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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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most of you to indict them when they're really stretching a lot to you that you want to stretch a lot to indict them how they want to stretch a little when they think victim and so i think astonishing has reason to be concerned but i don't think the united states justice system is one that serves a lot of respect these days especially when comes to this kind of a case where such a public uproar people only person if you kill coley for him to be treated as a traitor all these exaggerate claims for someone who is really just an editor of a new source he really is a reporter and not being treated like he's been treated like someone who is an enemy combatant when he's really just trying to back so why i think you know very quickly for a look at it from a global perspective to the fact that internationally the u.s. is looked at as a place where people fear being extradited to because of the way they might be treated and what does that say about our you know the leader of the free world moral stance that we like to take you know when i went to law school way back in one thousand a graduate. school i really could go to the of wrote
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a new route to the justice system but after that you know now i look at our justice system and it's really an embarrassment we have lost so much of what made the united states or the nation of laws we now are a nation that tries to avoid laws whether it's you know international laws doing with torture and and dealing with how trees of prisoners are treated or where we how we deal with prisoners of hope so we have a lot to change united states to get back to being brokered that really respects the rule of oil and respects justice mohali of all see some of that change at some point kevin thank you so much for joining us and cheering me on. still to come tonight he bragged about how his state was handling the budget crisis said the washington. because as we learned today his state is not financially sound and secretary of state hillary clinton made a surprise visit to. her calling it a mission to discuss women's rights civilian aid but can they really expect us to believe it has anything else to do with other than our shadow war at the u.s.
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is there. a song from sounds stupid. stunts on t.v. . broadcasting live from our studios. for wiki leaks founder julian assange has claimed he could be facing time in guantanamo bay or even the death penalty if he's tried u.s. this comes as he appears in court in the u.k.
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fighting a swedish extradition washington is investigating possible criminal charges against the song over the release of. lisbon insists it does not need a bank bailout as it comes under pressure from germany and france to head off a potential euro zone crisis portugal is widely seen as the next to be bailed out if it doesn't regain confidence the country represents less than two percent of the blogs gross domestic product experts fear. the spanish economy. in the last vessel trapped in freezing waters off russia's far east coast treacherous weather conditions have hampered the fortnight long rescue operation more than three hundred crew are still on board the ship. and my colleague bill dog will be in in about thirty minutes with a full look at your news but first it's time to go back to the second part of the.
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time for tonight's tool time award and here is a man who loves to trash washington talk about the superiority of the lone star state but apparently texas governor rick perry needs to get his own financial house in order for as he spent the last year talking about how obama how the congress are ruining this country at one point he even said the state of texas should secede from the union and we all are over how that secession thing really works so well in the eighteen hundreds but after complaining about washington spending not balancing a budget comes word that his own state of texas is facing a huge budget shortfall in fact during his re-election campaign last year he said the state would probably only face a ten billion dollars shortfall well those numbers seem to be a little off there rick new figures for the state's controller's office say that
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they have a budget deficit of twenty seven billion dollars wow that's more than double your estimates there and this would really be a big story if perry hadn't traveled around the country holding up texas as a model for the u.s. to follow when it comes to balancing the budget in fact at the southern republican leadership conference last year perry gave a speech and he said that if he was given a magic wand offer to one wish this would be it. would be to pass a constitutional amendment to the us constitution that requires a balanced budget there is nothing more nothing more powerful to this country than to say to those in washington d.c. this is how much money we have in this is that you can speak. hey rick maybe you want to change your wish now political leaders in austin are quick to point out that texas doesn't believe in raising taxes has cut the. state budget
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until nothing else is left to cut but education health care and taxes already has some of the lowest per pupil spending rates in the country the highest number of those without health insurance so what are going to do now rick perry close down the hospitals in the schools for good looks like you might come to regret all the anti-tax talk and that's why you are tonight's tool time winner. well sociologists across the u.s. are noticing a new form of disobedience economic disobedience it's a concept where people who normally obey the law are setting those old beliefs aside all for the sake of protesting the current economic siege situation in this country artie's lauren lyster caught up with one of them to learn more about this trend of economic disobedience. new language that they understand me don't you visit us in the u.s. most are familiar with the age old protest tactic of civil disobedience we. are just supposing it's
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a separation standing somewhere which are and should be civil disobedience but these days with rising inequality and low wages in the us being a pressing issue many researchers and activists are documentation wages are falling cutting benefits for people taking away their pensions there is evidence of a different form of disobedience now taking place all over the country they are part paid to pay for there are no statement making the right fit in life but the research here call it an economic difference they not see it it is going on underground. and poor neighborhoods in new york city some residents organized to raise a little money to buy subway cards offering unlimited rides they swipe as many people in his they can to give them a free ride here were resisting ferrites were resisting the cost of living is going up in so many ways for all the one of the activists who organize. as is this form
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of disobedience most importantly it's in response to an economic system he sees as unfair and taxes are being cut for wealthy people and their bailouts for banks some all see. none of the merits of the people in this neighborhood so we just think that's wrong an american sociologist found the subversion of the system going on all over the country but she found these acts among business managers in the middle class helping out their employees they really were about the fact that wages for some know these for managers who felt as though the people working for them during a jobs being responsible were still unable to take care of their families she found grocery store managers sending bags of food home with workers fast food managers padding paychecks with overtime wages she also found most of these managers believe breaking the rules is wrong but these people were saying that there are much bigger problems and ignoring the fact that people who are working
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very hard for you are unable to feed their children in the minds of some people at least what has become a bigger wrong in their eyes it's a bigger wrong people are breaking the rules to make right whether it's in all these low income new york neighborhood to neighborhood people who don't really have much of a political voice or whether it's behind the closed office doors of the middle class breaking the rules because of the economic imbalance in the country and what seems in america to be the rising disobedience of modern day they're not going to bail us out this is what will do to their was also lauren lyster r.t. new york. what turns out that u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has made a surprise trip to yemen she is the first us secretary of state to visit the country since one thousand nine hundred are as recently as the only other obama official to take the trip i've been chief counterterrorism adviser john brennan and general david petraeus. now clinton stated that washington was seeking to rebalance
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its three hundred million dollars aid package to the country to have more weight to civilian aid rather than just military and security assistance but keep in mind yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world with an estimated forty two percent of the population living on less than two dollars a day and the country faces dwindling supplies of both oil and water let's get real here the u.s. interest in yemen why isn't dealing with terrorism well al qaeda in the arabian peninsula now with civilian aid now with women's rights but considering how under the radar u.s. military operations have been in this country could we see this trip as a move to have the shadow war emerge into the public spotlight here to discuss it with me is jonathan goyer program associate for the middle east task force at the new american foundation jonathan thanks so much for being here michel and i really appreciate it well i want to know why you think hillary clinton decided to make this trip now like we said she's the first secretary of state to go there since one thousand nine hundred know and it's of surprising move because yemen is clearly not
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a headline making country but it's clearly on the radar screen of the u.s. state department i think we have to look at this in terms of mending ties after the whole week you leaks fallout which has been you know been very detrimental to the u.s. yemen relationship president saleh comes across you know very amateurish and there's a lot of behind the scenes issues that are now no longer in the shadows so i think we might already be out of the shadows we're moving to a new stage of trying to understand the u.s. human relationship that's always so bad for relations so when the truth comes out right what it's made public what diplomats actually discuss it because let's be clear here in these wiki leaks documents what came out was that saleh was saying us keep bombing and i'll keep telling my people that was it was us that were doing it you know which is part of the reason why there's such a strong anti-american sentiment you could say in yemen as well well i mean the broader issue here is that we're purely looking through yemen through a military land and this is being. a big problem you know before the barack obama
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administration there was in two thousand and two a reported drone attack outside of the so we've been looking at through purely military sort of outlook and as you say there's also a woman's rights economic empowerment aspect of this visit i'd like to see that focus on and actually acted upon i'd like to see coffee growers in the i mean receiving sort of cooperation from the u.s. that substantial and not just talking points well yemen is an incredibly poor country yemen obviously needs all the aid that it can get especially when it comes to civilian aid but i just feel like we're pretending here you know i why were we so interested in sending civilian aid and worry about women's rights in yemen until they become a hotbed of terrorism well look yemen is not on the verge of collapse yemen is not a failed state there's a lot of issues here but when we look at it in comparison with other gulf countries there's a to a certain extent some democracy happening there that we could be working on more and that isn't going to be just through government programs i would say it's mostly
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through non-governmental assistance but to get back to your point i think if we want to deal with the international terrorism issue we have to make it an international community issue we need to get the gulf cooperation council more involved the european union the u.n. the u.s. is not going to solve yemen's supposed terrorist problems by itself so much like we're not solving the terrorist problems as you say in afghanistan even though there we went in with this different strategy we decide to use counterinsurgency we thought that we could win hearts and minds but that isn't happening now with petraeus in charge we're seeing it revert back to back to nitrates back to more drones you know more military force well that's the bigger fear here is that missile attacks drone attacks whatever is or isn't being reported in the american press isn't going to win hearts and minds of yemen and it's actually only going to exacerbate so-called radicalization extremism whatever pundits are calling it this week but if we want to actually counter the issues in yemen i think we can actually develop. well to people relationship that's what secretary clinton said today we
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need to you know build a relationship in her words beyond counterterrorism and i hope we're getting there but what do you think our relationship is like with that and here's a man who's been in rule for thirty two years he's been trying to change the constitution so he can keep getting elected keep rolling indefinitely but at the same time you know he faces a lot of opposition in the country a lot of people will blame him blame the strong arm politics that he uses for you know the reason that terrorism really is starting to build up all of course i mean you're alluding to the two sort of civil war slash insurgencies happening there's a lot beyond terrorism that's happening in yemen that needs to be dealt with but. but i see is he a leader worth propping up or is this one of those moves that we're going to regret you know somewhere further on well i mean he's been in power for over thirty years i don't know if the u.s. is going to change that or wants to change that tell me do you think that this move by hillary clinton going to yemen means that we're going to start actually hearing
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more about it when it comes to the media when it comes to government officials perhaps making statements because you could say that this war that we've been waging over there or their military operations have been a shadow war they've tried to keep it a secret as possible so i don't think we're going to see yemen chalked up to afghanistan iraq pakistan level definitely not in news reporting but there has been some bloggers that are really on the ball on this but hopefully this is a wake up call to washington to all the global capitals that yemen is on the state department's radar so if we're not focusing on the real issues then we don't have human people watchers analysts to think about this very quickly because today is the ninth anniversary of the first detainees going to guantanamo bay there are thirty yemeni detainees who have been cleared who are not allowing to return to the country because it's not stable enough who knows do you think that be a smart diplomatic political move to let those detainees go back in terms of winning over hearts and minds i guess you could say perhaps could be a boon for public diplomacy but wiki leaks shows that isn't ready to play ball
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necessarily on guantanamo detainees so you know it's a decision that's going to be made and it's not going to be made in washington our general thank you so much for joining us definitely an interesting surprise trip by hillary clinton thank you thanks so much well still to come on tonight's show the chinese decided to show off a new stealth fighter jet just as the u.s. secretary of defense was visiting to try to decipher the meaning of that just a moment and a column in today's wall street journal path along here talking to chinese that women make better mothers the u.s. women and is that why china is kicking our ass of the. there were tons filled with joy. with parades and marches. inspiring people with insouciance. but it was everything really good and it feels to
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speak out. though she shared her thoughts only with her diary. became evidence in the trial for counter-revolutionary activity. the evidence which condemned to a label. the diary of a soviet school on obscene. children now see about eight thousand by the end of elementary school five two hundred thousand violent acts by the age of eighteen from movies television shows to video games to children. twenty four hour news channels is now it seems every day formulate a staple. in. those lotto for shakespeare or those while those who sell. their first think about it there's a good artistic and journalistic future but most of the while it's good to see what
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i have been. god came down from heaven and stopped. at the. moment in a pretty what. makes the pill easier to swallow. everybody what's come. to me is eve it's fifty. fifty.
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believe it or not it looks like we finally found on one issue the both republicans and democrats can agree that they're both up in arms over the no we're not talking about health care reform it's not wall street either in fact it's college football that case anybody is not in the loop here people around the country have long complained about the college bowl system which doesn't have a playoff like most other sports do think the and c.w. basketball championships and instead of two teams are chosen to battle out there with some say as an arbitrary system like compiling polls and then using a computer selection method many liberals and conservatives argue that this arbitrary system is corrupt sounds like another system called wall street that doesn't really seem to bother anyone in washington but i digress politicians argue that there is no standard method of determining the top seed who's to say that some diehard fans of one of the teams could pay off the people of the bowl championship
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series and just to show how serious they are about reforming the b.c.s. check out the playoffs their mission to support candidates who favor a college football playoff and sure flexibility to support candidates who favor that playoff and to be clear there are some major d.c. power players on this committee republicans joe barton orrin hatch have both spoken out about the current b.c.s. system and as for the democrats how about the most famous of them all. we should be creating a playoff system. that would be three rounds. to determine a bash champion i don't know any serious fan of college football who has disagreed with me on this little my way to rebel but i think it's the right thing to do. yeah that's a clip from then president elect obama who talks about reforming the system as if he were dealing with major foreign policy i mean look i understand college football is a big deal but why are we this gung ho about real issues what are people who are this
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eager to tackle the financial crisis fighting wars abroad perhaps we could have had solutions by now that's just about let's put a little more emphasis on our top political issues maybe a little bit less in the sports after all it is just a game don't get mad. now on last night's show we hosted a debate asked the question if the u.s. was headed for an arms race with china and the reason we asked just as the pentagon and now says pentagon budget cuts is because china is beefing up their military late last week photos of china's first stealth fighter jet began appearing online to some people started asking is this a leak was this intentional oh i think that we have our answer now we don't while we don't have access to the actual video today the chinese held a test flight of the new jet there is video showing the jet taking off landing in southern china but here's the interesting part the flight happened the exact same day that u.s. defense secretary robert gates was paying key visit to beijing do you think that's
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a coincidence because i don't a senior u.s. official traveling with gates said the chinese president hu jintao was asked about the test flight and according to media reports the chinese president his people were completely unaware about the test but i'm betting that military has a little explaining to do with the news of this stealth fighter jet has pundits analysts war hawks all predicting impending doom it's the next cold war but to up the ante even more in photos china's twin engine g twenty appears. larger than either the russian or the u.s. fighters potentially allowing it to fly farther and to carry heavier weapons now keep in mind they were probably more than a decade before these jets could start rolling out of the chinese plants and right now nobody outside of the chinese government knows what the jets for or what it's even capable of doing so for now i'm going to leave to the hogs who promise do if we do not amp up our military in response to the new chinese threat after all if we didn't have jets being tested john bolton in the likes might run out of things to
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scare americans about but oh wait i guess there's always iran. now to continue on with china are chinese parents better than western parents that's a neat you argued in the wall street journal today in an article titled why chinese mothers are superior he began of the list of certain things that her daughters were never allowed to do here's just a few of them tend to sleep over have a play date choose their own extracurricular activities get any grade less than a and not be the number one student in every subject except for gym and drama and she also mentions that chinese parents can get away with things that western parents can't like calling your daughter fact without fearing that you somehow ruined her self-esteem needless to say the blogosphere has been a blaze with angry comments and rants about this piece but should it be time for american parents to get a little more realistic put a little bit more pressure on their children joining me to discuss it as attorney
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michael barnes policy advisor for d.c. be a law and policy michael thanks so much for being here and happy to be here i haven't really think about it chinese kids are clearly being out american kids when it comes to their reading math science levels and they're beating us out in education so it's not just because their schools are so much better or could it be because their parents are putting so much of the pressure on it's probably a combination of the two but the test scores that came out recently about these pieces put out by the organization for economic cooperation and development they were actually only out of shanghai so it's not the entire nation of china that has these sorts of test scores but it certainly indicates that in this pilot program in this big city in china they've got schools that are doing well and presumably the kids are allowed to be with their moms right and they're actually getting supported by their parents to to attain these scores and their number one as you mentioned in reading math and science in the u.s. on the other hand is that thirty one in math is at twenty three or twenty four in
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science and reading maybe up to seventeen so we're not doing too well in comparison but we're not doing too long comparison you know and if there's. on the say about the chinese culture it's definitely that there is it's a strict culture of discipline and then you have america and we have you know soccer tournaments where even the last place team gets a trophy where parents are a little too scared to tell their kids no you didn't do this right no you didn't you know you're not good at it you have to always be afraid of their self-esteem is that really pushing of us back when it comes to development when it comes to competition globally there is a lot of concern for the american child psyche for sure and i don't speak as a parent i have a welsh terrier and that's probably a good thing because if i were a parent i would be like a chinese mom frankly i would be like you're like the article stated today you can't go to the bathroom until you learn this piano recital right but really this is a cultural thing we know that the chinese plan on one hundred year cycles we plan on two year cycle according to our political schedule right i'm not saying that u.s.
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needs a central planning division at all but we should unite around a priority of improving our education improving advancements in science and technology and investing in these areas to improve the how do we do that how we actually convince people because you know i mean i you know i think there's definitely other side to right because how far can china go until perhaps there stifled by i don't know i mean could there be a lack of creativity if there's always just such a a direct focus if you're always just following directions that's right than us is really good at innovating and that's part of our history for centuries and so i don't think that's going to change but certainly there's an opportunity for us to create this overall national goal to improve and we already as a nation are very committed to improving economically we saw that in the elections in november fifty eight percent of americans in november indicated in an opinion research poll that they are threatened by china so now they're hitting us where it hurts when they're saying that our moms are not quite as good as the chinese moms
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if there was ever a sputnik moment isn't this it or you don't talk about your mom or somebody else and i mean that is the big. you know no i don't talk about my mom but right i would tell me about your mother just because i'm going to tell you about the story we how did your parents raise you were it was everything you did perfect and wonderful and you were never criticized you know my parents were very supportive and then i wouldn't say they're like those psyche parents are really concerned about always making sure i have a trophy by any means always very supportive but they also knew what i was good at and what i wasn't good at and help to steer me in the right direction and that's a part of what this article was stating today that the chinese believe that you can't really enjoy something unless you're good at it i believe that i really i think that there is a little truth that it was interesting as we were having a discussion and my parents are russian and i think that in some ways also my about my i don't exactly have the western upbringing in like certain things to me it didn't seem like a big deal at all and i was talking to my colleagues know about your parents actually being straightforward and telling you hey maybe you need to lose a little weight i mean we were just completely shocked by that i normally was
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seventeen percent of american kids are obese we actually need a little bit of that chinese influence i think the way that i mean it is when it comes to obesity i mean even when it comes to our foreign policy our human rights record we like to think that we are the example for the world have been discussing this the entire program and yet we don't realize that we have certain faults i mean how can you be the best if you don't realize your faults you're absolutely right and i think that americans are finally realizing that and i think it is going back to two thousand and eight in electing obama he had a vision for the united states and the greatness of the united states and you during the first two years of his presidency i think partisanship really kept him from being able to help us focus on what is big and what we need to unite around internationally so that we're not focused on these petty arguments internally but looking outward at the greatness that the united states can convey on a very global scale i do believe that over the next couple of years that united states is going to unite around these bigger priorities of first of all more than anything improving our economy and after we get our affairs in order there will be
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able to reinvest in science technology education most importantly to improve our global competitiveness. long term hopefully not of republicans have their way we do focus on education thank you so much for being here thank you now before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day on this program last night unless n.b.c.'s keith olbermann said that he was going to change the name of his worst person in the world segment now a few months ago he suspended that segment but then he eventually brought it back so it's night my tweets is of what he should call the worst person in the world segment what he should do with the title i say just change the name of countdown to worst person in the world with keith olbermann each night at eight pm that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make me come back tomorrow tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the earthquake in haiti so one year later we're going to ask how much has changed for you to look at whether the haiti is any better but in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the eleven on facebook and follow.


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