tv [untitled] December 23, 2010 9:30pm-10:00pm EST
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the advent of christianity alongside muslims. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on party i'm al green of entry my guest is alexander. president medvedev has signed the country's budget for the coming year as a top priority the document sees modernizing the economy for the four years the so-called national projects have been the main tools for raising living standards in a rush today's guest is the man responsible for the implementation of this project as well as for the work of the international olympic committee how are these projects doing we'll be asking deputy prime minister alexander of.
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the national projects were introduced by. their objective was to boost the development of vitally important sectors of the economy like health care and education but with a little news on this project the media is speculating the work has stalled but the man responsible certainly hasn't in charge of sports development looks on the brink of a successful abroad the twenty eight thousand football world cup to russia. thank you for coming to our studio hello let's start with the high priority national programs they were the center of attention a few years ago and papers and t.v. were talking about them they were discussed everywhere both officials and deputies paid a lot of attention to them now they're not so what has happened to national programs still exist on the use. they do you exist and you spiked across
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a scene two thousand and nine which was a tough year for our economy for many reasons as well as the budget issues financing of the national program has been increased both last year and this year as the programs are underway. in this sphere of health here we are building more in the high tech medical centers and the pira natal centers. around the city as in this there is a program for provision of ambulances which will show up to you so you know we're we are quite active on the program in education we can speak about the creation of federal universities. we have seven of them at the moment all of them have been finished and there is a separate program for each one. of them got there about thirty other university is which received our support our new school program supports comprehensive schools on
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the break the post the come addition construction program has support to offer to you that are in some of the great patriotic war in provides mortgage support. which lately the mass media have really paid less attention to the national programs probably because they have developed a lot on your bill which it is so which s. four d. national health program it will be implemented by i mean so but it's serious modernization of the health care system within the next two years. so you mean the newspapers only write about a bad things is that so well that's not the point i think that may be boring to write about one in the same thing all the time you know if it's huge priority there are other important topical issues like the economy what an association another's. ok what's your. personal estimation of the program's effectiveness what about to
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come a day sion has become more or less available as the quality of education improved as a health care become more liable. there are evaluation criteria for each program there are quite objective for example the health care program the life span in russia has become four years longer in the past five years but during the nine hundred ninety s. and the early two thousand we were losing our population tele to read exceeded the birth rate that was that two thousand and nine was the first year in russia when the number of population stopped going. out what about the reasons for last an increase is due to birth rate growth as both put it in that if settled because people now live longer and you know their lives spent has become longer due to the mortality rate decrease the embers raise hell like that all depends on the method
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of counting right you know the counting method is very clear watch infant mortality has decreased significantly jewellers maternal mortality decreased due to better work old much unity hospitals and the construction of new perinatal centers and more tell t. in accidents including road accidents has decreased pretty knowledgeable too despite all those horrible accidents that we hear about but on the whole the number of crude accidents has decreased almost by one third so the overall mortality rate decreased by twenty three percent over the past two years. but russians continue to be almost the world's leader in killing each other in car accidents yes but the mortality rate has become thirty percent lower that it's the thing is that the number of car accidents is a croc's mcclean the same but the number of deaths in road accidents has decreased because we've improved the ambulance service has become significantly faster and the quality has increased to true. number of fatalities. well you've mentioned that
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newspapers have new topics to write about one of them is the world cup football championship in twenty eighteen and russia won the right to host it in your opinion what was the advantage russia. why did they give the right to force which for me it's a real trick. well i think that the reasons are very similar to those for white sot she won the right to host the winter olympics. the international federation of association football once football to develop in different parts of the world it's giving the right to host the world championship and to the countries the word has never been held and for justice to neither russia nor eastern europe ever held the world cup championship and that it's a world championship so he was a huge impetus to the development of football in the host country what they did
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we've seen that in south africa hospital where they built quite a number of new stadiums and sports and other infrastructure at the same will happen in russia i'm sure that it was among the main reasons why i gave this opportunity to russia and not spain or the united kingdom where they have the entire necessary infrastructure very good stadiums and hotels there are building all the use in store for us but this will help the development of food was well going to get there and secondly the government has provided certain guarantees many may not believe it but construction isa really under way in salt we are constantly under strict control of the schedules but everybody sees that we are fulfilling our obligations and that the cuban guarantees on construction of sports and other infrastructure are being fulfilled too i think this played
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a role to the course of goals. if i'm not mistaken and the russian bid says that for the period of the championship russia will drop its visa regime how will it work like you show your ticket to the championship on and to the country absolutely will there be any restrictions the rules will be the same as for. tsotsi olympics fans who would do tickets will be admitted. in effect we are now negotiating who balazs mint of the research team with the e.u. but not only european fans are expecting but also from african nation the rule be to same for fans from all the countries so a person with a ticket enters the country freely like at the future winter olympics. afraid that having such a ticket many under one tent people may find their way into the country to. well you know that such advances the olympics and the world cup require special
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security measures. and in fact we have such a program for sore chilled ready and now we will work out a security program for the world cup so the issue you've mentioned will be sold by other measures all right you've mentioned that russia's bede for hosting the world cup twenty eighteen implied that we lack many things we're going to build for it firstly it's new stadiums can you say how many stadiums you're going to build from scratch for the championship we need at least twelve stadiums and there are two or three stadiums already ready for the championship no not a single one actually not a single one no evolution you can stadium which held dealing picks in one thousand eight hundred even luzhniki. you flew sneaky is used to play the final match into requires serious reconstruction to construct the natural surface and many other improvements even though the present it's the most prepared and equipped stadium in
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russia with them with you and despite the fact that recently we held their european league matches dear all the same listening requires reconstruction you know i don't mention all the other stadiums but if we are to bear in mind that will have a new stadium built in saw it's an olympics to. which will meet all their requirements by twenty thirteen will have a new stadium in cazan for the university games at the moment there are several stadiums under construction for football clubs in moscow and st petersburg in moscow there are four dynamo c.s.k. a sports talk clubs and in sync it's incentives stadium they will have built all the same but in other cities will have to build new stadiums like in a stall some are across the dark kaliningrad. but our national football team was recently playing in verona why can't we use the stadium for the championship which
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was. because a world championship stadium is supposed to house more than forty five thousand spectators. are you going to increase the capacity of some of the existing stadiums know will build new stadiums from scratch the new ones all reconstructed once it's hard to upgrade if it's ten thousand stadium to forty five thousand and one it's easier to build a new one just. says alexander deputy prime minister spotlight will be back shortly after we take a grey so we will continue this interview in less than a minute stay with stone. and discover its beauty. communicate with the wild. test yourself and become free.
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and president of the russian olympic committee. mr zucker after our team's success in the junior games in singapore you said the following i quote in the future we would like to host such games in russia for example and cazan will have a whole infrastructure's for that end of quote when can we be ready for that. quite recently the general assembly of olympic committee as in mexico we met with mr wrong the president of the i.o.c. and discussed this issue. he suggested that we should think about hosting the youth winter olympics of twenty eighteen in salt. and possibly the youth summer olympics in cars on twenty twenty. one unlike big events like the winter and summer olympics and world cup championship on which they usually choose
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the country is aware of the infrastructure result we developing or sport you're in the i.o.c. has another opinion about the youth and then it's they think that there are to be held at minimum costs then there's money because they're less profitable bright they're not profitable and besides there are four children so in this case because on we'll have the entire necessary infrastructure in we wound have to build anything and beer they cost about that they will be ready to host the youth olympics after two thousand and thirteen and twenty fourteen respectively. mrs wykoff you've mentioned the crisis here which was a very tough year for russia but now the economy seems to be getting better it will actually russia's money and its huge money. but will the budget of such a big countries russia manage such a number of sports events social impacts university a we should mention the world
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cup championship twenty eighteen formula one plus many other scheduled events we hold in this gun. these are huge expenses that. you know i have known that will fulfill all our financial obligations regarding both government expenses and private in this city you know that investment for the olympics and the world cup are mostly private films and i've talked about studios construction so part of them will be built at the cost of private investors and clubs. but i would like to see that both the olympics and the world cup of twenty eighteen before they were even profitable projects from an economic new point everything that will be built will not disappear but will stay there. at the cost and the costs of passionate return selling t.v. rights and etc of course tourism and many other things it's related to both sports
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infrastructure and other things like new hotels roods and so forth sure it's a big investment into the country's economy. when we speak about the olympics it's about the development of the sochi resort which is going to be both the winter and summer resort the one the other chase we can speak about the development of any russian cities. let's see if russians themselves are excited about hosting huge sporting events. that has tried to find that hi there well recently russia was chosen to host the two thousand and eighteen world cup with that it's huge event which will be held in russia only with your puter. well let's see if the russians think that they can she supposed such event is a little big games world cup formula one grand prix. yes i think we should in order to develop a sports infrastructure but as we see yes it will be good for the development of
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our sport but it should also serve as a good incentive for our youth yes i think it is a good investment for our country and i mustn't i think we should only host the world cup and not deliver the games because i think that money which will be spent on the olympics should be spent on people however the world cup will help better the conditions for our soccer teams you know because our government should first of all think about our people and improve their living and social conditions if they knew that you would now i think we don't need all those events because there are so many other areas in our country which are in need of government support i don't think those events serve any good to our country. i think it will be good for the status of the country but i think those events will have a negative impact on the economy of our country. out of that it's not that he's going to question five guest more than a group will go as a flood to convince through a tax increase for russians there are more reliable polls in russia about people's
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opinion on such olympics if we held the polls ourselves says it's one of the i.o.c. has requirements at the bidding stage at that time about eighteen percent of russians voted for the so much in winter olympics new and now. people apprehensive yourself of course the yard but we have to realize that social programs like their state health care program to pensioners program more than a program on education and hosting the olympics in the world cup are not alternatives that are like you doesn't mean that he will hold the world cup championship who will stop financing social programs it's not so much so in the program. i repeat that that in my opinion those events can not be viewed as expenses but on the contrary they provide economic development for the country and at the end of the day they boost economic growth which will cover the costs at
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the expense of mr after the games in vancouver serious criticism was made about the russian national team and russian sportsmanship and a serious conclusion obviously suggests itself i do recently you mention or did speaking about preparations for the olympics two thousand and twelve in london you said so far we cannot compete for the championship with the teams from the u.s. and china is it a conclusion made after vancouver games and what are the conclusions have you made you. know in this quarter i was talking about the summer olympics because the chinese are not so strong in winter sports as yet. in the summer of twenty eight twelve london will host the summer olympics. and then sought she twenty four team comes students there good at the previous olympics in we were
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third the chinese who were first in their mir can scheme second. object to it i think at present the situation is approximately the same there was shorting to the results over all the world competitions you know one picks poor it's which have already taken place in two thousand and ten we are second after the chinese with a small difference of won the gold medal if i'm not mistaken. but to make it fear we should admit that there were no championships in swimming and track and field in which americans usually get a lot of medals just on of course a lot more so to dig the distributional forces approximately like that it may change before the london olympics we have. in rivals in the united kingdom they will be at home and at home everyone usually has the advantage of this the germans are strong but at the same time ones are favorable circumstances so we could go further our task is to do the utmost to train our athletes we worked out into egil
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training programs were each sport in each federation we allocate significantly bigger amounts of money for preparation so of course we expect the results to improve. and you disclose a secret right now i know there are of us but we will make this sound lower can you say is there a goal to become number one in the sochi olympics there is such a wish. yes the research a goal. was behind it it's clear there's the olympic success depends on the organizers efforts everything should be organized perfectly but we want these olympics to be the best in history and we understand that success so so depends on how our athletes perform with the nationals so our program is meet soon that our team should be first in this that when you have an unpleasant question for you who is the georgia has started to discredit income pain against the sochi olympics at
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an international level. it is news already and the thirty ninth general assembly of the european olympic committees you had to struggle if i can say so in your opinion does georgia have a chance to sabotage the sochi olympics. i'm sure that i'm sure won't find support for its initial to boycott the olympics or call it off in the i.o.c. is not on the money almost all i.o.c. members have a firm position on that it looks strange because sports are beyond politics richard it's an axiom of the international olympic movement in all the provocations are related to attempts of cause. games under different predicts will not lead to anything but. i think that sports are going to see the olympic committee in georgia understand it very well. but unfortunately
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georgian politicians though not all of them of course would resort to such brawl with cations but in my opinion they have no chance for success one more question about scandals of to doping scandals the international ski federation gave russia time till november first to adopt a new antenna adopting program what's new in the program did russia manage to adopt it and what was the international ski federation's reaction might be a ride by november first we presented all program in a set of measures which the f.i.o.s. demanded from us in connection with the doping cases. you know and i'll be satisfied yes d.f. i ask is fully satisfied by the fact that we have removed the athletes and trainers who were involved in developing scandals. i must see that it's the policy of the russian olympic committee and the government there and the sports ministry to fight
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doping in russian sports. shoes comes in and i think we will be very strict about that in the future space about space above show that's going to thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that by guest in the studio today was alexander the deputy prime minister and president of the russian national olympic committee and that's often out from all of us here if you want to have your sales spotlight with someone in mind who you think i should enter the next time just drop a line that i'll get off the bat out are you and let's keep probably interact we will be back with more and comment on what's going on in and outside russia as well then stay on party and take.
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broadcasting live from our studios. certainly glad to have you with us president medvedev and obama have discussed the new start nuclear arms treaty by telephone after u.s. senate approval removed the last major hurdle to the deal's eventual ratification russian lawmakers are poised to say yes after studying aspects of the vote in washington which include additional provisions outside the treaty itself both presidents said the decision cemented a year of effort.
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