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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2011 4:30am-5:00am EST

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tree is well placed to bank for instance predict g.d.p. growth of five percent in two thousand and eleven significant ruble appreciation and higher capital inflows that yellowbelly core business are tame. and that's our update for this hour but you can always find more business stories on our web site that's archie dot com slash business stay with us.
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is filled with joy. with parades and marches. inspiring people with insouciance of. good was everything really good and what's it feel to speak out. though she shared her thoughts only with her diary it all became evidence in the trial for counter-revolutionary activity. the evidence which condemned to label. the diary of a soviet school on cd.
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is eve. he. says. what an hour to live from moscow a reminder of the top stories of deep freeze hundreds of russians in the country's far east remain stranded aboard a group of vessels walked in by ice a rescue operation spear have by an icebreaker is in full swing two ships already freed and three more are still waiting. in the united states republican stand there to take control of congress worthy now outnumber obama's democrats experts warn the
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change could make life more difficult for the president whose party has lost its majority on capitol hill for the first time in two years. and palestinians in the west bank start naming streets after their fallen heroes but critics say the scheme is glorifying people with blood on their hands one st's been named after an infamous bomber killed dozens of his very words. regarded as one of the greatest writers of all time leo tolstoy has made a significant imprint on literary history over a hundred years on from the russian novel his death he's award winning biographer of wilson says tolstoy's message is just as valid now as it was back than. the seventh of november two thousand and ten is the hundredth anniversary of layo tolstoy's death and so much about out of a story i'm talking to one of his biographers a and wilson he wanted awards in one
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thousand nine hundred eight for a biography of tolstoy and wilson thank you very much for talking to r.c. now first as a biographer what attracted you to tolstoy. here's a giant he was the great giant of the novelistic form greater even than dostoyevsky who i suppose of the two great dr so that was what attracted me to him and the fact that ever since i had really become a serious reader in my teens it was his novels i regarded as the greatest tell stories books i'm thinking specifically of war and peace consistently tops the list of the best book ever do you agree with these kinds of ranking. you can't really compare war and peace with any other novel he himself said it wasn't a novel and it isn't really a novel it's a book about everything it focuses yes all the years you know five campaign
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culminating in the battle of our salutes and then the invasion of eight hundred twelve but the further it is on new realize that it's a novel about the whole of russia and also it's a novel about personal regeneration. so it's really about everything. there aren't many books that you can say are really about everything tolstoy was as much as a writer what do you thinking come to say is his philosophy in life well i mean it's a very interesting question what compass is tolstoy's philosophy of life and i answer it in two ways if you think of that really quite early work of history as arky the cossacks there's a moment in that when a leader in who's been hunting. for the dia and is all covered in acts as beautifully described a fantastic scene and he's all alone he doesn't quite know where he is in the caucasus covered in that it's very hot very sweaty and he suddenly gets down in the hole where the itself has been lying and he has this strange feeling of life.
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reason. with which he's connected. he's not sure whether that's the future life whether there's life after death but the significance of life itself for each one of those mosquitoes are biting him just as for him just as for the. warriors and justice of the muslims that they're supposed to fighting there's an extraordinary significance in every single life and he has all his thoughts about being an heiress to trapped being a member of society in wall street they mean nothing to him what matters is this feeling of the sacredness almost the holiness of life and the importance of trying to live for other people now that's a very very early story and then when you get to the end of tolstoy's life and career the thousands of people who were following his coffin when he died and will no doubt get on to this. they weren't following him because he was
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a great novelist they were following him because he had taught not only russia over the world how it ought to live how we should be less selfish how we shouldn't be wrecking the planet we shouldn't be fighting wars so this early story in which anyone has a sense of of the goodness of life the significance of life and how we should live more simply and more response to nature and to our conscience that really runs through the whole of his life and he essentially and underwent its transformation didn't he from high society to spiritual on a case told well what i was trying to say by mentioning because archy is that it's always there from the beginning actually this feeling that we are called to a deeper truer life away from the absurdity of society and so forth the tolstoy family were very grand i mean some of them were advisers to the emperor the family . on whom old prince bolkonski
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a more in pieces because his maternal grandfather was also very grand military and political figure tolstoy himself lived almost entirely in the country at his estate in the public. he never really. played a big part in the political life unlike his cousin's court in petersburg or in moscow but you're right to say there was this huge crisis in the middle of his life we need finished and i could be any now. which was a fantastic success as well as war and peace and i made him very very rich which he hadn't been before he'd been landed and he'd had peasants and he'd had a states but he wasn't very rich he then became a multimillionaire as we would say and he had a crisis what's the point of it all there's a moment in his autobiography where he said he couldn't even be in a room in the room with a piece of rope for fear that he would want to hang himself he then thought the way to live was to try to be like a peasant and for a few years he pretended that he'd by the way set up schools not only on his
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interstates but for vast acres and miles around the us and i probably on the starting education he was the great pioneer of russian education and even now they sometimes in some russian schools use his p.c. to teach people to read. so it wasn't just sort of pious try dreaming but having pretended to be a peasant he then went back to being the reasonable man and he was and he thought what is due to christianity and the church is teaching on ethics how to live. the miraculous stuff meant less to him and it was out of that that here volved his core philosophy of life which as you say is an excuse and he felt that. all governments not just the governments of the sars the particularly evil in his eyes all governments are based on violence and the only way that we as individuals and
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we as society is to get away from a system of the military of war solving problems of torture is in ourselves to forswear violence but also to forswear the idea of authority so he was an extremely subversive figure and an extremely conflicted person if i'm not mistaken here there's an anecdote that i remember hearing about it's about tolstoy that he was working on the raid one day and he came across a gang of rock breakers you know people who break rocks with other rocks and he thought to himself. how much he enjoyed them because as poor working people they were so much closer to god than he was and you can imagine this rock breaking hearing this story anything here you have no idea of the privations and hardships of my life exactly and there was a great deal of un realism about him which was why his wife for example fantom so maddening and second half of his life and you know for example in part of the great creed he built up apart from being a vegetarian and a pacifist and so forth was the six itself was evil. well he was an
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extremely highly sexed man and even when these tracts calling upon the world to force were coming out his wife was having her tenth or eleventh child and so forth making her look absolutely ridiculous of course as well as making him look ridiculous and did his contemporaries frequently see him as ridiculous well he. ridiculous isn't really a word one uses of these great giants and where one slightly does mean feature of him is that he didn't have a sense of humor certainly not about himself but i think over the six question he did make himself ridiculous yet also i was a deeply religious man but he did get into quite serious conflict with the orthodox church well he was. religious in this way that you get in the novels i think if you think of pierre or prince andrew in peace if you think of the of being in iran and
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that worldly young man. soldiers or land innocent people very much like himself as to trap. with women trouble and all that and then they reach a crisis in their lives and they turn to what's all about to member prince andrew thinking he's dying. and then what it's all about is this great stride. you can identify with the mystery of nature tolstoy was full of that to the end of his days where he parted company with the church over the claim that for example the miracles were literally true or that the church had the right to dictate to men and women what they believed and what they thought and how they should behave and so he fell out with the church in a very very big way and they eventually after he wrote the novel called resurrection which has a lamp of the holy liturgy of the orthodox church in it the extreme eunuch etude him it didn't make any difference to him to say hadn't been going to communion
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anyway but he was extremely creative it meant he couldn't have a church funeral. which was quite a big deal in eight days it was a big deal for his wife who was who was an orthodox it wasn't for him he never wanted to be buried in church ground anyway he was buried in the place of his estates where his brother thought he'd buried this green stick when they were playing it. but a game in childhood on the green stick was written the secret of how we should live the cedars of human happiness so it's very appropriate it should be buried there. and we are celebrating the hundredth anniversary of tolstoy's death what's to celebrate well to celebrate is the greatest novelist who has ever lived but also this man who was guided with a passion for the truth and he alone stood up against this extremely powerful regime. and told the truth in a world of lies and this was a fantastic example for russia because in all the terrible years which followed his
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death he died in one thousand. the civil wars the first of all the civil war the revolutions and so forth the tradition of tolstoy. lived and it enabled the dissidents when they courageously began to emerge and stand in this times to look at his example and see that it's only it is one voice telling the truth look at a lot of our look at social needs and they would dieted by the influence of tolstoy and that's really what we have to celebrate and you said that he was in essence an advocate if tolstoy had be alive today what you think he would be doing. he wouldn't be very surprised that for example the americans just as the russians did before were trying to defeat the afghans nobody's ever defeated the afghans so he behalf amused by that he wouldn't be very surprised that the bag of the world. had made a complete mess of things and that what we call civilization must let some tools of the banks and he would be saying just what he was saying in one thousand and two
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female self will simply try to love people try to live for others. and well thank you very much you. children now see your thousand words by the end of elementary school five hundred thousand violet by the age of eighteen. showing video games. twenty four hour news channels is not. every day formulate a steve bould. shakespeare those while those who say if this think about it while it was true to artistic journalistic feature but most of the violence you see is what i call happy. god came down from heaven it
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stop. amen a shot of mormon in the face. makes the pill easier to swallow. thank. everybody who was coming. earlier. in the backyard of nine eleven we were not only a much closer to crop up and then spread all over the country.
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virtually all terrorists today are muslim do we have the right to make such provoking of statements and do muslim schools have the right to exist. new york city on the. deep freeze hundreds of russians in the country's far east remain stranded aboard a group of vessels aloft and by eyes a rescue operation spear hatted by an icebreaker is in full swing with two ships already freed and three more still waiting. and the united states republican step in to take control of congress worthy now outnumber obama's democrats experts warn the change could make life more difficult for the president whose party has lost its majority on capitol hill for the first time in two years. and palestinians in
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the west bank started naming streets after their fallen heroes but critics say the scheme is glorifying people with water on their hands one st's been named after an infamous bomber who killed dozens of israelis. while as we reported earlier russia's junior hockey team has beaten canada and they're now world champions well for the rest of the sports highlights here's enter far. hello there thanks for watching the sport and this is what is coming up. another name heads to k h l n god climb to the summit with victory over all. this city a two points behind munchie a nike golf pro bowler school. teaching we high rushing
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teddy she said to him are useful to get. now the top of the table of the k h l seems to be changing every day at the moment is now even god who are the leaders after day trying for nil on wednesday with bryce that the god replace all might see the sun makes most of those magnificent cools it just behind after that over time when you could at. least also got a win in overtime against all who had to come from behind twice but eventually fell to sell clothes when asked sal about hang on to the coattails of the top great despite of all three she lost that bodies had balls up there with them falling dead she won when i reported inside. and they're thinking the got the better of simply yet every. now and english premier league city an arsenal played out a goal destroy at the emirates and the game where they going to hit the woodwork several times and both sides finished the game with ten men sun yet it's about that to send to the final minutes after a confrontation the point put city within two points of manchester united to do
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have two games in hand elsewhere chelsea lost to wolves will sing well with a nine gold in the minutes not win lose wolves and into the relegation zone while the blues stay fit have a chin go to choose one win over coleman with a last minute window of their newcastle hit five past west how to spot the absence of their star striker andy carroll the own best scoring a hat trick and got a three one win over little. johnny scoring twice bolton are making three one a page and sunderland got a one zero win over ten man aston villa who had him off pesky. stay with people because when you face people not seniors premier league is wrong with didio a similarly say their striker is heading back to brazil and is in talks with his hometown club where it's reported he's about to sign. the deal but going rovers had expressed an interest in signing the former world footballer of the year. switching to tennis in the cat open where fourth seed genk is safely through to the last
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state before see that knock in a minute straight sets in joined rafael nadal in the next round after he came from a set down to be laughter and also through to the next stage is world number two roger federer he looked late but it times before coming through it's a remarkable. face be deployed skipper upright in the last. good see joe will frequently come to me so if you can get jr the son of the world record breaking pole vaulter of the same name and was no match for the big so entrenched into song one sixty six to cruise into the future five. just as the new tennis season is getting underway there are a number of exhibition tournament taking place one such event is in taiwan and it has featured the former greats on the agassi marat safin as well as the current world number ten mikhail youzhny usually last tasted success in october the malaysian openness in playing the seven for
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a championship and now the twenty eight year old russian is hoping to add more consistency to is going to try to stay in the top ten. to be groomed for the improbable. in your in you to grab. my throat. sometimes. throw. let me see. what i can see usually in fellow russian prior alongside each other at the exhibition tournament might be a bit rusty he retired after the two thousand and nine paris masters and he's currently busy helping the russian olympic team prepare for london two thousand and twelve. part of the things i'm doing right. now with the sports writers i know the president because he also became president.
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very far away from where we want to be but russia has had his share of tennis stars recently but he's hoping for a bit of success in a new form of the game tennis the country's cold climate isn't exactly ideal but the russian tennis federation is keen to promote it is only expected. the western part of russia is not your typical place. especially in winter when it's minus ten sides and they could only be found on the pavement so that would not. however that hasn't stopped them in st petersburg holding a christmas tournament. i. was born in northern italy over thirty years ago particularly in rivendell a place the world's top beach tennis players still call home today a resort holiday makers call it the theme if there are people hitting a tennis ball with cattle on the beach well it's now an official sport with
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established rules or regulations one that's gaining popularity in colder places like russia as well as what i did on the chinese beat city we started playing beach tennis in st peter's bank we only had four rockets in for people now take a look at how many people hate the aping many people are curious to give it a try they find it fan and that's what we're doing we have numbers of people who wish to try out the techniques because it's banned because it's easier. well former not beach tennis is starting to attract at least from its much older sibling regular tennis while it's on the three years old in russia drastically as an infant stage the country's national teams are already competing for top honors on the international scene currently dominated by its release. well it's late outstanding results are tough to beat alexander crouch soft did manage to come close in two thousand and nine by winning silver at the european championship at the city but it is not a scrappy little italians have this hour fifteen years now so they are obviously
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believe. been doing the year of support and we haven't had the opportunity to obliterate who lives in moscow for instance we only have outdoor facilities in the sounds good but it's a great thing that we now have an indoor facility in st petersburg we can keep training in winter to making beach tennis official in russia is a major push towards advancement into the masses but will that be enough to make it popular in the biggest con fan or much of which is covered by snow six to nine months out of the year all this the not as this new sport requires some infrastructure investment to adjust to the harsh climates in russia and make any headway in international tournaments and this is where private capital comes to the rescue namely a former athlete himself and now a successful entrepreneur. who founded at the sports center in st petersburg look at some of please be sure present us because we originally ran a food business and our first profits were spent on providing for our families and
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to maintain a decent standard of living today luckily we have moved forward and don't need to address any survival and what we'd like to do is find a way to do business many areas of personal and professional with all that together business. and fun too why not st petersburg has always been on the forefront of change in russia and beach tennis is one fun example the city is now the center of the sport during the color season the russian language although large the cold can still provide a natural habitat for beach tennis not only in sao there are cities like tsotsi but in st petersburg as well as. tennis doesn't require that much investment in infrastructure where we are the go finland is just not northern italy where you can easily. each tennis grounds in the summer you don't need anything big on the other hand what you see here is in a way revolutionary peter bergen has had a history of revolutions and this is a new revolution that has happened you see some of beach more in the country's
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northern capital. well said the revolution indeed russian tennis players like. you get a cocktail ego and maria sharapova to name just a few have already made a name for themselves in their regular game will there be colleagues follow suit and make russia a major player in this sport well the abundance of tournaments in twenty eleven will make that evident room on cost artie st petersburg. and i've got time to give you some boxing is heavyweight champion that make klitschko will fight briton derek jeter or after all the pair were defying last month that klitschko scored it off at the last minute up to picking up the stomach in free however the i.b.s. and camp has now agreed to face his or on a fourth the. classic consequence that he has any potential bat with there will be a champion david haye up and he had unification five at around the same time that we're now after like a little longer behaved child it's. so that is all sport for now more.
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lifts its. place.


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