tv [untitled] January 10, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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a the faith is looked at by the great majority of people in the world gradually into a whole lot thank you i want to say bogle so i'm sorry we want out of time we've run into many thanks to my guest today in washington and in los angeles and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t. see you next time and remember cross talk rules. can. start.
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it's team weather conditions playing that praised the rescue mission to free the t.v. remaining said that's in the press this case. cashing in on conflicts over more than half of americans are against their country's border fears that plan cuts at the pentagon won't go ahead of big business gets its way. and pensioner poverty the traditional image of a happy retirement in the united kingdom is shattered by
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a report which says the elderly are suffering financially more than any other group . hello this is r t it's eight pm monday the tenth of january money was kevin owen and our top story tonight trapped by ice for almost two weeks now a refrigerator vessel stuck in frozen waters off russia's far east is being towed by two ice breakers tonight several other ships have been rescued from the same situation over the past few days that now leaves just one more with over three hundred crew aboard as the last to be freed sarah first following the operation. two icebreakers still working hard to free these remaining two ships that has been incredibly tough. i think the president of the macro not to say that at
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the remaining t.v.'s the refrigerator said and they voted to get that trying out to get it through the thin ice area but it's been tough going they've had to bow to this incredibly thick ice and the plan is to that end i will say full to the a pool it's a gate back and get the launch of the ship which is the supply vessel that is so that was going to be much trickier but to get out of the ice again and really need to combine the efforts of bases the minute a press conference today we had the federal fishing agency saying that there really is a lot of complications with this they're trying to come up with different maneuvers for the ice break his team mates effectively break through the size move they heard that they were possibly thinking of dispatching a helicopter pad to try and help with the navigation of it in the tough conditions that we see on the full visibility that has to be pulled out of the maybe we can hear more from that press conference no. the ships will soon close together towards the area of tsunamis for another thirty five miles then both orange breakers will
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return to the supply ship. now these tough weather conditions we see really affecting this whole operation i remember it's been twelve days now but the original three ships couldn't for that rescue we then saw the two ice breakers make out in and out no macros dispatched to help them earlier last week another couple of ships getting stuck in the ice and then had to be helped so they've managed to free up three of them as he said the telling the full and the planning to go back for the fifth officials are saying that hatefully the one this thing tell you the name of the refrigerator vessel should get to center ice and. possibly more ice at some point some more it. may with gave out the largest supply ship ever we've also heard that that's going to be made. problems with refueling break is say it's not certain exactly what's going to happen with that yet of course the crippled this to fly a ship that even three hundred fifty men we should desperately get out to be treated
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i thought that full day of it is he said the weather conditions that maybe make it very hard given i hear it as soon as when the. first thoughts he sort of first live over the latest developments of this maritime rescue operation. the u.s. plans to spend seven hundred twenty five billion dollars on its military this year the world's largest ever defense budget while the pentagon plans to trim its spending over the next five years many say that that will be jeopardized by the interests of big business in search of lucrative military contracts alters lauren lyster investigates. when it comes to the afghan war well over half of americans oppose it and after a year of record casualties and having ploughed in over three hundred sixty six billion dollars why is the us committed to staying the course there are all kinds of motives for that war it's looting energy motives and profit motives and strategic motives and if you're wondering why some in the u.s. just might not want to see the war and ever hear of three reasons thirty six
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billion twenty five billion twenty three point five billion those are roughly the dollar amounts the top three american defense companies were handed in government contracts in two thousand and eight a president once warned about this industry we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought all runs on by the military industrial complex it was fifty years ago that u.s. president eisenhower said those now famous words let's look at though were u.s. defense spending has gone since then it skyrocketed from just around five hundred billion during the vietnam war to more than seven hundred billion dollars now during the post nine eleven wars and some argue that escalation is tied to exactly what eisenhower was warning about but there's a whole range of business that just you know lives off fighting wars and i think it's. you know particularly arms companies because they have representation every
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state and district in the country in many cases they have a congress on their side here to build the weapons or if necessary to use them lawmakers cast the votes that ensure a military contractors such as lockheed martin gets two hundred sixty dollars from each household a year according to hearten three search making it the single largest recipient of taxpayer dollars meanwhile companies like lockheed dole out millions in political contributions and for lobbying each year and promise to deliver politicians not just weapons but jobs sometimes they will even say you know. if you vote with us we'll put a factory in your district to those who agree with part time say the defense dollars are sure to keep coming for contractors as long as the influence continues and as long as the empire continues to expand you're suggesting then a permanent u.s. presence in afghanistan something which you consider we have bases all over the world when you think strategically you may wonder if the us really wants to end the
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war or ever leave afghanistan again to stand is next to the middle east and it's next to russia and it's next to china it's a wonderful place to have bases and weapons and nuclear weapons it's a place where they very much want to put a natural gas pipeline looking at recent history our combat mission is ending but our commitment to iraq's future is not what does it mean to say a war the united states would like to and the iraq war by keeping the military bases there keeping fifty thousand troops there keeping enough control of the economy so that if the iraqis do anything at all that the united states and its investors don't like we can immediately kill another hundred thousand iraqis and while in afghanistan the u.s. is still spending billions trying to win the hearts and minds of the people it looks to some like resources are going in a different direction you can drive along and for at least a mile and a half there will be a wall and there is some kind of big american construction of ammunition depots and
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housing happening on the other side of that wall and on the other side of that road you see the people who are displaced are actually living in tents without heaters and without blankets not through cold winter afghans left out in the cold while the u.s. government and corporations appear to capitalize on a war that looks here to stay lauren lyster r.t. new york. coming up on the program going viral on the internet literally to move russian scientists invented for the. online microscope. use viruses of microbes from anywhere in the world. where pensioners are going bankrupt faster than any other group in the country and insolvency service report indicates that over the past decade the number of elderly with growing debts and reduced income has risen six fold result is the emmitsburg finding out that leaves them
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struggling to afford the basics. retirement depicted as a golden age where older people get more time to enjoy their families and hobbies but a new survey shows a different side of old age in britain a worrying picture of a country where more and more elderly people can't afford to retire pensioner lydia portsmouth won't say how much money she gets from the state but she's forced to dip into her limited savings to pay her monthly bills like many others she wasn't able to push away a lot of money for her retirement and what she does have is now earning so little interest in the bank that she regularly has to spend the capital that money going if you know that. to try and make out the money that come in that because nothing done back in again. would
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have to fell that. lydia is one of the lucky ones she owns her own home and has a small amount of savings but data from the office for national statistics shows more than half of single pensioners in the u.k. live on the equivalent of less than forty five dollars a day with nearly a quarter of a million getting by on hoth that the consumer credit counseling service helps people to repay debt when they get into trouble they're seeing an increasing number of older people with huge credit card debts and no way to repay them and they say life's only going to get more difficult they're going to get worse in so far as all costs. are very unlikely that the. state. will go up as quickly as the cost of the things are going to have to borrow so that's going to be a problem it's a bleak picture for pensioners present and future rock bottom interest rates mean the elderly can no longer live off the interest from their nest eggs if they have
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any and interest rates may not go up for several years a new pension scheme which will oblige employers to pay into a fund for all their employees isn't due to come online till twenty twelve the result seven out of ten people in the u.k. canton visit a traditional retirement in the future where people stop work and live off their pensions for thirty years and for every year the government raises the pension age currently sixty for women and sixty five for men it stands to save itself twenty billion dollars it's a freezing winter here in the u.k. so many pensioners will struggle to pay heating bills and it's unlikely to get any easier for older people the government plans to raise the age at which people could receive a state pension to come back to government debts and as a response to higher life expectancy but while that's all right for the rich critics say it's the poor who will suffer by being forced to work until they drop.
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you were at it see. this at the same time as trends for costa gerald celente believes that the social unrest we sort of many european countries over spending cuts and tax rise is the beginning of a global revolution the full interview coming your way in around twenty minutes time here's a taste it. looks going on in europe the people of woken up what they call a stereotype measures this is what austerity measure is you know that degree you have in worthlessness that you went to college for you can't get a job oh and by the way those services you're getting we're cutting that oh and those pensions and benefits that your parents are getting or other people are working we're going to cut those to zero and one more thing we're going to raise your taxes you know that education that's not worth anything it's going to cost you three times as much to get one particularly in england and that's why they're taking to the streets so that's why we have on one end it's the wake up call and
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the other one it's screw the people but the people realize what's going on you're going to see a revolution worldwide the youth of the world have particularly the united states now in terms of debt to clawing the way to the top and they're seeing the too big to fail bailed out they're seeing the gap between the rich and the poor the widest the united states of any of the dust relies nations so now they have a cause because it's a thing that so what we saw in the in the again with all their heads what we saw in italy with the students taking to the streets you're going to see in spain you're going to see in ireland you already sore in france figure it out. noose around the world
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a brief this monday night's the basque separatist group declared. in a cease fire it follows heavy pressure from the spanish government and from his jailed activist and pursue independence for more peaceful means madrid says the announcement is nothing new that broke a cease fire agreement in two thousand and six and it planted a bomb of an airport it's often violent campaign for independence has claimed more than eight hundred lives over four decades. iran has launched an investigation into the boeing plane crash that killed seventy seven in the northwest of the country the aircraft with one hundred four passengers aboard failed to land in the city of all due to poor visibility and it was circling for another attempt when it disappeared off the radar there's been at least five major crashes in iran since two thousand and five u.s. sanctions have been blamed for making it hard to maintain the country's aviation industry. ratings were suspended in the main stock exchange in bangladesh after thousands of investors rioted over a market plunge police were deployed to contain the situation but were unable to
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disperse the crowds the country's stock market has been volatile over the past few weeks with many people losing their life savings many of the demonstrators voiced concerns that the market failures were engineered by the government to stray or their people have been killed as flash floods ripped through the northeast of the country a sudden torrent deluge the town in queensland washing away cars and trapping people on roofs there are more weather warnings for the stricken state too which is taking a pounding from heavy rain overflowing rivers an estimated four thousand people have been evacuated from their homes. three fifteen pm here in moscow there is a growing tendency in western countries to consider islam and muslims in the context of terror but to what extent is that a misinterpretation a welcome muslims do to change global public opinion about their religion well later tonight people cross talk gas get fired up about perceptions of islam in the modern world. and that lying foundation of islam is to take all that of the world.
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muslims you know how i still believe in islam as ellison and as a state what stands out i'm not i love to live and that's the american constitution they are here to eventually go to places that i made account can stick your chin with islamic sharia because no one is allowed to live but and that. this is what mohammad said well thought well that is about all we have time for that is absolutely contrary to the reality of a person like me who is an eighth generation american whose parents are christian whose associates and friends and loved ones in many ways in many cases are christian no one has ever told me in any religious context that i've been in that the purpose of my life was to somehow. overturn constitutional law and replace it with sharia that simply isn't true nor is it true in agreement on radio you know your place is in the muslim world and in which muslims are way way way in which
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muslims or either a majority or a minority so i think you're simply taking in that phrase think your perceptions out and trying and you're right in your trying to universalize it in a way that's not true. you. next but he would agree that sharing videos and pictures online is old news but sharing of microbe terrio catch of the day on the web is something different altogether russian scientists have developed a microscope system that lets their colleagues from around the world zoom in and view the tiniest bacteria over the internet in real time brings us this close up view. but imagine a terrible virus sweeping across the planet scientists racing to try and understand it then stop it then imagine
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a new tool unable in although scientists via the web to see the minute structure of that virus within minutes it's a question that concerns these scientists and engineers in moscow we should ignore all of our particle in this case all the knowledge about the viral particle it will be both above. and. to develop in your way. we sure will defeat of. the devices called the scanning probe microscope and they've existed for some time in many countries but this team has zoomed in on a novel potential this professor from a university in faraway italy isn't just able to talk about the microscope online using special software he can actually control it program with our program can be connected to any microscope in any part of the world and it's just one click away. the benefits of being able to scan images via the internet are becoming ever clearer doctors can share information about newly discovered viruses or bacteria as
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they're scanned and it's also helping to instruct students the world over. it takes only one microscope and each student can work at computers and at the same time as they have all the processes going on in real time a lot of course it's not all seen through rose tinted lens making something this precise requires top quality components and laser accurate engineering coming out today over thirty thousand dollars a piece and the teams efforts to keep the cost of the microscope down and get it sold a regular frustrated by russia's bloated bureaucracy. and he thought difficult. last thing with part. of our product to another country or a theory that if they are part of that i still hopes. in other words labs can start cooperating in how they see the world of the very small it could bring big changes to the worlds of medicine and science in this and other machines the team hopes to
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build over three hundred microscopes every year by two thousand and fifteen they want them accurate they want them affordable and they want them into connected by the internet so the team and their customers will be watching this space very closely indeed tom martin r.t. moscow. let me ask you if you favor a footballer from last year or the sea world's best player for twenty ten will be named by fief and we'll have more on that in the sport in twenty minutes time but it's the latest a business round up from moscow next. larry watching business r.t. it's good to have your company twenty eleven may become a revolutionary year for russia's finances the ambitious privatization program that starts this year promises to become the largest since the post soviet selloff in the ninety's and it's going hand in hand with plans to make moscow an international financial hub takes up the story. if the start of last year russia was the owner of
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thirty five hundred seventeen federal state units or enterprises in a shareholder of twenty nine hundred fifty joint stock company if the goal is to sell off state property within the next three years goes to plan the russian government will release one hundred fourteen state enterprises and another eight hundred nine stock companies into private hands including stakes in ten largest firms the expected proceeds from the sale of meat top thirty billion dollars and it's not just about the possibility to tackle budget deficit which is the government's first priority the second one is actually be crazy once our ownership of the economy in previous transparency go for the balance and to make it much more competitive in the first deal is the perspective sale of up to thirty five point five percent in state land v t b which the government hopes to complete by early two thousand and eleven among the other companies being mooted for the position are as near to russian railways is burbank rose hydro and so i've come for in most
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cases the gun plans to retain a controlling stake at least in the initial stage however it does stands the need to be flexible and wish them with the we can go further and sell the controlling station so in the majority of companies we can lower the state share to twenty five percent plus one this flexibility will be key to winning investors given the amount of deals expected out so russia and also within russia this year which will make for other tough competition the privatization programs which are going to be implemented. in turkey china is one of the biggest insurers in emerging markets. and also let's not forget the russian private sector which pre-crisis has been issuing twenty to twenty five dollars worth of paper a year although many questions still have no answers regarding this some vicious privatization one thing is for certain the desire to make it happen. given good business our city. traders in russia are on holiday and will come back on two
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floors choose day in the past year was a game of two halls for the russian markets they had a strategy at u.b.s. in moscow explains how investor attitudes changed two thousand and was very difficult here for the russian equity markets it was characterized by increased volatility that was a function of what has been happening globally like concerns about sovereign default concerns about capitalization of european banks in the second half the situation started getting bad with. certain areas like investment growth and that translated in russia be forming quite significantly the rest of the emerging market universe. the south stream gas pipeline project aimed at strengthening european energy security is on track and should be on line by twenty fifteen south stream will open a new route to southern e.u. markets for russian gas across the black sea in addition to the current route for
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ukraine the head of south stream has been giving business out second updates on the progress we are working on the. feasibility studies now in various places along the feasibility study all sure is very far ahead is in many respects already completed then there are disputes are busy two studies on the other important steps that we are on the taking right now is of course working. shareholder agreements we have to make sure that all the shareholders agree on how to structure the project commercially and trying to we're having discussions no also with the european commission our main point in these discussions is of course the commission and the you should make sure that this project has the same opportunity and is not in any rate disadvantage as a potential other projects. goal
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was a clear metal with twenty ten being all records and delivering a thirty percent return for investors russia has the world's second largest gold reserves but it's only ranked fifth in terms of production now that gives russian minus some of the best growth profiles in the industry as a surrogate soviet a from a deutsche bank russia told r.t. . but it is all underperformed put in metal i think move this a piece of the shit on credible price will increase because the world might be used not only as safe michael but also in the industrial production for a large extent and this if with are used for more in the industrial production it will generate thing the author of the month or this model and also put it has a little for interest in the long term pros of the problem is in the execution areas of the company will make exist to some high and then it will spark investor interest in the stock. and that's it from the business team this salad hope you
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motion would be so much brighter if you knew about sums from funds to christians. who threw stones on t.v. don't come. down lucky official on t.v. application on the phone and i pod touch from the shops to. lunch all cheesed life on the go. see video on demand on cheese minefield comes an r.s.s. feed sick now in the palm of your. questions on the dot com wealthy british style. is not on the tirelessly.
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