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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST

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but of the u.s. population so you don't have to go looking for were people in india to see how this because i need your policy is going to affect people you just have to go to the middle classes and lower middle classes of the united states to see how it's going to hurt them back in bel-air thanks so much for being on the kaiser report it's a pleasure being on thank you for having me all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey herbert i would think my gas comes on the lira if you want to send me an email please do so at kaiser reporting r t t v dot ru until next time this is max kaiser saying bio.
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the wiki leaks founder julian assange has appeared in a u.k. court to see fine six tradition to sweden over sexual assault allegations which he claims are politically motivated. the u.s. is accused of protecting a former cia agent who is wanted in latin america for the deadly terror attacks as he goes on trial over immigration reform plus
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a breakthrough in the rescue mission to retrieve the shit star of russia's far east place with the icebreaker is now close to achieving that final. and always have a twenty seven month party join me in twenty minutes time to find out the reason behind the rough. welcome t. this is r.t. live from moscow with the analysts have but the wiki leaks founder has briefly appeared in the london court as he continues his battle against extradition judy in a phone is wanted in sweden to face sex crime allegations which he claims have been fabricated in order to eventually prosecute him on espionage charges in the u.s. . he's keeping a close eye on developments. it was essentially what they call
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a case management herring today which is when they set the date for the main herring and just check that all the evidence is in course of being prepared in a timely fashion we do now know when the full extradition extradition hearing is going to be that is going to take place on the seventh and eighth of february so we've got to wait another sort of three weeks for for the full herring to happen julian assange has appeared in court on tuesday for this case management hearing after it was over he made a short statement to the media outside let's hear what he had to say we are happy about today's outcome. i have a report to make available to members of the press. skeleton argument which we've had to produce in very short time over christmas what happened before christmas was that julian assange which was released on bail that happened around about the middle of december after after a fight really to be released on bail in the end the bail sum was set at over three
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hundred thousand dollars and he's been staying at a friend's house in the east of england ever since then waiting for this extradition to happen and that of course follows the issuing by sweden of a european a rest warrants on sexual assault allegations made by two fullmer wiki leaks supporters i'm joined to talk more about the details of this case by gerald batten who's a member of the european parliament for the u.k. independence party he's also a valium and opponent of the european arrest warrant which is of course the legality under which julian's ourselves his extradition to sweden is being requested joe budden thanks very much for talking to us so we now know that the main hearing is going to be on the seventh and eighth of february what what do you expect to happen that will you see if the lawyers on mr sanchez so i try to challenge the evidence against him which i might do and say well it's not sufficient to justify extradition on judicial surrenders it now is all the chance. well i'm not allowed to consider the evidence i'm not allowed to take into account
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the only grounds that you can oppose extradition very narrow you have to be old enough to committed the crime it has to be a distant past you know twenty five years or something and it mustn't be because you're being prosperous security on the grounds of your political or sexual orientation very narrow grounds like that which he won't qualify for and of course i have sat through a case where it seemed fairly obvious to the core and indeed to the judges hearing the appeal that the evidence had been manufactured by the police but of course another important element in this particular case is this pressure that we understand is coming from the u.s. to eventually extradite our stars there to face espionage charges what do you think that will bring oh yes i'm sure there's lots of political maneuvering inside the powers that be a very difficult position the americans want to get their hands on a song which the authorities now think the game's up people can see what the european arrest warrants are about me. so my guesses are quite know what they're going to do but i'm fairly confident that they're going to come up with some kind
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of cynical fix that will allow him either to go back to australia or possibly to go back voluntarily to sweden or some kind of deal is done about what charges will be laid against him but what we'll want to do i'm sure is put to bed this whole. media publicity about the european arrest because this is just this there are other legal instruments coming through which remove our freedoms in other areas of life down in the name of integrating europe's legal systems. reporting from london. a former cia agent alleged to be one of the most notorious terrorist in recent history has gone on to trawl in the u.s. now with befogged is wanted in cuba on that as well if a mazda minding a number of deadly terror attacks including the nine hundred seventy think the bombing of a passenger plane which killed over seventy people bought none of these episodes are among the challenges he faces in the us john alpha's explains.
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miami florida white sandy beaches miniskirts and bikini. this vacation spot is also home to a convicted international terrorist luis posada could be less coined the bin laden of the americas the anti castro cuban was the cia's dirty secret in south and central america trained as an explosives expert at the new tory a school of the americas posada's acts of terrorism spend five decades it impacted half a dozen countries. over seventy people were killed when cuban airliner for fifty five was bombed in one nine hundred seventy six a terrorist act put side of plans from venice wallah and according to cia documents the agency was aware of it before it happened it was the mastermind of the of the
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volcano the. flight and still he's here posada was convicted in absentia and then a swell of masterminding the bombing however not only did the us government refused to extradite but started to venezuela to serve his term the cia continued to employ him as a key element of the country wars which clean lines of seventy thousand civilians in nicaragua. he was a leading figure in the iran. contra affair in the one nine hundred eighty s. had the cia stop assad in his tracks just after my shoes my brother was killed in libya the still most brother fabio would still be alive put yourself in the place of the us of the victim of the family victim of terrorism and it's absurd distil know an italian businessman was murdered in one nine hundred ninety seven bombing orchestrated by posada it was one of a string of hotel and nightclub bombings in cuba distil know describes posada as
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a monster create by a country that is. government officials to push their agenda are willing to go. into your in your old after jailing posidon upon entering the u.s. illegally law enforcement agencies warned the justice department up aside its terrorist past but he was set free anyway was now prosodic is on trial in el paso texas the charges against him not international terrorism but immigration fraud and perjury we unleashed him on the world peter kornbluh of the national security archives obtained dozens of documents pertaining to provide his involvement with the cia he says the case is about whether the united states truly can hold real terrorists although in this case a terrorist who was once our terrorist accountable livio acknowledges the importance of posada on trial but insists it's going to be too little too late and
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it wasn't the only acts of terrorism poseidon was involved in there was the two thousand assassination attempt on cuban leader fidel castro and a series of attacks across latin america the legacy of luis posada is that he is a cia created frankenstein and he went out and committed murder and mayhem the cia once described posada as a reliable asset to the u.s. government a man of good character pro-u.s. who would make an excellent official in a post cuff. government their evaluation of him could not have been more mistaken half a century after posada could be less again doing the cia's dirty work in latin america his bloody legacy lives on for the countless victims and as the u.s. government continues to fight the so-called war on terrorism extraditing kidnapping and assassinating suspects in other countries it continues to harbor one of the hemispheres most notorious terrorists john hospice r t washington d.c.
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around one hundred with gathered for a symbolic people's tribe you know ahead of the trial they had terrorism charges against saddam and his accomplices well as he was campaigning brian becker was little say that he believes the wanted man is being protected by american interests . the american government has harbored terrorism they finance terrorism luis posada carriles is there a terrorist who's been protected particularly by the bush family he was imprisoned in venezuela but escaped his imprisonment now venezuela is the man and he be extradited and yet the united states government won't extradite him to but it's way worse because they say they fear that the venezuelan government will torture luis posada carriles said it's nonsense is just shows the absolute hostility towards of venezuela government towards the cuban revolution and of course showing the world that the united states is above the law above international law there is no good reason moral reason political reason or legal reason not to extradite luis posada
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carriles to venezuela where he escaped from prison for blowing up a civilian airliner that cuban athletes on it. still ahead for you this hour on r.t. a look at how loyalty comes out of pride in afghanistan also on the issue and trained by u.s. forces are putting their own welfare ahead of the community. refrigeration ship that has been stuck fast in ice off rosters a far east coast has been transported to say for waters by two ice breakers they're now heading to a supply ship that's been stranded for most of fortnight with more than that three hundred crew on board. the details of this rescue operation. certainly the welcome to the crew a large supply vessel as the two ice breakers. cross and heading back towards no it's
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a slight change in strategy that we've seen in the final stages of this rescue operation we saw in the early hours of yesterday morning they managed to free up a small refrigerator and they started fighting that all of yesterday and today tools. but what happened earlier today was that they mounted a helicopter picture just from the album micro icebreaker and they managed to see the area idolize the ice layer and they managed to find distasteful to leave this refrigerated vessel and that's freed up these two ice breakers to now go back the same way they come which means they can avoid having to break free further ice coming back making their way back to the last largest supply vessel we had sten a press conference a federal fishing agency say the final part now going of freeing up this large ship is going to be the most difficult. reconnaissance helicopter sent by the emergencies ministry was observed to the canals which before would regularly freeze
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over and i'm clear in. the ice breakers compton's have decided to turn around and come back for the supply ship leaving the refrigerator vessel for now to try and get the supply ship out the operation has now entered its final and most difficult stage according to our calculations it will conclude within forty eight hours first to get both ships out. now the estimate as to when the final operation is going to be finished still very dependent on these weather conditions that we know about the whole operation that is really being very tricky for these icebreakers they come up very late temperatures incredibly. bit as they've now been able to continue back along the path they'd already broken not so it's now entering the final stages and it's. and from the frozen waters of russia says the far east to the freezing land of eastern siberia we'll take you in just
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a few minutes. we're going around one of the coldest regions on the planet is not only returns going short time listening to your good year and coming up we'll show you how it's done. now but twenty two year old self space in the mass shooting in hours they could face life imprisonment all the death penalty if convicted on monday jared made his first court appearance on five charges including attempting to assassinate a u.s. congresswoman well the court ordered him to be held without bail after is accused of barking on a shooting rampage outside of a supermarket in our zona killing of six people and injuring fourteen alba's democrats gabrielle giffords was shot in the head and remains in critical condition right david swanson blames american mass media for promoting violence is the answer to solving society's problems. but we do condition people to engage in this kind of
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violence in our wars and occupations and then we don't on condition them to live again back home but it's it's not just veterans it's americans from all backgrounds we don't we don't have mental health services we don't treat drug abuse as something to be cured we don't provide health care we don't provide job security we don't provide the things people needed terms of education in terms of nonviolent resolution of conflict because largely because we're driving all of the money into those who have too much of it already and the war machine and through the war machine we're educating people through our criminal justice system and the death penalty we're educating people through everything that our government does to handle problems and everything that hollywood movies tell us solve problems we're teaching people that violence is the answer and of course it isn't. to afghanistan now where the u.s. army is training a local militias to help fight the taliban and while the strategy appears to be working in film areas there are a few significant banks saying this is found out for.
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as the southern gateway to kabul and home to a long stretch of afghanistan's national highway wardak has been a focal point of the taliban's comeback in recent years in early two thousand and nine. forces were struggling to hold back some military planners decided to raise a local militia to help cover the most dangerous gaps sides a kia quit a better paying job to join because he was tired of the fighting around his village in the jar is valley big mean by u.s. troops the valley of death for its deadly ambushes and firefights. the situation was bad here and i needed to do something for my family before it got worse. there are hundreds of militiamen like him spread across wardak province now the afghan government and u.s. military are about to launch dozens of new militias in hotspots around the country the minute this outpost will train for three weeks by american special forces units if you're kolesnikov rifles and are paid about two hundred dollars
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a month to keep watch over their own community they are approved by the village elders and they work within the district there from which gives them not only do they understand the dynamics of the people that they're working with their understand the community and and the threat in the area two years ago the belly was a taliban stronghold where u.s. forces and armored vehicles came under fierce attack nearly every time they tried to drive through it today attacks are rare and afghan local militia travel freely in pickup trucks from the beginning however critics have argued that arming militias in place of government forces could create vigilante groups which are impossible to control militia forces will be loyal to govern money probably to president karzai they will certainly be loyal to those would be able to replace united states financing. the former head of the program in wardak a shady ex taliban commander named golan mohammed has already been replaced some u.s. officials privately suspected he was playing both sides and of the twelve hundred
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men that began the program nearly four hundred have quit taking their weapons with him it's believed the dozens of join the insurgency these forces if get not support it and get knocked addicted it is sourced it could be used against the government because he would join those groups who can support them elsewhere in afghanistan militias stand accused of murder theft and rape in northern province locals say they are worse than the taliban with support for the war effort flagging the u.s. military is looking for a quick fix of forces can leave but hasty decisions risk making a bad situation worse and as more militias are raised in the year ahead it appears there will be more risks to manage. jason was good. for t.v. . now as he could brief look at some other headlines from around the world in queensland. bracing itself for its worst flooding in over three decades up to heavy rain swept through deal straightly in state with the brisbane river
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overflowing its banks officials remember the country's third largest city may be inundated in the next few days affecting some fifteen thousand people it follows a violent wave of flash floods the deluge the town of queensland killing at least ten people two thirds of the state has been declared a disaster say. up to fifty people are feared dead as riots over the high unemployment continue to rage throughout the north african state. in the worst in the west rather of the country these fired live ammunition at a crowd of protesters killing several people and injuring many more the country's president called beyond rest terrorism but valid to create three hundred thousand jobs in response to this is on the employment rate is believed to be around forty percent. for two girls being forced to refute claims that it's next in line for an e.u. bailout as its economy teeters on the brink big andre's borrowing rates jumped to
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record levels amid reports germany and france are pushing it to accept outside help portugal's finals minister says the country is taking steps to reduce its massive debt and won't need rescuing like greece and are. coming up later. here how one european government hasn't pfizer the wrath of fiendish powers with its new tax that. which is curse income tax ruling so because of the financial crisis and the collapse of the banking systems and g.d.p.'s around the world romania's government has started. taxing witches of fortune tellers from the first of january this year and because of this the witches are basically cursing the government now queen which brought her a booze there is fierce about the new law and she says that she plans to cast a spell using a particularly effective concoction of cat excrement and
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a dead dog yet won't goldman sachs collateralized debt obligation most of it is cat extreme it and dogs this is what they're finding the federal reserve bank's balance sheet in washington the reason why they're afraid to do an audit at the request of ron paul is because they know that they've got basically dead beatles eye of newt some old chicken bones some dead cat excrement that's about all they got of the federal reserve because the u.s. is technically. grow up in salt and so these witches are fighting fire with fire yeah they're fighting extreme it with dog poop. and. how the russian province of the ku pit located in the east of san iberia has the an enviable reputation as one of the most hostile environments then some money but the locals and their relative excitable choice. seem to mind without much also tells us how they've adapted to life in one of the coldest places in the world.
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dream temperatures call for exploring the modes of transportation routes if you are already one of the whole region around acquired it we decided to pick our form of transportation america paradigms. back. and one of. these dogs can live in an extremely harsh environment they can stand easily winter temperatures when you're from minus fifty to minus sixty degrees with strong winds and very hot summer temperatures from plus thirty to plus forty degrees celsius they're well adapted to the local climate. perhaps because of their versatility travelling long ago became part of the a tradition. it's a bike if you like the dogs are all are you could get like us the equation like is one of the oldest aboriginal breeds that exist on this planet these dogs have been used for i don't know how many thousand years a sledge and hunting animals there in demick took and the polar area. travelling by
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dog sled is necessary for those living their lives here but there are many others who come from all over the world for this experience thank you it's just you and the dogs in the forest with the white snow and the snow capped mountains and if dogs aren't your style well you could choose going by reindeer or there's even a special type of course you could hear in a horse specific to this area that can handle the temperatures but no matter what animal you choose you're going to have to pick a sleigh all the way here's your way to your new order because you know my ancestors would be a breed isn't hunters too my grandfather was a sniper in germany during world war two he was a hero of the soviet union he returned to dia breeding off to coming home from the war in total there have been about ten generations of deer breeders in our family and this is a market here and you could scan it ends the debate of fresh or frozen because here
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fresh is frozen and. just lets you know that even the food around here has something to do with ice. struan you know is a specially prepared fish dish where the frozen meat is shaved it directly from the fish onto the plate here even the milk is sold in frozen blocks and if you're looking for a quick afternoon snack what was it that the you gave but what this is called meat the coulter of the greens was slow to them in autumn and freeze the meat we eat it frozen because frozen meat preserves more vitamins than when you boil it for convenience we mince the meat in a meat grinder then it's easier to pick up the hamburger and put it in your mouth if the temperatures in this part of the world are sometimes as low as minus sixty two have shaved every aspect of people's existence from their parents how they get around to the very food they eat life here is on ice. in yakutia
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sean thomas r.t. . ok or you can of course always check out more news interviews and feature stories on our website about policy dot com here's just some of what's online view out the men as well as at the planet is the discovered out this instead of buying that there's something to find out of this when you really found rocky well might be able to support a lot. to enjoy a unique insight into the world renowned russell circus of the cream of the country before we were real from inside a tree. thank you do check it out if you have time right now though let's get a present something.
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burn a warm welcome to the business program the ruble has jumped to a twenty two month high against the euro and as a one year high versus its target basket currency is up more than two percent against the euro what is the first trading day in russia after the new year holiday and this is just local investors are repatriating money amid concerns that europe's debt crisis will worsen the ruble is little changed versus the dollar that. mergers and acquisitions activity in russia more than doubled in twenty ten a thomson reuters study says sixty seven billion dollars worth of deals were done making the country. in eastern europe telecoms chemical and energy sectors where the main drivers the global m. and a market began this year with you high with eighty three billion dollars worth of consolidation sign in the first ten days of january that's twenty one percent increase from the same period last year. belo ruses raising the transit terror for russian oil by twelve percent to twelve and
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a half percent that is starting from next month the increase was agreed by both parties at the last year following months of talks belarus expects eighteen million tonnes of oil to be pumped through its territory during twenty eleven that's roughly the same as in twenty. second to the crude price of oil prices hit twenty seven month highs near ninety dollars a barrel at the moment and alexey corkin senior analyst at the world says the rally is partly being driven by speculation. well since we can't identify any fundamental drivers strong enough to cause a rally of this magnitude and all we can do is describe this to financial speculation nothing less than prices actually translate into an end user prices which are. consumers worldwide have to have to pay.


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