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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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details of the vote and which lawmakers hopped on board with greg thielmann next to ask is the mainstream media creating a bogeyman the way the news outlets are covered covering muslim terrorists it's as if they're fueling the fire when it comes to islamophobia so i'm to speak with the young turks and and ask what can be done to stop the public from believing everything that they see and believe it or not bankers on wall street are actually upset about the size of their annual bonuses they're complaining that the bonuses are too small and the main complainer is are the men so does this show just how disconnected they are from the rest of this nation thompson from the atlantic will join me with his take on it than the white house has an ounce of their preparing an executive order on indefinite detention for good movies haney's is it just me or did obama pull a complete one eighty on this one andrea prasar will join me to discuss the details of this order and what it means for those imprisoned at guantanamo and the census report was released yesterday so we're going to look into the changing demographics
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discuss how it affects metropolitan and suburban areas across the country we'll get some insight from seth freed wessler at the end of the program but now let's move on to our top story. and it is official the senate voted overwhelmingly this afternoon to pass the new start treaty the final vote was seventy one to twenty six with thirteen republicans joining on all the spite those desperate attempts by certain republican senators to kill the treaty so this time around and we say that it was the g.o.p. they got a shellacking we're here to discuss it with me is greg thielmann senior fellow at the arms control association greg thanks so much for joining us. this is really exciting news can you believe that it's finally done after after months of debate it's been a long slow. and happy outcome as far as we're concerned it's definitely been a long journey and along the way you know we've seen a lot of republican opposition seen a lot of republican stalling here but at the end of the day can we say that they're
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the ones that like i said this time got the shellacking after the midterms i mean i mean look they lost. i would like to regard it as a victory for the country and a bipartisan success or what i think has. the real losers are those who want to use this issue for purely partisan advantage and i think one has to identify the leadership of the senate republicans senator mcconnell and especially senator john kyl who with whom the administration had negotiated laboriously over a period of months who the leadership had deferred to in terms of. postponing votes postponing originally the committee vote in august because the republicans wanted more time and then in the fold to postpone again because republicans said that they didn't want it to become a partisan issue with the upcoming midterm elections and then after the elections they say well now we have to postpone it again because we have
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a new congress coming in january i guess we don't want to work on christmas so they're forget about every day because every example every static sample in the book including senator lindsey graham saying the you know if you spend this week has been hell we had to pass don't ask repeal don't ask don't tell so i just didn't have time to even read the start treaty even though it's been around since april so what kind of wrangling really went on i mean how did harry reid twist some arms here i don't know did obama make some phone calls hillary clinton make some phone calls all of the above the president made phone calls secretary of state clinton made phone calls vice president biden was very involved in this effort but i think one of the things that really weighed heavily on the debate was that there was a solid phalanx of u.s. military leaders and retired military leaders who kept saying to republican senators this is very important we need this vote now for national security reasons and there was no there was no one on which treaty opponents could rely they
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couldn't rely on former republican secretaries of state all of them lined up in favor of the treaty. they couldn't find secretaries of defense in the past almost every national security expert in the republican party was in favor of a vote during this lame duck session that's right where they had no logic to argue against as they try to make it a perceived or real issue but in the end they did lose out let's talk about the fact that this is obama's really you know largest and only foreign sect foreign policy success here to how do you think that this might change the way of the rest of the world came in as this rock star but then we saw you know the fact that some of that you know the fact that people like him so much some of that started to deteriorate do you think that this will bring it back up i think it definitely will i would describe this that was the latest obama foreign policy success if one thinks about the ability of the u.s. administration to influence other countries on the iran sanctions this was
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a really a spectacular success with both russia and china getting support for strong sanctions in the u.n. and getting it through the security council so that was accepted by this is a success i think actually the change of the obama administration the change of the bush administration plan for missile defense deployments in europe to the obama plan even though it wasn't handled very well in the original laying out it turned out that this was a very very popular program for the europeans because it made a lot more sense in light of what the threat was and it offered an immediate protection to the states in europe that were threatened by the current iranian missiles and so i say really see a host of foreign policy successes each one of which has as improved the u.s. russian relationship and made possible this latest obama success and we heard rumors that mitt romney if he does indeed run for president again in two thousand and twelve that he was going to use start against the obama administration does he
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have any ammo left at this point i think he does not have ammo left in fact if one wants to. use that metaphor because his shooting against the target was wildly. off target and in fact what mitt romney has established himself now is that he didn't know what he was talking about on this treaty in the two different articles that he's laid out against the treaty said one thing after another that was simply not true and he was taken to task not just by the democrats but by senator lugar for example who is the republicans. greatest expert on arms control issues in the senate well it's nice to see that at least in one political issue logic did indeed prevail i mean we also saw like i said you know something i fully support is the repeal of don't ask don't tell this week this is a lot was done in this lame duck congress some are saying that you know this could turn the tables for obama and he could be back on topic and great thanks so much for joining us welcome now in honor of the holiday season one of president obama's
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chief counterterrorism advisers held a news conference today outlining the department of homeland security's plans to keep the country safe and one hundred security is nothing new considering the heavy traveling done by american sea americans during the holiday season it does seem as if the media is always ready to jump on stories relating to terrorism and potential threats as long as the subjects look scary enough artie's wearing a fortnight has more of the mainstream media's obsession with fear. every good story. needs a good villain from cold war era movies to today's terror obsessed mainstream news coverage another terror plot foiled in their radical islamic mama how did they allegedly become extremists there is always some defacto threat america is striving to defeat the enemy you know is the formula the muslims
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so called you know violent incidence a part of a narrative but how much do you know about the twenty year old arrested for carrying a pipe bomb in his backpack for two years how about the california man the f.b.i. says harbored so many bombs his home was dubbed a bomb factory both suspects were arrested last month apparently in the shadows of mainstream news coverage coverage which makes time for a nonstop analysis about homegrown terrorism motivated by hate and bent on killing their neighbors as long as the alleged perpetrators are muslim guilty verdicts for all four men aleesha mcwilliams mccullum lost faith in our country's fair press this year after she says her nephew david was convicted in the court of public opinion the media. is funny. the media is not being real corresponds as the day will gentleness david williams
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newberg for suspect was found guilty of plotting terrorist attacks a plot the f.b.i. admits was fake and orchestrated by a government paid informant people have told me he says well you say personally. i don't think i will tell you this according to fox news face glenn beck they shouldn't be hard to find what is the number of islamic terrorists one percent. i think it's closer to ten percent so that would be one hundred fifty seven million muslim terrorists and waldeck calculates the average kid statistics he neglects to mention the non muslim terrorists here at home the north carolina brothers arrested in march for possessing material to make bio chemical weapons or how about neo nazi james cummings who in two thousand and nine possessed radio active and radiological material for dirty bomb cummings belong to the national socialist movement and was reportedly upset over barack obama's presidential victory i think that there is
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definitely a double standard there's certainly a lot of. terrorism in the united states that is not not in any way islamic in origin case in point a national warning from the f.b.i. earlier this year the agency said right wing extremists white nationalist and anti-government militias were organizing violent campaigns against elected officials and law enforcement what happened that went to an abortion clinic in. the atlanta city the olympic bomber those were all motivated by right wing often christian views and they're rarely called terrorism even though they fit the definition of terrorism which is violence to deter people from behavior maybe that behavior between cable news competitors sums up the story of these storytellers brand. and remember and.
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never stray far away from the common news narrative. or enough or not r.t. new york. so when the mainstream media focuses so much of their attention only on muslim terrorists not any christian white ones when you have fox news telling americans that ten percent of all muslims are terrorists and perhaps even worse when we look back at this clip. big over the outrage that somebody was saying there's a reason there was a certain group of people they attacked us on nine eleven it wasn't just one person it was religion not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims. and so after that should we really be surprised that islamophobia is on the rise it's a sad day when the media no longer informs the public rather when they only misinformed and start scaring them but these are the times that we live in so i
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guess the only question left to ask is how do you get people to stop listening to everything they say or earlier from our studio in los angeles i caught up with an experience from the young turks i first asked her which she thought was worse our previous discussion where we learned the reporters from leading media outlets are being wined and dined by industry insiders and then writing favorable favorable coverage for the fear that they're spreading by focusing only on the scary muslim terrorists and i think both are equally terrible because in both instances you get misinformation and you get one side of a story or you get news that isn't really news at all it's just fear mongering and it's meant to increase ratings and get more attention and you know right now in the media what you see is a lot of sensationalism and a lot of smearing toward the muslim community and i think the main reason for that is it drives up ratings people will watch news like that and i think that fact kind of misinformation is misleading and it's really dangerous to the public you know
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the f.b.i. recently released a report that said hate crimes toward muslims are relatively low in comparison to hate crimes toward gays well ok that's fair however every single time the media cover something that's muslim related there are spurts in hate crimes toward the muslim community now why is that it's because of the unfair negative coverage toward the muslim community that's a no brainer so i think that in both instances a lot alone. it's terrible and i don't think that the media is doing its job by you know spreading this misinformation and the sensationalism but it's really about you know what the audiences want to see and like you said that if there is a story this was to scare everybody that there was a terror threat and perhaps a bomb plot was thwarted that's when people tune in do you think that americans are willing to tune in when they think that it might have been a white christian radical is story you know somebody white man that was caught with
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his house with thirty pounds of explosives inside when that's not as interesting. you know it's really funny that you mention that because you you never see coverage like that in the media at all for instance i'll give you this one example last week there was a school a school board shooting in florida and a guy by the name of clay duke went into a school board meeting opened fire fortunately he didn't hurt anyone he ended up killing himself however that particular story received one day of news coverage not even one day i'm going to say half a day ok but if that were a muslim individual during that school shooting we would still be hearing about it today there's absolutely no question about it and you know i think that the reason why americans at this point are so interested in watching news about terrorism is because they're used to the fear mongering i think that there's this fear among americans about terrorist attacks and terrorism in the united states so anything
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that has to do with muslims or anything that has to do with terrorism immediately catches their attention but when it comes to you know situations like clay duke you know and the school shooting i think that they just kind of passed it off as a one time thing not a big deal and you know had clay duke been a muslim and not only would we have still been hearing about it we would have seen lawmakers talking about it we would have probably seen some kind of new legislation proposed to clamp down so we really feel like it would have gone all the way to. that's the reaction that we get so often now i want to touch upon something that i discussed yesterday where you know a pew research study showed that the media had only covered the war in afghanistan they'd only dedicated four percent of all their coverage in the last year to that matter and the new york times was trying to analyze why and one of the reasons they gave was that while the issue is just so complex. i can't believe that statement absolutely shocks me of the new york times would try to make an excuse for the rest of the mainstream media of the war is too complex to cover. you know i love that
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you mention that i love that you mention that because what was the major news story in august of this year it was park fifty one the so-called ground zero mosque how much media coverage did that particular story get ok and how egregious is that considering the fact that we're at war right now considering the fact that you know we have troops that are risking their lives in afghanistan so all of a sudden it's ok for the mainstream media not to cover a major news story like that but we could spend over a month talking about park fifty one and by the way just to talk about how the media smears muslims during park fifty one coverage if you can remember there were several instances of hate crimes toward the muslim community several there was the mid-air a mosque that was vandalized several times there was the new york city cab driver that was stabbed by a college student who found out that the cab driver was muslim i mean there's no question that this is negative it's having
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a negative effect on our community and on society so yeah i think it's a great just that all of a sudden afghanistan is too complex and we can't talk about it but there's no problem in covering park fifty one for over a month so if it is the media just are they becoming stupid are they just becoming a lazy because they figure that americans are stupid so if it's too complex for americans to understand we don't have to talk about it either i mean what's going on here. i think that you know there are several factors that come into play you know when it comes to laziness there's no question that there there is laziness in the mainstream media and i'll give you a couple examples whenever there are pundits on the mainstream media let's just use fox news as an example for instance when michelle malcolm malkin was on fox news talking about rachel ray scarf in a dunkin donuts commercial and how it was muslim or islamic garb and you know how it promoted terrorism to fox news question her ask her why that promoted terrorism
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no they didn't do that in fact. blew up to the point where dunkin donuts took that commercial down because of all the pressure and all the craziness they don't question their pundits they're not willing to ask the difficult questions and it could be because they're lazy or it could be because they're pushing their own agenda and another thing is look what gets the ratings salacious news sensationalism that's the type of thing that really drives up the ratings so i think that they're allowing this misinformation to continue because that's what the audience is looking for and i think that that's problematic yeah that's definitely the you know the unfortunate part because earlier i asked you know how do we get people to stop watching this so that they're not misinformed so they're not freaked out but the truth is this is what they want to watch and i thank you so much for joining us thank you. well still to come on tonight's show with the leaks founder julian assange has warned of an upcoming massive leak against bank of america and
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apparently this has the banks so scared that they're already doing damage control i have one at a moment and speaking of thing turns out the bankers on wall street weren't happy with the size of their bonuses cry me a river. what's a going to take to make those back having friends happy for you speak with the atlantic stare thompson as soon as we come back. for the feel we've got. the biggest issues get voice face to face with the news makers. well looks
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like one organization out there is doing everything in their power to soften the blow of their debut on wiki leaks founder julian assange has said that the next big leak in information has to do with banks specifically rumor has it bank of america now while we're not exactly sure yet what these leaks are going to reveal things like bank of america is not wasting any time preparing to do some damage control according to domain name wire an independent group has been buying up web domains featuring the names of several b.o.h. executives what the words sock and glow in other words the company has registered domains with c.e.o. brian white hands name so anything that says brian moynihan sucks dot com brian moynihan blows dot com it's no longer available are you catching on to the theme here reports show that on december seventeenth hundred. of domain names along those same lines were bought up so it's like someone is a little afraid of the public badmouthing the executives in repose being leaked on those websites but it's kind of
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a funny line of defense and to think the bank is also reportedly created an entire war room to build a strategy to counteract any potentially devastating information coming from wiki leaks so we thought you know a bank of america maybe we can help out so we thought of a few domain names that you should consider buying up how about be a waste all my money dot com or b o a bankrupt america dot com maybe something like b.-o. a i hate you so effing much stuck up all right oh b o a rotten health dot com but i digress from the looks of bank of america is already scared to death over these upcoming leaks so maybe it's best just to sit back and watch them sweat. and perhaps to add a new example for why those hateful domain names fit the public sentiment towards the banks let me expose you to a very interesting poll that of the fair went to wall street and carried out an informal poll asking bank employees how they felt about their bonuses they found
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that out of the ninety eight people surveyed fifty six percent said that their bonuses were not enough even better most of them were met but given my the five biggest banks on wall street also racked up their second highest revenues on record this year some ninety billion dollars were set aside for all those bonuses and yet somehow that's still not enough to discuss it with me is derek thompson associate editor at the atlantic there thanks so much for being here to give. it a i understand not everybody that works on wall street is one of the executives of a bank rate they're not making millions of dollars every single year in bonuses but they have jobs right now so many americans don't have jobs so i can't believe that they're complaining that they're not their bonuses weren't enough right was no question that banks are doing better than the average small business there's no question that bankers are doing better than the average american and income inequality right now according to some statistics is at its worst since the one nine hundred twenty one nine hundred twenty nine but at the same time you know to be fair to this actual survey i think if you walk downstairs on to g.
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street and thirteen finast and you know perform sort of a random survey of people saying do you think you earn enough to think this bonus in this christmas season is going to be enough for you i think the majority people probably say no it's natural for people to want more money and i think it's especially natural for bankers in the financial district of new york where cost of living is high and there's a certain social competitiveness in terms of you know being able to read restaurants and go to the right clubs it's it's not terribly surprising people would say no i don't think i'm earning as much as i should i think it's natural for people to want more right but while it's december everyone's in the holiday spirit in the same time the economy is in the gutter we know the. we have almost ten percent unemployment so at this point i think most people out there are you know at the point where they they do say like i said that they're thankful that they have a job of course i'd like more but you know that i feel comfortable in the position right now because i know that it could be so much worse and that's why i just feel like it shows that there is such a disconnect between wall street and what the rest of america is going through
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right and there is really a disconnect geographically when you look across the country and see you know where the money is going and where money is and going you know according to a recent survey they looked at the districts they were earning the most they have the highest per capita household income and they were all suburbs of washington d.c. and new york i'll bet if you expanded that out to the top twenty you would see chicago and los angeles so right now you see you know highly educated highly skilled people going where the money is and that's big metro areas but at the same time you have the census report that shows that most americans if you look at the general swath of traffic it's going to the south and southwest where cost of living is lower and accordingly wages are lower so in a lot of ways you are having this sort of this strange polarization where highly skilled people are sort of gravitating like magnets to these mega trop lissa's and that at the same time most people who go into these other cities where wages are not rising as quickly i'm happy to mention that you're right the fact it was five
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of the ten counties that are the richest in america five of them surround washington d.c. directly you know it shows us what power have that is but do you think that we're all in you know with the income gap at the highest point that it's ever been i mean we're only going to see this increasing this increasing divide in america where we really have two completely different societies right well the government here has two choices or at least two categories of choices one is direct you can tax rich people more and then give more low income people more money either through you know earned income tax credits to the tax code or maybe spending more on public sources like like education or health care the other way is that indirect is trying to foster and create industries the. and replace the industries that used to create good middle america paying jobs and i'm talking about you know the the collapse of manufacturing which which nine hundred fifty s. was a quarter of the of the labor economy and now is about ten percent something has to replace that and if it doesn't we're going to see a lot of stagnation in the middle class especially in light of the fact that over
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the last thirty years middle income americans wages have basically been stagnant because nothing is as your place that engine of growth for for average americans almost every making people do funny things and yesterday on the program we had a story in millinocket maine talon which essentially has lost all of their jobs thanks to globalization to china so now they're doing is they're asking chinese students to pay twenty seven thousand dollars a year into wishing just to attend their high school so they can you know make another buck again but i want to return to the bankers for a second because i feel like in this culture where you're so focused only on your bonuses and on the next check that's coming in that's the culture that essentially got us into a crisis because nobody was really paying attention to what's going on so i mean does that tell you the you know we could be building up to the same thing well sure the focus on short term gains is definitely something that got wall street into a lot of trouble you know they didn't have the broad perspective to see that housing prices couldn't rise forever and actually you know the white house itself is i think trying to change the way that we that we deliver these bonus packages to
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to wall street executives by essentially saying look take more of your bonus in deferred compensation so that you're working not only to make that december report you're also working to make sure that next year's december earnings report and the next you're just not going to report are going to be stable i don't think that's going to buy you on any of their. our gerri thank you so much for being here thank you now coming up after the break sarah palin is giving the world a piece of her mind again and this time she's talking about a launch for you have the details in tonight's full time segment and the white house is preparing an executive order on death of tension. we'll have more on the order and what it means for obama's legacy. what wealthy british colonial. time to split.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. this is also you coming to life for most of the headlines. it finally gets to new startups in terms that person a lot being obama he gets his way in the last page persion of the u.s. senate finally approved the start nuclear own scout's treaty with russia often months of wrangling has welcomed the move as crucial tearing into relations. also this solid the new face of russian patriotism the country's best known agent and the child to start a political career and a youth movement. in the u.s.
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but it's against a un resolution proposed by russia condemning the glorification of nonces most of the hundred twenty countries including iran and israel support the motion. as the headlines up next with the second part of the i don't know. well it's time for tonight's told time wart and it goes to the half term governor of alaska who is now offering up foreign policy advice to the white house sarah palin says that it is time to get tough with iran she wrote an entire op ed in usa today laying out this reasoning now payloads calling for more crippling sanctions and for the u.s. not to be afraid of using military force to prevent iran from.


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