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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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liked enormously based on that program so it's an excellent book but that's all the time for we have today james howard kunstler thanks for being on the kaiser reports pleasure all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report i want to thank stacy herbert and of course my guest james howard kunstler you want to send me an e-mail please do so have kaiser reported r t t v dot ru until next time this is max kaiser saying bio.
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russian icebreakers beginning for some five hundred people trapped in an icy prison off the country's far east coast. cyber attacks from within the israeli army is struggling to plug leaks is internet wise young soldiers post classified contacts damaging pictures on social networking sites. pouring billions down the drain as washington keeps up the cash flow for the afghan war experts say the money desperately needed at home is being wasted.
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with news from russia and from around the world this is all t. here in moscow. one of the fleet of vessels stranded off russia's far east coast is at last being towed to safety but the remaining ships will have to wait for a few more hours the vessels have been locked in ice for days in the bay of second with some five hundred people on board. has this report. three vessels were stuck in the ice on thursday and after that there was the country's transport ministry has warned the sailors about the weather conditions in the area nonetheless another vessel still had it in the direction of the icy waters and was also stuck and that is why the ice breakers that were initially had things released the three stuck on thursday had to change their direction to the one stuck on monday as it was in the most dangerous situation as it was being dragged by the ice towards the coast meanwhile prime minister vladimir putin is monitoring the situation is promised to
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help the sailors he's spoken to the country's transport minister who reported on the situation from mr putin also over the phone has spoken to both captains over the trapped vessels and the ice breakers that are heading to release them just to give you an idea how difficult the weather conditions in the area are at the moment ice is about two meters thick and initially a smaller icebreaker of thirteen thousand horsepower was. released at three vessels but it couldn't get through the icy water so another one three times more powerful one had to be sent down to help them and according to the russian transport ministry the vessels will be released on wednesday morning g.m.t. the crew members were in no danger from the start as they have about seventy five days worth of food and energy supplies they have water they have everything they need but experts are saying that said the rescue mission might take a little bit longer as another very strong cyclon is heading over those waters and
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it's going to bring strong and heavy winds in the area so it might slow down the rescue mission a little bit but in the worst scenario for how the copters of the russia's emergency ministry are on standby to evacuate the people from the vessels if that is needed the telling of of reporting their. massive leaks of secret files have recently been shaking many governments and israel is no exception for the nation's army the problem appears to come from its own ranks with soldiers posting secrets on social networks. the israeli defense forces struggle to keep it skeletons in the closet. the israeli army showing off its cyber unit telling the world's media how it connects the nation by phone radio and internet during war time their phrasing a lot of. it will be an occasion in ours is that we are ourselves.
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for those threads but perhaps the i.d.f. should look closer to home israeli army secrets are beaming around the world some deliberate some unwittingly and they're coming from the inside now it's just one click anything and everything that a few years ago might have been off limits is available to millions of people simultaneously israeli colonel been see group received this trait in the post it accuses him of killing children in gaza his name is on a website listing the phone numbers and other personal details of his radio soldiers involved in the last gaza war he's worried they're now floating around cyberspace as they have in the in the in the side more than two although. i don't think that this is for facebook or from my experience of stuff like this i think this is insane a form of them but it's not just deliberately the connected generation finds it hard not to cross the line and that's a major military headache we're a high tech internet savvy society and of course the generation of people who are
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serving in the military are young people they are the most high tech internet savvy of all just like former israeli soldier even our visual who updated her facebook profile with pictures of herself in uniform posing in front of blindfolded palestinians and it's tell us too much as i did nothing i have nothing to be sorry about the whole thing's been blown out of proportion you journalists take pictures of the same people in handcuffs why can't i. the israeli army was quick to condemn a visual but the damage was done tens of thousands around the world saw the pictures before the i.d.f. could react as an officer in command are disgusted by such acts but as an i.d.f. spokesperson i can assure you that this in no way shape or form reflects the spirit of the idea our ethical code to which we all aspire these soldiers spend their army service keeping track of what's happening online but keeping a lid on the own colleagues is proving to be a cyber battle too far people are expected to. behave with common sense and they're
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also not supposed to use their facebook to show themselves they're only technically runnable supposed to have pictures of yourself up for a special on a base secrecy has always been a top priority for military forces but when i was in the past it might have meant hiding documents or photographs today the challenge is that much bigger. r t israel. you're with in moscow still ahead for you a much bigger problem some experts say the world health organization is underestimating the death rate from malaria in india the real figure could be ten times. and later is the russian man who chooses to live while in the forest braving the elements these are. the stories still to come for you but first over ten years america's war in afghanistan has swallowed billions of dollars critics say washington can't afford the funds abroad when they're very much needed at home but
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it seems the problem is even deeper with reports that much of the money spent on the afghan campaign did not even reach its proper destination. has more on this. money money money money money money money money money money money money coming up with money must be the easiest thing for the u.s. since washington is a beautifully ok with it being flushed down the drain. one big drain it's been washing down is that get a stamp about three hundred seventy five billion dollars has already been spent on the afghan war this doesn't include basic things like like care for soldiers and the future of what this amount also doesn't include is the cash that simply goes missing into the abyss from never completed ghost construction projects to arms that end up in the wrong hands billions of dollars talked by the u.s. into afghanistan don't end up where intended there's a significant portion of this reconstruction money that actually comes back doesn't
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ever make it to afghanistan it goes into the pockets of the experts corruption is one of the mead you reasons for the u.s. dollar not finding its way to where it's actually headed according to transparency international afghanistan comes second only to somalia as the most corrupt country in the world immediate relatives of karzai traveling with unspeakable millions of dollars in cash which is of course not not that i know any details. but not the stuff that makes people not wonder about corruption the wall street journal the other day had a piece sigurd that about ten million dollars a day was simply leaving from kabul airport and g.d.p. gross domestic product is only about thirteen billion dollars that's a quarter of the g.d.p. going out a year just out of kabul airport with the war not going away any time soon but looks likely to last for at least three to four more years where we'll billions
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more of taxpayer dollars and up and i think we're going to see them at the gambling tables of abu dhabi by the sound of it i mean this is not situation where the money is going to be traceable the cash fraud mismanagement and sheedy recordkeeping have been going on for quite a while to see the least the us has already been fighting in afghanistan longer than it was involved in the second world war accidentally losing a few boxes here or there can happen to anyone. but consistently sending enormous amounts down the dream takes real effort and persistence. moreover this is far from the only war that has seen billions of dollars gone missing simply swallowed up by the shadows the united states had nine billion and then a little bit later another nine billion that simply went missing in iraq so you know this is old stuff the money disappears and it's old stuff the money that's put into the pentagon in this country can become part of a so-called black budget that we never really get to see much about there is no one
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more upset about the situation than those americans that are flat out broke and jobless one out of millions of people to ask is larry heels who has been unemployed for over a year and a half it's infuriating because we're the ones are always left out in the cold while we're bombing and murdering people and afghanistan the poorest country in the world this is also upsetting to countless experts who say that the u.s. afghan strategy has been. claude altogether what we need is not a surge of money of troops we need a surge of diplomacy in the region because to begin with i think it's a misguided war i think we need a quick and responsible and exit from that country but until that happens the question of why the u.s. can afford to waste so much money abroad when so many have nothing but a whole may never be answered and. new york. while the u.s. sends cash abroad millions of homes remain without health insurance stacey herbut
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speculate how the money ends up financing terrorists and that's coming up in the next hour. they've lost fifty five billion dollars spent allegedly on balance sheet by the way so you know it's fifty five billion spent and lost in afghanistan to rebuild the country any protest about that you know what's amazing it doesn't make any sense because of course you don't give your neighbor health care so there's no way to contain let's say a virus you're putting your own health the risk by not insuring health for the rest of the communities meanwhile the money is going to mercenaries in afghanistan who are breeding terrorists and training terrorists to attack americans on airplanes so you know so you're you're using a lot of do you want to be used to protect yourself or the health and you given it's a terrorist attack you in the air you are free to get out of your mouth. malaria could be a much bigger problem than the world health organization currently sin is in india
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the death rate is thought to be massively underestimated many also blame the country's health care system for failing the rural poor who are most at risk karen singh has more on this. ne india's eastern state of bihar one more victim succumbs to malaria it's a treatable infection yet it's doing ticks more lives in india than each i.v. this family's loss is just another statistic in the country's battle against the disease. malaria has spread everywhere near our village no medical teams come to help us and hospitals a far away poor people like us a dying at this hospital and but not many patients believe they have the parasite tick infection. thinking i have a very high temperature and i think i have malaria i've come to the doctor for treatment because many people in my neighborhood have malaria i suspect i've got it to. a study has found that malaria kills more than thirty mm dime's the number of
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people caught in d.s. to me to buy the world health organization since many malaria deaths occurred at home and in rural areas they don't get recorded so researchers with did families and asked them to describe what had happened to the victims a method known as verbal autopsy we estimated that something like four percent of the deaths between one and sixty nine years of age were due to malaria and if you multiply that percentage by the national number of deaths at those. two hundred thousand deaths before age seventy in india it's a staggering number is specially compared with the world health organization's estimate of just fifteen thousand then more fatalities it disputes the study saying verbal autopsy responders could mistake when it is commonly found symptoms it is true that you can confused with other causes of fever and that is a. problem with. however the w.h.o.
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accepts the use of verbal autopsy and for estimating childhood deaths from malaria you know for. so puzzled why they would think a method would work in one continent and not two thousand miles away in another most medical staff in india hospitals agreed the number of malaria deaths is far more than the w.h.o. figure they had also seen a sharp rise in the cases of drug resistant. tb free is not that much to handle. because the treatment needs to be delayed treatment and also there are costly injections. because of that both don't want to give becomes headache as india faces this killer disease it's important for the government and the w.a. true knowledge the scale of the problem only then can they upgrade their disease
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control strategies and resources to fight malaria effectively in all its forms thing r.d. . and some other international stories this hour at nearly fifty minutes past the hour let's go the number of pakistan's punjab province has been shot dead in the country's capital islamabad someone to say it was killed by his own party gardner market he was getting out of the car the governor was a senior member of the ruling pakistan people's party he was close to president asif ali zardari reports say the guard was angry with to see his opposition to the country's blasphemy three days of mourning have been declared. australia's military is sending food supplies to queensland massive floods continue to cause chaos in the north east of the country hundreds of homes are being evacuated ahead of an expected peak in the debuted later this week roads and airports are being closed and over two hundred thousand people affected. iran has confirmed it has invited foreign powers to tour its nuclear sites ahead of
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talks over its atomic program and voice from russia china and the e.u. are included in the offer but it's not yet clear whether officials from the u.s. have been asked into. concerns over iran's nuclear ambitions which run insists are peaceful. tens of thousands of people across central russia still without electricity after new year blackouts and emergency situation was declared on sunday in the moscow region the massive cutouts began before the new year after a noise storm brought down power cables extreme weather forced hundreds of villages to welcome in two thousand and eleven in darkness authorities minister restore supply in most areas of fresh snow and gales are still causing problems. one of the electricity cuts may be causing stress for many in the moscow region but one russian isn't worried about the blackouts victor lives in the woods and has even built his own power generator and brought an internet fame although that wasn't what he was hoping for a first went to meeting. we've come to
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a freezing forest in the mosque a village and it can be a treacherous play. but one man has taken on the elements we've tracked down victor his secret shelter here has made him an internet sensation will be walking about fifteen minutes from the main road through the forest we can see where victor staying just up ahead in the clearing so we're going to go and give him the water that we bought for him. a troubled upbringing caused him to flee his home on the other side of russia. he was arrested by new bern yet since the age of seven i felt i had to run away from hard line and bad luck so i came to moscow but i lost my documents i couldn't work or travel anywhere else because of this i choose to live in the woods and build the shelter inside the shelter is surprisingly k.z.
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it's a simple life and also perhaps a bit of a lonely one. i'm not a sociable person i never drink and i don't like noisy policies when you can walk this way of life suits me better than your. and impressive craftsman fixes even built his own generator to power electrical equipment i have good hands and i love to build and create these things. victor went viral after pictures of his handiwork were posted online since then he's had trouble from people who've come to track down his cabin themselves. the people who come are sometimes rude and threatening to go through my things and take photos of themselves then they post them on the internet and write off nasty things about me . when little of the canal came across victims story she tried to help her and.
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offer exact her house which here accepted at first it was a warm gas heater of house with a power supply and then returned he did help out with manual labor but he decided not to stay because i think he just had been urged to be back in the forest. conventional living just doesn't suit fix he's clearly extremely self-sufficient but he does rely on help the feed and equipment supplies. you know for the first time in my life i have a home my own home i feel happy here i'm a lone wolf if you like. the amongst the trees and the snide pictures found a way of life that he enjoyed. the ne us that now other people respect that. surf. region. well. it's just.
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right now. because what they claim. the government. puts on the website of the moment. america's most popular resort of aspen could soon be welcoming a pair of prison agree to hit the slopes with california governor arnold schwarzenegger the two exchanged messages on the social networking site twitter and decided to fix a time to go skiing together. as a lover of the sport he's often been spotted on the piece with prime minister. among his favorites. of the twenty fourteen winter olympics russia's black sea resort. well i'll be back shortly for you but we have
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a. bridging relations with among. the countries president. road towards europe and the challenges the nation. coming your way next.
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what is that they teach serbian president thank you very much for being with us today thanks a lot mr president it's been two years since kosovo's independence was recognized and back then there was a lot of talk about the don't know a fact about the threat of destabilisation in the region and that none of that happened why do you think was it right to make such a fuss in the first place in the beginning when i flicked his still existing as a threat for everybody not only in the region of southeast europe but those so everywhere and from the. real concerns both to take into consideration of probably the reality of the army unit about the declaration of independence i think that we are trying to prevent problems. i mean should be a consistent policy that means we are totally against partition or for all countries of the member states of united nations. means against partition of the
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countries that the existing in the region in that respect your fully supporting for example and integrity integrity of other countries. and in that respect we are contributing to disability even though we are very much affected because if you look through the caribbean of independence just recently kosovo as prime minister suggested starting relations from scratch ways. is that possible i mean what would it take for serbia to actually i think i lock i think the dialogue is a very important that look can bring some solution i mean we have a confrontation between serbs and albanians not between should be and costs because we don't score so in the us we have a confrontation between serbs and albanians for almost. fifty years and then the end of the day we have to solve that kind of call for the. bloke . not only sort of sort of sort of being is but also whole region in terms of
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progress and development only trade dialogue we can achieve some sort of a shame that can be acceptable for a great sort of the prettiest foreign minister with a mistake set that serbia's actually putting it chances of joining the e.u. under threat by refusing to cooperate with kosovo and you're facing a really tough choice what's your priority kosovo or the membership i'm not making that kind of difference is being. participating on election so last time and the first time when i was elected for president of serbia having a mind to mean so did you call goal is to become a member state the future and to defend the dettori you considering to my country i'm going to continue my efforts in that direction you have to know that serbia is a very much affected because if economical crisis and in that respect the old serbian people and the citizens of thinking that economic crises. unemployment and the kind of problems on the top of this is a totally true without
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a strong economy and the real development you cannot defend your state and the national interests and that is why we are trying to solve the problems like all other countries all around the world but people are not thinking that the costs always are not the problem anymore costs always existing on the problem not only between sort of snow binion's but those with regional policy globally thinking because of having in the mind the real possible press of the can create many many turmoil sold around the world but you're absolutely right the international court of justice in the hague recognized the legitimacy of course of this independence and this is the first president now has to that what do you think are the consequences for some other european countries decision of the national accord to justice has been legitimizing you know that through a declaration of in the. and it's not independence of course. being in the mind the
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group of the people the you know not truly independents didn't have a right to do that they came to the consideration all legal framework which was adopted on course so before. there is very controversial decision but we are not going to interfere in decision so for the international court of justice we accept that and we are going to continue all efforts in the erection to defend territorial integrity and sovereignty over serbia but it cannot be really. the. without dialogue between serbs and albanians between both agreed that we have to hear some kind of compromise on the end of the day solution is not one sided to mean score so i mean is it getting everything and the other serbian sort of serbian people are losing everything i'm totally sure that we have to have a some compromise where you have always stronger promote at the pro-american image
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of your government and then when the kosovo issue emerged on it came down to it turned out that russia was their only ally to ally how did that happen and i'm pro serbian. president this government is going to be old is if i'm going to be leader of this country i'm sure that i'm going to continue my work serbian government we want to have a best possible relations we deny the states even though we are facing with a real challenges for especially because of course we do not want to become member states so if united states we want to become a member state of european union we are leaving the europe and we are going to continue our efforts in the direction but no one can make a very strange or not official condition symptom so frequent as in kosovo so this is a quote from your interview that balkan integration into the e.u. is de only way to settle the disputes and we should all be integrated into europe and look for pragmatic ways out single tenney's the now why do you think it's possible to settle the issue that one country couldn't solve on its own with a.


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