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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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also the first trading day this session here in russia traders returned tuesday from new york holdings goes into z's traded in the black driven by metals and mining stocks and on the back of stronger prices and a strong ruble not here's my six point seven percent look at the stocks now russia's oil and gas major so good they have to god's person the biggest gains on the my sex after it's announced the purchase of the fifty six percent stake in one of the country's largest airlines you to co-produce the majo gate after the coal prices rose to sit two year high and stronger crude prices boosted russia's oil majors as you can see there lugo again more than three percent on the o.t.s. . so we have time for next up i'll see the headlines with kevin after this very short break to stay with us.
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wealthy british scientists i'm. not on. the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons are for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news make us.
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more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today. this is r.t. from moscow these are our top stories tonight portuguese authorities refute speculation that the country's going to ask for a multi billion euro bailout but experts say it will do little to shore up the fault for example currency. wiki leaks founder julian assange has appeared in the u.k.
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court as he fights extradition to sweden over sexual assault allegations and sounds denies the accusations and claims that a couple of the adventure handed over to the u.s. the next extradition hearing will take place in four weeks. and help is on the way for the last of five ships trapped in ice off russia's far east coast for almost two weeks the previous vessel was transported to safer waters by two ice breakers earlier this morning. next dose of black magic max kaiser and his co-host stacy herbert discuss the remaining government's new tax on fortune tellers and which is alongside the other latest financial news and gossip. as of this is the kaiser report. i put a new job which is stacy ever tell me more max romania's which is
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curse income tax ruling so because of the financial crisis and the collapse of the banking systems and g.d.p.'s around the world romania's government has started taxing witches and fortune tellers from the first of january this year and because of this the witches are basically cursing the government now queen which brought turbos they experience about the new law and she says that she plans to cast a spell using a particularly effective concoction of cat excrement and a dead dog this is her reasoning for it we do harm to those who harm us they want to take the country out of the crisis using us they should get us out of the crisis because they brought us into it and i might add they brought us into it the global banking cartel through what could be called just as wacky is using cat action and dead dogs that they stuff into a concoction of some sort of securitized product yet won't goldman sachs
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collateralized debt obligation most of it is cat ekstrom it and dogs this is what they're funding the federal reserve bank's balance sheet in washington the reason why they're afraid of doing all of it at the request of ron paul is because they know that they've got basically dead beatles eye of newt some old chicken bones some dead cat excrement that's about all they got of the federal reserve because the us is technically. insolvent so these witches are fighting fire with fire yeah they're fighting with dog poop. so you mention the collateralized debt obligations backed by the subprime mortgages in the us. here's a headline for you foreclosures may be undone by state ruling on mortgage transfer the sounds like good news doesn't it this is the massachusetts highest court is poised to rule on whether foreclosures in the state should be undone because of the securitization industry practices at issue is whether a mortgage can be transferred without naming the reception which is
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a common securitization practice and whether the right to mortgage follows the promissory note is secure is when the note is sold so victory for home buyers for mortgage holders will mean that many of these banks might have to buy back these mortgages that they foreclosed on right of course that would mean losses for the banks so what are the banks going to do hello obama we need to change some laws that's right obama your army just change the laws because we don't want to suffer and it's a national security change the law is a bomb and while we like yes sir bank of america i'll do whatever you want because the rule of law doesn't exist in the financial industry no no not america well the next headline suggest that this could be true because remember during the deepest darkest part of the financial crisis there was a common cause throughout america against the federal reserve whether you are right wing left wing progressive on progress red state blue state republican democrat many people wanted to end the fed and what happened with obama's legislation to
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repair the financial system he empowered the fed the federal reserve bank in washington so here's the headline for you max fed moves to gut predatory lending regulation so the federal reserve is pushing a new mortgage regulation that would effectively eliminate the most powerful federal remedy for predatory lending this remedy is called the citizen which is used to strike down demonstrably illegal or fraudulent loan contracts and avoid a bank's ill gotten gains from such predatory lending practices under the fed's new proposal however borrowers will be required to pay off the balance of the loan. or the bank loses its right to for clues so that means bar was could still lose their homes even in cases where banks have broken the law they're going to strike down predatory lending laws right so they can reopen the predatory lending down there in the ghetto on wall street so that clio office joanne's you know jamie diamond j.p.
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morgan his big pink furry pimp pat go up to the ghetto around america and say i got to perth or alone sell his own the pimp daddy pip shark you know it's disgusting if you think about it that they're applied ghetto economics loan sharking payday loans track dealing is the primary business and sending out their ghetto gang bangers the u.s. pentagon sponsored military to go rape and pillage this is the entire business model supporting these banks that takes me to this next headline max and obama's new chief of staff william daley j.p. morgan vice chairman lobbied against financial reform foe of health care bill opposes consumer protection bureau he apparently was against it when timothy geithner called him to basically lobby j.p. morgan for support of the consumer protection bureau he said at the time that he believed that there were sufficient consumer safeguards already on the books yeah well he's a stone cold liar and he's obviously part of the same ghetto economics of getting
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america into as much debt as possible so that they become indentured servants answering only to their slave master on wall street who are shilling and slopping and slinging their debt slingers not unlike the crack dealers but we already know that what i want to know is how does a bomber get up in the morning to look at himself in the mirror and not cry in embarrassment and shame as an american myself i am deeply embarrassed by this idiot who's totally in the service of the bankers well speaking of bankers goldman sachs may sell facebook stake without warning well apparently you know they have this deal for private. festers to get involved with facebook there they wrote in the bottom that you know they might actually be betting against them the last year of course they had to pay a five hundred fifty million dollars fine for betting against their own clients they broke the law now in this case in the facebook deal the securities laws say that you have more than five hundred investors you need to disclose more about the
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company to the f.c.c. but goldman sachs said well the law doesn't apply to us you know the laws for the small people we don't we don't we don't you know if the law is something that gets in the way of us raping people we just change the law i mean they don't they're above the law member blankfein said he's doing god's work so god is up to obey the law another point is made by simon johnson who in a piece called why are taxpayers subsidizing facebook and the next bubble he says that goldman sachs remember it was made by hank paulson into a bank holding company so they're able to borrow at the fed from the fed at zero percent and yet they're engaged obviously in very risky investments as if they are hedge fund own oil exactly under the volcker rule remember the whole point was to shut down the proprietary trading desk because they were taking huge short term risks that were under written by the u.s. public who had to bail them out so to bypass that volcker rule restriction they've gotten into the pre i.p.o. market which doesn't even exist they invented it on the spot there's no even
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regulations that cover it and they've long donz of facebook well we've been speaking about banks i want to go on to this next headline this is from c.n.n. money two thousand and eleven year of the bank run this is the question they're asking because irish bank deposits declined in november for the fourth straight month the central bank said just this past week overseas deposits fled the country at their fastest pace in more than a year and so they then ask the question is a bank run about to bring europe to its knees but of course will we even know because it could technically we might even have to be bleeping out this word banker on here because it's against their starting to introduce legislation against even mentioning the word bankrupt so i guess a balloon. no you. know you can't say it because it might cause people to be concerned about their deposits member of northern rock northern rock in the u.k. people were concerned because they were involved in predatory lending they were offering hundred twenty five percent loans on people's homes which we said at the
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time was unsustainable bank collapse there was a huge run justifiably so then you got into this old period of bailouts and off balance sheet accounting in the shadow banking system but yeah of course it's very orwellian is that you can't tell the people that hey your bank's insolvent and you might want to move your money out of that bank put into a vault somewhere on some precious metals or something of value that itself becomes of course terrorist speech and you can't even have it be ultimately what this means is that when you go to take money out of the a.t.m. it'll say well you can only take out twenty or thirty dollars a day or twenty or thirty euros a day it'll be basically a collapse but you won't know it because your money will be rationed to you but speaking of money being rationed it's not real money and people get confused when they think money it's actually debt so that brings me to this next headline max credit cards used to pay a mortgage or rent by two million people this is in the united kingdom two million people or six percent of the population is putting their mortgage payment or their
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rent on their credit card this is inflationary of course because credit card rates are sixteen percent on average in the u.k. at the moment many people of course are paying thirty percent but this has to be added to the same place in numbers that's one that's right and of course the governments are trying like mad to keep rates from going even higher by buying back their own debts so they're printing more money to buy back their own debts well they're they're doing this to keep money from being expensive for the bankers so the bankers like goldman sachs and j.p. morgan will always pay zero percent these people on the bottom who are suffering the inflation will continue to pay sixteen percent twenty percent eighty percent more every single month every single quarter for their rent and mortgage. absolutely and we also see you know inflation and this sovereign debt issue in the final headline here max jeff rubin peak oil means massive sovereign defaults so this is jeff rubin and he's a legendary oil analyst apparently and he says that it takes huge amounts of energy
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particularly oil to achieve the growth rates that all the near bankrupt governments around the world need to even service their debt let her own repay it so the minute global industrial production recovered from the recession oil prices were suddenly on the verge of triple digits that's not an accident since the two go hand in hand global oil demand is up two point five million barrels per day from last year any further increases in oil demand and oil prices will be trading comfortably in triple digit range so in other words g.d.p. growth you need it to reach to emulate the economy to pay off all the debt but g.d.p. growth is contingent on oil oil drives the global economy every single part of the global economy is tied to oil but you've also he also mentions the fact that you've got peak oil so there's probably not even enough oil in the ground to finance the recovery so this just a huge intersection of competing die off not only are the birds
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dying and the fish dying and the crabs dying but the bond markets dying in the credit markets dying and the oil's dying that's peak oil well there's not enough oil in the ground at less than one hundred dollars per barrel and you need that less than one hundred dollars per barrel without to continue to grow the economy didn't the mayans say that two thousand and twelve was the big end of time i believe what we should ask the romanian which is a window already well thanks for being on the kaiser report thank you max already when i come back we're going to be talking with gonzalo lira in chile about the economy what's happening down there so don't go away.
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my english would be soo much brighter. moving. from friends to pressure. starts on t.v. don't come. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time to go back to chile and talk with gonzalo only. one of the regulars there on the kaiser report why because in chile and chile and brazil are like the only countries that are doing well these days gonzalo welcome back to the kaiser report it's a pleasure being on max thanks for having me on all right now gonzalo apparently
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chile's central bank has joined the other insane central banks around the world bloomberg reports that chile central bank has to buy twelve billion dollars to stem the peso region beating rally this looks like another chapter in the currency war what's going on you know exactly it's another part of the race to the bottom the problem for chile is that chile has an economy of about one hundred sixty three billion i was a two thousand and nine numbers and you know twelve billion as you can tell is that you know about roughly seven out eight percent out of that economy. the problem was that the dollar was collapsing against the puzzle so rapidly that it was really chilling exports here chile is the largest exporter of copper in the world as was. nitrates gold silver and so because of the rise in commodity prices the pass or was it through ing tremendous value against the dollar it had risen i believe about thirty percent since the close of the two thousand and eight crises you know thirty
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percent in two years i mean it was just chilling exploiters americans out what walk us through this methodology and other words all these countries around the world are trying to export their way back to growth after the huge financial collapse of two thousand and eight but clearly this currency war beggar thy neighbor policy it can't it can result in everybody winning it sounds like what everybody's going to lose in the end or is it a game of chicken or does this all end up going that is the million dollar question or the billion dollar question of the trillion dollar president nobody really knows how it's going to end but it's going to end badly. in a bigger by member policy actually works when you have the medium sized or smaller economy amidst other economies that are doing ok and you basically devalue your currency to dig your way out of a hole that you dug a lot of a classic example is france and sweden in the early ninety's when the have their own banking crisis and they you know recapitalize those banks devalued and dug
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their way out of their hole but the problem is when the reserve currency the largest economy in the world starts doing the bigger the neighbor policy it has a tremendous impact and various impact on all the other developing economies. not just developing economies excuse me but all economies full stop you know you mentioned the world's reserve currency the u.s. dollar is the number one offender and of course it is the world's reserve currency so he wouldn't want them to be in a position of trying to beggar thy neighbor in this way to accentuate the problems as you write in a blog recently quote is the federal reserve really purchasing over sixty percent of two thousand and eleven. fiscal deficit in a word yeah ok tell us what's going on here it's just pieces map and this is the tragedy of it nobody seems to notice that everybody's been noticing q e two quantitative easing two the recently announced policy of purchasing six hundred
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billion dollars over eight months to prop up you know the treasury bonds and keep yields low but nobody's looking at it from the opposite end which is basically between investments of three light and this six hundred billion to basically have between sixty and seventy percent of the fiscal year two thousand and eleven debt u.s. government debt being purchased by the federal reserve i mean basically monetizing it so the only conclusion is that the united states is has officially become a banana republic but with nukes right the government is buying sixty percent of its own debt issuance are saying that monetizing fifty percent of that which means that they are printing dollars to buy the debt to monetize the purchases and of course that purchase debt is used to pay off a lot of the structural debt that's still on the balance sheet going back to two thousand and eight so it's not showing up necessarily in the c.p.i.
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numbers the consumer price inflation but at the same time you see on the products side people they go to the store and i buy can a cup of color and it's a third of the size less than it was a month before it reminds me going back to roman times in the clip the coins the little clip around under near our one of those you know i think it was augustus i think that i was augustus who started doing that or clipping them and mixing tin and copper with silver in order to get you know basically to debase the currency yeah that's what they're basically doing you know i'm it seems that you know when empires start to decay this is why things that start doing they start creating a police state as the romans did under our guns. yes we're tied here as brother and you know the united states today into the you know the homeland security the road stop the terrorist threats that's being protium another effect is this debasement of the currency rights unless of interesting actually knowledge of their police
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state in roman times coinciding with the government debating the currency and now you've got a virtual debasement going on with the downsizing of these consumer products people going to the store they're finding that the coffee is no longer a colombian coffee it just says kind of generic coffee but there the price is the same so i have seen a sleigh there monetizing the debt simultaneously they're hiding through the shadow banking system a lot of the banking debt that is still yet to be disclosed of course they can always flash that whenever they need to hold the congress for an additional balance out so tell us about you know it all kind of shows up in the debt ceiling how far higher can the debt ceiling go the debt ceiling can go as high as congress wants it to go alternately you know it in a democracy karl marx said it best a democracy goes down the tubes when the people realize that they can vote themselves all the money in the treasury i'm paraphrasing of course but that's the basic upshot of the quote that the congress can you know decide that they're going
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to increase the debt ceiling to one hundred trillion billion dollars and presto change abouts that's the law. now of course you have this issue between the treasury issuance of treasury notes in order to finance the deficit and the federal reserve that is pretty money in order to fill up that hole so ultimately you know you don't see an end to this policy the only way it's going to end is in two years now you do see some relative strength in the u.s. dollar and people are saying well you know the rise and interest rates the ten year yield is indicative of a strengthening u.s. economy is that the right conclusion my conclusion is that both the equities market which everybody knows. in lala land and now the bond market are just fictions that's my own sense the only thing i'm paying attention to is tomato juice and tomatoes are just continually rising and so it seems increasingly clear that
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between the manipulation of the equities market the clear manipulation of the treasury wrong market by the federal reserve i mean they are putting that much so much money into the market that it is inevitable that they can manipulate it at will i don't really a lot of people talk about the bond market the very bond market but to me it's just a fiction a long term. outlook you know sure you know short term it goes up goes down you'll . get. a long term doesn't really matter because it's all going frankly it's all going to hell in a handcart and the only thing that matters at this point to me at any rate are moderates and it's also a big old bugger i'm a somebody that's i don't trade regularly i want to just tell you the truth only gone into it last year but it's inevitable that that's the future because the way that the policies are being implemented both in the united states and in europe i mean we can't forget europe and how badly they mishandled the relatively paltry
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crises in greece and ireland that you recognize that the people who are running the two major currencies of the world really don't seem to know what they're doing ok now you're in latin america and of course that region is a subset of what the banana republic in the one nine hundred seventy s. we've got a couple of minutes just kind of go through some of the telltale signs facing in the u.s. right now that for you having studied the economy and central latin america in the one nine hundred seventy some of the warning signs some of the red flags you see popping up that are direct analogy to what happened in the seventies and south america well what happened in south america was over indebtedness because they picked that in many countries they had the local currency to the dollar and thereby they were able to access. our whole host of credit facilities and they got over indebted and it all ended in tears now the same thing seems to have happened in the states but the only difference was that the united states was able to problem its banks without doing the necessary surgery and amputations that are necessary to
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a dead banking sector they propped him up and they created the zombie banks the too big to fail banks now the united states is not how to be a reckoning with with its financial situation. and so those are the banks are still going up there and what is happening is that all this money printing has been going into commodities which seems to be where the store value is i shudder because it seems to me that the people who are running things in the united states have not learned anything from the hard won experiences of latin american countries and other emerging markets that had a similar situation as to what the united states is is going through today and yet have not taken to heart the lessons learned from those very painful episodes so i think the united states is going to suffer the same fate but let me ask you about a conundrum that folks seem to overlook the u.s. dollar world reserve currency all major commodities are priced in u.s.
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dollars and here in the united states people say well a lower dollar of course means that the u.s. through this beggar thy neighbor policy is able to export its way toward a greater g.d.p. growth i would ever do to the fact that these commodities are priced in dollars a lower dollar means that their import costs for the basic materials that go into manufacturing equal or more than offset the gain that they would pick up on the export side is that in the conundrum that they're going to be able to escape or is that all another kind of you know death that's nail for the dollar i think they're not going to be a conundrum you're exactly right i mean if you're trying to export your way out we need to import raw materials for your exports then you know you're taking from peter to give to paul you know it's it's not going to help. your situation at all and also it's going to be hurting other countries that depend on dollar denominated commodities especially i recall true commodities something i'm going to be writing about is how food prices are rising across the rest of the world and hurt
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in poor countries because of this beggar the neighbor policy of course the united states has to look after itself you know it be you know citing monetary policy in order to make sure that the people in bangladesh you know are fed but still you know this policy of beggar my neighbor is going to have is having tremendous effects in the world economy and since it's never been done before we don't really know how it's going to end but we can predict that it's going to end badly well one last question what you know folks on wall street who are speculating in the paper market for commodities and for the most part driving the price higher on the paper side of course in their budgets for food as a percentage of income is probably one percent now so they don't feel the effect of a rising food price on their monthly budget whereas people in countries developing countries like india probably sixty seventy eighty percent of their income goes to
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food and so it just smacks them right in the face now can anyone explain to these people who lost weight that they're speculating the paper market is directly resulting in starvation and death in countries like india well you could argue that but you can argue much more close to home because you don't have to go to india you have to look at the poor people in united states i mean poor people the united states spend upwards of seventy percent of their of their income on basic necessities i mean i'm talking about housing food and clothing. you know if you're spending seventy percent of your income on housing food and clothing and there's a serious rise in prices you know it's going to hit you and it's going to hurt you a lot you know and i wrote a paper about this that i think i estimated that huey two and the effects of q.e. two in terms of commodity inflation as it would reach to agriculture products would affect roughly eighty percent of the u.s. population so you don't have to go looking for poor people in india to see how this beggar thy neighbor policy is going to affect the people.


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