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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm EST

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yes and also ross telecom has performed it actually been the best performing stock today but it is the commodity space that is kind of leading the team right now in terms of telecom this a number of speculations right now some are basically conspiracy theories about what's going to happen to a united resource telecom it looks to me that there are certain individuals are pushing up the stock based on liquidity. for for some reasons. another news russian coca-cola company coast group has announced initial public offerings in london and in moscow the firm ngs to offer a quarter of its store can raise as much as five hundred billion dollars cope says it will use the funds to boost its investment program. and russia's transparent airlines end of the year much better than expected sales revenues from all operations rocketed by sixty percent to more than two billion dollars in twenty ten carriers passenger traffic jumped by more than a third exceeding six and a half million people that's well more than it. will be back in fifteen minutes
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time will see that. culture is the same i understand my family and it's always me and my son let me be the new buyers in the market one year around the catastrophic earthquake haiti remains in ruins and prospects bleak what has gone so wrong for this and popper's. wealthy british style. that's not tied to the spotlight on.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because a report on our. pilots aero psychological pressure on the cruise a lot of experience and words of blame for the plane crash that killed the polish president kaczynski and ninety five dollars a last april this was the conclusion of the official investigation which was
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delivered its final verdicts. as the u.s. prison in guantanamo bay and does its ten year protests all held in the country calling on president obama to finally deliver on his promise to shop sit down with his engines and become a new tourist or prisoner abuse and is still holding two hundred inmates in legal limbo. of tuberculosis in the u.k. the country that's pumping a huge songs to fight the white plague abroad proves on april the time glitz alarming spread of home britain has been named your t.v. capital thousands diagnosed with the disease and the. coming up next is a year alter the devastating earthquake that hit haiti guess discuss the progress at cheve and rebuilding the country that's next.
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if you can. follow me and welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle one year after the catastrophic earthquake k.t. remains in ruin and prospects look bleak what has gone so wrong for this impoverished country who's to blame the west and its n.g.o.s the u.n. for the haitians themselves. can. you discuss the situation in haiti one year on i'm joined by easily done talking in new york she is the founder and president of the haitian lawyers leadership network also in new york we have nicholas but also there he is an award winning independent filmmaker and in washington we go to stanley lucas he is the executive director for the washington democracy project and another member of our crosstalk team on the hunger all right folks cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump any time
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you want to go to you first family a few days ago oxfam came out with a report and it painted a very bleak picture here in the me quote two sentences from it as haitians prepare for the first anniversary of the earthquake close to one pill a million people are reportedly still displaced it goes on to say less than five percent of the rubble has been cleared only fifteen percent of the temporary housing that is needed has been built and relatively few permanent water and sanitation facilities have been constructed what is gone wrong one year later i mean there was a lot of money dedicated to. rescuing haiti from this tragedy not all the money has been sent not all the donors are sent the money you have a lot of blue helmets there you have a lot of security and you have an army of n.g.o.s and they just all getting in the way with each other i mean what is the world going wrong. thank you for having me. your goal. of two
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hundred thousand. we lost thirty billion dollars. the international community responded quite quickly we got one point four billion dollars of private donation from the world two point nine billion dollars for the united states and four hundred million dollars from the international community the . american family how does this help people because i seen the pictures it doesn't look like a good picture going our one iran i mean it's really if i you know if i go to you what is gone wrong here i mean like all the ingredients for success should be there is are we going and i want to go to you i mean all the ingredients should be there haiti needs not charity but justice and until has the haiti has justice there is not going to be any structural change the needs of the and as you said as you mentioned with the oxfam report ten billion dollars was
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a was pledged on march tenth after the earthquake and only ten percent of that has been delivered in only by some of the small countries even part of the united united states all of the big big big countries have really not donate any of the billions of dollars they have said they would give to haiti interim for reconstruction there's no reconstructions as a mare fact there is barely any sorts of clean water as we know there's a cholera outbreak if there was clean water people would not have cholera outbreak what the fundamental problem is in that what your audience needs to understand is that when people say they're donating money to haiti it's what they're doing is taking money from their right hand and putting it into their left hand and nothing goes to haiti essentially but a trickle down but. the strategy is not what. working because we are building up and instead of building up haitian institutions you have twenty eight and. one
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point four billion dollars the i am blaming thing a patchwork of programs in those programs are not answering to the needs of patients like a needs. to haitians and c.g. haitian institution the private sector of eighty civil society in the haitian government and it's not happening right now we are trying to nickname why isn't it and why isn't it happening ok is this a haitian phenomenon right here it's because there are haitians or is it the international the structure of international aid i was being implemented and are this is just an ngo. money machine i mean there's so and so many n.g.o.s and they were there before the earthquake but most good morning just with their structure or maybe i want to go to you nick nick first go ahead. well i think one part of it is that unfortunately and it's been the case also before the earthquake but we always tended to empower the engine was much more than the haitian authorities you know
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always pretexting that you know the haitian authorities are corrupt it's always the same game with the n.g.o.s meanwhile n.g.o.s are there for long term survival they're also you know we call of our not for profit but n.g.o.s are there for there are actually industries there are competing with each other the other day there was an article saying how you know it's the war of logos and stickers that's one problem with the other problem also is the leadership but when you hear somebody like clinton who is the most one of the most popular voices out there very powerful individual saying that actually you know we need to know more what you doing clearly shows the real problem of leadership in haiti and also there's a problem of involving haitians the more you know believe the other day said that he wished he wished actually internationalization were working more with the the haitian authorities so there's a lot of arrogance but that this is been going on for the now more than twenty years that the way. so there is this is.
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right stanley go ahead jump in. please my dear international community community do well course you should include mission control in the haitian government have no control asian private sector even ourself into just four we have been pulled aside if you look at this speech two weeks ago of the haitian members of the reconstruction commission they are very frustrated because contract. given to people without their knowledge and the haitians are completely put aside of the reconstruction process and we need a haitian. and we part of the process as you know when you talk about international aid you cannot replace the client and to international community you are trying to replace the nation we are very grateful for the money they they are given to us but we don't have control over it easily i mean i don't know how anything would happen so quickly in the program so we already got to the blame game ok everybody seems to be blaming everybody else well how do we break out of this well for me and i'm
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going to go in first please go ahead sorry how do we break out of it we have and since today is your broadcasting this because it's the first year anniversary. i want to first say that we lost so much we haitians lost so much three hundred thousand people dead in thirty three seconds and so there has to be a time where this is about flesh and blood this is not about cost effectiveness it's not about n.g.o.s profits it's not about us export led economy i mean the real problem the basic problem is that we have a world system where it's where in haiti as it's applied it's dead dependency domination and this is sort of unfair us policy or even today when we have all of this devastation in haiti with. this. appel kalid sick
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just unfathomable injury and i've been doing remember and says all we can and i can tell you the grief the trauma to haitians i mean none of that is being translated everyone wants to talk about why are there over a million people on the streets in haiti at the moment well you know there was help in haiti supposedly before two thousand before the january twelfth the problem the real problem is that we have a system where the united states in the international financial institutions have decided what is development for haiti and they're using right now what we call this interim haiti reconstruction commission to bring forth policies they hadn't been able to do for a long time right now this interim reconstruction commission has basically taken over recovery this haiti interim recovery commission has taken over it's it's it's
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forget about these elections we're talking about. president clinton has so much titles in haiti right now do you can even tell what what he's about because he has . for five different titles he's part of this commission where supposedly the united states it's in the united states and the blame he has has to go to the international community because they're the ones that got rid of haiti's. democratically elected government we can the government and then put on haiti this sort of export led economy this economy where they say you know haiti has a population of eighty percent seventy percent peasants in the united states says you know what we're going to do is move the peasants into assembly plants and give you this sort of export. interest interest. when the interest of the consumers abroad is more important than the domestic national production in food sovereignty of haitians this is what you get you get famine you get earthquakes
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where people are dying because there are too many of them came into the cities looking for jobs that united states had pushed them off of when you have policies where these americans come in and destroy the livestock of the of well the haitian has you know. all of this when you have when you have all of this happening then you have to look at does haiti need charity or just you know. you say. this is a different way and they. talk quite a bit about outside interference i mean there is a long history of american interference in haitian affairs going over sixty years now i mean is it is it because these are the structural problems here is that. governments and government governance is just simply ineffective because there is so much outside interference well. if you look i mean since the beginning since he became independent everything we've talked about
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the major powers here that are involved france and the us i mean there's just been despicable since actually haiti became independent from the the. ration that he had to pay to france which is now in the amount of two twenty three billion dollars to the first occupation in the one nine hundred twenty s. to the embargo the many and bargain was the different could it are we right we've actually meddled in and we've been supporting these two latest. it is clear evidence of interference here so yeah it's not helping you know he has not held haiti to developing a normal you know in its own pace. always dismantling and meddling and meddling and and this is this is been going on now for a while are you going to jump in here and i'm going to let you finish out your break after a short break we'll continue our discussion on haiti state. and
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. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice things to face with the news makers. children now see eight thousand murders by the end of elementary school five hundred silos of violent acts by the age of eighteen. movies television shows to video games to children. twenty four hour news channels is not. every day formulate a stable industrial. base or shakespeare those while those who say if this think about it while it was a good try to artistic and journalistic future but most of the violence if you see
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what i call have been the god came down from heaven and stopped oh. man i should have been in a plane. true or makes the pill easier to swallow. everybody was coming down in the united kingdom and she's available in the house bill and she won the title the only way for her to begin to feel certain the mill star hotels some of the country house on a day in the pool in towns the rembrandt the crimean the chesterfield the montague the town the oil the rubens hotel.
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welcome back to crossfire computable to remind you we're talking about haiti one year after the earthquake. but before let's see what russians think about helping this country on the first anniversary of the earthquake that struck haiti people pray and call to offer more help one year ago haiti earthquake claimed the lives of over two hundred thousand people and left more than one point three million homeless men is still living in tents it is a year ago the other son also trust us if they would donate to help patients forty five percent of the respondents said they would and they had the forty three percent would not there was no unanimous does since the aid delivered to haiti by the entire world is now called aid industry and public fears it would not reach the
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recipients back to peter. ok stanley one of the one of the greatest criticisms of the whole aid effort towards haiti after the horrific or earthquake but in the way the west deals with aid in general and it's called a culture of dependency and haiti seems to be the quintessential example of creating a culture of dependence ok and how do you break out of that because i think easily brings up a very good point you know i think maybe the haitians deserve respect not charity. i agree with you. of every five dollars spent by the international community we control only two cents we don't need more aid we need better aid but we need to fix our own hours. we have witnessed the failure of governance in haiti as you know passed through your for president to duvalier left we six hundred million dollars
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of our money we could not get it back president aristide saw stalled two hundred fifty million dollars we didn't get it back i think we need better governance and also we need the import of the haitian just for our eyes you know our calling to the world bank if you two percent of competent haitians are overseas. we are four million people living in twenty countries so you need the input of the human resources haitian human resources that are overseas to strengthen the capacity of the state if we can address that the country can move better forward ok what do you think about that i mean just blame it on the corruption of past presidents do you agree with that yes. no i do. your are your your audience should know that i was a representative as a lawyer for president chavez. and mr lucas has. cannot prove what he's saying he's just saying it president aristide was the first
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democratically elected president of haiti and the reason why he was deported to south africa by the international community bush jr administration was because he was trying to include the masses into the politics of haiti trying to not deal with the monopolies what we have in haiti is five point five percent. of the population the haiti league arche that own ninety percent of the wealth and that in that act as a overseer for the for the imperialist imperialists so you have these these small families this small tiny group of haitians the light skinned haitians mostly from arab or syrian background who were folks that haiti gave asylum to who are now the ones who are sort of the overseers the ones who are now working if any kind of
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. now you could be sure that contract was giving not to haitian small tiny businesses but these can go these families who have very very strong. connections to the clintons to the bush who really run u.s. policy and so you have a situation where a lot of people focus on who's at the top whether it's our steed or preval or do they but we really need to also look at who is the economic force in haiti and what are they doing and how do you think. america all right sam we're going to jump and then i want to go to nick go ahead stanley going. ok i agree with doug that we need more market economy and bridou monopolies but also we need the support of the international community. to fight corruption as an example
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of that our high administration of course have established our board president drive in brazil at aristide's store our money in the case off of where our. bunch of money do you as help we can period that money for example if you we can set an example we board president president aristide on the dot all social documents of do going to be showing that. it is there in the long run. nine hundred million dollars of that country if we can get that money back. you will know that begin to do that anymore nick if i can go to you i mean it is going to easily go ahead real quick go ahead i was going to say we've already established that there's a difference between who is a dictator who is not a dictator and i've said that with regards to do the president aristide but i just want to make the point with respect to something that mr ducasse just said about corruption the difficulty here is that the corruption in haiti comes from the very
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very top it comes from the fact that united states would unseat a democratically elected government it comes from the fact right now what we're dealing with which is a fraudulent election that the united states would bring in the way and caricom in all of these international institution to try to solidify. an election that was clearly this how do you really do is jump to make here because you bring up an iraqi community bring up a very good mix please i don't want to i want to remember you're on the program here i mean is really brings up a very interesting point here is that because of the lack of perception of legitimacy of the political system in haiti because of the outside manipulation and interference what i'm getting at to try to go along circle here that's what's really one of the biggest problems in reconstruction is because you don't have institutions that have a whole lot of legitimacy in the eyes of the people well. it's a vicious circle exactly as the problem is like in washington you had you have
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a right wing lobby that has been for the last fifty years trying to play the divide game whether it's in haiti. or bullies believe that any time they didn't like somebody has been elected they always came played a divide game use people sorry for mr lucas use people like look at us actually to destabilize any government had been a lector of course aristide was not perfect but he knows that b. he was elected by the majority of people he's party still being prevented from running and so yeah you have a situation right now we're going to still have aid not going actually flowing and you know most of this aid which was pledged as not being disbursed yet and i think the reason of that is like most leaders in the world and most institutions know perfectly well or actually are scared now that any future you know president will be that there is going to be some efforts from countries like the us or france to destabilize them and it's going to be another could it is going to be other people like like lucas and others who are going to try to do everything to destabilize
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them it's a problem in haiti it's a problem in other countries and then the problem is only one of them i know is i'm sure i know it's not snowing in not i know i know but everybody everybody knows you know you work for the. full five years before and i was sure i would respond spirit you do that this is all over the news yes no no it's not it's we describe it as going to make and then out of. government aid that's a fact ok if you are if you know how you for often that's not a dictator it's important that the public knows how you were involved in playing the divide game and how you were involved in use by well you know white supremacist if you are if you are not aligned you see tremendous moves on one government why do you or do you think that how do we occasionally i'm understanding reply here stanley going to the senate listen listen. mr. q. and as i was on board a result of you through we finalize
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a deal of value deceive one thing that you will see you will see that year was not managing the country for the interest of the people that was addicted to sheep you store six hundred million dollars of the country that was a comma government did you write a dictatorship if you are not ised the democratically elected president when he came to power you was a poor priests nine years later on two hundred fifty million dollars of the people's money and it was killing political opponents killing journalists killing civil society leaders we demand story many elections so that's why i think if we want to move forward they are two things that need to be don't we need two and three and change the political culture of the country make sure that you have democrats in power respects do offer on the constitution and ensuring the international community to struggle for the man who usually a democratic sadly is easy on cheesily and should i have the stanley there's
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reason to ask of those who actually help take ok this is coming from a man talking about democracy mr lucas has absolutely no legitimacy to talk about democracy and need this man to help. takedown and i don't have to say it you can just go to the new york times and read makes six signals where where where where they talk about what mr lucas is and what what not just forget about mr lucas ok mr lucas is just an employee just like all of the others that are that are employees of usa idea or international republican institute these are folks haitians that are used to be the face of imperialism in haiti and mr lucas was was part of that back in two thousand and four i want to focus here. on trees have. logical problem because his problem not ideological.
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is a failure you should tell now you should know the answer the world that you have now that. you need to tell that. you need to know to speed also to show you and you need to question the stealing business if you look at all the resources of the economy. here is the i'm going to judge me right now quite forcefully nic i want to give you the last word what we need what do we have to do so we don't have such a gloomy picture one year from now real quick where we need to be sure that all the money that we gave to these institutions to these n.g.o.s goes now to the emergency situations to clear the rubble to give. fresh water parties only and the surf and two other organizations dealing with this water issue so people are dying with cholera every day we need to make sure that we can create some some mostly mostly controlled by haitians auditing systems of knows exactly where the money goes.


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