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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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all. believe. it would be stilled with joy. with parades and mock huge. inspiring people with insouciance. good was everything really good and would seem to count. though she shared her thoughts only with her diary it all became evidence in the trial for counter-revolutionary activities. the evidence which condemned to label. the diary of a soviet school on the.
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eve. of the. call i stayed at more than four hundred people remain stranded off russia's far east coast after that ships up close and started on new year's eve rescue efforts to hunt. and say colleagues. we were able to contact the captain of one of the stranded vassals find out all the details in just a few moments. hard work for hard times with gaza's unemployment rate still high people are finding it increasingly difficult to get a job despite israel is easing a. bad washington is getting ready for another two years of divisive political
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struggle as the one hundred twelfth u.s. congress is sworn in would. a republican majority of the party is making big promises about spending cuts and hopes to derail what it calls president obama's big government programs. news from russia under around the world this is aussie was me you lash thanks for joining us more than four hundred people are waiting to be released from the three ships stranded in ice off the russian far east coast almost a week has passed since they sent a distress signal but the ice is so thick advanced ice breakers only managing to move at less than walking pace and as you can also reports the weather is not helping efforts side. this is definitely a difficult situation or talking about over four hundred people they spent around
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a week now in the icy waters in the russian far east but we know that they do have enough supplies to last them for several months so we shouldn't worry about food or water shortages plus a major rescue operation is underway and the crews of these vessels do seem to be in in good will and in good shape or able to contact the captain of one of the stranded vessels and here's what he had to say. the icebreaker is getting through to us the situation on the ship is normal people waiting for the icebreaker with bated breath it's captain doesn't advise us to try and break free of the icehouse else he said we should wait for their arrival it's expected to be here tomorrow don't we celebrated the new year here on the ship everything was fine it's just sad we didn't have any work where it see to do our job but people to come we had an amateur concert for the new year as soon as the icebreaker frees us to get
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back to work we miss it already but i worry about us we have food and water it's warm we have t.v. and radio we're also able to contact one of the crew members from one of the ferry vessels you dock there and he said that they're already able to see the icebreaker approaching the big question is how much time is it going to take for this ship to to get to them it was a huge storm on december thirtieth initially when these vessels became stranded in the icy waters now how weather forecasts say that another storm is actually approaching so this me hamper the rescue efforts but still the rescue is continuing it's been going on for several days now to ice breakers are trying to get these ships out and we were also able to contact one of the coordinators off the rescue operation as you know it is hard to predict how rapidly the ice breakers will breach the tree try. vessels there's a vast accumulation of ice in the region which in places is almost eight meters
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thick the ice is being formed as the emma river is throwing out large amounts of fresh water that's freezing the vessels are in constant motion so as not to let the ice form around the holes the situation is being worsened by the gale force winds. you can imagine the of the ice which is eight meters deep water weather conditions have to be to create that but of course the rescue operation is continuing we will be monitoring the situation and we'll report on the story as it continues. it's been two years since israel's military offensive in gaza but little has changed for the better for its residents with unemployment around forty percent people forced to come up as many ways as they can to make a living and even despite israel easing its blockade last summer finding a job is no easy mission points near for. a group of gaza women are breaking new ground literally. they've signed up to work as ditch diggers to help support
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their families. the work is very hard but life is even hiding these women of a family's bread winners and with two out of three people unemployed in gaza the burden of responsibility on their shoulders is heavier than the shovels in their hands of the that my family has no one to take care of us and we need money that's why i'm forced to dig. three hundred women have signed up their dig holes for water reservoirs on farms in gaza and the pay little more than fifteen dollars a day hard work for private construction game and better than my has been tested provide for two families seen people if i don't do this work and what will i be left with probably not very much which is often the fate of thousands of gazans left disabled from israeli operations they too have no choice but to work in order to survive miller i have
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a family of twelve to feed and there is no other way for me to meet go even besides using this route with a multitude of just so i scream. they survived by selling cigarettes sweets and mobile phones mahu up a wider makes a living repairing watchers. with got both found the job i prayed for it i mean. the non-handicapped people have trouble finding a job in gaza today at the end of december it was two years since the last israel gaza war since then border controls in and out of gaza have been eased and more goods allowed to pass through but many gazans complain it's done precious little to improve their lives in the next few months the number of trucks going into gaza is expected to reach four hundred four times what it was two years ago but gazans still cannot cross into israel and their economy remains idle policia r.t.
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israel. and coming up in just a few moments we travel to dandle to visit a place dubbed the european utopia. welcome to the world's longest existing free society where things get done for the people by the people our t.v. is in christian the country within a country. and helping humans to reach for the stars the rodents and even russian scientists the unique space research taking mine and even closer to miles that story coming up later this. in the u.s. the new congress has been sworn in more seats have gone to the republicans who seized control of the house of representatives in november's midterm elections they're aiming to deal raber aka obama's health reform and push for spending cuts the party has put up have to opposition to the president in the past few months as it stalled the ratification of the key officer doctrine treaty with russia but may's mad these former director of communications for the republican policy says
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the future may not be so dark after all. i think a lot of people are into supporting gridlock and i think frankly there are a lot of voters who probably wanted a certain measure of glitter gridlock when they went to the polls wanted to block put on a lot of president obama's ability to pursue and implement his agenda but that being said i think if you look at what happened in the lame duck session basically the bottom of last year you will see that there are a lot of things that the president and congressional republicans did manage to come together on tax cuts was one ones that got done you saw start treaty move through you saw a repeal of don't ask don't tell and on and on it goes so i think that there will be areas where they can find common ground i think where things are going to be very contentious it is basically surrounding issues related to spending i think unfortunately one of the problems that you see is that it's very easy for republicans to go out and campaign on spending cuts and curtailing spending but in practice when people actually have to go through an itemized what those spending cuts will look like there are a certain number of republicans who will balk at that and that's where you see
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those numbers. it moves back and i think that that's something that's going to be a real issue for people who are trying to press forward with spending cuts is actually keeping people committed to doing that rather than just having the republican party basically be in a position where they say no to increased spending but they don't actually do anything to cut spending. and also economist michael hudson talked about how to better understand the republican party's plans to cut spending the thing to realize is that the government doesn't really borrow it creates money the role of us some troubling because to finance the government deficit by printing money so the whole issue about whether the united states has a debt problem is largely fictitious the problem the united states has of the four and a problem and that's not even being discussed when it comes to politics what the republicans would like to do would be to meet to do something that i think obama would like to
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cure the budget by abolishing the regulatory agencies emptying out the f.b.i. stopping the securities and exchange commission from regulation firing all of this central bank regulators and essentially letting the financial criminals have a free way they'd like to cut what is really needed and use all the money they have for the basically political pork giving i don't think that's really going to happen but the ideal is to dismember the regulatory system and essentially turn the united states into a kleptocracy and staying in the u.s. many american muslims claim they're suffering from a wave of islamophobia they accuse authorities of failing to time for edge is caused by the september eleventh attacks saying has made out of immigrants the number one target for the f.b.i. offices marina partner i met some of them. you know when most american girls turned thirteen they celebrate with a party oh my ring. and i am the daughter you don't need.
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but what you would do isn't like most the teenager spent her birthday speaking about her father her uncles and her frustration with her home country she got arrested mostly because they're muslim and well they have beards so like the f.b.i. to start of that twisting up all the words he was saying lee was words are all too familiar to some one hundred in attendance family friends and supporters of the countless muslims arrested and convicted through the use of f.b.i. paid informants a practice many criticize as entrapment no i'm not that is playing music out. the term a lot of american citizens destroy oh no i mean you like me all this like. not one no no no it's not cool maybe people you know singing in there jeanne shaheen a parveen son a pakistani american was convicted for plotting to bomb herald square
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a plot the f.b.i. admits was initiated by a paid informant police arrested charged them with planning to attack the four dates on the base for the six world albanian descent and they're suspected of being islamic fundamentalist in two thousand and seven leila's family made news in a case dubbed fort dix five her father and two uncles were arrested and convicted for conspiring to kill american soldiers at a new jersey army base in this home video footage the ducal brothers are firing guns in which they claim was target practice when they shoot the men say an arabic phrase which means god is great prosecutors claim they were training for jihad but yet the weapons used by the brothers were reportedly provided by a government paid informant as the pool of alleged f.b.i. entrapment cases grows deeper the youngest. says are speaking loudest against injustice under a president who promised better. be president make
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a change in this world and stop praise and take out all the free innocent muslims in the jail for lady luck that means growing older without a father. a. turning thirteen in the land of the free she's been forced to doubt more and more every day . r t we are. home has lots more news blogs and analysis for you has some of what's in mind right now president in various visit to israel falls through due to strike by the country's foreign ministry more official talks could now be in danger in a dispute over pay and also. learn great stuff. so the devil really does wear prada with millions addicted to buying in the q. was find out of order prize on expat for the obsession.
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a self-proclaimed state in copenhagen where people have been building all they see as a path of society is under threat local authorities that thinking of cashing in on the community which has lived by its own rules for years. the details i get tired of pushing papers around nine to five are you sick of posting to the government telling you what to do well then welcome to. a country where things get done by the people for the people it began in one nine hundred seventy one when he pees in freethinkers squat in forming military barracks their aim was to do this is site from scratch where the only government would be the residents themselves no home ownership no violence it's a co-op community forged by the fifteen hundred strong locals perfect for people like filmmaker knows mist who has lived in christian year since it was founded if you have this ability to administer yourselves then you also got bigger
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responsibility for your surroundings and that is something which is lost in large cities today for new this is the most peaceful and welcoming place you could find in denmark possibly in all of europe we want to keep up some of the virtues of the village where people know each other and also dependents and feel responsibility for each other so what's their secret to peaceful coexistence people actually take responsibility for the area themselves they don't expect. an authority or some sort of guy from the from the city to come and take care of things we would do it ourselves in fact here's cheney who seems to be extremely attractive to most danes a recent newspaper poll found one hundred fifty thousand copenhagen residents would love to up sticks and settle down in this euro utopia. such a lot of fairy tale atmosphere here and we have also saying you shouldn't know what's around the next corner there should be some kind of surprise and for. the
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biggest surprise right now comes from the city authorities who want to string the acts of christine the land is owned by the state and the state and the state can't do anything about the land if they want to have more housing there if they want to be possible to build something in the area of course change that's the crux of the problem residents pay their taxes to the street and to service fee to christian year but they do not own the houses they live in you're not allowed to make any money off your house and here the house is owned by christina and you live there and rented from christina and you can't sell it on because we don't want speculation and interest and money in this place but that's something copenhagen city council wants to change by forcing residents either to buy out or move out even if we live in this house which we will use to build up i'm ready to give it up if it has to be for it's against the privatization of ideas i don't want chrissy
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added to probe the charges for now the courts are deciding and although peaceful coexistence and tolan's are two of these communities cornerstones its residents refused to bow to big brother without the proper fight he didn't go christine you copenhagen denmark. and let's take a brief look at some other stories making headlines around the world severe flooding in australia has caused more damage to the northeastern part of the country water levels in the city of rockhampton expected to peak as the river that is predicted to reach its second highest level a record hundreds of houses have been evacuated while roads and apple supposed more than two hundred thousand people have been affected in an area larger than france and germany combined the quote has learned that floods have left at least ten people dead so some of that. is in the netherlands are battling a massive blaze at a chemical plants near the city have also done a state of emergency has been declared and people who live near the area are being
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forced to stay indoors some four hundred thousand liters of toxic chemicals are stored at the plant because of the flies off yet. well i need to know more about space rodent's russian scientists have turned to the original space explorers to solve the puzzle surrounding their facts of a mission to mars so they left the animals to float around us and help humans understand the world that distant borders might hold. with. its fifty years since the first human went to space it's counted as one of our greatest achievements but as some scientists point out we shouldn't forget the role of first space pioneers for working for the truth of all animals live shorter lives than humans their metabolism is different so we can extrapolate data from animal experience to the conditions of man splayed into outer space. here with the intuitive biomedical problems moscow these rodents are hoping solves space riddles
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being in orbit can have big effect on our bodies and although man's been in space for decades there's still much that we need to know if we want to travel further away from planet earth what is. the purpose of all the previous flights under the buying program how the zero g. condition effects living organisms and to conduct experiments that can be carried out in humans but are possible on animals. the biome program starting in one nine hundred seventy over a dozen trips have taken animals into space to conduct unique research that when the animals were brought back research is looked at their muscle mass and the effects of exposure to cosmic radiation and over time the research as you did the galaxy for wards and then. according to foreign analysts about seventy percent knowledge about the effect of weightlessness on organisms comes from these
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experiments on board satellites. now it's these mongolian journals time to go into orbit they'll spend thirty days floating round earth after which they'll come back and be examined to see how they changed. and they'll be the as of all those pioneering animals that went before the bike like the first space traveler and stroke and belka who followed a few years later. we specialists in aerospace medicine and biology never forget that the role began with animals as a matter of fact animals blazed the trail for mankind into space. the previous journeys of animals into space have lasted a maximum of twelve days this one will last thirty and that longer period of experimentation it's hoped will tell us more about what the human crew of the mars mission might experience this mongolian job or might not look like much of a cosmonaut nor is he the first animal in space but like the monkeys dogs and other
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rodents that have gone before him he could help humans reach the stars tom watson r.t. let's go. back with their lines in about ten minutes the u.s. says washington will pull all of its troops out of afghanistan by twenty fourteen quote come hell or highwater well sat down with the afghan foreign minister to find out if the country won't be ready to stand on its own two feet by that.
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afghan foreign ministers and let us all thank you very much for being with us today my pleasure. mr foreign minister when soviet forces withdrew from afghanistan you have been publishing a resistance journal for eighteen years what did you and your compatriots expect for your country's future back then as usual afghanistan wanted to be free independent sovereign country to be friendly with its neighbors region and have his own destiny in their own her and the something that you wanted and that's something that afghans always will how would you describe the state of your nation as of today afghan people have been at war for the last thirty years since nine eleven
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calls them one international community came to afghanistan to liberate afghanistan from different of the taliban. afghanistan is facing tremendous challenges to rebuild that. because for thirty years for the country which solidly was a poor country has been completely destroyed so the challenge is hard rebuilding the country giving the normal life toward people are our children go to school to have a health care target you cation. that is what you're trying to do now with or friends british defense chief general sir david richards said that nato should prepare for another thirty forty years to stay in afghanistan which makes a mockery of their plans transition in two thousand and fourteen why do you think need to change its strategy and do you think that strategy defeating the tribal opposition was right in the first place number one it's not a tribal position it is
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a fight against terrorism and extremism and the tribal chief in the tribal people of the first victim of to have been killed there. date of two thousand and fourteen it's afghan proposal president karzai is the first inaugural speech in the second term signal afghanistan should take the responsibility of its own security starting by two thousand and eleven and if an issue by two thousand and fourteen that's been proposed and i dropped it in london and kabul conference by international community and that's been concretized and had that summit in lisbon that's a real things that afghanistan should be in the hands of afghans and the security of afghanistan is the responsibility of the afghans so starting by two thousand and eleven and finishing by two thousand and fourteen the afghan national security forces will be in charge of security of afghanistan and the remaining force of international community need to another's will be supporting force not fighting
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force as of today over two and a half million russians are addicted to afghan heroin this is where mr why has your administration and your allies failed to tackle the poppy production first of all the poppy production in afghanistan have to result of thirty years of war and lawlessness and despair of the afghan people who do new tomorrow he's going to be a life or not you know security for their future. secondly when you came to our back to afghanistan in two thousand and eleven to two thousand and one two thousand and two don't have any institution to fight it no police no judicial system no army and in that will take time before you can put. in place but the fight there is not quite dick is also one of the priority after afghanistan because afghanistan will be a first for that suffer first before they are there will suffer from it then you are not taking the benefit of that because the money produced by the traffickers will go outside afghanistan and not stay in afghanistan thirty years forces have been
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accused of building black prisons in your countries where your citizens have been illegally detained and tortured. her the widely documented taped military excesses against your countrymen and again you sure president has been an issue an issue that has created tension between united states and afghanistan there are two issues that has created tension because the issue of detainees big issue of civilian casualties. the issue of the nitrates in the house does he shoot has been discussed the very frank and friendly manner i think we are in the right part to solve soon in the beginning of two thousand and twelve afghanistan will be charged off between us all over afghanistan at the beginning of this of this. taking charge after tunis and we are working with our lives to reduce the minimum then you need decision card with you but also issues of ninety eight that should be
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done by afghan national security forces more and more afghan forces will be in charge of to come but less than this would be this kind of problems actions have taken place since ten meter led invasion both sat fraudulent with the rigging with results published only two months after the poll what do you say to those who are claiming you and your allies are planning. unsustainable political system afghanistan is a democratic system afghanistan after thirty years of war and lawlessness no government practically were different kind of government has now system to democratic process is taking root as you know you cannot make democracy in one day in your country especially in a country that had been a war for fifty years so i think that there are probably going to be a problem and i think the problem on election is not only in a specific in afghanistan a lot of countries even more do.


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