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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2010 3:00pm-3:29pm EST

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nuclear arms reduction treaty with russia after months of intense partisan wrangling on capitol hill the voting in the end is seventy one votes out of one hundred senators it needed sixty seven to pass and ratify it would seems at least according to this very early stage to the a.p. news agency that that has got through let's bring our correspondents into this story now on both the atlantic we've got a catarina groucho over in moscow but is to washington first we go and garniture can go on a very good evening to you good day to you of course where you are could you confirm what i was telling our viewers there on this just coming through from the a.p. news agency that in fact those senators seventy one of them at the end of the day one hundred voted yes. yes karan seventy one votes for and twenty six against in the treaty heated up glisic to seven to be approved it's a big day for everyone for a lot of people here in the uighurs who've been pushing so hard for the treaties
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ratification but the president certainly for senators who've been tirelessly be fanning the treaty on the senate floor over the last seven days of excruciating debate say was a marathon i'll tell you so what do we get with the treaty we have some very significant reductions on the way over the next ten years both states will cut their nuclear arsenals by a third down to some fifteen hundred fifty warheads on each side the deal also limits the number of delivery vehicles on launchers but even with those costs the countries will still hold hold hold and more than ninety percent of the world's nuclear weapons so many agree that the value of this arms reduction treaty is not just in reductions it's in the trust and cooperation between the two nuclear superpowers that goes with a full weeks and months the president of the united states all members of his administration the military law living former secretary of state of defense were calling for senators not to ruin this reset opportunity for u.s. russia relations and the message did behind the target and its significance did
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resonate with many senators and they voted yes to the treaty president obama's being partially stressing that other doors for cooperation with russia would it could be close without this one opened and it was open there is you know there's of ghana's than there is iran's there are plans for cooperation on missile defense in europe has been very vocal about the fact that building trust with russia brings the u.s. only benefits and the new start is a very important part of that trust. would like to bring you into a coma so you should. know corsets rushes to follow suit and ratify the new arms reduction treaty is not what reaction coming expect from russia . well can we expect the media after the vote moscow will applaud the outcome as it wasn't clear until the very last moment whether washington will say yes to new stars and yesterday we were sticky we were still talking toss of and today
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we're talking done deal those were weeks and weeks of heated arguments pro and cons in washington and of course moscow has been watching carefully the vote was more about the u.s. credibility abroad rather than that of russia's because president betty assured the rock obama from the very beginning that russian lawmakers were ready for a new start as soon as it was clear that the united that the u.s. senate voted in favor of it and that it was just a matter of time and indeed the heated debates were on capitol hill and republicans and democrats had blamed each other that they were getting to this last minute crash because the treaty was signed by presidents mitt bed and obama in april this year and ever since there have been these lengthy and very delicate process operative occasions but mostly has been saying that new start does not draw a line between winners and losers that both sides come out as wieners by working
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towards global design mind the two countries which accounts for ninety percent of global nuclear stockpiles i leading by example and the question is whether well everyone else follow russia will of course while come today's news these last minute use that the u.s. senate finally ready for this crucial document just days before christmas and new year you're gonna hear katrina was touching on it there you've also mentioned it but you can't underestimate can you the rocky path that this treaty. to succumb to get passed at the end of the day why was there so much obstacle put up to it why the how difficult or how close was it to get through the end of the day tell us more about the background. well kevin you would think a treaty that had so much support you know both from democrats and republicans but
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yet as we all know a swathe through the senate was sold it was called but this not because of its substance that's will sure a number of senators really went out of their way to undermine the treaty without having substantial arguments against it probably just to get back at obama as many thing in the final days of the debates and start they wanted to rewrite the language of the treaty which could have actually killed the treaty they wanted to take out this line in the preamble of the deal which states the fact of the connection between a fancy even defensive weapons and a security expert would tell you the connection is obvious and in fact all of those for the military who testified before the senate were saying exactly that but some republican senators were sticking to that point. you know that would make it they were they were making the point that that it would make the u.s. on able to defend itself which is not the case russia always said the u.s. can defend itself as much as it wants as long as america's defense capabilities don't breach the arms balance that the two countries have established in fact
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russians have said so many times that they would want to build a joint missile defense system together with the united states and for russia as this new start treaty is really all about balance and equality in that treaty explicitly says other side can pull out of at some point they deem it threatens their national security russia made it very clear there and as long as the united states respects that precious balance. russia's pushing all of those need for those treaties russia for all alone the way how crucial is it for the much talked about a reset of relations between the two countries. well indeed the wait for the new start has been a long time coming it even missed last year's december deadline when the previous nine hundred ninety nine treaty expired and there were fears among skeptics that there will be these duck time with no occurred in place between moscow and washington and the two countries will start increasing their nuclear stockpiles but this did not happen and mosco and washington managed to agree the major nuclear
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agreement in almost two decades of course lisa was a culmination of intense talks between the delegation not so both countries of telephone and face to face conversations between presidents obama and mitt romney bet it well talks were tough to say the least and some of the decisions made by the us administration worsened and complicated matters worse with regard to the decisions by the u.s. president about the placement of a missile defense system in eastern europe in poland and romania but still the two presidents managed to find a compromise and then april this year and prague they mat to sign the new strategic arms reduction treaty with pomp and ceremony but of course the two presidents were well aware that there are signatures alone would not be enough for new start to go into force and just as expected this lengthy process over to the cation bolton be
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not a states of america specifically but now that these treaty has been full i don't read it but we can say that it's been a tremendous victory for both sides and of course this new start could pave the way for history new research in the near in the u.s. russia relations because many say that by ray find this treaty most current washington pushed the very the largest reset button in the u.s. russia relations which they promised to hit two years ago you know a lot of political onlookers lot of political observers say this really is the icing on the cake isn't it that this worry will cement relations between russia and the u.s. scratcher. yes right because also for the rest of the world if the treaty is crucial not just one must go and washington we just says guyana sat will have to cut within seven years their nuclear arsenals by thirty from the current twenty two hundred to some thousand five hundred fifty
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strategic nuclear warheads apiece for the rest of the world that will mean that they'll be also cut scene defensive systems and most importantly there will be this link between strategic offensive weapons and missile defense systems something that russia had long insisted upon because we have to understand that many countries are still seeking to obtain nuclear weapons and the means to use them and the bluster machinery of nuclear war is still with us silent submarines the bombers and the nuclear technology above all and of course most going washington are leading by example they have to save that for a damn nuclear arsenals from now on are not a security asset but rather a liability and that's the biggest challenge now is to stop the nuclear technology from spreading worldwide and of course today is
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a historic date in this regard and this treaty is a very crucial documenting in almost twenty years culture and a good job are going to come from frank you bring us up to date you're watching out for moscow let me bring you up to date if you just joined us on the breaking news that happened in the last twelve minutes the u.s. senate has finally approved the new start nuclear arms reduction treaty with russia after months of intense partisan wrangling on capitol hill president obama and medvedev both signed the agreement in april in prague but since it's being bogged down by delays across the atlantic both the white house and the kremlin see the deal is a cornerstone to renewed u.s. russian relations and a huge boost to world nonproliferation nuclear. aeration right up to visit vote there were fears that republican senators could prevent the deal over domestic issues but at the end of the day as we've heard tonight they didn't the treaty will be finally sealed when russian lawmakers in the state duma follow suit and ratify
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the process and that is just expected to be a formality the agreement replaces the one signed nearly twenty years ago it cuts each nation's deployed nuclear warheads by about a third to a maximum of just over fifteen hundred and it allows for the monitoring of each of those programs to ensure compliance this new treaty a successor to the month in ninety one teacher comes treaty start all right now we're joined from more reaction by charles cut from the council on foreign relations is in washington d.c. to us tonight mr corruption thanks taking the time out to be with r.t. while this treaty then finally approved after being much poured over what does it say about a barber's grip on congress as you see it. well there's no question that it's a feather in obama's cap in the sense that the midterms did not go obama's way he then had this lame duck congress where he tried to set a lot of things in course and he succeeded he got not just the start treaty today
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but over the last few days the repeal of the don't ask don't tell policy in the military and also a compromise with the republicans on the tax cut issue so i think obama goes into twenty eleven with a lot of wind in his sails he had the domestic side now he's got the foreign policy that doesn't mean it's smooth sailing because he'll face a republican congress come january but it is certainly a boost of obama's political momentum for the time being president obama promises that this treaty will not limit u.s. missile defense plans but republican senators still see at least from what we heard earlier on as a link some sort of link between the new start treaty and the missile shield in europe why is that what they comparing the two and linking them up like that. well i think that there were there were two different dynamics at play one was was simply partisanship and i think some republicans felt that this treaty was being
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rushed through the senate and that they had been pushed on taxes and pushed on health care and pushed on the issue of gays in the military and so they were pushing back on the start treaty then there were those who were work uncertain about some of the specifics and i'd say at the top of the republican agenda of concerns was this issue of the link between missile defense and arms control it was in the preamble and the argument that republicans made as well this means the russians may object when it comes to the deployment of missile defenses in europe and the bottom line is russia may object or it may not object but what it actually says in the preamble to this doesn't really make much difference and in that respect i think many of the republicans who voted yes correctly saw that there was no legally or significant linkage between the missile defense issue and the arms control issue there was a caution already getting as you'd expect swift and fast reaction coming in from russia wavering the circular of the russian foreign ministers greeted the decision
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as very much expect in private do you think president obama have a full though the so much stalling on this in congress. i don't think he saw this coming in the sense that if you look back most arms control agreements sail through the senate with very few jacksons i don't think that it was clear looking at back at this that there would be significant republican opposition however it's clear that the republican party has really changed over the last couple of decades moving far to the right much more uncomfortable with treaty ratification with multi-lateralism and so i think obama suddenly found himself facing an uphill battle but i think it's also important to say that the significance of the treaty is much larger than the implications for arms control it really does give a lot of momentum and boost to the broader u.s. russia reset and i think puts obama and medvedev on course to cooperate more
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closely on a whole host of issues that it may well be that this is seen as a turning point in which the russia us rivalry of the past is finally laid to rest we're not there yet but it may be turning the page in the right direction if we get a bit more reaction a coming through in the on the news was from the russian side to mention just the foreign minister has agreed to that decision there's a footnote to it as well but of course the treaty will have to be looked closely by the russian foreign office in the foreign ministry before it of course russified they said but the moment no one seeing any big problems with that but of course the devil is always in the detail isn't it can i ask you do you think this ratification was always going to happen anyway with obama's opponents on the sets all making the president sweat a bit over this. i don't think so i think only a few weeks ago the issue was very much in play when the the number counters sat down and looked at the votes it wasn't clear that they would be able to get two
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thirds of the senate particularly after the midterms because i think the republicans felt that they had momentum on their side of the tea party which is a pretty right wing caucus within the republican party was strengthened and was generally skeptical of the arms control issue so i think that there were actually a few weeks where there was great concern here in washington in the white house that the treaty could be slipping away that over the last forty six hours or so last three four days the doc started coming in to to row and i think the democrats found that they had a not centrist republicans enough moderates to put together the seventy one votes that they got today bringing more than the two thirds needed to ratify the treaty ok all chose coach and thank you for your thoughts from the council on foreign relations in washington d.c. as you are well if you just joined us the breaking news as you can see on the
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bottom of your screens there is the two u.s. senators have now voted in the last fifteen minutes to ratify the much delayed nuclear reduction treaty that will pave the way for new cuts in american russian nuclear arsenals the headline figure is still to be ratified and poured over as i just mentioned on the russian side know the final thumbs up being given by america but the headline is that of course the warheads deployed will be reduced to one thousand one hundred fifty on each side that's nearly two thirds from the original start agreement that was signed back in ninety ninety one and that ended of course we've been out of an agreement now since last december so just over a year so they're really the headline figures it also limits the eight hundred to eight hundred the new. deployed and non deployed intercontinental ballistic missile i.c.b.m. launches is the known and submarine launched ballistic missiles s.l.b.m.
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launchers as they're known and also heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments they're going to be limited to eight hundred on each side so their headline is the figures if you missed them if you haven't quite caught them on the screen there it got through with more than the two thirds majority needed all the two thirds vote needed sixty seven votes were needed the eventual vote to sending that treaty through the on capitol hill there was seventy one votes that's the big story tonight from our t.v. we'll bring you more of course on this as we get more comment as well the come throughout the night and also on our web site at r.t. dot com russia's most famous female agent is now starting a political career as one of the leaders of a youth movement anna chapman became known worldwide after the spy scandal of this year between moscow and washington saw agents from both sides being swapped artie's tom barton watched as she took on her latest role. it was at this meeting of the
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young guards organization which was filled with a young audience looking towards a political future in russia that chapman turned up and gave her blessing to them she was elected to the public council of the organization and when she was given the microphone she gave them some words of encouragement. you know so many people will soon power fame and money but does all these make us happy probably who simply need positive human emotions he would be less negativity in society each most vocal with a smile now he sees a learned our close is in the matters most if you dream the ability to use well that might seem a little bit rich coming from a child man who has pursued quite ruthlessly the goals of publicists and fame and fortune but if we used to say maybe do what she says and not what she does she may
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not be the best spokesman ever but as one of the organizers here joked to was wherever she goes she's brilliant for publicity because she's followed by a massive pack of cameras she's certainly very notorious aspiring supposedly uncovered in the us and it was on the chapman being deported back to russia as part of a spy swap since then you would have thought coming home with her tail between her legs that she would have been really put into obscurity quite the opposite has happened she's turned into a huge celebrity since then she has been appointed as advisor to one of the one of the russian banks she's traveled to baikonur to see a space rocket fly up to the to the international space station and perhaps most notoriously of all she says she has been in a number of photo shoots the most raunchy of all being for the russian edition of maxim magazine and her firm fertile figure carrying a reputation before her so the question re. years is she going into politics well
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who knows but if this organization wanted to hear africa they could have chosen a far worse one and a half less attractive one than mr chapman. it's been reported that u.s. commanders in afghanistan are pushing to extend their presence in pakistani tribal areas the new york times quotes an anonymous american official who claims special forces will start targeting militants across the border opening a new front it's something we u.s. military denies washington's been using unmanned drones to strike suspected insurgency bases in pakistan and is often accused of killing civilians in the process is on the band's been strongly protesting against the attacks describing them as violating its territorial sovereignty but a stunning officials say they're capable of handling the militants by themselves kathy kelly spoke to a she campaigns against u.s. led war she says america's military establishment is simply hoping for more money. it seems to me that the united states would have an effect similar to what has
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happened in the past here in afghanistan along with the drone attacks the invasion of a sovereign country. a united states joint special operations whose means of attack include death squads and assassinations and night raids would exacerbate the tremendous almost title wave of anti-american sentiment amongst the public united states establishment the military industrial complex companies have learned that you can make an enormous profit you can stuff your financial portfolios and run to the bank and that you can do this in another limited way and they've learned that lesson and they would like to continue it but as far as what the united states might have learned from listening to people on the ground who are in touch with those who bear the brunt of the united states worker i'm talking about the families
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first loved ones have been slaughtered i'm talking about families where people are now widow and orphan the united states doesn't learn from listening to the cries in the pleas of people who beg us to stop the killing. fields that are kathy kelly and he will come paying to talk to us who are not see the business he was not tonight we couldn't really count it's now twenty five pounds to live here in moscow . hello and welcome to our business buzz and good to have you with me host of political and economic deals have been signed during president trip to india these include the defense and nuclear power sectors as was all pharmaceuticals correspondent the time in the house the details. when president visits judy visit to india has resulted in signing about thirty deals worth billions of u.s. dollars first of all it was about an expert together with hindustan aeronautics ltd
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have agreed to jointly develop the generation aircraft the project that would be worth from eight to ten billion u.s. dollars and by the year two thousand and seventeen india wants to have about two hundred and fifty aircraft in its arsenal also during this visit india's use it all russia's long last vacation system has proved to be successful and the two countries have agreed to increase bilateral investment and trade to twenty billion u.s. dollars by the year two thousand and fifteen. element in producer also has hired merrill lynch to appraisers twenty five percent stake in north. of the small north snicko offer to buy the twenty five percent stake from saul for twelve billion dollars when you produce a quickly rejected the bid saying it's holding in on a coup was a strategic investment of the sources close to board say that as a publicly traded company shareholders expect all offers to be taken seriously. now
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let's have a look at the markets european stocks ended mixed on wednesday with banks on the pressure the footsie was half a percent higher while germany's dax and in the red lines did well she has up with guns at a point six percent british airways rose two percent. and here in moscow markets ended in the black spanish point four percent higher and the miles it's climbed half a percent russia's g.d.p. grew. four point two percent and the ban varies year on year which says g.d.p. growth to three point seven percent for the first eleven months of two thousand and ten. as your company's gain on wednesday on a higher cool price is russia's biggest carmaker all three of us said losses despite targeting a twenty percent jump in sales next year the market has reacted calling me to news from moment operator m.t.s. about the suspension of its license in turkmenistan and the company's president says the whole operation if you will know. we currently have the
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directive of the ministry were for your communications or to use them to speak to spend suspend the license for one month. as of december twenty first to january twenty first of two thousand and eleven therefore you the activity of the company is not that we started in two thousand and eleven we will have to write it off in two thousand and eleven so overall it's been a fairly positive trading session in russia despite poor economic data from the us and it sounds capitals of on as a going to gives his view the biggest news for russian markets. both millions of dollars in the russian stocks we see your strong port trend continuing in the in the. fourth through six weeks ago so it's been the major character so i think when those rising oil prices for instance i was in europe and russian markets quite good rising because there and also there are so it's it's easy to pick up the markets in the city to do it during the summer and that's our business update but you can find most stories on our website that's all
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t dot com slash business tax watch. he. says. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in the united kingdom is available in the house bill and the forty one hotel the old waverly hotel they can also tell
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the millstone hotel some old country house holiday inn the full tunnels the rant the crew made the choice to feel. the oil pull the rubens hotel. here in moscow you with breaking news story. on this summer on this sort of resolution are seventy one yeas twenty six nays two thirds of the senate president every voted to your firm of the resolution of ratification as agreed. to the why the end of the day but in the past the nuclear arms treaty is through the u.s. senate of the last minute rallying by democrats to win over the republicans moscow's welcoming the move as
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a cornerstone of this relations with washington. also tonight a new phase. russian patrick is the country's best known asian down the chaplain prepares to start a political career in a youth movement. a media reports suggest the u.s. is planning a military push from afghanistan into pakistan despite intense opposition from islamabad. coming up next people of our ass's guess where the cost of oil was gradually turning into a criminal state supported by washington and its nato allies crosstalk is just ahead. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from. the future.


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