tv [untitled] January 11, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST
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are you watching our team broadcasting live from moscow welcome to the program carriage austin a former cia operative who is wanted in venezuela and cuba for terrorist attacks throughout latin america was going on trial in the u.s. that's not why it was posada karla's is in court instead he's being charged with lying to me gratian offices he had her first looks at why the u.s. is turning a blind eye to an alleged terrorist. miami florida white sandy beaches miniskirts and bikini. this vacation spot is also home to
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a convicted international terrorist luis posada could be less coined the bin laden of the americas the anti castro cuban was the cia's dirty secret in south and central america trained as an explosives expert at the new tory a school of the americas posada's acts of terrorism spend five decades it impacted half a dozen countries. over seventy people were killed when cuban airliner for fifty five was bombed in one thousand nine hundred ninety six a terrorist act posada plans from venice and according to cia documents the agency was aware of it before it happened at least was a mastermind of the. of the coup on our flight and still he's here posada was convicted in absentia and been a swell of masterminding the bombing however not only did the us government refused to extradite but started to venezuela to serve his term the cia continued to employ
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him as a key element in the contra wars which clean lines of seventy thousand civilians in nicaragua. he was a leading figure in the iran contra affair in the one nine hundred eighty. had the cia stop assad in his tracks just off in my shoes my brother was killed in libya distil most brother fabio would still be alive put yourself in the place of the us of a victim of the family victim of terrorism and it's absurd distil know an italian businessman was murdered in one nine hundred ninety seven bombing orchestrated by posada it was one of a string of hotel and nightclub bombings in cuba distil know describes as a monster created by a country that is. their government officials to push their agenda are willing to go for any or any wrote after jailing poseidon upon entering the u.s. illegally law enforcement agencies warn the justice department up aside its
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terrorist past but he was set free anyway was now prosodic is on trial in el paso texas the charges against him not international terrorism but immigration fraud and perjury we unleashed him on the world peter kornbluh of the national security archives obtained dozens of documents pertaining to preside his involvement with the cia he says the case is about whether the united states truly can hold real terrorists although in this case a terrorist who was once our terrorist accountable livio acknowledges the importance of poseidon on trial but insists it's going to be too little too late and it wasn't the only acts of terrorism poseidon was involved in there was the two thousand assassination attempt on cuban leader fidel castro and a series of attacks across latin america the legacy of luis posada is that he is a cia created frankenstein and he went out and committed murder and mayhem the cia
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once described posada as a reliable asset to the u.s. government a man of good character pro-u.s. who would make an excellent official in a post castro government their evaluation. him could not have been more mistaken half a century after post not a career less began doing the cia's dirty work in latin america his bloody legacy lives on for the countless victims and as the u.s. government continues to fight the so-called war on terrorism extraditing kidnapping and assassinating suspects in other countries it continues to harbor one of the hemisphere's most notorious terrorists are t. washington d.c. but around one hundred activists gathered for a symbolic people strive for monday's trial to hear terrorism charges against posada and his accomplices. campaign brian becker was also there he believes the wanted man is being protected by american interests. the american government has
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harbored terrorism they finance terrorism luis posada carriles is there a terrorist who's been protected particularly by the bush family he was imprisoned in venezuela but escaped his imprisonment now venezuela is demanding he be extradited and yet the united states government won't extradite him to but it's way worse because they say they fear that the venezuelan government will torture luis posada carriles said it's nonsense is just shows the absolute hostility towards of men as well and government towards the cuban revolution and of course showing the world that the united states is above the law above international law there is no good reason moral reason political reason or legal reason not to extradite luis posada carriles to venezuela where he escaped from prison for blowing up a civilian airliner that had cuban athletes on it. while the u.s. refuses to extradite sort of to venezuela claiming he would face torture there on t.v. looks at america's interrogation tactics in guantanamo bay next hour we talk to
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a human rights lawyer called the bush. cases camp delta and international secret prisons. methods of interrogation the enhanced interrogation techniques as they're so referred are not are not the did not happen to the minority they happen to the majority so what happens is you get instructors who are interrogators and guards for the trained in these techniques that are actually used in military training. to help army men and women in resist interrogation being used on these men in guantanamo bay so the majority of our clients have have had at least one of these techniques used on them. the refrigerator vessel or stuck in frozen waters off russia's far east is now
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being told. two icebreakers they're up against harsh weather conditions another supply ship with more than three hundred crew aboard is the last to be freed after being trapped for almost a fortnight several other vessels have been rescued over the last week. as latest details. two icebreakers are about haul flight three the journey towing this refrigerated vessel to the most they've got about another thirty kilometers to go then of cools to come back and to try and retrieve that supply vessel now we know that when they get their refrigerator vessel to the a pool so they've got other smaller icebreaker wasn't waiting to take a view that says i'll be able to focus on the return journey i will need to be to get the supply ship free. over three hundred crew aboard and that's one of the original three ships the food and the rescue on december thirtieth so the crew aboard that ship has now been stuck in the ice at thirteen days so obviously
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everyone very eager to get them free of the situation we need the emergency services have now dispatched a helicopter that picked up a hydrologist off one of the ice breakers the marker of hill now at the moment the up with that helicopter looking at the ice they hate leaving able to analyze. to help these two ice breakers find the most effective route back to the supply ship and to getting it free what we've heard from officials is that it's very hard to pinpoint accurate estimate as to how long it will be until the rescue mission is completed is the thing that has been a very drawn up race as they come up against these adverse weather conditions the ice break is really hot it's incredibly low temperature that's about not minus nineteen at the moment a gale force winds in this incredibly because they've been having to deal with now it's taken since yesterday to get the refrigerator vessel tell us about the weights
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the water in the thinner ice as they possibly another day maybe the end of today the actually get that free but then of course they've got to make that rich return journey to get to the supply vessel and that supply vessel is going to be the most difficult to retrieve it's an incredibly large ship and actually costing around. fifty thousand dollars a day every day but it's not what a lot of questions being all about what these vessels were doing in the area that. they called his name for being a very dangerous very narrow area very. always very big now we know that the weather conditions that this has made was that at the moment is the area. picking up the tab for this rescue operation. they say causing a huge amount of money and we know that once the operation is over looking for companies. to see whether they've taken it and sending them into this area.
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the main focus right now is really getting there if they're not. getting the supplies. from the sea of ice to. take she to. bring around one of the coldest regions of the planet is not in return after i'm sure thomas didn't you know coming up we'll show you how it's done. the twenty two year old charged with attempting to assassinate a u.s. congresswoman and this could face life in prison the death penalty if convicted the court ordered to be held without bail he's accused of going to shooting rampage. in the state of arizona democrats. remains in critical condition nine year old district. six. says the tragedy could be one it's. the rest of the american news media tends
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to ignore sweep under the rug is that the the tenor in the vitriol. really has been going on in this country i think for the last couple of years. the far right has become unhinged we have the first african-american president in our history the white supremacists the racists there's been a tick across the board in extremism from the right and with our economic problems as well we are in a period in america right now throw in the guns as well we're in a period right now where it is very volatile and very dangerous it's not surprising at all that there would be violent action directed against political figures that this in this climate despite the efforts of more sane people try to call for a more civil discourse a more civil dialogue to try to tamp down the tone it's really not not happening i
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think unfortunately the american news media is not doing a good job of helping to tamp down the tone as well. blogger and filmmaker danny schechter blames the republicans for failing to ban assault weapons such as the one used in that in the shooting. assault weapons ban which show republicans in two thousand and four laps this was a big battle over gun control and the republicans lined up against a ban on assault weapons that the gun that was actually used in the shooting would have been covered in that ban so actually the failure of having the ban you know made that weapon legally available to this young man there are many cases like this of violence that probably could have been prevented had there been regulations and laws in effect obviously you can't protect everyone from a from
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a lone nuts as this guy has been called are people who are you know a mental distress and who have access to weapons but clearly more could be done to educate people about these issues that have been a lot of studies about how the coarseness on t.v. encourages you know the sort of bullying that takes place in our schools and the violence in our communities people tend to see and monkey see monkey do usually what happens is people take out the violence on themselves with suicides and suicide and killings in their own families from despair and because we are living in an economic recession slash depression people are pretty desperate and if there's a gun around they might use it. the u.s. army is training many gangs to secure afghanistan's most dangerous areas for a few dollars a month washington hopes to keep the fight his own side against the tide of art as jason found out he is not so easily bought. as the southern gateway to
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kabul and home to a long stretch of afghanistan's national highway has been a focal point of the taliban's comeback in recent years in early two thousand and nine overstretched afghan forces were struggling to hold back some military planners decided to raise a local militia to help cover the most dangerous gaps sides a kia quit a better paying job to join because he was tired of the fighting around his village in the valley nickname by u.s. troops the valley of death for its deadly ambushes and firefights. well the situation was bad here and i needed to do something for my family before it gets worse. there are hundreds of militiamen like him spread across wardak province now the afghan government and u.s. military are about to launch dozens of new militias in hotspots around the country the minute this outpost were trained for three weeks by american special forces units if you collage and called rifles and are paid about two hundred dollars a month to keep watch over their own community u.s.
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commanders and says that's why they've had an impact they are approved by the village elders and they work within the district there from which gives them not only do they understand the dynamics and the people that they're working with their understand the community and and the threat in the area two years ago it was a taliban stronghold where u.s. forces and armored vehicles came under fierce attack nearly every time they tried to drive through it today a. day after the local militia travel freely in pickup trucks from the beginning however critics have argued that arming militias in place of government forces could create vigilante groups which are impossible to control militia forces will be loyal to the government in kabul with president karzai they will certainly be loyal to those who would be. able to replace united states intent of financing that the former head of the program in wardak shady ex taliban commander named mohammed has already been replaced some u.s. officials privately suspected he was playing both sides and of the twelve hundred
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men that begin the program nearly four hundred have quit taking their weapons with them it's believed that dozens of join the insurgency if the militia continues to be under-resourced or the governor for the i worry is it could backfire to the taliban's advantage these forces if they are not supported in their not addicted it is sourced it could be used against the government because he will join those groups will get support there those who are in afghanistan government backed militias stand accused of murder theft and rape in northern province locals say they are worse than the taliban with support for the war effort flagging the u.s. military is looking for a quick fix of forces can leave but hasty decisions risk making a bad situation worse it is more militias are raised in the year ahead it appears there will be more risks to manage jason in the valley for r.t. . that's updating now on some of today's other well please the raging sweeping
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through northeastern australia left at least eight people dead and seventeen missing the city of two west of the queensland state capital has been is the latest to be hit by thrashed floods entire towns have got it with an estimated two hundred thousand people affected by the region's worst effort than usual. four thousand people have been evacuated from their homes. very different problems of australia's south west with bushfires now raging hundreds were forced to flee their homes as fire crews tackle the blaze south of perth several hundred destroyed and more than two thousand hectares of land have been scorched. tensions escalating and. international election express proposed that the country's government can't be dropped from the presidential run but expect to sort of their voting forty four times poll result. its president has to decide whether
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to accept the proposal which could spark protests. so i said. as nobody today. accommodates today max keiser and stacy herbert to hear how one european country faces some medieval style rock for widening the tax net. many years which is curse income tax ruling so because of the financial crisis and the collapse of the banking systems and g.d.p.'s around the world romania's government has started taxing witches and fortune tellers from the first of january this year and because of this the witches are basically cursing the government now queen which brought her a booze there is fierce about the new law and she says that she plans to cast a spell using a particularly effective concoction of cat excrement and a dead dog yet well goldman sachs collateralized debt obligation most of it is cat extreme it and dogs this is what they're fighting the federal reserve bank's
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balance sheet in washington the reason why they're afraid to do an audit at the request of ron paul is because they know that they've got basically dead beatles i of knew some old chicken bones some dead cat extra meant that's about all they got of the federal reserve because the us is technically. insolvent so these witches are fighting fire with fire yeah the. dog poop. their life is tough in remote eastern siberia what is surprising for a place which is obviously the coldest it i was a region on earth as a latina thomas now reports from it means that the locals need to turn the landscape's. features to their advantage. temperatures call for extreme modes of transportation if you are already over one whole region around the quote it really started to pick our form of transportation america train i'm star trek.
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and one of these dogs can live in an extremely harsh environment that can easily stand winter temperatures from minus fifty to minus sixty degrees celsius with strong winds and very hot summer temperatures from plus thirty to plus forty degrees they are one adapted to the local climate perhaps because of their versatility travelling long ago became part of the tradition. that back if you like the dogs out all our you couldn't huskies the good in husky is one of the oldest aboriginal breeds that exist on this planet these dogs have been used for i don't know how many thousand diaz's snatch and hunting animals there in damage to cali mines the polar area. travelling by dog sled is necessary for those living their lives here but there are many others who come from all over the world for this experience. it's just you and the dogs in the forest with
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the white snow and the snow capped mountains and if dogs are your style well you could choose going by reindeer or there's even a special type of course for your cuttin horse specific to this area that can handle the temperatures but no matter what animal you choose you're going to have to pick a sleigh all the way your way through the door of your the i know my ancestors were d. a breed isn't hunters too my grandfather was a sniper in germany during world war two he was a hero of the soviet union he returned to deal breeding after coming home from the war in total there have been about ten generations of deer breeders in our family and this is a market here and you could scan it and the debate of fresh or frozen because here . fresh is frozen and it just lets you know that even the food around here has something to do with ice. stroke and you know it is a specially prepared fish dish where the frozen meat is shaved it directly from the
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fish onto the plate here even the milk is sold in frozen blocks and if you're looking for a quick afternoon snack what was it. but what this is called meat the culture of the cootie and greens was slow to them in autumn and freeze the meat we eat it frozen because frozen meat preserves more vitamins than when you boil it for convenience we mince the meat in a meat grinder then it's easier to pick up the hamburger and put it in your mouth. the temperatures in this part of the world are sometimes as low as minus sixty two have shaved every aspect of people's existence from their parents how they get around to the very food they eat life here is on ice. and. sean thomas r.t. . stories are ready to watch any time of course r.t. dot com has a quick taste of what else is there to day. up your leads for russia's most infamous for what's to scam the means of ninety ninety minutes sleep that is
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hello and a very well welcome to the business program. well it's not just heavy industry in russia that's a need of more tonight some a severe drought exposed major shop comings and the country's culture september michael explains. thirty five degrees in the shade and no rain the weather played a hot trick on russian farmers this summer with a severe drought devastating more than thirty percent of the grain harvest but it was not just mother nature's fault. russia's wheat crop yield is the third out of europe's to improve we need access to modern seed as seed industry has been lost and foreigners won't sell their technology to us because they're afraid they will be paid rural trees for the use of the technology we also lack modern farming vehicles it's hard to improve technology quickly the government has pumped extra cash into the sector which it hopes will plant twenty percent of all crops this
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spring but produces doubt they'll be able to do this on the handouts they've been given and what officials to come up with further stimulus measures that he wore them a good look at it farmers could be allowed to perspire own interest payments until their loans expire otherwise some of them may go bankrupt and won't pay interest anyway if we are increasing planting will need more equipment for harvesting but many farmers don't have money to pay the initial fee for the leasing right now so we also need to deal with this. officials hope the country's grain requirements in twenty eleven will be covered by domestic production but they're preparing for the worst. i think russia will finally import grain in some quantities we estimate the country's important needs at around four million tons or more russian accounted for up to fifteen percent of the global grain market before the drought analysts say there is a considerable potential for growth if the sector can adopt better practices these
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would also limit the worst effects of the weather when mother nature turns nasty like a quick check of business r.t. . let's look at the markets now asian stocks are mixed and trade in japan worries about the euro zone's sovereign debt problems are weighing on best as sentiment as they return from their. long weekend the nikkei is losing point three percent hong kong saying saying it's up about one percent by energy producers after crude oil prices age higher overnight. many russian companies enjoyed a rebound from the crisis in two thousand and ten as investors increasingly turned to markets and it's metal that's proving to be precious for twenty eleven and lists expects russia's top titanium producer. to continue performing well mark rubenstein from metropole explains why this company is one of their leading producers over.
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