political his victim is and told us the politics of america's conservative wing are based on driving wedges into obama's initiatives which is why the treaty faced so many hurdles. it's a pity party politics you know in the vein of the tea party movement in the united
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states all conservative forces in the country and we know that conservatives are very influential especially in places like the. bible belt their slogan is anything but obama and they're trying to bury anything. with obama notwithstanding whether it's important or not the country is a vital interest the signing of the three g. in april the if by dual young dynamic presidents of united states and russia. basically blore did not just buy arms control was bought by all the people as a big old time feel good the wheel of all reasonable people iran the planet because they're just and as i say a bad signing these kind of three d. of moving further along very path of arms come thrall it's only strengthened
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the international stability and it's only. to be afeard say in the field off for weapons of mass destruction nonproliferation but of course and these are the position of for the russian side as i understand it any further drastic cuts in nuclear strategic forces would be impossible with other members of the new political law joining us coming up later this hour on this channel we look at russian efforts to keep the fighting out of football as fans will become in full swing by nationalist movements prime minister putin has a word with them about why they need to be kept out. russia's most famous female agent is now starting a political career as one of the leaders of a youth movement the chapman became known worldwide after the spying scandal earlier this year between moscow and washington that sore agents from both sides being swapped. out and watched as she took on her latest role. it was at
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this meeting of the young guards organization which was filled with a young audience looking towards a political future in russia that chapman turned up and gave her blessing to them she was elected to the public council of the organization and when she was given the microphone she gave them some words of encouragement. you know so many people will soon power fame and money but does all these make us happy probably simply need positive human emotions he would be less negative it in society each of us vocal with a smile now he sees a land our clothes is in the matters most if you dream the ability to use well that might seem a little bit rich coming from the chairman who has pursued quite ruthlessly the goals of publisher to fame and fortune but if we used to say maybe do what she says
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and not what she does she may not be the best spokesman ever but as one of the organizers here joked to was wherever she goes she's brilliant for publicity because she's followed by a massive pack of cameras she's certainly very notorious aspiring supposedly uncovered in the us and it was on the chapman being deported back to russia as part of a spy swap since then he would have thought coming home with her tail between her legs that she would have been really put into obscurity quite the opposite has happened she's turned into a huge celebrity since then she has been appointed as advisor to one of the one of the russian banks she's traveled to baikonur to see a space rocket fly up to the to the international space station and perhaps most notoriously of all she says she has been in a number of photo shoots the most raunchy of all being for the russian edition of maxim magazine and her friend fertile figure carrying
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a reputation before her so the question. really is she going into politics well who knows if this organization wanted to go they could have chosen a far worse one and a less attractive one than mr chapman. and tom meantime there are fresh spying scandal moscow clones the only one of its diplomats who was expelled from london a baseless russia's foreign ministry says that it's regrettable that this quote friendly move is happening while both countries work on punching out the strained relations of his lorimer as war from the british capital to. william hague the foreign secretary race a letter to the house of commons explaining what had happened he said that britain had indeed expelled a diplomat from the russian embassy in london they requested that diplomats expulsion on december the tenth after what hague is calling clear evidence of russian intelligence service activities acting against british interests here in
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london then we are also hearing of course from the other end that there was a tit for tat expulsion from the british embassy in moscow and in response to that expulsion from moscow william hague said that britain rejects any basis for that particular action despite the fact that of course it was only a response to what the foreign office here had done well this of course is a huge embarrassment for the foreign secretary william hague who when he took office as recently as may this year said that he vowed to improve relations with moscow and him fact went to moscow and met with president dmitri medvedev which is quite a rare occurrence for a lower official than the prime minister and then do you visit by david cameron which is supposed to take place early next next year now whether that will affect the timing of that visit is obviously not clear yet william hague the foreign secretary says that he still wants to have a co-operative and productive relationship with russia we saw another tit for tat
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expulsion in two thousand and seven follow. career fair three diplomats were expelled from each side then as well and that was in protest from the british side at russian refusal to extradite a little boy to face trial in the u.k. he is of course britain's prime suspect in the murder of alexander litvinenko since then there has been attempts on various sites to push what they're calling the reset button in russia u.k. relations this could have serious implications for that reset button. on the correspondent reporting for us. as to what's online for you tonight a new look web site are sort of out that hundreds of the jailed after protests the president is showing because election victory in velour rule scared more of what's been happening on the capital and why a lot of background to the recent story there and indeed ongoing story dot com i'm sure there's still a lot of them there's no been revealed in russia's competition the for a mascot for the twenty fourteen sochi winter olympics ideas ranging from the
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dolphins to leopards but what is it to believe choose which one you like the best team dot com. china is prepared to help some e.u. countries convert their sovereign debt crisis and offer further support to european financial stabilization the announcement came of the third china e.u. high level economic and trade dialogue in beijing let's get a bit more thought about this story today marco pierre from foley is a financial advisor in a wealth manager who joins us on the line now from london good evening cheers thanks for taking the time out to be with r t what why do you think china than wants to buying into europe what's going on. well i think that there's a number of issues here one is this extends china's political influence
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in europe by making a lot of european states dependent on china to buy to buy their debt this will help them massively in the next round of trade talks and create significant leverage political leverage with regards to to further trade talks also it allows china perhaps to slow down the appreciation of the yuan as the europeans and the u.s. have been really going on about for quite a few years now. to diversify from its large investments into the u.s. here well that's that's another very big issue that the chinese in many ways are are massively overexposed to to u.s. treasury bills this allows them a way of diversifying from that but also u.s. treasury bills are very low yielding at present so high yielding distressed
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european debt may well seem. diversify away from from treasury bills or china of course has got one of the world's biggest piles of dollars is this a way of spreading its risk as well. well very much so diversification is the name of the game for the chinese and i think that you'll you'll see around the world that they're they're investing in numerous different different assets including a lot of commodities and and land in terms of getting new supply of of metals buying land and all sorts of commodity based investments that they're doing across africa and and in south america but china is of course keen to get itself seen as a market economy isn't it these days what will doing this help to prop up europe any favor indeed should you be worried by that. all europe should be worried if
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this is perhaps a short term fix europe should be worried if if we now rely on on china to fund. a very large budget deficits in europe moving forward because that will mean that china has a growing political influence in europe but it doesn't get away from the fundamental problem in europe europe has a big big sovereign debt crisis and this is if you like a patch to try and help the situation until the europeans managed to put together some some proper reforms some proper fundamental structures to help the euro stay together moving forward and to date they've been very much dragging their heels and and patching up greece and ireland rather than coming to the table to put together fundamental reform of how the euro actually operates marco i gather we called the wrong name earlier on this is mark of course pietro polly could we get the wrong financial advisor in the wealth manager joining us from london thank you
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. russia viable firms of fire yourselves call of the middle of extreme nationalists not to riot see it's after ethnic rives was sparked by the death of a spartak moscow found fault of being killed. this month prime minister vladimir putin has been meeting the leading football fan clubs calling on them to resist the influence of the far right. a history lesson for an unlikely audience talking to football fans still fuming after the recent clashes with ethnic minorities led to me pushing carefully navigated between giving a pep talk and showing yellow cards but sure wish that you know when you get throughout its history russia has always had a strong immunity to nationalism and gena phobia but now it seems this immunity has started to slacken and you can see that in the activities of the fan movement to nationalistic calls are sometimes heard of the stadiums for the killing of a football fan in moscow allegedly by a caucasus man he subsequently released by seemingly bright policeman prompted days
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of ethnic riots the violence left dozens injured and to death there is by surprise it clearly revealed the tensions between slavic nationalists and the north caucasus minorities is to get the dems a check of it but i wouldn't bet ten cents on a russian man who would show disrespect to the qur'an in the north caucasus i don't think his health would stay intact but people from the north caucasus when they move to central russia also have to respect local traditions customs and laws but only this way by respecting each other and we fully utilize the multicultural strength of our country. like in any multinational country hate crimes in a forby are nothing new for russia but never before had the situation spun out of control so quickly that groups hounding darker skin passers by just steps away from the kremlin all the more embarrassing for russia so soon after securing the right to host the two thousand and eighteen world cup the nationalist far right is
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working very hard to mobilize the book into a different nationalist the new nazi group. during a lot of progress with a lot of success a lot to me putin struck a similar note praising fan clubs for their free spirit he called on them to retain their ideological independence and avoid being swayed by nationalists but he sent disk. here in this particular gold these fans from the same region where they found suspected murderer came from so that regard most of that and the city football fans in russia have the same event to look forward to for most of the. wages for the world cup to come to russia for so long put so much effort but there are still some forces who want to prevent the championship from coming to our country. and the provocations. while police didn't confirm any such conspiracy theories after intense public pressure rearrested the suspected murderer and opened
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a fresh investigation while the prime minister criticized the fans for unsporting behavior he also admitted that the clashes may have never flared up for it wasn't for the corruption and involved that the only way to avoid such clashes in the future is to create a level playing field for everyone kind of worker or theme. it's been reported that u.s. commanders in afghanistan a pushing to extend their presence in pakistani tribal areas the new york times quotes an anonymous american official who claims special forces will start targeting militants across the border on a new front that is something the u.s. military is denying washington's been using unmanned drones to strike suspected insurgents and bases in pakistan and is often accused of killing civilians in the process is all about spring strongly protesting against the attacks describing them as violating its territorial sovereignty but just on the official saying they're capable of handling the militants by themselves because the kelly campaigns against
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u.s. led war she told us america's military establishment is simply open for more money . and it seems to me that the united states would have an effect similar to what has happened in the past here in afghanistan along with the drone attacks the invasion of a sovereign country. a united states joint special operations who is means attacking the death squads and assassinations and night raids would exacerbate the tremendous almost tidal wave of anti-american sentiment amongst the public united states establishment military industrial complex companies have learned that you can make an enormous profit you can stuff your financial portfolios and run to the bank and that you can do this in another limited way and they've learned that lesson and they would like to continue it but as far as what the united states
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might have learned from listening to people on the ground who are in touch with those who bear the brunt of the united states work there i'm talking about the families first loved ones who have been slaughtered i'm talking about families where people are now widow and orphan the united states doesn't learn from listening to the cries in the pleas of people who beg us to stop the killing. thoughts there kathy kelly well in about ten minutes time tonight we hear from american war veterans who found themselves fighting their own conscience. they are killing innocent kids or is it a call of course and that's never a. moment sharpless cosco with me are i think of it every day. before i start trouble to memorise and i assume most of the long time i'm just here trying.
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i was. i was ashamed that i even knew. i was ashamed that i had many. why i go. in the mine. where i went to vietnam pow wows of our courts. and our believe what i was going or words or i think. that i was a good soldier. but you know most soldier on the other side and i think i'm just as good. a person is coming up very shortly for you tonight couple of world news stories to bring up to date with before that france good citizens tonight leave ivory coast for political crisis in the african states erupted into deadly violence the un secretary general eliot all the situations becoming increasingly volatile and risks
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a return to civil war ban ki-moon said un peacekeepers are being forced out by the incumbent president recognized his rivals election victory more than fifty people have reportedly died since the ballot. students across italy have marched against university budget cuts that are expected to be approved by parliament thousands demonstrated along rome's main highways causing gridlock saying the reforms will mean education standards will suffer there was some violence in palermo but most marches were peaceful and that contrasting with last week's riots who saw several arrests and a hundred injuries after crime this. but it's going to survive the no confidence vote. this is all going to feel when it's time are appalled for you on the moral struggle u.s. veterans face after they return from war zones we saw that program a clip of it anyway just now the full thing coming up shortly after the ones in our business next with creative money come.
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in some petersburg she's available in hotels a story of. ambassador renascence boutique hotel patroclus hotel patristic hotel. in the see if this visit. will be soon which brightened if you move the song from funds to print.
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keep don't come. and welcome to. a host of political and economic deals have been signed to president medvedev strip to india these are the defense and nuclear power sectors as well as oil and pharmaceuticals corresponding that's all you know because all looks at some of the business highlights of the two date. well president medvedev studi visit to india has resulted in signing about thirty deals worth billions of u.s. dollars first of all of russia's but also part of experts together with hindustan aeronautics ltd have agreed to jointly develop the third generation car aircraft a project that would be worth from eight to ten billion u.s. dollars and by the year two thousand and seventeen india wants to have about two
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hundred and fifty aircraft in its arsenal also during this visit india's use it all from the vacation system has proved to be successful and the two countries have agreed to increase bilateral investment and trade to twenty billion u.s. dollars by the year two thousand and fifteen. now let's look at the markets stocks in the u.s. are flat after third quarter konami growth and home sales come in below estimates g.d.p. rose two point six percent between two lines of time but hoped for a gain up two point eight percent now across over to you it was stocks ended mixed with banks on the pressure of folks who finished off the side of high while germany's dax and in the red shares of german look at it point six percent of british airways rose two percent with covering some ground loss as harsh winter weather here in moscow markets minister in the black and in wednesday's trading session point focus on higher and i'm isaac's climbed half cent purses g.d.p.
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grew four one two percent in the bammer year on year which sets g.d.p. growth to three point seven percent for the first eleven months of two thousand and ten. we see energy companies gaining on wednesday on the high crude prices are his biggest carmaker after vos said losses despite talking a twenty eight percent jump in sales next year and the market has reacted called me to news from mobile for the m.t.s. about the suspension of its license until one is done but the company's president warns it's possible the whole operation may be worth no. we currently have the directive of the ministry of communications of to use them to speak to spend suspend the license for one month. as of december twenty first to january twenty first of two thousand and eleven therefore you the activity of the company is not that you started in two thousand and eleven we will have to write it off in two thousand and eleven now overall it's been
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a fairly positive trading session in russia despite poor economic data from the us when he says capital of alaska going to sound says the key driver for investors here remains the price of oil the biggest news for russian markets the oil price is a bull from one thousand dollars in the russian stocks we see a strong port trend continue in the in the past four to six weeks no so and the major catalyst i think when those rising oil prices for instance i'm losing your when the russian market quite good rising because they're in the cellar so it's it's easy to pick up the market and it's easy to do it during this something. that's all we have for you this all by do log onto our website r.t. dot com slash business and find more business stories that thanks to watch.
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the for. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has
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been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are on the day. nine pm moscow time thanks for being with us. these are our top stories tonight russia and america's nuclear reduction treaty is being voted in by the senate in washington in the next few hours when democrats certainly finally secured enough support for the deal. the new face of russian poet citizen the country's best known agent anna chapman proposed to start a political career movement. and media reports suggest the u.s. is planning a military push from afghanistan into pakistan despite intense opposition from
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islamabad. next on this channel american veterans talk about their missions of the war and the regrets it brought the part one of the program on air right now . i'm not i'm not. to be a soldier was a very important thing in a young life and to be not just a soldier but to be a good soldier and to be in combat. and. that's where you go. and that's the southerner in me in time of war that's where you belong.


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