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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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wealthy british scientists are. trying to. market. what's really happening to the global economy
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with. no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. a report. from moscow court finds jailed a former. team guilty of stealing billions of dollars worth of oil sentencing is expected in the next few days. russian president dmitri medvedev calls for a firm stand against a violent nationalism at a meeting with the country's governors the kremlin has pledged to tackle ethnic tension after riots in moscow and st petersburg. thousands of travelers remain stranded in moscow's airports after a blackout in bad weather caused widespread disruption and cancellations and officials say it could take days to bring the situation back to normal. and coming up next a round up of two thousand and ten with a valley on the show in the first part we have allie on his interview with wiki leaks founder julian assange.
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well can they alone a show we'll get the real headlines with one of the mercy this week when we bring you the best of the a lot of show from the last year from america's wars abroad to the best debates of this year and tonight we're going to focus on those stories that nobody else dare to touch on april fifth two thousand and ten with the leaks released a video called collateral murder. of all of. the video shows the killing of two civilians and two reuters reporters from two
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thousand and seven after the release of this video it became readily apparent that the military's claim of the proper rules of engagement had been followed was simply not true the video was released at the national press club with little fanfare and due to the mainstream media's utter lack of interest in wiki leaks and the video itself we were able to sit down with the founder of wiki leaks himself julian assange to get his thoughts months before he became the number one enemy of the state julian first i want to thank you very much for sitting down with us now the video here it's a very graphic it's a very sensitive nature and originally the military had claimed that they were following all rules of engagement when it came to this attack a video would show otherwise so so what do we call this thing we call this. internal u.s. school or a war crime in the sense you can even conventions or we say that this seems to be a problem with the rules of engagement or the judicial bodies inside the u.s.
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military that are responsible for investigating and enforcing those rules it does seem like it would be a cover but i think one of the things that for me was even more disturbing is listening to the audio track on this video here and you listen to the soldier. and you hear them you hear them laughing saying ha ha i got them you hear them patting each other on the back saying nice shot what does that say about war these days too that is becoming almost like a video game you know the it's pretty clear that the soldiers and all the pilots involved have become deep based by the war and at some stage their experience turned into just playing a video game and getting high scores by killing people in particular in a very and with saeed one of the great is is crawling prone and wounded. no threat to anyone and there's also no hostile forces around him and
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the pilots are saying come on buddy just pick up a weapon all you need to do is pick up a weapon because they know in the rules of engagement that's all they need for them to kill him there's actually no military necessity for them to kill him in fact. he would be if he really was an insurgent someone that would be interrogated for information that might have valuable intelligence information but they don't want to do that they just want an excuse to kill. i really want to know what do you ultimately want to achieve with releasing this video. what we want to show people what war is really like no more than war is like. and this video includes very important elements or more the more it shows you what the aerial interaction is like you know with people on the ground it shows you the corruption your deep basement of the pilots characters and their involvement with the people on the ground it shows you errors in the internal judicial mechanisms of the united states
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military it shows you that reports about what who is insurgent and who is not an insurgent that appear in the media following events where people are killed cannot be trusted cannot be relied upon and even internal report to the u.s. military cannot be. a lot of them circles in this video where a hellfire missile was put into a building and a number of people were killed. there are alleged insurgents that count but the bystanders on the outside who think you'll do the very least it's grievously room we did not killed by the fold everyone is accounted counted as an insurgent until the press find evidence otherwise and then there is a back track on the claims but only once the principle and prove otherwise but ultimately do you want somebody to be held accountable here someone in the military perhaps for whoever covered it up for whoever fired those shots or do you also want
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this to be a sign that their wiki leaks is like a new watch job but now waking leaks is the place where you can go where you can find the stories that the normal press won't show other people or you won't just take the story that the military offers you you would rather look for the real information yourself that's right we believe in releasing the food source documents to the world together with analysis to put them in contact with people to understand them because the source material is what helps keep journalism honest it's independently verifiable it's independently checkable your assertions are checkable in the same way as a scientific paper is checkable you can fool source material is released the public we hope that. outside of that. this video is going to result not simply in the prosecution of those pilots or the media commanders but some high level reforms a reaction that those pilots take to kill people very clear with their commanders
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first. mission to attack to engage and they get permission to attack and engage and subsequently there was an investigation stimulated by reuters demands which found that all those actions were acceptable and failed into the rules of engagement and there should be no prosecution so. the problem. is not just a few straight pilots this is a systemic problem at the company level and even the rules of engagement but you have to assume that you will be attacked from many sides or that you're going to have critics that people are going to question the authenticity of this video if the video was indeed encrypted how did you where did you get the technology to break it down to an encrypted how did people know that really it is authentic we have actually broken quite a few things before we also broke the password to nato as master narrative for
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afghanistan which was progress. the video itself there are multiple ways to see that you do nothing to these include statements by reuters local witnesses that include material presented by a journalist from the washington post that was embedded with the ground units that came in afterwards. aspects of the public record and internal coherency in the video itself so there is an item back don't believe that there will be any claims that the video is not authentic so i'm not it's why did you decide to hang on to it for as long as you did because it doesn't necessarily in the character. of wiki leaks to to advertise something before you just put it up there and yet you were tweeting about it saying if anything happens to us you know why it's there is a profit video you held a press conference at the national press club why and why in this case which is what we always spend time putting material into the context of our commitment to
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our sources is not just to protect them and we have never lost a source it is not just to publish their material it is to get the maximum political impact possible that is our commitment so some of that is needed in order to get the maximum effect this but we want to present. something else you know this is an attack on one of our. this is an attack on journalists trying to get the truth out so i suppose we have failed to expose sort of camaraderie and the need to defend ourselves and our community by defending the for exposing the attack on these journalists in iraq and of course we should also consider that not just journalists died in fact a whole bunch of people died the dozen people died early and it's children we have to have details on the civilians and we have just gotten details and some people
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have been put through the other people these other nameless that. they all have stories we don't know what they are certainly all that families and that is a long term problem with war deaths. we don't really know what they are or who was involved this is a case where we can see some of the people by virtue that they are journalists and we also know for sure that the journalists on insurgents are doing that full time job so there can't be any claim. that they were insurgents one last question very quickly do you expect this to be on the evening news everywhere tonight do you expect the pentagon to issue an official reaction or statement they have not issued a statement yet. when there have been questions today. i do expect this will be on quite a few news channels easy interesting that there hasn't been a thing yet on us t.v. over n.b.c. was at a press conference and did film it. so that will be quite interesting i expect that
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t.v. channels all over the rest of the world will certainly play it the particular angle it's taken in the us broadcast t.v. i don't sure about. i'd be quite surprised if there wasn't something on the networks when so faux is the will they put a full segment on i'm not sure maybe just because of marriage i want to thank you very much for stopping where studio and telling us more about this release of the video today you're welcome next up we'll look at my discussion with the representative from anonymous the hacking group responsible for operation payback and even though proposition nineteen failed to legalize marijuana in california it did succeed in bringing wade into the mainstream i'll play you my interview with matt welch of reason magazine.
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the release of state department cables by wiki leaks started a fire storm this year not only have we heard calls for assad his arrest even his death we've also learned a thing or two about our government's relationship with the freedom of speech as in when it's speech that they don't like they're going to do what ever they can to stop it but there are people out there who still believe in the freedom of the internet hackers the group known as anonymous has now become famous for avenging those who went against wiki leaks but only the alone a show got
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a chance to speak with them yesterday we glanced over what some are calling a cyber battle of sorts as a group known as anonymous has taken credit has taken credit for a restring of high profile cyber attacks against the websites of businesses banks and politicians and either spoken out against or stopped doing business with whistle blowing web site wiki leaks those include master card visa sarah pail and joe lieberman swiss bank post finance and rumors are swirling about amazon dot com now as a result both facebook and twitter have closed accounts corresponding to anonymous but who are these people and is what they're doing illegal well joining me to discuss it is an operation payback representative i want to thank you so much for joining us i'm going to address you as anon and now i know that anonymous has existed for several years that wiki leaks really didn't begin this entire operation but if you could tell us you know why it is that it started what the goals are here
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. well of course anonymous started years ago but the real goals of this to show these companies such as the software company that delivers copyright notices just torrent sites that refuse to be taken offline. we are fighting against a constant expression of copyright laws but. they're infringing on copyright against it and i mean when circumstances rose to. wiki leaks it was a much greater threat when they required immediate action and we will fight for the vindication of wiki leaks the events surrounding the pirate bay have not been forgotten companies like this are playing a cruel game with the public and will make them lose they will lose the game every single time now can you give us any details as to how you've actually been hacking these sides of these on master card lately well like i mentioned earlier these software companies of course divorcing sites that's exactly what we've been doing
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among other things we have been doing such we've been floating them with traffic so other people can't use them. and this is been they've been taken down by this and we can't they can't. operate like this anymore we've been take we've been attacking them we've been deducting them so they can't people can't buy things people can make transactions and the reason we're doing this is because these companies have. paper for example stopped funding we can lease they they took the funds from wiki leaks and they refused to give them back they have given them back now but we believe this was not really an act they wanted to do they were forced to do it and we have been attacking sites like paper to code. these are the sort these are men so we've been talking through the same means that we mentioned earlier but from what i understand if you actually have thousands of people that are volunteering their computers essentially downloading this program. yes where you don't even need to download a program anymore anyone can do it anyone has
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a voice that can stand up and do it you can we have over nine thousand people more sometimes they can just stand up and say this they don't they don't want these sites playing this game with the public they can take them down using this simple program and they don't even need to use the program they don't know how to if they don't know how to internet they can just. type in the details they can volunteer for this and have a voice of their own now and the average joe puddu illegally can these people be gone after i mean you know somebody prosecute them or prosecute the group anonymous for what they're doing it's kind of the chances of getting caught in this basically zero i mean there are thousands and thousands of computers attacking at once and there's no way to distinguish them and voluntary attacks and you know the administration isn't directly attacking we simply you know coordinate and direct the attacks. like i said the computers who are actually doing the attacking actually volunteers who offer up their bandwidth to a cause this could be anyone this could be people listening now this could be you
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it could be anyone we've simply offer the means of doing it people everyone involved is aware of the risks so. well as i can imagine that probably doesn't make the government all too happy considering there is such a legal gray area here but what we do know is that twitter and facebook have both taken down the accounts for anonymous has that disrupted your ability to communicate with people to garner more support for this. not really not whatsoever basically those facebook and twitter accounts were made for updates and support rather than the coordination of the you know attacks we made them to update and they take them down we'll put ten more up and if they take ten down we'll put one hundred more up i mean i don't think they feel like playing welcome over those they're not going to stop the facebook and twitter account is it just a whack a mole or would you consider this a full on cyber war that's what some people are calling it. figuratively at worst for could be considered between two states anonymous is not a state it would be expressed more as of revolution or protest. as it is the public
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standing against agencies that would silence them but were does sound a bit better in the media so i guess you could push war but more a protest or even a revolution. now what we heard today is that you were planning on hacking amazon dot com and the media then shortly after reported that your hack in fact didn't work but is that true what's the real story here that is untrue they obviously the news reports that cited obviously didn't get it quite right we decided not to attack us and we decided to the point that talking i was in would be malicious and we're not a malicious group we do we're doing this for a reason we're doing the movement for a reason for the freedom of information and speech and talking imus and at that point it was considered too much we decided not to do it it didn't fail we just we just never attacked them but what's the difference for attacking amazon or going after visa or mastercard i mean these are all massive moneymaking corporations the point is not exactly attack them just for fun and say oh look what we can do it's
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these sites against wiki leaks we support wiki leaks we support the in from. looks gives we say we support the freedom of information speech like i said and besides withdrawing their funds from wiki leaks they were against wiki leaks and we've taken them down. like i said we've taken down. and paper for quite some time over the past however many weeks or months mainly just yesterday and today they've been down for now from what i've been reading sarah palin also claims that she was somehow hacked what was that your doing was that a malicious move. we don't really care about sarah palin much to be honest i think i don't really know what she's trying to accomplish or what attention she's trying to gain but we personally don't care about sarah palin that might have been a member or group of members that have tried to do this but nothing not a major attack that was planned on a major movement that was planned you know now politically this is definitely
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something new we haven't really seen it in such a massive scale before but do you feel like you have the ability to stay one step ahead you think that you're going to win this for t.v. purposes a war. yeah we're always one step ahead of the internet itself is always one step ahead so diverse anonymous is the first internet suppose if these companies try to play these games they try to take down sites because of stupid reasons they try to use tools to actually using against other sites that they claim to be illegal i mean we're one step ahead we have technology that's one step ahead of them and we will always have technology that's one step ahead of them. thank you so much for speaking with those who really appreciate you coming on and telling us what it is that your goals are here and a few details about how you're doing it thank you. proposition nineteen which would have made marijuana legal in the state of california failed to pass a vote this year but it did show that americans are ready to think and talk about
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marijuana as more than forty percent of californians did support this measure it also showed us that our government even the obama administration could be far behind the populace when it comes to progress and effaced of the challenge their author already they will just bring in a law enforcement to quell the voices of the people and yet for some reason the mainstream media the daily newspapers in california they don't really have a problem with it. now do you remember when obama was still campaigning to be the president of the united states and a lot of people thought he meant it when he said that he would stop federal raids on marijuana growers in california the place where medical pot is legal now clearly that turned out to be a lie and now the obama administration has taken an even tougher stance making it very clear where they stand on the issue of marijuana and a letter to former administrators of the attorney general eric holder stated the d.o.j. strongly opposes prop nineteen and said if voters in california do choose to vote
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for full legalization the federal government will vigorously enforce federal law they're not even the only ones pushing for threats l.a. county sheriff lee baca said that even if the prop ass's. they will have it will have no effect on their actions and they are not going to change their stance on criminalising so clearly this raises a lot of questions regarding resources allegiance legality but i think what stands out the most is that the government is already warning that the will of the people of the we are discussing with me is matt welch editor in chief of reason magazine thanks so much for coming back i mean well first i guess let's start with the obama administration does this just make it more obvious than ever that they have a firm stance on marijuana i wish that all of my democratic friends would pay attention to this a little bit more closely the fact is in california jerry brown might be elected governor because of proposition nineteen even though he's against even though dianne feinstein is the chairman of the no on prop nineteen campaign and even
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though obama is sitting there saying that we're going to enforce you know what a lock people up even if they think they're going to vote for it but still there's a feeling among young voters especially that out democrats are better on this they're not they are terrible on this obama is terrible on this obama the former stoner is terrible on this and this is just another sign they are willing to say to voters vote you know vote this way or else you know we have the guns and you don't it's an appalling hauling use of force to try to intimidate people before they vote well that's why do you think that this is voter intimidation because if we look at polls you know in september i believe that it was fifty two percent of voters that supported prop nineteen now just a couple weeks later only forty nine percent do you know a lot of people are saying it looks like the tide really is turning here so do you think it's because they're afraid that the feds are going to run and arrest everybody that might have some impact on the l a times were used to work they reacted to these you know obscene views of power by law enforcement by saying see
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that's why you should vote against it you know because you won't win this fight against the police power that's more important than principle of enforcing a drug war that no one. believes is working or has any prospects of working in general propositions right before the election the undecideds usually trend against it because they're confused they don't like it but certainly there's a lot of scaremongering happening and it's not just by the government it's by newspapers twenty six of the top thirty california dailies by circulation have editorialized it on this proposition all twenty six one hundred percent this is like castro's cuba level of consensus are against prop nineteen and the arguments that they use are completely specious they're completely statist and why do you think that is i mean what interest would it serve for these daily newspapers write rather smaller publications were not just talking the l a times here purposes it's fair for them to oppose prop nineteen well i think the lesson terms of what purpose
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it serves and more about what it can signal to the rest of the world that they are serious they're not a laughing stock in the words of arnold schwarzenegger and being other columnists have used it as if we do this then california won't be treated seriously newspaper journalists and members of the elites however defined are desperate most of all to be taken like serious adults at the table and somehow if you say that this failed drug war which is ruined millions of lives and killed people murdered people is bad and we should abolish it today that somehow it makes you look like a stone or they're putting headlines on these things like thinking outside of the bags is not not acceptable for what it is in the in the in theory of in management speak within your office but actually applied to stand up and say something semi revolutionary like this is a lousy law and it's immoral to keep following it let alone advocating for it that's too crazy for these people the other thing that i find really crazy here too is that we have this l.a. county sheriff who is basically saying that i don't care if the california voters
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and i mean by the way as a california sheriff he's supposed to follow state law stay on the federal law that he's saying that prop nineteen is going to change anything i don't care i'm still coming after you guys we have a rogue share. now that's taking on the states to eleanor's yes. who i know a little bit is an insane person i mean he he should be locked up preemptively so that we're all safer people and he's got a big jihad against drugs of all sorts for a lot of different reasons and and the thing is people are calling him out on it people on the sort of fringes of drug policy debates will point out hey look in california you can force california laws states are under no obligation to enforce federal laws states are supposed to support state law says a constitution that kind of out of the concept debate is that you know federal law supersedes state law but we don't have to that would just you know if it doesn't and when that is when you talk about bombers but but states are not under obligations to send their own cops to enforce
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a federal statute about how health care companies should behave it doesn't make any sense the good news is that when the feds threaten to arrest people the feds only have fifty five hundred do you know what action that is going to say is i mean the resources involve the fans can even you know handle drug use now drug crime the drug war what's going to happen if this actually goes legal across the state of california until the feds have better things to spend their money on for the better things to spend their time on than to rush in and try to arrest just a bunch of and i don't know i'm assuming a lot of these people aren't going to be dangerous these stoners yeah i mean it would be a symbolic show of force is what they've done with what they've done already with medical marijuana dispensaries they have gone in and selectively reminded people that you still live in this grays own area where we can at will rage you and throw you in a human meat locker they would continue doing this and i think would be a fascinating question for obama and especially his you know.


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