tv [untitled] January 3, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EST
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and russia's natural gas monopoly is among the top picks for investors who expected shares to rise up by twenty five percent in two thousand and eleven low gas prices in europe in the first half of the year have been holding gas problem back from strong financial reports now prices are on the up which are likely to help the energy giant outperform the markets next year gas problem also expects european exports to rise by over three percent a year over the next decade. from renaissance capital says that an expected improvement in corporate governance will also add to the stock's potential. just. because the cheapest store know when the merger of emerging markets universe keeps making very strong for investors who can you know one thing that. investors to do employ to boat goes beyond that it's perfect for your response if you're going to see. some form of gossip. this is going to be there are still going for.
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to. itself was our most case this is the odds here europe's asylum policy comes on the wire also did spike of arrests over suspected terror plots detainees and links to chechen terrorism and al qaida have triggered accusations that lacks checks offering extremists saying hey fred. thompson the paulson hoping your work but calling the president a mosque a problem could be the among the chaunce so really they have
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a cold war experience and this is going. see what it would have been like if the russian capital become the target of the new gear at the time. and celebrating break ups with a bunch of american marriages ending in divorce these in their distress is becoming a prosperous business in the u.s. divorce the showers and give same in helping the hall broke in make your fortune for creative coming. up next the stories of soldiers and officers who choose conscience over all me what is the price they paid for that decision.
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noice can you hear it. it's coming from the earth it's the sound of despair despair and. noise south millions of men women and children living in appalling conditions in extreme poverty extreme violence extreme exploitation. orphans of the technological age pariahs at the table of the rich and powerful these are their stories some are shocking others. but in their own right. extreme. as extreme as the compulsion for soldiers to disobey orders against their
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convictions and values. this is the story of three soldiers in three countries and three areas each was compelled to break his pledge of obedience. i. was. i'm. i'm i'm i'm not good at that. i doubt either that i did i that i that i've. got i've got. that i've got how ugly. in the army we were supposed to submit willingly to our superiors order. i observe the rule in my entire life until that infamous september eleventh is see i knew
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that blood was being spilled in the streets and. that courses were floating in the river. to sit down crimes were being committed. and. i could no longer be a member of an army that was responsible for these injustices sickles he let it but then if he'd let the kids get the gig. at this institution. show whenever i deal becomes a nightmare. shut your good lord turns into satan to full fitness the town
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and day turns into night shift selfishly like that. i. you have the obligation to refuse to leave but i guess when you no longer believe in what you are doing and you can no longer stand up for your actions you must refuse. if you don't have a good reason to go to war. if you don't have a purpose if you don't feel that you're doing something noble.
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if you don't believe deep within yourself that you fighting for freedom if you don't believe deep within yourself that you're fighting for democracy. if you don't believe that you're fighting. to make the world a safer place and you're left without a purpose you're nothing but my mercenary. and that's why i'm sad not to go back to my unit in iraq because i completely disagree i think it's worse and more on criminal and i don't want to be a part of it. but
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when there is a war. and they give you give me your orders. it's very hard to see a human being to accept that because you're not really taking part of in the process of. deciding whether that war is legal or it's illegal or if it's moral or immoral. but such believe such moral view. has absolutely nothing to do with what you have to do as a soldier you have to follow your orders. and that's that is one of the most frustrating things among being a soldier and you have no say.
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at the new academy when go after fifteen days in the states i was supposed to go back to iraq. better nor would better the decision not to report to you know military commander. was not easy to make it was very hard on them i'm risking a longer starting with my freedom i'm exposing myself to humiliation. i mean risking my immigrant status in this country that's huge because i have a daughter who lives here.
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in. all of this has turned my life upside down for example i had to leave my home i stopped using my credit cards and my cell phone on me happened i couldn't see my daughter for fear of being arrested that i had to live with friends or relatives. i contacted lawyers my whole life changed when i wasn't free anymore i couldn't go back to college or get a job all this caused a lot of emotional turmoil in my life which i set out with an ad in the. as a practitioner of military law over the last twenty six years i've returned many people to military control and it is never easy for someone to go bad it's never easy it takes great courage for camillo to do what he is doing today because he does not
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know what he faces upon his return to military authority thank you thank. god. thank you thank you thank you thank you i did not prepare a statement because what i have to say i have to say from the heart and it's a very simple message and a message and it simply is that i'm saying no to war. we're dying there iraqis are being killed every day and then here people are you know reading us about janet jackson's breast or the super bowl or whatever when there is a war going on right now and there are people die and people lose perspective very easily and hurts me deep inside because i'm a soldier and i saw the suffering firsthand and i'm making this stand right here not says. to prove that i'm right or anything like that but because of the soldiers
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in iraq who disagree with this war but don't have the strength to come forward so i'm doing it for them i'm not trying to my back my comrades i have this i'm not going to be a part of that war but i'm going back to the military today i have really no idea what's going to happen but whatever happens if they try to say that i'm a criminal and they gave me many years in jail. i know that that i made the right decision in the god has forgiven me already thank you. the military now once he returns to military control has the discretion to decide what to do with him they can choose the administrative route that is processing his claim for conscientious objection or they could choose a judicial route to resolve this matter if they were to choose to judicial route then there is the strong possibility that he would face trial by court martial. after this press conference what we intend to do is to take
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a bus and we intend to travel about thirty minutes from here to hanscom air force base while we arrive at the front gate we don't know wirral take him there are many unknowns. i was born in nicaragua into a political family my mother worked for the. revolution . when i was eighteen years old. i had no ties anywhere and that i knew when i saw them i felt like a stranger everywhere i went. so when i came here
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to this country. i figured i should try to fit into north american society. the heart of this country. for me joining the army was a way of becoming a member of a fraternity. other country i already had clearly defined political views. anyone who comes to another country. especially in this country which is the jewish homeland supposed to be a place for everyone. to
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at the end of the first year. and two years later graduated from the. well the rank of artillery officer. i was successful as a soldier i did my job and i was promoted i received several medals. and marks of recognition things were going very well. in the military i was proud to be an infantry soldier because the infantry is supposed to be the toughest job in the army the most dangerous job. but. i find those deeply moving but while we're still a child. as i listen to the military and watch the troops march by i mean i relive some of the happiest moments in my life. when i was an officer of the army
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the army prior to september eleventh. the deaths of thousands of people civilians the terrorist attacks that's not something you can forget. very sad when it all happened. at the time that my national guard unit would be mobilized and we would be sent into the field to fight or to carry out a real mission. there had been so many. it seems to me that if the situation was handled properly if there was a thorough investigation identify the people responsible for the attacks or
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were happy to be free from the oppression of saddam hussein. the same time they want to gain control of their country. an extended occupation. real confrontation happened at the town hall and. that's where we had our first combat experience and there was a demonstration in support of that and against george bush. on. one of the. first there was no violence the demonstrators were shouting their slogans nothing more than. after forty five minutes of protest. started throwing grenades and it all became
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very violent. and the my unit was ordered to take defensive positions on the roof of the town hall. we were told to open fire if anyone threw grenades at us from the. one point silence of complete silence all of the demonstrators about two hundred people started moving from one place to the other. one corner we saw a young man coming towards us he was holding something in his hand. through the telescope. specifically ordered to shoot to kill if anyone threw something that young man was holding something and he threw it at us. it was a grenade and we all fired.
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he. was the first time in my life that the target wasn't made of plastic. it wasn't a picture it was a human being. a living breathing human being. and the thing that young man by the way he couldn't possibly reach us because he was much too far. and. the. i shot him too and he was killed by our bullets he started bleeding demonstrators through his own blood. for the first time i saw what bullets from a rifle from. someone to a human body. when those bullets pierced through human flesh and you see blood and
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death. and you realize one. minor and you understand what all this training was for. i had never seen first hand a human being killed by bullets and it was really hard for me that it's something i haven't been able to forget and that i will never forget. remember the first time will. tell me about it you know why.
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it was show three. or four in the morning three. there were five of us lying in ambush. flat on the ground. one of us was always keeping watch. because we would switch every fifteen minutes. all of a sudden i heard the sound of gravel rolling down. of. three fighters climbing towards us. but it was very quietly very slowly only.
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i thought if i wake up the other is there will be may have. to shoot or not to shoot to be or not to be. i had no other choice but to open fire. and i only had two seconds to shoot three men. with among suddenly it's not an exercise anymore it's for real. first shot and i track to the bullet inside and hit the guy right here. i saw is face explode but if you look with but you think you'll that she should just sadly time you see the second guy he had turned to look at his buddy who's had
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it been blown away i shot and killed him to. the third one who looked toward me to see where the shots were coming from. with the less that he saw me and he raised his collision a cough but it only took me half a second to shoot him down. have come i got up and went over to the scene. and just stood there. looking down at the bodies. for fifteen minutes. maybe longer he's maybe fifty years. could most move all of the ideals i had when i was eighteen or nineteen all of the good things the beautiful things my dreams. they all started falling apart the loons all. of our.
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