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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm EST

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troops it collectively with other foreign countries to stop the invasion of south korea by north korea these are real realities this is what the un has achieved the un has sanctions now on both north korea and iran because that's the way of trying to prevent them from developing a nuclear capacities all these things don't necessarily work all the time but there simply is no other organization that has the capacity to do these kind of all right gentlemen we're going to say no thank you see we're going to join me jump in here come sure we can discuss the united nations and people will discuss united nations for a long time many thanks to my guest today in new york greensboro and in hong kong and thanks to our viewers for watching as he darkie see you next time and remember cross talk rules. and.
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wealthy british style. is no time to. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our.
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again this is see a quick check of the headlines at half past the hour. russian eyes breakers have begun the rescue operation for the first of of fleet of ships trapped by the country's far east coast sound five hundred people are believed to be stranded in the submarine bay with weather conditions west. coast and blinding cyberspace the israeli army is trying to control it for the treatments that made certain wise generation of soldiers post secret contact center pictures on the net while.
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washington suns hundreds of billions of dollars of gold to maintain its war in afghanistan experts say much of that money would look better spent in. nags max carson cohost states that have it discuss the u.s. state department's retaliation against france more missing billions in afghanistan under shock for his a brit. sure this is the cause the report we're on the front line markets and finance there's a global war going on savers versus speculators financial terrorist versus the rest of us and the front line on this markets and finance extends past just banks it also includes companies like mom santo symbol m.o.o.
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new york stock exchange stacy herbert more yes max kaiser they are in the first headline wiki leaks u.s. ambassador planned retaliation against france over a ban on one santo corey so apparently former ambassador craig stapleton was concerned about france's decision to suspend cultivation of month santo's m o n eight ten corn and warned that a new french environmental review standard could spread anti biotech policy across the e.u. he said quote country team paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the e.u. since this is a collective responsibility but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits yeah i want to point this out to folks that monsanto and their genetically modified seeds is another form of currency it's another form of debt currency that they
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forced onto a population they then become indebted in this case agriculturally indebted but the currency itself is a form of currency and i reach out to my brothers in india because you're learning monsanto into your country for really no good reason they're there they're doing mischief there and it's a form of currency and control debt control in. you should be aware of this well there's a few things here to look at because first of all he threatened retaliation they the state department is looking at retaliation what was that retaliation and is the financial crisis across europe for example part of that retaliation the other thing is that wiki leaks is the one that released this information if it weren't for wiki leaks we would not know that the u.s. state department sought to punish france and the french people by the way the french people are the ones that are forcing their government to adopt these policies against genetically modified seeds so punishing these people we would not
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have known if it weren't for wiki leaks releasing this information and in fact we would not have known if it were not for a few alternative media outlets no mainstream media and you could look here at this little image here i tried to i looked up a washington post not one single result for wiki leaks months sento revelations not oh yeah ok just to review here with wiki leaks and retaliation so the us is threatening retaliation so us on behalf of american corporation is threatening retaliation against france and other countries not to let in a corrupt genetically modified debt currency from monsanto into their country and then wiki leaks which you know i understand this and the people in the us are in the alternative media space are trying to disparage wiki leaks they should be celebrating wiki leaks because wiki leaks is now the only entity that has taken on
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the corruption of mainstream media and the corruption of a monsanto who's in business to enslave and to undermine economic and even health but even any kind of real health because of course he sees a been shown to be extraordinarily dangerous these monsanto killer seeds yes well in fact some of the health risk according to democracy now. oh they had a guest jeffrey smith who said by the third generation most g.m. soy fades to hamsters lost the ability to have babies yeah. that's a huge risk and we don't know because there's never been studies on the genetically modified health risk to humans there's never been human studies on this material that is just released into the us population by who in one thousand nine hundred two a guy named michael taylor the former lawyer for monsanto so the health risk and economic risk just emphasized putting the health risk aside for
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a second because of course monsanto will hire the same lawyers to argue that these are healthy that the oil industry hires the same front groups the same scumbags so come in there and defend monsanto defend exxon but economically it makes no sense if you're an indian and you have a killer terminator seeds don't reproduce on their own have to buy them from one cent to every single year you're committing economic suicide in the end we get e-mails every day from india saying what are you to cover india they give you store in india your big slap the face was you know good luck like you just don't so well here are some of the other health risks involved rodents fed g.m. corn as the french had rejected this g.m. corn well in rodents it caused i mean system responses and signs of toxicity and studies showed organ lesions altered liver and pancreas cells changed and so on levels etc now the other part of this is the moral hazard because americans accepted that in one thousand nine hundred two when michael taylor was the head of
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the f.d.a. he approved it without any oversight no studies no nothing he is a former month sent a lawyer well look at this little clip here from democracy now with jeffrey smith when he's saying well is the obama administration any better he's asked unfortunately we were hoping for a lot more success president obama while he was campaigning here in iowa promised that he would require labeling of genetically modified crops. and since most americans say they would have boy g m o's are labeled that would have eliminated from the food supply but you see he and the f.d.a. have been promoting biotechnology and unfortunately the obama administration has not been better than the bush administration possibly worse and max why is he worse than bush well apparently that same former. lawyer michael taylor he's now the u.s. food safety is our i'm so ashamed as an american i can tell you i wake up hanging my head and shamed at that sleazebag hillary clinton she goes around the world
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representing america she goes to india and she pushes the seed crack this dangerous health risk economic response sent to see to this poor indians for one thing we forget about americans i mean they'll put anything you put in for their face i mean they you know if they're gone already that's they've you know nine eleven was the iceberg that a sunk america it's never coming back but you know some of these other countries are still valuable like india's got a worthwhile culture and you know we should try to save it you know but it's a continuation it doesn't matter if it's hillary clinton barack obama george h.w. bush george w. bush bill clinton whoever it is if it were al gore if it were i don't know sarah palin they would still would have been doing this because it is month santo who executes retaliation against europe for rejecting their seeds now not hillary clinton it's months well or clinton of course as you know bringing up as i remember famously she was like oh we don't want blackwater the mercenaries on the american payroll and commit an extraordinary rendition an excess of nations overseas on behalf of our corporate clients we don't want them anymore and then when she is
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secretary of state of course she's got a right there and that's why they call like monsanto of course turns out the blackwater and of course are being sold and turned over there on the payroll of these corporation me. get her on the payroll months until they can call up. blackwater one of the mercenary do sure is and say hey hey killers over there are you working for us extra legally outside of all the rule of law go assassinate these people. being force fed monsanto safe like ducks in a flood wall farm just go home just hope we don't care we don't know who i mean america's becoming the sasa nation crazed you know big porky monsanto fed crackhead country of slopping pigs nightmare is no. play vegetal you don't judge a division big just fill in your own match to the thought of losing him you go to months into a crack disturbing i mean this is a five thousand ten thousand fifteen thousand you're told you're going to lose it for some three months. well so american so something like over ninety percent of
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americans are eating on a daily basis genetically modified food stuff they don't know what that it is genetically modified but they're still eating it and the studies are showing on at least on these other mammals that it's causing health problems well this takes us to the next headline the big five zero fifty million americans are now uninsured that's the number of americans lacking medical coverage now exceeds the population of spain this is one fifth of non elderly americans are uninsured well this is the equivalent of the final solution in nazi germany that creme de menthe but i'm agreement tory i'm burnt i'm american there's going to get a mob from hell supply and all kinds of excommunicating from the digital money supply and they'll die in the street this is america's version of the final solution thanks obama a frickin nazi it's the american population itself because i witnessed with my own eyes massive anger against even the notion that we should ever extend health care
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to those twenty percent of americans non elderly americans that have no health insurance there was huge anger in the murder of those people we saw images of people being kicked on the ground who were paraplegic and said go you know here's a dollar go go get out of my face so you can say all you want you can attack obama all you want but he is just. a man in head of a nation who are themselves rejecting these twenty percent of the population so that takes me to this next headline the u.s. government can't account for billions spent in afghanistan so while those americans where they're kicking their paraplegic neighbor on the ground there u.s. government is apparently they've lost fifty five billion dollars spent allegedly on balance sheet by the way so you know with fifty five billion spent and lost in afghanistan to rebuild the country. any protest about that any military industrial
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contractors down in virginia being kicked on the ground while they're you know like laughing it up in bowls of champagne you know what's amazing it doesn't make any sense because of course you don't give your neighbor health care so there's no way to contain let's say a virus so you don't have the virus your neighbor or someone in your community or someone within a five mile radius gets a virus because there's no money in health care you get the virus you're putting your own health the risk by not insuring health for the rest of the community is like not having a fire department which incidentally america's cutting fire departments or municipalities all over the world so meanwhile the money is going to mercenaries in afghanistan who are breeding terrorists and training terrorists to attack americans on airplanes so you're so you're you're using a lot of do you want to use to protect yourself on the health and you giving it's a terrorist attack you on the air you're free to get out of your mouth but hey if it weren't for you idiots we would be having fun doing this shit you know it's not just americans who are insane here's a headline from the holiday period of the end of last year britain begins five
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billion pounds sales spending frenzy now the interesting thing about this spending frenzy that we witnessed in the u.k. is the fact that the reason why people are racking up people more debt on their credit cards and it's because the vat is increasing the value added tax is increasing from seventeen and a half percent to twenty percent so they're trying to say that to an app percent increase in cost but by racking up another twenty percent of interest on a debit card at least through you know some credit cards these are store credit cards as well and they're charging up to thirty thirty five percent right but i'm expensive and ben bernanke has the same idea quantitative easing is he's really floating a few trillion dollars in bonds for to save two and a half percent on interest in the meantime loading on the economy trillions of dollars worth of extra liability of course mervyn king over there at the bank of england is just as florida's ben bernanke you know there are. idea of economics is one where having people consume themselves to death is beneficial to the economy as
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a whole mervyn king what's wrong with it what he will ben bernanke you should have a hot tub and go back to school and learn a few things so stay sarah thanks so much once again for being on the kaiser report thank you may already when i come back i'll be talking to james howard kunstler about this stuff and much more so don't go away stay there. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. the official implication. from the. lights on the good. video. smiling. and st now with the palm of your. question
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on the comb. all right we're back with the kaiser report special guest right here in the studio james howard kunstler these the author of the long emergency and most recently the which. he bron or hebron depending on whether you want to pronounce that correctly and welcome the kaiser for james howard kunstler thank you max what brings you to europe i really just wanted to get out of the usa for christmas didn't want to be caught in the wall in the wal-mart crush well that's a global phenomenon isn't this shopping stampede you see this in countries all over the world this is what has are blue in america this is your place spirituality religion america is this fanatical shopping which doesn't do anyone any good is actually doing the shopping because it puts them into a kind of straw for debt and still causes global. disequilibrium between the u.s. and china etc talk
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a little bit about. about this whole this debt scenario how it's building and how that's going to cascade in you're looking ahead now to this year what do you say well you know we hear a lot of arguments about whether we're in a deflationary or an inflation and as far as i'm concerned the destination is really the same for both you know either way you're going broke you're either going to be in a society where there's a lot of cheap stuff for sale and nobody has any money or you're going to be in a society with a lot of money that's worthless and you know either way i'm not sure that it makes a whole lot of difference my own guess is that we're going to see a sequence of events that will first be the compressive deflationary to depression . which will simply be a matter of private obligations and money debt money not being repaid to such a monumental degree that that the printing of money so-called or creation of money
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by government could not possibly keep up with the disappearance of money ok so there's two sides of the same coin in either case the purchasing power goes down yeah for example you know a lot of people i have been among the people following the peak oil story yeah i think it's important i think that you know the energy inputs into our society will make a difference in the ability of that society to function but you know if you follow a deflationary scenario what you end up with is that maybe very cheap maybe it'll be twenty three dollars a barrel but no one will have any money to buy the oil well let's just finding this little bit big because during the thirty's in america you had deflation in the purchasing power of the dollar went up but the also the gold standard here there's no more gold standards only see have turned seas if debt is collapsing and purchased. powers collapsing then effectively you're not going to. can't then all
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that money that's flowing in from the central bank to try to bolster these economies you can end up with a higher price of oil in a deflationary environment so to speak in a debt deflation those are all kinds of things that can go on but i think you know with oil i mean oil has a whole other set of factors that are going to push it one way or another peak oil being a huge one again a lot more serious segue into peak oil because this would i let me answer your question because i think there's important you know there's a concept in finance called price discovery ok and that applies to markets and the purpose of markets is to establish what the reality based value of something is but there's another kind of price discovery that we are going through now and it's sort of discovering the value of what your society really is in terms of what it can produce in the way of wealth and value and when you have currencies that are not paid to anything real that are just pegged to a general idea that you've got a good productive wealth producing society and it when that's not true anymore you
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know when all of your activity is basically just financial finagle ing and swindling then you know you have a discovery process that that society has lost value and that's really going to be i think what will put the american currency out of business ok in the long emergency or book i guess you could say it's a story our it's a narrative about peak everything and it's in this this site this is john on the side dia that value is are set to change considerably and that the idea of growth or what in america is because manifest destiny just push west toward unlimited growth has to change because we fit the end of the of the resources but now you see countries who are exploring this idea of instead of g.d.p. gross domestic product they're looking at g.d. age gross domestic happiness and in the u.k. . for example there's a task force under david cameron looking at how can we increase the happiness
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quotient of our society and of course bhutan famously has gross domestic happiness as the as the underlying economic metric did they go down is this how you look at this is a possible is this we're going it says in the constitution pursuit of happiness is this natural for americans to pursue happiness is up to me by happiness it's an interesting formulation which is actually just another way of iterating. a therapeutic process you know the usa is becoming a therapeutic society so it's much more about feeling good about yourself then what you do so that's really what that represents and it's also it introduces yet another layer of abstraction to a financial system which is already hopelessly overly abstract so we're just just another way of killing ourselves but feeling good about what you do in america and around the world means consumption and if we're at peak everything then you're not going to get that buzz from consuming any more because it's all consumed now so we're going to find that happiness well you know the problem really is is as we
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said in the beginning either path that you take is going to take you in the direction of basically a lower standard of living you know either your money is worthless or. there's lots of stuff to buy and you have no money now you know the problem that the usa faces is that we seriously have to make other arrangements for daily life and it's something that we cannot overcome we cannot get to that even the beginning of the idea the beginning of thinking about that you know largely because of what i call the psychology of previous investment talk about the psychology of previous investment was this may well it's a state of mind in which you have put all of your wealth into a certain infrastructure for daily life you know whether it's suburbs or freeways where master choice arrangements or wall street or whatever you. put all of our money into and having done that you can imagine living go over it or even reforming
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it very much i said the infrastructure along with the resource availability is collapsing and there's a need for new relationships outside of this competitive relationship in america it's free market competition and everyone is competing to get ahead but if there's nothing to get ahead against because everything is effectively been consumed then we're what's this new in the problem is of course if you talk about collectivism over talk about the commonwealth you know you hit that third rail of communism in the americas mines they have this in entrenched embedded thought that anything that has to do with the good of society as a whole is evil how we're going to transition to having a workable livable society again without killing each other because if you know reading your year we are work. it's on one hand it's very pragmatic in that it kind of details exactly what's going on and but it also opens up the question is what
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how we're going to be able to live together well i think that we are in for a quite a bit of mischief and it's very hard to really state how bad it could be i mean i think there could be a lot of geo political friction conflict. predicted a social unrest in america it didn't happen happen in europe what happened what went wrong well you know we'll get there don't worry you know people are going to get ticked off sooner or later those people who are sitting in mobile homes with no propane with you know one bowl of fruit loops for the whole family but a couple of things first of all the the free market idea especially the free market idea as it's being put across by the right wing in america the new jacobins as i call them is really just a way of saying that you cannot prevent wall street from continuing to swindle you you know and that's what that's really about but. to get to the get to the heart of the question you asked i think what we're looking at what we're heading into should
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be called a reset a reset of the terms of everyday life of the terms of commerce of the terms of how we do finance and banking and the operations of these things you know so that they're not based on swindling they're not based on creaming off stuff that you're not really entitle to you know i don't think that we're going to enter a rapture of you know communal cooperation and happiness and you know i'm not i'm not a utopian and i was reading about the french revolution this morning i was kind of inspired to read about it having seen the outline of the best deal on the boulevard henry four and you know there are tipping points for things and my sense is that on that day in july fourteenth seventeen eighty nine they had you know a mob went over to the best and they ended up doing something that was kind of horrible they took the warden of the best deal who is known as the governor of the
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best deal they cut off his head and they paraded it around on a pike and that was going into a front tier of social unrest that they had not been in before and that was really a line that had been crossed we have no idea what it's going to be for us you know maybe some ninety nine or we'll go into a treasury office and scalp some sub deputy official you know maybe you know somebody will set off a rocket and laugh at square you know who knows but there are certain points in history where all of a sudden stuff just changes and you're in a different place right now he don't see any kind of transition lateral transition and almost were resisting any kind of a coherent transition and you know we are not able to construct a coherent consensus or. about what's happening to us and we're not able to also
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figure out what we're going to do about it right so with no coherent analysis of what's really going on we can expect a coherent transition it's unlikely so we end up with the you know revolutionary revolutionary mode and you know folks who are thinking about ultimately who is the new warden of the steel who would be the guy to whose head would find itself on a pike in the year two thousand and eleven who would be that guy any any guesses oh my gosh there could be so many things you know these things seem to be epidemics that go in cycles for example i don't know if you remember you may be a little younger than i am but you know when i was a young college student we lived through an epidemic of very traumatic assassinations and i don't know if you remember how just how overwhelmingly traumatic for example the assassination of robert kennedy was because that was like the last vestige of hope for a generation i think it affected a lot of my cohorts really really badly you know we haven't had
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a lot of mischief like that of that kind and you know mob mischief is also infectious and we haven't had any of that. you know i suspect we'll start to see some things around the employment issue i mean that's an easy call as you know mr tell it would tell you of course you can't predict the black swan events because they are by definition the black swan events the things that you can see now that the latest book a while ago which is. the which of paper on which we are a lot we mentioned it a couple of weeks ago and i understand sells spiked enormously based on that program so it's an excellent book but that's all it's on for we have today james howard kunstler thanks for being on the kaiser reports pleasure all right that's going to for this edition of the kaiser report i want to thank stacy herbert and of course my guest james howard kunstler you want to send me an e-mail please do so have kaiser reported r t t v dot ru until next time this is max kaiser saying bio.


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