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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST

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but you asked for his billions into afghanistan but experts say there's no way to tell why the massive war bill is paying for and made a huge corruption l.f. and transparency. top secrets online israel's military fights to keep its own soldiers from the facebook generation leaking sensitive information on the web . and the russian man of the forest has his isolation interrupted after becoming an internet sensation pay a visit to use handmade home in the woods outside moscow. this
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is r.t. coming to live from moscow i'm marina joshua welcome to the program of get a status turning into a black hole for america's finances experts say it's sucking in billions of dollars the west simply can't afford and what's worse it's not clear exactly where it's all going artemisia turkana reports. money money money money money money money money money money money money coming up with money must be the easiest thing for the u.s. since washington is the furiously ok with it being flushed down the drain. one big drain it's been washing down is that get a stamp about three hundred seventy five billion dollars has already been spent. on the afghan war this doesn't include basic things like like care for soldiers and the future of what this amount also doesn't include is the cash that simply goes missing into the abyss from never completed ghost construction projects to arms
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that end up in the wrong hands billions of dollars talked quite the u.s. into afghanistan don't end up where intended there's a significant portion of her since reconstruction money that actually comes back doesn't ever make it to afghanistan it goes into the pockets of the experts corruption is one of the mead you reasons for the u.s. dollar not finding its way to where it's actually headed according to transparency international afghanistan comes second only to somalia as the most corrupt country in the world immediate relatives of karzai traveling with unspeakable billion billions of dollars in cash which is of course not not that i know any details but not the stuff that makes people not wonder about corruption the wall street journal the other day had a piece they figured out about ten million dollars a day was simply leaving from kabul airport the afghan g.d.p. gross domestic product is only about thirteen billion dollars that's
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a quarter of the g.d.p. going out a year just out of kabul airport with the war not going away anytime soon but it looks likely to last for at least three to four more years where we'll billions more of taxpayer dollars and up and i think we're going to see them at the gambling tables of abu dhabi by the sound of it i mean this is not situation where the money is going to be traceable the cash fraud mismanagement and sheedy recordkeeping have been going on for quite a while to see the least the u.s. has already been fighting in afghanistan longer than it was involved in the second world war accidentally losing a few boxes here or there can happen to anyone. but consistently sending the norm. amounts down the drain takes real effort and persistence. moreover this is far from the only war that has seen billions of dollars gone missing simply
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swallowed up by the shadows the united states had nine billion and then a little bit later another nine billion that simply went missing in iraq so you know this is old stuff that money disappears and it's old stuff the money that's put into the pentagon in this country can become part of a so-called black budget that we never really get to see much about there is no one more upset about the situation than those americans that are flat out broke and jobless one out of millions of people to. over a year and a half it's infuriating because we're the ones are always left out in the cold while we're bombing and murdering people and afghanistan the poorest country in the world this is also upsetting to countless experts who say that the u.s. afghan strategy has been flawed all together what we need is not a surge of money of troops we need a surge of diplomacy in the region because to begin with i think it's a misguided war i think we need a country but until that happens the question of why the west can
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afford to waste so much money abroad when so many have nothing but hold may never be answered and. new york. afghan and pakistani officials are urging the u.s. president to appoint a replacement for richard holbrooke passed away last month he was washington special envoy to the war stricken region which is also the world's main supplier of opium are his military contributors says it's high time obama listened to his secretary of state and address the root of afghanistan's troubles. after yet another review and all review of the us policy in afghanistan the issue of the drug cancer has been completely ignored and relegated to the benefit of political expediency despite the consistent efforts and pressure from the russian federation the united states has done it best to ignore the most pressuring and crucial
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issue for afghanistan and its neighbors that is their narco aggression that comes from the southern part of this country and now we have the afghan drug being special envoy going to the better world and this question and responsibility should be squarely placed on the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton because it was hillary clinton who was the first openly admitted and recognized afghanistan officially as a narco state in effect implying that that's where the main challenge to the world security comes from now the u.s. secretary of state has two options first she could descend big your previous statement that afghanistan is an arc a state or should finally pass this information through the secretary of defense and encourage him to take
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a drastic and decisive action the sooner the better then you all pim harvest this coming there is no time for vacillation and leap service but it's high time to act better later than never. that was our military contributor colonel of getting there and you watching live from moscow on the way underreported crisis to find out why some are saying the world health organization is downplaying the magnitude of india's malaria problem. massive leaks of classified information was a phenomenon of twenty ten what the israeli army among the worst affected some of the nation's secrets are finding their way online through its own soldiers looks at israel's struggle to keep its skeletons in the closet in a world of social media. the israeli army showing off its cyber unit telling the world's media how it connects the nation by phone radio and internet during war
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time their phrases. in the communication in the hours is that we are ourselves. for those threads but perhaps the i.d.f. should look closer to home israeli army secrets are beaming around the world some deliberate some unwittingly and they're coming from the inside now with just one click anything and everything that a few years ago might have been off limits is available to millions of people so what taney asli is really could not been see group received this trait in the post it accuses him of killing children in gaza his name was on a website listing the phone numbers and other personal details of his radio soldiers involved in the last gaza war he's worried they're now floating around cyberspace as they have in the in the in the side more than two other names i don't think that this is for facebook or from my space or stuff like this i think this is insane a form of them but it's not just deliberately the connected generation finds it
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hard not to cross the line and that's a major military headache we're a high tech internet service society and of course the generation of people who are serving in the military are young people they are the most high tech internet service of all just like for me israeli soldiers even our visual who updated her facebook profile with pictures of herself in uniform posing in front of blindfolded palestinians animates tell us too much as i did nothing i have nothing to be sorry about the whole thing's been blown out of proportion you journalists take pictures of the same people in handcuffs why can't i see the israeli army was quick to condemn a big deal but the damage was done tens of thousands around the world saw the pictures before the i.d.f. could react as an officer and commander i am disgusted by such acts but as an i. spokesperson i can assure you that this in no way shape or form reflects the spirit of the idea our ethical code to which we all aspire these soldiers spend their army
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service keeping track of what's happening online but keeping a lid on the own colleagues is proving to be a cyber bashful too far people are expected to. behave with common sense and they're also not supposed to use their facebook to you know themselves they're only technically you're not even supposed to have pictures of yourself up in uniform especially not on the base secrecy has always been a top priority for military forces but when i was in the past it might have meant hiding documents or photographs today the challenge is that much bigger. israel. and two militants have been killed in a counter-terror operation in russia's southern republic of dagestan a man refused to surrender when special forces encircled the private house they were hiding in on the outskirts of the tower but all. nearby buildings were evacuated before the militants opened fire the southern republican is the center for terrorist attacks in russia with several this year already. am warchus still
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going on to fully restore electricity supplies across the moscow region after new year blackouts and emergency situation was declared on sunday after power was lost in hundreds of homes massive blackouts began before the new year after a nice storm broad downed power cables the extreme weather forced more than seven hundred villages to welcome in twenty levon and darkness authorities managed to restore the supply in most areas but fresh snow and gales are still causing problems. watching r.t.m. coming up as our exclusive interview with a serbian president who talks about the situation two years after cause it was self proclaimed in the pants or studies told r.t. tension is still in the air. but i'm not thinking that the course always ignored the problem any more course always existing on the problem not only between soaps and old binion's but those with regional policy globally thinking because of having in the mind the real possible press of the that can create many many turmoil sold
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around the world that is the reason the. only sixty countries recognize kosovo independence until today we have more than one hundred ninety countries so that the member states of the united nations that is this is also fate that we have to take into the consider each. and more thoughts from boris tadic on serbia's relations with the e.u. russia and the us are coming your way at about twenty minutes time. news to to stick suggest malaria is a much bigger problem in india first thought a study calculates the number of people killed by the disease could be over ten times higher than official figures many blame the country's health care system for failing the rural poor who are most at risk are these current seeing reports. in india's eastern state of bihar one more victim succumbs to malaria it's
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a treatable infection yet it still takes more lives in india than in each i mean this family's loss is just another statistic in the country's battle against the disease. that malaria has spread everywhere near our village no medical teams come to help us and hospitals a far away poor people like us a dying at this hospital and but not many patients believe they have the parasite to confection gentle kind of thinking i have a very high temperature and i think i have no larry and i've come to the doctor for treatment because many people in my neighborhood have malaria i suspect i've got it to a new study has found that malaria kills more than thirteen dying is the number of people caught in the estimated by the world health organization since many malaria deaths occurred at home and he moved in areas they don't get recorded so researchers was did families and asked them to describe what had happened to the victims a method known as the autopsy we estimated that something like four percent of the
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deaths between one life and sixty nine years of age were due to malaria and if you multiply that percentage by the national number of deaths at those ages you get two hundred thousand deaths before age seventy in india it's a staggering number especially compared to the world health organization's estimate of just fifteen houses and then more fatalities it disputes the study saying verbal autopsy responders could mistake muti as commonly shown symptoms it is true that you can confuse malaria deaths with other causes of fever and that's that is a problem with the verbal autopsy method however. when we look to the where the malaria deaths occurred they were the same places where malaya transmission occurred i would also. accept the use of. and for estimating childhood deaths from malaria in africa so bit puzzled why they would
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think a method would work in one continent and not treat dozen miles away in another most medical stuff when in good hospitals the number of malaria deaths is far more than . they had also seen in the shop right in the cases of drug resistant. randy hill center said the baby food is not that much to handle. because the treatment needs. treatment and also there are costly injections and we just sometimes not to. because of. them want to do becomes as india faces this killer disease it's important for the government and the w.a. true knowledge the scale of the problem only then can they upgrade their disease control strategies and resources to fight malaria effectively in all its forms and seeing. and watching right to live from moscow stay with us because there is more
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coming up including forest outcast with a man who's telling me i slay a life in a russian forest find out how the outside world is taking an unwelcome interest and that's a hat shortly. for that will signal to some of the stories from around the world and australia's military is flying medical aid and food supplies to queensland as major floods continue to devastate the country's northeast frozen airports have closed marooning more than twenty ton towns and affecting over two hundred thousand people hundreds of homes are being evacuated ahead of an expected peak and flooding later this week prime minister has the damage will cost the economy billions of dollars. assyria european diplomat says iran has invited foreign ambassadors to tour its nuclear size to have talks with world powers over the country's atomic program and voice from russia china and the e.u. are included in the offer but not the u.s.
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there is international concern over iran's nuclear ambitions which the country insists are peaceful to run as yet to confirm the invitation. now to eighty african migrants including women and children are feared to have drowned after their boats capsized off the yemeni coast the first vessel caring mostly europeans overturned in the red sea while and the other went down to the gulf of aden rescuers have found three survivors believed to be from somalia thousands of africans try to reach them every year in shabby and overcrowded boats run by smugglers. egypt's coptic church has urged for call monkies fall worse after days of christian protest against religious discrimination in the country thousands of demonstrators took to the streets demanding more protection from the government riots were sparked by a car bombing outside a church in sandra and saturday which killed twenty one people in a van branch an iraq war and of an increase in attacks against christians in egypt
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. two russian icebreakers are rushing to rescue an entire fleet of vessels stranded off the country's far east coast five ships have been locked in ice for days in this straight one of the vessels is now in danger of running ashore as the ice rounding the ship drags it towards the coast in total there is around five hundred people stranded aboard the fleet and the captain save the lives of the air crews are not in any immediate danger. how real life for a russian man or a forest has become an internet sensation but that wasn't what victor was hoping for when he decided to make a hole for himself in the woods close to moscow after failing to settle the city and chose to live in isolation prefer to stay away from people artists are first went to see for herself. we've come to a freezing forest in the mosque a village and it can be
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a treacherous play. but one man has taken on the elements we've tracked down victor his secret shelter here has made him an internet sensation will be walking about fifteen minutes from the main road through the forest we can see where victor staying just up ahead in the clearing so we're going to going if in the water truth that we bought for him. but. a troubled upbringing caused him to flee his home on the other side of russia. he knew he was arrested when you bring up since the age of seven i felt i had to run away from hard life and bad luck so i came to moscow but i lost my documents i couldn't work or travel anywhere else because of this i choose to live in the woods and build a shelter inside the shelter is surprisingly k.z. it's a simple life and also perhaps a bit of
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a lonely one. i'm not a sociable person i never drink and i don't like noisy parties when you can walk this way of life suits me better than you're. an impressive craftsman it is even built his own generator power electrical equipment i have good hands and i love to build and create these things. vic so when viral after pictures of his handiwork were posted online since then he's had trouble from people who've come to track down his cabin themselves or get the people who come sometimes rude and threatening they go through my things and take photos of themselves then they post them on the internet and write nasty things about me. when you pull of the look you know came across victims story she tried to help and . the house which here except to the first was
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a warm gas heater of house with a power supply and the new turn he did help out with manual labor but he decided not to stay because i think he just had been urged to be back again before the. conventional living just doesn't see he's clearly extremely self-sufficient but he does rely on help the feed and equipment supplies out there and you you know for the first time in my life i have a home my own home i feel happy here i'm a lone wolf if you like. it amongst the trees and the smell big just found a way of life that he enjoys. that now other people respect that. so after. all where else online for you twenty four hours a day was plenty more stories for you to explore here some will find right now at r.t. dot com. theoretically appealing the church novel zone is to be officially open to
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tourists in twenty eleven but before you plan a trip get the details about the city's past and present at our website. plus if you're feeling lonely this holiday season and to meet a friend again now simply buy or want to find out more about the drinking buddy service on our website actually dot com. i'll be back with a recap our top stories in just a few moments but before that will bring you the business news. zob.
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hello this is artist business update welcome to the program a year since its launch the trilateral customs union proved a success according to all its members it also had some unexpected affects it stirred up the long lasting negotiations on russia's entry to the w t o after russia said it will seek the accession together with belarus and kazakhstan but as the reports there still has been a fly in the ointment. russia belarus and kazakstan are speeding up the next phase of their customs union the single economic space with a free trade area and a common external policy the trilateral union was launched at the beginning of twenty ten just simplify the movement of goods and capital between its members stooping into growth we are creating the terms for fair competition for all the member countries to help the producers be competitive on the external markets the
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simple economics piece one of unified regulation rules and single economic policy russia belarus and kazakstan with a combined population of one hundred seventy million account for more than eighty percent of the former soviet union's economic output the combined g.d.p. is worth two trillion dollars annually according to the prime minister of kazakhstan together the three countries may gain a prominent position on the global market i think that gives the possibility to set up a new enterprise system to go for the better but of course the good in kazakhstan and there would have a field interest from the. rest of the first year of the customs union has revealed some teething problems that arose imports russian oil at a preferential price we exporting most of it to europe at a high price in response russia introduced export duties and that almost brought the countries to an oil war only after belarus ratified the agreements on the
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single economic space russia agreed on a duty free oil delivery this will eventually benefit all of the union members and provide the springboard for the next stage of integration not only a couple of business r.t. . one of the most significant portion and acquisition deals in russia in twenty ten was retail giant x five purchasing through wal-mart target supermarket chain of pekin effectively pushing for us for taylor after russian market in style for metropol told r t how this will help to boost a month for stocks in the retail sector in twenty eleven x. five just acquired the compared to retail chain which is just called the retail chain and that gave x five much more clout it's far is a is a very well established retailer while the market leaders and the segment operates and is slightly above the economist segment where we're coming out of the crisis and early in post crisis environment i think there are mid-level retailers are going to do really well there the next one in the line to show strong growth.
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through a bull has hit a two and a half months high in last december and continue to grow and let's predict the strengthening of the currency as oil prices remain high with market watchers confident in the global stock exchanges but in a question of reports. the russian ruble strength in two point eight percent against the us dollar and nine point four percent against the euro between january end of them the twenty ten december has drugget more games rising oil prices and returning confidence in russia after the crisis are fueling the rally to the forecast for the ruble remains flat even though it's hard to make predictions i believe the ruble be strengthening twenty level and remain stable. the central bank of russia says it may relax controls on the ruble further next year i said aims to make the currency free floating. this is key in realize the the government's
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ambition to promote it as an international reserve currency the importance of the ruble has also recently been giving a boost by the start of trading against the chinese yuan on the my six given all this practice you know slough least of all if the chief economist from do which a bank thinks the ruble has chances to strengthen into an eleven four c. a complete. free float for the will in the next several years i think given the dependency on oil prices given the volatility that we see in the markets the central bank is likely to be cautious although i have to say the flexibility of the will the volatility honorables movements will certainly increase in the coming years but when it gets down to it the ruble is still have a depended on commodity prices afterwards to diversify the economy and slow in bed.


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