tv [untitled] December 30, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EST
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this is all to you at seven pm here in moscow welcome if you just joined a small name is kevin know it all top story tonight the breaking news for oil tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky and his business partner have been sentenced to fourteen years in prison for oil embezzlement and money laundering both men were coming to the end of their previous jail terms for tax evasion and fraud the latest now is he's correspondent joins us from outside. even to save a sentence of being pronounced of last take us through the events if you would at the court over the past few. all those are very tense few hours having because most people were of course speculating that the verdict would take a very long time to read when it began the reading began on monday many people
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speculated that the reading could go on into january and not actually be done by the time two thousand and ten run out however today on thursday the judge finally completed reading the verdict and announced the most intriguing part perhaps to the press at least that which concerns specifically the jail time for me russia's once richest man and former c.e.o. of russian oil giant yukos and his former colleague david if they each receive fourteen years in prison. because he. is here by sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment the sentence will be served in the correctional colony of a medium security prison. the sentence of course reflects the prosecution's wishes who did ask for fourteen years imprisonment the judge after revealing all the evidence and hearing witness statements believed the evidence presented to him
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was satisfactory enough to grant the prosecution's wishes however it has to be said that those fourteen years will not be starting from now because of course this is the second trial of that he's already serving time and this new. prison sentence will actually be. counted from the very beginning of clinical ski's first trial in two thousand and three so blows me holes with that and with luck the neighbors if it will be released and twenty seventeen to get those you saying this is the second trial. of the first arrested back in two thousand and three remind us if you would of the broader details of this case. and the neighbors if were both arrested in late two thousand and three when the first criminal trial against them began they were found guilty a charged in found guilty of tax evasion and fraud and sentenced to nine years in prison each that sentence was later reduced to be continued eight years and was almost double ending when the prosecution filed new charges against the men these
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this time concerning a large. amount of theft over of their cues and found guilty of stealing over twenty billion dollars worth of oil and laundering the proceeds of course this is the second trial of the holes that that many people were hoping that the sentence would be lesser or that it wouldn't be he would be found guilty at all however the judge after reviewing all the evidence said that the only way to make sure that me closer together stands the consequences of his actions is to isolate him from society so him and his former colleagues will be facing another six years behind bars as a katrina czar over a mosque oh thank you for bringing us up to date with what you know the will but our assistance or in chief business new europeans if you'd go to coast to several times he says there's a tendency in the western media to patrol a mosque to but no one remembers what he did in the ninety's. you could had the
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reputation of holocaust being the worst corporate governance abuser in russia and the game was transfer pricing and i was at a shareholders' meeting where one of the production subsidiaries voted to sell oil to a normally independent trader for one dollar twenty five a barrel and this was a time when the price of oil was already thirty dollars and of course all that money accumulated into offshore havens and the tax guy here didn't see it the workers didn't see it there seems to be a collective amnesia it's how he was in the ninety's i mean there were full page adverse to crying his corporate governance abuses there were editorials in the new york times the washington post to writing him as the most abusive of all the other guy and yet when people report about the case today none of his mentions it's if he's like some victim of the crimean some innocent. senator in chief business new europe speaking to us there. are three men arrested for planning denmark's most
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serious going to tackle being charged over a terror plot earlier danish police released one of the five suspects and another one is to face hearings in sweden the suspects allegedly planned an attack on the office of a newspaper in copenhagen which printed cartoons of the prophet mohammed five years ago the drawings sparked outrage among muslims across the world officials say those arrested intended to kill as many people as possible in the papers newsroom that is the latest in a series of arrests throughout the year which have put european nations on high alert over the spread of islamic radicalism person offers more. over a year of investigations and a massive police raid in the end brought results twenty six people have been arrested in belgium germany the netherlands belgium dutch moroccans and churchill's all are suspected of recruiting so-called jihadist candidates and financing terrorist organizations right from the heartland of europe police mission a success absolutely but is the battle over this is it's just
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a visible part of the iceberg it's huge there is a whole machine behind this redo our rules he was born in belgium in a family of christians and converted to islam when he was lame t. he says he did it on his own will because it simply provided the answers he couldn't find in other religions according to him islam teaches peace and tolerance but unfortunately due to generally poor knowledge about it it can be used to teach the exact opposite. there are really extreme arms acting in europe and the problem is people who don't feel erotic and don't understand the muslim philosophy they end up in the arms of these in moms who come from saudi arabia egypt a former french intelligence officer claude money care now has a company advising governments and corporations one hell to deal with terrorism and extremism really. threats based in brussels he claims the spread of islamic extremism is happening right in front of the authorities vielka from their
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attention by its privacy they will say you are not a good mistake because you don't practice five times the prior five times a day you are not a good muslim because you are drinking you are not a good muslim because your wife is not and you are not a good mystery because you don't do nothing for your brother. in palestine in iraq and so on which are oppressed and are killed it begins in the families it begins. in the streets in damascus this is one of the immigrant quarters of brussels. signs in arabic specialist shops and cafes teleport to be we were in the one top european union official around a quarter of the local active working age population from eighteen to thirty is unemployed unofficial this figure is even higher which makes it prime ground for recruitment. the lack of education and little work in many european muslim communities seem to have become the driving force behind the spread of extremist
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belgium's to towards the most to be left in the european union the flow of newcomers is likely to continue and many experts believe. it is need to hope muslims integrate into a multicultural society the extremism threat will remain no matter how many arrests or me you go to school of brussels. there is journalist and writer helen bread breaks says it's the politicians who let the situation get out of control. i think what has gone terribly wrong is simply that very many politicians underestimate the influence of radical preachers speaking in mosques all over europe or in campuses at the universities or of course spreading the message it's on the internet and when you have radical preachers doing this and not sort of position to being aware of it then you have the situation that you have today. online tonight dot com or you look web site new parts of the chernobyl nuclear disaster sites are being
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opened up to tourists as authorities say no longer poses a radioactive threat show you the safest way to see it at r.t. dot com. and wiki leaks was not the first to leak secret diplomatic cables crypto dog publishing classified documents long before and r.t. talked to the website's co-founder jonghyun about online spying you got his interview for you tonight at r.t. dot com. and. next with the winter holiday season in full swing it's spying presence that occupied most russians these days but for many in the united states shopping is an all season addiction which thrives despite the faltering economy artie's onus is could have met one man who's fighting what he believes has become
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a religion. true. you should. stop. her. but styles and new must have items of the fashion world changes fast as the seasons but one thing that never goes out of style in the us is shopping america is the birthplace of modern consumerism nowhere else in the world do people buy more than here with officially more shopping malls in the us than high schools if i didn't spend enough money on sunglasses i could probably save for college and things like bad very few actually admit to an addiction is a dora does exactly what. the
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robbers waited twenty five things with a daily need for a new dose of jackets sweaters and skirts she considers herself a shopaholic how many pairs of shoes do you have. so hundreds the urge to possess has taken over men to statistics see men and women compulsively shop equally in the us nowadays i'm actually excited about expensive runs during the last couple of years i've spent i think of a one hundred thousand dollars on clothes while these numbers are simply unimaginable for millions of americans only a few are putting up a very loud fight against consumerism. reverend billy says a credit card exorcism on the entire nation is what can cure america fifteen million americans are addicted to shopping but many more americans than fifteen million
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shop too much stock shape is mean life mission is to chase away. the shopping devil by putting on acts in churches and shopping malls around the country the credit crunch the purpose of the exaggerations is to make americans see their flaws. this plastic you spend too much money consumer consumer. it's a church that controls us it's a fundamentalist church like the roman catholic church in the fourteen hundreds these desperate times normally accept my credit card limit every mom could be calling for desperate measures like spells and exorcisms the things that glitter in the windows will the appeal to you since more often than not in the us legally the majority of people have too much month left at the end of the money the average american is said to generate over fifty tons of garbage by the time they are a senior with millions buzzing around new york stores this holiday season and it's hard to tell who is doing it responsibly and who is completely out of control
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because of shopping not considered a mental disorder there are dozens of there are people and clinics in the big apple for those who are willing to admit they have a problem an indication of no lessons learned even after the big crash of a recession and spicy chicken out pretty. well despite the holiday shopping buzz it seems the us is storing up huge financial problems for it so find out why to do the kaiser report in just over twenty minutes tonight. eight the united states of america is broke tell me tell me oh great one well it turns out that one of the media reasons why the us is broke is you'll be shocked to hear this military spend . seven hundred billion dollars in two thousand and nine was spent on the military you have to actually double it if you are going to count the real costs of the military including the wars you know the war profiteering industry mimics wall
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street they are generated by fees not by freedumb but by the dumb america is a great global empiria will be dumb they go into countries blow it up for the fees that they pay the military contractors and hardware providers of the software providers to go commit genocide in various countries for a fee. south korea's ramped up the rhetoric against its northern neighbor officially labeling it an enemy comes as tensions in the region remain high following north korea's shelling of an island in response to war games on his border patrol officer lecturer in korean studies at the university of sydney he spoke to us he says that it's part of the south's new approach to relations with the north. from north korean side it's
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a very provocative hostile step from south korea which. is supplementing its. not just rhetoric but also military. logistical preparations for the invasion of north korea looks at that but for south koreans it's just a return to the original stance the hostile one to communist very heavy handed and very sort of. relations with north korea no concessions no cooperation no talks to south korea expects north korea to change north korea does not want to change north korea's prepared is doing everything possible to avoid this change because it simply cannot sustain any economic or political change so. it is on the roof or north korean regime it's a survival south korea's doing everything possible to destabilize the situation either militarily or refusing to provide the traditional usual for the sunshine policy south korea is a security ally of the united states and the united states is
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a presence in the region states really wants to influence its control of the group and you feel united states are staged for this station in the southern part of the korean peninsula china's next door from the korean peninsula and of course if the united states loses control or influence over korea korean peninsula north korea if so unified korea becomes a new dependent state while the certain interests of the united states' national interests might be jeopardized. coming up here on our see in a few bubbles we reveal the secrets of siberian string. pulling money but this is the only way it is why they have to show their strength they can also find many other ways to flex some siberian muscle joint arteries closer to even the city of homs to see what else some of the strongest people in russia are paid a lot of where their power comes. the head of one of moscow's main airports debbie did a version reportedly been fired. head for failing to deal with the chaos caused by
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flight delays earlier this week severe disruptions in several they crossed the camp and left thousands of people stranded freezing rain ruptured power cables leaving domodedovo without electricity for hours at another airport i stopped runways many many planes couldn't take off frustrated passengers said they weren't given any information about their flights they also complained of a lack of food and water as well as the hotel beds they were promised flights are getting back to normal but many people see the holiday plans really. brief look at some of the major headlines around the world tonight the former president of israel musharraf has been convicted of rape and could go to jail a three judge panel with all his defense has labeled his defense rather is riddled with lies in its ruling but has not yet sentenced him women's rights groups have long complained that israeli authorities struck off sexual harassment at workplaces welcome the verdict. he was found guilty sorry about that of
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raping an employee as tourism minister in the one nine hundred ninety s. and other sexual offenses when head of state between two thousand and two thousand and seven. days of torrential rain of lefty's to the straightly are facing its worst flooding in decades thousands of people have been evacuated from affected areas but many remote communities remain cut off by high waters the government's declared much of the northeast a disaster zone and deployed army helicopters to assist with rescue efforts we try to just warn that even though rains have eased off runoff from higher areas still need to more flooding. the u.s. is revoke the visa of the venezuelan ambassador to washington in its response to president chavez rejection of america's choice of envoy to caracas larry parr who was blocked after the american diplomatic use chavez and close ties with leftist colombian rebels amid tensions between chavez and washington the venezuelan leader also challenge to barbour's administration to cut all diplomatic relations. tonneau to see more of russia close up as we discover the hidden treasures of siberia.
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as you can see coming up on the map who are not one of the largest regions in southwestern siberia tonight people here are known for their considerable strength and true siberian spirit and that's exactly what makes them the best hockey players in the country and it turns out that is not the only way to show some siberian muscle either tom but in explains a bit more. i don't skills while the local hockey team album guard puts another goal in the net they may look like other teams from around russia or in the world but they know their special i saw i saw yesterday was in my list and since we were little we've practiced outside in the cold weather so we used the hard conditions it's warm i know america so we're the toughest players. and it's not just seasoned players enthusiasm for the test of
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courage and strength comes young. and. i like the way they play hockey the pull of the strikes and the opportunity to become a still life. ice hockey isn't the only had chilean endevor tracting attention here how about the why don't know turning a minibus. for those boys to be there is a period in winter with slippery roads it's pretty hard. pulling many buses and the only way this is why you have to show their strength they can also find many other ways to flex some siberian muscle. here is in a gym in the team lifts bends and pulls anything they can lay their hands on for competitions across russia they also put on public shows to entertain crowds and some extra money. but day in day out it's about heaving that little bit of moon and to separate the sand it's different i just like it that's all i like
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wrestling against these pieces of equipment i like to achieve high results with the teeth. the team only formed a few years ago so they haven't won a major titles yet but again the siberian spirit infuses them and they have a strong sense of its special quality sure that of what could possibly come to nothing historically people from siberia have been very strong and make great soldiers i think they greatly contributed to our victory in world war two conditions here make people learn how to survive it's extremely strong indeed in fact you could hardly describe these lot as being in survival mode. if your looks lift a ball or move all these guys will try and muscle it around me to tire moving. me some joined weights lifting. or perhaps even me.
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it's not a problem for the men with the muscles tom barton artie. going to say don't drop it now as mentioned a bit earlier the kaiser paul and i are very shortly tonight here are looking at the huge problems in store for the u.s. economy more about to come but it's business news with charlotte coming up first. hello welcome to the business program here on r.t. with michelle amos folly now russia's investment climate has been one key issue this week fourteen billion dollars of direct foreign investment came to the country this year that's roughly the same as in two thousand and nine that the government was seeking to attract more kirsch more forward and our discussion has turned the possible impact of the holocaust the sentencing on the investment climate in the country to give again from i.h.s. global insight says the case is likely to negatively influence the sentiment of
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potential newcomers. i think the reaction to the outcome of the court. different from those investors who are already in russia and sort of know the rules of the game probably the reaction would be rather muted however the investors who are interested in in russia but yet have to venture into the country they would be more cautious. time of see how the markets are performing in u.s. stocks are trading marginally low was trying to sift through the last bunch of economic data to do in the labor department did some positive news. filings for unemployment insurance fell last week. neighboring new york stock markets have lost their grip on early gains the last trading day of the year marked by low volume a week session for asia is weighing on stocks families with us. and here in russia the market supposed to be a r.t.s. any day in positive territory
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a racing. was among the worst performers on the down more than sides. russia and germany have been among the false deuce growing stock markets this year but in the mosques have grown by more than twelve percent so you get a severe will from deutsche bank russia explains the reasons for the gains. the performance of the russian market this year was more than it was from the person that increased the world from fifteen twenty percent. since the beginning of the year and this approach for the russian market has been before that all price all price was rolled to a storm you know where you are in the one hundred dollars per barrel what the russian market. perform for world for more than of optimism i think is sort of weird for the for some people but the. crisis might repeat some more expect double dip what this. consumer prices in russia have risen
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eight point seven percent since the beginning of the year slightly higher than officials forecast but still the lowest level inflation in the country's history buckwheat and wheat prices rose over the summer drought and potato and cabbage courses have jumped almost six percent in the last week. some even briefly in a large international reserve deployed quite a ways two billion dollars in one week the central bank says they're now equal to around four hundred seventy billion dollars which is still almost eight percent of them in january international reserves comprised of foreign currencies gold and other assets. russia's consumer sector has seen fifteen billion dollars worth of merger and acquisition deals this year but almost a newspaper says that three times in two thousand and nine most of the growth was driven by several big deals including pepsi co's purchase of russia's dairy producer bill dad and the merger of uni will be done on the side of russia is attractive to foreign investors as the country's enterprises are relatively cheap
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to the crisis however they expect those value of russian stocks to grow significantly next year and. russia has to start selling up to five hundred thousand tons of grain and with intervention found on the market sells we carried out in a weekly basis from january probably survive if we can sell it and plastic selling off grain the government hopes to stabilize prices after a drought wiped out thirty percent of the crop. noise far more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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