tv [untitled] January 5, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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all of the countries have hired has had problems in their direction but the process is going on and there are people. believing in democracy that's the reason people are complaining millions of people anybody difficult condition of security when two votes not a woman for the first time in afghanistan a winner in the election to be man not the place it's a dear good news with afghanistan but afghanistan cannot beat switzerland or sweden and nine years mr foreign minister thank you very much for this interview and i wish you and your people every success in achieving peace and democracy in your country.
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no she shared her thoughts only with her diary it became evidence in the trial for reactivity. the evidence which condemned to label. the diary of a soviet school. hello again this is honestly the headlines. more than four hundred people remain stranded off russia's far east coast up to three ships are frozen solid on new year's eve ice breakers are trying to reach the vessels about the course thickness is forcing them to move less than will cain i. want to work the heart of times with gardens unemployment rate still polite people of finding it increasingly difficult
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to get a job despite israelis saying it's ok. and washington is getting ready for another two years of divisive political struggle as the one hundred twelfth u.s. congress is sworn in with a republican majority in the bunch is making big promises about spending constant close to derail what it calls president obama's big government program. up next aussie's spotlight interview show with al gore no and today's guest is dana cause and co-founder of the give life charity foundation which helps children with cancer disease and disability. hello again a welcome to spotlight the show on r.t. i'm now going off and today my guest in the studio is part of. the coding to
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statistics published by the charities aid foundation the most helpful people live in new zealand and australia russia is way down on the list does it really mean we'd rather ignore someone's troubles than give a helping hand we're asking an actress and co-founder of the reason charity foundation. another survey has shown big companies operating in russia spend an impressive part of their income on charity but while firms tend to spend cash on big social projects the c.f. ranking makes it clear personal health in russia is not too common although some experts believe this ranking shows only one side of the coin the other is the development of charity against time and here we can be more apt to mistake as more and more russians are getting involved in helping others in one way or another and the war give life charity foundation is proof to that he told an artist treatment
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for children with cancer blood diseases and all the serious illnesses and drawing financial support helps them buy medicines and expensive medical equipment. to show thank you very much for being with us so well i have a quote you said. i intend to change the world for the better i have as much as it is possible when i am offered rewards as a naturist where i am supposed to kill or torture some. i feel repulsed and decline was artistic feeling that you had the push to do creating creating this charity of yours who knows maybe because nothing new. for nothing i guess it was my natural feeling now always wanted to do something good something something that can make this world better and i know that it's the best
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way to start from yourself and when i offered to play in some horror movies and to play a key there's i really feel not connected because that's the brain's a real energy to the screen and the influence of people i want to bring light and love. and so and so that and so you will never play a cruel woman who suddenly well i know who knows maybe if there's a human will if you change yourself if you become cruel you know not only evil they're all has a human side of it if it shows why the one became. that way and. even better if i could show on the screen hard to transform the human being from bad to good at something something like the silence of the lambs from society or something like that you know who knows how to keep and now i have
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another quote from dean of course him and it goes like this sometimes i despair of success because there's no one around i can rely on is this period of uncertainty over all of it is. lots of time ago so it's better now. i think it was my own my years when i was four years ago was no no yes actually officially four years ago by. we are working as a volunteers for much more for longer. and right now sure that. success mine and my partner is an actress's helps us to be successful you know we try to. do you know who those children that you are helping work are they are they in
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russia or abroad is it is it hard to find a good clinic here in russia. not hard to find good doctors and most of our children has been killed in russia and russia in russia we can help them here some very difficult cases when we can have our children. we send them abroad israel america germany and now to england as well but. you. try to keep most of the cure or most of the children here in russia because this is the policy this is this is your position or because it's just cheaper in and i mean because of all simple because we have the good doctor because we have this ability to help sixty percent of children who needs to be treated and. and then why not to not to do that. the rest of the children who we can help here
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with them abroad unfortunately we don't have enough. fully equipped morden medical centers we have only a few places where we can really treat our patients from start to there and so we hope that much more special clinics would be here in our country that one is would be open first to june two thousand and eleven you're talking about this hematological clinical center the is it really your center that sponsoring this clinic that you actually we don't think we can see ours because it's our dream then becomes true but actually it's building on the state money the government the government money yes government money but it started from our doctors and from our charity foundation and we still subordinated and we have
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our health a year before it will be open to rise lots of my knee to buy needed equipment i know i know you have lots of children a fortune lots of children with with them to article disease with book does or does will this new clinic so the problem would be able to treat all of the children that need help and not all no no because it's just warmly sensor that would be opened in germany. much more. like this one and it's much much smaller country so russia needs a. few more centers like that but at the same time it will be colored big. so we're waiting with them because i'd meant the opening to. a real a real lou. of the city's years as long as you had been doing i mean for absolutely
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you this is amazing i think for our country absolutely you're a girl because how many stories like that when. the government really has a bridge brave brave eighty to spend millions to build a clinic like that because it will be the best clinic in europe and maybe on some side some parts of it will be the best clinic in the world so it's an amazing thing and it will help lots of lots of children that need to be treated you you said the bird fern the bird that this is amazing is the phone in charity work what's what's the what's your favorite favorite part of this charity charities you work when do you get i mean. do so as factually do what. of course a grave has says is faction when you see eyes of happy parents when they say thank
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you without you guys we couldn't be alive. i am mother of three and there know that is the worst thing when your kids are sick and children. children. i don't feel that it's not mine that somebody else they are children i feel compassion and know you feel the measure if you see our children if i feel different natural desire to help and to do anything i can but also the other side of. i feel you know been part of the great team everyone is very special everyone is so loved in our charity. from. from one dept of my heart we don't have a stranger it's everyone is really connected to everything what we do and now it's about sixty five people who work in. our foundation and three hundred
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volunteers and in other maybe authority and doctors so it's a great team and to the. on the to this day we're all together gardening very often and doing lot of events together charity events. charity especially when you deal with cures it's pretty time consuming specially in russia we have to cut a lot of red tape and go through bureaucracies there hearing that do you always have time to do which you have to do for that reason is do you have to to to to make a decision either go help the children go make some money do some acting. there's hard choice to make sometimes it comes to compromise but not to make money or work for my charity to help children mostly should they be today with my own babies or to save some somebody else but actually
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i have i'm very like you i never. i know a very desperate to make such a difficult choices are your children your own kids as lucky as your are they as happy as your because for you first is your charity those you work or the other way around no no leave them come your children. i think of my children my own children and my foundation and level one and then my job is on trying to be everywhere i mean between my children and children in our charity to be equal and i mentioned this world giving index in the start of the program in russia russia is quite low it's ranked one hundred thirty eight this is the place that russia. is put by the charities aids foundation in the united kingdom why is it so who do
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you think that the people here are less compassionate than in the other countries this is a good question i think yes i think we just like to talk about our great pretty sure i live here and that we. specialized in spirituality and then we have the russian grade so all wired to speak about it and to be ones it's a big difference and i guess we have big but then shal i mean russian people so i am expecting him to be off on some so you prove this this foundation work charity work is making you pursue mystic about you know about the spirituality of russians they're not busy mystics it's just makes me realize the fact the realist and moralistic but anyway we never are god an answer no when we ask for help so there's
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a lot of lots of work to do i mean to rise in awareness to help peter people to facilitate their desires to to do some kind. so that's why we're looking for many more ways to help people to become. charitable so they do a part of an actress and co-founder of the poor they're the reason charity foundation spotlight will be back shortly after a break so stay with us don't go. wealthy british style stock.
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market. can. find out what's really happening to the global economy. there are no holds barred global financial headlines kaiser report. will include. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around russia . we dump the future coverage. welcome back to the spotlight i am helen of in just a reminder that my gears here in the studio today is the chorus and she's the co-founder of the but there usually isn't charity foundation and there are one of the top russian actresses today. we were talking that
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a minute ago you become if not. a person most a bit more realistic about how was it to reason many in russia that people are not so the russians actually are not sir compassionate as they may seem when you read tolstoy and dusty askey or even when you talk to them but you said that they are at the same time he said they never say no when you asked for money so so. it is difficult for you actually to raise money what methods that do you have to make the first step is that the problem. it's easy to find money for child specially for a child it's more complicated to when we need money for medical facilities and equipment but we're trying to explain people yes it's a very expensive years it's a machine it's not a baby it's not a child but with this machines we can save and treat much more children
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but it's still very difficult yes russia is on a very last places in the. on us there of. charity give. you report the world to giving indexes there the riaa giving you unfortunately it's very disappointing because we used to feel and think that we are great and very spiritual by there's a lot of conscious much more poor even in our africa where people more compassionate and more involved in charities this is a lesson for us. and it's good to talk about it because it can provoke our people to start to give helpful help hand in somebody who needs more because usually people think we've so poor we have so many problems. why we need to help
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let our. rich russians to do their job let the government do the job but they don't understand that life will be much more optimistic and much more joyful if we would be. leave it with open heart and help around you know on my experience it's really fast that when i think about myself and live my life then it's full of problems rail and most on the trail but when i am completely involved and thinking about others and my life full of joyful projects. let's take a look at some of the problems faced by russian charities in a report by spotlights he led him into. the main problem with charities in russia is that twenty years ago they simply did not exist the soviet state took upon it sounds all the responsibility for those in need of help to the collapse of
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the us the sooner she had to revive the precision of it through big tradition in trade to dr newton was two mechanisms for easing mining the gap is still there such established institutions for collecting money isn't done and are almost unheard of in russia until recently it was mainly big businesses which gave out money for charity but is believe bare involvement could be more significant if they were laws which granted tax breaks for philanthropic contributions as for individuals they mostly say they'd prefer to give money directly to those in need missions generally distrust all kinds of funds not being sure where the money ends up. fundraisers say the philosophy of philanthropy still needs to be found in the russian society where given money to charity still rather sporadic the recent financial crisis is nevertheless chillis shipped in attitude while major corporations choose to count.
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it's solutions pending deletions from individuals increased. well we've just heard that charities have been really used for money laundering and. not only in russia but in russia as well you you you you you know about that well is something being done to improve the legislation to include the supervision of charitable activities in this country. absolutely every charity go through. odisha edition and we as well and we are very transparent and we start proud of them because every person who gives us money they can see their report on our website how much we've got and much we spend and on what since you've been involved in this for a for a really long time now there do you see that the russian state the russian law is
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starting to somehow stimulate running charitable activities is it is it becoming not only really nice suburban also profitable for business men to to get involved in charities. i don't understand what you're talking about if you think that to be to be involved in charity it's a profitable that's not the right it's this way. situation exists in america when businessman can give a charity gift to the nation and then they. free from the backs of some of the taxes you have all the sanctions most of that only in america it's a very good situation in our country no it's absolutely not profitable not you not in the use so so so the law is not stimulating the injured in that way actually if the business wants to to be chargeable and wants to help it's absolutely their
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desire and i must say that loads of big news and small company loads of reach people. are giving my knee not because they want to be famous or they ask p.r. for that not one of them want to be anonymous well i've heard of that and i think you told it. told me about it last time we made it into you with you that that lots of people want to be anonymous that you have a lot of anonymous donations why why are people who why don't people in russia want to be famous for their charitable activities. it's an. honest desire of every individual and eve they don't want to say and to be. able. if they don't want to hear thank
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you instead desire what can i say why do you really scottish little girl maybe it's going to get all our russian culture or religion some car when you don't need to be expecting anything for your good deeds maybe maybe that. i don't know well anyway there are lots of people that are becoming famous for for want lots of different things for for for for. marriages divorces for being being modeled actors like yourself or whatever but are there a lot of people becoming famous for being charitable no no and it's not because they don't need it or they need it it's just because when they involved in the problem which is not so huge like a cancer treatment and they don't need so much of p.r.
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for the problem so they are not becoming sort of famous we what we're trying to do the public and foundation we're trying to scream out of loud for the whole country that we know how to treat cancer we know that it's possible and we want to do it because our everybody's awareness and help we can do it it's so expensive it's the more most accent expensive there are people are you trying to are you trying to attract world celebrities to to taking part in your charity well i mean i mean the international stars. know we're not trying but maybe we should and maybe we so as far as i understand your concept is that. a penny from all the people around the world is better than a million from one person who did it for experience no everything is good everything good i mean one for your bank. because every penny goes on
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children for their treatment and million also if it is the night it will go for the children or for the medical facilities that will be useful for them because you said. minutes ago that may be that you thought that maybe the russian culture of giving of donating of helping people is different from the western culture of giving can you can you explain what you mean by a bug eyed different the culture of giving the culture of helping donating would mean that the russian culture is different is not as public the people wanted to be private and done so how yes it's either. either not public i don't want any any p.r. in new. i don't want to be in a spotlight i don't want thank you or it's the opposite. people want people are proud and they want you talking about them and say thank you on
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every corner but on a west what i sport sport. the people who are involved in charity they do it so naturally they never expect a big show around it it's so natural because even in charge gardens children i explain that there's a buddy who needs their help and they ask their parents so the more i need we need to buy some biscuits because we will bring into the. kindergarten kids in the garden and then it goes. to the poor people and it goes to the. orphans oh i see so so will the it's absolutely a different culture you actually mean that. if if in the worst in the western culture donating and helping the poor is just natural is just is just something you do casually shopping managing director in russia in russia it's
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a big deal whether you want to be anonymous are you want to make you famous you still it's a big deal for you to don't want any help from most people but i want to also say that lots of people are doing it more in more in a more than a way more easy and simply and don't feel like they've done something special i'm personally don't feel that i'm doing anything special i think it's just the nature will a way of being a human being thank you thank you very much dean with you being with us and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today was a card as an actress and co-founder of the. reason charity provision and that's it for now from all of us here if you have yourselves part like we have someone in mind who you think i should interview next time to drop me a line at how do you know that r t t v are you allowed to give a share interactive we will be back with more of our comments on why.
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