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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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energy and that's a photo from all of us here at pub life will be back with more first on comments on the ones going on in and outside russia as well then say a protein and take. it .
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a broken dream lucky immigrants who when the chance of a new life in the us find the grass isn't always greener when they find poverty and unemployment in the land of the free with no government support many educated immigrants and say they find themselves in worse living conditions than in their homeland the u.s. state department raffle's fifty thousand green cards for year. the wife of alleged russian arms trader victor boot faces interrogation ahead of her husband's trial she claims that she was detained along with her children questioned for hours by
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airport and customs officials in new york meanwhile boots a preliminary hearing has been pushed back to the end of january. but russian icebreaker reaches one of the two ships stuck in ice off of russia's pacific coastline the vessels have been stranded for over a week in two meters thick ice in the sea of off faults authorities say the fishermen are in no immediate danger and have enough supplies to see them through the rescue. now it's over to our washington studio for a round up of some pressing current affairs in the u.s. on the show it's next. up in the lone a show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mercy where we live out of
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washington d.c. now the new jobs numbers came out today and it's good news and there's bad news but unemployment rate has dropped to nine point four percent but that could be only because people have given up looking for work through to get some insight from business insiders joe wise and thought how these numbers affect the real unemployment figures also today people in russia are saying merry christmas as they celebrate thirteen days after the u.s. all russians are proud to show their faith and their spirituality here in america it seems like religion has become more of a political game and reverend anthony evans will join me to discuss the differences next will shed light on the war on cameras thanks to technology the public has the capability to film police officers who aren't always following the law but with these advancements are there any notable changes changes in the justice system we're going to speak with our producer among the lindo about the latest incident or a cop caught on a cell phone call one man in jail and speaking of cops a look at
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a drug raids gone wrong earlier this week a sixty eight year old grandfather was killed in his home during a drug raid once again making this question the violent methods used by police when investigating nonviolent crimes related to drugs reasons bradley balko will join us to shed light on the growing issue of drug raids combat and ladies listen up because a new survey shows that your tears might be turning off men ok i think that's a little obvious but we're going to talk to the gloss editor as lowly mark is about this and a few other stories that are making headlines this week that's all the end of the show but now let's move on to our top story. the jobs numbers for the month of december are in and well the results are mixed the unemployment rate fell from nine point eight percent to nine point four percent good news the bad news most are attributing that to a shrinking workforce a larger number of discouraged workers who have simply given up the private sector only created one hundred three thousand new jobs but six point four million people
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were out of work for more than six months in the month of december so basically the longer somebody is without a job the harder it is for them to find work but then we look at the u. six report what many call the real unemployment number because it factors in the underemployed the discouraged workers and that fell to from seventeen percent in november to sixteen point seven percent now so what's really going on well joining me from our studio in new york to discuss it is business insiders journalism though joe thanks so much for joining us so thanks i don't know i mean what's the deal can you tell me because unemployment fell they're saying that because people are giving up looking for jobs but then this new six report which includes those people who have given up looking for jobs also fell. yeah is a pretty strange report i mean as you said the reason that the unemployment rate fell despite the weak job creation was the fact that a lot of people are leaving the workforce now the question is why vids a lot of people who are just bummed out and they can't find jobs and they're just
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going back to their parents coach or their kids' college that's not good news on the other hand the as you said the u. six the so-called discouraged workers number actually shrank so that was kind of weird there's also the fact that you know the country is getting older and structurally baby boomers are going to leave the workforce so that probably had something to do with it and even in terms of the job creation numbers it wasn't actually that far from what people expected earlier in the week on wednesday we got a deep you're poor at this private company that tries to take the pulse of the job job market and they said december was awesome and so that actually really raise people's expectations and maybe just got people little more optimistic than they should have been well yeah i mean they has to made of that december was going to be awesome and that almost three hundred thousand new jobs would be created in the private sector what we really got was a measly hundred and three thousand jobs so i mean how do people come up with these estimates you know should i listen to a.d.p. and then have my heart sink when the real numbers come out. well that's the funny
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thing is out of their real numbers look everything is just a survey there is a camp at actually look at all you know three hundred million people in the country and know exactly what's going on so they survey a sample of people and you know that it might be somewhere in between some there's no reason inherently to think that the b.l.s. the bureau of labor services gets it right and a.d.p. gets it wrong everyone's just kind of trying to stab and take their best estimate and there's all kinds of seasonal variations and different. possibly weather variations you don't really know and everyone tries to adjust and takes their best guess so when there's the real number of the right number it's actually there's no i there's no there's actually no answer oh that's just wonderful it's all just numbers out when it comes to ben bernanke you the chairman of the fed he said that he essentially you know assumed that this would be the case that these numbers really aren't that far off from what he was expecting but he's also said that to reach a normal unemployment rate again in the u.s. it's going to take a while it's going to take a couple of years so when we hear the new republican led house come in and say that
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they're going to focus on creating jobs i mean are those efforts kind of futile can they make a big enough difference in a short amount of time. i mean you know there are all kinds of ways you could create more jobs the fastest way to create jobs is actually the tactic that the republicans would be most opposed to which would be another kind of ridiculous government led stimulus and just having a lot of people do make work infrastructure you could create jobs that way there's no way that that's what the g.o.p. is going to propose obviously their solution will be more tax cuts deregulation focused which also would have benefits it's going to be a long time there's i don't think there's any question about that the chairman is probably right that it's going to be you know several years before we're at pre-crisis levels of employment while i switch gears to what some people are calling another crisis not something we have to decide on very quickly is raising the debt ceiling and of course republicans this isn't exactly within their plans
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right if they want to cut spending but we're hearing from the obama administration from tim geithner that the result would be absolutely catastrophic if they did not raise the debt ceiling what it really mean you know what would actually happen what kind of a catastrophe would we see. i mean i actually agree with the administration that if we don't raise the debt ceiling and the u.s. is forced to default on its debt it would be a disaster and even take a country like greece which everyone is basically left for dead even though they are doing everything their power not to default on the debt and the u.s. as you know would be greece times a thousand in terms of the ramifications in terms of the banks that would fail because so much of their assets are in u.s. treasuries so actually i do think the republicans are playing a ludicrous game of brinksmanship the debt ceiling is basically a silly thing that we have there's no reason to have one if you want to cut spending that's great and you know there are certainly very good arguments for
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getting much more serious about our fiscal situation then put bills on the table and get them passed and do that but this debt ceiling issue which is kind of silly that it's a separate thing and potentially could trigger a crisis that's totally unnecessary should not be an area that we're playing games with and i guess for a country that's used to spending in such an out of control way why fight a ceiling for ourselves if we know that we're always just going to raise that. level never actually abided by our by any of the limits that we thought it's totally silly and there's no other country that i know of has anything like it and yet if the whole idea is over and we're just going to have to raise it in a year then we shouldn't have one in the first place again this is not to say that we shouldn't cut spending drastically or shrink the size of government there are certainly good arguments for that but then do that and propose a budget and get it passed and you know however you want to go about that but to use this other tactic that potentially could have very negative ramifications if
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you went too far with it i don't think it's very smart more simple superficial members that don't necessarily need any are jealous thank you so much for joining us. now still to come on tonight's show true g.o.p. members of congress are facing questions about why they list their swearing in ceremony and if they were holding a fundraiser inside the capitol ridiculous stories coming up how the russian orthodox church celebrating christmas today and while religion is gaining popularity in russia here in the u.s. religion is becoming increasingly politicized so we're going to speak with reverend anthony evans about the changing role of religion here in the u.s. as soon as we return. wealthy british soil some. time to right on. target.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines two kinds of reports. here in the u.s. and in many places around the world christmas is celebrated december but in russia christmas are celebrated today january seventh that's not the only difference between the two russians and approach christmas and a more spiritual way than americans focusing less on santa more on the birth of the savior artistic director has won the story. thirteen days really to the difference in dates is because russian christmas is on the seventh of january googling the julian calendar but it wasn't always this way
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sergei's parents celebrated christmas in much the same way as the rest of the world on december the twenty feet but the bilchik revolution changed diddle they simply moved the christmas tree on to new years they moved the gifts on to a new year's they moved santa claus to new year's and they banned christmas sergei's a child of the soviet union which slapped a ban not only on freedom of speech and freedom if we too it's only after its collapse in one thousand nine hundred ninety one that christmas was again celebrity publicly i don't really know what we could learn this is on christmas eve go to church and never decorator fir tree for new year it took a while to explain it to our child but a christmas tree is that great on christmas only through god and not for santa. their family has traveled
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a lot they lived in canada and in brazil but no where the c.s. christmas recognized so solemnly as it is back home definitely less capitalistic because christmas in the west today i believe is essentially buying gifts and having a good time while in russia. it's becoming more and more a spiritual thing. russians believe you can start your festive dinner the food the food start it appears in the night sky marking the birth of christ a strict diet cruelty days no animal produced preparing yourself physically for the special event on christmas night vigils are held in thousands of churches across russia but the main service takes place here at christ the savior cathedral which is symbolic because just like christmas itself it saw a rebirth only after the collapse of the soviet union religion is the opium of the
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people the communist leaders declared and leveled to the ground the country's main cathedral for many years there was a swimming pool on the summit thousands of other churches full to a similar feat today this child of emigrants is happy to be back in a country which has returned to its roots in the west churches are closing down. they don't know what to do with their buildings they cannot grade them to cannot maintain them they are selling down their ten or thirty dam then two apartments and this capex cares and the other way around since that is integration of the soviet union almost twenty thousand churches have opened up the warships that's around three churches and doing it with the country's musina i think this leading by example it's clear the christian tradition now outweighs the communist one it's in
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gretchen what our team. now while religion christian traditions are on the rise in russia it's still a rather private issue for individuals whereas here in america religion is often at the center of political debates politicians use their faith openly as a way to get on the public side to argue for or against legislation and a tear down their opponents and as religious diversity spreads with more ac it's more hindus muslims you name it you have to wonder whether america is becoming more accepting or quite the opposite more polarized than ever before we're here to discuss that with me as reverend anthony evans president of the national black church initiative of and thanks so much for being here good to be here and tell me do you think that religion is really polarizing america i feel like you know we're seeing extremes as more people are becoming atheist than more people are forced to really choose to voice those opinions publicly that you either are a believer or you're not well it is unfortunately they both of the parties
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particularly the republican party actually use religion to their advantage when they want to deal with the social web issues they bring up gay marriage i think that was evident in the tool for election that got the president reelected president bush reelected so i think that the church has a role to play here just to keep the balance in society so why bring it to the so politicized i mean why contribute a win on election over an issue like abortion or gay marriage rather than how they're actually going to run the country well largely because we are a society of religious people six out every ten americans are very religious and we have a definition of heaven and hell and right and wrong and so we expect that all politician to reflect our values and if they don't then we punish them politically so we wouldn't want to elect a muslim president because we're christians fairly so we're not all christians are in america right is the land of diversity of a street called the melting pot and there is
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a larger muslim population that's on the rise like i said atheism is on the rise one do ism is on the. rising and it's no longer just a christian nation well we definitely losing we are definitely gaining a lot of diversity for instance in the last pew study. they said that forty four percent of americans were switching between different protestant religion we have never seen this which but the most telling point was the sixteen point one who said that they have no filiation whatsoever and of that sixteen point one the atheist was one point two percent not a two point four percent so i think that there is a growing diversity but at the same time in america which is complicated there is a less tolerance of that diversity is happening mainly on the evangelical side what do you think i mean also if we look at a politician right for example it's look at president barack obama and this is a different president because he hasn't been as open about his religion and we don't necessarily see images of him of him in church with us he's got
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a critique for now there are rumors that he is a muslim even though he hasn't you know that as if that even matters and then you know if he were to become more open about his religion then would the left start hating what the atheist are getting out is that going to how do you win as a politician i don't think so what the expectation in america is that you express your belief and you keep your beliefs matter of fact because george bush was a conservative christian it consolidated the conservative left wing base for him now. the president barack obama is a little different and let me say two things about that one is the fact that many americans who believe that he's a muslim is a sin it's disrespectful to when when somebody has confessed a particular faith it's considered an opposite than what they have confessed so i'm i'm i think the birth errors and all those. right wing crazies but at the same time we saw in the black church blame the president for creating this crisis because we
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have given him opportunity opportunity to come to our churches. expressed his belief and defined his belief and if he would just do that then the black church and the christian church would protect him but what about perhaps for you you feel that he needs that but do you think that overall that would make his approval ratings go up and personally i don't care barack obama tells me what his religious beliefs are not i mean i don't personally think that that has anything to do with the way that he runs the economy with the way that he runs foreign policy well we believe that one's values shape their policies and again that's why we have to remind our republican brothers and sisters you can't continue to argue cut cut cut and then there's poverty and there's people who need those people unemployed but at the same time you have two presidents you have to define the fact that you love christ jesus as your savior and that will not only boost his ratings but also again both the right and the left of the christian community will protect him because of
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his confession of faith because he's afraid somehow to say that to a ticket i think largely because of his campaign. debacle with reverend jeremiah wright because not all of america necessarily needs to say that not all of america is christian but there is we do you think that. there can be a candidate who let's say comes in and says that he's devoted to jesus and that he's a christian but that he's also in support of gay marriage that he's in support of abortion and it can he then get the christian community behind him no absolutely not and what i want because most pressing issues well is because religion in america is personal and and is but it's also the holy writ that we make. everybody has to abide by even though it's a personal matter for someone like yourself whereas it's a personal matter for me why does someone else's religion have to inflict upon the laws that i live by well it's largely because we want to know how you're going to respond to the poor we don't want to hire going to respond to pretty much everybody
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and rather not you going to have compassion. fundamentally we again we fought president bush at the one hand he said that he was a great christian but the amount of on last killing that he did in iraq and again to stand unacceptable in the christian faith but nonetheless one of the things that consolidated again his tool for women was the fact that he tried to use the web where the issue of gay marriage to get elected which he did and of course the interesting thing too about conservatives using religion so often as if they're the ones that are big the biggest war hawks that are all for killing variable but they love god of the same time i thank you so much for being here thank you so much now in today's society it seems that almost everybody has easy access to a video camera thanks to technology thanks to cell phones but it's also sparked a trend of filming police to keep them in check and now one young man is facing charges of attempted lynching and serious prison time after catching
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a comp on film artie's or monkey window takes us inside what many think is a war on cameras. one a right way. cell phone video captured this tense confrontation at a bus stop between a student and a los angeles police officer the incident landed eighteen year old jeremy marks in jail facing a possible seventy year prison sentence the problem marks isn't the boy being pushed and shoved by the police officer his crime. see. the video shows mark standing near the officer with his cellphone out he was
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arrested a short time later and was stuck in jail because his family could not afford the one hundred fifty five thousand dollar bail set by the judge a google engineer who heard the story stepped in and paid for mark his bail so we could spend christmas with his family now this is not the first time that someone has faced major legal trouble after capturing a police officer on video anthony graber posted this youtube video of a maryland police officer pulling a gun on him days later graber was arrested and faced up to sixteen years in prison for recording a cop the official charges were violating wiretapping laws and possession of an intercept device law enforcement is using laws that are decades old to address technology that has only been around for a few years leaving people uncertain of when recording becomes a crime eventually the felony charges against graber were thrown out jeremy marx's
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mother is hoping felony charges against her son include minute charges of attempted lynching for supposedly shouting kick her ass during the incident will also be dismissed. marx is not speaking on the advice of his family and attorney history you know expression may be dead anyway in this age of technological advancement the fact that police departments are cracking down on officers being videotaped is not lost on the west coast where the oscar grant killing is still fresh in people's mind. police rarely go on trial for violence committed while on duty but this video shook the nation and was a key piece of evidence in the trial of the officer who shot an unarmed black man even with the video the officer who pulled the trigger was given what many consider
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an outrageously lenient sentence you know it is not fair that you are alive that america can be disrespected taken from you without any without just cause and no price to pay a white police officer who is caught on camera killing a man received a two year sentence while a young black man faces seven years in prison after videotaping a cop on duty perhaps another reason why now more than ever there should be more eyes and perhaps more cameras on the police in los angeles from galeano r t. well joining me now with more on the story from our studio in los angeles is wrong go and go armand i want to said if you think straight right it is not illegal to film police officers in the state of california so so far that's only reserved to three states those are illinois maryland and massachusetts but we can't help but
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wonder if the fact that this young man was filming the cops had something to do with him being arrested despite the charges being otherwise and do you see this as a sign that perhaps law enforcement is trying to expand the penalties for people that film. no you're absolutely right alone actually videotaping the police officer in itself is not illegal but in the cases that we profiled in this report where the young man is facing attempted lynching and in another case where man is facing wiretapping laws police and prosecutors are applying these very very big laws that are meant to really. there's supposed to cover all of these things i mean in states such as new hampshire florida oregon there's people getting arrested for videotaping police officers and what police officers say is that these people were either of struck. the work of a police officer or refusing to obey a lawful order and that's something that
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a police officer can pretty much say anything about you can they can say that about anybody getting in their way so definitely it's a disturbing trend that we're not only seeing here in california but across the nation i mean there's even in the oscar grant case a time where police officers there's reports that police officers were trying to confiscate some of the cameras of the people who were taking video at that time and obviously we saw that the video in that case was very important so definitely a very disturbing trend that police are starting to crack down a little harder on these people that are taking video of them was definitely you know this is something that civilians use to their defense like you mentioned most notably in the case of oscar grant where you know this man's death was caught on camera are there other people out there fighting to be able to use to be able to film police you know a so they can defend themselves in court if they need to. know yeah man i mean that's why they're being able to videotape is such.


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