tv [untitled] December 30, 2010 4:30am-5:00am EST
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stocks opened cautiously high on thursday after losses in asia with banks minus and water stocks among the early keenness. and russian stock market has grown around twenty percent of its year and still has a room to grow in twenty eleven learn to talk the president of morgan stanley in russia is here to tell us more about that so. well in terms of investments this here obviously wasn't so successful so what's been driving investors away and how we can get back to them i would say isn't really something driving the bus tours of boy it was the competition of the other bric countries that made a difference and russia has been hit the hardest during the last crisis obviously and the other bric countries have been growing faster since. almost twice as fast as russia and therefore russia has become just less sexy for the international investors and therefore that was us amount of russian stocks russian bonds it has
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improved quite a bit by the end of this year and we're looking quite optimistic way into the next year so russia will be will be saying quite competitive compared to other bric countries it will become more competitive with think and we see more investors coming back to the russian market with the recent i.p.o.'s and secondary offerings of the russian companies in the last quarter interest of strategic investors it is clear that the interest is coming back. as good and let's talk about privatization a bit want to bring to the russian what will it bring to the russian economy and what are the risks here well prices ation is one of the things that is bringing the back interest of investors that's for sure and it will have a lot of pluses if it goes successfully and done right and it will increase the liquidity of the market most definitely will increase the capitalization of the stocks and the market overall and will reduce the involvement of the government in the economy that's definitely a plus in the us recently. as i said it has to be done right and government is really trying to do it tried it well organized manner and well timed in terms of
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the markets he learned to build presence of morgan stanley thank you very much for your analysis. all of which is that's all we have time for now but you can always find more stories on our website archie dot com slash business. it's now half past the hour here in the russian capital you with r.t. the headlines now five are arrested in denmark in what's said to be the country's biggest ever terrorism attempt it's fueling concerns over islamic extremism spreading across europe. and it's the fourth day of the judges reading the verdict . for more oil tycoon was found guilty of money laundering while reaching the end it was a first sentence for tax evasion. and the storing up trouble and the economic crisis
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is proving to be no barrier to america's credit card addiction with shoppers continuing to swipe their way through a recession. palestinian officials say they will ask the u.n. security council to approve a resolution condemning israeli settlements in the west bank now hears from a human rights group that's concerned as the world body is struggling to play fair with israel. with me i have the executive director of the u.n. watch a human rights group based in switzerland mr miller thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. your group basically the united nations but why does the u.n. even need monitoring he would watch as a non-governmental organization whose mandate is to monitor the united nations according to the principles of its charter essentially to hold the un accountable
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and to measure it by the arctic of its own charter many israelis complain that israel does not get a fair deal or if a hearing by the united nations would you agree it's one of our issues that's important to us is fighting anti-semitism and also the discriminatory treatment of israel the un's obsession with israel doesn't only harm israel it doesn't only harm the peace process but it harms the un as a whole it prevents the u.n. from being effective for human rights victims who never get their day of international attention why is the u.n. to use your words obsessed with israel the u.n. has been strong champion of the p.l.o. since the early one nine hundred seventy s. this was largely a function of the soviet union together with the arab states started a campaign to attack israel and hijack many un bodies so you have an enormous amount of the un's attention is a stance simply devoted to helping the palestinians and have the palestinians been
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helped and the palestinians have not been helped and it was coffee in on himself the secretary general the united nations in his parting speech to the security council said what have all the special agenda items and special reports and special sessions on the palestinian situation ever done to help the palestinians and the reality is very little if you look at the past thirty years all the resolutions and at the un human rights council jimmy. it's something like seventy five percent of all the resolutions are condemning israel a stance simply helping the palestinians the reality is the only thing they've done for the palestinians is encourage a sense that no matter what happens whatever mistakes they make whatever terrorism they may support the u.n. will always be there to encourage them make them believe that no matter what they will prevail and it's only encouraged the most extreme forces in the palestinian camp it has not helped the moderates so why has the u.n. failed to hope the palestinians in any meaningful way the u.n.
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is a large organization and has many agencies that do good work unfortunately a number of them are highly politicized in new york the general assembly is highly politicized the human rights council is the same they're mostly dominated by third world countries from asia and africa many of whom are not democracies and who have their own agendas which have very little to do with human rights for example the dictator of libya murderous regime was elected to the human rights council that's that's a sad joke for the cause of human rights do you sense that the u.n. is in touch with what's going on here on the ground between israelis and palestinians which would you have really are two separate things and it's something that i've been able to see at the human rights council you have the real situation on the ground where you have israelis and palestinians that need help and they could have help of international interlocutors a bit and i did states the european union or other countries or the or the un which
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could come in and help them and try to bring them together bridge their differences you have a real situation with real problems what happens at the u.n. too often is something on a on a level that is almost mythological that is entirely divorced from reality and i saw that once a couple of years ago it was in the june two thousand and seven when hamas was waging a bloody coup against the against the palestinian authority and during that time. it was very nasty hamas was throwing people off of rooftops they were shooting people in hospital beds and all this was happening israel of course had already withdrawn in the unilateral withdrawal from gaza there were no israeli troops not a single one in gaza had no involvement whatsoever with this this conflict and in my earpiece listening what was happening in the u.n. route plenary was they were attacking israel condemning israel for human rights violations so i think this this example captures what happens at the u.n. but there are real problems real people suffering but the u.n. is sort of locked into an automatic mode where all they're doing is condemning
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israel obsessive lee many israelis have called for israel to withdraw from the u.n. would you support such a move and do you think it's realistic it's not that's not a realistic option obviously. theoretically israel could i don't think israel should and i don't think israel wants to and i don't think it's in the interests of israel or of the united nations israel has was its creation was sanctioned by the united nations and a member twenty nine one hundred forty seven when the u.n. called for a jewish state and that term is used thirty times it's kind of interesting that the palestinian authority has difficulty accepting that the resolution of the united nations general assembly one hundred forty seven thirty times used the word jewish state why do you say that the u.n. and its investigations are prejudiced against israel what proof do you have the u.n. has the right and the duty to hold israel accountable to its international obligations on a whole range of issues whether it's the palestinian issue whether it's women's rights whatever it is just like every other country israel should be held accountable when
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we object to is the political hijacking of u.n. bodies such that they are rendered ineffective to help millions of human rights victims around the world if we take the example again of the human rights council here is a body that has pledged to promote and protect human rights for victims around the world with the fact that in ten sessions seven of them have been on israel all of them one sided making no reference to hamas terrorism to hezbollah or terrorism and only three sessions out of ten for the rest of the world can. mind what it means it's not just absurd and outrageous it means the victims in darfur are victims of mass rape in congo the victims of. repression in zimbabwe in china around the world never get a chance to have their their day in the international spotlight which is needed to combat victims why is israel still not able to have a rotating seat on the security council whereas countries like libya saudi arabia which have far worse human rights records are israel was never admitted into the
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regional group that it by geography ought to belong namely the asian group its neighbors syria jordan saudi arabia belong to the asian regional group but because of the arab states objection to israel they refuse to let israel joint and so israel has never been able to join its regional group asia and the result is that many of the elections for important un bodies occur within the regional groups there sometimes an allotment that will be x. amount of seats for the asian group for the european group for the south american group and so forth so israel was denied access to any significant un bodies because of this system ten years ago there was an important shift israel was admitted into a group which is called a western europe and others the we are a group and includes most countries as well as united states canada new zealand australia and other liberal democracies and in the year two thousand israel was admitted in new york and therefore theoretically today israel actually could be
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potentially a candidate for the security council. however subsequent question arises whether israel would be elected and that's and that's far from clear but despite what you've said at times they are made solutions that are passed that support israel for example the resolution on the commemoration of the holocaust that was overwhelmingly passed when theory it could happen one day that israel would submit . candidacy and it would be elected the security council the reality today is that the islamic states are so. opposed to anything that favors israel even in the most benign way that you would have almost fifty six states determined to oppose israel and many dictatorships at the un automatically opposes for all countries like zimbabwe north korea and so forth vote with the islamic states in their campaign and so even if israel were to submit it's kind of see it's not clear that it would be elected do you still support the existence of the un is it still relevant in our
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world today we believe the un could be something else we believe that the un has an indispensable role in this world there's there's no replacement for the one if the un didn't exist we would have to create it. and when it when it started in the early years it was very well respected by all countries. and it's its mission was respected by israelis as it was by arabs but in the past several decades it's been taken over by an extreme agenda. thank you very much for talking to us here. thank you my pleasure. with. what makes
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arrested in. the countries of terrorism it's fueling concerns. spreading across europe. it's the fourth day of the judges reading. before more oil tycoon was found guilty of money laundering reaching the end of a sentence for tax evasion. and the economic crisis is proving to be no barrier to america's credit card addiction. swipe their way through a recession. and sporting news with.
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hello and welcome to the sports news and what's coming up in the next town that's. russia's national football team remain on track to qualify for the twenty's while european championships sit down with the man in charge of the capital. state of the game russian hockey legend which is locked in talks all things hockey with our team . found so far so good quarterback drill where palps the plot against the bills on the road in this vast area starts. russians could see a major change when it comes to managing the man in the middle renowned italian referee roberto could become the next had of officiating for the russian football union forty three are only tied this summer after overseeing matches at the world
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cup. series games for thirteen years along with eight years of international duty we have not held a similar position within the ukrainian assayed and now the russian the billionaire and seems willing to follow suit by making their top official the taliban is in moscow for talks with seventy four percent and would be officially put to expound during the visit. meanwhile russian for blows on course to make that's why it's well european championships reached with the school's coach dick advocaat who lives back at his first six months in charge. well there just six months your reign just just past you happy with the position of russia national team is now in the grip of the euro two thousand championships well we didn't have the expect to lose from them. but getting six points out of the. success so we know the top of the league of support and gives also called for the
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lower as well from the four going to be played with three away. you know it was difficult to begin with because i mean it so in that way there was a lot of pressure after the game against slovakia. but also said all the players are. listen if you play this way. the way we play it will sol were great also in the you get your of rules. and nothing something i've noticed from this russian side is what will steal their games especially big game against macedonia is a game we could have lost and could draw on strong i think about what to say but then she went to one they showed that mental fight i saw the game i was. the first controlled. despite not everybody was in the best form comparing with.
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the bit that told the players as well of the game in three days then you have a much more difficult game than yesterday because. every player can play them. we have to we we did we did. knowing. people from a very good quality especially the way we would like to play in particular. because most of those it was more a fight in fighting which we acquired look irritating players in their team. effect. again the referee bellotti out of the. thing doesn't help. us but fortunately we have a great goalkeeper and he saved the ball but at the other end as well i mean home have you been please reason with the form of andre sharman in the english premiership i mean you had a difficult start to the season but it seems now to be getting his form back but
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most pleasing obviously is. always a player of moments. only in the national team but also. in england but also the people who are so negative about it i don't understand it at all. because we have to be proud to have players brought who are doing so well i mean you coached him it's in his office he wouldn't want to lose him earlier but you think in a way it might have helped under his development had he left to play abroad a few years earlier or do you think no i think he was twenty one to me for a couple years. of hell to me look because then the already set. in one or two years i want to leave. because sometimes players need chill and we have also some close in to do without saying names who chose to go to other club brought to show themselves to the picture
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and only did it for the sake of the service case because. when i arrived at the place with two players i wanted to keep those. i wanted to stay for one or two years more straight when i arrive i want to leave only a solution if you want to leave. because players who doesn't want to play for the club you could. help. play two years and. think and also good for the national team point was fantastic and the second half after summer break i was on the concept of been linked with moves to the premiership again in fact. success playing in england. i think did really well for the national team. not only to score goals but is were . the kind of the world but i think more play for our
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national team can play a role to the drugs names names for instance no. take for example so much of. an aside about to take a closer look at the main hockey events of the year they have been cover a winter olympics along with the world championships they came and they add a challenge have found the right man to discuss them all two time olympic champion which is. well everybody expected us to reach the finals as we had an extremely strong roster a very ambitious team passionately supported by the fans the fact is we weren't ready for a competition that toughens neither were the coaches nor the players some would say it was just a bad look but it wasn't in the final of the olympic tournament canada and the usa showed the hockey of the future fast dynamic and extremely skillful in the last eight clash against russia the canadians were fully aware who they needed to
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neutralize in the russian team first. malkin that took the world's best forwards and they did have what it took to beat us speed skills and fury that's why they won . what is also very sad it looks like we did learn any lessons from vancouver this might have a very negative effect in sochi twenty fourteen many still think the team just had a bad day and lost accidentally but the fact is we kept failing throughout the season later on we lost the world championship final to the czech republic which was represented by a very weak team then in my opinion it's difficult maybe even impossible to combine the two roles being in charge of a club and an olympic team at the same time although that's exactly what the russian national team coaches do the olympic tournament cannot be considered just as a break from doing the main job at a club that's why we got what we got in vancouver.
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for instance and well in my view was the kontinental hockey league control level with the n.h.l. in about five years in terms of following the right policy and proper development this will allow the two leagues to forge good connections and maybe even exchange players anyway ok he is growing year by year and fans are always curious about interleague clashes i think it can be quite useful for some of the cage all clubs i took part in the so-called super series and those games definitely. help me develop as a player on the other hand the n.h.l. should be interested too it shouldn't focus on itself too much so i hope sooner the stanley cup and garan cup holders will settle scores for the title of the world's best team on a regular basis you can win. there's the i believe that and it seem a lot of is the most precious acquisition the league has made in recent years a true captain and the first russian n.h.l. or who made the decision to go back home yet amir jaegers he's just a superstar of world hockey and one of the most skilful players in the league so if
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you order of who came to the cage a couple of years ago a great example in terms of his attitude to hockey the great russian player who helped russia regain their dominance of the world championships alexander do if he's still young but is already proved to be a very good scorer i like the fact he always gives his all on the ice he's got great passion for the game. and as an aside i'm definitely not good for the k h l especially when it comes to young players who are sometimes just scared of playing against say d.t.'s if we choose the n.h.l.'s model where fighting is part of the game every k.l. team should have they're tough guys as tough guys should fight against tough guys but not the rest of the players that's why in the n.h.l. fights don't spoil the game and indicate they still do. for a guy not a candidate for just a fantastic performance in vancouver or inching along with the chicago blackhawks
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and the current stanley cup holders today the stanley cup winner should be considered as the undisputed leader of world hockey of the world i'm very happy for my former coach scotty bowman he's won his twelfth stanley cup rings and it's just a record nobody will ever break him like. so agree or not that's the unique take on the world's best ice hockey team there from the legendary hockey defenseman which is love of and moving on no professional playing experience no problem that was the case for an authority joe webb who led the vikings to a twenty four fourteen win over the eagles in his first korea starts the normally elusive michael vick was unable to avoid the vikings schools and this rain delay in game veteran cornerback anton winfield forcing a fumble on take me all the way back to try again at seven there where they can a page out of vick select a fine point make or book running the ball in himself up to break the free is the d. found. scamper made the score seventeen to seven in the first big ass or the touchdown
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