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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2010 9:30am-10:00am EST

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what with all it's me and the breaking news at this hour a moscow courthouse announce the sentence for russia's most famous prisoner. be a formal all tycoon convicted of money laundering and by.
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president will. administer. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview on tape i'll bring up and play
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my guest is the idea of course of. being the head of the russian president said mr borat he probably knows more about life behind the kremlin walls that anyone else well at least much more than he will ever be able to share with the press today spotlight legend of course is ready to talk about organizing the president. the president's administrative george manages the working life and i tenor of the russian head of state and even looks out of the functioning of the kremlin itself and refurbishing when necessary but. also has other duties namely he heads the recent french commission on building an orthodox center in the heart of paris it will be located just a few steps away from the eiffel tower in london or says it can become one of the city's new sites.
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causing thank you for coming to the show. my first question is about the restoration of the german chancellor. is being restored to becomes a residence of the russian president. and you have spoken to the press about it before saying and i quote that's the building will serve as the venue for a large number of official events that currently take place in moscow starting from events attended by the president to those organize for deputies end of quote so my question is what's the point of organizing events for top officials in a remote place like kaliningrad that must cost a lot of money. i have to correct you here. we're not building a presidential residence we're building a state residence including read going there is a big difference because
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a presidential residence is where the president alone leaves and works whereas the building we are working on will host events in the four months you've mentioned. now why do we need it first of all a large scale project like that one started in a province gives a strong impetus to the development of their related infrastructure which is happening now including red and the same thing happened in st petersburg earlier because of the constant in palace reshape the entire coastline outside st petersburg. we are watching it happen again including right today as to why do we need to move the vans to kaliningrad there are several reasons that have to all start we want that might not seem very appropriate it will help solve moscow's traffic problems this is not a joke we all know that when presidents of all the country's foreign prime ministers or high level delegations arrive in moscow they meet without leaders in
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the kremlin or in the white house but the thing is that dozens and sometimes even hundreds of experts from various minister isn't otherwise asians we work with come to moscow every day to meet with their counterparts or journalists. they move around moscow and we as the hosts try to make these people feel comfortable. they come here to work after all. they move around in motorcades all various sizes usually accompanied by police cars that have said that this certainly has an effect on moscow traffic and the worst thing is that while you do . to make our guests comfortable hundreds of thousands of people who are stuck in traffic jams. their hearts they create a negative energy. that's right and those visitors end up in a very negative atmosphere so. you're absolutely right and on some occasions quite
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often actually expostulated to them meetings because they can get through the jams . i wanted to ask this question later but since we're talking about traffic jams let me do it now why don't washes top officials use helicopters say in britain or in the u.s. government officials move around in helicopters and that way they can get around faster and avoid causing traffic jams. well you know there are several reasons actually. we need helmet pads to develop helicopter transport we have experimented in the kremlin so this is no longer a secret. various classes flew into the kremlin they landed there and the possibility of doing it regularly was started by experts. started showed that we couldn't do it on a regular basis the kremlin is not just the president's residence it's
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a historical building in it's own the unesco world heritage list the vibration the helicopters create might damage it hence it was only possible to use helicopters sporadically but that would solve nothing this why we give up the idea there is no room for halliburton the white house either would need a morning landing pad on the premises to allow for regular transit so for now we find the problem unsolvable and i don't think we'll find a solution in the near future. another question then people must come up with these questions when they're stuck in traffic jams they seem to come up with a lot of advice for the president in their cars why don't rush his leaders live where they work lenin and stalin who lived in the kremlin would not be possible to . de. i don't think it's possible for several reasons of all the kremlin is a historic building and a museum it. most of it is open for public visit is. the
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president's official residence where he works and receives visitors and there is a part of the kremlin where the president's guests can state the president i don't think any of this will change. the president and the prime minister will not leave when the white house or the kremlin that is where they work mr let's see if the russians know where. the residence is spotlights carter has tried to find out why they are well today outside to find out about presidential residence well everybody knows that one house is the bissell residence and workplace of the u.s. president well is a palace is the residence of the french president and it is believed that the kremlin is that the sole residence of the russian president however in fact that is his working residence or not the place where he lives let's try to find out if russia over the president resides. i don't know but i have absolutely no
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idea i only knew the kremlin on the president's my neighbor. in the kremlin believes in the forgiving which is in the kremlin you know you know he's got his own foot here in moscow and you know. i think in moscow in the common this bank here you know it. may be new york you are not. i don't really know in the kremlin out of that bill that he has got a question guest which is why many countries people can visit the president's residence but not in russia that's a good question by the way and many countries people are allowed inside presidential residence as people are now. even allowed to buckingham palace in our country a part of the kremlin is still closed to the public are there any thoughts to open his doors for people. there are not just thoughts but actions as well where taking consistent steps and i disagree that the kremlin is closed to general public i mean
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there is an area close for the public you know i can't say that this area presents any interest for people. well the main part is building fourteen. the barracks those barracks built in nine hundred thirty is our office buildings now by the way where closing them today for capital repairs is going to be a modern office building there is nothing to look at over there and plus the barracks where military school students who are building the barracks are located in further buildings of the kremlin regiment is based there and i think that it presents little interest as well so as the head of this huge system that is the moscow kremlin and you believe that. limits in the kremlin presents no interest to the general public whatsoever. i am absolutely sure about that because i know the rooms inside out today the kremlin regiment occupies
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a part of those routes but others are occupied by the president's staff and one more closed building is president's office the place where he works. all the major masterpieces which are a part of our history our open areas that these are the kremlin cathedrals the big kremlin palace patrick's palace the palace of passes of the armory and so on and so forth of course some buildings are not in ideal shape including yvonne the great bell tower but we're making progress and every year we will see the opening of many areas of the kremlin which are very interesting. as far as people in the west and london in washington are not eager to see any masterpieces cuts. what they want to see is how the president cleared they want to see his bedroom his bathroom and stuff can people see says things it's not the case in a buckingham palace people can see the throne room in the bedroom. while i'm
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pretty sure that it's neither a buckingham palace nor the elysee palace show private rooms and they're not on display here also there are security issues i don't think that security officers will agree to make such areas hoping to everybody. in the security chief will either resign or commit suicide but god forbid it's understandable of course that people are interested in such private areas. but this is improper curiosity. as for all masterpieces the rooms of the big kremlin palace are open. just recently construction workers discovered an old i can in one of the kremlin towers it was painted over when the communists were in power it was considered lost but now it's found are you still conducting archaeological exploration in the kremlin because that i can was found by accident that. it was not entirely an
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accident we knew that there could have been old icons there because. of it but this one was thought to be lost we have discovered another one now in a different kremlin tower we knew that these icons existed but we thought that they were destroyed after the revolution in those trouble some times people who painted over those like a nice to risk their lives doing that sort. we're deeply grateful to them for saving the last two pieces the muzzle exposed they probably dreamed that someday you these paintings will be discovered and this is exactly what happens as a presidential says a bloody bit of caution ahead of the president's administrative borat spotlight will be back shortly right after a break so stay with us we'll continue in left and.
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welcome back to spotlight i'm just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is vladimir of course and had the president's administrative board. caution garcon nine is the russian president's gone to residence interesting that only one person in our street interviews got that right. is the country residence of our former
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presidents currently prime minister vladimir putin lived there during his presidency and stayed there after the term a new residence was prepared for the new president you should know both places in and out are these very different or do they sort of mirror each other. that if they don't mirror one another these residences which used to be duchess built back in the soviet times so they're quite unique in design. but there are certain similarities in the architectural style and functions but i wouldn't say they mirror each other both of them could you mention of the residence and it would be a state residence not a presidential residence also but how many official residences does the president of russia have. we don't count the kremlin which is his main residence
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the president can work and stay in three other places they are approach a which is in sochi on the black sea as you know. then work in nine where he mostly lives and works and also was small residence involved i. was the one they were building for yeltsin right. right it's very small so prison inventive doesn't go there very often. so let's. not said yes i think i know what you're going to ask next but it's just people names dozens of places all over russia saying they are presidential residence is that not true. when he stays somewhere for example at some residence in the. people start saying it is a presidential residence it's not his residence it belongs to the regional authorities
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or some other all in or. they just find the best place for the president to stay when he visits. interesting when the president chooses a place to stay besides his own residences who is more picky bush is in the president himself or his security service his staff including your people with the president has only one requirement he needs to be able to function well as these accommodation he goes to these places to work and that's why the most important thing for him to have is an infrastructure that could accommodate a certain event but we also consider security issues and everything else is a combination of factors ok let's now talk about cars as one of our favorite subjects is it true that recently you started working towards having russian leaders ride in russian made cars again they're. you're going to place an order with the factory which made. i have commented on this many
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times at this point i can repeat this it's not true we have not placed any orders and are not going to. held talks with these factory and ask them to study the situation. what do we mean by that i don't want to go into details and comment on the state of the russian car industry including zilch where these vehicles that you are talking about will meet with them it will take a lot of effort finances and personnel to restore this industry or build a new modern car plant so we asked the manufacturer and all the specialists to give their evaluation of the current situation tell us what needs to be done in order for this car to be produced again when we receive this information we will try to figure out if it's worth it. it could be that it will cost too much and it will be
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a lot cheaper to buy foreign cause the ones that have had were very costly right back then they didn't really care about cost efficiency but if we look at the past from today's perspective yes you're right but those cars were basically hand built . they were produced by the so-called experimental unit you're absolutely right they were practically hand built these were won over current cars because such vehicles can never be cheap after the plane carrying half of the polish political elite crashed did you start thinking about the presidential fleet of jets unfortunately we hear news about airplanes crashing every day it means that we have serious problems with aircraft in russia. fortunately we started working on this issue. even before the tragedy. it really is a problem that we begin to deal with it when i came to power and when i
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too busy job much it's not a simple thing you cannot build a new plane in a month or in a year. we have been working on this problem for ten years this tragedy was just another reminder and pushed us to look even more closely into this issue so the process of renewing the presidential fleet of jets is in full swing about half of the planes were using today and new all fairly new these planes are used all the time. and we're continuing to work in this area. are these russian planes yes they are russian planes they are ill and to this month we're expecting to get a new two two hundred fourteen is it true that you wanted to order ukrainian jets
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but decided not to or is it just a rumor again. we're still closely following this situation with an one hundred forty eight plane and its modification and one hundred fifty eight i look at it myself i have been inside we're very interested in these jet besides some economic issues and its components it has a very valuable characteristic it can lend on pretty rough landing strips i don't think i need to explain why it's important you know that a lot of airports in our country are still in a pretty bad shape as far as i know the russian president also has the transported his disposal yes. which was remodeled at some point in turned into this luxury boat is that right there at all yes you are right back in the east soviet times too so cold presidential yachts were there. they are actually ships not yachts they
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are called the crimea and the caucasus they were twin boats both converted minesweepers beg then it was considered a top notch job but it was done a very long time ago where were they dogged in st petersburg. no you can figure out where they are from by their names so the caucasus is in sochi in the north caucasus in the crimea is in the crimea the crimea is now at the disposal of the ukrainian president the caucasus who was the russian president's ship until recently but it's too old now it's outdated and is now in the process of being decommissioned it doesn't meet modern requirements is there going to be a new one. there is going to be a new one we are working on that in the beginning of the next year we will have a new ship are you converting a warship again or building a new one you. know it's not a warship and we're not building a new one but in order to save money we just decided to buy
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a ship on the market the market today's launches we choose the model that works for us and. it's. like a million euros yacht or what is it. you know it's not a million years you want to putting out there it's almost the same size as the old boat about forty to fifty meters it will fulfill the functions who are purchasing it for it will accommodate the president and his guests sail in the black sea and all the sea it. does have a name already yes yes but i can't give it to you yet. when they plan to launch it i hope we will have the ship by the end of the year then we will have to go through a lot of formalities and in the beginning of the next year i will be able to tell you more and you know give the name of the ship and the last thing. yes we could have actually started it was god and we did talk about it a little bit. soon to look at different designs of this unique russian cultural
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center is it true that you're choosing from four hundred proposed designs. yes the panel of russian and french banks birds who will get together on december ninth for all next session choose the winners of the first round yes we have received over four hundred bid. after experts went through them we now have a hundred and six beads left for the first round and this is what we have now they will compete in the first round the panel will have to select tan finalists out of the one hundred six projects before december tenth who else is on the panel besides your some french experts yes we have an international panel. and seven french experts i am the chairman there are specialists from different
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areas on the panel and i was especially pleased to find out that one of the experts on the french side a representative of some french known governmental organization is a descendant of a russian noble family. on the panel off course because there's going to be a church there is to the church will be the main building in this project that's what will have to choose this cathedral will have to become a beautiful addition to the architecture of central paris. thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that blood in the park. do you think he's the head of the president's. comments and. until then they are to take. that's a. quote.
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